龍年吉祥, 恭賀新禧, Year of the Dragon Lunar New Year Celebration.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Happy Lunar New Year Year of the Dragon, Celebration and greeting phrases.
    龙腾虎跃 - 愿你新的一年充满活力与快乐!
    年年有余 - 愿你年年富足,生活无忧!
    龙凤呈祥 - 愿你新的一年吉祥如意,好运连连!
    春意盎然 - 愿你的生活中充满春意,美好盎然!
    喜气洋洋 - 愿你的新年喜气洋洋,快乐满堂!
    龙马精神 - 愿你新的一年充满龙马精神,勇往直前!
    步步高升 - 愿你在新的一年里,事业步步高升,心想事成!
    青春常驻 - 愿你青春常驻,美丽永恒!
    龙年吉祥 - 愿你在龙年吉祥如意,幸福安康!
    龙腾四海 - 愿你在新的一年里,翱翔四海,创造辉煌!
    May your new year be filled with vitality and joy!
    May you be prosperous every year, and live a worry-free life!
    May your new year be auspicious and full of good luck!
    May your life be full of the fresh and vibrant spirit of spring!
    May your new year be joyous and filled with happiness!
    May your new year be filled with the spirit of the dragon and the vigor of the horse, marching forward courageously!
    May your career ascend to new heights in the coming year, and may all your wishes come true!
    May your youth be everlasting, and your beauty eternal!
    May you have good fortune and well-being in the Year of the Dragon!
    May you soar across the four seas, creating brilliance in the new year!"
    The music sound track "Celebration" from track no.1 of Chinese New Year Music Album. Composed by JIANG Li, performed by musicians from Beijing and Heart of the Dragon Ensemble. The album is published by ARC music/Naxos Music.
    CPP Music Productions, producing traditiona, contemporary, East meets west music for live performance, library, and media productions.
    #lunarnewyear #chinesenewyear #chinesenewyearcelebration #yearofthedragon #newyearcelebration #traditionalchinesemusic #chinesemusic #eastmeetswest #heartofthedragonensemble #happymusic #easylearning #chineseinstrumentalmusic #guzheng #dizi #yangqin #sheng #jiangli #folkmusic #calmingmusic #instrumentalmusic #erhu #erhumusic #guzhengmusic #中国新年 #新年快乐 #蒸蒸日上 #美满幸福 #身体健康 #万事顺心 #平安喜乐 #好运连连 #衷心祝愿 #新春愉快 #吉祥如意 #心想事成 #恭贺新禧 #张灯结彩 #欢聚一堂 #承欢膝下 #共享天伦 #工作顺利 #事事如意 #出入平安 #阖家安康 #金兔贺岁 #福享新春 #國泰民安 #繁荣昌盛,

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