The fact that you're making your Dad out to be the bad guy and glossing over your Mother's crap is insane to me ! Your Dad didn't want you to know what typenof mother you really had and he's the one you're angry w ? That's just nuts to me. What did you expect him to do sit you all down and say, Sorry kids, your mom was really crap?
The father is pathethic and weak and just jumped from one bad relationship to another
The truth will always come out in the end 😊
The stepmoms audacity to call the OP selfish. The truth will eventually come to the light.
The fact that you're making your Dad out to be the bad guy and glossing over your Mother's crap is insane to me ! Your Dad didn't want you to know what typenof mother you really had and he's the one you're angry w ? That's just nuts to me. What did you expect him to do sit you all down and say, Sorry kids, your mom was really crap?