WATCH NEXT: Putin has gone Fascist How to STOP a nuclear war with Putin How a Kremlin coup could topple Putin The REAL reason Putin might start a nuclear war The TERRIFYING TRUTH behind Putin's Ukraine invasion
I'm an frequent watcher of russian state media since I speak Russian myself. Another thing to note is that russian media barely talks about it's problems if ever. But it certainly loves to talk about the western problems a lot. I don't think there ever been a pause where they don't talk about the west. It's like if you don't address the pink elephant in the room then it's not real. Like you know soo much about the west but you barely hear anything from the east. And that's another key information to take note. Like I can say that in the west whenever something weird happens in the east it will be discussed briefly and then move on but in Russian state it never ends. It just keeps going.
@@mauchkimberly Western media critised Trump 24/7 for his entire Presidency, your comment is synonymous with a Russian troll farm bait type of comment.
I live in Ukraine. Have family from Russia so I spent there quite a bit of time. If you don't know Russian & you haven't lived there, its really hard to understand how hard the propaganda can hit. I was, literally, standing in the middle of a simple Russia village without gas, centralized water supply, toilets/baths and talking to Russian guys that tried to persuade me that there is nothing greater and more powerful than Russia. There was a great book by an ex KGB agent about Russian propaganda. I think the name was Disinformation. Great reading that expands on the topic. Main ideas is that there is no need to win militarily if you can brainwash the whole planet.
I have also been to such village in Altai mountains. It was a pretty village, I have seen photos from 1920s, it used to be a well off hunting and trading spot. In 2012 that village looked nothing like in the past. Ran down buildings, everything falling apart, not even a sidewalk, everything overgrown and only old women walking and dogs barking. Then I approached a memorial in the village center. It said. In 1942 every single working age man was called into the Red Army, only few came back. I do not think that many 18yr old boys had a lot of children, meaning their whole family line ended with them. An entire village pretty much ceased existing. Now explain to me, what is Russia supposed to do with that? Hire you, a smart intellectual to fix everything? Enlighten us please on this sensitive matter, European blue eyed blonde haired superhuman.
@@snowsnow4231 so first, the reason that so many Russians soldiers never came back is not Nazi Germany / WW2. It's because Russian government was executing all soldiers that were captured or didn't want to fight. Likely 30% or more died from being shot to the back by red army itself. Second, yes, send people there. For the last 22 years Putin was saying that there is a large investment into that region. He even wanted to re build a project that was started by Stalin to have a bridge to Kamchatka. Bot regimes lied to their own people. Propaganda. Third, I'm talking about European part of Russia. If you go 2 hours outside of Moscow you will find whole villages that don't have toilets or decent water supply. The gas coverage is less than 65% by official Russian number, including regions like Krasnoyarsk Kray. I know that you can find remote villages everywhere. But in most cases people know how bad they live. However, Russia will use propaganda to scare the whole planet while itself is unable to provide basic wc to people that are 2 hours outside one of the richest cities in the world. Yeah.
@@snowsnow4231 go away, will you? nobody here is going to listen to you. invading ukraine has only destroyed your dying country. i pray that your government pulls out and that you can save yourselves. you might want to consider moving to europe though :^) there won't be much left if putin has his way!
I'm Russian. I left my country in 2014 when they started war with Ukraine, I didn't wanted to pay taxes and sponsor that. My hometown was literally on the border with Ukraine, I saw tanks and heard missiles blowing up just 30 kilometers away from civil city. Now it's nearly impossible to talk with ppl who stayed in Russia, they either super aggressive or scared and silent. The whole country's Stockholm Syndrome.
Читай как: "Я такой молодец свалил из страны и сделал правильно, а все кто остался вообще неправильные больные люди. Но я молодец! Не то что некоторые."
Dude, I'm literally starting to write a masters paper on psychological warfare and propaganda and this video has been a god sent just to give me a few talking points about Russia and Belarus. Great work!
Would suggest to look up Greg Yudin, he's Russian sociologist, I don't know how well his research covers it, but he talks about Russian propaganda and perceptions about Russia a lot, some of the things he says are mentioned in this video
Great analysis and extremely important. People who think the "post-truth world" was just about political leaders lying should watch this. Great job Vlad. This channel is on fire right now!
I for one very much dispute Bernard Williams' statement that, "the desire for truthfulness drives a process of criticism which weakens the assurance that there is any secure or unqualified stateable truth". If you really believe that then I suggest you educate yourself in some modern scientific practise. This is the kind of unbased bullshit that philosophers love to spout; anything to convince you things are not as you thought they were ("buy my book", "listen to me more"). The weakening of confidence in truth comes mostly from the bombardment with BIASED alternative views; views and lies that are generated from the aim to control. I just watched a video on a topic regarding another type of conman showing how the search for truth (eventually) corrected a fraud, see Skip to 1:32:30 if you only have 30secs.
Не очень хорошо пишу по английски, поэтому напишу на русском. В РФ пропаганда говорит что Европа замёрзнет без газа, почему-то забывая что большая часть РФ не имеет доступа к газу и обогрев частных домов производится ДРОВАМИ ИЛИ УГЛЕМ. Да, в 2022 году. Нередко даже в городах. По ТВ говорят что европейцы в бешенстве от повышения цен на 5%. Знаете на сколько повысились цены в РФ в это же время? От 20% на все. Пропаганда предпочитает не видеть проблемы своей страны, но яркой краской выделяет любые проблемы на западе. Многие на это ведутся.
No, no es que haya gente que se este creyendo la propaganda de alli ni que verdaderamente las cosas estan jodidas aqui en el oeste. No te creas las polladas que te dicen los americanitos en sus putos videos del YT, tampoco te digo que te creas las polladas que te dicen en la tele, esos tambien te mentiran... pero no te pienses que rusia esta en la mierda. Ahora mismo rusia esta muchisimo mejor que muchos paises del oeste. Asi cuidado con que te crees. No te fies de la propaganda de ningun lado, informate tu por tu cuenta sobre como estan las cosas de verdad en cada sitio... Dices que eso de que haya gente que aun usa madera y carbon en 2022 como si fuese el fin del mundo o algo. Que fumas? Aqui en España hay mazo de gente que usa madera tambien... y no nos pasa nada. No te quejes de eso, que no es exclusivo de Rusia. Todos los paises tienen zonas rurales jajajaja...
I appreciate the critique of both sides in a way that isn’t lazy. Often, amateur TH-cam analysts just throw out the “BothSides” maneuver as an attempt to make themselves look like a “reasonable centrist”, but it’s clear that your criticism originates from real knowledge which is a refreshing sight.
The guy didn't really criticize the left at all. All I heard was anti trump shit. Meanwhile putin only invades when Obama or Biden are presidents, yet trump is the Russian favorite? Yeh OK
As someone who grew up under communism in Romania, i can totally understand what you said about soviet propaganda. At the beginning of each school day we had to stand up facing the huge picture of the dictator Ceausescu on the wall and sing a song for him and the communist party. We had to learn those songs when we were starting school at 6 or 7 years old. Propaganda was everywhere, but we knew it was bullshit, even as children. At home our parents were listening to Radio Free Europe at very low volume, and we were forbidden to speak to anyone outside of our family about it since it was a criminal offence. While everywhere in society there was praise for our "glorious" regime and Soviet system, the stores were empty. The common people had to stay in line for hours just to buy one bread or a bottle of something that was supposed to be milk. In the meat shops, the only thing you could buy in the early 80s were legs from chickens and pigs. But only from the knee down, there was no meat on those bones. Meanwhile, those high up in the communist party had special stores where they could buy whiskey, fine tobacco and French chocolate. I think if the sanctions keep piling up Russia`s economy will tank and will make the 80s-90s crisis look like a golden age. Thank you for another great video Vlad, sorry for the wall of text :)
This is not a wall of text but a very meaningful story which I thank you for sharing. I relate so much. It was more liberal in Russian in the 1980s. Interestingly, the food shortages in Russia kicked in a little later a just after the mid 80s…. Thank you so much for your words.
Hello raahka, same here, generation Z given enough time to experience a young life under dictatorship. First was I a proud member of the pioneers with a strong belief in our superiority. The mention of the continuous battle was a matter of fact and I was very keen to get myself involved. And be a HERO. LOL. Things changed when I grew up a little older. The absurd theatre was so obvious… Do you remember our jokes about the communism/ dictatorship mit more human form? They are still applicable with our western life….Good jokes, sad jokes, Brazil style….
Well as Russian I even don't really know what we are told on TV because I don't watch it about 10 years. I know some statements just because I'm leaving in this environment but I didn't ever watch any political TV program or pro state News. But about learned helplessness it is 100% true. Our society is sick with it and I understand that I'm not the exception. Even If I don't have anything to do with government I feel that I was thought that I can't do anything... The problem is that I still can't do anything.
Believing that TV (RT and other trashy media) are the main source of propaganda is naїve to put it mildly. A former friend of mine who is beyond doubt highly influenced by russian propaganda has told me: ''I don't watch TV, I listen to different sides, there is no truth on either side''. Basically, a white-coat ''we'll never know the truth and there's nothing we can do about it'' bothsidesism at its best. And this is exactly one of the key narratives the entire russian environment (the actual people around you, the '''good'' and the ''smart'' opposition (aka imperial heralds) and opinion makers, insta-stories, tiktoks you name it) is making everyone think.
Hearing about this "aim 3" of russian propaganda - to make people in a country overreact to their influence, reminded me of watching strategy game starcraft 2. There, its pretty known idea, that sometimes you don't need to go for a wacky strategy against your opponent, sometimes you only need to pretend to do it or do it a little bit, purposefully make him see it, and hopefully make him overreact and overcorrect his build order and resource gathering pattern. That way, he would either be building something that counteracts your wacky strategy and silly unit combination, or in panic dumped a lot of resources at once, while you actually corrected and went back to a default build/units that are most consistent and cost-efficient. As a result, this only made him weaker in a straightforward head to head engagement, or put you ahead economically.
I always thought that the quote "prosecution (censorship, incarceration, etc) of antidemocratic agents (far right, nazis) is not antidemocratic, but an act of democratic self-defense" was a gateway to undermine the principles of democracy as such. This aims directly at it.
The quote you gave at the beginning, about the two of aspects of a) not wanting to be naive, not wanting to be duped, and b) how this can undermine the believe that there is a truth - immediately made me think of the phenomenon how surprisingly clever people can sometimes be prone to believing in conspiracy theories.
Thank you! I think the least intelligent and the most intelligent people are less likely to succumb to conspiratorial thinking. You need to be intelligent enough, but not too intelligent. I’m really talking about political intelligence here.
@@VladVexler so your video isn’t propaganda? There isn’t Ukrainian propaganda? Huh, that’s a bit odd, seems like the only propaganda is either by russia or trump, but that in itself isn’t propaganda either? That doesn’t make any sense! You wouldn’t have even made this video without the invasion of Ukraine which you know nothing about
This is exactly what I've been worried about in America. It's always about demanding to "seek the truth", but never finding it because somehow there's this nebulous dark force "hiding it from you". Always out to get you. So, I guess in the end, whatever would be the most interesting story, the one most counter to the "obvious", must be true. Or, something like that...
Vlad is creating a feeling that I learn something about Russia while at same time increasing the feeling that I don't know enough so I have to watch more Vlad.
This whole propaganda technique reminds me of French corporate culture. A friend of mine went to a management course in France. He was told that the French style of management he was taught was inspired on dog training technique. Firstly, give out confusing or contradictory orders. When your team is confused and fails, discipline them to insure dominance. Once you have broken them with confusion, they will be compliant. As a result, in big French corporations there is a deficit of creativity. Only the boss is allowed to think, his underlings are reduced to being drones. Now I understand why I never managed to hold a job in french companies.
I don't want to do an argumentum ad Hitlerem, but I want to mention that this was a way to break people's spirits in concentration camps, to destroy any personal will and make them, well, as you've said, drones. It's a terrifically effective tactic
As a well educated and experienced technician I know how lousy French technology is. Wouldn't own a French car, even as a gift. That they're leading culture could be so questionable, is new to me. When, and which branch are you referring to?
I've found your channell today looking for some in depth views on Russia-Ukraine situation and boy was I not disappointed... I don't think anybody ever has had me interested in political issues so much. Your grasp on these things - inspiring. Delivery - gripping. I am a fairly intellectually curious person, to sat the least, but could never stomach politics. Had I known commentators like you exist, that perhaps would not have been the case.
@Dady Sam my stupid attacks? Who do you think I might be attacking? I'm just trying hard to make sense of the situation and Vlad happens to voice some of my thoughts and go beyond that, so I listen. Listen, not swallow mindlessy.
An elderly lady in Belarus says she likes Putin, she shakes her hand as she says so so because he's like Lukashenko. I'm not sure exactly what she meant. I realize I have never really recognized these attributes of Russia. What you are talking about is very interesting and so deep. One thing for sure there is Russian propaganda.Propaganda is everywhere. I can't imagine you growing up there. Thank you for your videos.
Thank you for sharing this! If you took away Russian influence, the Belorussian regime would collapse within a year and become a democracy. It has all the ingredients.
Fascinating, engaging, witty, brilliant and disturbing all at the same time. This throws more light and gives more shape to what I have been sensing. Wow! Great video!
Your understanding of what is actually happening behind the scenes is spot on. Not only that but your way of explaining things to us regular humans is incredible. Here in Serbia many stay with the Russian side, partly because of the religion, partly because they do not like NATO because of the 1999. war, but mostly because of the inferiority complex as they know that the west lives much better and those countries are the ones they want to live in and work, so their myth of a great Russia and Serbia "saving" the world is very alive here. However, no one in Serbia explains why they do not support Ukrainian sovereignty the same way they expect Serbia's sovereignty to be respected, also no one talks about horrible things Serbian government did during the nineties so the 1999 war happened in the first place, and in the end no one goes to Russia to work and live but everyone escapes to the western Europe or America. Collective identity, clerical and ethnic nationalism, politically and scientifically illiterate population is prone to make these mistakes unfortunately, so what happens in Russia is mostly what happens to Serbia now, just without nuclear arsenal. Keep up with your brilliant work, such a great content you have here!
I come for a Russian city of Novosibirsk, from Akademgorodok, a science city with over 20 universities, where graduates get job offers from every country from France to Emirates and it is funny to me to listen about "scientifically illiterate population". Russia is way more scientifically literate than any European country, because here if you do not study STEM, you will not get anywhere in life whatsoever. In Europe you can just go work at McDonalds, buy a nice PC and chill, smoke pot and eat Doritos. In Russia, you have to study, because the other option is working as manual labor on the rail road. So your whole claim is such a joke. I have been to European and American schools and universities and I can tell you that Russian studying is hardcore difficulty compared to easy mode you have. Russia is poor because of WW2 and the amount of destruction that our grandparents have rebuilt with their bare hands. There was nothing even remotely similar in Britain, France or USA. And we have actually rebuilt everything without the Marshalls plan which is the cause of why modern Europe is de-facto controlled by the USA. Europe have sold their independence for Marshalls plan, we did not. So yeah, you either lie or say half truth. The full truth is that we are more educated and more hard working, but because of the cost of WW2 we still live worse. But we surely do not need your smart American owners (yes, because Americans own you and your country) to come here to Russia and teach us life. It is like a dog trying to teach something a man. Got anything to say?
@@snowsnow4231 You can start with the old misconception that somehow your country has not yet managed to overcome the burden of WW2 and that's holding it back. How many wars will it take Russia to finally equalize the damage of WW2? How many Lenins, Stalins, Putins do you need to massacre your intelligentsia away in your oh so politically literate part of the world?
@@BojanBojovic Maybe elaborate on what's not true? What is the reality and how he twisted it? Without this you look like a propagandist. Try reasoning.
The video is very good, so thank you! The bit about Western actors inadvertently playing into Russia’s hands by panicking about the extent and impact of interference is deeper than it seems. Great story, sir.
@@VladVexler this point does come up in academic discussions. I can testify to that from personal experience. I think what we need is a wider understanding among the populations.
@@tutifruti7488 And as if to prove the point of this video…. Here you are. There will always be ‘boots’… & I’d much rather it be an American one, than Russian or Chinese. Funny how all those ex-soviet bloc countries, Taiwan, S. Korea etc, flocked to the American (or western) ‘boot’.
@@GregDaniel78 Tuti Fruti Booty is the latest cutting edge booty, the invisible one.....because the original Crypto Uncle comment and ALL replies thereof were deleted as part of the Western Censorship Booty.
Vlad your impression of Trump made me laugh out loud and at the same time really educated me on how this mixed messaging works to undermine reality. Cheers.
Boris Johnson did in fact say that mask wearing was a good thing. And urged people to wear them in public. The UK government's policy was not to force people to wear masks. But rather to encourage the wearing of masks. As it was felt that people were more likely to do so if it was a personal choice, rather than an enforced rule. The same goes for public gatherings. After all, the UK is not China. They knew well that the moment the media focused on the enforcement of mask wearing, rather than the reasons why masks should be worn, would be the moment mask wearing became a political issue rather than a public health issue.
Absolutely brilliant. You gather all the threads and show how they weave together very efficiently. I find your perspective incredibly valuable. The solution to chaos created covertly by the strongman and his minions is the public image of strength the strongman projects. Nevermind "strength" really means the ability to trample rights.
Just came across your channel and this video. I'm so glad I did, your analysis and presentation is what so many need to hear right now. Thank you, keep up the good work, I know I'll be supporting you as much as I can.
I friggin love you, Vlad. You present all these concepts in such an easy to understand way. I feel so educated every time I watch one of your videos. Are you a teacher? If not you'd be great at it.
I'm quite glad you and many others are here to educate people about this problem. It's quite scary that at this point behavioural studies and psychology studies are being used by both games and politics to not help people but further damage people
Since three months, I have been trying to collect bits and pieces to understand Russian propaganda. And here it laid out is in a nutshell, very well explained, and I learned a lot. Thank you!
I remenber, about 15 years ago, as a teen, reading an article about how one of Putins top PR-people was an abstract artist (I don't remember the name) whose theme had been the concept of reality... I remember the article was one of those about "how someone from outside politics can effect politics if they're at the right place at the right time" ones, but I'll say that in recent years it has been very useful to have had that particular insight about Kremlin communications...
I just recently discovered your channel and I have been binge watching your videos. I'm Estonian and I was a child when Soviet Union collapsed, but I do remember how it was like. My heart breaks for Ukrainians, but also for all the saine Russians, who understand, what is really going on, yet are helpless to do anything about it. I get it, that propaganda works, but I'm honestly surprised that it works so well on such huge number of people. How do you believe everything that you see on TV so blindly and not ask any questions? It has always been very difficult for me to understand. Your explanation helped a little though. :) Just wanted to say a big thank you for talking about these things. I have learned a lot from you. I'll be coming back for more. ❤️
"How do you believe everything that you see on TV so blindly and not ask any questions? " - you can ask the same question for people who lives in any other country. Propaganda is not Russian invention. For example: Western MSM declines what they showed 2-5-6 years ago about Ukrainian problem. So it is not true that Russian propaganda is about lie, but western propaganda is about truth. Actually they are the same. And truth is between poles.
"sane Russians who understand" - yes, sane Russians know Russia = bad, America = good by sane your mean young women who do not see anything beyond pumpkin lattes and latest iPhones, right?
Me too. Just discovered this channel, am Estonian and was a kid when Soviet Union collapsed. I believe why propaganda works on huge number of people is because most people are pretty superficial in nature, they're also preoccupied with their own lives and they tend to consume news as "fast food", often not caring enough to really think what they're being fed. That's where propagandists come in and use it for their own gain. They present their own version of the news, often doing it in a scandalous, over-the-top manner, because it sticks better, emphasizing that they somehow know more than the rest of us and that no one else is to be trusted. It gets parroted around and voilà, in time they will have an audience of loyal followers who DON'T trust anyone else. If you try to debate them in any serious manner, it usually ends with them launching ad hominem attacks against you, you're either stupid, brainwashed, paid off or part of the Deep State - or all of the above. But they're never good at debating or proving their point that was under scrutiny in the first place. What I've witnessed is that people who tend to believe propaganda also tend to believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories, some of which are totally mental, but there's no convincing them that they're wrong either. It think it's quite easy to get trapped in propaganda if you're not concious of it, not looking out for it and not knowing how to avoid the traps, but it's really hard to get out of it.
I am German and I am sorry we did not listen to the warnings we recieved from the Baltic States and I am sorry we were entitled and thought NATO unneccesary and redundant.
One thing worth mentioning is the common Russian technique of using 'whataboutery', the tactic of deflecting away criticism of their policies and actions.
8:45 isn't that exactly what has happened to Ukraine? - The opposition has gone mad and many of them formed the notorious Azov - Ukraine has lost economic ties with Russia and suffered from it - Ukraine has in fact became a US puppet - Ukraine has lost Russian language So maybe belorussians believed Russian propaganda, because they saw same things taking place in the neighbouring Ukraine?
propaganda is such an overused word. Instead of debating it's much easier to say "hah! you're brainwashed by your propaganda!". The word "propaganda" is "propaganda" by itself. calling something you don't like "propaganda" is a way to escape answering questions. i don't watch tv. i watch YT's many sources, including Ukrainian ones. but i still support my country
Azov got stronghold, because of annexation of Crimea. No, Russian language has not been lost. Economy is not going to drain because of loss of Russian ties, the war is doing that. Do you seriously believe that Russia из вся и все? They need to leave Ukraine alone.Ukraine is a western puppet? By whose opinion? Who’s puppet was Poroshenko? Russian puppet= good? Western =bad? Is the world black and white? How are they paying lately for trolling? Is it still 200 rub for a sentence?
@@mylist0song нехуй было нападать на ДНР ЛНР после их подписания с Россией договора о взаимной защите. 8 лет стреляли по людям, "сепаратистами" называли, договоры о прекращении огня нарушали, и не боялись получить в ответ, а теперь вдруг стали жертвами, и оплотом демократии... Только всю политическую опозицию по тюрьмам рассадили сначала, и новостные каналы подчинили напрямую правительству, а остальные забанили, а так ангелочки ебучие... Признайте независимость республик и Крым оставьте в покое, и все кончится. Нет они решили что могут победить.... Теперь мы сделаем так, что вы никогда больше своей армии иметь не будете. Уже относительно скоро. Нехуй было перевороты перворачивать в 2014ом в своем ебаном Киеве. С бандеровцами хороводы водили? Сломали страну своими руками. Все рады за вас. Особенно штаты.
Meantime Spotify is blocking russians from listening to podcasts, i cant buy books from amazon and no youtube premium for me. This is genius counterpropaganda
Some countries have blocked a whole Russian TV and Internet sites. You know what is the funniest? People in Russia are anti-ukrainian/pro-russian, mostly, because they've been fed enough shit from UKRAINIAN media and UKRAINIAN blogs/sites, lmao.
This is an insanely informative video. I have a lot of respect for the work you have obviously put into this. This provides a very valuable perspective and more than that, it's coming from someone that has experienced this kind of propaganda for himself. Lastly, it is quite disconcerting to watch, but that is a good thing in this case. Thank you for making this, I have learned a lot today
The opening five mins is just brilliant in explaining the differences. YOU HAVE TO WRITE A BOOK. I would love you to publish a book on modern Russia under Putin. ❤
I find all your videos regarding Russia quite enlightening. Having been raised in the West the culture, beliefs and attitudes of the Russians have always left me wondering as to why they seemed so different, particularly to my way of thinking. A lot of it now makes sense.
Absolutely monumental work, I instantly subscribed. Love the way you explain it in simple terms and being very precise. I love how you use your body language along with the speech, literally every detail of this video is on point. You make better job at delivering this information than many big names in journalist community, and you should keep it up. Absolutely amazing
Thanks Vlad, it is always great to see another video from you- however sad the subject. (And of course what is going on in Ukraine right now is way beyond sad.) Thank you for your wise words, such a valuable source of education for us all. P.S. LOVED your Trump “impersonation”, nailed it perfectly!
Excellent job. I’ve binge-watched your vids this morn after getting home from work. I truly hope heads of state depts and foreign ministries are paying attention. Somehow, I doubt it. We grew up at the same time but on opposite sides of the world (as I am In The USA). It is always fascinating for me to hear about how it was for someone my age in the USSR. As a school boy I always used to wonder how “Soviet Tim’s” life was. . In fact, my mother saved the letter I asked her to send to Gorbachev on my behalf…….she never did. I have it in my room lol.
@@pedrosanchez4035 “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Lol yes, my kids did, it’s more of a chant but the same thing. Right hand over heart
@@trottyong Thanks, as one who has never visited the USA I wasn't sure if it was an apocryphal tale. So some similarities with them Ruskies. Just for your amusement, when Spanish teams stand for the national anthem, they stand in silence. I recall one commentator complaining that the Spanish don't show any respect for their national anthem as they don't sing along. There are no lyrics to the Spanish National Anthem lmfao. It was decided that after the civil war, and 40 years under the fascist dictator Franco, a tune was sufficient. xx
Thank you Vlad, years of trying to pinpoint the mechanisms of this obvious but inexplicable manipulation, condensed into less than 20 minutes. Fabulous!
Thanks Vlad. This vide was a real Aha! for me. I have been discussing New Zealand's "Freedom Protest" with my teenage niece. A point of difference between us has been the origins of the protest as domestic or foreign. Now I see that this confusion of local grievances with foreign interference is a prime objective of modern propaganda. This is an effective disruption to us from seeing each others points of view. Jolly good stuff.
Entire Europe are influenced by Russian propaganda machine. Intelligence services has proven direct connection with Russia, and financial support to right wing politicians, radical groups and EU opposition. Destabilising, and fuelling internal conflicts is a goal for Russia. Along with megalomaniac and unreliable Erdogan, low educated minorities are polarising our former homogeneous societies.
Man, I like you! Wish I could be your friend. By the way, I was writing part of my novel which is about fake news and Russian propaganda in Ukraine in 2014, and your video came as a ring to my finger. Thank you!
I absolutely loved watching your video, it helped me get a much clearer understanding of things I noticed before, but couldn't quite make sense of. "pouring fuel on conflicts that are already there", "deliberately sending conflicting messages", "the real damage doesn't come from the interference itself, but from the response to it", "tapping into already existing fears and sentiments". Seems like there is something that the Russian state, for all of its inefficiencies, does manage to consistently pull off well after all. (Other than consistently manufacturing state of the art weapons, almost somewhat independent of economic prowess.)
Thank you. I think the execution of these concepts is often laughably poor. But the way the Russian state thinks about propaganda is very conceptual and academic.
One of the most horrifying things I witnessed this year is one student of our programme going completely down this rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and misinformation and talking in the post-truth way you just described. It ended with him trying to mess up two professors' carreers by telling the students weird mixtures of truths and lies about them and trying to encite us against them. In the end it was stuff like "you're wearing the flag of the Ukraine on you, therefore you're a Nazi."
AZOV nazis are real tho. Israel and the US funded them B4 the proxy war currently happening. Probably still funding them, but we won't know until 15-20 yrs after the war.
@@Sl33zytheclown Did I say anything about the Azov Battalion though? Yes, obviously there are Nazis in Ukraine, but there are Nazis all over (Eastern) Europe, including Russia. Does Aleksandr Dugin ring a bell for example? The problem is precisely that people take some true elements, combine them with false elements and present themselves as the bringers of the truth. What I'm studying has very little to do with Eastern European politics, so it was all the more bizarre to see professors who are experts in other things being dragged into stuff like this, because one of them happens to be supportive of Ukraine (without holding lectures about it or being personally involved with major political stuff connected to this).
@@Sl33zytheclown Look, I'm not gonna discuss this further with you. You're beginning to sound _exactly_ like this student. Just two points about this: a) talking about Nazis does not make you one. If the only ones talking about fascism are fascist we're in big trouble, because we're letting the fascist control the discourse about fascism. b) I can equally turn this sophistic argumentation around on you and ask you whether you support the Nazis in Russia and whether you support Russia's expansion which is having more and more fascist undertones even in the discourses of the people in favour of it.Just look at Putin's speeches and the messed up ideology in Alexandr Dugin's books.
There is one "historian" in Russia. Ponasenkov (he is funny from some point). He has international agent status, but I'm not sure he has no ties with Kremlin because he is elitist and a little far right. So... He was writing and discusiing in youtube about Napoleon and 1812 war. How Alexander 1st international politics provoked the war and political misunderstanding. I haven't read his books, but I find it interesting to get bigger picture about those times. Of course, it is easy to misinterpret history to modern view, so need to be careful
Man, you just explained 20 years of my feelings...I'm from Czech Republic... Our presidential motto was always "Pravda vítězí" alias "Truth always wins", it's on Presidents flag. I remember first president Havel - writer, dissident who brought us close to EU and NATO... Then came Klaus - look up his amnesty...he stopped long lasting court processes, many of them with people connected to Russia/our former communist secret police StB...that was huge blow for this motto, at least for me... Now we have Zeman...few Wiki citations: - Zeman has been criticized for his contacts with the powerful Czech lobbyist Miroslav Šlouf, formerly his chief adviser. While Zeman was prime minister, Šlouf maintained contact with the controversial entrepreneur František Mrázek, nicknamed the "Godfather of Czech Organized Crime". Šlouf and Mrázek met and exchanged information at the Office of the Czech Government.Mrázek was assassinated in 2006. In leaked wiretapping records, he nicknames Zeman mlha ("fog") and claims that Zeman "could not be bribed, and wanted only a sandwich, three pickles and for people to like him." - During his tenure, Radio Free Europe has described him as "one of the European Union's most Kremlin-friendly leaders" due to his pro-Russian stance - In April 2021, Zeman cast doubt on Russia's involvement in the 2014 Vrbětice ammunition warehouses explosions... buuut according to the Security Information Service and the Police of the Czech Republic, two GRU agents from Unit 29155 were involved in the explosions. - He stopped court process with alleged killer, and now another one with his personal friend... But at least after invasion, he called Putin a Mad Man and decided to award Zelenskyy with the highest state award of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion, for "his bravery and courage in the face of Russia's invasion"
I just found your channel, you explain thing soowell , I live in Estonia and I have some ukrainian friends fighting in ukraine right now , when the warbegan everybody seemed to stand with Ukraine...there was not even question about it, even all the russians in my country (in 50s Stalin deported thousands of estonians to siberian gulags to die and then later imported thousands of russians into Estonia as a part of russification thanks to that we have 21% of russians in here) but as time goes by I can see that more andmore we have russians who have been totally brainwashed by Kremlin media , they attack estonbians who help ukrianian immigrants, and spread hate , those russians are usually people who live in Estonia but hatethe country, dont want tolearn the language , want soviet union back and they absolutsely support Putin , thankfully I would say that at least 70% of russians who live in here are normalpeople , who speak estonian and english and get their information from different places and they absolutsely hate this war but I have to say that I am very concerned about the russian propaganda and fifth column in my country , Putin is very good at brainwashing russian people , love your videos :) keep up the good work :)
Hello from Finland. I think there is something similar happening here among russian minority. I think language is one of key points in this thing. By not wanting to learn language or not by knowing language they are more vunerable to russian propaganda. It is easier to open eyes what is happening in world in reality when you know language used in news and people around you. I wish best of luck for people in Estonia during these times, your culture and standing against USSR in past is inspirational for me
Spaniard here. My first encounter with Russian propaganda and brainwashing happened in 2014, during the Crimean annexation and the start of war in the Donbas. My wife is Ukrainian and, like many people in her country, she had part of her family living in Russia. By then it was a tenet of Russian propaganda that the conflict in the Donbas was a local and spontaneus uprising and no Russians were involved. My wife talked to her Russian relatives by internet videoconferencing and she told them how his younger brother, by then doing military service in Ukraine, had driven in her vehicle some Russian soldiers taken prisoners in Donbas. Despite this direct testimony from someone from their family these relatives would angrily answer: "There are no Russian soldiers in Donbas! That's a CIA lie!" I always thought that in a time with easy internet access to get adequate information these kind of lies from manipulated mass media would never be possible. But these people had internet access that, unilke China, had no restrictions, and still they preferred to believe the Russian state TV. I was surprised at its power.
@@viljamikoivunen6297 language is nothing. when people use their eyes they see the truth and it is always important to know the roots to understand why this conflict happens. and not, it is not because russia == evil state. western msm did not cover this conflict for years, and their propaganda is spreading much faster then Russian propaganda in a way - "Russia attacked Ukraine". but Russians and Ukrainians know the cause even without it because they are living in Ukraine and Russia, and they see it by their eyes for decade. John Mearsheimer described the causes of this conflict and you should watch his video if you want to understand why it is happening.
@@viljamikoivunen6297 it's the same destructive influence Middle Eastern "refugees" forces on western societies! Unfortunately lefties and brainwashed do-gooders are still obsessed with long failed multiculti nonsense, and some are even supporting Russia because its in opposition to (their comfortable liberal) Western lifestyle! Insanity sure comes in different packages..
This video changed my life a little bit. I live in Hungary where the leader Viktor Orban does exactly the same thing as Putin in Russia. Everything makes much more sense now.
@@VladVexler May I ask what makes you say that? Could this war in Ukraine maybe change that a bit (I'm hoping for a ray of light). Thanks for your videos
@@naomisherred166 Sure. I think we are facing the biggest crisis of trust in public institutions in the West since the European revolutions of 1848. I will be saying a lot more about this once we come out of this series of videos connected with the war. Here is a five min video on loss of trust
I remember what Julia Ioffe said. She felt that Russia in 2016 was like a resentful high school student who doesn’t want to confront the “cool kid” he resents directly. He hides behind a corner and sticks his foot out as his nemesis runs by, hoping to trip him and give him a bloody nose, but, to his surprise, his target ends up with a broken neck.
Enjoyed the video as always. When it comes to propaganda I think we also need to focus on the receiver, not just the transmitter. My uncle follows Chinese propaganda. With the Ukraine war the propaganda hasn't been forthcoming, or at least it hasn't been strong enough - and this has left him adrift. The relative absence of propaganda isn't leading for him to try think for himself, no, the opposite, he is like a blank slate waiting for opinions, a drone waiting for instructions. Unable to take a position until he is told what position to take I haven't seen this before, there's always been a line to take and he follows it to the letter, now the line is ambiguous, the propaganda angle isn't definitive enough for him to follow. It reminds me of something you said in one of your videos about not wantiny inyg spontaneous or organic support, but only obedient managed support that won't grow a life of its own. Viewing independent support with suspicion. I think my uncle is not only incapable of independent thought, he is unable to conceptualise that anybody else is capable of independent thought either - or what independent though even is. If he is following instructions, then so is everybody else. In this world, people aren't actors with agency, they are instruments, drones to be activated (and de-activated) Parallels with conspiratorial thinking, but without excluding himself
Thanks for writing your personal anecdote (family prone to propaganda). It is striking and knowing it can happen to someone close to us is especially striking/powerful.
@@steadmanuhlich6734 Thanks Steadman! I mean to add a little bit more about my uncle, I'll add it now. What I was also going to say is he predisposed to any authority. An example might be if someone phones him he has to do what they say, which puts him at risk of scammers. He would never think to question credentials. If someone speaks in an authoritative way, they must be followed at all costs. I think we see this a lot with older relatives that fall for eg Facebook memes, they will believe 100% and its useless to try correct them This is why I think this stuff is psychological rather than political. Politics can just be a terrain on which it occurs
@@jascu4251 That's another interesting point. I see the same thing happens here in the USA. Apparently some people in a population are prone to wanting authoritarians over them (makes it easy for them in some ways) and likely has deep rooted psychological reasons. Like you said. Thanks for commenting.
@@steadmanuhlich6734 I think people think of it in political terms, that "the other side" is prone to authoritarianism, while they are immune, whereas I think it can affect all types of people, including apolitical. I listened to a great podcast on this, Karen Stenner and the authoritarian predisposition, on the BBC. Its from a couple of years ago, but definitely resonated with me, I recommend it!
Trump would not hesitate one second if Putin offered to help him get elected. Putin is always looking for politicians throughout the world that might be subject to his own influence because he helped them gain power.
Thanks for this explanation. I am from Belarus and participated in the 2020 protests. Your analysis of the changes in propaganda narratives since the arrival of "Russia Today Troops" is very accurate. They changed Belarusian propaganda literally overnight, and after a few weeks of this massive manipulations (combined with repression, of course, even well-made propaganda cannot be effective without it) people begun to constantly argue and discuss these narratives.
Could you possibly share what propaganda outlets you were engaging with before participating in the 2020 events? Were there any outlets at that point that were truly obsolete from western sponsorship/influence?
Hi Vlad! I just want to thank you that you some months ago in my opinion preserved my sanity with this Video. "How can I know truth at all if so many close people around me are spreading so much lies?" This was driving me crazy - until I watched this Video and decided: I don't want that Russia makes me give up on truth at all!!
Again, good food for thought, Vlad. I'll need some time to process it. In line with a discussion I had today with a lovely person who tends to fall for right-wing narratives again and again. The question: "Do You really want the world to look like that?" made them reflect on their ideas for the first time. It's not easy anyway to find out what's right and wrong these days, even without being bombarded with reckless propaganda all the time.
@@morrigangg didn't happen where I come from . Selfish greedy and narcissist people go into politics and it's always a self serving position As long as there's no honesty in the system nothing will get done
I have felt your easy as you speak them. It is apparent to discerning minds and today you go nowhere without suspicion. Constantly braced...exhausting - yet survivable if you muster courage to think and feel the thing.
Another layer i think is the info bubble algorithms put us in. For example, i view one pro LBGT piece of media, child rearing video, or housewife video and suddenly i am over inundated with pride, pregnancy and women's-place-in-the home media. It happens with political info too. I listen to GOP messages to understand both sides and suddenly i am getting gun ads. Then i listen to DEM and more socialist media and suddenly im getting credit score ads. I think corporations have the capacity to tweak the algorithms to sway the opinions of the people too.
They don't sway opinions as much as they want to drive discourse because it keeps people on the platform. Really dumb arguments usually go on for a while, thus more people are on the platform. That's how twitter works most of the time.
@@Forcoy /yeah, you have a point. corporations will only do anything if it means increased profit. Like sell pride merch one month, then switch to black heratiage merch the next month, then support a politician that votes agains equal marriange and redraws districts to disadvantage black comunities because that politician supports tax breaks for big business or lowering EPA regulations. It isn't about people, just money... at least they are honest in their greed.
Thanks for that Vlad, I am studying the news and social media propaganda we are currently exposed to, on the basis that very little is the truth. This talk has been very helpful in sharpening my critical eye and ear.
@@VladVexler You're a good man, when I say studying, I am not a student (anymore than anyone else), I am actually a 60 year old journalist. It is like "what the heck is going on?" The disinformation has gone stratospheric. One thing that I find interesting is how R.T. has spread out over youtube in different guises. Like you said in your talk, they are very good at this propaganda stuff.
@@pedrosanchez4035 I understand! To be honest RT never matched the standards of Russian propaganda for domestic consumption. By the way, what’s happened during the war is that propaganda has moved from being an aperitif to being breakfast lunch and dinner for Russians.
Hello Vlad. I've been following you now since just after the start of the war. Here and in chat. I have learnt a huge amount from your thoughts and analysis. Today TH-cam recommended to me a video by Anya Turnbull from a month ago. It's about on Russian propaganda, and I found it insightful and moving. I wondered if you've come across her, and I want to make you aware of her if not. She's not an expert, but she's quite sharp. She's half Russian and in her video on aspects of Russian propaganda she also touched on many of the topics you have covered - Russian fear, apathy and denial, fascist drift, and her own feelings of guilt. It's not a long video (18 minutes). I hope you have time to watch it.
Great video! Check out some of the interviews on 1420 channel - many Russian people say exactly what you describe, that they cannot talk about the current events because they hear so many different versions of truth, and in the end it's impossible to know what is real.
You put into words exactly what I was feeling about trump, bojo and other such figures, they are more chaos than they are right or left wing, they have few core values that they stick to if any, their opinions are either ambiguous or change based on what's more politically advantageous. I am sometimes struggling not to be angry at people who buy this, you can even show them proof of how they answer a question both ways and will outright ignore it. I'm sick to my stomach
Same here. I've worked with a Narcissist for 10 years and have become familiar with all his tactics. Trump is like the original mold that created him. People should really educate themselves on Narcissism and learn how they operate, learn how they manipulate people and try to wriggle out of legitimate criticisms. You can read them like a book once you know what to look for. It's really alarming to see how polarized the nation has become and how people are divided against the people they should be trying to find common ground to work towards their common interests. They are playing us like a violin to achieve power and their ambitions.
I really liked your segment on how Russia's manipulative tactics are merely a [machiavelic] way of triggering unresolved conflicts that are already in the fabric of those targeted western democracies. The best and the most obvious example of this is in the USA : this country has piled up do so many grievances.. Putin did not have to do much to push that pressure off the cliff.
Vlad, thank-you for bringing philosophy back into my life in such a succinct manner and with such relevance. Practised properly I don't think there is a more powerful tool. Big love. Bob
спасибо за это видео. я умудрился на 7 лет выпасть из русской медиасферы - потерял аккаунт ВК, перестал смотреть новости на русском, и теперь вернутся в это окружение с таким количеством дезинформации и лжи сложно.
@@ifirespondiamstupid7750 you can't even imagine hom much lies russian propaganda spread. Way much more than the western media. At least western countries have freedom of speach unlike Russia.
@@ifirespondiamstupid7750 this completely drops the idea of scale. On the Ukrainian war specifically - while western media may just omit the crimes of Ukrainian troops, Russian media is currently straight up lying about every war crime of it's state and just stages confessions of fake residents of Donetsk and Luhansk. You can't possibly equate this shit.
@@zunlise2341 Scale? Lying dont have scales friend. Every lie leads to disaster. I am sure as heck aware of Russian lies and propaganda but with the resources and funds the west have, those lies will jump 10 folds to another whole level. I just said to be careful because Weelstern media also lies at every turn and despise their own citizens.
Putin has gone Fascist
How to STOP a nuclear war with Putin
How a Kremlin coup could topple Putin
The REAL reason Putin might start a nuclear war
The TERRIFYING TRUTH behind Putin's Ukraine invasion
Thank you
I thought people closing their media for alternate news and/or opinions, banning and confiscating assets of private owners are fascists but ok :)
Putin was already a fascist...!
putin aint no facist hes a red commuist
Putin can only provoke nuclear war.
The best he can do is drop one bomb.
I'm an frequent watcher of russian state media since I speak Russian myself. Another thing to note is that russian media barely talks about it's problems if ever. But it certainly loves to talk about the western problems a lot. I don't think there ever been a pause where they don't talk about the west. It's like if you don't address the pink elephant in the room then it's not real. Like you know soo much about the west but you barely hear anything from the east. And that's another key information to take note. Like I can say that in the west whenever something weird happens in the east it will be discussed briefly and then move on but in Russian state it never ends. It just keeps going.
If you swapped out the word, Russia with US, and swapped west with Russia, your statement would be the US media experience.
@@mauchkimberly Incorrect. Western media criticises the west all the time. You are wrong.
Sure, it’s one of the main methods of attention bias :)
The most cringe of it is good old whataboutism tradition
@@mauchkimberly Western media critised Trump 24/7 for his entire Presidency, your comment is synonymous with a Russian troll farm bait type of comment.
I'm from Russia. It's the main reason why I don't watch official Russian media. They're focused on Western problems so much.
I live in Ukraine. Have family from Russia so I spent there quite a bit of time.
If you don't know Russian & you haven't lived there, its really hard to understand how hard the propaganda can hit.
I was, literally, standing in the middle of a simple Russia village without gas, centralized water supply, toilets/baths and talking to Russian guys that tried to persuade me that there is nothing greater and more powerful than Russia.
There was a great book by an ex KGB agent about Russian propaganda. I think the name was Disinformation. Great reading that expands on the topic.
Main ideas is that there is no need to win militarily if you can brainwash the whole planet.
I have also been to such village in Altai mountains. It was a pretty village, I have seen photos from 1920s, it used to be a well off hunting and trading spot.
In 2012 that village looked nothing like in the past. Ran down buildings, everything falling apart, not even a sidewalk, everything overgrown and only old women walking and dogs barking.
Then I approached a memorial in the village center. It said. In 1942 every single working age man was called into the Red Army, only few came back. I do not think that many 18yr old boys had a lot of children, meaning their whole family line ended with them. An entire village pretty much ceased existing. Now explain to me, what is Russia supposed to do with that? Hire you, a smart intellectual to fix everything? Enlighten us please on this sensitive matter, European blue eyed blonde haired superhuman.
@@snowsnow4231 so first, the reason that so many Russians soldiers never came back is not Nazi Germany / WW2. It's because Russian government was executing all soldiers that were captured or didn't want to fight. Likely 30% or more died from being shot to the back by red army itself.
Second, yes, send people there. For the last 22 years Putin was saying that there is a large investment into that region. He even wanted to re build a project that was started by Stalin to have a bridge to Kamchatka. Bot regimes lied to their own people. Propaganda.
Third, I'm talking about European part of Russia. If you go 2 hours outside of Moscow you will find whole villages that don't have toilets or decent water supply. The gas coverage is less than 65% by official Russian number, including regions like Krasnoyarsk Kray.
I know that you can find remote villages everywhere. But in most cases people know how bad they live. However, Russia will use propaganda to scare the whole planet while itself is unable to provide basic wc to people that are 2 hours outside one of the richest cities in the world. Yeah.
@@snowsnow4231 Not start another war?
@@snowsnow4231 go away, will you? nobody here is going to listen to you. invading ukraine has only destroyed your dying country. i pray that your government pulls out and that you can save yourselves. you might want to consider moving to europe though :^) there won't be much left if putin has his way!
@@bestaround3323 sure, war is bad. So is being surrounded by hostile military bases and loosing your independence.
I'm Russian. I left my country in 2014 when they started war with Ukraine, I didn't wanted to pay taxes and sponsor that. My hometown was literally on the border with Ukraine, I saw tanks and heard missiles blowing up just 30 kilometers away from civil city. Now it's nearly impossible to talk with ppl who stayed in Russia, they either super aggressive or scared and silent. The whole country's Stockholm Syndrome.
What kind of copypasta is that?
Да неужели ))
Охуительная история, что еще расскажешь?
In 2022 it's even worse. "People" are turning into animals.
Читай как: "Я такой молодец свалил из страны и сделал правильно, а все кто остался вообще неправильные больные люди. Но я молодец! Не то что некоторые."
Dude, I'm literally starting to write a masters paper on psychological warfare and propaganda and this video has been a god sent just to give me a few talking points about Russia and Belarus. Great work!
So glad this was useful for you!
Would suggest to look up Greg Yudin, he's Russian sociologist, I don't know how well his research covers it, but he talks about Russian propaganda and perceptions about Russia a lot, some of the things he says are mentioned in this video
@@nathanliteroy9835 Grigory is one of the best voices in Russia right now, and one worries for his safety.
@@VladVexler Yeah, if he won't get imprisoned, I expect him to leave the country some time soon
@@nathanliteroy9835 let’s see how he goes - his strong preference is to stay if at all feasible
Great analysis and extremely important. People who think the "post-truth world" was just about political leaders lying should watch this. Great job Vlad. This channel is on fire right now!
Thank you so much Mallen! I hope you’ve had a good Sunday.
And it takes a biologist to identify a woman.🙄
The gaslighting is off the charts.
I for one very much dispute Bernard Williams' statement that, "the desire for truthfulness drives a process of criticism which weakens the assurance that there is any secure or unqualified stateable truth". If you really believe that then I suggest you educate yourself in some modern scientific practise. This is the kind of unbased bullshit that philosophers love to spout; anything to convince you things are not as you thought they were ("buy my book", "listen to me more"). The weakening of confidence in truth comes mostly from the bombardment with BIASED alternative views; views and lies that are generated from the aim to control. I just watched a video on a topic regarding another type of conman showing how the search for truth (eventually) corrected a fraud, see Skip to 1:32:30 if you only have 30secs.
Sounds like western MSM.
It takes two ears to identify a man or a woman.
That and the capability to not be an enormous asshole.
Не очень хорошо пишу по английски, поэтому напишу на русском.
В РФ пропаганда говорит что Европа замёрзнет без газа, почему-то забывая что большая часть РФ не имеет доступа к газу и обогрев частных домов производится ДРОВАМИ ИЛИ УГЛЕМ. Да, в 2022 году. Нередко даже в городах.
По ТВ говорят что европейцы в бешенстве от повышения цен на 5%. Знаете на сколько повысились цены в РФ в это же время? От 20% на все.
Пропаганда предпочитает не видеть проблемы своей страны, но яркой краской выделяет любые проблемы на западе.
Многие на это ведутся.
No, no es que haya gente que se este creyendo la propaganda de alli ni que verdaderamente las cosas estan jodidas aqui en el oeste. No te creas las polladas que te dicen los americanitos en sus putos videos del YT, tampoco te digo que te creas las polladas que te dicen en la tele, esos tambien te mentiran... pero no te pienses que rusia esta en la mierda. Ahora mismo rusia esta muchisimo mejor que muchos paises del oeste. Asi cuidado con que te crees. No te fies de la propaganda de ningun lado, informate tu por tu cuenta sobre como estan las cosas de verdad en cada sitio... Dices que eso de que haya gente que aun usa madera y carbon en 2022 como si fuese el fin del mundo o algo. Que fumas? Aqui en España hay mazo de gente que usa madera tambien... y no nos pasa nada. No te quejes de eso, que no es exclusivo de Rusia. Todos los paises tienen zonas rurales jajajaja...
💯 Вы абсолютно правы. И именно так они "работают" с населением, 24/7..
I appreciate the critique of both sides in a way that isn’t lazy. Often, amateur TH-cam analysts just throw out the “BothSides” maneuver as an attempt to make themselves look like a “reasonable centrist”, but it’s clear that your criticism originates from real knowledge which is a refreshing sight.
Thank you!
This second rate propaganda relies on people being too stupid to understand that this is itself propaganda.
The guy didn't really criticize the left at all. All I heard was anti trump shit. Meanwhile putin only invades when Obama or Biden are presidents, yet trump is the Russian favorite? Yeh OK
As someone who grew up under communism in Romania, i can totally understand what you said about soviet propaganda. At the beginning of each school day we had to stand up facing the huge picture of the dictator Ceausescu on the wall and sing a song for him and the communist party. We had to learn those songs when we were starting school at 6 or 7 years old. Propaganda was everywhere, but we knew it was bullshit, even as children. At home our parents were listening to Radio Free Europe at very low volume, and we were forbidden to speak to anyone outside of our family about it since it was a criminal offence. While everywhere in society there was praise for our "glorious" regime and Soviet system, the stores were empty. The common people had to stay in line for hours just to buy one bread or a bottle of something that was supposed to be milk. In the meat shops, the only thing you could buy in the early 80s were legs from chickens and pigs. But only from the knee down, there was no meat on those bones. Meanwhile, those high up in the communist party had special stores where they could buy whiskey, fine tobacco and French chocolate.
I think if the sanctions keep piling up Russia`s economy will tank and will make the 80s-90s crisis look like a golden age.
Thank you for another great video Vlad, sorry for the wall of text :)
This is not a wall of text but a very meaningful story which I thank you for sharing. I relate so much. It was more liberal in Russian in the 1980s. Interestingly, the food shortages in Russia kicked in a little later a just after the mid 80s…. Thank you so much for your words.
Thank you for sharing.
Hello raahka, same here, generation Z given enough time to experience a young life under dictatorship. First was I a proud member of the pioneers with a strong belief in our superiority. The mention of the continuous battle was a matter of fact and I was very keen to get myself involved. And be a HERO. LOL.
Things changed when I grew up a little older. The absurd theatre was so obvious… Do you remember our jokes about the communism/ dictatorship mit more human form? They are still applicable with our western life….Good jokes, sad jokes, Brazil style….
I understood everything that you've said
China's economy is tanking & they have a communist leader
@@luxlandm2103 oh yeah! Nice to see another from the same generation brother! I was a pioneer too :))
Well as Russian I even don't really know what we are told on TV because I don't watch it about 10 years. I know some statements just because I'm leaving in this environment but I didn't ever watch any political TV program or pro state News.
But about learned helplessness it is 100% true. Our society is sick with it and I understand that I'm not the exception.
Even If I don't have anything to do with government I feel that I was thought that I can't do anything... The problem is that I still can't do anything.
Wow, THIS happened to us here in the Philippines. Tnx to this clip. Indeed now I know why du30 idolize Putin.
Believing that TV (RT and other trashy media) are the main source of propaganda is naїve to put it mildly. A former friend of mine who is beyond doubt highly influenced by russian propaganda has told me: ''I don't watch TV, I listen to different sides, there is no truth on either side''. Basically, a white-coat ''we'll never know the truth and there's nothing we can do about it'' bothsidesism at its best. And this is exactly one of the key narratives the entire russian environment (the actual people around you, the '''good'' and the ''smart'' opposition (aka imperial heralds) and opinion makers, insta-stories, tiktoks you name it) is making everyone think.
My empathy! I experience more of that in the US these days. I’m 78 and never imagined that the ‘right’ would go this far in the disinformation model.
break the railways
Hearing about this "aim 3" of russian propaganda - to make people in a country overreact to their influence, reminded me of watching strategy game starcraft 2.
There, its pretty known idea, that sometimes you don't need to go for a wacky strategy against your opponent, sometimes you only need to pretend to do it or do it a little bit, purposefully make him see it, and hopefully make him overreact and overcorrect his build order and resource gathering pattern. That way, he would either be building something that counteracts your wacky strategy and silly unit combination, or in panic dumped a lot of resources at once, while you actually corrected and went back to a default build/units that are most consistent and cost-efficient. As a result, this only made him weaker in a straightforward head to head engagement, or put you ahead economically.
I always thought that the quote "prosecution (censorship, incarceration, etc) of antidemocratic agents (far right, nazis) is not antidemocratic, but an act of democratic self-defense" was a gateway to undermine the principles of democracy as such. This aims directly at it.
The quote you gave at the beginning, about the two of aspects of a) not wanting to be naive, not wanting to be duped, and b) how this can undermine the believe that there is a truth - immediately made me think of the phenomenon how surprisingly clever people can sometimes be prone to believing in conspiracy theories.
Thank you! I think the least intelligent and the most intelligent people are less likely to succumb to conspiratorial thinking. You need to be intelligent enough, but not too intelligent. I’m really talking about political intelligence here.
@@VladVexler so your video isn’t propaganda? There isn’t Ukrainian propaganda? Huh, that’s a bit odd, seems like the only propaganda is either by russia or trump, but that in itself isn’t propaganda either? That doesn’t make any sense! You wouldn’t have even made this video without the invasion of Ukraine which you know nothing about
This is exactly what I've been worried about in America. It's always about demanding to "seek the truth", but never finding it because somehow there's this nebulous dark force "hiding it from you". Always out to get you. So, I guess in the end, whatever would be the most interesting story, the one most counter to the "obvious", must be true.
Or, something like that...
The problem with deriding those that believe in conspiracy theories is they are increasingly being found to be correct.
@@tun0fun ...due to the "confirmation bias". To be not prone to the fallacy requires to at least be aware of its existence.
Vlad is creating a feeling that I learn something about Russia while at same time increasing the feeling that I don't know enough so I have to watch more Vlad.
Head on the nail, haha! My thoughts, exactly!
This whole propaganda technique reminds me of French corporate culture. A friend of mine went to a management course in France. He was told that the French style of management he was taught was inspired on dog training technique. Firstly, give out confusing or contradictory orders. When your team is confused and fails, discipline them to insure dominance. Once you have broken them with confusion, they will be compliant. As a result, in big French corporations there is a deficit of creativity. Only the boss is allowed to think, his underlings are reduced to being drones. Now I understand why I never managed to hold a job in french companies.
I don't want to do an argumentum ad Hitlerem, but I want to mention that this was a way to break people's spirits in concentration camps, to destroy any personal will and make them, well, as you've said, drones.
It's a terrifically effective tactic
As a well educated and experienced technician I know how lousy French technology is. Wouldn't own a French car, even as a gift.
That they're leading culture could be so questionable, is new to me. When, and which branch are you referring to?
Yeah, authoritarianism in the workplace is cringe
Wow, now I understand why Ubisoft makes such crappy identical games without a single new idea.
That explains why rhe French economy is so stuck too. And yes the lack of innovation compared to the UK and Germany.
This is the best video of yours that I have watched so far!
Thanks so much Jake!
This is absolutely brilliant Vlad. So important to distinguis between these two types of propaganda.
Thank you!
I've found your channell today looking for some in depth views on Russia-Ukraine situation and boy was I not disappointed... I don't think anybody ever has had me interested in political issues so much. Your grasp on these things - inspiring. Delivery - gripping. I am a fairly intellectually curious person, to sat the least, but could never stomach politics. Had I known commentators like you exist, that perhaps would not have been the case.
Thanks you! This channel has the more polished video- there is also a second channel with slower more casual chats- Vlad Vexler Clips.
@@VladVexler found it too. I'm on a binge. Warm greetings from Poland.
@@kilerf8053 warm greetings from London !
@Dady Sam my stupid attacks? Who do you think I might be attacking? I'm just trying hard to make sense of the situation and Vlad happens to voice some of my thoughts and go beyond that, so I listen. Listen, not swallow mindlessy.
@Dady Sam I have no time for your vague, seemingly aimed at causing confusion word salad then
An elderly lady in Belarus says she likes Putin, she shakes her hand as she says so so because he's like Lukashenko. I'm not sure exactly what she meant. I realize I have never really recognized these attributes of Russia. What you are talking about is very interesting and so deep. One thing for sure there is Russian propaganda.Propaganda is everywhere. I can't imagine you growing up there. Thank you for your videos.
Thank you for sharing this! If you took away Russian influence, the Belorussian regime would collapse within a year and become a democracy. It has all the ingredients.
Fascinating, engaging, witty, brilliant and disturbing all at the same time. This throws more light and gives more shape to what I have been sensing. Wow! Great video!
Your understanding of what is actually happening behind the scenes is spot on. Not only that but your way of explaining things to us regular humans is incredible.
Here in Serbia many stay with the Russian side, partly because of the religion, partly because they do not like NATO because of the 1999. war, but mostly because of the inferiority complex as they know that the west lives much better and those countries are the ones they want to live in and work, so their myth of a great Russia and Serbia "saving" the world is very alive here.
However, no one in Serbia explains why they do not support Ukrainian sovereignty the same way they expect Serbia's sovereignty to be respected, also no one talks about horrible things Serbian government did during the nineties so the 1999 war happened in the first place, and in the end no one goes to Russia to work and live but everyone escapes to the western Europe or America.
Collective identity, clerical and ethnic nationalism, politically and scientifically illiterate population is prone to make these mistakes unfortunately, so what happens in Russia is mostly what happens to Serbia now, just without nuclear arsenal.
Keep up with your brilliant work, such a great content you have here!
I come for a Russian city of Novosibirsk, from Akademgorodok, a science city with over 20 universities, where graduates get job offers from every country from France to Emirates and it is funny to me to listen about "scientifically illiterate population". Russia is way more scientifically literate than any European country, because here if you do not study STEM, you will not get anywhere in life whatsoever. In Europe you can just go work at McDonalds, buy a nice PC and chill, smoke pot and eat Doritos. In Russia, you have to study, because the other option is working as manual labor on the rail road. So your whole claim is such a joke. I have been to European and American schools and universities and I can tell you that Russian studying is hardcore difficulty compared to easy mode you have.
Russia is poor because of WW2 and the amount of destruction that our grandparents have rebuilt with their bare hands. There was nothing even remotely similar in Britain, France or USA. And we have actually rebuilt everything without the Marshalls plan which is the cause of why modern Europe is de-facto controlled by the USA. Europe have sold their independence for Marshalls plan, we did not.
So yeah, you either lie or say half truth. The full truth is that we are more educated and more hard working, but because of the cost of WW2 we still live worse. But we surely do not need your smart American owners (yes, because Americans own you and your country) to come here to Russia and teach us life. It is like a dog trying to teach something a man. Got anything to say?
@@snowsnow4231 Great comment. It should be pinned as a great example of brainwashed nationalistic mythomania.
@@BojanBojovic good to see that Serbia isn’t a lost cause and there are a lot of thinking people there still. Best regards from Ukraine!
@@snowsnow4231 You can start with the old misconception that somehow your country has not yet managed to overcome the burden of WW2 and that's holding it back. How many wars will it take Russia to finally equalize the damage of WW2? How many Lenins, Stalins, Putins do you need to massacre your intelligentsia away in your oh so politically literate part of the world?
@@BojanBojovic Maybe elaborate on what's not true? What is the reality and how he twisted it? Without this you look like a propagandist. Try reasoning.
The video is very good, so thank you! The bit about Western actors inadvertently playing into Russia’s hands by panicking about the extent and impact of interference is deeper than it seems. Great story, sir.
It's a huge point and we are still not registering it properly.
@@VladVexler this point does come up in academic discussions. I can testify to that from personal experience. I think what we need is a wider understanding among the populations.
Brilliant. Thank you very much. 🙏🍀
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." - George Orwell, 1984
yes, the boot of Pentagon.
@@tutifruti7488 And as if to prove the point of this video…. Here you are.
There will always be ‘boots’… & I’d much rather it be an American one, than Russian or Chinese. Funny how all those ex-soviet bloc countries, Taiwan, S. Korea etc, flocked to the American (or western) ‘boot’.
@@tutifruti7488 you got a boot up your butt
@@tutifruti7488Here comes one right now. It's Tuti Fruti Booty!
@@GregDaniel78 Tuti Fruti Booty is the latest cutting edge booty, the invisible one.....because the original Crypto Uncle comment and ALL replies thereof were deleted as part of the Western Censorship Booty.
Vlad your impression of Trump made me laugh out loud and at the same time really educated me on how this mixed messaging works to undermine reality. Cheers.
Thank you!! I thought it would be a disaster if tried to do the accent, so I didn’t!
@@VladVexler you did his lips perfectly though!
15:44 tears of laughter
We all love Trump!!
With the exception of the media brainwashed people!
It was spot on.
Boris Johnson did in fact say that mask wearing was a good thing. And urged people to wear them in public. The UK government's policy was not to force people to wear masks. But rather to encourage the wearing of masks. As it was felt that people were more likely to do so if it was a personal choice, rather than an enforced rule. The same goes for public gatherings. After all, the UK is not China. They knew well that the moment the media focused on the enforcement of mask wearing, rather than the reasons why masks should be worn, would be the moment mask wearing became a political issue rather than a public health issue.
Superlative analysis. Thank you!
Thank you so much! I believe in it.
"Doubt is our product." Sound familiar?
Thank you, Vlad!
Absolutely brilliant. You gather all the threads and show how they weave together very efficiently. I find your perspective incredibly valuable.
The solution to chaos created covertly by the strongman and his minions is the public image of strength the strongman projects. Nevermind "strength" really means the ability to trample rights.
Glad it was of value.
Recently discovered this guy! Amazing analysis, subscribed and recommended to my friends
I really appreciate you, thanks so much!
Just came across your channel and this video. I'm so glad I did, your analysis and presentation is what so many need to hear right now. Thank you, keep up the good work, I know I'll be supporting you as much as I can.
Thanks so much Greg. Welcome here! There is also a second channel called Vlad Vexler Chat, where I answer Qs and talk more casually almost every day.
Нет войне!
Нет сил выдерживать этот трындец, хочется проснуться в той реальности, где не было этой войны.
I friggin love you, Vlad. You present all these concepts in such an easy to understand way. I feel so educated every time I watch one of your videos. Are you a teacher? If not you'd be great at it.
I'm quite glad you and many others are here to educate people about this problem.
It's quite scary that at this point behavioural studies and psychology studies are being used by both games and politics to not help people but further damage people
Since three months, I have been trying to collect bits and pieces to understand Russian propaganda. And here it laid out is in a nutshell, very well explained, and I learned a lot. Thank you!
I am glad!
like the propraganda that Putin is going to die anyday now.
You should watch HBO's miniseries Agents Of Chaos, there is a lot about how russian propaganda and intelligence works
Excellent point at 12:30 or so here. I’m happy I found you. “Maximalist account” is a good word to describe it.
Thanks Craig - you can guess I could have been much less polite than ‘maximalist’ !! I hope you are doing well.
OMG! Suddenly so much makes sense now. Thank you.
I remenber, about 15 years ago, as a teen, reading an article about how one of Putins top PR-people was an abstract artist (I don't remember the name) whose theme had been the concept of reality... I remember the article was one of those about "how someone from outside politics can effect politics if they're at the right place at the right time" ones, but I'll say that in recent years it has been very useful to have had that particular insight about Kremlin communications...
I just recently discovered your channel and I have been binge watching your videos.
I'm Estonian and I was a child when Soviet Union collapsed, but I do remember how it was like.
My heart breaks for Ukrainians, but also for all the saine Russians, who understand, what is really going on, yet are helpless to do anything about it.
I get it, that propaganda works, but I'm honestly surprised that it works so well on such huge number of people.
How do you believe everything that you see on TV so blindly and not ask any questions?
It has always been very difficult for me to understand.
Your explanation helped a little though. :)
Just wanted to say a big thank you for talking about these things. I have learned a lot from you.
I'll be coming back for more. ❤️
Dear Kati thank you and welcome! Sorry you share a border with this degenerate in the Kremlin.
"How do you believe everything that you see on TV so blindly and not ask any questions? " - you can ask the same question for people who lives in any other country. Propaganda is not Russian invention. For example: Western MSM declines what they showed 2-5-6 years ago about Ukrainian problem. So it is not true that Russian propaganda is about lie, but western propaganda is about truth. Actually they are the same. And truth is between poles.
"sane Russians who understand" - yes, sane Russians know Russia = bad, America = good
by sane your mean young women who do not see anything beyond pumpkin lattes and latest iPhones, right?
Me too. Just discovered this channel, am Estonian and was a kid when Soviet Union collapsed.
I believe why propaganda works on huge number of people is because most people are pretty superficial in nature, they're also preoccupied with their own lives and they tend to consume news as "fast food", often not caring enough to really think what they're being fed.
That's where propagandists come in and use it for their own gain. They present their own version of the news, often doing it in a scandalous, over-the-top manner, because it sticks better, emphasizing that they somehow know more than the rest of us and that no one else is to be trusted. It gets parroted around and voilà, in time they will have an audience of loyal followers who DON'T trust anyone else. If you try to debate them in any serious manner, it usually ends with them launching ad hominem attacks against you, you're either stupid, brainwashed, paid off or part of the Deep State - or all of the above. But they're never good at debating or proving their point that was under scrutiny in the first place. What I've witnessed is that people who tend to believe propaganda also tend to believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories, some of which are totally mental, but there's no convincing them that they're wrong either. It think it's quite easy to get trapped in propaganda if you're not concious of it, not looking out for it and not knowing how to avoid the traps, but it's really hard to get out of it.
I am German and I am sorry we did not listen to the warnings we recieved from the Baltic States and I am sorry we were entitled and thought NATO unneccesary and redundant.
Wow ! BRILLIANT analysis! Eye opening reflection moments. Thanks.
Thank you for wanting to change my life a little bit. I do feel edified by the examples and explanations you give.
Just a tiny bit ! Thank you for taking time Richard! Wishing you a positive Sunday.
Brilliant video, much food for thought.
Please keep posting similar content and Thanks!
Thank you !!
Vlad´s best video: glass clear and well presented. I learned a ton from it. Thx, Vlad!
Thank you!
What you are doing is really great! I pray for your health. And your continued contributions towards the intellect of those who listen to you.
Thank you so much!
WOW!!! You have certainty opened my eyes. I do appreciate your content.
One thing worth mentioning is the common Russian technique of using 'whataboutery', the tactic of deflecting away criticism of their policies and actions.
I'm hooked on your videos now Vlad!! You are the only authority on Russian politics that I trust. thanks so much for making these videos for us lamen.
Utter pleasure. I have so many wonderful questions that I will have to do a marathon Q&A video on the clips channel in the next couple of days!
8:45 isn't that exactly what has happened to Ukraine?
- The opposition has gone mad and many of them formed the notorious Azov
- Ukraine has lost economic ties with Russia and suffered from it
- Ukraine has in fact became a US puppet
- Ukraine has lost Russian language
So maybe belorussians believed Russian propaganda, because they saw same things taking place in the neighbouring Ukraine?
propaganda is such an overused word. Instead of debating it's much easier to say "hah! you're brainwashed by your propaganda!". The word "propaganda" is "propaganda" by itself. calling something you don't like "propaganda" is a way to escape answering questions. i don't watch tv. i watch YT's many sources, including Ukrainian ones. but i still support my country
Azov got stronghold, because of annexation of Crimea. No, Russian language has not been lost.
Economy is not going to drain because of loss of Russian ties, the war is doing that.
Do you seriously believe that Russia из вся и все? They need to leave Ukraine alone.Ukraine is a western puppet? By whose opinion? Who’s puppet was Poroshenko? Russian puppet= good? Western =bad? Is the world black and white? How are they paying lately for trolling? Is it still 200 rub for a sentence?
@@mylist0song нехуй было нападать на ДНР ЛНР после их подписания с Россией договора о взаимной защите. 8 лет стреляли по людям, "сепаратистами" называли, договоры о прекращении огня нарушали, и не боялись получить в ответ, а теперь вдруг стали жертвами, и оплотом демократии... Только всю политическую опозицию по тюрьмам рассадили сначала, и новостные каналы подчинили напрямую правительству, а остальные забанили, а так ангелочки ебучие...
Признайте независимость республик и Крым оставьте в покое, и все кончится. Нет они решили что могут победить.... Теперь мы сделаем так, что вы никогда больше своей армии иметь не будете. Уже относительно скоро.
Нехуй было перевороты перворачивать в 2014ом в своем ебаном Киеве. С бандеровцами хороводы водили? Сломали страну своими руками. Все рады за вас. Особенно штаты.
90% of Belarusians didn't believe russian propaganda, look at the polls
@@izmailcherkadze2322 what propaganda?
Meantime Spotify is blocking russians from listening to podcasts, i cant buy books from amazon and no youtube premium for me.
This is genius counterpropaganda
Some countries have blocked a whole Russian TV and Internet sites. You know what is the funniest? People in Russia are anti-ukrainian/pro-russian, mostly, because they've been fed enough shit from UKRAINIAN media and UKRAINIAN blogs/sites, lmao.
This is an insanely informative video. I have a lot of respect for the work you have obviously put into this. This provides a very valuable perspective and more than that, it's coming from someone that has experienced this kind of propaganda for himself. Lastly, it is quite disconcerting to watch, but that is a good thing in this case. Thank you for making this, I have learned a lot today
Glad it brought you value.
Content in this video is eye opening for sure. Thank you for your hard work and not doing content for the sake of content. Be safe everybody.
Pleasure! Thank you for taking time! Be safe.
The opening five mins is just brilliant in explaining the differences. YOU HAVE TO WRITE A BOOK. I would love you to publish a book on modern Russia under Putin. ❤
I am writing a book but my expertise is political values, not propaganda. Peter Pomerantsev is best on propaganda.
I find all your videos regarding Russia quite enlightening. Having been raised in the West the culture, beliefs and attitudes of the Russians have always left me wondering as to why they seemed so different, particularly to my way of thinking. A lot of it now makes sense.
Absolutely monumental work, I instantly subscribed. Love the way you explain it in simple terms and being very precise. I love how you use your body language along with the speech, literally every detail of this video is on point. You make better job at delivering this information than many big names in journalist community, and you should keep it up. Absolutely amazing
Totally agree
Superb breakdown many thanks.
Thanks Vlad, it is always great to see another video from you- however sad the subject.
(And of course what is going on in Ukraine right now is way beyond sad.)
Thank you for your wise words, such a valuable source of education for us all.
P.S. LOVED your Trump “impersonation”, nailed it perfectly!
Excellent job. I’ve binge-watched your vids this morn after getting home from work. I truly hope heads of state depts and foreign ministries are paying attention. Somehow, I doubt it. We grew up at the same time but on opposite sides of the world (as I am In The USA). It is always fascinating for me to hear about how it was for someone my age in the USSR. As a school boy I always used to wonder how “Soviet Tim’s” life was. . In fact, my mother saved the letter I asked her to send to Gorbachev on my behalf…….she never did. I have it in my room lol.
I am not being flippant, I am not from the USA. Do schools kids not to have to sing a song each day under the flag, or has that tradition died out?
@@pedrosanchez4035 “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Lol yes, my kids did, it’s more of a chant but the same thing. Right hand over heart
@@trottyong Thanks, as one who has never visited the USA I wasn't sure if it was an apocryphal tale. So some similarities with them Ruskies.
Just for your amusement, when Spanish teams stand for the national anthem, they stand in silence. I recall one commentator complaining that the Spanish don't show any respect for their national anthem as they don't sing along.
There are no lyrics to the Spanish National Anthem lmfao. It was decided that after the civil war, and 40 years under the fascist dictator Franco, a tune was sufficient.
Dude, you made the list.
Now you, Ramon y Cajal, Christopher Hitchens, and George Carlin are my favorite philosophers ever.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you Vlad, years of trying to pinpoint the mechanisms of this obvious but inexplicable manipulation, condensed into less than 20 minutes.
I am glad.
Thanks Vlad. This vide was a real Aha! for me. I have been discussing New Zealand's "Freedom Protest" with my teenage niece. A point of difference between us has been the origins of the protest as domestic or foreign. Now I see that this confusion of local grievances with foreign interference is a prime objective of modern propaganda. This is an effective disruption to us from seeing each others points of view. Jolly good stuff.
Entire Europe are influenced by Russian propaganda machine. Intelligence services has proven direct connection with Russia, and financial support to right wing politicians, radical groups and EU opposition. Destabilising, and fuelling internal conflicts is a goal for Russia. Along with megalomaniac and unreliable Erdogan, low educated minorities are polarising our former homogeneous societies.
Excellent stuff!
Man, I like you! Wish I could be your friend. By the way, I was writing part of my novel which is about fake news and Russian propaganda in Ukraine in 2014, and your video came as a ring to my finger. Thank you!
I am so glad to hear that! Good luck with your book!
I absolutely loved watching your video, it helped me get a much clearer understanding of things I noticed before, but couldn't quite make sense of. "pouring fuel on conflicts that are already there", "deliberately sending conflicting messages", "the real damage doesn't come from the interference itself, but from the response to it", "tapping into already existing fears and sentiments". Seems like there is something that the Russian state, for all of its inefficiencies, does manage to consistently pull off well after all. (Other than consistently manufacturing state of the art weapons, almost somewhat independent of economic prowess.)
Thank you. I think the execution of these concepts is often laughably poor. But the way the Russian state thinks about propaganda is very conceptual and academic.
One of the most horrifying things I witnessed this year is one student of our programme going completely down this rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and misinformation and talking in the post-truth way you just described. It ended with him trying to mess up two professors' carreers by telling the students weird mixtures of truths and lies about them and trying to encite us against them. In the end it was stuff like "you're wearing the flag of the Ukraine on you, therefore you're a Nazi."
Current Ukranian government is publicly nazi
AZOV nazis are real tho. Israel and the US funded them B4 the proxy war currently happening. Probably still funding them, but we won't know until 15-20 yrs after the war.
@@Sl33zytheclown Did I say anything about the Azov Battalion though? Yes, obviously there are Nazis in Ukraine, but there are Nazis all over (Eastern) Europe, including Russia. Does Aleksandr Dugin ring a bell for example? The problem is precisely that people take some true elements, combine them with false elements and present themselves as the bringers of the truth. What I'm studying has very little to do with Eastern European politics, so it was all the more bizarre to see professors who are experts in other things being dragged into stuff like this, because one of them happens to be supportive of Ukraine (without holding lectures about it or being personally involved with major political stuff connected to this).
@@Diamantenvogel you mentioned nazis and Ukraine. So yea you kinda did. Do you support them?
@@Sl33zytheclown Look, I'm not gonna discuss this further with you. You're beginning to sound _exactly_ like this student. Just two points about this: a) talking about Nazis does not make you one. If the only ones talking about fascism are fascist we're in big trouble, because we're letting the fascist control the discourse about fascism. b) I can equally turn this sophistic argumentation around on you and ask you whether you support the Nazis in Russia and whether you support Russia's expansion which is having more and more fascist undertones even in the discourses of the people in favour of it.Just look at Putin's speeches and the messed up ideology in Alexandr Dugin's books.
subbed ... this is so damned fascinating... I've often wondered why trump was favoured by RU . very compelling arguments here. Thanks
Thanks for this insight again, I love your work. 🙏
Thank you so much!
I would love a video on the origins of these tactics. How far back does it go? Beyond the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? Great work Vlad!
There is one "historian" in Russia. Ponasenkov (he is funny from some point). He has international agent status, but I'm not sure he has no ties with Kremlin because he is elitist and a little far right.
He was writing and discusiing in youtube about Napoleon and 1812 war. How Alexander 1st international politics provoked the war and political misunderstanding. I haven't read his books, but I find it interesting to get bigger picture about those times. Of course, it is easy to misinterpret history to modern view, so need to be careful
I'm going to share the hell out of this video. Thanks again Vlad 💗
💙💛🌻 so lovely thank you!
@@VladVexler no, thank you! You should have 10 times the amount of subscribers you have, so let's work at getting you to that point.
@@bobbymurphy4384 dear you thank you for being so supportive!
Man, you just explained 20 years of my feelings...I'm from Czech Republic...
Our presidential motto was always "Pravda vítězí" alias "Truth always wins", it's on Presidents flag. I remember first president Havel - writer, dissident who brought us close to EU and NATO...
Then came Klaus - look up his amnesty...he stopped long lasting court processes, many of them with people connected to Russia/our former communist secret police StB...that was huge blow for this motto, at least for me...
Now we have Zeman...few Wiki citations:
- Zeman has been criticized for his contacts with the powerful Czech lobbyist Miroslav Šlouf, formerly his chief adviser. While Zeman was prime minister, Šlouf maintained contact with the controversial entrepreneur František Mrázek, nicknamed the "Godfather of Czech Organized Crime". Šlouf and Mrázek met and exchanged information at the Office of the Czech Government.Mrázek was assassinated in 2006. In leaked wiretapping records, he nicknames Zeman mlha ("fog") and claims that Zeman "could not be bribed, and wanted only a sandwich, three pickles and for people to like him."
- During his tenure, Radio Free Europe has described him as "one of the European Union's most Kremlin-friendly leaders" due to his pro-Russian stance
- In April 2021, Zeman cast doubt on Russia's involvement in the 2014 Vrbětice ammunition warehouses explosions...
buuut according to the Security Information Service and the Police of the Czech Republic, two GRU agents from Unit 29155 were involved in the explosions.
- He stopped court process with alleged killer, and now another one with his personal friend...
But at least after invasion, he called Putin a Mad Man and decided to award Zelenskyy with the highest state award of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion, for "his bravery and courage in the face of Russia's invasion"
Thank you. You're doing a great, great job. Please keep going. Greetings from Ukraine.
I just found your channel, you explain thing soowell , I live in Estonia and I have some ukrainian friends fighting in ukraine right now , when the warbegan everybody seemed to stand with Ukraine...there was not even question about it, even all the russians in my country (in 50s Stalin deported thousands of estonians to siberian gulags to die and then later imported thousands of russians into Estonia as a part of russification thanks to that we have 21% of russians in here) but as time goes by I can see that more andmore we have russians who have been totally brainwashed by Kremlin media , they attack estonbians who help ukrianian immigrants, and spread hate , those russians are usually people who live in Estonia but hatethe country, dont want tolearn the language , want soviet union back and they absolutsely support Putin , thankfully I would say that at least 70% of russians who live in here are normalpeople , who speak estonian and english and get their information from different places and they absolutsely hate this war but I have to say that I am very concerned about the russian propaganda and fifth column in my country , Putin is very good at brainwashing russian people , love your videos :) keep up the good work :)
Hello from Finland. I think there is something similar happening here among russian minority. I think language is one of key points in this thing. By not wanting to learn language or not by knowing language they are more vunerable to russian propaganda. It is easier to open eyes what is happening in world in reality when you know language used in news and people around you. I wish best of luck for people in Estonia during these times, your culture and standing against USSR in past is inspirational for me
Spaniard here. My first encounter with Russian propaganda and brainwashing happened in 2014, during the Crimean annexation and the start of war in the Donbas. My wife is Ukrainian and, like many people in her country, she had part of her family living in Russia. By then it was a tenet of Russian propaganda that the conflict in the Donbas was a local and spontaneus uprising and no Russians were involved. My wife talked to her Russian relatives by internet videoconferencing and she told them how his younger brother, by then doing military service in Ukraine, had driven in her vehicle some Russian soldiers taken prisoners in Donbas. Despite this direct testimony from someone from their family these relatives would angrily answer: "There are no Russian soldiers in Donbas! That's a CIA lie!"
I always thought that in a time with easy internet access to get adequate information these kind of lies from manipulated mass media would never be possible. But these people had internet access that, unilke China, had no restrictions, and still they preferred to believe the Russian state TV. I was surprised at its power.
Unfortunately, 30% crazy can cause 100% chaos. That is one of the aims of Putin's propaganda, to cause chaos in the west.
@@viljamikoivunen6297 language is nothing. when people use their eyes they see the truth and it is always important to know the roots to understand why this conflict happens. and not, it is not because russia == evil state. western msm did not cover this conflict for years, and their propaganda is spreading much faster then Russian propaganda in a way - "Russia attacked Ukraine". but Russians and Ukrainians know the cause even without it because they are living in Ukraine and Russia, and they see it by their eyes for decade. John Mearsheimer described the causes of this conflict and you should watch his video if you want to understand why it is happening.
@@viljamikoivunen6297 it's the same destructive influence Middle Eastern "refugees" forces on western societies! Unfortunately lefties and brainwashed do-gooders are still obsessed with long failed multiculti nonsense, and some are even supporting Russia because its in opposition to (their comfortable liberal) Western lifestyle! Insanity sure comes in different packages..
This video changed my life a little bit. I live in Hungary where the leader Viktor Orban does exactly the same thing as Putin in Russia. Everything makes much more sense now.
I am so sorry for what your country is going through now. Truly sorry. Sadly others will follow. Inc in Western Europe.
@@VladVexler May I ask what makes you say that? Could this war in Ukraine maybe change that a bit (I'm hoping for a ray of light). Thanks for your videos
@@naomisherred166 Sure. I think we are facing the biggest crisis of trust in public institutions in the West since the European revolutions of 1848. I will be saying a lot more about this once we come out of this series of videos connected with the war. Here is a five min video on loss of trust
@@VladVexler Thank you so much for your reply! I'm a relatively new subscriber but you are helping me to feel a little calmer 😊😊
@@naomisherred166 also just turn off the news internet and channels like this one when your nervous system needs it!
Outstanding, great presentation and very informative.
Before the vid begins… I already know I’m gonna love it and be transfixed by the narration.
Thank you!!
There is brilliant book '' Nothing is true and everything is possible '' of Peter Pomerantsev largely on the same topic
I remember what Julia Ioffe said. She felt that Russia in 2016 was like a resentful high school student who doesn’t want to confront the “cool kid” he resents directly. He hides behind a corner and sticks his foot out as his nemesis runs by, hoping to trip him and give him a bloody nose, but, to his surprise, his target ends up with a broken neck.
Enjoyed the video as always. When it comes to propaganda I think we also need to focus on the receiver, not just the transmitter.
My uncle follows Chinese propaganda. With the Ukraine war the propaganda hasn't been forthcoming, or at least it hasn't been strong enough - and this has left him adrift. The relative absence of propaganda isn't leading for him to try think for himself, no, the opposite, he is like a blank slate waiting for opinions, a drone waiting for instructions. Unable to take a position until he is told what position to take
I haven't seen this before, there's always been a line to take and he follows it to the letter, now the line is ambiguous, the propaganda angle isn't definitive enough for him to follow.
It reminds me of something you said in one of your videos about not wantiny inyg spontaneous or organic support, but only obedient managed support that won't grow a life of its own. Viewing independent support with suspicion. I think my uncle is not only incapable of independent thought, he is unable to conceptualise that anybody else is capable of independent thought either - or what independent though even is. If he is following instructions, then so is everybody else. In this world, people aren't actors with agency, they are instruments, drones to be activated (and de-activated)
Parallels with conspiratorial thinking, but without excluding himself
This is unbelievable scary and depressiv.
Thanks for writing your personal anecdote (family prone to propaganda). It is striking and knowing it can happen to someone close to us is especially striking/powerful.
@@steadmanuhlich6734 Thanks Steadman!
I mean to add a little bit more about my uncle, I'll add it now.
What I was also going to say is he predisposed to any authority. An example might be if someone phones him he has to do what they say, which puts him at risk of scammers. He would never think to question credentials. If someone speaks in an authoritative way, they must be followed at all costs. I think we see this a lot with older relatives that fall for eg Facebook memes, they will believe 100% and its useless to try correct them
This is why I think this stuff is psychological rather than political. Politics can just be a terrain on which it occurs
@@jascu4251 That's another interesting point. I see the same thing happens here in the USA. Apparently some people in a population are prone to wanting authoritarians over them (makes it easy for them in some ways) and likely has deep rooted psychological reasons. Like you said. Thanks for commenting.
@@steadmanuhlich6734 I think people think of it in political terms, that "the other side" is prone to authoritarianism, while they are immune, whereas I think it can affect all types of people, including apolitical.
I listened to a great podcast on this, Karen Stenner and the authoritarian predisposition, on the BBC. Its from a couple of years ago, but definitely resonated with me, I recommend it!
Trump would not hesitate one second if Putin offered to help him get elected. Putin is always looking for politicians throughout the world that might be subject to his own influence because he helped them gain power.
Thank you for this video
Thanks for this explanation. I am from Belarus and participated in the 2020 protests. Your analysis of the changes in propaganda narratives since the arrival of "Russia Today Troops" is very accurate. They changed Belarusian propaganda literally overnight, and after a few weeks of this massive manipulations (combined with repression, of course, even well-made propaganda cannot be effective without it) people begun to constantly argue and discuss these narratives.
Could you possibly share what propaganda outlets you were engaging with before participating in the 2020 events? Were there any outlets at that point that were truly obsolete from western sponsorship/influence?
Very well explained. 100% agree.
Thank you.
Hi Vlad!
I just want to thank you that you some months ago in my opinion preserved my sanity with this Video. "How can I know truth at all if so many close people around me are spreading so much lies?" This was driving me crazy - until I watched this Video and decided: I don't want that Russia makes me give up on truth at all!!
It is very interesting to watch propaganda about how not to become a victim of other propaganda.
Again, good food for thought, Vlad. I'll need some time to process it. In line with a discussion I had today with a lovely person who tends to fall for right-wing narratives again and again. The question: "Do You really want the world to look like that?" made them reflect on their ideas for the first time.
It's not easy anyway to find out what's right and wrong these days, even without being bombarded with reckless propaganda all the time.
@@janneroppola_supersigma Free healthcare, public infrastructure, social safety nets and expanded civil rights. How terrible.
@@morrigangg what a horror!
@@morrigangg didn't happen where I come from .
Selfish greedy and narcissist people go into politics and it's always a self serving position
As long as there's no honesty in the system nothing will get done
Just don’t think about it, soon your shitty city will be destroyed by Russia💪
I have felt your easy as you speak them. It is apparent to discerning minds and today you go nowhere without suspicion. Constantly braced...exhausting - yet survivable if you muster courage to think and feel the thing.
Quite fun to see when someone accuses other in manipulations, propaganda and lie by using manipulations, propaganda and lie.))
Lmao good one
Once again I have learned so much listening to your explanation of propaganda. Very grateful for your channel. ❤️
Claire thank you so much wishing you a good Sunday!
This is so accurate! Damn nice work
Another layer i think is the info bubble algorithms put us in. For example, i view one pro LBGT piece of media, child rearing video, or housewife video and suddenly i am over inundated with pride, pregnancy and women's-place-in-the home media. It happens with political info too. I listen to GOP messages to understand both sides and suddenly i am getting gun ads. Then i listen to DEM and more socialist media and suddenly im getting credit score ads. I think corporations have the capacity to tweak the algorithms to sway the opinions of the people too.
They don't sway opinions as much as they want to drive discourse because it keeps people on the platform. Really dumb arguments usually go on for a while, thus more people are on the platform. That's how twitter works most of the time.
@@Forcoy /yeah, you have a point. corporations will only do anything if it means increased profit. Like sell pride merch one month, then switch to black heratiage merch the next month, then support a politician that votes agains equal marriange and redraws districts to disadvantage black comunities because that politician supports tax breaks for big business or lowering EPA regulations. It isn't about people, just money... at least they are honest in their greed.
Thanks for that Vlad, I am studying the news and social media propaganda we are currently exposed to, on the basis that very little is the truth. This talk has been very helpful in sharpening my critical eye and ear.
My pleasure glad it was beneficial!
@@VladVexler You're a good man, when I say studying, I am not a student (anymore than anyone else), I am actually a 60 year old journalist. It is like "what the heck is going on?" The disinformation has gone stratospheric.
One thing that I find interesting is how R.T. has spread out over youtube in different guises. Like you said in your talk, they are very good at this propaganda stuff.
@@pedrosanchez4035 I understand! To be honest RT never matched the standards of Russian propaganda for domestic consumption. By the way, what’s happened during the war is that propaganda has moved from being an aperitif to being breakfast lunch and dinner for Russians.
Hello Vlad. I've been following you now since just after the start of the war. Here and in chat. I have learnt a huge amount from your thoughts and analysis. Today TH-cam recommended to me a video by Anya Turnbull from a month ago. It's about on Russian propaganda, and I found it insightful and moving. I wondered if you've come across her, and I want to make you aware of her if not. She's not an expert, but she's quite sharp. She's half Russian and in her video on aspects of Russian propaganda she also touched on many of the topics you have covered - Russian fear, apathy and denial, fascist drift, and her own feelings of guilt. It's not a long video (18 minutes). I hope you have time to watch it.
Great video! Check out some of the interviews on 1420 channel - many Russian people say exactly what you describe, that they cannot talk about the current events because they hear so many different versions of truth, and in the end it's impossible to know what is real.
And 1420 mostly ends up showing the more reflective citizens.
You put into words exactly what I was feeling about trump, bojo and other such figures, they are more chaos than they are right or left wing, they have few core values that they stick to if any, their opinions are either ambiguous or change based on what's more politically advantageous. I am sometimes struggling not to be angry at people who buy this, you can even show them proof of how they answer a question both ways and will outright ignore it. I'm sick to my stomach
Same here.
I've worked with a Narcissist for 10 years and have become familiar with all his tactics.
Trump is like the original mold that created him. People should really educate themselves on Narcissism and learn how they operate, learn how they manipulate people and try to wriggle out of legitimate criticisms. You can read them like a book once you know what to look for. It's really alarming to see how polarized the nation has become and how people are divided against the people they should be trying to find common ground to work towards their common interests. They are playing us like a violin to achieve power and their ambitions.
This video is great. Learned something, thank you! 🙏
I really liked your segment on how Russia's manipulative tactics are merely a [machiavelic] way of triggering unresolved conflicts that are already in the fabric of those targeted western democracies. The best and the most obvious example of this is in the USA : this country has piled up do so many grievances.. Putin did not have to do much to push that pressure off the cliff.
Vlad, thank-you for bringing philosophy back into my life in such a succinct manner and with such relevance. Practised properly I don't think there is a more powerful tool. Big love. Bob
Always a pleasure Bob and look forward to sharing more! Take care!!
That was really well put. I wish I could organize my thoughts that succinctly.
Glad it was useful! An update to this video is coming soon!
спасибо за это видео. я умудрился на 7 лет выпасть из русской медиасферы - потерял аккаунт ВК, перестал смотреть новости на русском, и теперь вернутся в это окружение с таким количеством дезинформации и лжи сложно.
ВК давно стал ФСБ-шной помойкой. Я с первых дней войны удалил аккаунт ВК и не жалею об этом
Dont switch to Western Media either. Both tell lies in different ways.
@@ifirespondiamstupid7750 you can't even imagine hom much lies russian propaganda spread. Way much more than the western media. At least western countries have freedom of speach unlike Russia.
@@ifirespondiamstupid7750 this completely drops the idea of scale. On the Ukrainian war specifically - while western media may just omit the crimes of Ukrainian troops, Russian media is currently straight up lying about every war crime of it's state and just stages confessions of fake residents of Donetsk and Luhansk.
You can't possibly equate this shit.
@@zunlise2341 Scale? Lying dont have scales friend. Every lie leads to disaster. I am sure as heck aware of Russian lies and propaganda but with the resources and funds the west have, those lies will jump 10 folds to another whole level. I just said to be careful because Weelstern media also lies at every turn and despise their own citizens.
I keep reading the title as "the postmortem" and I want it to be true.
Very educational video, helps me to assure myself not everybody is crazy around me