for the 1st point Goku was learning instant transmission on Yadrat, 2ndly Trunks stated that the medicine should be taken when "Syndromes arrive" the medicine was a cure not a preventive, 3rdly Goku knew Ss Gohan was stronger than himself and if someone can beat it was Gohan so yeah pls do some research before you make a video no hate though
Nhi bro goku isliye nhi aaya tha kyu ki usko bohot powerful energy mehsus ho rahi thi isliye nhi aaya usko laga koi dost hi hai apna kyu ki usko pata tha ki wo jo bhi hai asani se freiza ko hara dega❤
The Goku let the frizza go because when he was a kid a session try to kill him but he win the fight and tried to kill the assassin but somebody came from the back I don't know the name sorry but the person said if you kill a villain so what is different than you and him aka assassin and the person said everybody would get second chance and the Goku remind the word up to now
Nhi Goku isliye matle frieza le ldne nhi aaya kyuki uss waqt wo instent transmission nhi sikha hua tha wo sikhne hi gya tha watdrat planet pe samjhe 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
Goku and Vageta is king of anime hahahahajahhahahajajhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahah hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha hahahhahahahajhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha aahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahah
Is Goku Evil?
No bro Goku is my favourite
No Goku Is Very Great😊❤
No bro is time per akira toryama ka dimag evil chalraha tha ho Goku ko selfish bana rha tah
Goku lovers comment karo our like karo ❤❤
मुझे तो वेजिटा पसंद है ❤❤❤❤
Goku is my favourite
Next video Sukuna vs gojo power comparison❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
bro best dragon ball video everrr😍😍😍
in time 6:47 he said to not transform because goku dont restore this power because he is in angel on this time
for the 1st point Goku was learning instant transmission on Yadrat, 2ndly Trunks stated that the medicine should be taken when "Syndromes arrive" the medicine was a cure not a preventive, 3rdly Goku knew Ss Gohan was stronger than himself and if someone can beat it was Gohan
so yeah pls do some research before you make a video
no hate though
i am not hating goku here btw you are correct
@@SaiyanSword 🙏👍
Super shendron ke chalte goku ki adat badl gayi hai 😂😂
Goku is not evil but he is very selfish
Agree 👍
Vai ak bat batay ham goku ke sbse bre fen hai ar goku no evel he is onli best.
Pls pin and pls Continue godkiller saga
Goku my favorite a dragon ball ❤
Even in alternative universe Goku can't be evil
Goku is the ❤❤❤❤
Ssj blue evolution vs ssj blue kioken please next vedio
Ssj blue evolution can beat ssj blue kioken times 20 🎉
Ssj blue evolution wins
Super Saiyan 5 Goku
Congratulations for 100k in 99k
I need more part of this and goku is evil 1% and I see you on next video bye 😅
Bhai iska goku evil toh kahi nhi lg rha, evil moments of goku ❌ mistakes of goku✅
Vegeta is my favourite ❤❤
Bro ! Video mei batana what if goku become kalarot
Bhi zalama par video bnao plzzzzzzzz
Broli ka all forms batao please 🙏🙏🙏🙂😊
Please 🥺 show all the forms of Bardock or cooler
Because it all for thrilland excitement
Goku Super Saiyan 5
Explain garou all forms who beat goku
13:41 13:41 13:41 13:41 13:41 13:41
Can't believe It 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Please bro make video on gojo vs Goku
Mera vi goku favorite hai😊
Nhi bro goku isliye nhi aaya tha kyu ki usko bohot powerful energy mehsus ho rahi thi isliye nhi aaya usko laga koi dost hi hai apna kyu ki usko pata tha ki wo jo bhi hai asani se freiza ko hara dega❤
Bro my favorite character is Naruto and second is goku 1:44
The Goku let the frizza go because when he was a kid a session try to kill him but he win the fight and tried to kill the assassin but somebody came from the back I don't know the name sorry but the person said if you kill a villain so what is different than you and him aka assassin and the person said everybody would get second chance and the Goku remind the word up to now
Kisko kisko ye goku ka evilness dekhke kuch farak nhi parha
Are bro Akira todiya Mane Jo likha tha anime mein aur Manga mein vahi to dikhayenge na jo script mein hoga itna bhi nahin samajh mein aata kya
Because trunks change history
Wo trunks ki time ma isntant transmission ka he istamal kiya tha
Ha ya kam wrong tha
Ya selfishness tha evil nahi
Ha ya evil ha
Bro agar tournament of power start hota nahi hota to wo universal waise he destroy hota
Goku vs naruto
Bro granolah arc
Bro gohan ne ssj2 archive kiya tha is liye gohan ko bheja tha
Nhi Goku isliye matle frieza le ldne nhi aaya kyuki uss waqt wo instent transmission nhi sikha hua tha wo sikhne hi gya tha watdrat planet pe samjhe 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
Goku ne anime war ke ander bhi villain jaisa act kia hai
Because chichi is very you know
Goku power level
bhai jokes continue rakh na plz
konse jokes?
Goku become kakarot = yes
Bhai ya kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhi kabhibhi bura nahi hota
*evil* kakarot
No never
Is ma galti ghoan ki ha
All your points 10 to 1 is only goku's mistake exept no 4 in no 4 he became so sneaky basterd 😅
Goku is not evil but yes goku is smell selfish but I love goku
Abe to usko patanhi thana
Bhai mistakes ko evil me add mat kro
Goku ko sirph ak har Skta hai wang
Bro no. 4 me goku evil nhi harami tha😂😂
very evil
Videl is much prettier than Bulma
Because is to young
@@Hamzaishtiaq-m2y Bulma is young because of Dragon Balls.
Goku become evil = no
Bhai goku sabse acha hai
So you are wrong
32 comment
Plzz pin
Jaldi comment kardeta hu likes milenge😂😂😂
Lo dislike mar deya 🤡
Lo like kar diya
Sorry but I am disagree with this video
Goku and Vageta is king of anime hahahahajahhahahajajhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahah hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha hahahhahahahajhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha aahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahaha aahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahah
I hate goku