Vocabulary - MPI: - rank: - communicator: - MPI_COMM_WORLD: - size: Commands in terminal (Linux distribution) - Compile: - Execute: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary - MPI: Message Passing Interface - rank: another word for process, and the number associated with each process. - communicator: a group of process. - MPI_COMM_WORLD: the default communicator. - size: number of ranks. Commands in terminal (Linux distribution) - Compile: mipc++ .cpp - Execute: mpirun -np ./
People keep opposing MPI and "shared memory models like pthreads or OpenMP", but if MPI nodes run on the same computer, the MPI implementation may actually use _shared memory_ to carry the communication between them, right? It would be the same as DMA or RDMA.
What my teacher is yelling for the past two weeks this dude just explained in 11 minutes.
- MPI:
- rank:
- communicator:
- size:
Commands in terminal (Linux distribution)
- Compile:
- Execute:
- MPI: Message Passing Interface
- rank: another word for process, and the number associated with each process.
- communicator: a group of process.
- MPI_COMM_WORLD: the default communicator.
- size: number of ranks.
Commands in terminal (Linux distribution)
- Compile: mipc++ .cpp
- Execute: mpirun -np ./
People keep opposing MPI and "shared memory models like pthreads or OpenMP", but if MPI nodes run on the same computer, the MPI implementation may actually use _shared memory_ to carry the communication between them, right? It would be the same as DMA or RDMA.
how do i include mpi.h in vs? I have found how to set it up as an project but i have only an cpp file and i want to compile the programm with makefile
thank you. do more vids like these. 1 for each aspect of MPI. would be a great series. couple concrete examples with commented code. buonissimo amico!
Thanks Nick, Good Job!
So good. Thank you 🌸
Great explanation, thanks!
Great stuff
thank you, you save me
Good stuff!
Thanks! Glad you liked it!