🤩🤩🤩I know Multiple Launcher Rockets Systems are good, but they use unguided rockets. Maybe now they can load guided rockets. U.S HIMARS 325mm is better. They are being use in Ukraine. HIMARS rockets are equipped with GPS (Global Position System). Accuracy ratio for HIMARS is only 2 meters away from the targets. But HIMARS rockets also contain tungsten balls (small metal fragments about the size of golf ball) that can pierce through metal. So even if the rockets miss the targets by 5-8 meters, these tungsten balls will spray and hit the targets. If sharp tungsten balls hit the soldiers, they will cause serious injuries or death.
សមនឹងមានអាវុធល្អៗមកទុកការពារជាតិអ៊ីចឹងល្អណាស់ កុំចាំដល់កើតហេតុ ទើបធ្វើដងចំពាម ........ដូចមតិអ្នកខ្លះ ។
ត្រូវតែប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នអញ្ចឹងហើយទើបប្រសើរ មើលគំរូអ៊ុយក្រែនមួយដឹងហើយ អ្វីៗវាកើតឡើងមិនទៀងទេ ។
🤩🤩🤩I know Multiple Launcher Rockets Systems are good, but they use unguided rockets. Maybe now they can load guided rockets. U.S HIMARS 325mm is better. They are being use in Ukraine. HIMARS rockets are equipped with GPS (Global Position System). Accuracy ratio for HIMARS is only 2 meters away from the targets. But HIMARS rockets also contain tungsten balls (small metal fragments about the size of golf ball) that can pierce through metal. So even if the rockets miss the targets by 5-8 meters, these tungsten balls will spray and hit the targets. If sharp tungsten balls hit the soldiers, they will cause serious injuries or death.
កម្ពុជានឹងខ្លាំង អោយតែយើងសាមគ្គីគ្នារឹងមាំ។
ទុកបាញ់🚀យួន ថៃ😁
ចឹងបាន របូតកោះត្រល់ និងកោះគជ់ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
អ្នកក្រពូកែអួត 😅
យកទៅច្បាំងជាមួយនរណា? 😂😂😂😂
ยิงได้ กี่เดีอน😮ต่อเนื่อง
RM70 BM21 PHL03 ល្មមខ្ទេចចោសៀមមុនឈ្លានពានពិចារណា10ដង
អ្នកខ្លះ ខមិនមកមើលងាយជាតិខ្លួនឯង
khmer doivent achet ( Le M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) )
ត្រៀមបាញ់ក្បាលអាខ្វាងឬ 😂😂😂😂