Have you reached out to the seller and asked about the card damage? If they're actually reputable, they should offer to help you out in some way. Ebay actually has a built-in photo touch-up function now, so that added brightness could have been added in-app even unfortunately. I'd recommend contacting a seller & asking if there's any damage not shown in the photos or if their photos aren't comprehensive, asking them to provide more photos so you can determine if it's in the condition you want. Shipping & especially customs can always be a headache. You can also ask the seller to pack it carefully to help avoid any damage, that way if it shows up poorly packed, you have some leverage.
Excellent pickups of ephant mon keep collecting darth wizzy wizard excellent reviews has always 👍🏻🇬🇧👍🏻
Have you reached out to the seller and asked about the card damage? If they're actually reputable, they should offer to help you out in some way.
Ebay actually has a built-in photo touch-up function now, so that added brightness could have been added in-app even unfortunately.
I'd recommend contacting a seller & asking if there's any damage not shown in the photos or if their photos aren't comprehensive, asking them to provide more photos so you can determine if it's in the condition you want.
Shipping & especially customs can always be a headache. You can also ask the seller to pack it carefully to help avoid any damage, that way if it shows up poorly packed, you have some leverage.
@@ioncewasmikey 💯🤩👍🏆 nah it’s going to be an opener. I didn’t pay that much on EBay but the shipping was a killer coming from the US to Canada. 🇨🇦