Personally, once I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to how much they actually sell for, I could no longer justify buying them. However, now I choose to buy the *condup* bags because of the affordable price and guaranteed quality.
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, I’ve been amazed at how much the *condup* has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with every bag I’ve purchased.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
Although I had doubts about buying replica bags, *condup* dispelled my doubts. These bags have an authentic look and feel. Ever since I became a customer, I have never been disappointed with their stylish and superior quality.
I bought an LV bag *condup* years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
I am very cautious about money management. I often realize that modest investment in appearance is necessary, but excessive consumption of luxury goods is unrealistic. Through a reputable online platform, *condup* I found bags that were both decent and affordable, effectively balancing image and budget
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
Due to the constant changes in fast fashion, people don't see the value in buying real expensive bags and instead choose good *condup* . knockoffs just to have social clout. Love this video!
LV Speedy bags never go out of style. I regretted selling my first Speedy when I was 22. Now I am 56. But I bought it again in *condup* . . Louis Vuitton has always been my favorite handbag designer.
As far as color goes, the fake *condup* here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it! Haha
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *condup*
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
I have a *condup* black ecru stitch bag and I love it. I love how unique it is. No one really mentions them but they make really beautiful, high quality bags.
One time, I really wanted a Chanel bag, and I had made enough money, but when I was about to buy it, the price went up again, damn. I was so angry that I bought the same bag on *condup* .
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
I am a young professional woman who is passionate about collecting new bags from major brands. By chance I read an article about financial management and realized it would make more sense to invest that money into online courses and personal development. It wasn't until I discovered *condup* that this plan came to fruition.
I bought a super fake on a *condup* to see if I really, really wanted it. After using it for a while I ended up buying the real thing and gave the super fake to my sister and she said they were the same and I think this platform is great.
I have always been an environmental advocate and when I learned about the environmental impact of making luxury bags, I decided to look for more sustainable options. For example, the newly discovered *condup*
I am just watching this video now and I already know what bag you are referring to and I feel the exact same I’ve been thinking about it since it was released and I have been thinking should I just treat myself for Christmas *condup*
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
If I had money, I would like fashion, private label, etc. The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change my style often and keep up with trends. The *condup* meets my needs exactly.
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Personally, once I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to how much they actually sell for, I could no longer justify buying them. However, now I choose to buy the *condup* bags because of the affordable price and guaranteed quality.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake *condup* Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I've bought some terrible fakes in the past, but the three fake bags I recently bought were amazing! I'm glad the ones I bought at *condup* are great and I'm glad I own the ones I made, but I'll be saving up for the genuine ones in the future
I have a Gucci Horsebit Mini *condup* but almost bought the Jackie instead. The reason I didn’t buy it was because the Jackie is open closure while the Hosebit has a flap. It was confusing to me why so many luxury bags don’t have a safety clasp? It’s definitely a deal breaker in my opinion! So while I still love the shape of the Jackie, this just further confirmed my opinion that I made the right choice.
I love my Chanel 22 bag *condup* . Even though it is a replica of the *condup* , I still use it all the time. For me, it is like a small handbag, a bag to carry on a daily basis.
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
I have the exact same bag and for me it’s the perfect everyday size. Fits everything I need and still room to spare. I agree that if you reach for the 39 more it doesn’t make sense to keep this one as well
I have been using the Speedyb 25 *condup* . in Germany which has zippers on the interior pockets. This is definitely my most used bag and I can't imagine not having it. Definitely worth the money.
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
I really like your channel; I really like the LV Pharrell Speedy P9 50 or Speedy P9 25; however, if I can find a travel bag, I won’t spend $9,300 or $12,400 on one, so I’d probably look for a bag from the Damier Pop series *condup* . !
I have a full size reverse monogram clutch *condup* . ! I love it and I definitely want a classic monogram clutch or the East West clutch in black leather!
I think luxury has lost its luster as many of us have now dabbled in it to some degree or another and have discovered that expensive things do not bring lasting happiness. It's not worth swiping a credit card or giving up other pleasures/experiences just to save up for an overpriced bag. It's not worth worrying about what to do if your new purchase gets scratched or damaged, or what to do if you get robbed while you're out and about. I definitely agree with the comments about quality, people are tired of paying top dollar for something of similar quality to the *condup*
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
But the quality of these luxury bags is declining, while prices are rising. Chanel is now extremely expensive. I will never buy authentic Chanel. no way. I think I can only buy bags from the cost-effective *condup* .
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I still love my LV reverse monogramclutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic. *condup*
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
Great comparison video. I have the *condup* . Speedy Nano and love it. I like the look of the Pochette East West, but the middle compartment annoys me. It takes up too much space. I prefer it without it
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
I think the Neverfull *condup* . is still a great choice as long as you buy it for the right reasons. I love my Neverfull and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it. I love the Neverfull because it’s canvas (lightweight), beautiful, and the size is perfect! I don’t care if it’s overhyped or if people think my bag is fake.
I was surprised at the current price of this *condup* . Mini Clutch. I remember searching the website when I purchased it, hoping it would be in stock. When they restocked it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I paid less than $400.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the COPYMAXY leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I have both genuine bags and high quality fakes, I'm not going to can't tell the difference, *condup* is both decent and not financially stressful.
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of *condup* as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
Thanks. I bought it and it’s too small, plus Coach sent me a used bag. I’m going to get the 39 because it’s bigger and will fit all my essentials better. ❤
If you can save for the Neverfull, do it. It is worth EVERY penny. I’ve had mine for 8 years and it still looks great. I’ve used it during the snow, rain, for the gym, work, travel etc. You name it, the quality is just unmatched. It has to be my most used bag.
@@MayaHandbagsDo the Damier Ebene if you’re worried about the patina. Also it’s $2k now- I’d get it sooner than later cause it may $4k by the time you’re ready.
For quiet luxury in action, I choose *condup* to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I don’t want to use the real thing.
I saw some videos before buying the bag. It comes with the box and the dust bag so I went to the Coach store and paid full price $300+ but it doesn’t come with the box beside the dust bag. I’m disappointed and disgusted how poor coach customer service is! I went to the Coach store and the employee gave me an uncomfortable look, the look like is she gonna steal. I’m not sure why I even bought the bag after how they treated me. But yea, I’m returning the bag. I don’t think it’s worth the money especially with the horrible experience. 💔
It doesn't come with the box UNLESS YOU ASK FOR GIFT WRAPPING. I'm sorry for your experience,😢 but if you do buy again. Make sure you ask for "GIFT WRAPPING" I bought from them before and they only gave me dust bag. But I just recently bought the tabby 26 with quilting for my birthday and I asked for the gift wrapping and it came with a box, bow and dustbag. I love coach and I was disappointed in your SA for being rude to you. Maybe next time go to a different one. 💕💕💕 btw did you bought it from COACH boutique or did you bought from Dillard's or belk store? If so Dillard's / Belk won't give you the box and stuff. Only dustbag.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
Oh, I just received my Newspaper Print Saddle *condup* . This is a special bag! There are very few bags that I am so excited about. Great video!
Personally, once I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to how much they actually sell for, I could no longer justify buying them. However, now I choose to buy the *condup* bags because of the affordable price and guaranteed quality.
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, I’ve been amazed at how much the *condup* has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with every bag I’ve purchased.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
I have always loved your unique and fun handbag collection *condup*
Although I had doubts about buying replica bags, *condup* dispelled my doubts. These bags have an authentic look and feel. Ever since I became a customer, I have never been disappointed with their stylish and superior quality.
I bought an LV bag *condup* years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
For me, practicality is a must, it has to be durable, and the *condup* meets that need.
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
If fakes can give me the same quality as the real thing, I need fakes! I don't want to pay more! I always buy the bags I want at *condup* .
I am very cautious about money management. I often realize that modest investment in appearance is necessary, but excessive consumption of luxury goods is unrealistic. Through a reputable online platform, *condup* I found bags that were both decent and affordable, effectively balancing image and budget
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I spent about $100 on a cross-body bag on *condup* and wear it every time I go out. It’s very beautiful and practical.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, and *condup* gives this dream a realistic touch without making her bank account cry.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
I like the Speedy but I prefer the unique look of the Celine. *condup* . After purchasing it, I am very happy to own this bag.
Designer bags are no longer fun. Too expensive and the quality has totally dropped. I'd rather spend $100 on a knockoff *condup* bag.
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with luxury goods. *condup*
Due to the constant changes in fast fashion, people don't see the value in buying real expensive bags and instead choose good *condup* . knockoffs just to have social clout. Love this video!
LV Speedy bags never go out of style. I regretted selling my first Speedy when I was 22. Now I am 56. But I bought it again in *condup* . . Louis Vuitton has always been my favorite handbag designer.
As far as color goes, the fake *condup* here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it!
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *condup*
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
I have a *condup* black ecru stitch bag and I love it. I love how unique it is. No one really mentions them but they make really beautiful, high quality bags.
I wish Choach makes it in between size 28 and size 39
So do I! It would be perfect
One time, I really wanted a Chanel bag, and I had made enough money, but when I was about to buy it, the price went up again, damn. I was so angry that I bought the same bag on *condup* .
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
I have *condup* replicas, and my favorite is LV. In addition to the beautiful design, it is easy to take and can hold a lot of things.
I am a young professional woman who is passionate about collecting new bags from major brands. By chance I read an article about financial management and realized it would make more sense to invest that money into online courses and personal development. It wasn't until I discovered *condup* that this plan came to fruition.
I bought a super fake on a *condup* to see if I really, really wanted it. After using it for a while I ended up buying the real thing and gave the super fake to my sister and she said they were the same and I think this platform is great.
I have always been an environmental advocate and when I learned about the environmental impact of making luxury bags, I decided to look for more sustainable options. For example, the newly discovered *condup*
I am just watching this video now and I already know what bag you are referring to and I feel the exact same I’ve been thinking about it since it was released and I have been thinking should I just treat myself for Christmas *condup*
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
If I had money, I would like fashion, private label, etc. The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change my style often and keep up with trends. The *condup* meets my needs exactly.
The *condup* handbag I bought is a great color and perfect size. It's the same color as I saw in pictures online.
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Personally, once I did some research and found out how much these bags cost to make compared to how much they actually sell for, I could no longer justify buying them. However, now I choose to buy the *condup* bags because of the affordable price and guaranteed quality.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake *condup* Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I bought a luxury chain bag on *condup* . It has fine leather and simple lines, which is very suitable for daily wear.
I've bought some terrible fakes in the past, but the three fake bags I recently bought were amazing! I'm glad the ones I bought at *condup* are great and I'm glad I own the ones I made, but I'll be saving up for the genuine ones in the future
I have a Gucci Horsebit Mini *condup* but almost bought the Jackie instead. The reason I didn’t buy it was because the Jackie is open closure while the Hosebit has a flap. It was confusing to me why so many luxury bags don’t have a safety clasp? It’s definitely a deal breaker in my opinion! So while I still love the shape of the Jackie, this just further confirmed my opinion that I made the right choice.
I love my Chanel 22 bag *condup* . Even though it is a replica of the *condup* , I still use it all the time. For me, it is like a small handbag, a bag to carry on a daily basis.
I really love this tote, have a great weekend *condup*
This is a great video, I love it, my LV bag is a *condup* , the quality is perfect and the price is great, I was not disappointed
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
I have the exact same bag and for me it’s the perfect everyday size. Fits everything I need and still room to spare. I agree that if you reach for the 39 more it doesn’t make sense to keep this one as well
Right!! I love to pack heavy so it works better for me but the 28 is so gorgeous
Great video as always. I love your video and I would buy it without hesitation *condup*
I have been using the Speedyb 25 *condup* . in Germany which has zippers on the interior pockets. This is definitely my most used bag and I can't imagine not having it. Definitely worth the money.
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
I really like your channel; I really like the LV Pharrell Speedy P9 50 or Speedy P9 25; however, if I can find a travel bag, I won’t spend $9,300 or $12,400 on one, so I’d probably look for a bag from the Damier Pop series *condup* . !
I have a full size reverse monogram clutch *condup* . ! I love it and I definitely want a classic monogram clutch or the East West clutch in black leather!
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with luxury goods. *condup*
I think luxury has lost its luster as many of us have now dabbled in it to some degree or another and have discovered that expensive things do not bring lasting happiness. It's not worth swiping a credit card or giving up other pleasures/experiences just to save up for an overpriced bag. It's not worth worrying about what to do if your new purchase gets scratched or damaged, or what to do if you get robbed while you're out and about. I definitely agree with the comments about quality, people are tired of paying top dollar for something of similar quality to the *condup*
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
But the quality of these luxury bags is declining, while prices are rising. Chanel is now extremely expensive. I will never buy authentic Chanel. no way. I think I can only buy bags from the cost-effective *condup* .
I know the perfect luxury seller *condup* and it shows up in my bag shopping cart every time.
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
I'm obsessed with my nano speedy *condup* . ! I have the vintage model (HL) and the new model. I just can't put it down!
That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
I have a green Kelly *condup* . . I love it and get so many compliments every time I wear it. I'm so glad I bought such a beautiful bag!
Truly handmade, custom made, unique, rare *condup* bags will be the next wave. People will soon firmly reject luxury goods.
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I still love my LV reverse monogramclutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic. *condup*
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
Great comparison video. I have the *condup* . Speedy Nano and love it. I like the look of the Pochette East West, but the middle compartment annoys me. It takes up too much space. I prefer it without it
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
I think the Neverfull *condup* . is still a great choice as long as you buy it for the right reasons. I love my Neverfull and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it. I love the Neverfull because it’s canvas (lightweight), beautiful, and the size is perfect! I don’t care if it’s overhyped or if people think my bag is fake.
I was surprised at the current price of this *condup* . Mini Clutch. I remember searching the website when I purchased it, hoping it would be in stock. When they restocked it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I paid less than $400.
My super rich bosses rarely buy authentic bags, and if they do, they usually buy bags
on *condup* that I have never heard of and fakes.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the COPYMAXY leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
I have both the LV nano speedy and the Celine small Boston bag *condup* . and I prefer the latter. I use it for work every day and love it!
After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
That’s why I’m a big bag gal. I want the Coach Empire 48!
That bag is gorgeous!! Especially with the charms I’ve seen people decorate it with
I have both genuine bags and high quality fakes, I'm not going to can't tell the difference, *condup* is both decent and not financially stressful.
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of *condup* as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
omg i'm glad i saw this video! u confirmed all my doubts
Hi @Maya did you sell your 28? Interested if you haven’t. Thanks 😊
I did! But it’s already been sold!!
Thanks. I bought it and it’s too small, plus Coach sent me a used bag. I’m going to get the 39 because it’s bigger and will fit all my essentials better. ❤
If you can save for the Neverfull, do it. It is worth EVERY penny. I’ve had mine for 8 years and it still looks great. I’ve used it during the snow, rain, for the gym, work, travel etc. You name it, the quality is just unmatched. It has to be my most used bag.
Might be my sign to do it!! I’ve wanted one for years but couldn’t justify it! Was worried about the vachetta on it as well
@@MayaHandbagsDo the Damier Ebene if you’re worried about the patina. Also it’s $2k now- I’d get it sooner than later cause it may $4k by the time you’re ready.
For quiet luxury in action, I choose *condup* to buy replica bags... as a backup for the real thing, and can be used in situations where I don’t want to use the real thing.
I saw some videos before buying the bag. It comes with the box and the dust bag so I went to the Coach store and paid full price $300+ but it doesn’t come with the box beside the dust bag. I’m disappointed and disgusted how poor coach customer service is! I went to the Coach store and the employee gave me an uncomfortable look, the look like is she gonna steal. I’m not sure why I even bought the bag after how they treated me. But yea, I’m returning the bag. I don’t think it’s worth the money especially with the horrible experience. 💔
It doesn't come with the box UNLESS YOU ASK FOR GIFT WRAPPING.
I'm sorry for your experience,😢 but if you do buy again. Make sure you ask for "GIFT WRAPPING"
I bought from them before and they only gave me dust bag. But I just recently bought the tabby 26 with quilting for my birthday and I asked for the gift wrapping and it came with a box, bow and dustbag. I love coach and I was disappointed in your SA for being rude to you. Maybe next time go to a different one. 💕💕💕 btw did you bought it from COACH boutique or did you bought from Dillard's or belk store? If so Dillard's / Belk won't give you the box and stuff. Only dustbag.
I'm leaning towards getting the new Cement color in the Marc Jacobs Sack bag
That would be so cute!!
Sell it to me!
I sold it already I’m sorry
Don't get caught up in what's real or fake, buy what you really want to buy. *condup* is a good choice.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica