If you ever have the SD40 apart again, I would like a view of the mounting bracket inside and out of the train. I am missing parts here. I also would like a height from the block to the top flat of the mount. Thanks.
I have a USA Trains NW-2. I have ordered 2 motor block from Charles RO. (Great company BTW). I have yet to see how they are held to the frame of the locomotive. Can you or anyone else point me to some procedures? They use an R22-12 S4 motor block. Slightly different than this one.
The motor blocks are held in place by the side frames of the trucks. There are small phillips screws in the side frames you need to remove. Also take a photo of which terminals the wires are connected so you get them in the correct place
Good information
If you ever have the SD40 apart again, I would like a view of the mounting bracket inside and out of the train. I am missing parts here. I also would like a height from the block to the top flat of the mount. Thanks.
I wish you could do more repair videos
Do you know if anyone sells the traction axel by itself without the wheels
You can try calling Charles Ro Supply / USA Trains and ask for Mike in parts.
Gr4eat video Thanks
I have a USA Trains NW-2. I have ordered 2 motor block from Charles RO. (Great company BTW). I have yet to see how they are held to the frame of the locomotive. Can you or anyone else point me to some procedures? They use an R22-12 S4 motor block. Slightly different than this one.
The motor blocks are held in place by the side frames of the trucks. There are small phillips screws in the side frames you need to remove. Also take a photo of which terminals the wires are connected so you get them in the correct place