Episode 75 - Giving Yourself Permission to Experience Joy in Retirement

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 พ.ย. 2022
  • The Huffington Post republished an article from Collective Evolution entitled, “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying”, delving further into how these regrets exist in our lives today but are suppressed until the promise of living no longer exists. The #5 regret on the list is, “I wish I had let myself be happier.” It’s the one with the most opportunity for introspection and growth that can lead to greater joy and fulfillment in our lives. Although it is the last regret on this list, this is the one that rings true as we hear from retirees and pre-retirees on the precipice of taking more control of their time and life. That’s what this episode is about ~ giving yourself permission to experience joy in retirement!
    Our next guest is a Resilience Coach, Workplace Mental Health Strategist, TEDx speaker, and published author! She goes first and sees herself as the bridge that helps people get comfortable with their mental health so that they reach out and get the support they need before they hit a crisis. She makes it ok to not be ok and thrives on making a real difference in the lives of others. In her practice, she works with people to help them reclaim balance, their power, and create better structures and routines that help them feel better and in control of their overall emotional well-being. Let's welcome Michelle Dickinson to The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast!

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