It’s been eagerly awaited, and I’m thrilled to see it . Glad u have >6k viewers. Your dedication and hard work shine through in every frame. Are you heading to Hoi Ann again to show us since you are at Hanoi ?
Thanks for your warm comment 😀. Actually this trip in Hanoi was made last November 2023, but I only be able to make a video of it lately as was really busy with works and also travelling to other places 😅. After staying in Hanoi for one day and enjoyed all the food feast shown in this video, on the next day I went to Ha Giang for a 10 day Ha Giang Loop ride. I hope I could share this Ha Giang Loop video by end of April, last but not least, your support is much appreciated. 😀🙏
在沉寂了一段日子後, 突然又 一連兩天都出視頻, 真是令人有點驚喜!! 連我的青蛙都要鼓掌支持👍👍😊😊 這次你在一天內去了差不多十個地點吃喝玩樂 ,令我極為羨慕您胃部的強到令我無法想像的消化能力😅😅。
而這次的配樂亦和您以前所使用的完全不同, 證明您想給觀眾有一些全新的體驗。 這視頻剪接的流暢程度已到專業水平, 其實可以把視頻加長2至3 分鐘, 那在節奏上便不會令人有點跟不過來的感覺。至於您最後說的十天驚險山區行程, 由於語氣甚為認真, 大大增加了觀眾的期待度。
不過趁著自己的體力還能支撐得到的時候, 去多去一些難度比較高的行程也是合適的。 當然我以前經常掛在口邊的, 是出門前對目的地選擇一個很重要的考慮。
以前有一個很出名的探險家曾說< 當我和隊員需要冒險的時候, 那只是說明我在事前的預備其實有多麼的不足>!! 當然在現實中永遠都有意外, 尤其是在陌生的地方自己完全不熟悉的環境裏。不過既然您已安然渡過, 那段旅程又將會變成您永不磨滅的回憶!! 而這正是旅行永遠令人著迷的地方。
得知青蛙也鼓掌了,真的很开心呀 😀🙏。原本这一趟发生在去年11月的河内和Ha Giang 环山之旅,我并没有打算做成影片,主要的原因是那里的风景太震撼了,我竟然不知道如何下手去做这个地方的影片了,担心辜负了那里的大山大景。这几个月来,我一直在想着这个问题,时至今日,终于有些头绪了,希望在最迟4月底会将影片做好,到时候希望青蛙们继续为我的影片鼓掌😀。感谢您的留言和支持 😀🙏
It’s been eagerly awaited, and I’m thrilled to see it .
Glad u have >6k viewers. Your dedication and hard work shine through in every frame.
Are you heading to Hoi Ann again to show us since you are at Hanoi ?
Thanks for your warm comment 😀. Actually this trip in Hanoi was made last November 2023, but I only be able to make a video of it lately as was really busy with works and also travelling to other places 😅. After staying in Hanoi for one day and enjoyed all the food feast shown in this video, on the next day I went to Ha Giang for a 10 day Ha Giang Loop ride. I hope I could share this Ha Giang Loop video by end of April, last but not least, your support is much appreciated. 😀🙏
@@abangnick Thanks for yr reply. Grateful for sharing your videos . 😃🙏🏻
感谢留言和支持 😀🙏
Thank you my friend 😀🙏