What these reality TV producers NEED to understand is that we don’t need all the scripted fake bullshit. The process of of gold mining or ship building or making moonshine or treasure hunting is interesting enough on its own. We don’t need the drama and I think that it’s insulting that they think we need conflict and exaggeration to be entertained.
100 percent its a b/s turn off like these shows where only a brand name is in sight on every place you look, the old timers would flood to that area with the gold in that pan like lassiter's lost reef .
THIS is why I got rid of all cable, and I get my funtimes from RIGHT HERE on Spud, Vo-Gus, and the many other gold hunters on TH-cam. Well, the ones that aren't BS fake channels. Screw those people.
That amount of gold would constitute a massive gold rush, and the news alone would bring hordes of wannabe miners... I'm with you Chris, totally fake...
... "a bit too much showmanship" in a few other blokes who always manage to "find" MASSIVE nuggets on their "explorations" ... phhhht ... Thanks mate for showing stupid stuff for what it is. Its a bit sad that these people feel they must do the things that they do ... your detailed deconstruction is well done.
I rarely comment but.... if by chance you do read this, I discovered your channel during the covid lockdown in Asia. You helped me get through. I'm a fan specifically because you are in it for the flecks, specks and the love of the hunt. Good on you for calling them out on production value, most of us aren't qualified to even notice it, much less be an authority on the brazen setups they're pulling. Keep up the great videos and thanks again for bringing a bit of your world to all of us.
"The team have encountered razor sharp rocks and have pierced one of their gum boots. this is a possibly life threatening accident in these extreme conditions which could lead to hyperthermia or even death. This could mean an end to their season and with it, their hopes of an eleventy billion ounce goal" *7th commercial break* "Earlier , the team encountered razor sharp rocks and have pierced one of their gum boots. this is a possibly life threatening accident in these extreme conditions which could lead to hyperthermia or even death. This could mean an end to their season and with it, their hopes of an eleventy billion ounce goal, fortunately, they discovered a spare boot in their spare boot box. A crisis , narrowly averted"
I loved the constant cracking up laughing because it _is_ fcking laughable. No wonder those two clowns had big shit eating grins on their faces. It must've had them laughing for the play acting. They're no Hugh Jackman's but hey, they've got to start somewhere.
I'm so glad you did this. I've watched you for a few years on your other channel now, and I kept hearing your voice in my head as I watched this Aussie episode. I'm a complete novice but because of you, I knew it wasn't real and it was too much. I was yelling at my TV. I can only imagine your response. 😄 Fern is just as adorable as ever. Give her a scratch behind the ears for me. 💕
I had a claim in Alaska that I spent the weekends for 3 months straight at. I would work the creek and surrounding areas for between 12 and 14 hours a day, for at least 26 days. This was a very high concentration area when a good pan could have a quarter a gram of gold if pulled from the main pay streak. In 26 days I pulled just over and ounce and a half of gold. I sold the claim to a larger crew and they completely stripped the claim to bedrock, even going so far as to water blast the bales rock to get every speck and they pulled a little over 529 ounces from a 4 hectare plot. That being said the concentrations of gold in that area are comparable to some of the richest ground in Australia. And I never had a single few hour day of running a couple buckets through a high banker and pulling that much gold.
I literally watched that episode like a week ago and wondered why if the gold in that area was so good, where was everyone else? Everyone would already be there digging the place up at every turn if the ground was that good... Your hilarious Dude! Thanks for a good laugh, its been a rough day today!
I love it, one of your best videos. I watched that episode of AGH and didn't notice the evident errors except for the wet weigh-in and the excess amount of high bank gold. Another thing I questioned, why quit detecting when they were finding that many nuggets?
I would still be there now if I was finding nuggets like that with a detector...I wouldnt have cashed it in yet...infact I think my car suspension would give out before I gave up......
i saw this a while back and I was laughing the hole time Chris. when they showed the top of the matt with no indicators!!!! and that much gold from the previous test pan and classfied into half buckets.I was rolling on the floor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mate! Brother if i found that much gold in that short ; I WOULD STILL BE DIGGING AND RUNNING 3 HIGH BANKERS!!! that was stupid funny Chris thanks for sharing that . I needed that. Oh yah stay on that hill !!!! mate
YO, Chris!! That's some of the best entertainment I've seen yet! You mean to tell me that I CANNOT quit the 'day job,' buy a pan, and be flying my own jet airplane by the end of the week?! I like your show, watch it without fail, but this... some of the best entertainment yet! THANKS buddy..., you made my day!
Well done on calling these guys out....I get sick of having to explain that BS every time so I try to not talk about prospecting in front of newbies just to save myself some pain.
I love the way you respectfully called them out... I lay in this bed 90% of the time (NOT BY CHOICE) so I watch a lot of youtube. And gold prospecting is one of my top five youtube channels I like watching I've NEVER seen anyone pull gold out like that no matter how many buckets they had ran in a day. I've been watch for the past 7 years since my body has been broken down like my old motorcycle it went to the junk and they tossed in this bed. LOL.... But I'm so happy you called them out on their fraud... I stopped watching TV almost ten years ago because of all the fake BS and the pure junk they were showing... like that show you were showing. It was all BS!!!!!!
I think anybody who has ever prospected before would see that episode and call BS and it is sort of a slap in the face to the prospecting community.Great work Chris on puting this together I would rather watch you on here shoveling away and showing your cleanouts,the real deal cleanouts,we all work hard at prospecting and mining and we dont need fake results to put smiles on oue faces,i get they need results made for TV but at what expense lol.
As an admittedly new viewer to the whole Gold Prospecting shows/TH-cam channels, I would've been that viewer who actually thought these guys struck Gold. Thankfully because of channels like yours, Tassieboys Prospecting and a few others... I have a much better understanding and APPRECIATION for the grind. Thanks mate for this video... it helps newbies separate the Genuine Gold hunters, from the FOOLS GOLD hunters. Lol... 👏👏👏👍👍
I have thought for a long time that this show was faked. They always seem to only find gold when they can no longer go on unless they make some grand find and then BAM! Big find! Anyway, I am glad that you took the time to explain in depth with visuals, because it is shows like that which lead people to chuck in their jobs and think that they are going to strike it rich. I suppose there is an outside chance you could...but the real money being made is by the show and the merch sales. Thanks for being real and keeping it that way Chris! 💖
No one I know that loves gold sluicing in California gets more than some dust in the bottom of a vial and absolutely never makes money at it to cover costs.
Well done Chris! So true and I don't like the fake crap. BTW Fern blinking and listening intently in the background was absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time.
This is why I watch Vogus Prospecting and Adventure Gold. Both guys are genuine and their entertainment factor is not based on quantity of gold. It's based on quality content grounded in integrity and honesty.
Hi Chris, my nephew works up at Palmerville when the "Gold hunters" were up there (the bloke and girl) and he said they planted a large nugget for them to find on TV. So yes you are correct with your assessment of the Victorian blokes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for putting this video out. I don't know how many times I have to defend the amount of gold that I get from people that watch shows or shows like that. I admittedly don't get much gold from the places I go, but people see this stuff and believe it.
It's only for people who haven't even gone out once to take a test or detect anything! Very cool, glad you showed me this! Nice episode! Pece From Transilvania
Bravo Chris, Call it as you see it i havent wacthed the realility gold shows for years. Not since i discovered Adventure Gold and Vo Gus prospecting these are Fair Dinkum Entertaining and informative and i would prefer to see you show me a pan with 5 specs in it or a skunked day (i know all about those) than lie. Keep up the good work man n give that FERN a good scratch behind the ears for me!
A youtuber in Victoria using a minelab 4500 and a coiltec 14 inch found heaps of clean gold in Ararat.big bits .the issue I have I've met atleast 20 blokes out in the triangle with a 4500 and a Coiltec 14 inch cammo coil ,asking me where is the gold .30 years of detecting almost every week. I know by his digs gold don't come out of the ground brand new .I feel for the people that spend ,some 10000 dollars plus to think there going to make a living in gold prospecting. It's a good hobby. That gives you surprise every now and then .on Facebook market place there is many MG 4500 with a cammo 14 inch coil .great video yeahaaaaaaa....
Chris I hate to break it to you mate but everytime I go out high banking in a creek that has already been worked I get a few ounces after 45min worth of work too. I just assumed that was normal! Cheers man, I love this video because humor throughout!!!🤣😂🤣😂
Excellent work Chris!! Just the fact that you prefaced this vid with the "entertainment" facts absolved you from any malice! You are obviously the professional with experience. We are not. I should say I, am not. While their "show" may be entertaining, yours is like science, reality. And that's a healthy perspective. Kinda like how "fake news" is entertainment and how so many people take that as reality! Love the new split off channel btw! 😉
I've detected nuggets up to 20 grams out of old mullock like that in remote spots in vic - but not that qty of nuggs. So I can half believe that part from personal experiences But the highbanking session, what a croc of you know what. I couldn't believe what I was watching when I watched that episode. Well done at calling it out Chris
I have been digging and washing a certain creek here in nsw since 1985 and have searched and worked hard at it. I was amazed at the gold that has been shown from spots in this creek that is clearly total BS. If you would like to have a day on the hand banker we would be happy to put you guys on to some nsw gold that is real lol. Cheers Steve.
Ok, so I just came across this episode and really learned a lot from Chris. My feelings are if you have to fake a reality show you're in the wrong business! Those 2 guys should be ashamed of themselves. I wouldn't hire them to flip burgers at McDonald's. Also, if they are such good gold hunters why did they sell all of there equipment in the first place? The facts don't add up! Thanks again Chris
Love it & yet another reason why I don't watch TV or any other streaming service other than TH-cam & there's plenty of Fakes on this platform too! By the way, not sure if it is just me but there's an Audio/Visual discrepancy here. Out of sync, not that it matters. Loved this!
I watched that episode and didn't think anything about it, but cool they found gold. I should have noticed what you did because now it's so obvious I feel stupid lol thanks a lot, but really thanks love your channel.
We know how much reality is in these "Reality Shows" If gold was that easy to find, it wouldn't be worth anything. Even cut scenes mid dig get me suss. Great explanation mate.
Yeah I saw that, and my eyes POPPED!! at all that gold ... totally entertainment as I noticed that they were in BBQ spot on the side of the road.... and any body finding that much, wouldn't stop.
Shout out to Spud Engineering thanks for the video post and Love your channel Chris and love your content:-). This was one of the most epic video I have watched, although there all fun, informative and epic and to see this hit the tube was ground breaking to all who watch gold videos. Shameful to watch and see the B.S., especially for the newbies who have watch there video and are unaware of the sham behind the scenes. Thank you for all you do in creating awareness to the viewers:-). Again your the best and keep em videos coming :-)!. John "The Nuts" Gomez.
Friend loves going up to a claim in the Sierra Nevada. He often takes along one or two friends. They spend a week. In one vial I saw one chip, a couple micrograins. This is 500 times what you get prospecting gold. Typically weeks and weeks and NOTHING at all.
The high Banker is definitely brand new. It's still got the oils on from being made, if you look at the bar above the gold it looks like a freshly waxed car how the water beads up 😂🤣👍❤️💛💚
I watched that episode....thought they said they ran about a yard. Tall task for a shovel and small highbanker in 1 day. I also do this as you do Chris. 40 buckets is a hell of a day.
Hey Chris. Excellent video. You can expect a flood of prospectors in your area until the disappointment sets in. The world is full of lies and fake stuff. Ver sad.
Hi Chris, totally with you. I do get sick of them banging on about ‘the season’ nearly being over, like Victoria is going to be snowed in for a few months, lol. Or Qld and WA will be hotter than Mercury. That’s probably closer to the truth, though, haha. Oh yeah, and feeding the family blah blah. But still, it’s a bit of fun if you don’t take it too seriously. It might con a few people into getting a detector, but hopefully they will go to TH-cam when they don’t start picking up nuggets. Keep up the good work.
I absolutely believe it's possible to get hold like the Aussie gold hunters showed mettle detecting & high banking using a Backhoe & a ten ton wash plant..
Thank you for this video, If they do it once they will fake many episodes. Really who can enjoy watching scam videos?. Your explanation was appreciated.
That was great. Like anyone wanting to make money from others, that is the motivation on all subjects. Music, movies, social media, and tv etc. People love being entertained and fantasy is a huge part of desire as well as many peoples measurement of success and wealth. That's the gold mine for those that get others to make the gold for them.
I'm not going to lie when i first starting watching this my thoughts were WTF Chris this isn't your style to do a vid like this UNTIL I saw that 1st bit of gold and then it started to all makes sence. Then in true Chris style you made it into not just a call out vid but made it into a very informative and educational vid at the same time. Now I want to see you do more busted vids
Haha nice man. Damn I wish I could pull 10g out from a highbanking session. And I also live in the high country. My best to date is 1.82g for around 6-7 hours work.
I have to admit that Fern kept distracting me -- her expressive eyebrows, her concern that you were talking to the camera, and sound mixing. I did listen to you -- you did a great job of calling out the show and loved you pointing out the new equipment, map, etc. Great vid, Chris and Fern.
Yeah I don't watch it anymore because I end up screaming at the tv about how fake it all is, keep up the good work bud much love and respect from New Zealand
Well said chris and must say i did laugh as you pointed everything out and i watched that episode too. i did think something was off as why you would leave an area that was producing so many shiny big pieces
Well, I don’t know Chris. It must be hard in VIC but over here in WA when I go detecting the gold nuggets just start popping up out of the ground. By the kilos it’s just so easy. So I’m calling so legit these guys just have the knack I suppose. Mic drop🎤 PS. Please note the sarcasm in my voice🤣. Great vid mate keep up the good work👌
🤣😂🤣😂 Not only was the mat clean, the gold captured was apparently trapped on the high side of the riffles rather than in the low pressure zone. BK film to the Max!!😅😂
. . . and this comment is from a couple on the show! Thanks Greg and Chris 👍 I had the opportunity to meet with another prospector on the show and he also said it's fake. They had him dig up nuggets he had previously found. But hey, it's all just entertainment. I worked in TV and Movies and notice a lot of liberties taken in these sort of shows, but I still watch them for the entertainment, and laughs.
I have great eye for the Nuggets which go into our paydirt, I’ve looked at them many times before they have gone out! I see on Facebook groups people posting them for their ‘weekend finds’ 😅
LOL!!!!! Thanks...I appreciate some of the extra content. I don't like some of the Gold rush drama from the original series...but, it is what it is. I still even track Todd and look forward to digging with one of his previous crew members some day...just for fun.
I have been prospecting for gold in that area since 1981 and the biggest nugget I found in that area was 0.2 grams. As soon as I saw all the nuggets being found by the detector I knew straight away it was fake. One thing that I did not notice was that the sluice box was very clean with no gravel in the carpet. I showed that video to a friend that has been detecting for thirty years and he said Aussie shows will not fake gold finds. I don't watch that show any more!
100%agree totally l said the same thing to my missus. The episode after where they were using a gpz7000 with a 19inch coil and went over old ground they visited in around season 3 and lo and behold they find quite decent nuggets by literally scratching the surface, and say thisisbe ause if their new machines itsliterally just marketing for minelab. Another example is jackie in qld her first season she had a gold monster that on a good day will detect around 14cm now gold monster is a minelab product this season shes got a gpz6000 another minelab product
Another show sponsored by Minelab that recently aired on free to air, was filmed near Warburton Victoria in the Yarra river and they were encouraging people to come and try, it’s ILLEGAL to prospect in the Yarra in that area potentially setting people up to loose everything including the vehicle they used to get there.
We dont have nuggets in the North Island of New Zealand, i like watching your content, i dont mind the adds, we get pizza ones, in underwear, n socks? Gold nuggets n the South Island are now rare, they found a big one on a walking track, i like watching Jeff Williams in Arizona,
lol i love the one where they take the day off the mine and go into the hills with the metal detectors and start finding half ounce chunks 3 inches in the ground. If you got that much gold you would be back the next day,i mean what gold miner would not just love to find a spot where you can easily dig up chunks of already cleaned gold lmao
What these reality TV producers NEED to understand is that we don’t need all the scripted fake bullshit. The process of of gold mining or ship building or making moonshine or treasure hunting is interesting enough on its own. We don’t need the drama and I think that it’s insulting that they think we need conflict and exaggeration to be entertained.
Spot on 100%
100 percent its a b/s turn off like these shows where only a brand name is in sight on every place you look, the old timers would flood to that area with the gold in that pan like lassiter's lost reef .
THIS is why I got rid of all cable, and I get my funtimes from RIGHT HERE on Spud, Vo-Gus, and the many other gold hunters on TH-cam. Well, the ones that aren't BS fake channels. Screw those people.
You'd think the # of successful youtube channels that don't do the tedious scripted stuff would be proof enough. Nope!
That amount of gold would constitute a massive gold rush, and the news alone would bring hordes of wannabe miners... I'm with you Chris, totally fake...
... "a bit too much showmanship" in a few other blokes who always manage to "find" MASSIVE nuggets on their "explorations" ... phhhht ... Thanks mate for showing stupid stuff for what it is. Its a bit sad that these people feel they must do the things that they do ... your detailed deconstruction is well done.
I rarely comment but.... if by chance you do read this, I discovered your channel during the covid lockdown in Asia. You helped me get through.
I'm a fan specifically because you are in it for the flecks, specks and the love of the hunt.
Good on you for calling them out on production value, most of us aren't qualified to even notice it, much less be an authority on the brazen setups they're pulling.
Keep up the great videos and thanks again for bringing a bit of your world to all of us.
I'm surprised their pans didn't break down and the whole episode was them trying to get a part to fix their pans
Ur bad 😂🤣😂😅
@@ghostprepper5859 naaah I'm good its the custard kankles ya gotta watch out for ;)
"The team have encountered razor sharp rocks and have pierced one of their gum boots. this is a possibly life threatening accident in these extreme conditions which could lead to hyperthermia or even death. This could mean an end to their season and with it, their hopes of an eleventy billion ounce goal"
*7th commercial break*
"Earlier , the team encountered razor sharp rocks and have pierced one of their gum boots. this is a possibly life threatening accident in these extreme conditions which could lead to hyperthermia or even death. This could mean an end to their season and with it, their hopes of an eleventy billion ounce goal, fortunately, they discovered a spare boot in their spare boot box. A crisis , narrowly averted"
I love how Fern seems concerned at the beginning wondering who you are talking to . So cute ☺️
Thank you for calling this out. So sick of these fake shows.
And give Fern a scratch for me. Lol
Their form of “for entertainment” does my head in . And I steer clear of them like they a bad rash.😡
that was a ballsy move Chris. I loved the presentation/explanation as usual you never disappoint. Well played 👏👏👏👏
I loved the constant cracking up laughing because it _is_ fcking laughable. No wonder those two clowns had big shit eating grins on their faces. It must've had them
laughing for the play acting. They're no Hugh Jackman's but hey, they've got to start somewhere.
I'm so glad you did this. I've watched you for a few years on your other channel now, and I kept hearing your voice in my head as I watched this Aussie episode. I'm a complete novice but because of you, I knew it wasn't real and it was too much. I was yelling at my TV. I can only imagine your response. 😄 Fern is just as adorable as ever. Give her a scratch behind the ears for me. 💕
Excellent investigative work, Chris... Thanks for exposing these crooks. BTW, there are many of those bogus gold prospecting clips on TH-cam.
This is what could be called 'comedy gold'.... you are just lovely to watch/hear pulling the TV show apart. I laughed with you.... yup, comedy gold!
100% agree with everything you’re saying. Exhausting having to explain it all out for non prospectors but well done for taking the effort and time:))
I had a claim in Alaska that I spent the weekends for 3 months straight at. I would work the creek and surrounding areas for between 12 and 14 hours a day, for at least 26 days. This was a very high concentration area when a good pan could have a quarter a gram of gold if pulled from the main pay streak. In 26 days I pulled just over and ounce and a half of gold.
I sold the claim to a larger crew and they completely stripped the claim to bedrock, even going so far as to water blast the bales rock to get every speck and they pulled a little over 529 ounces from a 4 hectare plot.
That being said the concentrations of gold in that area are comparable to some of the richest ground in Australia. And I never had a single few hour day of running a couple buckets through a high banker and pulling that much gold.
Days, work, get about 10 micrograins of gold, max, if anything.
I literally watched that episode like a week ago and wondered why if the gold in that area was so good, where was everyone else? Everyone would already be there digging the place up at every turn if the ground was that good... Your hilarious Dude! Thanks for a good laugh, its been a rough day today!
I love it, one of your best videos. I watched that episode of AGH and didn't notice the evident errors except for the wet weigh-in and the excess amount of high bank gold. Another thing I questioned, why quit detecting when they were finding that many nuggets?
I would still be there now if I was finding nuggets like that with a detector...I wouldnt have cashed it in yet...infact I think my car suspension would give out before I gave up......
quitting detecting is the exact opposite of what a true gold hunter would do 😎
I've watched that episode as well and was going to write same how stupid to stop detecting decent size nuggets and go in a creek to find fines.
Well said and spot on!! I wouldn't have left until I quit finding them. Insane amount of gold and size.
Good one👏👏👏👍
Hate bogus tv shows. They make people stupid and/or believe that they are✌️
i saw this a while back and I was laughing the hole time Chris. when they showed the top of the matt with no indicators!!!! and that much gold from the previous test pan and classfied into half buckets.I was rolling on the floor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mate! Brother if i found that much gold in that short ; I WOULD STILL BE DIGGING AND RUNNING 3 HIGH BANKERS!!! that was stupid funny Chris thanks for sharing that . I needed that. Oh yah stay on that hill !!!! mate
Lol I literally sat there and thought the same thing when I watched it thank you for speaking up on behalf of us real prospectors good call
YO, Chris!! That's some of the best entertainment I've seen yet! You mean to tell me that I CANNOT quit the 'day job,' buy a pan, and be flying my own jet airplane by the end of the week?! I like your show, watch it without fail, but this... some of the best entertainment yet! THANKS buddy..., you made my day!
Well done on calling these guys out....I get sick of having to explain that BS every time so I try to not talk about prospecting in front of newbies just to save myself some pain.
Ain’t that the truth. 😬
Newbies, just stay clear of them! I learned that very quickly.
I love the way you respectfully called them out... I lay in this bed 90% of the time (NOT BY CHOICE) so I watch a lot of youtube. And gold prospecting is one of my top five youtube channels I like watching I've NEVER seen anyone pull gold out like that no matter how many buckets they had ran in a day. I've been watch for the past 7 years since my body has been broken down like my old motorcycle it went to the junk and they tossed in this bed. LOL....
But I'm so happy you called them out on their fraud... I stopped watching TV almost ten years ago because of all the fake BS and the pure junk they were showing... like that show you were showing. It was all BS!!!!!!
I think anybody who has ever prospected before would see that episode and call BS and it is sort of a slap in the face to the prospecting community.Great work Chris on puting this together I would rather watch you on here shoveling away and showing your cleanouts,the real deal cleanouts,we all work hard at prospecting and mining and we dont need fake results to put smiles on oue faces,i get they need results made for TV but at what expense lol.
As an admittedly new viewer to the whole Gold Prospecting shows/TH-cam channels, I would've been that viewer who actually thought these guys struck Gold.
Thankfully because of channels like yours, Tassieboys Prospecting and a few others... I have a much better understanding and APPRECIATION for the grind.
Thanks mate for this video... it helps newbies separate the Genuine Gold hunters, from the FOOLS GOLD hunters. Lol... 👏👏👏👍👍
I have thought for a long time that this show was faked. They always seem to only find gold when they can no longer go on unless they make some grand find and then BAM! Big find!
Anyway, I am glad that you took the time to explain in depth with visuals, because it is shows like that which lead people to chuck in their jobs and think that they are going to strike it rich. I suppose there is an outside chance you could...but the real money being made is by the show and the merch sales.
Thanks for being real and keeping it that way Chris! 💖
No one I know that loves gold sluicing in California gets more than some dust in the bottom of a vial and absolutely never makes money at it to cover costs.
Keene makes money selling gold sluicers. The gold prospectors always lose money. Unless you join Gold Rush. Then you make money.
Fascinating! The few episodes I have watched, with my limited knowledge, I thought about half of it was “made for TV”
What a classic, just watching Ferny in the background totally agreeing with Chris revealing the scandal. 😂🤣😂😂🤗🤗
Well done Chris! So true and I don't like the fake crap. BTW Fern blinking and listening intently in the background was absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time.
this is why I watch you and Levi and Dan , thankyou for your vidoes
This is why I watch Vogus Prospecting and Adventure Gold. Both guys are genuine and their entertainment factor is not based on quantity of gold. It's based on quality content grounded in integrity and honesty.
Hi Chris, my nephew works up at Palmerville when the "Gold hunters" were up there (the bloke and girl) and he said they planted a large nugget for them to find on TV. So yes you are correct with your assessment of the Victorian blokes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for putting this video out. I don't know how many times I have to defend the amount of gold that I get from people that watch shows or shows like that. I admittedly don't get much gold from the places I go, but people see this stuff and believe it.
Absolute MINT, Chris! BRAVO for calling a spade - a spade! Excellent explanations. A++++++++++
It's only for people who haven't even gone out once to take a test or detect anything! Very cool, glad you showed me this! Nice episode! Pece From Transilvania
I almost pissed my pants when they did the reveal. Thanks for the laugh 😂
Bravo Chris, Call it as you see it i havent wacthed the realility gold shows for years. Not since i discovered Adventure Gold and Vo Gus prospecting these are Fair Dinkum Entertaining and informative and i would prefer to see you show me a pan with 5 specs in it or a skunked day (i know all about those) than lie. Keep up the good work man n give that FERN a
good scratch behind the ears for me!
Chris the gold detective ! Good on you Chris ! That was awesome. You need to do a follow up show on this video.
A youtuber in Victoria using a minelab 4500 and a coiltec 14 inch found heaps of clean gold in Ararat.big bits .the issue I have I've met atleast 20 blokes out in the triangle with a 4500 and a Coiltec 14 inch cammo coil ,asking me where is the gold .30 years of detecting almost every week. I know by his digs gold don't come out of the ground brand new .I feel for the people that spend ,some 10000 dollars plus to think there going to make a living in gold prospecting. It's a good hobby. That gives you surprise every now and then .on Facebook market place there is many MG 4500 with a cammo 14 inch coil .great video yeahaaaaaaa....
Chris I hate to break it to you mate but everytime I go out high banking in a creek that has already been worked I get a few ounces after 45min worth of work too. I just assumed that was normal!
Cheers man, I love this video because humor throughout!!!🤣😂🤣😂
Comedy GOLD!
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story 😂
Excellent work Chris!! Just the fact that you prefaced this vid with the "entertainment" facts absolved you from any malice! You are obviously the professional with experience. We are not. I should say I, am not. While their "show" may be entertaining, yours is like science, reality. And that's a healthy perspective. Kinda like how "fake news" is entertainment and how so many people take that as reality! Love the new split off channel btw! 😉
I've detected nuggets up to 20 grams out of old mullock like that in remote spots in vic - but not that qty of nuggs. So I can half believe that part from personal experiences
But the highbanking session, what a croc of you know what. I couldn't believe what I was watching when I watched that episode.
Well done at calling it out Chris
Fern is a classic
I have been digging and washing a certain creek here in nsw since 1985 and have searched and worked hard at it. I was amazed at the gold that has been shown from spots in this creek that is clearly total BS. If you would like to have a day on the hand banker we would be happy to put you guys on to some nsw gold that is real lol. Cheers Steve.
Ok, so I just came across this episode and really learned a lot from Chris. My feelings are if you have to fake a reality show you're in the wrong business! Those 2 guys should be ashamed of themselves. I wouldn't hire them to flip burgers at McDonald's. Also, if they are such good gold hunters why did they sell all of there equipment in the first place? The facts don't add up! Thanks again Chris
Love it & yet another reason why I don't watch TV or any other streaming service other than TH-cam & there's plenty of Fakes on this platform too! By the way, not sure if it is just me but there's an Audio/Visual discrepancy here. Out of sync, not that it matters. Loved this!
It's all for the entertainment factor. That's why if I intend on learning about prospecting.....I come here! 😉👍🏻⚒️🏴
I watched that episode and didn't think anything about it, but cool they found gold. I should have noticed what you did because now it's so obvious I feel stupid lol thanks a lot, but really thanks love your channel.
I think showing how hard people work to get small amounts of gold is a great way to explain why that yellow metal is so expensive.
We know how much reality is in these "Reality Shows"
If gold was that easy to find, it wouldn't be worth anything.
Even cut scenes mid dig get me suss. Great explanation mate.
Man, you had me dyin just 1/2 way through!😂🤣😂💀
Yeah I saw that, and my eyes POPPED!! at all that gold ...
totally entertainment as I noticed that they were in BBQ spot on the side of the road.... and any body finding that much, wouldn't stop.
Shout out to Spud Engineering thanks for the video post and Love your channel Chris and love your content:-). This was one of the most epic video I have watched, although there all fun, informative and epic and to see this hit the tube was ground breaking to all who watch gold videos. Shameful to watch and see the B.S., especially for the newbies who have watch there video and are unaware of the sham behind the scenes. Thank you for all you do in creating awareness to the viewers:-). Again your the best and keep em videos coming :-)!. John "The Nuts" Gomez.
.... and that my friends is why I can't watch all that BS on tv anymore....
nice one Chris, spot on mate!
You should find the spot and show us the real results Cheers Mick.
I second that comment! Meeting adjourned!
Totally agree mate, stopped watching these shows a few years back as they became unwatchable.
Awesome video Chris. You're a bloody star!!!!
Great video I've been watching those videos and wondered about the size of the nuggets they find and only inches below the surface
Friend loves going up to a claim in the Sierra Nevada. He often takes along one or two friends. They spend a week. In one vial I saw one chip, a couple micrograins. This is 500 times what you get prospecting gold. Typically weeks and weeks and NOTHING at all.
The high Banker is definitely brand new. It's still got the oils on from being made, if you look at the bar above the gold it looks like a freshly waxed car how the water beads up 😂🤣👍❤️💛💚
I watched that episode....thought they said they ran about a yard. Tall task for a shovel and small highbanker in 1 day. I also do this as you do Chris. 40 buckets is a hell of a day.
Hey Chris. Excellent video. You can expect a flood of prospectors in your area until the disappointment sets in. The world is full of lies and fake stuff. Ver sad.
Hi Chris, totally with you. I do get sick of them banging on about ‘the season’ nearly being over, like Victoria is going to be snowed in for a few months, lol. Or Qld and WA will be hotter than Mercury. That’s probably closer to the truth, though, haha. Oh yeah, and feeding the family blah blah. But still, it’s a bit of fun if you don’t take it too seriously. It might con a few people into getting a detector, but hopefully they will go to TH-cam when they don’t start picking up nuggets. Keep up the good work.
I absolutely believe it's possible to get hold like the Aussie gold hunters showed mettle detecting & high banking using a Backhoe & a ten ton wash plant..
"This is like watching a BK film right now" 🤣🤣🤣
I didn't understand the reference. Is a BK film something like the Golden Beard company's "prospecting" videos?
Thank you for this video, If they do it once they will fake many episodes. Really who can enjoy watching scam videos?. Your explanation was appreciated.
It's about time they get called out on the 'production' of versus what actually occurs while mining (even Hobby wise). Good for You!
That was great. Like anyone wanting to make money from others, that is the motivation on all subjects. Music, movies, social media, and tv etc. People love being entertained and fantasy is a huge part of desire as well as many peoples measurement of success and wealth. That's the gold mine for those that get others to make the gold for them.
I'm not going to lie when i first starting watching this my thoughts were WTF Chris this isn't your style to do a vid like this UNTIL I saw that 1st bit of gold and then it started to all makes sence. Then in true Chris style you made it into not just a call out vid but made it into a very informative and educational vid at the same time. Now I want to see you do more busted vids
Haha nice man. Damn I wish I could pull 10g out from a highbanking session. And I also live in the high country. My best to date is 1.82g for around 6-7 hours work.
10g in 2 buckets lol
@@SpudEngineering 10g even in 2m3 of dirt I would call BS lol.
I have to admit that Fern kept distracting me -- her expressive eyebrows, her concern that you were talking to the camera, and sound mixing. I did listen to you -- you did a great job of calling out the show and loved you pointing out the new equipment, map, etc. Great vid, Chris and Fern.
The looks on her face the first couple of minutes... 🤣
I know you are right, just from watching ANY gold prospecting channels. Not dirty enough. "Reality TV" ain't real.
Yeah I don't watch it anymore because I end up screaming at the tv about how fake it all is, keep up the good work bud much love and respect from New Zealand
Well said chris and must say i did laugh as you pointed everything out and i watched that episode too. i did think something was off as why you would leave an area that was producing so many shiny big pieces
Well, I don’t know Chris. It must be hard in VIC but over here in WA when I go detecting the gold nuggets just start popping up out of the ground. By the kilos it’s just so easy. So I’m calling so legit these guys just have the knack I suppose. Mic drop🎤
PS. Please note the sarcasm in my voice🤣. Great vid mate keep up the good work👌
As you said at the end. Let the mayhem begin. You are so correct in all you said.
It’s sold as reality tv, but it’s a soap opera.
Bold and the bounty full!
Well done good to see mate . Nothing beets experience. Jason from Kimberley diggers👍
🤣😂🤣😂 Not only was the mat clean, the gold captured was apparently trapped on the high side of the riffles rather than in the low pressure zone. BK film to the Max!!😅😂
What irks me the most, is that the gold prospecting channels that are obviously fake get more views then the legitimate channels.
Thats annoying as hell make.
Luv this mate, your explanation was spot on 😉
. . . and this comment is from a couple on the show! Thanks Greg and Chris 👍 I had the opportunity to meet with another prospector on the show and he also said it's fake. They had him dig up nuggets he had previously found. But hey, it's all just entertainment. I worked in TV and Movies and notice a lot of liberties taken in these sort of shows, but I still watch them for the entertainment, and laughs.
Finally 😄 good job of being real! Watch you all the time.
I have great eye for the Nuggets which go into our paydirt, I’ve looked at them many times before they have gone out! I see on Facebook groups people posting them for their ‘weekend finds’ 😅
I know exactly where that is. They are on Bull Shit Creek. And it's a lower tributary of They are paying me to do this River.
I know a couple cast members on some US gold shows and "Recreations" are part of all of these shows.
LOL!!!!! Thanks...I appreciate some of the extra content. I don't like some of the Gold rush drama from the original series...but, it is what it is. I still even track Todd and look forward to digging with one of his previous crew members some day...just for fun.
I have been prospecting for gold in that area since 1981 and the biggest nugget I found in that area was 0.2 grams. As soon as I saw all the nuggets being found by the detector I knew straight away it was fake. One thing that I did not notice was that the sluice box was very clean with no gravel in the carpet. I showed that video to a friend that has been detecting for thirty years and he said Aussie shows will not fake gold finds. I don't watch that show any more!
You dog's face is priceless it's so dam cute
100%agree totally l said the same thing to my missus. The episode after where they were using a gpz7000 with a 19inch coil and went over old ground they visited in around season 3 and lo and behold they find quite decent nuggets by literally scratching the surface, and say thisisbe ause if their new machines itsliterally just marketing for minelab.
Another example is jackie in qld her first season she had a gold monster that on a good day will detect around 14cm now gold monster is a minelab product this season shes got a gpz6000 another minelab product
Another show sponsored by Minelab that recently aired on free to air, was filmed near Warburton Victoria in the Yarra river and they were encouraging people to come and try, it’s ILLEGAL to prospect in the Yarra in that area potentially setting people up to loose everything including the vehicle they used to get there.
We dont have nuggets in the North Island of New Zealand, i like watching your content,
i dont mind the adds, we get pizza ones, in underwear, n socks?
Gold nuggets n the South Island are now rare, they found a big one on a walking track,
i like watching Jeff Williams in Arizona,
Two thumbs up ! I might have to watch these guys , will they be high banking the Oak Island pit soon ? lol
Loved it! Taking the piss out of that awful show. Thankyou
It’s even more ridiculous that they would think people will believe that they got that much gold. Yet people will believe it.
Tho I did find a 5 grammar in a small tailings pile today they definitely didn't get them nuggets from those piles or that gold from the creek....
How much was the rocker or crash box for the Keene? I'm thinking of upgrading.❤️💛💚
Love it, thanks mate!
Hahaha how to pick a program to bits you go Chris 😆🇬🇧
lol i love the one where they take the day off the mine and go into the hills with the metal detectors and start finding half ounce chunks 3 inches in the ground.
If you got that much gold you would be back the next day,i mean what gold miner would not just love to find a spot where you can easily dig up chunks of already cleaned gold lmao
I love that you busted that! Their video was painful to watch! Get em Chris!
Lots of fake videos out there 🤣😂😂. Thanks for sharing this
Hello Chris, good on You, it's so obvious,regards George