@@dshfintha agree with others, with the hopes of them to collaborate again in modern drama.. surely high ratings😅.. btw this clip is for promotion or what actually?
Si xfa son los mejores actores me encanta la química de los dos y más ella que es una actriz muy reconocida y a trabajado com mayoría de actores hermosa diralba
I just loved their blue whisper a lot ,they just look perfect with each other the couple just look like made for each other ,what a great chemistry I would like to watch more dramas by both of them again.
Прекрасная история любви, очень мудрая сказка, тронула до глубины души, смотрела запоем, актёры всё изумительные, я в предвкушении, буду ждать продолжения...
It's kind of scare me how youtube seems to know what i have in mind 😅 i actually thinking how i really want the blue whisper to have a sequel where changyi and yunhe meet again in the human realm and modern time, and suddenly youtube recommends this video to me 😂 You did a good job, really! I love how the editing is so smooth i almost thought it was really jialun who hugged reba there 😭 thank you so much for this amv! I hope u can also add the eng sub so that internasional fans can understand the story better 😍💖✨
Amo a esos protagonistas, tienen una químico q, supera la pantalla, ame mucho ver el susurro azul y ahora sale esta, porfa como se llama el drama en la vida moderna.
I really ,really love two of them so much , they're so wonderful couple on drama . I hope could see more new drama with Dilraba anh Allen Ren ...they are allways togerther .
Hoping and wishing for another drama with these two again as leads. This time, a modern drama. I just find their acting so at par. They can really both deliver what the characters ask for.
Wow!, they are really good partners in acting. Others as well but this two are so great in doing their roles. Actually i seldom watch chinese fantasy /drama movie but when i saw and watched them... I fell in love with them in fantasy drama "The Blue Whisper" ☺️ Thank you guys, keep up the good work because you make people happy 😍
I finished watching the Blue Whisper yesterday, very bueatifull and emotional, I cried some many times while watching the film and it also makes me laugh.
Es rompecabeza de otras películas que hicieron estos personajes, no existe en si esta película pero esta muy bueno el montaje, esperemos que pronto saquen una tercera parte no las deben
Sau khi xem Ngự Giao Lý thì cảm thấy rất trông chờ vào phản ứng của cặp đôi anh em này ý, dễ thương lắm luôn , mỗi tội phim ngược quá trời, muốn nhìn thấy 2 người này đóng chung 1 phim hiện đại lãng mạn nx ghê ý
@@nhiibamhoang3188 ko phải đâu, cái này là fanmade á, thường là vid cắt ghép do fan làm để thể hiện mong muốn 2 nhân vật tái hợp thôi,bạn ko nhìn ra thiệt hả😅😅😅
@@ИдаПочацкая The movie that these two starred in together is called "The Blue Whipers", and the video above is just a fan cut, we love the movie "The Blue Whipers" and the two characters should make their own FMV.
No entiendo el idioma, pero entendi que el drama continúa en una vida moderna y se reencuentran. Fantástico lo que falta son los capitulos siguientes, desde zuzurro azul II episodio 20 . Muchas gracias por la traduccion. Es un dorama muy interesante, entretenido y emocionante... sigan adelante
@@catlovers27 there’s a mixture from The Blue Whisper,and You Are My Glory for Dilraba, for Allen I’m not quite sure..?I think one is from Forever Only You, no idea what the other drama is…
Здесь не только два фильма☺ Здесь "Синий шёпот ";"навсегда";"ты моя слава";"мисс ворона и мистер ящерица" ,а так же дорама "сладкие сны". Это превосходно 😍😍😍
yo espero que también sea la tercera parte de susurro azul mi primera novela china y que sea traducida al español ninporta que sea subtitulada fue excelente el drama única para mi muy lindos actores y deseándole un gran éxito un abrazo fraterno a la distancia desde el.otro lado del mundo 🌏
Holaaaaa... es la tercera parte?? Es un adelanto solamente??? Ya esta?? Como se llama?? Por favoooooorrrr!!! Alguien que diga algo... ya vi las 2 temporadas y me encanto.
El susurro azul ,me encanto ,gran cdrama 😊👍. Necesito saber si este corto pertenece a una nueva historia de los personajes , una continuacion de la historia en la actualidad, es una temporada 3 ? De ser asi alguien me daria mas informacion por favor . Gracias 🤗.
Il sont si beaux ensemble si il sont ensemble dans la vrai vie je prie pour que leur amour dure il est si beau elle est si belle mais le film que j'ai aimé le plus c'est le le murmure bleu
It will be nice to see them together in a modern romantic drama. Waiting for it.
I love the way they act they really look like couples ❤❤❤❤
Phim nầy hây lắm nhe cái kết viên mãn á
Perfect lover partner ever
Love watching the series of blue whisper... Love the chemistry between both role players...great job
Yees, very very agree
Love the series so much and love the chemistry
@@dshfintha agree with others, with the hopes of them to collaborate again in modern drama.. surely high ratings😅.. btw this clip is for promotion or what actually?
Ai mà k xem phim ngự giao ký đúng là phí cả đời người,phim hay diễn viên đẹp,hay hơn cả mong đợi. 👍
Love❤ Dilraba Ren ji😘😘😘 Blue🔵 Whisper😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Drama name?
Ini season 3 ya kak
Si xfa son los mejores actores me encanta la química de los dos y más ella que es una actriz muy reconocida y a trabajado com mayoría de actores hermosa diralba
Akhirnya bisa ikut seneng....dg akhir kisah cinta Cang yi dan yuhe bisa hidup bahagia...❤❤❤❤ Jia Lum dan diraba ❤❤❤
ปะติดปะต่อให้เป็นซีรี่ย์เรื่องสั้นได้สบายเลย ชอบค่ะชอบ 👍👍👍👏👏👏👌ก็okอยู่น่ะ รักและปลื้มชื่นชอบ ตี๋ลี่เร่อปา👸ขอติดตามทุกผลงานตลอดไปนะคะ💐♥️✌️💪😘😍🥰
I just loved their blue whisper a lot ,they just look perfect with each other the couple just look like made for each other ,what a great chemistry I would like to watch more dramas by both of them again.
what's the title ?
รอติดตามในภาคปัจจุบันชื่อเรื่องอะไรค่ะ บอกหน่อย
รออย่างจดจ่อ ชื่อเรื่องอะไร
Raba and renjialun...♥️♥️♥️bgus bgt filmnya
Tỷ ba có một nụ cười thật là đẹp nhất là khi cô ấy nở nụ cười 😘🥰😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Прекрасная история любви, очень мудрая сказка, тронула до глубины души, смотрела запоем, актёры всё изумительные, я в предвкушении, буду ждать продолжения...
Nhậm Gia Luân sao anh đẹp trai thế 😍😍😘😘😘
It's kind of scare me how youtube seems to know what i have in mind 😅 i actually thinking how i really want the blue whisper to have a sequel where changyi and yunhe meet again in the human realm and modern time, and suddenly youtube recommends this video to me 😂 You did a good job, really! I love how the editing is so smooth i almost thought it was really jialun who hugged reba there 😭 thank you so much for this amv! I hope u can also add the eng sub so that internasional fans can understand the story better 😍💖✨
Amo a esos protagonistas, tienen una químico q, supera la pantalla, ame mucho ver el susurro azul y ahora sale esta, porfa como se llama el drama en la vida moderna.
Es un edith de todo
Đây chính là bản sao của hai bộ phim em là niềm khiêu hãnh của anh và một đời một kiếp
Jia Lun & Reba🐟🐋🐬💕💞💓💓💓
Ansiosa esperando sussurro azul 3
Nhin anh gia luân cuoi đep hut hôn...
I really ,really love two of them so much , they're so wonderful couple on drama . I hope could see more new drama with Dilraba anh Allen Ren ...they are allways togerther .
Drama name plz 😢
Semoga ada part 3
Perjalanan cinta mereka berdua dlm kebahagian di dunia manusia.
Love you Dil-Ren.. Best Couple 😍
Ini season 3 the blue whisper ya kak?
@@vitanovita2805 itu iklan vivo keknya deh..
Moga aja ada seasons 3 nya ya.. 😘
ghép sao hay quá👍👍👍
Beautiful song 🥺🥺
Hoping and wishing for another drama with these two again as leads. This time, a modern drama. I just find their acting so at par. They can really both deliver what the characters ask for.
Drama modern nya nonoton dmana ya?
Kalau boleh tau juga Judul nya apa ya kk
Can someone give the movie name
Movue title please
I agree! I first saw them together in Blue Whisper and they actually made me cry because they made it seem so real!
@@desnitamanurung1726 iy mbak aku jg lgi cri2 jdul'a apa tpi gak ketemu2,,kyak'a nie smbungan bisikan biru deh yg crta'a mereka di masa dpan. . .
Esto es lo mas lindo que he visto 😍😍😍😍😍
So good look nice 👍😛🌷
Mau ra thời hiện đại ik đang rất hóng đc xem
They should do a modern drama together 🤗🤗🤗they both would look amazingly beautiful and handsome 💕💕💕
Totally agree
Which drama
Красивая история
Que hermoso se ven los dos
Ooooo que emocionante💗🎈👻 estoy en espera de la continuación de susurro azul. Y si es esta en vida moderna ufff estaría súper Magnánimo 🥰🥰🥰
encerio sera q saquen la 3era parte como saberlo :(
Como se llama este dorama
Susurro azul
Aaaaaa romantis 💜
Jia Lun & Reba จะมีโอกาสได้เล่นซีรีส์ ปัจจุบันด้วยกันสักเรื่องไหม อยากดูมากๆ รัก ฉางอี้ & อวิ๋นเหอ
Wow!, they are really good partners in acting. Others as well but this two are so great in doing their roles. Actually i seldom watch chinese fantasy /drama movie but when i saw and watched them... I fell in love with them in fantasy drama "The Blue Whisper" ☺️ Thank you guys, keep up the good work because you make people happy 😍
I finished watching the Blue Whisper yesterday, very bueatifull and emotional, I cried some many times while watching the film and it also makes me laugh.
@@ambangmongo2888 Betul betul betul 👍👍👍
Прекрасный💕😍 монтаж 💔
Espero sea un adelanto de la III parte del susurro azul !! 🥰😍
Yo quiero q salga la lll
Bnas, ese adelanto en vida moderna es la tercera parte de susurro azul o es otra serie. Si es así porfa cuál es título del drama
Es rompecabeza de otras películas que hicieron estos personajes, no existe en si esta película pero esta muy bueno el montaje, esperemos que pronto saquen una tercera parte no las deben
Sau khi xem Ngự Giao Lý thì cảm thấy rất trông chờ vào phản ứng của cặp đôi anh em này ý, dễ thương lắm luôn , mỗi tội phim ngược quá trời, muốn nhìn thấy 2 người này đóng chung 1 phim hiện đại lãng mạn nx ghê ý
ngự giao ký , nhưng sao lại là bản hiện đại? bạn biết tên phim này kh chứ tớ tìm ngự giao ký bản hiện đại kh ra/
@@nhiibamhoang3188 ko phải đâu, cái này là fanmade á, thường là vid cắt ghép do fan làm để thể hiện mong muốn 2 nhân vật tái hợp thôi,bạn ko nhìn ra thiệt hả😅😅😅
Подскажите пожалуйста, название дорамы, и дату выхода
@@ИдаПочацкая The movie that these two starred in together is called "The Blue Whipers", and the video above is just a fan cut, we love the movie "The Blue Whipers" and the two characters should make their own FMV.
Ghép cx đỉnh vãi
No entiendo el idioma, pero entendi que el drama continúa en una vida moderna y se reencuentran. Fantástico lo que falta son los capitulos siguientes, desde zuzurro azul II episodio 20 . Muchas gracias por la traduccion. Es un dorama muy interesante, entretenido y emocionante... sigan adelante
𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓪 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮
Son cortos de dramas diferentes
@@ritikamaurya1151 el primero se llama el susurro azul , pero en segundo en la vida moderna no lo se
Waiting for the drama
nah betull sekali 😂😂
I wish one of these directors would be able to see our yearning for their collaboration in modern drama
真有才 🤭
So creative, I like it
Drama name ? Please
@@Soul-j9b the blue whisper
@@rianitas1467 no other dramas..
@@Soul-j9b that was actually a compilation of clips from dilraba dramas (several of her dramas) combined with clips from ren jialun dramas
Love the crossover mv thank you... Yang Yang is definitely going to be jealous 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Please tell me the English title
What the tittle?
@@catlovers27 there’s a mixture from The Blue Whisper,and You Are My Glory for Dilraba, for Allen I’m not quite sure..?I think one is from Forever Only You, no idea what the other drama is…
Quiero que ellos vivan juntos una vida feliz
A pair we never thought we needed. So gorgeous both Reba and Allen
Drama name in English please
@@anuscreations4295The blue whisper
Good job...
Dilraba Ren Jialun in modern drama awesome❤❤❤...very nice edit 👌👍❤
Drama name plzzz
Drama name plssssss
Nice… now you make me really want a modern day drama collaboration with Dilraba and Allen Ren… it would definitely be epic…
Phim gì v mn
Hope will happen soon!!! Love to see them working together again❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Estoy de acuerdo me encantaría verlo trabajar junto en una historia en la vida moderna sería genial.
Alguien que me pueda colaborar si esta es la continuación de la serie El suzurro Azul y como se llama
Cái này hay á mn, khác 1 đời 1 kiếp ở chỗ là 2 người này tỉnh dậy từ trong mộng, biết mặt nhau các thứ luôn r😻😻😻
Phim tên gì v bn
@@bosuabezynn8667 cái này ghép á bạn♪~(´ε` )
@Thuong Mai xem trên gg thôi bạn
Xin tên phim hiện đại đi ban
@@TamNguyen-hs2cp ghép từ các phim thôi b.
Raba and renjialun ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙👍👍
Si hubiera una 3 parte d susurro azul sería maravilloso Bendiciones!
Por favor
Berharap mereka di pasangkan lagi di drama baru 🥰🙏
Setuju.. 👍
Beri info donk. Dimana nonton drama season 1 dan 2 nya yg terjemahkan indonesianya
@@cahyatuln4496 di TELEGRAM ada
Homme sirêne,Ju hunde,Li shu,Shunde Te Amoooo y tambien Commandante Xue
Part 3 💕please
Me gustan los dramas así cuando lo podrán para poder ver la
Omg .. phải nói là ghép mấy bộ phim lại với nhau hay thật..
Đẹp đôi quá anh chị ơi 🥰🥰🥰
Blue whisper session 3 or is this a movie?🥺
What is the name of the series in this video?
this is proof that people have to much time on their hands, but i love it.
The story same drama the bloom at ruyi pavillion ,, 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Dilraba ❤ Ren jialun
nice cut 👍🏻
jialun+dilraba ❤️❤️
Ghép 2 phim thành 1 rồi (e là niềm kiêu hãnh của anh vs 1 đời 1 kiếp) cũng được 🥰
Como se llaman las peliculas por favor 🙏
Здесь не только два фильма☺
Здесь "Синий шёпот ";"навсегда";"ты моя слава";"мисс ворона и мистер ящерица" ,а так же дорама "сладкие сны". Это превосходно 😍😍😍
ชื่นชม รอชมภาคต่อของทั้งคู่ ที่เมืองไทย
Es hermoso es como si despertaran de un sueño y se encontraran de nuevo
Hóng mãi kb bgio mới được xem
Tên phim là gì vậy
Me encanta ver está serie es hermosa llore demaciado😭😭 en el Susurro azul ya hora sale está quiero saber cómo se llama por favor
y como se llama hacen un buen papel mee gustaria saber que pasara ... porque no hablo chino :( jajja
yo espero que también sea la tercera parte de susurro azul mi primera novela china y que sea traducida al español ninporta que sea subtitulada fue excelente el drama única para mi muy lindos actores y deseándole un gran éxito un abrazo fraterno a la distancia desde el.otro lado del mundo 🌏
Holaaaaa... es la tercera parte?? Es un adelanto solamente??? Ya esta?? Como se llama?? Por favoooooorrrr!!! Alguien que diga algo... ya vi las 2 temporadas y me encanto.
for those of you who made this video (your video editing is very good)
hay qua
Công nhận ghép đỉnh thật luôn í
Ghép các phim khác nhau mà cũng hay thế
Có bản hiện đại thì nhức nách
Tb acho ja estou sofrendo muito
parecen los mismos actores del Drama the blue whisper pero en la actualidad con conexion del drama
I hope there will be Blue Whisper 3.. we are waiting for the movie Allen n Dilraba..💞💞💞
Klu maen bareng dlm pakaian tren trbru pst bgus❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Saya menunggu blue WHISPER versi modern
Ghép đỉh thật ý ❤️
They are so good together in this modern drama they should have callaborate together once more in another drama❤
Dilreba is queen
Nice edit👍
Adoro ver essas montagens de doramas fica muitoooo legal.😍😍🇧🇷
I love this drama.what is the title of this movie
El susurro azul ,me encanto ,gran cdrama 😊👍.
Necesito saber si este corto pertenece a una nueva historia de los personajes , una continuacion de la historia en la actualidad, es una temporada 3 ?
De ser asi alguien me daria mas informacion por favor .
Gracias 🤗.
No,juntan partes de doramas donde ellos an actuado el de dibara es tu eres mi gloria muy hermoso y de el no se cual sea😅
la verdad sii estaria bien una 3 era parte donde los veamos felicesss eso no se vio o su vida como sirena :(
Hay que lastima
รอที่เมืองไทย เรื่องอะไรน่ะภาคต่อจากทาสปีศาจ
Jialun&ReBa 💖💖💖💖👍👍
Xin hỏi ad học ghép ở đâu mà hay quá vậy. Đỉnh quá đỉnh quá
Il sont si beaux ensemble si il sont ensemble dans la vrai vie je prie pour que leur amour dure il est si beau elle est si belle mais le film que j'ai aimé le plus c'est le le murmure bleu
Please upload your videos with beautiful songs like this
Hoping they have another drama working together of dilraba and ren jia lun they have a chemistry ilove 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
What series is this? I absolutely love the blue whisper. Would love to see more of the same cast!
Wait, these are cuts from different movies I assume? Nice editing.
Can I know the movie name please 🙏🙏
My favorite characters... When does it come out?
They have special commercial ad too cos blue whisper