Our TRUE LOVE MOVIE First Quarter Magick Light Language Oracle channeling: twin flames & soulmates

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • With the First Quarter we might feel a bit of frustration or impatience if we are not quite yet seeing our love manifestations in the way we would like too. We might feel like we have done so much work already and why doesn’t the inner plane shifts reflect our outer plane. We might feel the need to do, do, do; to take action. To force and manipulate our love desires into being. First Quarter is a very active energy, but with these cards we are strongly guided to take action in a way that might not seem like dynamic action taking. We are taking the action to change our brain patterns, brain pathways. We are creating a mind movie for ourselves about our perfect love; our perfect life. Our brain doesn’t discern between past or present when we experience certain emotions. If we continue to replay instead of process and integrate past hurtful love experiences, our brain sees it as our present. Happening right now at this particular moment. So, we are going to physically create a vision board or mind movie for ourselves. Selecting images of what we would like to manifest in love. Perhaps selecting images of couples doing things together that we would like to experience with our Beloved; images of cuddling, images of celebrating birthdays, Christmas, our wedding; vacations taken together; time spend with friends; experimenting together in the kitchen, the kind of house or living arrangement we will share and the geography. And we will combine these images with a love song or with binaural beats/ hertz music. Any kind of music that moves our soul and makes us feel happy or calm and centred. And, then we are going to put ourselves in a trance through meditation or relaxing music or a guided meditation or just by focusing on different parts of our body, relaxing each part and becoming aware of the space around those parts as well, the visible as well as the energy and in this light self-hypnosis we will listen our love song and look at our true love movie and feel moved by it; feel inspired by it; feel content in the knowing that our love isn’t just a hope; it is something tangible and happy and expanding and beautiful. Thank you.
    Twin Flame & Soulmate Angel messages and Light Language Activations & Manifestation following the 8 phases of the Moon.
    Extensive Light Language & Reiki Healings:
    Reiki & Light Language Energy Healing: Twin Flame Attraction/ Manifestation/ Reunion:
    Twin Flame Communication:
    Attract Love Fast
    Lovers Art:
    Doreen Virtue: Healing with the Angels Oracle Deck
    #lightlanguage #twinflames #soulmates #energyhealing #soundhealing #angelhealing #angelmessages #asmr #twinflamemessages #twinflamehealing #soulmatereading #magick #witch #lightworker #energyhealer #energyhealing #soundhealing #asmrhealing #starseed #pagan #paganism #witchcraft #newage #loa #manifestation #attraction #moon #moonphases #fullmoon #newmoon #waninggibbous #waningcrescent #waxinggibbous #waxingcrescent #firstquarter #thirdquarter #lastquarter #divinelove #romance #romanticlove #marriage #psychology #psychicreading #angelmessages #lovemessages #oracle #oraclecards #oraclecardsreading #twinflamejourney #starlanguage #soullanguage #aliens #galactics #counseling
    medical disclaimer: This is to help heal and address the energy behind unwanted manifestations in our lives and to allow more light and love into our lives. Please use your own discretion and follow your own guidance, this isn't in the place of medical or mental health treatments. Thank you.

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