Right now I'm questioning how British fa2 and av8b+ can be at the same br lol. The fa2 has an identical 9.7 airframe, which barely pulls any aoa along with its horrible energy retention compared to other HarrierII models. It also has even fewer missiles and no gun(and no, external ones don't count. Because obviously, you have to give up from aim120s for each cannon. And you are just a lunatic if you would rather take 2 extra cannons instead of 2 aim120s at 13.0 br). Beyond that, BOL pods don't give you any significant advantage because you can't carry them with dual aim9ms so you have to take only 4 aim120s in total as a loadout to actually be able to use the pods. On the other hand, the amount of internal cms av8b+ has more than enough anyway... FA2 is literally a 9.7 br platform attached with ONLY 4 aim120s(doesn't even have guns!. I have already said these but still fucking hilarious lmao) at 13.0. I have spaded both of them. They are nowhere near being equal. The Bridish is Gayjinned once more.
i feel this could be a really fun jet when the BR's expand thing getts dogged on by pretty much everything
Right now I'm questioning how British fa2 and av8b+ can be at the same br lol. The fa2 has an identical 9.7 airframe, which barely pulls any aoa along with its horrible energy retention compared to other HarrierII models. It also has even fewer missiles and no gun(and no, external ones don't count. Because obviously, you have to give up from aim120s for each cannon. And you are just a lunatic if you would rather take 2 extra cannons instead of 2 aim120s at 13.0 br). Beyond that, BOL pods don't give you any significant advantage because you can't carry them with dual aim9ms so you have to take only 4 aim120s in total as a loadout to actually be able to use the pods. On the other hand, the amount of internal cms av8b+ has more than enough anyway... FA2 is literally a 9.7 br platform attached with ONLY 4 aim120s(doesn't even have guns!. I have already said these but still fucking hilarious lmao) at 13.0. I have spaded both of them. They are nowhere near being equal. The Bridish is Gayjinned once more.
Harrier II stock grind was brutal until the fox 3s.
Thanks :)
Have aim120 in a subsonic Jet with crap maneuverability doesn't mean it makes a good jet
1. It has great maneuverability
2. Yes it does it gets f18 radar and amraams at 13.0 I have like a 4-1 ratio in that thing
Bonus: it looks awesome