Hello, thank you for the tutorial! I am trying to work with SAP B1 Studio for MS Visual Studio 2012 and SAP B1 9.2 but when I create the project from the B1 template the Toolbox with SAP B1 components are empty and I can´t visualize the Form in visual mode just the XMl. Could you help me with this error? Thanks in advance.
ohh great man God Bless you
you are an angel jeje, thank you!
it would be the same with a native table,?
Hello, so is it possible to develop an application that can read and write on SAP B1 SQL? Or just Hana Version?
For Both the version
Hello, thank you for the tutorial! I am trying to work with SAP B1 Studio for MS Visual Studio 2012 and SAP B1 9.2 but when I create the project from the B1 template the Toolbox with SAP B1 components are empty and I can´t visualize the Form in visual mode just the XMl. Could you help me with this error? Thanks in advance.
Right click on that file and open with sap b1 studio
Thank You
+ömer bektaş
Can I create a a/p invoice through this.
Where's your message when the record is successfully added?
Hello i declare Form and use oFrom.Mode then null why ?
Hero Nguyen
Plz say in details I don't understand
Hero Nguyen
Put your code in comment
i am not getting sap bussines one in templates New ->project-> templates-> sap bussiness one template
could pls tel me
Srikanth Yadav
Please install b1 studio
Srikanth Yadav
Please give me your email id
Can you help me too? I don't have SAP Business one Studio. The DVD was Lost. My email: ericomozart@yahoo.com.br