What a great mockup! I'm curious about your approach to mixing the CS Series. Additionally, could you clarify if you used the regular patch or the con sordino emulation? They sound fantastic, and your programming is clearly top-notch.
Thank you 😅 I have much to learn. I used the build in con sordino from CSS which isn't really recorded con sordino but an EQ effect that emulates the sound of con sordino. I layered it with the solo strings on top. This gives more clarity. 👍
@@CatHarington thanks for your answer and thanks for clarification. I know that con sordino is just emulated in CSS. The question was if you used the sordino patch or not - sorry for the lack of clarity in my question. Did you do any special mixing?
@@DamjanPrvulovic I mean a little bit EQ, reverb, compressor here and there but not specifically for con sordino... So besides the solo strings layering there is nothing special
Beautiful 🙏👏
Wonderful transcription, and what a great showcase for those Cinematic Studio libraries
...Wiiiiiiilsoooon ! ...Im sorry!
What a great mockup! I'm curious about your approach to mixing the CS Series. Additionally, could you clarify if you used the regular patch or the con sordino emulation? They sound fantastic, and your programming is clearly top-notch.
Thank you 😅 I have much to learn. I used the build in con sordino from CSS which isn't really recorded con sordino but an EQ effect that emulates the sound of con sordino. I layered it with the solo strings on top. This gives more clarity. 👍
@@CatHarington thanks for your answer and thanks for clarification. I know that con sordino is just emulated in CSS. The question was if you used the sordino patch or not - sorry for the lack of clarity in my question. Did you do any special mixing?
@@DamjanPrvulovic I mean a little bit EQ, reverb, compressor here and there but not specifically for con sordino...
So besides the solo strings layering there is nothing special
@@CatHarington okay, thanks for the answer!
@@DamjanPrvulovic so short answer was yes, I used the con sordino patch 😅