Wake up V, we have a bunch of cyber stans to disappoint because they expected the second coming of Christ and instead they got a regular open world fps rpg
@@davidhamilton1632 yes but also no lol dont be stupid u really think a multimillion copy would listen to fans and consumers? No they were listening to the money that was drifting away in the Christmas wind, hearing their bosses telling them to just release it and fix it later. God dont u miss the days when games came out complete, you know u buy a game expecting a good product and what u get is half assed, buggy and lackluster
I can confirm that atleast on th ePS5 it runs a locked 60fps. resolution looks a bit blurry and some visual bugs are annoying but other than that, its runs good! So if you want to play this on console, i reccomend waiting on when you can get your hands on next gen
I have been playing it on ps5 for several hours. I have not experienced any frame drops. It's smooth and runs fine. I have seen a few glitched, but not many.
That's not even the real issue... Driving around the city, the game constantly freezes moving even small distances, anywhere in the map. And then there's the LOD settings set to potato. CDPR should refund all base console copies of the game!
that’s just how deliveries are done in the future. When you got too many packages, just merge with the truck in the next lane to make delivering them faster
Amd has screwed up again. We know that from them. Lousy ray tracing performance. And what is even worse, no DLSS. Without Dlss you can forget about graphics cards. I can play cyberpunk in 4k 60 FPS max with my 3090. AMD fans can only dream of that. They continue to play around with their 6900 xt at 25 FPS.
@@mal-avcisi9783 I’m a console player and the game is great. But looks amazing on pc waiting for next gen patch and I’ll do a second play through whenever that is
@@mal-avcisi9783 i bought my i5 system for $187 with AMD r9 290x 6 years ago. I probably enjoy the game just as much as you with my 30fps on high settings, without dreaming.
This helps so much. I've been hearing a lot about the issues/glitches that people come across and it's made me hesitant to buy the game. What he said about it being okay to wait for updates and it depending on your tolerance for glitches and when and where you're playing the game makes a lot of sense. So glad I found this video
@@internetexpert8153 I was about to buy the game then I thought to myself hmm let’s research before buying this new game as some games seem there very good but in the end there shit. After an hour of researching about this game I have final,y realised its not worth buying this game unless you have the Xbox X or Ps5, or a very fast and good gaming computer.
At least Sony gives out good looking exclusives with great graphics and physics even if its just a base ps4 and they end up getting nominated for game awards
The witcher 3 is a garbage game. Shit boring combat, generic storyline and characters, it's a bargain bin wannabe rpg. Face reality the new AC are just the witcher 3 but actually fun
@@freddogrosso9835 I think that falls into the outspoken minority. Casuals are what make or break a games success especially of this magnitude. N they have other games they are playing and will jump to Cyber punk once they hear how amazing it is. If it would've came out complete
Ended up finishing the game. Really nice story, wonderful characters, great voice acting, city is graphically impressive. Everything else? Kinda bad. I'm gonna hold off on a second playthrough until more patches roll out, potentially until stripped content is added back in.
Exactly. Almost done with my first playthrough. Gonna wait for the expansions before I do a new playthrough. Also gonna buy a Ps5 for a better experience.
i feel like all the crazy details went to the wrong place. you can fuck bad bitches but can't enjoy the game on console. graphics are "amazing" on pc, but looks like city skylines on xbox.
@@Unreleasedarchive3.5 id like to know as well, plus I'm running on ps4 pro. I'm a edge whether to pull trigger to get now or not Now I have gift card credit so it would be no money out of pocket
@@dominioeffect1955 That's still no excuse. The game was in development for 7 YEARS. The state of the game now, looks like as if they started development at the end of last year. CDPR basically scammed console players. They knew the game couldn't run on current-gen, therefore they only gave pc copies to reviewers and all current-gen gameplay got taken down before dec 10th. So don't blame the pandemic or retailers. CDPR knew exactly what they were doing.
@Grant Todd This is what bothers me the most. I bought the game for the X. I loaded it on, but decided to wait for better optimization, or the Series X. The stuff you're talking about though, really sucks. It ruins the immersion, and actually has me questioning wether or not I want to play it at all. I'm going to give it a few hours for sure, but I'm not nearly as hyped as I was before.
I love the story, the atmosphere or the city, the side missions, the writing/narrative. Of course the bugs and glitches need work, and also the gameplay (like shooting and driving) could’ve used some tweaks. The game needed more time, but I still really enjoy it and with time I think this game will be outstanding.
Yeah I got the game and then read the comments about this game. I played through the prologue and did a few quests and then just went "yeah, maybe I'll wait until there's a huge patch or a PS5 in the store".
@Morty Smith im on series x and have had a lot of bugs. Only 4 have broken the game though: one hard crash, one infinite loading screen, got the Cassius wont give me my reward glitch, and i just got off the game cause it isnt letting me track a quest i wanted to do.
Meh, this game does not qualify for that question. Its a terribly made game that needed more time to be properly developed. In about 5 years or so, Raycevick will probably have a video showing all the crap the devs went through and did/didn't do. The performance of this game isn't because of its high demand for hardware, its because it is extremely poorly optimized and/or ironed out. Took so long to make yet they somehow managed to rush it out the oven. Talk about a meme.🤦🏿
Yea the Witcher 3 definitely improved significantly after launch, so hopefully they can put at least as much work into this. I'm worried that with a multiplayer mode coming out they'll skimp on single player, but we'll see...
@@Ghuttenlocke Conspiracy: The game took so long to come out because the producers couldn't decide if the game was going to be free to play, or AAA price. They decided AAA and stripped the game down to core so they can sell back cut content as dlc.
Yeah honestly I'm really enjoying it. Everyone kept telling me there is tons of input lag, but it's identical to local play even with a VPN and my okay-ish 30Mbps connection. I'll probably use this version until I build my new PC. I hope they enable ray-tracing when they switch to gen 2 Stadia blades.
This is why I do think game streaming is *a* future of gaming. I fully believe it will eventually replace the low end gaming market, but I don't think our internet infrastructure is there yet in many places, and I don't think game streaming physically can ever replace the experience of having decent to high end hardware at home. My major issue with Stadia is that you don't truly own the games you buy there in that if google decides to shitcan stadia(which I do not actually expect to happen to be fair) you're just out whatever money you spent on the games. What I would prefer to see in the future of game steaming is stuff like Xcloud and Geforce Now, where you either buy the game separately somewhere else and stream it(with Geforce Now you are basically accessing a portion of your Steam library), or it is a subscription service where you don't need to buy the games. Hell, didn't even subscribe to Xbox Game Pass for Xcloud, yet a solid 95%+ of the time I have spent with gamepass games has been on Xcloud due to the fact that I don't need to be at my computer to play them and I don't even need to install them.
I can’t even get my hands on a ps5... and for those saying “ItS FoR NeXt GEn ConSoLes” no it was meant to come out before the ps5 and series x came out
Facts. It was definitely developed using a PlayStation 4 and Xbox devkit for years, ps5 developer kits didn’t come out until like a year or two ago. So it was definitely meant for pc and current gen but I think they had to delay to make it more suitable for the next generation of consoles very late into development. Idk what happened to the dev process but rn it runs terribly on ps4.
Most of the idiots that comment on TH-cam have some logical excuse as to why a shitty product is ok, it's like regardless what it's meant for if it's released on older consoles it needs to run properly on them if they are charging for you to play it.
Just thinking but waaaaay back in 2012 weren't they saying this would see a pc launch before the consoles at the time, honestly I think they should have gone that route.
yeah i completely avoided any spoilers or news of this game and so far i love this game going on my second playthrough i find the glitches and bugs amusing,
Disregard it. Seriously. People are whiny bitches today. I play on 7 years old playstation 4. Game is phenomenal. Revolutionary as the witcher. I never played something like this before, i havent even dreamed that a medium such as video games could produce such cultural product. Im talking about the cinematic feeling in the game and world/lore. Its undescribable and blew me away, quality jump is insane. Wouldnt say its bug free but its waaaaaaay better than kingdom come deliverance on launch. I expected bloody unplayable mess from all the "comments" and "reviews". What i got was only 3 crashes in 16 hours which just delayed me for 5 minutes each and about ~20 minor graphical texture/model bugs. One quest breaking bug which was resolved in 2 minutes by reloading a save. Dont bother me. I mean, fuck, the scale of this game... This game is like the first AAAA game ever. Graphics are fine for me on ps4, people who complain about rendering are really whiny little bitches. 0.5-4 seconds at the most for me, usually ~1 second.
And that is why I am one of your followers. Your not getting mad at over the glitches that are happening. Thank you for the understanding of that because yes I am on a base Xbox one but let me tell you I’ve waited for years for this game and it. Compared to many of the newer games out anymore I love the game!!! I didn’t even know there was a prologue... after already 20 hours in!!! I am loving it and thank you for you review!!
@@justsomelochnessmonsterony8265 Thank you... it does NOT play good on my base ps4, i cant even play witout my game crashing and the grapics give me headaches..
As of February, this game runs as intended. Played it on a couple PCs, one with Geforce now and one with an older i7 and GTX1080, and I've played it on the Xbox without encountering any noticeable bugs on any of them. I played on each platform for at least 4 hours, as well. This game is amazing, though. It's right up there with the Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, for me. Aside from the NPC AI, which I did notice is very lacking compared something like Kingdom Come where every NPC has a routine that gives the impression they're leading actual lives, Night City is one of the best open worlds ever made.
Same im on xbox one x as well. I had freezes and crashes during driving at first but after the last patch everythings been smooth. Frames can get down low sometimes thu.
Be careful when drinking. I got a glitch where I had a permanent drunk effect visual glitch. Everything I tried doing didn't fix it until I deleted the game and reinstalled it. If you drink and the effect doesn't go away, then be sure to have a saved game from before you drank so it doesn't effect you when you load that back up. If that doesn't work then hope deleting it and reinstalling it will work. So far that's the only game breaking glitch I got. Other than that it's all minor stuff that I can get by with no big deal.
Im on Xbox Series S ,playing on a 4k tv , looks verry well , i didnt had any pronlemes. No low frames , no glitches... I'm waiting for the next gen version.
Even though you copied this comment for no apparent reason other than useless internet points, anyone who pre ordered a Triple A game today deserves to have their money wasted and I hope cyberpunk is bad so you fanboys get hid with a hard reality check to never pre order such a game. Bye
@@DeathWing572 finally someone said it, everyone complains FPS this and FPS that, like as long as the gameplay is good, I don’t care much for graphics.
@Sonny the Duck the game has no DRM and GOG let you preload so you can pirate the preload files days in advance and only have to download the executable when it releases
@@yasha_nurmagomedov ps5 is the new current gen console, ps4 is now last gen. Not that hard to figure out. Doesnt mean it should run poorly on ps4 though.
Yeah lol. I thought it was crazy when I had Minecraft, Fortnite, PubG mobile, and Call of Duty mobile all on my phone the world is just gonna keep evolving
I have an omen with a nvidia graphics card and Ryzen processor, can I run it lol? I have no idea I just know my bestie got the Alienware bull and looks like a beast but crashes constantly, I never have and have more space! I dunno but my laptop is badass
@@TheTrippySoul A decent PC with a bit of research and avoiding prebuilts can be obtained with $800-1300, which is the equivalent of a new console and new iphone that is more frequently bought. You don't have to drop a fortune to even play 90% of the games you most likely want to
I'm playing the game at 15 FPS lol it's not THAT bad. It always surprises me when people complain about 30 FPS, it's just weird to me because it's what I'm used to.
Two worlds of Cyberpunk, strong PCs: "Oh my God, I have never seen nothing like this before!" and on base consoles: "Oh my God, I have never seen nothing like this before!".
I can't control it for shit and I'm constantly running innocent pedestrians over or getting my car stuck in weird ass places. Total turn off to drive but the world is too big to get around effectively. The fast travel spots only open up after you encounter them from what I can tell so that is a huge drag.
I love it so far, Story line is awesome to. Also they just came out with a huge patch, addressing many bugs & problems. My personal opinion, it's actually worth buying.
"Yup, deleted 2 games just for you, Cyberpatch sir. Indeed, I am very pleased to finally see you. Cyberpunk is getting a bit, unimmersive, to say the least. Hope you can help."
I remember Cdpr said "The game will be out when it's ready". Well then, I'll buy it when it's ready. I'm fine with waiting a few months to play the game as intended
And honestly I feel like buying this game because of the glitches. I’ve found that most of the glitches I come across in games make me laugh. As long as there aren’t any gameplay breaking glitches on PC then I’ll probably buy it as soon as I can so I get to experience the funny glitches.
Since patch 1.05 this game runs quite well on PS5. My crashes are fewer now. maybe one in 4 hrs compared to every other hour. Night City is the star of the show here. It's an amazing backdrop for all the storylines and character building. This game deserves a 9 out of 10 had it released in a better condition. It's a diamond in the rough, and I hope it's reviewers don't pass a final judgement on it in its current state. It's disappointing considering the years of hype, and that's understandable, but there's a really good game here for those patient enough to whether the open world birthings like RDR2, Skyrim and Fallout all have in common.
@@ghosttoast2825 Skyrim without mods is actually a piece of shit, but anyway... I mentioned other similar games who can fill this "void" so to speak. I played 8 hours or so and Cyberpunk feels like Outer Worlds with a budget. It's ok, not bad, but far from being great. Many people expected the second coming of Jesus, I just wanted it to have the same quality of New Vegas ... in the end, none of the outcomes were achieved
100%, and this comes from a ps4 player. I honestly think it'll be impossible to optimize this game for last gen (even something like a stable 30 fps, 1080p) so CDPR effectively scammed us console players. I'm gonna wait around till the next gen patch comes, get myself a ps5 and them play through the game.
@@l33tr52 definetily, it's much clearer now and honestly it's the one positive thing to come from this console situation. Because I was already planning on getting a ps5, I don't feel like I wasted my money but for those who aren't planning on upgrading any time soon, they should feel robbed. I guess in the meanwhile as I wait for the upgrade I'll finish all of the remaining last gen games I wanna experience, like metal gear V and the bioshock games. I refuse to play through Cyberpunk in that state.
@Kels I get the arquement, but CDPR intentionally didn't show footage of the base consoles fully knowing they run like shit (almost unplayable). This wouldn't be a problem if they would've informed customers about the state of the last gen console versions. Instead, they lied and claimed that the last gen versions run "suprisingly well" in an investors call and wanted to profit from all of those console players like me and their pre order cash. Excuse me, but I think I have a right to feel scammed.
Also there's no actual driving A.I. All the cars are bounded by set paths. Get in front of one and they won't go around you; because there's no AI to make that decision.
WTF!?! A legit review that isn't bashing and QQ-fanboi'ing all over the place!? THANK YOU!! BIG +1 on this vid, good info, no spoilers/crying, good critique.
@@skeetiediabete152 Thats such a stupid argument. Almost no one managed to get a PS5 or Seriex X and this game was originally meant to release before they were even announced. You can't sell a game in this state.
Most game breaking bug that happened for me in Skyrim was during Civil War quest for imperials was getting ready to do that ambush quest and a Dragon decided to crash that quest line completely.
there are so many little animations that are missing or just half assed that really pull you out of the game, even sound design is missing where it feels important.
I was really disappointed with the character creator. They said there was gonna be like super amazing and deep, and it was... really surface level and limiting :/
This really surprised me too. I expected at least something as good as an MMO released in the past couple of years. Maybe something that at least gets close to Black Desert Online, not something more limited than Skyrim from a decade ago.
@@kae9321 No. No surgeons, no tattoo artists, no barbershops, and no way to transform equipment, so you'll often equip ugly clothes that give better stats.
Love the optimism! Personaly, I’m the kind of person who tends to just enjoy what is to have. Hell, I had put up with 15 FPS Minecraft on low graphic settings for ages, now I tend to stick to being at 20 FPS. Glitches are more fun then a bother to me, though it’s like said in the video, if it locks ya, it’s a shame. To be fair though, I’m someone who plays on a old MacBookPro and PS2. So I have had to adapt to my hardware.
Naturally, this means I’ve not played Cyberpunk 2077, But I’m looking into it cause some friends wanna do a Pen and papper roleplay in a cyberpunk setting
This was a perfectly balanced review and I think that is the reason for your continued channel growth. Your assessment is very objective and genuine at a time when we are getting bombarded with emotionally driven opinions of the game. Keep it up Jake! You are my go to for no spoiler reviews. I bought this and will continue to support cdpr and I’m sure they will fix the game eventually but of course it’s a bummer how things unfolded.
Hmm, sounds like you wanted someone to tell you that the game wasn’t that bad so that you could buy it even though deep down you wanted it the whole time lol Don’t worry, I love the game, have beat it twice and have over 200 hours. I’m not trying to get at you, it just seems like that’s what happened here 😂
@@vakie3250 They kept delaying it. Eventually people got too pissed off and they decided no more delays. They should have let it sit for a while, but I understand why they would want this out before Christmas.
True! Everyone dragged Days hone to hell for bugs at launch and nlw we count on updates for Cyberpunk which runs so bad on PS4 and Xbone which were supposed to its main consoles!
Back then companies didn't have to hear "change, bigger, better, more visuals. Your final boss is too op fix it." Every game release. Back then you got what you got and you couldn't really bitch. Then came the big ole internet allowing "everyone" to suddenly become a fucking critic who believes they know the inner workings of coding and say "change it ITS NOT THAT HARD!". From my perspective "we" are the ones who have ruined companies in terms of "quality" due to us never being satiated.
@@vdevil5232 People who say this don't understand the complexity of modern day games. It's not just the complaining, it's the fact there are thousands of times more opportunities for things to go wrong when you have an open world game with millions of complex interactions compared to linear 2D side scrollers or 3d games with 3000 polygons. I'm not advocating for buggy releases, but saying those "remember when" arguments is laughable.
The smoke is so well done in this game that it gets out off the back of my PC and I can smell it
underrated comment
Immersive experience
@@randomness5281 lmao
that's some real-graphic shit right there XD
Now there's flames coming off of it, wow amazing detail.
Maybe the game will run well in 2077
Wow another 2077 year joke, 🥴
Runs fine on stadia.
They may fix the glitches in the next update
Original joke keep being original
Never change the format of “before you buy” it’s a great format.
I really hope it doesn’t change either!
Same it’s my favorite series on TH-cam. Informs so well on the details.
Was going to say the same thing
"After you bought"
Duly noted!
*First time watching a "Before you Buy", before buying the game.*
Next thing is getting your cherry busted
First time after for me lol
Shit same
I pre-ordered but I hit that refund button as soon as I saw them bugs and shit physics. I'll buy the game when or if they ever fix it.
@@ChicaneMedia If you are on PC imo it is still totally worth it but if on console then yeah hard pass.
“Wake up V, we’ve got a city to render”
V preferred to stay asleep I guess
damn that is good
Wake up V, we have a bunch of cyber stans to disappoint because they expected the second coming of Christ and instead they got a regular open world fps rpg
@@gameranxTV I mean you gotta mention this comment next time you talk about this game, this is Genius lmao
it’s so immersive that when something blows up, the ps4 does too!
since youre tryna play a game released december 2020 on a console released 2013 maybe u should try playing Ark survival evolved on the ps2 aswell.
When you die, you don't get to play ps4 again 😂
Cyberbugged 2020.
IDK why everyone is so mad this plays fine on my Playstation 1. Graphics are perfect.
I agree my nitendo 64 runs this perfectly fine
As beautiful as PS1 Hagrid.
All I can say it runs well on my base xbox original it can hold the 480p
I mean sh!t I play it on my gameboy on the bus going to work. Still get the puddle splashes and d!cks poppin out
CD Projekt Red: "I'm releasing the game, chef"
Gordon Ramsay: "It's Raaaaw!"
"Its undercooked, you fucking donut!"
Ramsay " what are you!?"
Cdpr " an idiot sandwhich"
"You fucking donkey!" 😆
@@matthewlugo2417 umm except everyone was pressuring them into release it early so thats on the fans
@@davidhamilton1632 yes but also no lol dont be stupid u really think a multimillion copy would listen to fans and consumers? No they were listening to the money that was drifting away in the Christmas wind, hearing their bosses telling them to just release it and fix it later. God dont u miss the days when games came out complete, you know u buy a game expecting a good product and what u get is half assed, buggy and lackluster
I can confirm that atleast on th ePS5 it runs a locked 60fps. resolution looks a bit blurry and some visual bugs are annoying but other than that, its runs good! So if you want to play this on console, i reccomend waiting on when you can get your hands on next gen
This game runs horrible even on ps5. I crash every 30 minutes. Just wait until they make the game right period.
The framerate dips often but not to 15 fps rip
yo tbag how you doing
Runs fine on the XSX for me at least
I have been playing it on ps5 for several hours. I have not experienced any frame drops. It's smooth and runs fine. I have seen a few glitched, but not many.
Console Users: Go back to Sleep Cowboy the city isn’t Rendered yet.
I can’t find the bed :(
The bed glitched out
It's called Night-City because it takes a whole night to load
PS5 (console) user here. Game runs fine :)
"If you can bare 30 frames a second or less." Hundreds of hours on Skyrim on console is finally paying off
That's not even the real issue... Driving around the city, the game constantly freezes moving even small distances, anywhere in the map. And then there's the LOD settings set to potato. CDPR should refund all base console copies of the game!
@@JohnathanSherbert it also crashes constantly cause it can't handle some cutscenes...
Try playing Dayz on console lol
@@JohnathanSherbert bruh all the Npcs of characters are clones it’s god awful and I’m playing on Xbox one x
5:36 "Seems like they've nailed it" as trucks merge themselves into a single superior life form
Ironic isnt it? XD
I thought I was the only one who saw that😂😂
that’s just how deliveries are done in the future. When you got too many packages, just merge with the truck in the next lane to make delivering them faster
Omg what an underrated comment! 😂
What are you talking about??
First time watching "Before u buy" after buying the game.
Oh the irony 😔
You must be new here... Welcome lol
did that once with fallout 76 newer again
I just got the game as an early Christmas present, and I don't like the sound of it.
@@emilpedif u got it tri it never judge before u tri but i am an old scool rpg dude and in this game i dont see nothing new but thats me
When Jackie took a chip out to give to me, it was glitched into being his gun...quite an interesting scene.
same thing happened to me
Everytime i park my car and get out and come back...my car is usually floating.
@@brenancheong2071 I've had a lot floating weapons, but I don't think my vehicle has yet.
@@k.b.peterson8022 is it a feature then? The weapons and cars levitate when you're not around
Spoiler Alert: DONT BUY ON BASE PS4
Or Xbox one ☝️
or ps4 pro ima try to refund it now
@@babyblues3205 no point in refunding when u get a free ps5 upgrade
@@zachpreikszas1068 you gotta have a ps5 in the first place tho 😂😂
To late
Gameranx is that one channel everyone watched but nobody talks about.
Their branding is kind of bland. They come off as just another safe cookie cutter ‘gamer’ channel like IGN.
I know! I’ve talked with my friends very little about this channel. It’s always a pleasant surprise when they know this channel.
because theyre a quantity over quality channel
They kinda playsafe channel that why nobody talk about them
Go back to Sleep Samurai, the city isn't rendered yet
What a Legend
HA! amazing!
100% original comment
Yeah, on low end pc’s and old gen consoles
Who's here for another episode of "After You Buy"?
After u fuck up in my case, this game is crashing more then a boeing 767 on a September 11th...
@@daniajax4958 u clearly dont know anyone who died in 9/ll, thats not fuckin funny man
That’s the only time I watch these lol
@@chicken4090 it is snowflake
Jake: "There's a lot of 'buts' in this game. Not 'butts' but 'buts.'"
Everyone: But there are also a lot of butts.
Following Panam around is one of the best parts of her missions...
If you mean Johnny's floating cigarette butts, yes.
The p e n I s 2...
Butt for sale 100 €$
1:27 "butts, not like butts but butts"
me, a non native english speaker: I hear no difference
Same here
Well a “butt” is your ass. A lot of “but’s” essentially means a lot of issues. Like “the game was great BUT”.
there is no difference in pronunciation.
@@cs1456 flabtastic!
@@cs1456 How is that...?
If this was Bethesda's, these bugs would be features.
Microsoft purchased Bethesda so we won't have to worry about their shit anymore.
It just works
Good luck installing Microsoft games...
If Microsoft integrated Bethesda and obsidian together
They could bitchslapp all other game companies
@SandboxArrow exactly their only really flops were eso and 76, the comment makes no sense
Jake: before you buy
Me: watching after I buy every single time
Amd has screwed up again. We know that from them. Lousy ray tracing performance. And what is even worse, no DLSS.
Without Dlss you can forget about graphics cards.
I can play cyberpunk in 4k 60 FPS max with my 3090. AMD fans can only dream of that. They continue to play around with their 6900 xt at 25 FPS.
@@mal-avcisi9783 I’m a console player and the game is great. But looks amazing on pc waiting for next gen patch and I’ll do a second play through whenever that is
U have the skill to say I don't understand and I don't care. Without saying it.
@@mal-avcisi9783 i bought my i5 system for $187 with AMD r9 290x 6 years ago. I probably enjoy the game just as much as you with my 30fps on high settings, without dreaming.
"Driving is a little bouncy and floaty.." I wish I knew this before I took the interstate off ramp at 140 hit the wall and bounced into the river
Get the Quadra V-Tech on Forza Horizon 4, finally decent vehicle feel
This helps so much. I've been hearing a lot about the issues/glitches that people come across and it's made me hesitant to buy the game. What he said about it being okay to wait for updates and it depending on your tolerance for glitches and when and where you're playing the game makes a lot of sense. So glad I found this video
You happy you bought this boring walking sim? Bugs still to this day and terrible RPG that isn’t even a RPG?
@@chazs6854 Bro chill. I never said I actually bought the game
@@chazs6854 you was waiting for years for this game weren't you💀why else would a person be so salty about that
Broooo the graphics on PC thoughhh! I'm playing full 4K setup on Xbox One X and its like GTA 5 on Xbox 360
do you lag?
I wouldn’t buy it, just buy the new consoles.
I mean only suckers are gonna buy a game designed for the newer superior console
@@internetexpert8153 I was about to buy the game then I thought to myself hmm let’s research before buying this new game as some games seem there very good but in the end there shit.
After an hour of researching about this game I have final,y realised its not worth buying this game unless you have the Xbox X or Ps5, or a very fast and good gaming computer.
@@internetexpert8153 yet pc’s are stronger.
Jake: I could have spent 10 hours in the beginning area.
Me. ........
I did spend 10 hrs in the beginning area.
Uuuhmm I spend 30 hours in the beginning area😅
10hrs in chapter 1
Damn that means I'll end up with 4p hours in the intro
same mate, before i went to chapter two i was lvl 9 and had 22 rep lol
I spent 1000 hours at the loading screen.
my personal favorite feature is characters getting stuck in a sitting animation and simply hovering while guiding me to the objective🥲
That sounds so hilarious I honestly wouldn't be mad if it happened to me.
are u plying on old gen or new gen(ps5 or xbox x)
No one wants or likes that. Stop defending this mess.
@@Wackaz He was making something called "a joke", ever heard of that?
I got stuck in a crouching animation lol
CDPR 2019 "out when it's ready"
Sony 2020 " out when it's ready"
good one
At least Sony gives out good looking exclusives with great graphics and physics even if its just a base ps4 and they end up getting nominated for game awards
I'll just go play the Witcher again, I think they finished it.
You think they finished it so don't really know if they did finish it. 🤪
@@grifnger1978 what?
let us be confused together.
The witcher 3 is a garbage game. Shit boring combat, generic storyline and characters, it's a bargain bin wannabe rpg. Face reality the new AC are just the witcher 3 but actually fun
@@drunkhusband6257 name checks out
Damn sounds like they should've just waited till 2021 at least. I'm going to wait till mid next year on ps5.
Did you see how the "fans" reacted to a 3 weeks delay? Imagine 3 months.
@@freddogrosso9835 I think that falls into the outspoken minority. Casuals are what make or break a games success especially of this magnitude. N they have other games they are playing and will jump to Cyber punk once they hear how amazing it is. If it would've came out complete
I’m most likely going to wait until we get the true PS5 version. I don’t even have the next gen console yet so no point in playing it on my launch PS4
My 3080 running the game real great ... Man i feel bad for base console players ...
@@xinpengli943 Don't. There are still tons of great non-broken games for us.
You know what's sad about gaming right now? He had to say 'in-game money' when talking about purchasing upgrades.
Literally within 3 seconds I came across this part of the video
Ubisoft wanna say hello
no micro-transactions for you bud
I noticed this as well lol
I didnt understand it can you explain
Ended up finishing the game. Really nice story, wonderful characters, great voice acting, city is graphically impressive. Everything else? Kinda bad. I'm gonna hold off on a second playthrough until more patches roll out, potentially until stripped content is added back in.
AI is terrible
Exactly. Almost done with my first playthrough. Gonna wait for the expansions before I do a new playthrough. Also gonna buy a Ps5 for a better experience.
i feel like all the crazy details went to the wrong place. you can fuck bad bitches but can't enjoy the game on console. graphics are "amazing" on pc, but looks like city skylines on xbox.
Is the game still bugged?
@@Unreleasedarchive3.5 id like to know as well, plus I'm running on ps4 pro. I'm a edge whether to pull trigger to get now or not
Now I have gift card credit so it would be no money out of pocket
Remember people, this game was announced even before PS4/Xone were released
And was forced to be finish through a pandemic and retail sellers command
@@dominioeffect1955 yup stupid gamers
@@dominioeffect1955 still doesn’t change the fact that the game has crashed 5 times with me only playing it for a couple of hours
@@dominioeffect1955 That's still no excuse. The game was in development for 7 YEARS. The state of the game now, looks like as if they started development at the end of last year. CDPR basically scammed console players. They knew the game couldn't run on current-gen, therefore they only gave pc copies to reviewers and all current-gen gameplay got taken down before dec 10th. So don't blame the pandemic or retailers. CDPR knew exactly what they were doing.
@@dominioeffect1955 "forced to finish".....7 years later.
I feel like this game legit necessitates a Before You Buy. There seem to be so many caveats depending on platform you’re using etc.
I feel u should buy a pc , your ps4 is very weak
I blame scalpers. So many people would've had a better experience if the consoles weren't scalped to hell.
@@juniordasilva910 Ps4 is not the only console in existence
@@Simon-oy7kf wait it's not...
At this point if your not playing in PC(a beefy one) just wait
I’m willing to hold off on the game until they’ve had a chance to patch it. Overall smooth gameplay is always worth the wait for me.
Good call
@Grant Todd OK bro chill go play gta online and be cool
@Grant Todd This idiot probably a GTA fan lol. GTA doesn't even have some of the things you mentioned lol.
@Grant Todd This is what bothers me the most. I bought the game for the X. I loaded it on, but decided to wait for better optimization, or the Series X. The stuff you're talking about though, really sucks. It ruins the immersion, and actually has me questioning wether or not I want to play it at all. I'm going to give it a few hours for sure, but I'm not nearly as hyped as I was before.
I mean the patch they put out last night increased my FPS up 10 and I’ve experienced maybe 2 bugs?
I love the story, the atmosphere or the city, the side missions, the writing/narrative. Of course the bugs and glitches need work, and also the gameplay (like shooting and driving) could’ve used some tweaks. The game needed more time, but I still really enjoy it and with time I think this game will be outstanding.
This aged well
Me after playing 10 hours of cyberpunk: *watches before you buy*
im one of those people that really treat before you buys as after you boughts
same, but I just love watching before you buys
@@kingordsh6211 I like to watch them just so I can hear his opinion on the game’s
29 hours in 😅
This game is the most brutal display of "PC Master Race" I've seen in years
Can't agree more!
Its just badly optimized because of the crunch it should be better
Games fine on ps4 pro and ps5 and witcher 3 was pretty bad at launch.
PCs meh. They didn't get rdr2 at launch, God of War, theyre Betas now tbh.
@@erasertraceur3741 lmao anyone who says pc master race usually lives at their pc
As a console peasant I sadly have to agree
“Wake up, We have a PC to burn.”
"Go back to sleep samurai, we have a city to render"
@@flamsauce9158 nice
This game is gonna be SICK in a year and a half when it’s $30 and the worst of the bugs are fixed
Little too late
To late next contender will take the spotlight by then and this will be forgotten
Imagine this in VR
No it will suck
maybe in ten year with good graff
if u could walk around and run with VR
You'd get like 5 fps. Pass.
I had two kids and got married between the announcement and launch.
That's a long ass timed to be in development.
Exactly same... XD
GG 😂
and it could have used a few more months at least
Well it's like raising a child stupid.
And this still released buggy af😂
This solidified for me that I’m going to wait a bit to pick this thing up. Thank you Jake.
Yea let them get the bugs out
Yeah I got the game and then read the comments about this game. I played through the prologue and did a few quests and then just went "yeah, maybe I'll wait until there's a huge patch or a PS5 in the store".
As long as you eventually experience this game! It deserved the hype!
@Morty Smith im on series x and have had a lot of bugs. Only 4 have broken the game though: one hard crash, one infinite loading screen, got the Cassius wont give me my reward glitch, and i just got off the game cause it isnt letting me track a quest i wanted to do.
7:55 Vik stole your pants after he took out your eye
That intro was too wholesome, we are grateful for you too Jake!
2019 ,- can it run crysis?
2020 - can it run cyberpunk?
You mean 2009?
Meh, this game does not qualify for that question. Its a terribly made game that needed more time to be properly developed. In about 5 years or so, Raycevick will probably have a video showing all the crap the devs went through and did/didn't do. The performance of this game isn't because of its high demand for hardware, its because it is extremely poorly optimized and/or ironed out. Took so long to make yet they somehow managed to rush it out the oven. Talk about a meme.🤦🏿
@@FlyLikeATachyon ya remastered
@@siddharth-wy2kp that’s not the meme tho
Def a work still in progress. Needs another 20 minutes in the oven.
I feel like it will get good eventually like when gta online first came out it was bad but with all the updates and crap load content got 10x better
Also you: Delayed again??!! Canceled!!!
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn wat
Yea the Witcher 3 definitely improved significantly after launch, so hopefully they can put at least as much work into this. I'm worried that with a multiplayer mode coming out they'll skimp on single player, but we'll see...
Conspiracy: This game was never suppose to be a fully finished game but just a tech demo.
But that’s just a theory, a game theory
Underrated comment lol
It’s meta
Lmao that and every game that was F2P. “Beta Mode”
@@Ghuttenlocke Conspiracy: The game took so long to come out because the producers couldn't decide if the game was going to be free to play, or AAA price. They decided AAA and stripped the game down to core so they can sell back cut content as dlc.
The lesson:
Under-promise, over-deliver.
8 million pre-orders contradict that. Clearly all you need are promises
Oh and celebrity guests for marketing
The real ones to suffer were console gamers who were scammed at this point.
That's what they did with Witcher 3.
Haha I like it
Lol, everyone clowned on the stadia for running this game and ended up being one of the most stable ports of the game after PC.
Yeah honestly I'm really enjoying it. Everyone kept telling me there is tons of input lag, but it's identical to local play even with a VPN and my okay-ish 30Mbps connection. I'll probably use this version until I build my new PC.
I hope they enable ray-tracing when they switch to gen 2 Stadia blades.
Single-player next gen games are where stadia can shine. Nobody cares for latency when you pick a dialogue option.
This is why I do think game streaming is *a* future of gaming. I fully believe it will eventually replace the low end gaming market, but I don't think our internet infrastructure is there yet in many places, and I don't think game streaming physically can ever replace the experience of having decent to high end hardware at home. My major issue with Stadia is that you don't truly own the games you buy there in that if google decides to shitcan stadia(which I do not actually expect to happen to be fair) you're just out whatever money you spent on the games. What I would prefer to see in the future of game steaming is stuff like Xcloud and Geforce Now, where you either buy the game separately somewhere else and stream it(with Geforce Now you are basically accessing a portion of your Steam library), or it is a subscription service where you don't need to buy the games. Hell, didn't even subscribe to Xbox Game Pass for Xcloud, yet a solid 95%+ of the time I have spent with gamepass games has been on Xcloud due to the fact that I don't need to be at my computer to play them and I don't even need to install them.
@[ WANT S Ė Х ] Rita , 25 y.o ! OPEN MY HOME VIDEO ! why do I see you in every comment?
but stadias shit
I can’t even get my hands on a ps5... and for those saying “ItS FoR NeXt GEn ConSoLes” no it was meant to come out before the ps5 and series x came out
Facts. It was definitely developed using a PlayStation 4 and Xbox devkit for years, ps5 developer kits didn’t come out until like a year or two ago. So it was definitely meant for pc and current gen but I think they had to delay to make it more suitable for the next generation of consoles very late into development. Idk what happened to the dev process but rn it runs terribly on ps4.
Most of the idiots that comment on TH-cam have some logical excuse as to why a shitty product is ok, it's like regardless what it's meant for if it's released on older consoles it needs to run properly on them if they are charging for you to play it.
PS5 version isn't even out yet. just backwards compatibility. Should've delayed the game and released properly. Embarrassing from CDPR.
Just thinking but waaaaay back in 2012 weren't they saying this would see a pc launch before the consoles at the time, honestly I think they should have gone that route.
At first it was but I think since the new consoles have been announced and the delays, they probably changed it to run on the newer consoles
What I get from watching this review: "If you didn't get your hopes up, you'll love this game lol".
yeah i completely avoided any spoilers or news of this game and so far i love this game going on my second playthrough i find the glitches and bugs amusing,
@@thejoyghost17 same, I was like the only one who didn't really care about it but in the end I decided to try it anyways and I really love it.
I never followed the release of this game but still nervous about buying it. Everyone seems to say its okay but not great.
@@austinkolk866 if your on pc I'd say buy it. If console then don't unless your getting it in next gen perhaps?
That was me with Mass Effect and I loved it so much when I finally gor to play it some years ago.
First time I watched a gameranx’s “before you buy” and actually haven’t bought the game yet.
I'm just gonna wait for the dedicated next gen version now and hope all the issues are patched out by then. Cannot justify buying it in this state.
Disregard it. Seriously. People are whiny bitches today. I play on 7 years old playstation 4. Game is phenomenal. Revolutionary as the witcher. I never played something like this before, i havent even dreamed that a medium such as video games could produce such cultural product. Im talking about the cinematic feeling in the game and world/lore. Its undescribable and blew me away, quality jump is insane. Wouldnt say its bug free but its waaaaaaay better than kingdom come deliverance on launch. I expected bloody unplayable mess from all the "comments" and "reviews". What i got was only 3 crashes in 16 hours which just delayed me for 5 minutes each and about ~20 minor graphical texture/model bugs. One quest breaking bug which was resolved in 2 minutes by reloading a save. Dont bother me. I mean, fuck, the scale of this game... This game is like the first AAAA game ever. Graphics are fine for me on ps4, people who complain about rendering are really whiny little bitches. 0.5-4 seconds at the most for me, usually ~1 second.
@Mr. Kasshu I didn’t watch some of them
Holy shit its "paano mo nasabi?" dude
The beginning of the game where you have to climb that tower to get a signal, as soon as I opened the ‘box’ I flew across the map..Next level gameplay
While roaming around I have been noticing NPC’s tower each other like sitting on top of each other
That's the fast travel, mate.
Give me the whole far cry vibe
i distinctly remember making the "maybe next year" joke in 2016.... but maybe ill wait til yet another next year
Should buy this game? 😅
@@TheKing-qu8cm I wouldn’t buy it unless you have a mid-high tier PC or a next gen console.
And that is why I am one of your followers. Your not getting mad at over the glitches that are happening. Thank you for the understanding of that because yes I am on a base Xbox one but let me tell you I’ve waited for years for this game and it. Compared to many of the newer games out anymore I love the game!!! I didn’t even know there was a prologue... after already 20 hours in!!! I am loving it and thank you for you review!!
"I haven't change the format or anything..."
Bro if it's not broke don't fix it. You're obviously doing something right so keep it up 👌🏽
@@gameranxTV No problem Happy Hoildays :)
This is kind of a PC exclusive with that console performance.
I truly feel sorry for those people who spent sixty bucks on this game for consoles. May they rest in peace.
High-End* PC Performance
Last gen at least. Let’s hope the PS5 and Series X/S versions are well optimised.
Thank you... it does NOT play good on my base ps4, i cant even play witout my game crashing and the grapics give me headaches..
works on stadia fine
Gotta start watching these videos BEFORE i buy the games, not while its installing lmao
As of February, this game runs as intended. Played it on a couple PCs, one with Geforce now and one with an older i7 and GTX1080, and I've played it on the Xbox without encountering any noticeable bugs on any of them. I played on each platform for at least 4 hours, as well.
This game is amazing, though. It's right up there with the Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, for me. Aside from the NPC AI, which I did notice is very lacking compared something like Kingdom Come where every NPC has a routine that gives the impression they're leading actual lives, Night City is one of the best open worlds ever made.
I'm on One X, and aside from a few visual glitches- everything has been good. So continuing with fingers crossed 🤞
Same im on xbox one x as well. I had freezes and crashes during driving at first but after the last patch everythings been smooth. Frames can get down low sometimes thu.
Great to know! I'm at work while it's downloading at home on my one x.
So damn excited
Be careful when drinking. I got a glitch where I had a permanent drunk effect visual glitch. Everything I tried doing didn't fix it until I deleted the game and reinstalled it. If you drink and the effect doesn't go away, then be sure to have a saved game from before you drank so it doesn't effect you when you load that back up. If that doesn't work then hope deleting it and reinstalling it will work. So far that's the only game breaking glitch I got. Other than that it's all minor stuff that I can get by with no big deal.
Im on Xbox Series S ,playing on a 4k tv , looks verry well , i didnt had any pronlemes. No low frames , no glitches... I'm waiting for the next gen version.
@@psychopompazire3078 dont be, the game sucks
Me, who purchased a preorder copy in August 2019: *watches Before You Buy*
Preordering a game since what happend to the industry the last 10 years is not wise my friend.
Copied comment, and u didn't pre order it
Even though you copied this comment for no apparent reason other than useless internet points, anyone who pre ordered a Triple A game today deserves to have their money wasted and I hope cyberpunk is bad so you fanboys get hid with a hard reality check to never pre order such a game. Bye
@@MichaelJ44 legend status
@@batnigga2862 buddy I pre ordered it in Jan....don’t be salty cuz ur too broke to buy it 🧂 🤫
So instead of ‘but can it run Crysis’ I’m going to hear ‘Can it run Cyberpunk?’
Flight sim 2020 is the new "will it run champ".
I mean can CDPR even run Cyberpunk?
@@WilliamStewart1 p
"Can it run Crysis Remastered, or Cyberpunk at 4k?"
I love how he kept the camera angle in the convo with Evelyn the same way I kept it after my mom leaned in to check on me lol
"Why so many people hate this game? We personally love it so much, especially all the bugs!!!"
-Timon & Pumbaa
Its the super nerds and the people who make games... they tend to be picky as shit
But to be honest the base PS4 version is to broken
@@DeathWing572 finally someone said it, everyone complains FPS this and FPS that, like as long as the gameplay is good, I don’t care much for graphics.
@@Drdank-we3fj if the frames are below 30 then the gameplay is dogshit
I can't afford this game. Can you do a before you steal?
Before you pirate
The game is already leaked and released on illegal torrent sites within 1 hour of launch
But you can afford the hardware to play it on??? or did you steal that as well...
fitgirl repacks, your welcome
@Sonny the Duck the game has no DRM and GOG let you preload so you can pirate the preload files days in advance and only have to download the executable when it releases
Before you buy: don't buy on current consoles.
Last gen consoles
Pretty much
Ps5=next gen
Ps4=current gen
@@yasha_nurmagomedov ps5 is the new current gen console, ps4 is now last gen. Not that hard to figure out. Doesnt mean it should run poorly on ps4 though.
Imagine in the future this game running on mobile devices just fine, and here we are in 2020 with what we have.
Check out stadia
Yeah lol. I thought it was crazy when I had Minecraft, Fortnite, PubG mobile, and Call of Duty mobile all on my phone the world is just gonna keep evolving
It already runs perfectly well on mobile via Google Stadia
Future is VR
I wanna keep playing, but the blurriness hurts my eyes. Turning off the filters helped but still too blurry
If you haven't, turn off motion blur and film grain. Also what platform, and if on PC what specs?
yea, I had to turn off motion blurr completely or else my eyes were hurting aswell
You can add more sharpeness with geforce experience for this game - or just accept thst the blurriness and stuff Luke this is Part of the game
Play on pc.
Nexus mods already has reshaders up if you're on pc.
In conclusion, we waited 8years to customise pubic hair so it’s game of the year
What else did you expect😐
It made me not care when a bug made my character walk around without pants. Because i dyed her bush
doesn't even run well on PC, this game is shit
Me: waits 5 years for game tbe released
Also me: waits for another 5 years for the game to finish rendering...
Me too: waits 10 years for the plot cutscene to Load
@@snifey7694 I think I will leave the job of completing this game to my children
Me: I really want this game
My computer: No you don't
Me trying to run it on rtx 1030: cries in 9 FPS
I have an omen with a nvidia graphics card and Ryzen processor, can I run it lol? I have no idea I just know my bestie got the Alienware bull and looks like a beast but crashes constantly, I never have and have more space! I dunno but my laptop is badass
Listen to your computer lmao
Yoo i thought average people use rtx2060/rx580/gtx1650ti
Runs perfect on my acer predator helios 300 with an RTX 2060 on ultra altough if i turn on ray tracing it looses a little bit fps
Jackie straight up just vibes through a locker and and an elevator. CYBERPUNK 2077 cue the music
Me: buys xbox one so I can play cyberpunk
Cyberpunk: No
It runs ok on my Xbox one
I’m enjoying it on PS4 slim.
should've bought a 4000 dollar PC... whats that, can't afford it? TOO BAD says the corpo suits, why aren't you a millionare!!!???
@@TheTrippySoul A decent PC with a bit of research and avoiding prebuilts can be obtained with $800-1300, which is the equivalent of a new console and new iphone that is more frequently bought. You don't have to drop a fortune to even play 90% of the games you most likely want to
@@sheenhart yeah and games are cheaper on pc compared to consoles
“Can you put up with 30fps?”
I mean, I did for most of my gaming life.
Right?? Bunch of whiners.
I'm playing the game at 15 FPS lol it's not THAT bad. It always surprises me when people complain about 30 FPS, it's just weird to me because it's what I'm used to.
it mostly runs around 15-25 fps.
@@Palavon_of_Shiraz thats not the problem, the problem is the game cant even hit stable 30 fps
I play on PC, and its amazing! love the game and story line, so much fun. Great job Project Red.
Maybe good on pc, on console it’s fucking hell because of all the glitches.
Not a great job but lick more boots
Two worlds of Cyberpunk, strong PCs: "Oh my God, I have never seen nothing like this before!" and on base consoles: "Oh my God, I have never seen nothing like this before!".
In fact it’s not good on pc too unless you have really good computers.
I have an rtx 2070 and a new i7 and it still runs like dog shit in some spots.
@@mr.typical3169 hey, at least the settings menu is optimized
I have an i5 7th gen and a 1070, it looks like potato mode. My pc cries in fps
Make it 3
On my pc : Oh my God, 12fps
Remember when people said
"can it run Crysis?"
Yeah, me neither
Lol, imagine if “ Can it run CP?” is the new saying 😂
@@ElektricEli I hope they aren’t asking if it can run CP......
@@meteorjohnson139 heh
@@meteorjohnson139 i tried to run CP yesterday but i got a visit from the FBI
Im old enough to remember this, and people forget just how stupid crysis was
imo, the driving could be much better, it has a saints row feel to me.
You're harsh with Saints Row.
The speed number displayed, supposedly in mph, looks more like kph
I can't control it for shit and I'm constantly running innocent pedestrians over or getting my car stuck in weird ass places. Total turn off to drive but the world is too big to get around effectively. The fast travel spots only open up after you encounter them from what I can tell so that is a huge drag.
The cars are bugged af
I loved saints row
I love it so far, Story line is awesome to. Also they just came out with a huge patch, addressing many bugs & problems. My personal opinion, it's actually worth buying.
Cyperpatch 2077, "Is that a bigger hard drive or are you just happy to see me?"
"Yup, deleted 2 games just for you, Cyberpatch sir. Indeed, I am very pleased to finally see you. Cyberpunk is getting a bit, unimmersive, to say the least. Hope you can help."
Its a bigger hard drive.... 🤦♂️
Yeah, it's uhh.. it's a brand new SSD.
100gb is alot these days why cant ganes be like modern warfare with its Tiny size
147 Gigs in my PS4 currently
5:38 "straight up love the driving"
*Two semi trucks collide*
Lol I don’t see any trucks colliding
@@The_nega_ch1n watch it closer the two trucks merge into one😆😂
two trucks having sex
@@greenbin3028 🆗
I remember Cdpr said "The game will be out when it's ready". Well then, I'll buy it when it's ready. I'm fine with waiting a few months to play the game as intended
I respect that and I wish more people thought like you.
And honestly I feel like buying this game because of the glitches. I’ve found that most of the glitches I come across in games make me laugh. As long as there aren’t any gameplay breaking glitches on PC then I’ll probably buy it as soon as I can so I get to experience the funny glitches.
@@kamorikioko My thoughts exactly
Unless you got a nice PC.
Fanboys making excuses
Since patch 1.05 this game runs quite well on PS5. My crashes are fewer now. maybe one in 4 hrs compared to every other hour. Night City is the star of the show here. It's an amazing backdrop for all the storylines and character building. This game deserves a 9 out of 10 had it released in a better condition. It's a diamond in the rough, and I hope it's reviewers don't pass a final judgement on it in its current state. It's disappointing considering the years of hype, and that's understandable, but there's a really good game here for those patient enough to whether the open world birthings like RDR2, Skyrim and Fallout all have in common.
The best advice you always give is "it is ok to wait, there are many games out there"
Many games just like this one. Hell, Fallout 4, Outer Worlds, Skyrim ffs... It's just as clunky and messy
@@RRRRRRRRR33 final fantasy, yakuza
@@RRRRRRRRR33 Skyrim is good though? I never have problems, even with mods. (PS4 user) fallout 4 made it seem like bethesda thought I couldn’t read.
@@ghosttoast2825 Skyrim without mods is actually a piece of shit, but anyway... I mentioned other similar games who can fill this "void" so to speak. I played 8 hours or so and Cyberpunk feels like Outer Worlds with a budget. It's ok, not bad, but far from being great. Many people expected the second coming of Jesus, I just wanted it to have the same quality of New Vegas ... in the end, none of the outcomes were achieved
Oblivion 4 is the best ever
Hate to admit it but this one of those games that probably should’ve been made only for PC or pc & next gen
100%, and this comes from a ps4 player. I honestly think it'll be impossible to optimize this game for last gen (even something like a stable 30 fps, 1080p) so CDPR effectively scammed us console players.
I'm gonna wait around till the next gen patch comes, get myself a ps5 and them play through the game.
@@tumei1851 I you think about it, it explains the free ps5 and series x upgrade. Cdpr was probably expecting it wouldn't run well on ps4 and Xbox one.
@@l33tr52 definetily, it's much clearer now and honestly it's the one positive thing to come from this console situation. Because I was already planning on getting a ps5, I don't feel like I wasted my money but for those who aren't planning on upgrading any time soon, they should feel robbed.
I guess in the meanwhile as I wait for the upgrade I'll finish all of the remaining last gen games I wanna experience, like metal gear V and the bioshock games. I refuse to play through Cyberpunk in that state.
@Kels because the game was built for those 7 year old consoles.
@Kels I get the arquement, but CDPR intentionally didn't show footage of the base consoles fully knowing they run like shit (almost unplayable). This wouldn't be a problem if they would've informed customers about the state of the last gen console versions. Instead, they lied and claimed that the last gen versions run "suprisingly well" in an investors call and wanted to profit from all of those console players like me and their pre order cash. Excuse me, but I think I have a right to feel scammed.
When talking about driving and cars: "Seems like they nailed it!"
*shows footage of two cars colliding and clipping through each other*
5:36 lmao
@@luciobosss3767 oh I forgot the time stamp, thanks!
Well that's a graphical issue not a gameplay issue. He's just saying you driving the car is good. That's it
Also there's no actual driving A.I.
All the cars are bounded by set paths. Get in front of one and they won't go around you; because there's no AI to make that decision.
Yikes, that’s just ridiculous
WTF!?! A legit review that isn't bashing and QQ-fanboi'ing all over the place!? THANK YOU!! BIG +1 on this vid, good info, no spoilers/crying, good critique.
"It has a lot of bugs."
Me, who has been playing skyrim since its release: *haha, ok*
Thats exactly what I was thinking haha
Except Skyrim was playable on the PS3, cyberpunk is utter garbage on the PS4. I’m a huge Cd project red fan but this shit sucks.
@@nathanielr2326 that's why you get a ps5 or series x
@@skeetiediabete152 Thats such a stupid argument. Almost no one managed to get a PS5 or Seriex X and this game was originally meant to release before they were even announced. You can't sell a game in this state.
Most game breaking bug that happened for me in Skyrim was during Civil War quest for imperials was getting ready to do that ambush quest and a Dragon decided to crash that quest line completely.
there are so many little animations that are missing or just half assed that really pull you out of the game, even sound design is missing where it feels important.
Glad I held off buying! Will get PS5 version when released!
emm.. aren't you paris hilton?
@@mosu95 can’t you read, clearly she’s not
@@jeefneef9307 idk man, I really think she’s Paris Hilton
@@jeefneef9307 she might be telling us shes not Paris Hilton to throw us off the scent
I was really disappointed with the character creator. They said there was gonna be like super amazing and deep, and it was... really surface level and limiting :/
This really surprised me too. I expected at least something as good as an MMO released in the past couple of years. Maybe something that at least gets close to Black Desert Online, not something more limited than Skyrim from a decade ago.
And you can't even change your hair after the character creation
@@gayku7643 Wait, there's no proper barbershops?
@@kae9321 no. There's nothing in the world. It's completely lifeless.
@@kae9321 No. No surgeons, no tattoo artists, no barbershops, and no way to transform equipment, so you'll often equip ugly clothes that give better stats.
Love the optimism!
Personaly, I’m the kind of person who tends to just enjoy what is to have.
Hell, I had put up with 15 FPS Minecraft on low graphic settings for ages, now I tend to stick to being at 20 FPS.
Glitches are more fun then a bother to me, though it’s like said in the video, if it locks ya, it’s a shame.
To be fair though, I’m someone who plays on a old MacBookPro and PS2. So I have had to adapt to my hardware.
Naturally, this means I’ve not played Cyberpunk 2077, But I’m looking into it cause some friends wanna do a Pen and papper roleplay in a cyberpunk setting
Underrated joke
I don't need motion blur, i got lag
noooooo 💀💀💀
Side note, motion blur is the worst in games
Why not have both?
Rdr2 legitimatly ruined npc's for the rest of my life.
Howdy pardner
How come?
Yeah it has the Best npcs out of any game, but i never really cared about npc's in games to be honest
@@stevemagic5358 cuz it's NPCs are amazing and we got used to that and now every other game is garbage.
Rip console users, I love how cdpr hid the console version from us.
It runs very well on my console
@Foaad Hisham most of us don’t have a ps5 or Xbox so most of us have the shittier version
@Foaad Hisham Thank God I have a Series X. 😁
@Foaad Hisham why even release it on ps4 if it didn't run well
@@HitmanStark Shouldn't that have been obvious from the start?
This was a perfectly balanced review and I think that is the reason for your continued channel growth. Your assessment is very objective and genuine at a time when we are getting bombarded with emotionally driven opinions of the game. Keep it up Jake! You are my go to for no spoiler reviews. I bought this and will continue to support cdpr and I’m sure they will fix the game eventually but of course it’s a bummer how things unfolded.
Hmm, sounds like you wanted someone to tell you that the game wasn’t that bad so that you could buy it even though deep down you wanted it the whole time lol
Don’t worry, I love the game, have beat it twice and have over 200 hours. I’m not trying to get at you, it just seems like that’s what happened here 😂
Probably the Most Important "Before You Buy" on this channel there is
Unless you are 60 gigabytes of the 23.5 terabytes per second pre load on steam
They tried to warn us it wasn't ready.
I did not follow the news on CDPR. How did they warn you guys?
Yeah 7 years wasn’t enough sadly
@@vakie3250 They kept delaying it. Eventually people got too pissed off and they decided no more delays. They should have let it sit for a while, but I understand why they would want this out before Christmas.
Let's be honest here, this game was not in development for that long. They only took it seriously in 2016, maybe
Seems pretty ready to me, no issues. It's great.
Everyone's standards dropped so low, a game shouldn't have hella updates to make it good especially since back then games couldn't even update
True! Everyone dragged Days hone to hell for bugs at launch and nlw we count on updates for Cyberpunk which runs so bad on PS4 and Xbone which were supposed to its main consoles!
Back then companies didn't have to hear "change, bigger, better, more visuals. Your final boss is too op fix it." Every game release. Back then you got what you got and you couldn't really bitch. Then came the big ole internet allowing "everyone" to suddenly become a fucking critic who believes they know the inner workings of coding and say "change it ITS NOT THAT HARD!". From my perspective "we" are the ones who have ruined companies in terms of "quality" due to us never being satiated.
The issue of when Art and Corporate interests meet -
It's cause it's CDPR. if it was Bethesda or EA the internet would be on fire
@@vdevil5232 People who say this don't understand the complexity of modern day games. It's not just the complaining, it's the fact there are thousands of times more opportunities for things to go wrong when you have an open world game with millions of complex interactions compared to linear 2D side scrollers or 3d games with 3000 polygons.
I'm not advocating for buggy releases, but saying those "remember when" arguments is laughable.
Your before you buy for Dark Souls 3 is why I bought the game, got into the series and now I've 100%'d the trilogy + sekiro. Good stuff man