All well and good! My question to Langol Kop: What happened to the Acoli he grew up in? Maybe he has addressed that question in some videoclips. The answer may not simply be Amin, short-lived regime of the Okellos and the advent of the Mulalo Dictator
Lega na tye ni omyera pe ngat moo ikin wuu obedi latunge ki remo me tyeko Kodi pa Luo ki Lok dwala bot Ladit lobo. Pien Ugandan pe yot.
All well and good! My question to Langol Kop: What happened to the Acoli he grew up in? Maybe he has addressed that question in some videoclips. The answer may not simply be Amin, short-lived regime of the Okellos and the advent of the Mulalo Dictator
Thank you