The author does like to from scratch, shaping and trimming wood from large blocks into fine finished products. As another reviewer mentioned, most projects require a lot of high-dollar equipment that most of us don’t have the room or budget for. But, knowing how to do these things, even if we won’t be able to practise the full stack project, is still great.
Simply beautiful and loved the snowflakes too. Very talented gentleman.
It looks amazing well done ❤
Muy bonito 👏👏🙂
Love the final pieces, but wish dimensions/angles were given. Would love to make some of these!
Good project but no need to show every single cut or staple. Bet it weighs a ton too
The author does like to from scratch, shaping and trimming wood from large blocks into fine finished products. As another reviewer mentioned, most projects require a lot of high-dollar equipment that most of us don’t have the room or budget for. But, knowing how to do these things, even if we won’t be able to practise the full stack project, is still great.