@Roman-Sarmat I know the Ashkenazi Conversion history and also the Black American claims, but tell me, can any other group of people, including black Americans, do a better job than these Israeli's?
@Roman-Sarmat Ok agreed 👍 but can you see how the best efforts of Muslims and Iran and its proxies don't seem to work? ISRAEL is obviously powered by some power on high. By the time whoever is the real Children of Israel shows up, it will aĺ be over . God Almighty and his only Begotten Son Jesus are calling the shots, me thinks!
Warriors come in all shapes and forms. What makes these soldiers different is their SPIRIT and love for each other and their country. LONG LIVE ISRAEL ❤ 🇺🇲🇮🇱💪🙏✡️ 🇮🇱🇺🇲💪 Bless the nation of Israel, PM Netanyahu, and the IDF. ❤❤❤
I always pray for you all. I feel for your parents. How they will feel waking up daily just wandering what news coming next. May the Almighty preserve you all, Amen 🙏
@@Kuki-s2tзамира мы все умрём, но кто как , как твой братя исламисти фанатики дохну как крысы, или как человек, вот в чем вопрос , но для этого нужен мозг, чего у вас нету.
It’s what lifts the spirit….great to see and music uplifts the heart and spirit, so keep going IDF…a merry ❤ does good like a medicine…so sending ❤ all the way from NZ
Love you IDF, Israel and the people. The joy of the Lord is your strength!! Praying for you daily!! To God be the Glory ..!! We dance with you from around the Globe!!!
Isn't it sad that WE in England are no longer allowed to SHOUT PROUDLY this same warrior spirit and BELIEF in OUR Nation ! ! Am kelavi yekhum ! Aryot Judah Baruch Yisrael Le'Olam ! ! Am Yisrael CHAI !
God Bless the IDF and their families God Bless Israel and all the twelve tribes of Israel in Israel and everyone scattered around the world Praying 🙏 for you daily Arise YHWH and scatter your enemies Amen and Amen I love you Israel the apple of YHWH’s eye ❤❤❤️🙏🙏🙏
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal? God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city Because of isreal's wickedness. So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment. They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him. They would rather follow korah and read the talmud. Hosea 9:15 The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. 🙏
Yes bible says " It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man ". Israel we are the winner. We can overcome the world. Amen. Alleluia. Praise God. Thank God.
Much love to the IDF soldiers. "Baruch Hashem Adonai" "Blessed be the name of the Lord" and greatly to be Praised. May victory be yours today and till the end of time.
BARUCH HASHEM ADONAI, I just love the IDF they are so brave and full of joy even in times of war. Never stop praising Him who gives you strength and victory.
Dios Padre bendiga a su pueblo Israel 🇮🇱, Latinoamérica está contigo 🤝🏻💪🏻 pueblo bendito le pido a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo te de la victoria 🏆 sobre todo aquel que te ofenda o te quiera hacer daño, Fuerza juventud de Israel 🇮🇱💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
God blessed he is Always loves me And I will always have nothing but good And even more good And even more good And I will always have nothing but good
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal? God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city Because of isreal's wickedness. So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment. They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him. They would rather follow korah and read the talmud. Hosea 9:15 The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels
Seeing the level of unity and joy from God’s chosen people gives me utmost joy and tears of joy. May God continue to protect the IDF and the nations of Israel always. Am Israel chai❤
@@carlosrosenfeld473 I want to come to Israel 🇮🇱 but I don't have a friend in Israel 😢can you be my friend i will like to come to Israel for you to take me around 🇮🇱❤
I'm a Christian, Mexican-American, Veteran in California: IF ONLY YOU KNEW, That You FIGHT, Not ONLY for Israel, but AS AN EXAMPLE, To Other Countries, TO NOT be ATTACKED, NOR BULLIED + MALIGNED By Intl Orgs. Bless Israel + Israelis + IDF. Thank You God of Abraham, Yitzhak & Yaakov. Amen.
Qué otro ejército del mundo se alegra de esa manera?, sabiendo que está en guerra con varios frentes abiertos y aún así, alaban al Santo Bendito Sea. 😊🎉🎵🎶🎤🎸
To Dragi Bog ne radi ako ikome oduzima dusu,Dragi Bog je svakome na svijetu dao mrvu svoje duse Gaji u sebi Bozije ili crkni s puskom u ruci...na Zemlji ima mjesta za sve ali samo po BOGU A NE ONOM SVE A DRUGOM NI VODE BEZ OBZIRA NA VJERU I NACIJI....SVACIJI STOMAK JE JEDNAK0 MEK.. NIKO IZNAD VASCIJELOG NARODA NIJE NKO BOG. ...SLAVITI UBIJANJE MOJE BAR PO MOJOJ VJERI A PI NJOJ SAMO BOG MOZE COVJEKU UZETI DUSU . SVI SMO JEDNAKI NA SUDNJEM DANU..ETO
When the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me I dance like David danced.!!!Praise the Almighty GOD The Holy One of Israel 🇮🇱 who gives Victory over allYours Enemies.!!!Shalom Jerusalem. Shalom Israel.!!!Israel is Forever.!!!
They are only the murders of Jesus Christ and today also they don't accept Jesus Christ but followers of Jesus Christ's are supporting enemies and haters of Jesus Christ , this is too much hypocrisy
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah The Messiah would be Born of a virgin Isa7:14 Jesus was Born to Mary Mtthw1:20-23,Lk2:5-7 The Messiah would be A descendent of Abraham Gn12:1-3,Gn22:18 Jesus was A descendent of Abraham Mtthw1:1-2 The Messiah would be A descendent of the tribe of Judah Gn49:10 Jesus was A descendent of Judah Lk3:33 The Messiah would be A descendent of David 2Sam7:12-16 Jesus was A descendent of David Mtthw1:1 The Messiah would be Born in Bethlehem Micah5:2 Jesus was Born in Bethlehem because of the census Mtthw2:1-6,Lk2:1-4 The Messiah would be Taken to Egypt Hosea11:1 Jesus was Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys Mtthw2:13-15 The Messiah would be Heralded by a messenger Isa40:3-5,Mal3:1 Jesus was Introduced by John the Baptist Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15 The Messiah would be Entering Jerusalem on a donkey Zech9:9 Jesus was Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15 The Messiah would be Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Zech11:12-13 Jesus was Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver Mtthw26:14-16,Mtthw27:3-10 The Messiah would be Silent before His accusers Isa53:7 Jesus was Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer Mtthw27:11-14,Mk15:1-5,Lk23:9 The Messiah would be Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced Psalm22:16,Zech12:10 Jesus was Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24-25,Lk23:33,Lk24:39,Jn19:18,Jn19:34-37,Jn20:20-28 The Messiah would be Given gall and vinegar to drink Psalm69:21 Jesus was Offered gall as He hung on the cross Mtthw27:34,Mk15:23,Lk23:36,Jn19:29 The Messiah would be Pronounced dead with no broken bones Exo12:46,Num9:12,Psalm34:20 Jesus was Not subjected to having His legs broken Jn19:31-37 The Messiah would be The owner of a garment for which lots were cast Psalm22:18 Jesus was On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24,Lk23:34,Jn19:24 The Messiah would be Put to death with sinners Isa53:8-12 Jesus was Hung on the cross between two thieves Mtthw27:38,Lk23:32-33 The Messiah would be Buried by a rich man Isa53:9 Jesus was Buried by Joseph of Arimathea Mtthw27:57-60,Mk15:42-46,Lk23:50-54,Jn19:38-42 The Messiah would be Raised from the dead Psalm16:10 Jesus was Raised to life Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31 God provided the Lamb Gn22:8,Jn3:16 Acts1:9-11 Psalm110:1-7 John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26 John 8:56-59
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah: The Messiah would be Born of a virgin Isa7:14 Jesus was Born to Mary Mtthw1:20-23,Lk2:5-7 The Messiah would be A descendent of Abraham Gn12:1-3,Gn22:18 Jesus was A descendent of Abraham Mtthw1:1-2 The Messiah would be A descendent of the tribe of Judah Gn49:10 Jesus was A descendent of Judah Lk3:33 The Messiah would be A descendent of David 2Sam7:12-16 Jesus was A descendent of David Mtthw1:1 The Messiah would be Born in Bethlehem Micah5:2 Jesus was Born in Bethlehem because of the census Mtthw2:1-6,Lk2:1-4 The Messiah would be Taken to Egypt Hosea11:1 Jesus was Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys Mtthw2:13-15 The Messiah would be Heralded by a messenger Isa40:3-5,Mal3:1 Jesus was Introduced by John the Baptist Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15 The Messiah would be Entering Jerusalem on a donkey Zech9:9 Jesus was Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15 The Messiah would be Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Zech11:12-13 Jesus was Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver Mtthw26:14-16,Mtthw27:3-10 The Messiah would be Silent before His accusers Isa53:7 Jesus was Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer Mtthw27:11-14,Mk15:1-5,Lk23:9 The Messiah would be Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced Psalm22:16,Zech12:10 Jesus was Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24-25,Lk23:33,Lk24:39,Jn19:18,Jn19:34-37,Jn20:20-28 The Messiah would be Given gall and vinegar to drink Psalm69:21 Jesus was Offered gall as He hung on the cross Mtthw27:34,Mk15:23,Lk23:36,Jn19:29 The Messiah would be Pronounced dead with no broken bones Exo12:46,Num9:12,Psalm34:20 Jesus was Not subjected to having His legs broken Jn19:31-37 The Messiah would be The owner of a garment for which lots were cast Psalm22:18 Jesus was On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24,Lk23:34,Jn19:24 The Messiah would be Put to death with sinners Isa53:8-12 Jesus was Hung on the cross between two thieves Mtthw27:38,Lk23:32-33 The Messiah would be Buried by a rich man Isa53:9 Jesus was Buried by Joseph of Arimathea Mtthw27:57-60,Mk15:42-46,Lk23:50-54,Jn19:38-42 The Messiah would be Raised from the dead Psalm16:10 Jesus was Raised to life Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31 God provided the Lamb Gn22:8,Jn3:16 Acts1:9-11 Psalm110:1-7 John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26 John 8:56-59
God is a Man. God made mankind in His own image and likeness. God is the image of a man. The footsteps of the Lord God were heard walking in the garden. God has feet, as a man. God wrestled with Jacob. It takes arms and legs and a body to wrestle. God is again, revealed as a man. When God met Moses on the mountain, He turned His back to Moses because Moses couldn’t see His face. God has a back and a face, as a man. The song of Moses says “YHWH is a man of battle”. Again, God revealed as, yes, a man. In Ezekiel’s vision, he saw one as a man sitting on the throne. The 4th one in the fire with the 3 Hebrew boys. There is much more than this, but just know and understand, if God had no problem being revealed as a man all throughout Scripture, and if He is the Almighty and can do all things, then it is not too far removed for Him to actually take on a physical body and live among us as a man for awhile and bear our sin on the tree. That is exactly what He did (John 14:6-9). Jesus said, “Unless you believe I am He, you will die in your sins.” Jesus our Priest Forever in the Order of Melchizedek: Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Matthew 26:26-29, Hebrews Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10, Psalm 110:1-7
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah The Messiah would be Born of a virgin Isa7:14 Jesus was Born to Mary Mtthw1:20-23,Lk2:5-7 The Messiah would be A descendent of Abraham Gn12:1-3,Gn22:18 Jesus was A descendent of Abraham Mtthw1:1-2 The Messiah would be A descendent of the tribe of Judah Gn49:10 Jesus was A descendent of Judah Lk3:33 The Messiah would be A descendent of David 2Sam7:12-16 Jesus was A descendent of David Mtthw1:1 The Messiah would be Born in Bethlehem Micah5:2 Jesus was Born in Bethlehem because of the census Mtthw2:1-6,Lk2:1-4 The Messiah would be Taken to Egypt Hosea11:1 Jesus was Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys Mtthw2:13-15 The Messiah would be Heralded by a messenger Isa40:3-5,Mal3:1 Jesus was Introduced by John the Baptist Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15 The Messiah would be Entering Jerusalem on a donkey Zech9:9 Jesus was Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15 The Messiah would be Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Zech11:12-13 Jesus was Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver Mtthw26:14-16,Mtthw27:3-10 The Messiah would be Silent before His accusers Isa53:7 Jesus was Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer Mtthw27:11-14,Mk15:1-5,Lk23:9 The Messiah would be Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced Psalm22:16,Zech12:10 Jesus was Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24-25,Lk23:33,Lk24:39,Jn19:18,Jn19:34-37,Jn20:20-28 The Messiah would be Given gall and vinegar to drink Psalm69:21 Jesus was Offered gall as He hung on the cross Mtthw27:34,Mk15:23,Lk23:36,Jn19:29 The Messiah would be Pronounced dead with no broken bones Exo12:46,Num9:12,Psalm34:20 Jesus was Not subjected to having His legs broken Jn19:31-37 The Messiah would be The owner of a garment for which lots were cast Psalm22:18 Jesus was On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24,Lk23:34,Jn19:24 The Messiah would be Put to death with sinners Isa53:8-12 Jesus was Hung on the cross between two thieves Mtthw27:38,Lk23:32-33 The Messiah would be Buried by a rich man Isa53:9 Jesus was Buried by Joseph of Arimathea Mtthw27:57-60,Mk15:42-46,Lk23:50-54,Jn19:38-42 The Messiah would be Raised from the dead Psalm16:10 Jesus was Raised to life Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31 God provided the Lamb Gn22:8,Jn3:16 Acts1:9-11 Psalm110:1-7 John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26 John 8:56-59
Some Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah: The Messiah would be Born of a virgin Isa7:14 Jesus was Born to Mary Mtthw1:20-23,Lk2:5-7 The Messiah would be A descendent of Abraham Gn12:1-3,Gn22:18 Jesus was A descendent of Abraham Mtthw1:1-2 The Messiah would be A descendent of the tribe of Judah Gn49:10 Jesus was A descendent of Judah Lk3:33 The Messiah would be A descendent of David 2Sam7:12-16 Jesus was A descendent of David Mtthw1:1 The Messiah would be Born in Bethlehem Micah5:2 Jesus was Born in Bethlehem because of the census Mtthw2:1-6,Lk2:1-4 The Messiah would be Taken to Egypt Hosea11:1 Jesus was Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys Mtthw2:13-15 The Messiah would be Heralded by a messenger Isa40:3-5,Mal3:1 Jesus was Introduced by John the Baptist Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15 The Messiah would be Entering Jerusalem on a donkey Zech9:9 Jesus was Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15 The Messiah would be Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver Zech11:12-13 Jesus was Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver Mtthw26:14-16,Mtthw27:3-10 The Messiah would be Silent before His accusers Isa53:7 Jesus was Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer Mtthw27:11-14,Mk15:1-5,Lk23:9 The Messiah would be Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced Psalm22:16,Zech12:10 Jesus was Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24-25,Lk23:33,Lk24:39,Jn19:18,Jn19:34-37,Jn20:20-28 The Messiah would be Given gall and vinegar to drink Psalm69:21 Jesus was Offered gall as He hung on the cross Mtthw27:34,Mk15:23,Lk23:36,Jn19:29 The Messiah would be Pronounced dead with no broken bones Exo12:46,Num9:12,Psalm34:20 Jesus was Not subjected to having His legs broken Jn19:31-37 The Messiah would be The owner of a garment for which lots were cast Psalm22:18 Jesus was On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes Mtthw27:35,Mk15:24,Lk23:34,Jn19:24 The Messiah would be Put to death with sinners Isa53:8-12 Jesus was Hung on the cross between two thieves Mtthw27:38,Lk23:32-33 The Messiah would be Buried by a rich man Isa53:9 Jesus was Buried by Joseph of Arimathea Mtthw27:57-60,Mk15:42-46,Lk23:50-54,Jn19:38-42 The Messiah would be Raised from the dead Psalm16:10 Jesus was Raised to life Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31 God provided the Lamb Gn22:8,Jn3:16 Acts1:9-11 Psalm110:1-7 John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26 John 8:56-59
Así es como se vence al enemigo,tu danza y tu adoración es la muestra viva de tu fé y tu confianza en Dios. Dios los bendiga pueblo escogido y les conceda paz,libertad,victoria y salvación 🙌🙌💙🤍💙🤍🙌🙌🙌🙌
SIng IDF, sing your praises to Adonai and praise His name. Yes, your praises shake the heaven and earth. Stand strong, Israel; your God is holding you in His mighty hands, and you will be victorious as He is victorious over all His enemies!!!
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal? God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city Because of isreal's wickedness. So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment. They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him. They would rather follow korah and read the talmud. Hosea 9:15 The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels
If those were God's Chosen People why are they ALWAYS at WAR??? The Bible says once His ppl are in THEIR land there shall be PEACE, they've BEEN in the land for over 75yrs, where's the PEACE, smdh???!!!
@@itrulybelievedoyou2660 read the Bible and when you see Jesus ask him I don’t have all the answers but I do know Jesus and I know he will protect them nobody likes war
The spirit of their forefathers is alive. The spirit of King David never dies’ and the God of Israel is alive. There is no soldier in the world that can do this in the midst of war. Singing and praising God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob (Israel). May the lord answer their prayers and bring peace to their country and the Middle East
Glory to God to see that your children are enjoying. Praise the Lord. Oh God please shower your blessings on your children. We Christians are also dancing in our heart from India.
Witnessing the amazing ancient race of people that I've read about in the Bible that are truly blessed by God. How else can one explain that a teeny tiny state can take on nations and be victorious throughout history to the present. I pray for the peace of Israel in Jesus's name.
Praise Yahve..! I agree..with you powerful warriors all the from the eastern part of the PacificRegion 🇵🇬 I once again agree in Exodus 14:14 your God Yavhve is a God of War..
@SaberHussain-hb9 ríete ríete pero la victoria será de Israel como siempre y el y el único país que nunca va a desaparecer algo que los demás con los que está peleando van a desaparecer por qué lo que dice la palabra de Dios se cumplewg
رسالة من عراقي مغترب ترك بلاده بسبب العنجهية الأسلامية ؛- صدقوني لو وصلتم للأراضي العراقية يوما … سوف تجدون من العراقيين من يقبل رؤوسكم وايديكم انتم اسياد الشرق الأوسط وابطاله
He shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel, you are approaching the battle against your enemies today. Do not be fainthearted. Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble before them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.' WE STAND WITH ISRAEL 🇮🇱🇺🇸💙🤍♥️🇮🇱🇺🇸💙🤍♥️🇮🇱🇺🇸💙🤍♥️🇮🇱🇺🇸💙🤍♥️
Mmmmm no lo sé solo Dios es testigo y el.unico Juez ya que muchos han olvidado la Toráh y solo actúan conforme a su ego así como muchos vídeos de mujeres del ejercito que siempre ha sido la belleza femenina que se utiliza para engañar todo eso es solo ego.
@@soniacustodia7421 Su pueblo escogido, en el nuevo pacto, son los cristianos espirituales , hijos maduros de Dios, que andan por el camino de la Cruz, la Israel de Dios, la nueva Jerusalén
A paz a Jerusalém virá com a paz aos palestinos. Os Palestinos também são herdeiros da promessa de Deus a Abraão. Negar isso é enfrentar o próprio Deus.
Chosen to be judged, will you fall away when God judges them instead? In her cup is a double portion for her sins and the blood of Jesus and the prophets
Through all difficult time , to see your spirit it brings joy. God bless the IDF
AMÉM 🇧🇷🇮🇱
Thank you for allowing us to see and experience your joy.
I pray 4 you, Isreal 🙏 ❤️❤❤
No many countries are this united!
Blessed be the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob !❤❤❤
@Roman-Sarmat I know the Ashkenazi Conversion history and also the Black American claims, but tell me, can any other group of people, including black Americans, do a better job than these Israeli's?
@Roman-Sarmat Ok agreed 👍 but can you see how the best efforts of Muslims and Iran and its proxies don't seem to work? ISRAEL is obviously powered by some power on high.
By the time whoever is the real Children of Israel shows up, it will aĺ be over .
God Almighty and his only Begotten Son Jesus are calling the shots, me thinks!
😂😂😂you so wrong,.....you know WHAT THEY SHOW YOU,....
اسماعیل درستع
PRAISE GOD ❤ Look how many viewers are celebrating God with you. World 🌎 changers and protectors. Thank you and God bless you all. ❤❤
😂انتو مغفلين
Sou brasileira,amo e oro por Israel ❤🙏🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Yea get you adrenaline up
Warriors come in all shapes and forms. What makes these soldiers different is their SPIRIT and love for each other and their country.
🇺🇲🇮🇱💪🙏✡️ 🇮🇱🇺🇲💪
Bless the nation of Israel, PM Netanyahu, and the IDF.
We Christian is for ISRAEL 😊
Vão colocar a casa em ordem se é que foi isso que vinheram fazer Pare com isso vão trabalhar rapais 🤔
I always pray for you all.
I feel for your parents.
How they will feel waking up daily just wandering what news coming next.
May the Almighty preserve you all, Amen 🙏
Amén y amén, DIOS PADRE ETERNO , de os de su SHALOM aun en medio de la angustia!
You didn't need to leave your signature 😂😂😂@@svetakudrjavceva9448
बहुत सुंदर प्राभु यीशु मसीह को महिमा मिले
Apparently this people do not believe in Jesus
@@naijainfotainmenthub6999 por que deberiamos creer en el?
यीशु को लानत 😅😅
@@naijainfotainmenthub6999Who cares?
Que Deus Eterno continue abençoando todos vocês, soldados do Senhor dos Exércitos,O Grande DOMINADOR YAHWEH.
Amen and Hallelujah and FREEDOM with Jesus YESHUA YAHWEH
Плачу с вами и танцую с вами.
Господь с вами
Ещё забыл написать "умру с вами"
@@Kuki-s2tЗачем, что желаешь то и получаешь сама. С 48 года,вы против Израиля и сами получаете..😊
@@nissim525 против Израиля ничего не имею, я против войны, против убийств невинных людей, особенно детей 😥
@@Kuki-s2tзамира мы все умрём, но кто как , как твой братя исламисти фанатики дохну как крысы, или как человек, вот в чем вопрос , но для этого нужен мозг, чего у вас нету.
Bless them ,you're not alone almighty living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob presence is always with you, Amen!!!
Sekarang bukan lagi umat pilihan tapi penjajah
Jesus christ
Avec les musulmans aussi parce que ça fait partie de leur religion si tu savais pas
Amém 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Odeio a guerra ...amo a paz ...odeio muito mais o terrorismo !!!
It’s what lifts the spirit….great to see and music uplifts the heart and spirit, so keep going IDF…a merry ❤ does good like a medicine…so sending ❤ all the way from NZ
Love you IDF, Israel and the people. The joy of the Lord is your strength!! Praying for you daily!! To God be the Glory ..!! We dance with you from around the Globe!!!
Tako je Braco i sestre nase Radujte se u GOSPODU. Radost GOSPODNJA je vasa Snaga. Koracajte sa GOSPODOM iz Slave u Slavu, iz
Pobede u Pobedu.....!!!
תברכו מהשם, יקרים ואהובים שלנו לוחמינו המופלאים.
i’m dancing with you NOW ! playing this over and over. beating to the drums. Awsome Israel!!
This is what expects from all who call themselves HIS! PRAISE IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCE. GOD INHABITS THE PRAISES OF HIS PEOPLE!!!!! AMEN.🙏🙏🙏❤
Amen 🙏
@Roman-Sarmat- Explain please?
Thank you!@Roman-Sarmat
@Roman-Sarmat. Reading it without understanding the meaning.😂😂😂😂😂😂
❤❤❤❤❤ Amém e Amém 🙏
I love this and praying for Isreal,all the way from England 🏴
Isn't it sad that WE in England are no longer allowed to SHOUT PROUDLY this same warrior spirit and BELIEF in OUR Nation ! !
Am kelavi yekhum ! Aryot Judah
Baruch Yisrael Le'Olam ! ! Am Yisrael CHAI !
Бог на вашей стороне!!!
Господь с вами!!!
любим вас! ❤
молимся за вас!🙏
Мира Иерусалиму!!
Onaj sa rogovima
Baruch HaShem
Am Yisroel Chai
Sing sing sing
Be safel
❤❤❤love from Australia shalom shabat brothers
@@thomasrahim5619more love from Australia here too!!! 🇦🇺❤️🇮🇱
Como se llama esa alabanza?, alguien que me pueda decir porfavor?
I too will ask God to Bless you as his FIRST CHOSEN People. Don't loose Faith and continue your fight with celebration.
No one is chosen.Every one is equal irrespective of color and creed.
Only pious and God fearing people are close to God
Израиль и Его народ Избранны Богом, так написано Свящкном Писанию Библии!!!
Не избранные а изгнание @@larissareinke3954
😂😂😂😂😂 bani Israel was chosen as a promise to Abraham you say this in your darood that bless aale Muhammad like aale ibrahim@@rajazaman3912
Chosen one leaving the land...
Afraid to die 🤭🤭🤭
God Bless the IDF and their families
God Bless Israel and all the twelve tribes of Israel in Israel and everyone scattered around the world
Praying 🙏 for you daily
Arise YHWH and scatter your enemies Amen and Amen
I love you Israel the apple of YHWH’s eye ❤❤❤️🙏🙏🙏
I love to see and listen our loved Jayalim praising our Father Elohe Israel!
With HIM on their side, who can prevail against them? We praise THE MOST HIGH!!❤
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal?
God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this
God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city
Because of isreal's wickedness.
So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment.
They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him.
They would rather follow korah and read the talmud.
Hosea 9:15
The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels.
God loves all his children equally and has no favourites.
I dont think saw.God doesnt favor unless we were fooled about God
Veramente l' Altissimo è che un popolo 😊😊
Yes bible says " It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man ". Israel we are the winner. We can overcome the world. Amen. Alleluia. Praise God. Thank God.
АМІНЬ! Аллелуйя! Слава Богу за Його благословіння для кожного із вас.
Much love to the IDF soldiers.
"Baruch Hashem Adonai"
"Blessed be the name of the Lord"
and greatly to be Praised.
May victory be yours today and till the end of time.
Love the brotherhood, so refreshing ☺️
South Africa 🇿🇦 all Christians stands with God's chosen people Israel 🇮🇱 🙏
🇿🇦 💚🖤❤️🇮🇱🤍💙🇺🇸♥️🤍🤍
Speak for yourself
@@cathal3020Dios bendice a quien bendice a Israel Dios maldecirá a quien maldiga a Israel
@soniacustodia7421 Yes! That's the word of God we stand on!
BARUCH HASHEM ADONAI, I just love the IDF they are so brave and full of joy even in times of war. Never stop praising Him who gives you strength and victory.
Dios Padre bendiga a su pueblo Israel 🇮🇱, Latinoamérica está contigo 🤝🏻💪🏻 pueblo bendito le pido a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo te de la victoria 🏆 sobre todo aquel que te ofenda o te quiera hacer daño, Fuerza juventud de Israel 🇮🇱💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
THIS is how we here in the US aught
To be praising& worshiping ❗⁉️🎵🥰🎶🙏🎶🎶🙏🙏🎶🎶🎶🙏🙏🙏🎶🙏🎶🙏🎶🙏🛐✝️🛐✝️🌎🌌🇺🇲👍💯❗❗❗❗❗❗🌌🇺🇲
If God be for Israel who can be against them. The joy of The Lord is Your strength Israel. We pray and stand with you🇿🇦🇮🇱
I wish I could understand what joy the r singing❤❤❤, sounds amazing 💕
God blessed he is
Always loves me
And I will always have nothing but good
And even more good
And even more good
And I will always have nothing but good
Tener a nuestro creador en el corazón ♥️ y en todo momento es lo más hermoso ❤️🙏🦅
Something like: " things will get better and better and better" ( at the cures)
i love these warriors, i am rocking my shoulders to your
song , may God OF Jacob give you sweet victory,
loving you OH sons and daughters of Israel.
Amen !!! ❤️🇮🇱❤️🌹👍💪✌️
Ese es el espíritu!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Dios los guardé siempre fuerza lsrael Dios está con tigo
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal?
God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this
God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city
Because of isreal's wickedness.
So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment.
They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him.
They would rather follow korah and read the talmud.
Hosea 9:15
The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels
Love you brother , Bhagwan apki always help you
How do you know god bless Israel there not believe in god
Yes they Do. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Yahweh the creator. But dont believe Jesus is the Messiah..@@shasha14779
@@shasha14779why r u saying they to not believe? Israelis are believers
@@shasha14779 May God Almighty continue to bless Israel, may God Almighty continue to bless and protect the Idf soliders in Jesus Christ name Amen.
The God of Israel isn't sleeping! God take care of Israel day and night! HALLELUJAH! 🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️
São puros como se fossem meninos. Deve ser por isso que Deus os ama tanto. Em meio às tribulações cantam ,dançam e se alegram. Um povo abençoado.
God bless IDF Soldiers from
The Lord God of the ark of the covenant, bless, the IDF and Israel, forever, and always❤DALE.
God bless Israel
Covenant keeping God
Celebrations for anti Christ arrival😂
You ppl are nuts!! Why would GOD bless a ppl that doesn't OBEY any of His commandments??! Do you ppl even THINK??!!
@@itrulybelievedoyou2660 it’s you it seems to know nothing. Israel belongs to the Jew, given by God, and if you curse Israel you will be cursed❤️DALE.
Your anger is in vain
Seeing the level of unity and joy from God’s chosen people gives me utmost joy and tears of joy. May God continue to protect the IDF and the nations of Israel always. Am Israel chai❤
They are no longer chosen ppl …. U forget they had christ crucified
@@stephenkavanagh3560over 2000yrs ago! He punished them enough with their earlier generation in WWII.
I love this. Simply electrifying. I stand with G-d's chosen people
God is with you their is no question of loosing you will be the WINNER.
Amen!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️
I’m praying for Israel all time
Same .. God bless israel
Pues sigue orando ke lo van a necesitar 😂😂😂😂
AM Israel HAI , sempre
@@carlosrosenfeld473 I want to come to Israel 🇮🇱 but I don't have a friend in Israel 😢can you be my friend i will like to come to Israel for you to take me around 🇮🇱❤
I'm a Christian, Mexican-American, Veteran in California:
IF ONLY YOU KNEW, That You FIGHT, Not ONLY for Israel, but AS AN EXAMPLE, To Other Countries, TO NOT be ATTACKED,
Bless Israel + Israelis + IDF.
Thank You God of Abraham, Yitzhak & Yaakov.
Thank you for your service and God bless you and your family ❤
No hay dudas que el corazón del ejército de Israel está confiado en su Creador, en el Eterno amen
Amen hallelujah 🙌
Qué otro ejército del mundo se alegra de esa manera?, sabiendo que está en guerra con varios frentes abiertos y aún así, alaban al Santo Bendito Sea.
No lo pienso.
God bless The world and people of Israel especially the IDF SOLDIERS... LOVE from philippines❤❤❤❤
To Dragi Bog ne radi ako ikome oduzima dusu,Dragi Bog je svakome na svijetu dao mrvu svoje duse
Gaji u sebi Bozije ili crkni s puskom u ruci...na Zemlji ima mjesta za sve ali samo po BOGU A NE ONOM SVE A DRUGOM NI VODE BEZ OBZIRA NA VJERU I NACIJI....SVACIJI STOMAK JE JEDNAK0 MEK..
Amen! 🙏❤️❤️🙏🙏
@@NanaNini-dm4xk Sotono.
When the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me I dance like David danced.!!!Praise the Almighty GOD The Holy One of Israel 🇮🇱 who gives Victory over allYours Enemies.!!!Shalom Jerusalem. Shalom Israel.!!!Israel is Forever.!!!
The spirit of lucifer
David would have danced more like Michael Jackson or even smoother, the Turks and the meads are not known for their dancing. As shown.
@@AmisiSaifKhan they are truly blessed by jevoah,the one,The true God , the holy trinity
So don't mess with them you can't win
Their unity is what makes them so powerful
LORD Bless them every one in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN 🙏 🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱
🙏 🙏 amen
They are only the murders of Jesus Christ and today also they don't accept Jesus Christ but followers of Jesus Christ's are supporting enemies and haters of Jesus Christ , this is too much hypocrisy
@@isamedinmamouni9574 SHALOM! ISRAEL BLESSINGS FROM 🇬🇧🕊️🇮🇱🕊️❤️🙏
The LORD God bless & protect Israel .
For rob other land.😅
In Islam music is haram.. in the scriptures King David gave praise to the God of Israel with the harp and lyre...
@@Mark_135 🤣🤣🤣🤣bull 💩💩💩...
@@Avenged7XsLol 😂
Live Israel forever !!!
Viva Israel por siempre !!!
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah
The Messiah would be
Born of a virgin
Jesus was
Born to Mary
The Messiah would be
A descendent of Abraham
Jesus was
A descendent of Abraham
The Messiah would be
A descendent of the tribe of Judah
Jesus was
A descendent of Judah
The Messiah would be
A descendent of David
Jesus was
A descendent of David
The Messiah would be
Born in Bethlehem
Jesus was
Born in Bethlehem because of the census
The Messiah would be
Taken to Egypt
Jesus was
Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys
The Messiah would be
Heralded by a messenger
Jesus was
Introduced by John the Baptist
Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15
The Messiah would be
Entering Jerusalem on a donkey
Jesus was
Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15
The Messiah would be
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Jesus was
Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver
The Messiah would be
Silent before His accusers
Jesus was
Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer
The Messiah would be
Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced
Jesus was
Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear
The Messiah would be
Given gall and vinegar to drink
Jesus was
Offered gall as He hung on the cross
The Messiah would be
Pronounced dead with no broken bones
Jesus was
Not subjected to having His legs broken
The Messiah would be
The owner of a garment for which lots were cast
Jesus was
On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes
The Messiah would be
Put to death with sinners
Jesus was
Hung on the cross between two thieves
The Messiah would be
Buried by a rich man
Jesus was
Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
The Messiah would be
Raised from the dead
Jesus was
Raised to life
Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31
God provided the Lamb
John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26
John 8:56-59
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah:
The Messiah would be
Born of a virgin
Jesus was
Born to Mary
The Messiah would be
A descendent of Abraham
Jesus was
A descendent of Abraham
The Messiah would be
A descendent of the tribe of Judah
Jesus was
A descendent of Judah
The Messiah would be
A descendent of David
Jesus was
A descendent of David
The Messiah would be
Born in Bethlehem
Jesus was
Born in Bethlehem because of the census
The Messiah would be
Taken to Egypt
Jesus was
Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys
The Messiah would be
Heralded by a messenger
Jesus was
Introduced by John the Baptist
Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15
The Messiah would be
Entering Jerusalem on a donkey
Jesus was
Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15
The Messiah would be
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Jesus was
Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver
The Messiah would be
Silent before His accusers
Jesus was
Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer
The Messiah would be
Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced
Jesus was
Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear
The Messiah would be
Given gall and vinegar to drink
Jesus was
Offered gall as He hung on the cross
The Messiah would be
Pronounced dead with no broken bones
Jesus was
Not subjected to having His legs broken
The Messiah would be
The owner of a garment for which lots were cast
Jesus was
On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes
The Messiah would be
Put to death with sinners
Jesus was
Hung on the cross between two thieves
The Messiah would be
Buried by a rich man
Jesus was
Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
The Messiah would be
Raised from the dead
Jesus was
Raised to life
Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31
God provided the Lamb
John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26
John 8:56-59
God is a Man.
God made mankind in His own image and likeness. God is the image of a man. The footsteps of the Lord God were heard walking in the garden. God has feet, as a man. God wrestled with Jacob. It takes arms and legs and a body to wrestle. God is again, revealed as a man. When God met Moses on the mountain, He turned His back to Moses because Moses couldn’t see His face. God has a back and a face, as a man. The song of Moses says “YHWH is a man of battle”. Again, God revealed as, yes, a man. In Ezekiel’s vision, he saw one as a man sitting on the throne. The 4th one in the fire with the 3 Hebrew boys. There is much more than this, but just know and understand, if God had no problem being revealed as a man all throughout Scripture, and if He is the Almighty and can do all things, then it is not too far removed for Him to actually take on a physical body and live among us as a man for awhile and bear our sin on the tree. That is exactly what He did (John 14:6-9). Jesus said, “Unless you believe I am He, you will die in your sins.”
Jesus our Priest Forever in the Order of Melchizedek:
Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Matthew 26:26-29, Hebrews Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10, Psalm 110:1-7
Some of the Many Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah
The Messiah would be
Born of a virgin
Jesus was
Born to Mary
The Messiah would be
A descendent of Abraham
Jesus was
A descendent of Abraham
The Messiah would be
A descendent of the tribe of Judah
Jesus was
A descendent of Judah
The Messiah would be
A descendent of David
Jesus was
A descendent of David
The Messiah would be
Born in Bethlehem
Jesus was
Born in Bethlehem because of the census
The Messiah would be
Taken to Egypt
Jesus was
Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys
The Messiah would be
Heralded by a messenger
Jesus was
Introduced by John the Baptist
Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15
The Messiah would be
Entering Jerusalem on a donkey
Jesus was
Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15
The Messiah would be
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Jesus was
Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver
The Messiah would be
Silent before His accusers
Jesus was
Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer
The Messiah would be
Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced
Jesus was
Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear
The Messiah would be
Given gall and vinegar to drink
Jesus was
Offered gall as He hung on the cross
The Messiah would be
Pronounced dead with no broken bones
Jesus was
Not subjected to having His legs broken
The Messiah would be
The owner of a garment for which lots were cast
Jesus was
On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes
The Messiah would be
Put to death with sinners
Jesus was
Hung on the cross between two thieves
The Messiah would be
Buried by a rich man
Jesus was
Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
The Messiah would be
Raised from the dead
Jesus was
Raised to life
Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31
God provided the Lamb
John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26
John 8:56-59
Some Fulfilled Prophecies of the Messiah:
The Messiah would be
Born of a virgin
Jesus was
Born to Mary
The Messiah would be
A descendent of Abraham
Jesus was
A descendent of Abraham
The Messiah would be
A descendent of the tribe of Judah
Jesus was
A descendent of Judah
The Messiah would be
A descendent of David
Jesus was
A descendent of David
The Messiah would be
Born in Bethlehem
Jesus was
Born in Bethlehem because of the census
The Messiah would be
Taken to Egypt
Jesus was
Taken to Egypt to escape Herod's slaughter of baby boys
The Messiah would be
Heralded by a messenger
Jesus was
Introduced by John the Baptist
Mtthw3:1-3,Mk1:1-3,Lk 3:1-6,Jn1:23-27,Mtthw 11:1-15
The Messiah would be
Entering Jerusalem on a donkey
Jesus was
Hailed by His disciples as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Mtthw21:4-11,Jn 12:12-15
The Messiah would be
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Jesus was
Betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver
The Messiah would be
Silent before His accusers
Jesus was
Accused falsely in court, but didn't answer
The Messiah would be
Crucified, with His hands, feet, and side pierced
Jesus was
Crucified, with nails through His hands and feet and His side pierced with a spear
The Messiah would be
Given gall and vinegar to drink
Jesus was
Offered gall as He hung on the cross
The Messiah would be
Pronounced dead with no broken bones
Jesus was
Not subjected to having His legs broken
The Messiah would be
The owner of a garment for which lots were cast
Jesus was
On the cross as the soldiers gambled for His clothes
The Messiah would be
Put to death with sinners
Jesus was
Hung on the cross between two thieves
The Messiah would be
Buried by a rich man
Jesus was
Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
The Messiah would be
Raised from the dead
Jesus was
Raised to life
Mtthw28:1-6,Mk16:1-6,Lk24:1-8,Jn 20:11-18,Acts2:31
God provided the Lamb
John 14:6-9, John 11:25-26
John 8:56-59
I'm proudly Igbo Nigerian watching with solidarity and dancing too👏 ❤👌
Como cantan y agradecen a HASHEM 😢😢😢😢😢, cuanta alegria y energia 🥺🥺🥺🥺.
Tal vez celebran que acaban de asesinar al niño palestino número 29.000. Con estos fanáticos genocidas no se sabe. 😮Que peligro
Están alegres de despedazar 30 mil niños q lastima con estas personas
@@josejose5859ninguém pediu sua opinião 🫵🏻 e o 7 de outubro?tu já esqueceu?sai fora infiltrado 👊🏻
Ya los contó a los 30.000 niños ?
It's self defense it's not offence, can't say the same about the other side.... @@josejose5859
Así es como se vence al enemigo,tu danza y tu adoración es la muestra viva de tu fé y tu confianza en Dios.
Dios los bendiga pueblo escogido y les conceda paz,libertad,victoria y salvación 🙌🙌💙🤍💙🤍🙌🙌🙌🙌
Amen Amen🤲🙏
Amen 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
¿Escogido por quién?
¿ Qué narcótico está consumiendo para decir tamaña idiotez?
SIng IDF, sing your praises to Adonai and praise His name. Yes, your praises shake the heaven and earth.
Stand strong, Israel; your God is holding you in His mighty hands, and you will be victorious as He is victorious over all His enemies!!!
But is the LORD GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob truly with isreal?
God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah saying tell this to the king of Israel and these false prophets and priests and say this
God is going to send the Babylonians to destroy this city
Because of isreal's wickedness.
So I say this there is a time of healing, and there is also a time of judgment.
They refuse the one God sent they refuse Him.
They would rather follow korah and read the talmud.
Hosea 9:15
The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels
I’m sorry you need to read the bible to get a true understanding.
Hello from Qazaqstan!!!
We are together with Israel!!!
Praying, shield and protection over Israel and their troops
If those were God's Chosen People why are they ALWAYS at WAR??? The Bible says once His ppl are in THEIR land there shall be PEACE, they've BEEN in the land for over 75yrs, where's the PEACE, smdh???!!!
@@itrulybelievedoyou2660 read the Bible and when you see Jesus ask him I don’t have all the answers but I do know Jesus and I know he will protect them nobody likes war
Praise God... They're full of joy, love and courage. Glory unto the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob.
Amen ❤
The spirit of their forefathers is alive. The spirit of King David never dies’ and the God of Israel is alive.
There is no soldier in the world that can do this in the midst of war. Singing and praising God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob (Israel).
May the lord answer their prayers and bring peace to their country and the Middle East
Praying for Israel
GOD BLESS ISRAEL the descendance of jacob
@@orangindo999jealous much?
@@bubblysnowflake7348 jealous for what?? lets explain that 😁
Glory to God to see that your children are enjoying. Praise the Lord. Oh God please shower your blessings on your children. We Christians are also dancing in our heart from India.
Witnessing the amazing ancient race of people that I've read about in the Bible that are truly blessed by God. How else can one explain that a teeny tiny state can take on nations and be victorious throughout history to the present. I pray for the peace of Israel in Jesus's name.
These soldiers hate and have killed Christians in Gaza and Lebanon. Open your eyes!!
Lord Jesus was also rejected by the Jews. Do you know that?
Ancient...... 😮
Aqui do Brasil, celebramos com vocês, querido povo!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Free lebanon
I am just vibing to this wonderful music
So good to see their spirits up keep it up IDF we love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you and God bless you ❤
What's the song name
Praying to God For The Victory of Israel By These Brave Men..Shalom ❣️🙏🇮🇱
Victory for what?..Praying God to do Crime and Non-sense?..
Иди помолись ,чтобы мозги тебе новые выдали ,не промытые😊@@Kaiku83
Oh My God, Protection For Yisrael !!
Singing Beautiful !! ❤👏👏👏🇮🇱🇮🇱🇧🇷🇧🇷
No doubts, They are really the choose ones🙏
Israel is always in my thought! May GOD ALMIGHTY bless you in all blessings ❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱✝️✡️🕎
Love these beautiful people!! God protect each one.
Amen Carol
siiiiii AMO a la bendita y hermosa tierra de ISRAEL...Cristo viene prontoooooooooo Dios los guarde y bendiga
What spirit! Go go go, IDF! 😃🤪🥲😊🤗💥💥💥
Praise Yahve..! I agree..with you powerful warriors all the from the eastern part of the PacificRegion 🇵🇬 I once again agree in Exodus 14:14 your God Yavhve is a God of War..
Love and prayers from India ✝️💞🇮🇱✝️💞🇮🇱✝️💞🇮🇱✝️💞🇮🇱✝️
Blessing to you in India
♥️🤍💚 🇺🇸 ♥️🤍💙
@SaberHussain-hb9 ríete ríete pero la victoria será de Israel como siempre y el y el único país que nunca va a desaparecer algo que los demás con los que está peleando van a desaparecer por qué lo que dice la palabra de Dios se cumplewg
I love 💕😘 to see the soldiers singing and dancing 🎉❤🙏
The Israelites soldiers enjoying to praising the Lord our God 🙏💟
رسالة من عراقي مغترب ترك بلاده بسبب العنجهية الأسلامية ؛-
صدقوني لو وصلتم للأراضي العراقية يوما … سوف تجدون من العراقيين من يقبل رؤوسكم وايديكم
انتم اسياد الشرق الأوسط وابطاله
😢❤ God Bless All who Love Our Creator. Very Sweet. Your words are kind and give Hope of a better World to come.
mi deixa seu contato por favor ...
He shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel, you are approaching the battle against your enemies today. Do not be fainthearted. Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble before them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'
Amen! God bless Israel❤
Haleluia, Praise the Lord
HE is the Lord of Heaven Armies
Excellent my brothers❤❤
U all are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
As a Jew, thank you brother! May God bless India and Israel! ❤
India is always there for Israel ♥😍
I wouldn't fight them is they were alone. But since I can read my Father's Holy Word I know they are his chosen people and know they are protected!!!
Most of them do not believe in God and do not have any fear from God. They will be judged as anyone else not receiving Jesus as personal Savior
Mmmmm no lo sé solo Dios es testigo y el.unico Juez ya que muchos han olvidado la Toráh y solo actúan conforme a su ego así como muchos vídeos de mujeres del ejercito que siempre ha sido la belleza femenina que se utiliza para engañar todo eso es solo ego.
@@lilyma7264perdona si creen en Dios lo que muchos de ellos no creen en Jesucristo como su hijo pero en Dios Padre si creen
@@lilyma7264sí pero seguirá siendo su pueblo escogido aunque algunos les pique
@@soniacustodia7421 Su pueblo escogido, en el nuevo pacto, son los cristianos espirituales , hijos maduros de Dios, que andan por el camino de la Cruz, la Israel de Dios, la nueva Jerusalén
Praying for the safety and protection and peace of all the people of Israel
God bless you ❤
Save your prayers!!!!
O LORD art a shield for me my glory and the lifter up of mine head Psalm 3:3 Alleluia Praise the lord Amen 🙏🏽
One nation defends the world from evil
Am Yisreal chai!
The Mighty Lord will give you success and peace forever
Amén Amén en el nombre de Jesús Dios nos bendiga y cuide a todos y bendiciones para todos ustedes y los suyos y para el mundo 🌏 😢🙌🏼🙌🏼
That song sounds good and catchy
Do you know the name of this song?
@@ЭстебанПантераi dont understand this song but music give goose bumps
@@ЭстебанПантераNAME song please
NAME song please
They are pressing their lord and saviour Satan
God's chosen people are always enthusiastic
This gave me chills ❤❤❤❤ glory to the IDF
May God protects Israely soldiers and peoples, give peace upon Jerusalem and Israel... God bless Israel 🙏
A paz a Jerusalém virá com a paz aos palestinos. Os Palestinos também são herdeiros da promessa de Deus a Abraão. Negar isso é enfrentar o próprio Deus.
Does it look like these ppl want PEACE??!! You're looking at what I'm looking at, are you blind?!!
God's chosen people. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." --God❤🎉
Chosen to be judged, will you fall away when God judges them instead? In her cup is a double portion for her sins and the blood of Jesus and the prophets
@@MrDrocballer God will judge everyone, including us.
Explain why they are gods chosen people?? Please stop talking out your asses
@@Tony786. No point of SPLAININ' to people who don't read the Word of God and who have dirty mouths.
Izrael and izraeli are peace loving as india.They are united and are fighting for their existence and survival.God bless U ,we indians are with U.
May India and Israel prosper and be blessed together!
Am Yisrael Chai! Jai Hind!
❤ keep the spirit burning. Love from Papua New Guinea
God bless you all🙏🙏🙏
All are doog. Et my panis
Free the hostages
The Hymn says "Be glad in the Lord,and rejoice.
Hello grandma. God bless your family and friends. Love from Lithuania.
Wats this the name of song, please
I need to know the Name of the song too pls its banger
@@ЭстебанПантера NAME song please please
God will keep you safe Israel❤❤❤❤❤
How much you wanna bet He won't?!! Revelations 2:9!!
We are Catholics and stand with Israel & IDF soldiers. We are praying 🙏 for you all the time because we love you 🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱.
Praise be to God almighty. Theem Holly One of Israel.blessed you and keep you safe in his holly hands
Hashem bless all of you!! Love each and everyone of you!!
Dancem, celebrem. O Senhor está aí. Na presença do Senhor até a tristeza salta de alegria ❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Soldier of Almighty God.
God Bless you always
Love how these isreali soldiers worship n pray to YESHUA. Continued blessings n shalom peace divine protection of psalms 91 n 23. 🙏
No,no rezan a YESHUA
I think they were dancing like this, the day they were crusifying the Lord Jesus Christ. To date, they are still waiting for their millitan messiah.
What makes you think they believe in Yeshua?? Seems like a dumb comment.
@@Mzii100two lefts don't make a right, and two dumb comments don't make a smart comment.
U had suffered, u suffered now,u fighting fr ur existence,peace and democracy. God must be with u. 👍❤️
They look like they’re full of Joy
Thank God🙏🙏🙏
فلسطين حرة
God bless Israel, the IDF and Netanyahu for ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Defienda su tierra...ya que la prometida aún no llega 🎉🎉
Shalom nobres guerreiros de Israel!
Shalom Israel❤