The comments as you play are insanely helpful for a new lock. Are you using gladius or sarena or something else, and did you tweak the dr icons to be larger, this setup looks great.
Hey, man. I started playing 2 months ago and I am hard atuck at 1650 rating, far from my 1800 initial goal. Is this normal? Any advice besides the ones in your videos? I play with a destro lock, of course. Thanks.
Hey,play more,record your gameplay and watch for mistakes/what could be done better, play a meta comp, put more time and don't quit! You will achieve it!
Why are they never focusing the warlock in these arenas?
i wonder too, im here because i Just got stomped to 0 wina, two meeles always on me and i cannot cast anything whole round xD
Because warlocks are basically a walking time bomb. Whoever gets the drop on the enemy first wins. 1v1 warlock situation is a nightmare
First game he is literally the focus.
Destro lock isn’t a good kt, it’s better to just cc his goes.
I just love your'' uh huh'' comments xD
What addons do you use?
!addons in twitch chat😃
The comments as you play are insanely helpful for a new lock. Are you using gladius or sarena or something else, and did you tweak the dr icons to be larger, this setup looks great.
sArena, and anti malware for arena to hide default blizzard ui :)
Gladius, have modified it a little bit!
Hey, man. I started playing 2 months ago and I am hard atuck at 1650 rating, far from my 1800 initial goal. Is this normal? Any advice besides the ones in your videos? I play with a destro lock, of course. Thanks.
Hey,play more,record your gameplay and watch for mistakes/what could be done better, play a meta comp, put more time and don't quit! You will achieve it!
@@jazggz Very kind of you to answer me. I am going to subscribe on Twitch because of that.
i didnt see you use curses at all???
damage>curses>when i have the globals i do! 😄