I praise God that I was delivered from Homosexuality! Jesus Saves! he took my wicked life!!! I am so happy now that I am back at church and I love Him so much. Please REPENT... ask Jesus into your heart
The last time I got blackout drunk was almost 13 months ago. The place i found myself that night was the most terrifyingly close to the things Brother Wilkerson describes here. The demons were so close, and angry. I could hear their snarls and feel their desperation and complete and utter rage and hatred. I will never be able to describe it. But it was finally enough to show me that I never want to ever go there again. I was a blackout drunk for 22 years. half my teenage and all of my adult years. I was raised Pentecostal during a time of great upheaval in the church. I never left God in my mind, but my actions, my attention, my self created bubble, the years, decades of working and living from drunk to drunk were creating my life, not my idealisms, not the person i was inside. the "I could have, should have or would haves" would no longer seemed plausible on that Great day when i had ignored His calling since the beginning. Who I was was the choices i made, not my intentions or feelings. I even went to bible college for almost a year. but One can not wait on the voice of the Lord when he is loaded at the bar fighting with a bouncer. The years passed, once in awhile i would get a moment of clarity, and see how much closer we were to the end. the new signs, the horror of how sinful and godless the younger generations seem to be, the sickness around me, bit then i would go back in the drug and alcohol life where it seemed to go away. I have never had a drivers liscense, a healthy relationship, a high school diploma, cant hold a job, never finished anything i have ever started. completely and utterly wasted my life. My health was beginning to decline, mentally and physically. had lost or chased away all of my friends and most of my family. almost 40 and never even got to be myself. or do anything. i was determined to drink myself to death. I woke up that last morning just over a year ago and replayed with horror what i could recall. With everything I had I Prayed: "Jesus, please take this awful thirst away from me, I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't ever want to be so far from you that I could be at that place ever again" I was still in the aftermath of the blackout, and all that that entailed but I had just been, what i feel, was the edge of eternity and i was already weeping and gnashing my teeth, i had a glimpse of what it was like to be one of those beings, those lost souls, i was shaking, i felt completely exiled from the human race, alone and full of self loathing and sadness, and withdrawal so for 2 days i kept praying as i was slowly able to get up and move around again and as i earnestly seeked out Jesus face again I began to praise Him. Only then did i really feel the right to even ask for forgiveness. I began to realize how grateful I was not to be at that awful place i was that night and the person i had become that led to it. 3 weeks later i was walking through the kitchen of my shared accomodation and one of my roomates asked if i wanted a beer. there was a half case there on the chair that had apparently been there for a week or so. it hadn't even registered to me anything it had previously done.. like, i had seen it there but it did not resonate with me in any way. And i used to be able to root out any kind of booze, i was a pro. I have not had the desire to drink since I asked Him. i have been to a couple bars for short periods of time, because i used to love karaoke nights, but it just wasnt the same anymore. i have been around people drinking, and it has served as more of an aversion to me than anything..there has been liquor in the house often, and away at camp work in the summer and spring.. I could not even conceive having a drink. The Lord heard me and He took it away from me. I never ever ever could have stopped drinking on my own. and you could not pay me enough to make me throw this gift away. the Lord is teaching me how to live. Praise Jesus, He is so powerful, my soul will never be able to express how thankful i am for His grace for all of those years, and for freeing me of that curse that kept me imprisoned for so long. Thank you Jesus.
G Funk Beautiful testimony my husband drinks real bad i pray for him everyday I tell him to repent and ask GOD to take that taste out your mouth. I believe GOD is able to save him again wonderful testimony.
@@cristalboyd951 yes He can!!! My grandfather prayed the prayer in the 40s after almost killing himself. He heard a voice to see his mother first. She was praying when he got there. When he went into his tenement room he prayed for the Lord to take it away. He told me that story 100 times growing up. How he prayed for me. I was drinking somewhere when he passed away in 2002. Someday im going to tell him how much his prayers meant to me.
Jesus has already taken it away! We just have to walk in that freedom. Loose that demon off and bind ourselves to the saving grace of our Saviour. Lord please send your healing and glorious presense to this family. Speak to this man and fill him with your Spirit i pray in Jesus name. You promised to set the captives free Lord, here is someone that needs your freedom. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah thank you
@@dreamerofdreams1988 He is so faithful. He deserves all the praise, it was certainly not by any one of my efforts. quite the opposite: i finally saw my portion of Hell. i no longer had any excuses, explanations, reasons or energy to straddle the edge. I can never, ever say it was anything but a miracle. Everything i have to say to help any other drunks has gotten shorter and shorter: GIVE IT TO JESUS.
That planet is the sun. The sun is a lake of fire. Death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Sure the sun gives light but only on earth it's dark in space
@ Mia Lewis , we don't repent of our SINS before we come to Faith in the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST , how many Sins would you repent of ??? ---- *Repentance is to have a Change of Mind from UNBELIEF to BELIEVE on / in HIM , HE & HE alone HAS Paid the Price for your , my , our SIN debt , that we could & can Never Pay for by any means ---- NOT by anything that we can do ----- our so - called "good works " ----are as Filthy rags. Yes , our Righteousness is as Filthy rags. ---- BELIEVE / TRUST only on / in HIM for your Eternal Destiny ----- HE gave of HIMSELF , HIS Sacrifice on the Cross / Tree at Calvary Golgotha , the Shedding of HIS BLOOD for the remission / forgiveness of sins ,your , my , our SINS , the SINS of all Mankind. ----- HIS death , burial , Resurrection on the third day ,according to the Scriptures. --- 1 Corinthians 15 VS. 1 ----- 4 ------- ------ of SIN , they Believe NOT on ME. -- John 16 V.9 ---- ------ thus repent , receive HIM into your LIFE / Lives as your LORD & SAVIOUR ---- as HE stated / states that A Person Must be BORN AGAIN by the HOLY SPIRIT -- John 3 ------ other Ref's. John 1 V.12 , 3 V.16 , Ephesians 2 VS. 8.9. ------ as re. "Works " V.10. Created New in CHRIST for HIS & the FATHER 'S ---- GLORY --- Amen. ,------
@Tom Bladecki wow Tom I don't think you get the whole picture, the bible also says that God does NOT desire for anyone to burn. It is a tradegy, because God has always been victorious. Don't you know anything about Paul? You would condemn him and what did God do? He saved and utilized him. You should pray that all sinners come to repentance
I sorrow for those going to and are in hell and I pray I make it bringing as many as I can with me Lord help me with my troubles so I can be used for your glory
Abi Abu, God will and is more than able to keep you. 2 Timothy 1:12King James Version (KJV) 12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." You will take many with you Abi.
Jesus took me when I was 12yrs old through a car accident. I stood in front of Jesus an He said I'm not ready for you. you have to go back. I saw the holes in His hands. When I came out of the comba which no doctor can exsplain. then when I came out of the comba I explained heaven an as it is written in the bible. Heaven is real folks believe it because it is real
my step mom committed suicide and my dad's friend said she had a dream that my step mom was in heaven. a pastor talked about a prophecy or something like that about my mom and said that there was a spirit of unforgiveness
+Tina Crawford I had a similar dream! I was walking with Jesus and we encountered a river. Jesus walked across, then I walked up to the edge looked into the river, and it became a raging white torrent of snakes. Then Jesus said to me, "Where I go, you can not follow!" I don't know if He said "can not" or "never" I do not remember the exact Words. If God said "never", then that means I'm only pretending to be a Christian, if He said "can not" then perhaps it's just not my time.
The Bible teaches us who will and will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 1 Corinthians 6-9-11. David Wilkerson was not passing judgement. He truly is a man of God!
Possibly the most powerful presentation I've ever heard on the subject of hell and those bound for it. We must examine ourselves daily and repent of our sins before a Holy God.
Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting Amen Praise you Father !!
Amen. I can't do it without you, Lord. Purify me in the fire seven times, make me as pure gold, pleasing, blameless, redeemed, covered under your spilt blood for us, from the Lamb of God, when it comes time to stand before your throne on that day. Make it so for all your saints, dear God, for all who bow their heads low in the name of Jesus.
A Perfect heart is searchable, a perfect heart trusting, a perfect heart is broken. Keep us praying and keep searching us God! Less of me and more of you Jesus
I have been preaching the gospel for 36 years. I am a Baptist pastor. This is undeniably the best sermon on hell I have ever heard. God bless you bro. David and Times Square Church. Eric Romick
I cried after hearing this message, I have family members who aren't saved and I pray God gives them a mind to REPENT before it's too late. I've had visions and dreams of hell.. I've encountered angels and I've had many close calls with death. Yet, in my SINS God whispered to me, he's not done with me .. return to him. He has sactified me and now i'm justified by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ! I repented and God brought me back to him! BUT some of my family members aren't saved and when you see your family going down the wide gate which leads to HELL it touches your heart. Pray for your loved ones that aren't saved... once the books are closed they'll have no time to repent. I sent them Romans 10:9. Be blessed
Please allow me to submit something for your consideration. If hell is a place or state of eternal conscious torment and heaven is a place where there is no more sorrow and pain, then how would it be possible for you to be in heaven while people you love are in hell? By that I mean how could you possibly be free of sorrow and pain while knowing that people you love and care about are experiencing eternal conscious torment with no chance of reprieve? Ask yourself if that makes any sense at all. If you conclude that it doesn't then perhaps you need to reexamine the validity of your current beliefs.
I understand your point, but let me try to explain. When someone goes to heaven Scripture indicates we will have a glorified body. We will know people there as we are know now. The memory of those who refused Christ, including loved ones will be,as the last book of Scripture indicates, every tear shall be wiped away. A glorified body means we will never grieve for their not being in heaven. I made my decision to come to Christ 43 years ago. Since then several relatives whom I loved have died, but they refused to come to accept Christ as Saviour so regrettably I will never see them again. That is the facts. But don't reject Jesus because you might be told you will see them in hell. Nope, hell will be dark, you will see no one there, and you will live with the knowledge of being separated forever from God. So I urge you receive the free gift of salvation paid in full for you when Jesus died on the cross and rose bodily from the grave. Ask Him to forgive all your sins, even if they are small and few. Get a Bible and read the 3rd chapter of the Gospel of John. 4th book in the new Testament. Then find a good Bible believing church.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say. Is it that God magically wipes the memories of people in heaven Men In Black style so they can't grieve over their loved ones in hell? Does that mean that if I murder your family but then wipe them from your memory with a magic memory erasing device so that you no longer realize that I have wronged you that I haven't done you wrong? I have read the entire New Testament, including John's gospel. What's interesting about John's gospel is that its author doesn't seem to have been made aware that the punishment for unbelievers is eternal conscious torment in hell. John 3:16 says God sent his only begotten son so that those who believe in him would not perish, not so that they wouldn't suffer forever in God's torture dungeon (which would necessitate that they do not perish). Paul didn't get the hell memo either. He doesn't say a word about a hell of eternal conscious torment in any of his letters but instead says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death, not eternal torture in hell. Paul's view is consistent with the traditional Jewish understanding of the punishment for sin based on Genesis where Adam's punishment for disobeying God is death, not eternal torture in hell. You should do some research on the history of the doctrine of hell. It's a doctrine that has evolved over time and actually has its origins in pagan beliefs, not Jewish tradition which consistently teaches throughout the entire Old Testament that the punishment for sin is death and that after death both the righteous and the wicked go to Sheol which is neither a place of reward nor of punishment. As I already pointed out there is disagreement even between the authors of the New Testament on the fate of unbelievers. This fact alone should lead you to ask questions about what you've come to believe.
GermanVids EnglishSubs Jesus was the one that talked about hell but they metion it all through out the bible hell is very much real and hurts jesus just as much as anybody else to his children in hell and when we get into heaven God doesnt want us to grieve for their loved ones because thats not what heaven is about heaven is far beyond our understanding of things.
There are 4 different words translated as 'hell' in English bibles. In the Old Testament the word is 'Sheol'. I suggest you research what 'Sheol' actually means. It is not a place of eternal conscious torment reserved for God's enemies. The Jews had no such concept. This concept doesn't arrive until the New Testament was written and pagan ideas of the afterlife and the nature of the soul had started to influence Jewish thought. But even among the New Testament authors there is significant disagreement, as I mentioned above. Matthew and Luke seem to suggest a hell of eternal conscious torment as punishment for the wicked while Paul asserts that the wages of sin is death, not eternal torture. So which is it, death or eternal torture? If it's eternal torture then isn't it rather unjust of God not to warn Adam of it before Adam ate the fruit of the forbidden tree (remember that God's warning to Adam in Genesis is that he will surely die if he eats the forbidden fruit, not that he will surely be tortured for eternity)? Hell is a doctrine of fear, a prison for your mind. It is spiritual terrorism and it makes God out to be worse than ISIS, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein combined. Such a God would be worthy of fear, but not love or worship. I understand that you yourself have been a victim of this terrorism perpetrated by people who were also victims of it themselves, but I urge you to question and research this matter for yourself. You will discover that Christians throughout the ages have found good reasons to reject the doctrine of hell you currently hold to, and that most early Christians in fact did not believe in such a thing. Do you really think God could be that cruel? I know your knee jerk reaction will be to want to point out that God is not only loving and merciful but also just and that hell must therefore exist as God's just punishment for wickedness, but I urge you to sit and contemplate it for a while. Dwell upon what eternal conscious torment actually means and you will realise that such a thing is not justice, it is a perversion of justice. It is cruel and unusual punishment beyond comprehension. Please think about this. If anything in you tells you that there is something terribly wrong with this picture of God then please do not ignore that. For all you know that could be God trying to tell you something.
wow the sound of hell is sheer frightening..David Wilkerson describes hell as best he can! I hope everybody hears this video.. Hell is Hell! We all need to pray for each other praise god!
I been gay since i was 7 yrs old liking girls 33 yrs ... i got save July 26 2017 thanK you Jesus for saving me ... i need to work more harder to better my life ..... God help me
I grew up in 7th Day Adventist Church & they dont teach about hell. They say that the unjust will be destroy. Im glad that Im no-longer believe that & that I have found the truth in the word of the Lord. Every time I need to expand my knolege & just look for sermons like this. Im glad to have found this sermon, 👑👑👑amen!
My spirit left my body at 3am in the morning and i went to hell people theres no human explanation for what i experienced fear torment hoplesness demons that abuse and cause you pain i saw a great white light felt love and peace woke up and i was never the same jesus is the only way please turn from sin that place is worse than u can ever imagine
Let's give it up to God for creating a torture chamber of unimaginable horror! Those who don't love god deserve to burn for all eternity! God will chain you in hell until you learn to love him and even then he won't save you! BURN!!!
@@TheBamChug let us pray them. Remember we were also the same at one point..know that Jesus still loves them and calls and cries for them to repent. We must be the same. Do not keep hate in our hearts but out of love warn them. Hell was created for the devil and the demons. The children made in the image of God do not belong there. We must pray for them and warn as much as we can. Above all seek a heart to love and see as Jesus does.
So sad, there are so many spilling into hell everyday that hell has expanded to make room for them. i asked my 12 year old yesterday, "If you die unexpected today, where are you going" ? are you going to stand in front of Jesus and hear him say" Depart from me i never knew you" i can,t imagine anything worse. Repent now, seek the Lord while he can still be found.
Tom Bladecki Why would you say something so obnoxious? Hell is a very real place, your here because God brought you here there are no coincidence in life every step we make in life has already been plan...Tom believe it ir not God's going to change your ways, and if you resist him you'll see first hand what hell is my dear Repent and ask Jesus Christ to be your LORD and SAVIOR 😊 before it's too late
David Wilkerson- a true man of GOD! Thank goodness we still have these videos online to hear him preach. Thank goodness for pastors who preach the truth like David Wilkerson did. The truth, although at times can be painful to hear, IS ALWAYS well received to those who hunger for it! Keep looking up! JESUS IS COMING SOON!
He preached of Hell often because he knew mens hearts and many refused his message because of their deep sin. He wanted to wake people up that one must believe in him, renounce their sinful ways, and follow him. For he is truth! He is God. God hates sins. If man remains in his sin and refuses to ask for forgiveness for their sins and continues to to live in their sinful ways, at the end of their lives, they will be judged and dammed into Hell. He does not want anyone to go to Hell. That is why God sent Jesus to remove our sins if we CHOOSE to repent and follow him. What love does God have for us that he gave us the free will to choose him or the enemy. Thank you for this message, Pastor Wilkerson. This is exactly what we need to hear now! Satan's greatest and oldest lie to mankind: You do not need God for you are gods.
Glory to God 🔥we need more preachers like him to preach the truth no one wants to hear about hell! The word of God is the truth ! Hell is real ! Repent turn to God while there is life there is hope for humanity 🔥that hope is in Christ alone❤️blessings
Thank you Jesus that i came across Your servants David and Derek Prince. 62 years old and was struggling, but through these servants and getting to know You better, changed my whole life, thank you Holy Spirit. I pray that everyone that watches and listens to these sermons, men of God, lives will be changed and that there lives will be filled with the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour to God Almighty
If you cant do business well and handle your prosperity to clothe the poor, feed the hungry and reach the lost in a 1000 different ways, you have missed a great part of the good news. It's only crap if you use it for self indulgence, so you have missed the point of many good teachings from the Word and are taring the good message with the bad. How many Parables alone involve money❓ Jesus used money and handling it well in many teachings. Remember, it's the love of money… 🤔
@@laurencebrill2020 "prosperity gospel" is another gospel, isn't it?🤔 Paul said let them be accursed who came with another gospel, didn't he? To receive them not. Money and self-righteousness guarantees your need To listen to this message until it scares the hell out of you.
Every time I hear this sermon it puts the fear of God into me. Thank you Lord that who you love you correct! Thank you for second chances. Thank you for the blood of Jesus! Thank you for your mercy and grace!
God resists the proud but gives kindness to the humble of heart. How terrifying God is to those who love wickedness but to those who trust Him, He is healing and wholeness - always present and the closest Friend we could ever have. He is the Fountain of Living Water and Bread of Life that keeps us sealed until the day of our redemption, so let's praise and worship Him!
Dear Jesus 🙏 Help me to use my trials and tribulations to the benefit of others.. Thank you for walking with me through the Fire.. Thank you for keeping your promise O Lord 🙏🙏❤❤ Amen
Powerful and compelling. It has been given unto man to live ONCE AND THEREAFTER JUDGEMENT FOLLOWS...Let's continue preaching the TRUTH. I thank God for this message...Hell is no joke...Jesus be praised forever and ever..
I would like to ask that people who hear this pray for me as I will pray for you,im scared of this sermon because it's giving it to you like no other and the holy spirit thru this man David Wilkerson...
I have just prayed for you Dale. It doesn't matter that its been 2 years since you asked for prayer, we can never have enough prayer. May you walk in the righteousness of our Lord glorifying God in all your ways. God bless you brother.
You should be afraid! Read Second Kings! God, in all his love and mercy sent two bears to slaughter 22 children because they called a man bald! Have you ever eaten shrimp? That's the same as homosexuals intercourse! Read the old testament! You're going to hell because god loves you! Just kidding. It's all bullshit. The Bible makes no goddamn sense at all...
Very good preaching, makes me think and keep moving forward and upwards. God loves everyone and gives us time to hear His Words and repent from our sins Jesus is coming back soon.
No one preaches like this today. I'm so grateful we have him on video. I had the great honor to sit 7th row, front, center in Pastor Wilkerson's Times Square Churc while he preached. "Grafted in The Branch." I will never forget it!
First time hearing him, I respect it. Reminds me of watching Charles Lawson. Preaching about Hell, Sins, Repent. Topics most pastors refuses to teach about..
its sometimes hard to love your neighbors, that hate you, and when you go to the store, they have there Friends following me, so they can try to get in, my place, but they can not get in, i have the very best lock in the world, so when i come back they get even more mad,, at me, but we have to do what Jesus said to do, love them and pray for them ,
*"Jesus made it know in His Holy Word to us about Hell in many verses..."* And none of those places refers to a place of conscious, eternal torture. That is how we know that "hell" is not real.
I remember I had the most vivid experience of hell one time. I had took a hallucination drug (LSD) and at first everything was going ok, I was feeling good and laughing and I went into my room and all of a sudden. I felt the most intense feeling of fear I have ever felt. I felt as if Jesus was coming back right then and there and that I was going to be judged for my sins and was going to be sent to hell. I felt as if I was already being condemned to hell and that the rapture had already happened and I was left behind. I was in my room and I get on my knees and I pray and ask God to forgive me, that I wish I could turn back and that I don’t want to go to hell. Ofcourse, it made me feel a little better. But to an extent. I lay in my bed and close my eyes and I see fire, and I felt as if I were to go to sleep I would ultimately go to hell and be in the lake of fire and I saw people gnashing their teeth at me and I open my eyes and begin crying and so I turn my lights back on and turn my laptop on and my television to get my mind off of everything. (I knew I was alive but then I felt as if I was dead at the same time) And as I turned my electronics on. I swear to you, I kid you not, there was this man, both on my laptop and my television and it looked like the antichrist and he was sitting in a chair getting a interview by another man and he basically told us (I am your God and you do as I say now) and I said out loud I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and then I SWEAR TO YOU he looks directly at me in my eyes, through both my laptop and my television and he screamed “NO” I shut my laptop off and then changed the channel on my television but on every single channel that man was there staring at me screaming NO and so I turn my television off as well. I think to myself what does the Bible say about this, is the world seriously ending right now? And I open my bible and I land on the scripture about the return of Jesus Christ and I begin balling. I decided I wanted to go for a walk to ultimately get my mind off of things. I walk down stairs and I past my mom which was sleeping on the couch and I decided to wake her up and as I did she gave me the most angry look I’ve ever seen and I felt as if her spirit (the mother I used to know) left her body and was in heaven and her body (her flesh) was a demon now and I got on my knees and I started crying and I admitted to my mom that I took Acid and she checked my heart rate and my heart was racing times ten and she said she was going to call an ambulance but for some reason I felt as if the medics were going to force me to take the mark of the beast and then so I ran, I ran outside and I started running down the street at night and it felt as if I was running for eternity, it felt as if I was never getting to the destination I needed to get to. I felt a burning sensation inside of my body and I felt so much fear and so eventually I lay in a open field of grass and I start bawling, and i think to myself “Maybe I deserve this, maybe this is the ultimate doom of all of my decisions, my homosexuality, my drug addictions, my anger, my sexual sin. Maybe this is what hell is and maybe I deserve it.” At this point I was going to accept my death and I lay in the grass and just cry. I eventually get up and I start walking back home because I feel as if I’m just “tripping” and as I was walking home I came across 2 men. These men looked like the devil and they looked As if they wanted to murder me and something was telling me that was their intentions and to not walk past them. But then another voice told me to be courage’s and just go home. And so I walk past them and they stare me down and one throws his glass bottle on the ground as he passes me and I continue walking. A truck passes me and something in my head tells me “this is it. This is how and when your going to die right now “ and I turn around and the truck circles around and starts heading towards me, and I ultimately accept my death. I sat there and opened my arms and closed my eyes and was expecting the truck to hit me head on. But it didn’t. I went home and I started waking up my entire family because I couldn’t handle the fear and the agony anymore I needed someone to be awake with me. But even if they were awake it didn’t feel the same, I felt as if their souls were gone and that they were just demons and it didn’t help my situation whatsoever matter of fact it made it worse. This lasted all night long and I felt as if the night would never end. Eventually the day came and I was back to normal. Little did I know. I was literally about to die that night. My heart rate was surpassed the normal limit and I was dying. I think God literally gave me a taste of hell.
It's men of God like brother David Wilkerson who tells it like it is. He always told the truth and he didn't sugar coat the scripture. We miss him so much!!
Once they realise that they have to obey Jesus Christ..and then they don't obey him..That's rejection..And more people reject Jesus Christ than you think..Jesus says literally..If you love me..Keep my commandments ..So if you aren't obeying Jesus..Then Jesus is literally saying you don't even love him ...Why would anyone reject the Savior? Because they don't love him enough to obey him...
Thank you Jesus for this message and for this wonderful soul that you had preaching it. He is very much missed. Praise be to you Lord Jesus. The Alpha and The Omega. Come Lord Jesus!
This man is absolutely the best REAL preacher of the TRUE gospel I've ever had the extreme pleasure of hearing. I've been around for a long time and I've always believed that a fire and brimstone preacher is the best preacher. A minister like that is precisely what the lost need! The words this man speaks is absolutely necessary for the lost to come to Christ! There are no short cuts. Praise the Lord and all who follow Him!!!
Please, lord, I need delivered from pornography, it's ruining my walk with you, have mercy, I don't want to end up in hell, forgive me lord and wash me with your precious blood, lord Jesus.
Beg Jesus for deliverance. Cry out to him. Until you know its gone. Cast it out of you you may yawn or vomit. Then ask for the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. You need him. Then avoid all sin and instances of sin. Avoid wordly media. Avoid things you know is wrong. Ask until you receive.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 . Brother, I had struggles with pornography for around 20 years . When I became a believer, I still struggled with porn, because I still loved that sin in my heart, it was disgusting but I still loved it deep in my heart, until I really surrendered to Him ! I want you to encourage you to read Word of God daily, pray honestly and strong to God to free you from that sin, surrender yourself to Him ! Be of good courage, trust in the Lord and win the battle with God's help. God bless you, brother.
Cry to God for help and seek accountability. I am praying for you brother. I struggled with this for year. By God's mercy I am free from it. This is a fight for your life, please fight hard. God will help you.
If your addiction is that strong; you need to pray, fast from food and everything else that feeds addiction: tv, movies, world music, and all types of entertainment. Delete all social media apps from your phone. Spend more time reading the Bible and listening to sermons like this on podcast.
I remember this day at church. We went for a Chinese lunch/dinner at my favorite place just a few blocks from the church; I remember I was tolded during our lunch you're very quiet ; I just said nothing. I was very much serious and moved by The Word Of God from Pastor David Wilkerson. Recently I have seen some TH-cam videos from saint's who saw famous people who are in hell; you can actually feel/know when truth is shared on a TH-cam videos and these were true. Dear God in Heaven ~ I still sometimes ponder on hell and souls who have to have chose to go there.
@@cristobaldelacruz142 a true story of my life. This year I have been studying/ reading/listening to the teaching of J.C.Ryle. { counterfeit christianity } is for today's mainstream churches he teaches on. He passed away in 1900. Liverpool. He wasn't liked by many of the churches of his day; David Wilkerson wasn't either. Google J.C.Ryle & let The Holy Spirit talk to you! Blessings upon you always! R.
Those not believing...pls wake up before it's too late! We ARE in the last days & it's imperative that all of us get our lives in alignment w/Jesus or everlasting hell awaits those who choose not to listen & not to believe.
I agree, Kat, Jesus said, "but unless you repent you will all likewise perish" Luke 13:3. Unquenchable fire, weeping, gnashing of teeth, worm never dies, these are the descriptions that Christ used regarding an impenitent heart and lifestyle. It's forever. Please, everyone of there, give your LIFE to Christ and turn from your sin. Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate.
I read the cross and the switchblade back in the early 1970’s. It had an effect on me then and this man still effecting my life toward Jesus Today! Pray for the Church.
I'm about 17 minutes into this extremely serious, eye opening message and convicting message and I have heard people laughing as David has been preaching. I have no clue as to why they have thought any of this is funny???? I have a great sense of humor, but haven't thought anything has been funny that he has spoken. I don't mean to pick and cause any arguing at all. What is going on in our minds that would make us want to laugh at anything he has said and not weep over the lost? God help us! 😭
Praying for them Not laughing at them that is what Jesus wants us to do. HELL is supposed to be for Satan and his Fall Angles. Jesus loves each one of us. Praying for unsaved, Amen. God bless us all.
@@mikaeljokic8867 I will pray for you, and you can also come to God with a humble heart and willingly to be changed... read the Holy bible and pray. May God bless you, keep you and show you the way in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Jesus loves you, Mikael Jokic.
Thankyou Lord for this message. & for my brother pastor David Wilkerson. I claim believe recieve iand give you Lord God all Glory in Jesus mighty name we pray.Amen
all who do not turn from all sin.will burn.its only by the power of Christ that you can have the power to quit the sins..GOD loves you..surrender all to him.please surrender all of who you are let him change you into his righteousness. ..amen
+bornagain chad: I would love to think so: With my comment, I said amen to show my agreement with you. I was struggling with a particular sin, and I am stopping, I pace myself at a week by week basis, and this week, it's been okay, just last night I had a dream that was appeasing to my flesh and I woke up, and I thought nothing happened. I went into prayer a few days ago though, (Wednesday) and asked God to change me completely, I love God so so much! I don't want to make Him angry at me, again! So after seeing a few videos on TH-cam, I did some serious self examination on my true motives on why I want to be free; am I seeking freedom itself, or Jesus? So, I would like to think so, my answer is yes, I have surrendered all to Jesus. And tests will come, but only God truly knows. I don't want to operate in my flesh, I want to operate by Spirit, so that when I do minister, I can be effective. So far, I've noticed a little bit of a difference in when I share my testimony in Christ, but I honestly want to go the altar at my church and make my election and Salvation sure, and see if God has anything to say concerning me. To further answer your question, yes, I am saved, I am 16 years old, I love God, I've ministered a few times, (I like that too, but I also want to be very careful, ministers and teachers are held to higher standard judgement.) So, I try not to make such high claims. But, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea of me. I just want God to search me as I examine myself. (I hope that wasn't too much.)
There are some people even though they knew they are going to died in there last breath they still rebelled and refused to confessed their sin and repent.
Barbara Louk remember god said all are not his, but all souls belong to him. Children of god have spiritual eyes to see by the grace and miracle of god. God is awsome and I love him.
Pastor David Wilkerson is a man after God's own heart. His sermons are taught through the Holy Spirit and he dies not water down scripture. Lord God, May the world hear your truth through Your Sword of Truth. Amen and Amen
I praise God that I was delivered from Homosexuality! Jesus Saves! he took my wicked life!!! I am so happy now that I am back at church and I love Him so much. Please REPENT... ask Jesus into your heart
mark white God bless you keep holding on to the faith I will be pray for you
mark white GOD IS GOOD. GOD BLESS YOU. ❤ share your testimony to people of LGBT, save those souls! 👏❤
mark white same here not just homosexualitie but drugs witchcraft escorting with married men and I was a compulsive liar stealing alsorts
Kanika and rich Johnson I know what you are saying!!!! Praise God we have a redeemer stronger than the our sin! His name is JESUS
mark white PRAISE THE LORD!
We need more preachers preaching about hell.
Tonya Harper amen!
Tom Bladecki He is making a point. Don't go there.
At my church ...never never spoke off....but i know better!!
@Tom Bladecki I love you, brother!!! You get it...
Amen and Amen
MY it be so.
The last time I got blackout drunk was almost 13 months ago. The place i found myself that night was the most terrifyingly close to the things Brother Wilkerson describes here. The demons were so close, and angry. I could hear their snarls and feel their desperation and complete and utter rage and hatred. I will never be able to describe it. But it was finally enough to show me that I never want to ever go there again.
I was a blackout drunk for 22 years. half my teenage and all of my adult years. I was raised Pentecostal during a time of great upheaval in the church. I never left God in my mind, but my actions, my attention, my self created bubble, the years, decades of working and living from drunk to drunk were creating my life, not my idealisms, not the person i was inside. the "I could have, should have or would haves" would no longer seemed plausible on that Great day when i had ignored His calling since the beginning. Who I was was the choices i made, not my intentions or feelings. I even went to bible college for almost a year. but One can not wait on the voice of the Lord when he is loaded at the bar fighting with a bouncer. The years passed, once in awhile i would get a moment of clarity, and see how much closer we were to the end. the new signs, the horror of how sinful and godless the younger generations seem to be, the sickness around me, bit then i would go back in the drug and alcohol life where it seemed to go away. I have never had a drivers liscense, a healthy relationship, a high school diploma, cant hold a job, never finished anything i have ever started. completely and utterly wasted my life. My health was beginning to decline, mentally and physically. had lost or chased away all of my friends and most of my family. almost 40 and never even got to be myself. or do anything. i was determined to drink myself to death.
I woke up that last morning just over a year ago and replayed with horror what i could recall. With everything I had I Prayed: "Jesus, please take this awful thirst away from me, I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't ever want to be so far from you that I could be at that place ever again" I was still in the aftermath of the blackout, and all that that entailed but I had just been, what i feel, was the edge of eternity and i was already weeping and gnashing my teeth, i had a glimpse of what it was like to be one of those beings, those lost souls, i was shaking, i felt completely exiled from the human race, alone and full of self loathing and sadness, and withdrawal so for 2 days i kept praying as i was slowly able to get up and move around again and as i earnestly seeked out Jesus face again I began to praise Him. Only then did i really feel the right to even ask for forgiveness. I began to realize how grateful I was not to be at that awful place i was that night and the person i had become that led to it. 3 weeks later i was walking through the kitchen of my shared accomodation and one of my roomates asked if i wanted a beer. there was a half case there on the chair that had apparently been there for a week or so. it hadn't even registered to me anything it had previously done.. like, i had seen it there but it did not resonate with me in any way. And i used to be able to root out any kind of booze, i was a pro. I have not had the desire to drink since I asked Him. i have been to a couple bars for short periods of time, because i used to love karaoke nights, but it just wasnt the same anymore. i have been around people drinking, and it has served as more of an aversion to me than anything..there has been liquor in the house often, and away at camp work in the summer and spring.. I could not even conceive having a drink. The Lord heard me and He took it away from me. I never ever ever could have stopped drinking on my own. and you could not pay me enough to make me throw this gift away. the Lord is teaching me how to live. Praise Jesus, He is so powerful, my soul will never be able to express how thankful i am for His grace for all of those years, and for freeing me of that curse that kept me imprisoned for so long. Thank you Jesus.
G Funk Beautiful testimony my husband drinks real bad i pray for him everyday I tell him to repent and ask GOD to take that taste out your mouth. I believe GOD is able to save him again wonderful testimony.
@@cristalboyd951 yes He can!!! My grandfather prayed the prayer in the 40s after almost killing himself. He heard a voice to see his mother first. She was praying when he got there. When he went into his tenement room he prayed for the Lord to take it away. He told me that story 100 times growing up. How he prayed for me. I was drinking somewhere when he passed away in 2002. Someday im going to tell him how much his prayers meant to me.
Jesus has already taken it away! We just have to walk in that freedom. Loose that demon off and bind ourselves to the saving grace of our Saviour. Lord please send your healing and glorious presense to this family. Speak to this man and fill him with your Spirit i pray in Jesus name. You promised to set the captives free Lord, here is someone that needs your freedom. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah thank you
@@insylum Praise God for his saving grace. Thanking him right now for saving you! Much Love Brother.
@@dreamerofdreams1988 He is so faithful. He deserves all the praise, it was certainly not by any one of my efforts. quite the opposite: i finally saw my portion of Hell. i no longer had any excuses, explanations, reasons or energy to straddle the edge. I can never, ever say it was anything but a miracle. Everything i have to say to help any other drunks has gotten shorter and shorter: GIVE IT TO JESUS.
I repent of my sins. No more slacking. No more excuses. I want The a Word to get into my spirit.
That planet is the sun. The sun is a lake of fire. Death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Sure the sun gives light but only on earth it's dark in space
Jesus is the light, if don't have Jesus you send yourself to hell, darkness
Cry out to Jesus sister:) God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Bless u
Amen sister me too I will pray for you God bless you ❤️🙏❤️
@ Mia Lewis , we don't repent of our SINS before we come to Faith in the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST , how many Sins would you repent of ??? ---- *Repentance is to have a Change of Mind from UNBELIEF to BELIEVE on / in HIM , HE & HE alone HAS Paid the Price for your , my , our SIN debt , that we could & can Never Pay for by any means ---- NOT by anything that we can do ----- our so - called "good works " ----are as Filthy rags. Yes , our Righteousness is as Filthy rags. ---- BELIEVE / TRUST only on / in HIM for your Eternal Destiny ----- HE gave of HIMSELF , HIS Sacrifice on the Cross / Tree at Calvary Golgotha , the Shedding of HIS BLOOD for the remission / forgiveness of sins ,your , my , our SINS , the SINS of all Mankind. ----- HIS death , burial , Resurrection on the third day ,according to the Scriptures. --- 1 Corinthians 15 VS. 1 ----- 4 ------- ------ of SIN , they Believe NOT on ME. -- John 16 V.9 ---- ------ thus repent , receive HIM into your LIFE / Lives as your LORD & SAVIOUR ---- as HE stated / states that A Person Must be BORN AGAIN by the HOLY SPIRIT -- John 3 ------ other Ref's. John 1 V.12 , 3 V.16 , Ephesians 2 VS. 8.9. ------ as re. "Works " V.10. Created New in CHRIST for HIS & the FATHER 'S ---- GLORY --- Amen. ,------
Pastor David Wilkerson was a Spiritual man filled with the Holy GHOST. He was a man of God. You will know them by their fruits.
Barbara Freeman Jesus said He is the I am, and He is the doorway to heaven. Read your word and pray if you truly want to know the truth
@Tom Bladecki wow Tom I don't think you get the whole picture, the bible also says that God does NOT desire for anyone to burn. It is a tradegy, because God has always been victorious. Don't you know anything about Paul? You would condemn him and what did God do? He saved and utilized him. You should pray that all sinners come to repentance
@Tom Bladecki don't desire that anyone would go there.
@Barbara Freeman facts....where did he state this?
Example. Look at Hollywood.
No sugar coating going on here!
Grace & blessings in Jesus's precious name.
The pure undiluted word of God
I sorrow for those going to and are in hell and I pray I make it bringing as many as I can with me Lord help me with my troubles so I can be used for your glory
Abi Adu your beautiful Abi
In Jesus holy and righteous name, Amen..
Super Bad thank you
***** Amen bless you
Abi Abu, God will and is more than able to keep you. 2 Timothy 1:12King James Version (KJV)
12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." You will take many with you Abi.
If I didn’t have the fear of God in me before, I sure do now. Its good to be reminded how serious all this is..
This man is TRULY ANOINTED! He is so needed in these times!
Amen, he is with God right now, which is far better than being on the earth. Yes Mr. Wilkerson is in heaven resting in God's glory.
@@tonybarron6377 said the government had o
@@tonybarron6377 said
Jesus took me when I was 12yrs old through a car accident. I stood in front of Jesus an He said I'm not ready for you. you have to go back. I saw the holes in His hands. When I came out of the comba which no doctor can exsplain. then when I came out of the comba I explained heaven an as it is written in the bible. Heaven is real folks believe it because it is real
that's amazing!
my step mom committed suicide and my dad's friend said she had a dream that my step mom was in heaven. a pastor talked about a prophecy or something like that about my mom and said that there was a spirit of unforgiveness
The Epic Muffin
wow Tina - thank you for sharing -
+Tina Crawford I had a similar dream! I was walking with Jesus and we encountered a river. Jesus walked across, then I walked up to the edge looked into the river, and it became a raging white torrent of snakes. Then Jesus said to me, "Where I go, you can not follow!" I don't know if He said "can not" or "never" I do not remember the exact Words. If God said "never", then that means I'm only pretending to be a Christian, if He said "can not" then perhaps it's just not my time.
Wake up church !!! In the name ofJESUS !!! Time is running out wake up church !!!
The Bible teaches us who will and will not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 1 Corinthians 6-9-11. David Wilkerson was not passing judgement. He truly is a man of God!
Lisa Gonzalez Yep. Know Him and make Him known.
yea the god of this system satan
Possibly the most powerful presentation I've ever heard on the subject of hell and those bound for it. We must examine ourselves daily and repent of our sins before a Holy God.
Augustine Guerrero amen!!
Augustine Guerrero czx
Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting Amen Praise you Father !!
Amen. I can't do it without you, Lord. Purify me in the fire seven times, make me as pure gold, pleasing, blameless, redeemed, covered under your spilt blood for us, from the Lamb of God, when it comes time to stand before your throne on that day. Make it so for all your saints, dear God, for all who bow their heads low in the name of Jesus.
Amen, and use me to be as strong as David Lord.
A Perfect heart is searchable, a perfect heart trusting, a perfect heart is broken. Keep us praying and keep searching us God! Less of me and more of you Jesus
I have been preaching the gospel for 36 years. I am a Baptist pastor. This is undeniably the best sermon on hell I have ever heard. God bless you bro. David and Times Square Church.
Eric Romick
I cried after hearing this message,
I have family members who aren't saved and I pray God gives them a mind to REPENT before it's too late. I've had visions and dreams of hell.. I've encountered angels and I've had many close calls with death. Yet, in my SINS God whispered to me, he's not done with me .. return to him. He has sactified me and now i'm justified by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ! I repented and God brought me back to him! BUT some of my family members aren't saved and when you see your family going down the wide gate which leads to HELL it touches your heart. Pray for your loved ones that aren't saved... once the books are closed they'll have no time to repent. I sent them Romans 10:9. Be blessed
Please allow me to submit something for your consideration. If hell is a place or state of eternal conscious torment and heaven is a place where there is no more sorrow and pain, then how would it be possible for you to be in heaven while people you love are in hell? By that I mean how could you possibly be free of sorrow and pain while knowing that people you love and care about are experiencing eternal conscious torment with no chance of reprieve? Ask yourself if that makes any sense at all. If you conclude that it doesn't then perhaps you need to reexamine the validity of your current beliefs.
I understand your point, but let me try to explain. When someone goes to heaven Scripture indicates we will have a glorified body. We will know people there as we are know now. The memory of those who refused Christ, including loved ones will be,as the last book of Scripture indicates, every tear shall be wiped away. A glorified body means we will never grieve for their not being in heaven. I made my decision to come to Christ 43 years ago. Since then several relatives whom I loved have died, but they refused to come to accept Christ as Saviour so regrettably I will never see them again. That is the facts. But don't reject Jesus because you might be told you will see them in hell. Nope, hell will be dark, you will see no one there, and you will live with the knowledge of being separated forever from God. So I urge you receive the free gift of salvation paid in full for you when Jesus died on the cross and rose bodily from the grave. Ask Him to forgive all your sins, even if they are small and few. Get a Bible and read the 3rd chapter of the Gospel of John. 4th book in the new Testament. Then find a good Bible believing church.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say. Is it that God magically wipes the memories of people in heaven Men In Black style so they can't grieve over their loved ones in hell?
Does that mean that if I murder your family but then wipe them from your memory with a magic memory erasing device so that you no longer realize that I have wronged you that I haven't done you wrong?
I have read the entire New Testament, including John's gospel. What's interesting about John's gospel is that its author doesn't seem to have been made aware that the punishment for unbelievers is eternal conscious torment in hell. John 3:16 says God sent his only begotten son so that those who believe in him would not perish, not so that they wouldn't suffer forever in God's torture dungeon (which would necessitate that they do not perish).
Paul didn't get the hell memo either. He doesn't say a word about a hell of eternal conscious torment in any of his letters but instead says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death, not eternal torture in hell. Paul's view is consistent with the traditional Jewish understanding of the punishment for sin based on Genesis where Adam's punishment for disobeying God is death, not eternal torture in hell.
You should do some research on the history of the doctrine of hell. It's a doctrine that has evolved over time and actually has its origins in pagan beliefs, not Jewish tradition which consistently teaches throughout the entire Old Testament that the punishment for sin is death and that after death both the righteous and the wicked go to Sheol which is neither a place of reward nor of punishment. As I already pointed out there is disagreement even between the authors of the New Testament on the fate of unbelievers. This fact alone should lead you to ask questions about what you've come to believe.
GermanVids EnglishSubs Jesus was the one that talked about hell but they metion it all through out the bible hell is very much real and hurts jesus just as much as anybody else to his children in hell and when we get into heaven God doesnt want us to grieve for their loved ones because thats not what heaven is about heaven is far beyond our understanding of things.
There are 4 different words translated as 'hell' in English bibles. In the Old Testament the word is 'Sheol'. I suggest you research what 'Sheol' actually means. It is not a place of eternal conscious torment reserved for God's enemies. The Jews had no such concept. This concept doesn't arrive until the New Testament was written and pagan ideas of the afterlife and the nature of the soul had started to influence Jewish thought.
But even among the New Testament authors there is significant disagreement, as I mentioned above. Matthew and Luke seem to suggest a hell of eternal conscious torment as punishment for the wicked while Paul asserts that the wages of sin is death, not eternal torture. So which is it, death or eternal torture? If it's eternal torture then isn't it rather unjust of God not to warn Adam of it before Adam ate the fruit of the forbidden tree (remember that God's warning to Adam in Genesis is that he will surely die if he eats the forbidden fruit, not that he will surely be tortured for eternity)?
Hell is a doctrine of fear, a prison for your mind. It is spiritual terrorism and it makes God out to be worse than ISIS, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein combined. Such a God would be worthy of fear, but not love or worship.
I understand that you yourself have been a victim of this terrorism perpetrated by people who were also victims of it themselves, but I urge you to question and research this matter for yourself. You will discover that Christians throughout the ages have found good reasons to reject the doctrine of hell you currently hold to, and that most early Christians in fact did not believe in such a thing. Do you really think God could be that cruel?
I know your knee jerk reaction will be to want to point out that God is not only loving and merciful but also just and that hell must therefore exist as God's just punishment for wickedness, but I urge you to sit and contemplate it for a while. Dwell upon what eternal conscious torment actually means and you will realise that such a thing is not justice, it is a perversion of justice. It is cruel and unusual punishment beyond comprehension.
Please think about this. If anything in you tells you that there is something terribly wrong with this picture of God then please do not ignore that. For all you know that could be God trying to tell you something.
The fear of hell and our father in heaven drove me to seek him out,and the love of Christ will keep me going until i die :)
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@@ahavajerusalem I did 👍
wow the sound of hell is sheer frightening..David Wilkerson describes hell as best he can! I hope everybody hears this video.. Hell is Hell! We all need to pray for each other praise god!
I been gay since i was 7 yrs old liking girls 33 yrs ... i got save July 26 2017 thanK you Jesus for saving me ... i need to work more harder to better my life ..... God help me
diana diaz the heavenly father loves you. Yeshua saves. God bless you
Thank You Father YeHoVah for saving Your daughter @Diana Diaz. Thank You Yeshua!
Stay under his wings and he will always protect you.You will be tested but fear not he is with you always call on to him .God bless you!
God bless. We look forward to His glorious appearing.
I grew up in 7th Day Adventist Church & they dont teach about hell. They say that the unjust will be destroy. Im glad that Im no-longer believe that & that I have found the truth in the word of the Lord. Every time I need to expand my knolege & just look for sermons like this.
Im glad to have found this sermon, 👑👑👑amen!
The Bible actually teaches annihilationism. So you're glad you left the truth of Scripture for a horrible lie
Amen !!
My spirit left my body at 3am in the morning and i went to hell people theres no human explanation for what i experienced fear torment hoplesness demons that abuse and cause you pain i saw a great white light felt love and peace woke up and i was never the same jesus is the only way please turn from sin that place is worse than u can ever imagine
Keep telling it..preach and warn people about HELL!! God bless you
Let's give it up to God for creating a torture chamber of unimaginable horror! Those who don't love god deserve to burn for all eternity! God will chain you in hell until you learn to love him and even then he won't save you! BURN!!!
You didn’t go to hell. God is not giving visions and experiences like that. We have his word to tell everyone about hell. Read Luke 16-19:31
@@TheBamChug let us pray them. Remember we were also the same at one point..know that Jesus still loves them and calls and cries for them to repent. We must be the same. Do not keep hate in our hearts but out of love warn them. Hell was created for the devil and the demons. The children made in the image of God do not belong there. We must pray for them and warn as much as we can. Above all seek a heart to love and see as Jesus does.
So sad, there are so many spilling into hell everyday that hell has expanded to make room for them. i asked my 12 year old yesterday, "If you die unexpected today, where are you going" ? are you going to stand in front of Jesus and hear him say" Depart from me i never knew you" i can,t imagine anything worse. Repent now, seek the Lord while he can still be found.
Pray and read bible leave the rest to God and connect to others
It is hard for my ears to to hear this but, it is the truth.
Tom Bladecki
Why would you say something so obnoxious? Hell is a very real place, your here because God brought you here there are no coincidence in life every step we make in life has already been plan...Tom believe it ir not God's going to change your ways, and if you resist him you'll see first hand what hell is my dear
Repent and ask Jesus Christ to be your LORD and SAVIOR 😊 before it's too late
Tom Bladecki get. nk see. was
Yes. If it is in The Word, it eeds to be read, taught and preached. And then how to escape it and through Who ☺
Good preaching!
Linda Diaz So if hell is a very real place, where is it? What energy does it run on? Who decided how badly to torture people?
When this man preaches he literally shakes the very centre outwards of HELL
David Wilkerson- a true man of GOD!
Thank goodness we still have these videos online to hear him preach.
Thank goodness for pastors who preach the truth like David Wilkerson did.
The truth, although at times can be painful to hear, IS ALWAYS well received to those who hunger for it!
Keep looking up! JESUS IS COMING SOON!
Shellie Maheu have you hear about William Branham?
I wish this preacher was still here.
it's time to stop playing around with sin and get serious about living for the risen Lord Jesus Christ, King of our salvation
One of the most powerful and truthful speakers I ever heard on this planet. Humbling to say the least
The beginning of wisdom of the fear of The Lord.
He preached of Hell often because he knew mens hearts and many refused his message because of their deep sin. He wanted to wake people up that one must believe in him, renounce their sinful ways, and follow him. For he is truth! He is God. God hates sins. If man remains in his sin and refuses to ask for forgiveness for their sins and continues to to live in their sinful ways, at the end of their lives, they will be judged and dammed into Hell. He does not want anyone to go to Hell. That is why God sent Jesus to remove our sins if we CHOOSE to repent and follow him. What love does God have for us that he gave us the free will to choose him or the enemy. Thank you for this message, Pastor Wilkerson. This is exactly what we need to hear now! Satan's greatest and oldest lie to mankind: You do not need God for you are gods.
Glory to God 🔥we need more preachers like him to preach the truth no one wants to hear about hell! The word of God is the truth ! Hell is real ! Repent turn to God while there is life there is hope for humanity 🔥that hope is in Christ alone❤️blessings
These are hard words to accept, but it is even harder to deny their truth. Listen up, Brothers and Sisters.
I really miss David Wilkinson preaching. We are living through the great falling away. And doctrines of devils in the church.
Thank you Jesus that i came across Your servants David and Derek Prince. 62 years old and was struggling, but through these servants and getting to know You better, changed my whole life, thank you Holy Spirit. I pray that everyone that watches and listens to these sermons, men of God, lives will be changed and that there lives will be filled with the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour to God Almighty
Chris Pitrakkos
So true. Both men who taught the truth of God’s Word
Now this is what the lost should be hearing, not this false 'prosperity' crap.
If you cant do business well and handle your prosperity to clothe the poor, feed the hungry and reach the lost in a 1000 different ways, you have missed a great part of the good news. It's only crap if you use it for self indulgence, so you have missed the point of many good teachings from the Word and are taring the good message with the bad. How many Parables alone involve money❓ Jesus used money and handling it well in many teachings. Remember, it's the love of money… 🤔
@@laurencebrill2020 "prosperity gospel" is another gospel, isn't it?🤔 Paul said let them be accursed who came with another gospel, didn't he? To receive them not.
Money and self-righteousness guarantees your need To listen to this message until it scares the hell out of you.
@@laurencebrill2020 TRUTH, BROTHER! GOD BLESS YOU 📖💒⬆️🙏🇮🇱🙏🙌🙌🙌❤🙂
@@danielslagle6440 POWERFUL TRUTH 🙌🙏🇮🇱🙏💒⬆️📖❤🙂 GOD BLESS YOU, BROTHER 🙌 SEE YA IN GLORY ☆
Please pray for me everyone I need the intercession of Gods children please
Tatersalad19 Cars
Praying for you to stay steadfast 🕊♥️
Why can't we have preaching like this?. Brother Wilkerson was truly a Holy Ghost filled preacher!
Every time I hear this sermon it puts the fear of God into me. Thank you Lord that who you love you correct! Thank you for second chances. Thank you for the blood of Jesus! Thank you for your mercy and grace!
Hello friend have you seen pastor Gino jennings and John Ramirez evangelist 💌🙏
Well said... GOD BLESS.
Why do people choose Hell when Heaven is waiting for you with open arms. Make Jesus your savior and Lord before its to late.
Miss this guy Goodman David , I see him in heaven
God resists the proud but gives kindness to the humble of heart. How terrifying God is to those who love wickedness but to those who trust Him, He is healing and wholeness - always present and the closest Friend we could ever have. He is the Fountain of Living Water and Bread of Life that keeps us sealed until the day of our redemption, so let's praise and worship Him!
Dear Jesus 🙏 Help me to use my trials and tribulations to the benefit of others..
Thank you for walking with me through the Fire.. Thank you for keeping your promise O Lord 🙏🙏❤❤
Powerful and compelling. It has been given unto man to live ONCE AND THEREAFTER JUDGEMENT FOLLOWS...Let's continue preaching the TRUTH. I thank God for this message...Hell is no joke...Jesus be praised forever and ever..
I would like to ask that people who hear this pray for me as I will pray for you,im scared of this sermon because it's giving it to you like no other and the holy spirit thru this man David Wilkerson...
Dale, what would you like us to pray for you about?
I have just prayed for you Dale. It doesn't matter that its been 2 years since you asked for prayer, we can never have enough prayer. May you walk in the righteousness of our Lord glorifying God in all your ways. God bless you brother.
You should be afraid! Read Second Kings! God, in all his love and mercy sent two bears to slaughter 22 children because they called a man bald! Have you ever eaten shrimp? That's the same as homosexuals intercourse! Read the old testament! You're going to hell because god loves you!
Just kidding. It's all bullshit. The Bible makes no goddamn sense at all...
Repent give your self fully to yeshua and gods armor 😇
Very good preaching, makes me think and keep moving forward and upwards.
God loves everyone and gives us time to hear His Words and repent from our sins
Jesus is coming back soon.
Hello friend have you seen pastor Gino jennings and John Ramirez evangelist 💌🙏
No one preaches like this today. I'm so grateful we have him on video. I had the great honor to sit 7th row, front, center in Pastor Wilkerson's Times Square Churc while he preached. "Grafted in The Branch." I will never forget it!
True,true we need him to preach and rebuke the new ministries.God help us raise up a ministry like his ministry Lord.rescue our backsliders🙏🙏🙏❤❤
First time hearing him, I respect it. Reminds me of watching Charles Lawson. Preaching about Hell, Sins, Repent. Topics most pastors refuses to teach about..
One of God's true servant who shared the truth about God's word..
God bless his family
Pastor David Wilkerson was truly truly a man of God
God must have heard my cry. You Heal the broken hearted and bind up there wounds psalm 147,3.
its sometimes hard to love your neighbors, that hate you, and when you go to the store, they have there Friends following me, so they can try to get in, my place, but they can not get in, i have the very best lock in the world, so when i come back they get even more mad,, at me, but we have to do what Jesus said to do, love them and pray for them ,
He has always been one of my favorite preachers!
Hallelujah................Can't wait to see Jesus !
Man this is impacting. Help me Jesus ✝️📖
Love this man. How I wish he were still here, to lead Souls to JESUS.♡
Great Preaching about Hell. Hell is real. Jesus made it know in His Holy Word to us about Hell in many verses in the Word of God.
*"Jesus made it know in His Holy Word to us about Hell in many verses..."* And none of those places refers to a place of conscious, eternal torture. That is how we know that "hell" is not real.
I remember I had the most vivid experience of hell one time. I had took a hallucination drug (LSD) and at first everything was going ok, I was feeling good and laughing and I went into my room and all of a sudden. I felt the most intense feeling of fear I have ever felt. I felt as if Jesus was coming back right then and there and that I was going to be judged for my sins and was going to be sent to hell. I felt as if I was already being condemned to hell and that the rapture had already happened and I was left behind.
I was in my room and I get on my knees and I pray and ask God to forgive me, that I wish I could turn back and that I don’t want to go to hell. Ofcourse, it made me feel a little better. But to an extent.
I lay in my bed and close my eyes and I see fire, and I felt as if I were to go to sleep I would ultimately go to hell and be in the lake of fire and I saw people gnashing their teeth at me and I open my eyes and begin crying and so I turn my lights back on and turn my laptop on and my television to get my mind off of everything.
(I knew I was alive but then I felt as if I was dead at the same time)
And as I turned my electronics on. I swear to you, I kid you not, there was this man, both on my laptop and my television and it looked like the antichrist and he was sitting in a chair getting a interview by another man and he basically told us (I am your God and you do as I say now) and I said out loud I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and then I SWEAR TO YOU he looks directly at me in my eyes, through both my laptop and my television and he screamed “NO”
I shut my laptop off and then changed the channel on my television but on every single channel that man was there staring at me screaming NO and so I turn my television off as well.
I think to myself what does the Bible say about this, is the world seriously ending right now? And I open my bible and I land on the scripture about the return of Jesus Christ and I begin balling.
I decided I wanted to go for a walk to ultimately get my mind off of things.
I walk down stairs and I past my mom which was sleeping on the couch and I decided to wake her up and as I did she gave me the most angry look I’ve ever seen and I felt as if her spirit (the mother I used to know) left her body and was in heaven and her body (her flesh) was a demon now and I got on my knees and I started crying and I admitted to my mom that I took Acid and she checked my heart rate and my heart was racing times ten and she said she was going to call an ambulance but for some reason I felt as if the medics were going to force me to take the mark of the beast and then so I ran, I ran outside and I started running down the street at night and it felt as if I was running for eternity, it felt as if I was never getting to the destination I needed to get to.
I felt a burning sensation inside of my body and I felt so much fear and so eventually I lay in a open field of grass and I start bawling, and i think to myself
“Maybe I deserve this, maybe this is the ultimate doom of all of my decisions, my homosexuality, my drug addictions, my anger, my sexual sin. Maybe this is what hell is and maybe I deserve it.”
At this point I was going to accept my death and I lay in the grass and just cry.
I eventually get up and I start walking back home because I feel as if I’m just “tripping” and as I was walking home I came across 2 men. These men looked like the devil and they looked As if they wanted to murder me and something was telling me that was their intentions and to not walk past them.
But then another voice told me to be courage’s and just go home. And so I walk past them and they stare me down and one throws his glass bottle on the ground as he passes me and I continue walking.
A truck passes me and something in my head tells me “this is it. This is how and when your going to die right now “ and I turn around and the truck circles around and starts heading towards me, and I ultimately accept my death. I sat there and opened my arms and closed my eyes and was expecting the truck to hit me head on. But it didn’t.
I went home and I started waking up my entire family because I couldn’t handle the fear and the agony anymore I needed someone to be awake with me. But even if they were awake it didn’t feel the same, I felt as if their souls were gone and that they were just demons and it didn’t help my situation whatsoever matter of fact it made it worse.
This lasted all night long and I felt as if the night would never end. Eventually the day came and I was back to normal.
Little did I know.
I was literally about to die that night. My heart rate was surpassed the normal limit and I was dying.
I think God literally gave me a taste of hell.
It's men of God like brother David Wilkerson who tells it like it is. He always told the truth and he didn't sugar coat the scripture. We miss him so much!!
Why would anyone reject the Savior when He offers eternal life to your soul?
Once they realise that they have to obey Jesus Christ..and then they don't obey him..That's rejection..And more people reject Jesus Christ than you think..Jesus says literally..If you love me..Keep my commandments ..So if you aren't obeying Jesus..Then Jesus is literally saying you don't even love him ...Why would anyone reject the Savior? Because they don't love him enough to obey him...
Thank you Jesus for this message and for this wonderful soul that you had preaching it. He is very much missed. Praise be to you Lord Jesus. The Alpha and The Omega. Come Lord Jesus!
Yes. We need alot more preachers,preaching about Hell!!! Preachers that don't preach about Hell are cowards!!! Period!!!!
The passion and the fire of this man's faith......it is inspiring, moving.
Hello friend have you seen pastor Gino jennings and John Ramirez evangelist 💌🙏
Powerful beyond words. God bless the person for providing us this invaluable message and Wilkerson - a true warrior for God! Tears down my cheek.
This man is absolutely the best REAL preacher of the TRUE gospel I've ever had the extreme pleasure of hearing. I've been around for a long time and I've always believed that a fire and brimstone preacher is the best preacher. A minister like that is precisely what the lost need! The words this man speaks is absolutely necessary for the lost to come to Christ! There are no short cuts. Praise the Lord and all who follow Him!!!
Please, lord, I need delivered from pornography, it's ruining my walk with you, have mercy, I don't want to end up in hell, forgive me lord and wash me with your precious blood, lord Jesus.
Prayers for you brother.
Beg Jesus for deliverance. Cry out to him. Until you know its gone. Cast it out of you you may yawn or vomit. Then ask for the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. You need him. Then avoid all sin and instances of sin. Avoid wordly media. Avoid things you know is wrong. Ask until you receive.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 . Brother, I had struggles with pornography for around 20 years . When I became a believer, I still struggled with porn, because I still loved that sin in my heart, it was disgusting but I still loved it deep in my heart, until I really surrendered to Him ! I want you to encourage you to read Word of God daily, pray honestly and strong to God to free you from that sin, surrender yourself to Him ! Be of good courage, trust in the Lord and win the battle with God's help. God bless you, brother.
Cry to God for help and seek accountability. I am praying for you brother. I struggled with this for year. By God's mercy I am free from it. This is a fight for your life, please fight hard. God will help you.
If your addiction is that strong; you need to pray, fast from food and everything else that feeds addiction: tv, movies, world music, and all types of entertainment. Delete all social media apps from your phone. Spend more time reading the Bible and listening to sermons like this on podcast.
Thank you AHAVA, for preserving this message for the world. Especially right now.
Ask jesus to come into your life to forgive then live for him and you will never se hell praise god.
David was a True PROPHET of GOD,..
God is just and there is order!
I remember this day at church. We went for a Chinese lunch/dinner at my favorite place just a few blocks from the church; I remember I was tolded during our lunch you're very quiet ; I just said nothing. I was very much serious and moved by The Word Of God from Pastor David Wilkerson. Recently I have seen some TH-cam videos from saint's who saw famous people who are in hell; you can actually feel/know when truth is shared on a TH-cam videos and these were true.
Dear God in Heaven ~ I still sometimes ponder on hell and souls who have to have chose to go there.
I believe it was awesome to hear this man preach.
@@cristobaldelacruz142 a true story of my life.
This year I have been studying/ reading/listening to the teaching of J.C.Ryle. { counterfeit christianity } is for today's mainstream churches he teaches on. He passed away in 1900. Liverpool. He wasn't liked by many of the churches of his day; David Wilkerson wasn't either. Google J.C.Ryle & let The Holy Spirit talk to you! Blessings upon you always! R.
What a great warning.
It time to completely to Sold out Jesus Christ in 2022. He is comming soon.
Those not believing...pls wake up before it's too late! We ARE in the last days & it's imperative that all of us get our lives in alignment w/Jesus or everlasting hell awaits those who choose not to listen & not to believe.
I fear for all who don't believe. I want to see everyone happy but sadly that's not so...
on udy5😎😇😚😍
If only we could ALL believe . There are those whose hearts are hardened. They LOVE their sin and can't see the light that is Jesus.
I agree, Kat, Jesus said, "but unless you repent you will all likewise perish" Luke 13:3. Unquenchable fire, weeping, gnashing of teeth, worm never dies, these are the descriptions that Christ used regarding an impenitent heart and lifestyle. It's forever. Please, everyone of there, give your LIFE to Christ and turn from your sin. Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate.
Tom Bladecki It's funny now Tom, but u won't be laughing for long if u continue to make a mokery of God.
He was a right preacher! I miss him.
Hello friend have you seen pastor Gino jennings and John Ramirez evangelist 💌🙏
@@santacollins9276 yes I did see Jennings, Ramirez I will look up! Thanks bless
Shalom, everyone, This teaching is BRILLIANT! I thank the Good Lord for David Wilkerson. Blessings Andrew:)
I read the cross and the switchblade back in the early 1970’s. It had an effect on me then and this man still effecting my life toward Jesus Today! Pray for the Church.
He was a good preacher I liked him
Yes, indeed, praise God! Like 👍 and subscribe, this is how you can support #ahavajerusalem
I love these messages they are real and strait from the word of God
My lord Jesus remember me.
I'm about 17 minutes into this extremely serious, eye opening message and convicting message and I have heard people laughing as David has been preaching. I have no clue as to why they have thought any of this is funny???? I have a great sense of humor, but haven't thought anything has been funny that he has spoken. I don't mean to pick and cause any arguing at all. What is going on in our minds that would make us want to laugh at anything he has said and not weep over the lost? God help us! 😭
Yes the laughter was so revealing.
I agree
great he is speaking the truth
THIS.....is the gospel of Jesus Christ....and no other!
Praying for them Not laughing at them that is what Jesus wants us to do. HELL is supposed to be for Satan and his Fall Angles. Jesus loves each one of us. Praying for unsaved, Amen.
God bless us all.
Amen 🙏🙏
Amen 💯 💖
Please pray that God saves me and softens my heart.
@@mikaeljokic8867 I will pray for you, and you can also come to God with a humble heart and willingly to be changed... read the Holy bible and pray.
May God bless you, keep you and show you the way in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Jesus loves you, Mikael Jokic.
Thankyou Lord for this message. & for my brother pastor David Wilkerson. I claim believe recieve iand give you Lord God all Glory in Jesus mighty name we pray.Amen
Be blessed in Christ.
all who do not turn from all sin.will burn.its only by the power of Christ that you can have the power to quit the sins..GOD loves you..surrender all to him.please surrender all of who you are let him change you into his righteousness. ..amen
The Chris Slaughter Show ok man so I have to ask you,have you surrendered ALL TO JESUS????with your comment I'm hoping you have brother...
+bornagain chad: I would love to think so: With my comment, I said amen to show my agreement with you. I was struggling with a particular sin, and I am stopping, I pace myself at a week by week basis, and this week, it's been okay, just last night I had a dream that was appeasing to my flesh and I woke up, and I thought nothing happened. I went into prayer a few days ago though, (Wednesday) and asked God to change me completely, I love God so so much! I don't want to make Him angry at me, again! So after seeing a few videos on TH-cam, I did some serious self examination on my true motives on why I want to be free; am I seeking freedom itself, or Jesus? So, I would like to think so, my answer is yes, I have surrendered all to Jesus. And tests will come, but only God truly knows. I don't want to operate in my flesh, I want to operate by Spirit, so that when I do minister, I can be effective. So far, I've noticed a little bit of a difference in when I share my testimony in Christ, but I honestly want to go the altar at my church and make my election and Salvation sure, and see if God has anything to say concerning me. To further answer your question, yes, I am saved, I am 16 years old, I love God, I've ministered a few times, (I like that too, but I also want to be very careful, ministers and teachers are held to higher standard judgement.) So, I try not to make such high claims. But, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea of me. I just want God to search me as I examine myself. (I hope that wasn't too much.)
I actually really liked this sermon; it's the truth. I'm one who likes what others might call strong messages.
Yes. I was saying amen to show agreeement.
May God have Mercy on your soul!!We are all Sinners and come short of or the Glory of God🙏
There are some people even though they knew they are going to died in there last breath they still rebelled and refused to confessed their sin and repent.
Thats so sad... Pride is something else....
@@vavavoomsp1 their pride is a habit to them
Thank you God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 💋🙏❤️AMEN
great sermon. God bless David Wilkerson
You will know them by their fruits!! Thank you David Wilkerson. Well done 👍
Gosh I grew up in times square church and i wrote an essay on eternity and use David's analogy on eternity great message God bless
What a straightforward message and so true--- 😢
Im so sad of hearing the people laughing?
Why? 😢
Only the unbelievers will constantly find something wrong with this message. That the servant of God is preaching to the lost .
Barbara Louk remember god said all are not his, but all souls belong to him. Children of god have spiritual eyes to see by the grace and miracle of god. God is awsome and I love him.
We need more of this more often than not.
Amazing Sermon
Pastor David Wilkerson is a man after God's own heart.
His sermons are taught through the Holy Spirit and he dies not water down scripture.
Lord God,
May the world hear your truth through Your Sword of Truth.
Amen and Amen