hye there... love to watch your video n your experience in Malaysia... tq for the subtitle too coz I'm a malay Muslim n never speak Cantonese or any Chinese languages ;) hopefully you guys have a great time n enjoy our Malaysian hospitality... have a blast!
Milo started in australia by nestle. But malaysia has the world's largest milo factory! Malaysia produced cocoa. It is the no 6th cocoa grinder in the world.
Malaysia used to have ovaltine and vico..but they lose out in competition to Milo because Milo has a good marketing strategy. They start giving free drinks to children in school since age 7 during sports day. After they grow up, Milo is deep inside their heart.
Milo sell in HK or mostly overseas countries is with different taste (i think mixing more milk inside). After some years, i noticed those M'sian oversea (initially think that i 'm the only one doing this stupid thing) will bring along a big pack of Milo from M'sia when they are back home visiting. Nowadays, M'sia; S'pore; Brunei Milo can easily find in HK.
用水冲洗Pet Pet 原本是印度和马来人的习惯,华人后来觉得这个习惯好,久而久之都学他们这样了,现在我家已经很久没买厕纸了,大马就是这样.各族都有所长,互相学习,尊重,生活多姿多彩,还有一点就是大部份的大马人(不分民族)都很喜欢冲凉,甚至一天三,四次是常事,尤其是一早起来,無伦是雨天或熱天,一定要冲早凉才觉的爽,😝
I enjoyed most of your videos. Hope that you and your family will continue to enjoy Malaysia... and continue to have interesting adventures and discoveries here. I have been drinking MILO since I was 1 year old... now I am 60 years old, and MILO is still my drink every morning without fail.
As for me, it’s different! When I was small girl, once I got sick, my mom would want me to drink Milo so when I grew up, I didn’t like to drink Milo, maybe, I feel that only sick then drink Milo. I am already 70 years old now!
Milo and Overtine are both cocoa and malt drinks. Chocolate drink is different and more expensive. Have you guys heard of planta??? Its a palm oil margerine....this one also have been constitutionalised in history book of malaysia.
@@malaigofamily Where is the biggest Milo factory? Malaysia : Nestlé today launched its expanded Chembong factory (Seremban) in Malaysia, now the largest Milo factory in the world. A 30% capacity increase will meet expanding domestic demand and exports to over 20 countries for Milo, the world's leading chocolate malt beverage
NSK is maybe good for fish or chicken but other things is low quality , i feel for people with lower income. Lotus or Giant is better(middle class). Of course high end is Jaya grocer or village grocer.
Morning, Milo used to be extra expensive in the sixties due to be imported from UK . At that time , only the rich can afford it. My mom needs to saved the money in order to enjoy the drink. Ovaltine, horlick only came in later but still not compatible to milo, though also a lot cheaper. Currently, milo taste has change due to manufacturing sites and imported from different countries..
You can apply Hong Leong bank GSC credit card Platinum level that can enjoy RM6.00 discount/per ticket buy online only for all GSC cinemas movies on everyday & any show times except Wednesday (automatic discount day). That is what my family enjoy it for so many years. My family is regular movie fans.
After you get used to water sprinkler(bidet), you can safely don't need to use tissues. The main advantage is its cleaner and most importantly, there's no after smell after the toilet duties.
I'm Malaysian and I didn't know there are so many different names for a supermarket? I always call them supermarket or hypermarket only... Hypermarket are Lotus, Giant, Aeon Big etc... Supermarket are like Aeon supermarket, Jaya Grocer, Village Grocer etc...
馬來西亞不只是電影就連電視劇普遍都有字幕 哪怕看韓劇港劇台灣戲日本動漫西方片 基本都是原音加上這裡的字幕 說真的沒有字幕我都覺得不完整了 哈哈 像中國新加坡看的這些劇好像都要經過翻譯重新配音過 個人覺得這很大折扣就少了看戲時的feel 還有馬來西亞看電影是真的便宜尤其是學生 贊啦👍
對啊~ 重新配音就沒有了當中的神髓啦~~ 😆
說得好, 祝福你在檳城生活愉快 😊
高爸爸今晚會開心到睡不著覺呢~ 💕💕💕
hye there... love to watch your video n your experience in Malaysia... tq for the subtitle too coz I'm a malay Muslim n never speak Cantonese or any Chinese languages ;) hopefully you guys have a great time n enjoy our Malaysian hospitality... have a blast!
Thanks for your support~👍
多謝你的支持 👍
謝謝你的讚賞及支持~ ☺
Milo之所以那么受欢迎,因为Milo经常有让Milo车去到学校免费派送milo饮料给学生享用,我还记得我的童年美好回忆就是每次有免费的milo派送. 不必上课又有那么好喝的免费饮料。所以这就是深入民心的童年美好回忆。。。
我们小学的时候, 有时会有milo truck 来拜访学校, 来派新鲜冷冷milo 给学生们的。 每次看到他们来, 都会很开心! Milo冰特别好喝,他们绝对有secret recipe 的 😂❤
馬拉高Family,歡迎來到馬來西亞, 我是荷蘭的粉丝😍😍😍
嘩... 謝謝遠在荷蘭粉絲的留言~ 高爸爸及媽媽也曾經到荷蘭旅遊, 去過阿姆斯特丹, 鹿特丹等, 最有印象是風車, 方塊屋以及很好吃的炸薯條👍👍
The hose that you guy mention actually for Muslim people use.
We non Muslim still use tissue.
Of course if you want use it.
Still can.
Milo started in australia by nestle. But malaysia has the world's largest milo factory! Malaysia produced cocoa. It is the no 6th cocoa grinder in the world.
Cool~ Thanks!
Malaysia used to have ovaltine and vico..but they lose out in competition to Milo because Milo has a good marketing strategy. They start giving free drinks to children in school since age 7 during sports day. After they grow up, Milo is deep inside their heart.
Milo sell in HK or mostly overseas countries is with different taste (i think mixing more milk inside). After some years, i noticed those M'sian oversea (initially think that i 'm the only one doing this stupid thing) will bring along a big pack of Milo from M'sia when they are back home visiting. Nowadays, M'sia; S'pore; Brunei Milo can easily find in HK.
I see... that's why it is very popular in Malaysia~ ☺
And they even "brainwashed" us make us think that Milo is Malaysian brand. Until I grew up knowing that it is an Australian brand.
@@chlaw64 如果在家一定用水,用纸是没办法的环境
@@cello_user 再用一张干净的纸巾抹干,想要干净舒服,的确要这样。
謝謝你的祝福~ 😚 很期待發掘更多大馬的生活文化及特色!
用水冲洗Pet Pet 原本是印度和马来人的习惯,华人后来觉得这个习惯好,久而久之都学他们这样了,现在我家已经很久没买厕纸了,大马就是这样.各族都有所长,互相学习,尊重,生活多姿多彩,还有一点就是大部份的大马人(不分民族)都很喜欢冲凉,甚至一天三,四次是常事,尤其是一早起来,無伦是雨天或熱天,一定要冲早凉才觉的爽,😝
謝謝你的分享~ 😊
其实呢 马来西亚华人 特别是90年代时都爱看港剧 从 妈打的季节 丁蟹 大时代 罗记 难兄难弟 所以呢对香港人 中国人 都有一种同胞情怀 愿意给予他们帮助或者更乐于和他们聊天
是看是什麼語言的戲,如果是西片就會有馬來和中文字幕,如果是中文或粵語電影就會有英文和馬來文字幕哈哈 所以在這裏的戲院會顧及到每個族群的語言需求哈哈
這個很重要~ 👍
I enjoyed most of your videos. Hope that you and your family will continue to enjoy Malaysia... and continue to have interesting adventures and discoveries here. I have been drinking MILO since I was 1 year old... now I am 60 years old, and MILO is still my drink every morning without fail.
As for me, it’s different! When I was small girl, once I got sick, my mom would want me to drink Milo so when I grew up, I didn’t like to drink Milo, maybe, I feel that only sick then drink Milo. I am already 70 years old now!
Thanks for your support~ 😊
謝謝你的支持~ 🙂
大型商場 shopping mall 是數百家店的商場,裡頭會有幾家grocery 或 mart。
百貨公司 supermarket 是一家數層樓大型商店,賣完所有種類商品,裡面沒有獨立店,只有攤位。
霸級市場 hypermarket 是supermarket 佔大半+ 一些店面。以supermarket 為主。
Milo 對我地鄉下人最深印象係細個時小學,同大草場露天放電影時milo車仔來派免費飲料...
还有学校运动会时milo 车来派冰冷的milo 👍
Milo and Overtine are both cocoa and malt drinks.
Chocolate drink is different and more expensive.
Have you guys heard of planta??? Its a palm oil margerine....this one also have been constitutionalised in history book of malaysia.
Planta未聽過啊~ 😅
有機會可以去ICC Pudu找美食. 這是一個很大的食閣,在這的底層還有濕菜市場. 你們試可以去一下街市買菜,會比超市新鮮有些東西也比較便宜.
謝謝資訊~ 💕
多謝支持~ 💕 我哋安排一吓~
謝謝支持 🥰
謝謝你的祝福~ 👍
I can see your excitement, smile and happiness.😍
Yeah~ 😍
馬來重有個習慣,厠所O完之後,順便沖埋涼,衞生第一,清涼爽快。👍Welcome to Malaysia🇲🇾.
美祿雖然不是local 牌孑 (Nestle 公司)但是在本地有工廠已有非常長的時間,我是喝它長大的。另chiam發音不需emphasize 'ch', kopitiam, kopi 只要發'過B'就可以,它本身好像是由褔建話來的。
肥妈Maria 很喜欢我们的水管哦。她还在她香港的家安装我们这里独特的水管。😊
KL有條街(jalan raja laut),嗰度係全馬最多玩具店嘅街道,有機會不妨去睇睇。
謝謝推介~~ 💕
多謝支持~ 🙌🏻
我刚 Subcrip 了你们的 channel . Ichiban .👍👍👍
謝謝你的資訊~ 👍👍
講返bidet喉,因為我地d廁所由上個世紀開始,d屋一建好全部廁所就已有曬條喉(發展商誤會知道個單位買家係咩種族吖嘛)所以連帶非馬來人如廁完,都係習慣要用水洗過,之後先再用廁紙抹乾 😆 就咁囉
原來如此~~ 謝謝你詳盡及用心的解說 😆
好提議 ☺
@@nouyilee4977 😄😄
可以考虑做一集你们这半年所吃过的美食 「十大最喜欢的大马食物 vs 十大最吃唔惯的大马食物😁」因为大马人普便上都比较锺意吃辣嘢,对于吃辣都有讲究的,唔同食物就配搭唔同的辣椒。😄 因为我印象中的香港人都不吃得辣嘢🤔
好提議, 亦都好有趣~ 👍👍 我們安排一下~~
多謝支持~ 👍👍
不要用厕纸,1.你想一想,如果你倒掉了一杯咖啡,你直接用干纸抹干净?(还有咖啡味)还是先用纸吸加水后抹抹干净?2. 用纸有机会生野,绝对。3.还是要用一点点纸,收干。
他們說要先諗諗~ 之後會與大家分享~ 😂🙂
@@malaigofamily 有少少技术,最好有水压,射个c眼,全场无接触,最后厕纸先出场,收干,你试一次,包你返唔到转头。
Malaysian very helpful and kindness 🥰❤️💕👍
Yes indeed~💕
Hope your family enjoy happy life in Malaysia 🇲🇾
Thanks for your blessing~ 😝
謝謝~ 🙂
早上好,好高兴你分享大马人情味,但是有时候在 high way 路边车坏,最好通知high way 拨打大道热綫,是免费帮你维修电话是1800-88-0000plus rondo(plus patrol) 我是大马人。
謝謝你的資訊, 已記下了維修電話號碼啦~👍
Milo真是国民饮料,明明是外国品牌都能普遍成很多人误以为它是本地牌子。而且不只到处可以喝到,大多数家庭尤其家里有小孩的一定会有Milo在家,家庭装都可以是几公斤的。在这里除了Cafe/高级餐厅/酒店有chocolate drink,其它普通餐厅就只有Milo。在这里Milo是巧克力饮料的代言词,很多人不懂巧克力饮料是什么,但你说Milo他就懂 :D
對啊~ 我真的以為Milo是本地牌子~~ 😛
@@malaigofamily Where is the biggest Milo factory?
Malaysia : Nestlé today launched its expanded Chembong factory (Seremban) in Malaysia, now the largest Milo factory in the world. A 30% capacity increase will meet expanding domestic demand and exports to over 20 countries for Milo, the world's leading chocolate malt beverage
可以plan一plan去东海岸旅行(关丹,遮拉汀,丁加奴),幸运的话可以在路上遇到大象过马路(当然你在远远看就好了)。我之前在去丁加奴的路上遇到了,so amazing!
咁正!! 之後一定要去睇 😝
我以前是連看卡帶,vcd,dvd 的年代,港產片如果配音的就換。
@@kentlam3054 完全明白, 睇周星馳變咗華語, 好多笑位無咗之餘, 更加係無哂星爺嘅神韻... 呢啲都係譯唔到出嚟嘅~!😉
還有最神的喝Milo 能夠舒緩女生月事不適呢 其他可可產品做不到 我老婆說的
洗屁股 - 右手握管先水沖,左手搓屁股,後用廁紙抹干。
原來如此~ 👍
廁所有了那条 bidet sprayer 基本上不需要用到智能廁板了。
大小便完後可以用它來沖洗,喷到 toilet bowl 周围肮脏用它冲干净,我个人有时用来洗脚比开 shower 快同就手,还会拿来冲干净它周围的地。
謝謝你的解說~~ 長知識了~~ 😃
Thanks 👍
The content is nice
NSK is maybe good for fish or chicken but other things is low quality , i feel for people with lower income. Lotus or Giant is better(middle class). Of course high end is Jaya grocer or village grocer.
I see~ Thanks 👍👍
接下来疫情会回来 新加玻也是公布了因为随着疫苗的抵抗力减弱 大家注意
祝願大家平平安安~ 💕
不要整天喝cham or milo 啦,试试大马的(虎咬狮)… 叫 (福建话= hou ka sai)
有試過, 好飲啊~~!!!
大马有些戏院是好像坐bussiness class飞机。
戲院會有人送食物? 真的未見過啊~~ 🙌🏻
Hello Malai go family 💞.. enjoy listening to your topics.. happy to hear u all enjoyed staying in Malaysia.. with Love 😍😘 love 😘 love 🏠🌻🌄🇲🇾
Thanks for your support~ 😉
大多數家用厠所都有水管和厠紙,厠紙在大馬係用着抹乾用的! 用量較少,衛生及環保!
本地人好有人情味 ,只可惜揸車嘅時候有啲燥底
第1點我也見過, 日本也有很多這款設計, 但第2點就未見過啊~
Good day 😌💖. Basically humans are kind hearted.
Yes 💕
Morning, Milo used to be extra expensive in the sixties due to be imported from UK . At that time , only the rich can afford it. My mom needs to saved the money in order to enjoy the drink. Ovaltine, horlick only came in later but still not compatible to milo, though also a lot cheaper. Currently, milo taste has change due to manufacturing sites and imported from different countries..
I see... Thanks for letting me know about the history of Milo. It is very tasty and two brothers like drinking it very much~
Wife very sweet n pretty.
Thanks~ 😍😍😍
除了cham 还有一个也是不错的饮料叫 Neslo
是Nescafé+Milo 如果不想喝太多咖啡因可以偶尔试试Neslo 喝起来很像Mocha 也是很顺很好喝的 最好喝就是加冰的
可以試去檳城遊玩⋯⋯ 我會歡迎您
謝謝啊~ 😃
對, 也有朋友擔心喉管, 噴咀等是否乾淨衛生 😅
原音很重要呢~ 👍😀
關於supermarket呢 大致上有
價格較高 有外國進口食材
- Aeon
- Village grocer
- Jaya grocer
價格比較平民化 比較難找到外國食材
- Lotus (以前叫tesco,被收購過後換名)
- Aeon big (以前叫carrefour,轉手後換名)
- Giant
NSK比較趨向批發 很多商家都在那邊進貨 都是批發價 新鮮食材會很便宜 不過品質沒有保證 其他日用品價格就普通而已 有時比較高
良心推薦 一定最便宜 也到處都有分店的小型mini mart - 99 speedmart
24小時的就kk mart
很清楚及詳盡的清單~ 多謝你的解說~ 😃
You can collaborate with hk family MangoHK. They are here about 2 years. Consult them.
第10 叫 Bidet
In Japan their toilets bowl very high tech.
我妹妹小时候有痔仓 我爸爸叫她拿水洗 🤣
未够,未够。。要真正算在这里住过的话,一定要喝过这两个饮品,一就是"neslo" 冷热都有,第二就是和"美录加蛋"只有热, 大部分kopitiam和mamak档都有的。 你喝了再告诉你neslo 是什么。
好~ 💕
Hi,马拉糕family ,小孩愛喝milo,下次下单时,(milo-kosong 无糖无奶),如要濃一点,就是(milo-kosong kaw),成人的話,可以試一下(neslo)既是(Nescafé+milo),可以一試的味道。🙇
要學懂這幾個馬來語啦~~ kosong, kaw 💕
Kosong 是馬來語沒錯,但是kaw是福建話,是“厚”的意思,也就是說,是“濃”的意思。在新加坡,我們還有siew dai (少糖),ga dai (多糖),peng (冰),例如kopi peng(咖啡冰),teh peng(茶冰)等等。我唔知道在馬來西亞係唔係一樣的叫法。
他們說要想一想才跟大家分享~~ 😝
Normal Wednesday (except Public Holiday fall on Wednesday) all cinema have cheaper tickets price.
Wow~~ Thanks for letting me know! 👍👍
You can apply Hong Leong bank GSC credit card Platinum level that can enjoy RM6.00 discount/per ticket buy online only for all GSC cinemas movies on everyday & any show times except Wednesday (automatic discount day). That is what my family enjoy it for so many years. My family is regular movie fans.
@@christinafoong406 Cool~ Thanks for your information! 👍
After you get used to water sprinkler(bidet), you can safely don't need to use tissues. The main advantage is its cleaner and most importantly, there's no after smell after the toilet duties.
Thanks for your sharing~ 😉
@siang jam chi Don’t you still need tissue to dry your butt? Otherwise your underwear and pants will be wet after you put them on. No?
I'm Malaysian and I didn't know there are so many different names for a supermarket? I always call them supermarket or hypermarket only... Hypermarket are Lotus, Giant, Aeon Big etc... Supermarket are like Aeon supermarket, Jaya Grocer, Village Grocer etc...
Thanks for all of you to teach us.. We learn a lots from you all~ 💕💕
原來如此~ 😉
hi bro u should come a small town Kepong just near kl. just like a small HK.cantonese u can use here just like Hk n food also..KEPONG
Thanks for introducing to me~ Let us explore it later 👍😀