U.N. Surprise: Victim of Qaddafi Torture Confronts Libyan Chair of Durban 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2009
  • How the UN legitimized Libya's murderous Qaddafi regime: www.unwatch.org. Story covered in France 24 TV; Swiss TV; The New Republic online.
    The UN human rights council chose Libya to head the planning committee and main committee of the UN Durban Review Conference--notwithstanding the obscenity of having an egregious human-rights violator chair a human rights conference.
    From The New Republic report: "Amidst the anti-Israel rants from all the usual NGOs, Libyan ambassador Najjat Al-Hajjaji (who was chairing the meeting) gave the floor to UN Watch..."
    "But sitting in their chair was not Hillel Neuer, the group's executive director and usual mouthpiece, but Ashraf El Hagog, the Palestinian doctor who was falsely accused of and sentenced to death for infecting hundreds of Libyan children with HIV (along with five Bulgarian nurses). El Hagog and the nurses were held in Libya on death row for nine years, mistreated and tortured, until their release was negotiated by France last year."
    "Madame Chairman," El Hagog began, staring steely eyed at the Libyan ambassador. "I dont know if you recognize me. I am the Palestinian medical intern who was scapegoated by your country, Libya, in the HIV case in the Benghazi hospital, together with the five Bulgarian nurses."
    Al-Hajjaji immediately started banging her gavel. "Stop... stop.... I ask you to stop," she yelled, first looking miffed, then exasperated. "You are, you are not addressing the agenda item... I will allow you to resume only if you address the agenda item we are discussing." The room immediately fell silent.
    El Hagog, being coached by Neuer sitting next to him, tried to introduce some amendments to the statement "based on my own suffering," and was again interrupted by Al-Hajjaji banging her gavel. But he continued recounting the story of his torture, then said, "All of this, which lasted for nearly a decade, was for only one reason: because the Libyan government was looking to scapegoat foreigners. Madame Chair, if that is not discrimination, then what is?" After listing the amendments, he concluded: "Madame Chair, Libya told this conference that it practices no inequality or discrimination. But then how do you account for what was done to me, to my colleagues, and to my family...?"
    At this point, Hajjaji recognized a point of order from ... the Libyan delegation, who said that El Hagog was not speaking on the correct agenda item. Hajjaji used the objection as an excuse to move on to the next speaker.
    Evénement imprévu à trois jours de la Conférence mondiale contre le racisme à Genève

    17 avril 2009, 19:30

    Durant la conférence préparatoire, l'organisation UN Watch a en effet créé la surprise en amenant un invité inattendu, le médecin palestinien victime du régime Kadhafi, enfermé durant des années et torturé. La présidente libyenne a tenté de l'interrompre, l'homme a tout de même témoignagé.

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