Giang bikin pintu dan beli gembok..pintu itu di gembok terus..klo ngak ,berbahaya tu orang tua yg jahat itu kejam..giang minta tolong bibi sementara tinggal bersama kamu aja..bisa jaga anda..dan bisa antar cobon sekolah..sementara pak luon harus bekerja cari duit..untuk persiapan giang mau lahirkan ..semoga sukses..tuhan memberkati..
Hello! Momma you need to report this police you are pregnant and it can effect the baby if you fall or stress out.. you can loose the baby early if you don't report this to police what is mother is doing to you...God bless you guys to stay safe, healthy...🦋💞 texas
Amiga Giangs, não permita que esta Sra, sua sogra chegue aos extremo com vcs. Pois ela falou que vai voltar para atazanar o teu sossêgo. Alerte se. Acordei pra jesus.Não queira fechar a porta quando o ladrão está dentro de casa. Preserve a sua vida e dos seus filhos. Agora ela tem uma parceira demostra ser tão miserável quanto ela. Acordeeeeeeeee. A sua atitude me deixa a flor da pele.
Ihhh nonton vidio ini bikin darah tinggi ...knpa ibu tua itu sngat kejam ...lapor kan ke polisi biyar kmu dpat perlindungan .jgan byr kn dia trus menyiksa mu ...dlu kehidupan mu sngat bhahia bersma cubon skrg sperti ini ..
If it is true story..Don't allowed anyone to harm you in your house..coz it is your to police is your right to protect yourself and your son for peaceful living..tell to your husband whatever the bad things done unto you of his mother and the other woman.
Thanks for getting auntie to help you with Cubon that's to much getting him to school walking in your condition as far as you keeping this drama going with his mother that's on you by law you can stop since her son doesn't have sense to that's your property and she is trespassing
Hallo giang..hati hati dengan wanita tua ini ..dia kejam..dia blg lain x dia datang dia akan pake masker pake topeng..itu orang jahat sekali..laporkan kepolosi aja..dia bilang lain x dia mau datang lagi pake topeng..orang lain tidak bisa kenal dia..dan giang pintu gerbang di gembok aja..bikin pintu satu..beli kunci..selalu di gembok aja..bahaya tu..wanita kejam itu..untung tadi ada bibi..
Minha filha já tinha uma sogra miserável, mostre a sua raça valente. Não deixe ela te maltratar. Vc é uma mulher de muita raça. Não se torne uma barata para que está Sra, sua sogra te bata, vendo que vc está aponto de dá a luz..Fale bem alto show Satanás espírito ruim. Tu não vai me vencer. O meu Deus é maior e muito benevolente. E junto com a sua tia,denuncie está Sra, pelo amor de Deus na tua vida. Se não vcs não terá sossêgo. Estou aqui torcendo por vcs. Seja muito feliz. Vc terá um bom parto .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Lembre se,que é feliz quer ver seus amigos felizes.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤Elizabete. Que mora no Brasil.
Your life was better with just you and your little boy he's growing older and is helpful he's going to school if the hunter dose as mother says you will be in a worse position with 2 children to look after you should have thought about it before you got pregnant with 2 children the little boy won't go to school you were very irresponsible to get pregnant
I’m not willing to watch this vlog if this bad mother in law always fight and hurt her daughter in law, please see to it that this bad mother in law respect and stop bullying giang thi shin or else 😡
Добрый вечер Джианг Мне очень жаль вас , что ваша свекровь безголовая женщина!!! Вам надо пойти в полицию и написать на нее заявление и наказать ее ,и лучше чтобы ее посадили в тюрьму!!!! В тюрьме будет у нее время задуматься что она творит . Она хочет чтобы вы потеряли ребёнка, чтобы сын вернулся домой . Мне очень жаль вас ❤❤❤
Aunque se vaya ve a la policía y denunciala si no lo haces seguirá lo mismo hasta que un día te deja sin casa o te mata esa vieja es mala y acuérdate que ella no te puede pegar tú estás embarazada eso no se permite denunciala el niño también sufre todo ese maltrato que ve te esa señora te hace denunciala a l a policía
its another commotion of mother in law...fight back.shes looking you down cause youre poor.😬fight back Giang.or tell Luan that her mother insulted you and was came with a lady whom shes like to marry with Luan.
Go and report this women to the Police she will not stop to bully you, Luan will also not stop his mother. You can survive without them, she is going to hurt you and your unborn child if you dont stop them.
Dulu eaktu kalian berdua sangat bahagia sekali, tetapi kini semenjak kau hamil dan punya suami lgi hidupmu makin lama makin susah dan banyak masalah...
Mother in law is wrong to try to control her sons life. She needs to be put in jail for what she did to Giang and her trying to destroy her home. Dont let her get away with it!
Вы что такое видео сминаете. Ничего святого. То про детей плохо, то над беременной женщиной издеваются, независимо кто. И женщины и мужчины. Вы что так плохо все показываете. Кроме возмущения , больше ничего.
Vi esse vídeo fui assistir agora à tarde vejo que essa mulher grávida o tempo todo sendo abusada, apanha da sogra quebra tudo dentro de casa ainda traz outra pessoa para agredir ela e nem ela e nem o marido, nem a tia denuncia essas bandidas para polícia, eu quero continuar assistindo mas se essa grávida continuar apanhando da sogra e levar pessoas para bater nela e quebrar a casa toda, nem ela e nem o marido não tomar uma atitude, eu não vou mais assistir esses vídeos , uma ótima noite abençoada por Deus pra todos vocês ☺ ☺
Ini kok makin lama makin ga jls,knp jd kyk mempertontonkan penyiksaan kek gini trs ga ada tindakan tegas pihak kepolisian gt,kasih pelajaran dong buat yg berbuat jahat itu,tunjukkan ke pemirsa kl kejahatan tuh ga melulu menang,nenek itu mati ketabrak kek ato nyungsep di sungai gt loh krna kena karma dr perbuatannya
Девушка возьми палку и её раз отложите больше небудет вас бить отпор надо давать он злая женщина защищайся что увас там жестокие люди злодеи сообщите полиции берегите себя удачи❤
Nossa pelo amor que está gravando este vídeo ajude a moça grávida, duas contra uma é uma covardia e quem está gravando não faz nada pra ajuadar a moça grávida ,ai não tem lei.
Hola buenos dias, te hablo de Bolivia🇧🇴, yo te aconsejo que lo denuncies a la policia, tu eres fuerte, valiente, tienes que cuidar tu salud por que estas embarazada
Punya ibu mertua jahat sekali,apa ngga takut dia sama tuhan, Liat aja nanti ibu mertua dapat balasan nya nanti dari tuhan,gadis yang mau di jodoh kan sama anak nya juga,jangan so kecakepan deh,ngga suka gua liat tu cewe😔
Gian sinh.why u allowed to do that in your situation.dont allowed to do that bcos she has no right to do that for u.u have force out in your house bcos shes getting interfer for your life in to your husband.or maybe go to the police in face him.🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭😅😂🤩😍😍
You better report to the police this evil mother of loan she must put in jail, your pregnant does not good for you for harrassing you because your pregnant you better file a case to the police what that evil woman do to you pls Giang Thi Sinh follow our advice to you
Ne valja to. To nije dobro. Riješite se i situaciju jer neće nikad biti dobro ako je ne prijavite policiji.😢 Morate čistiti a ne u ovakvoj situaciji biti 😢. Zlo se mora maknuti da bi živjeli mirno. Nema ona nikakvo pravo vama dolaziti i prijetiti😢. On se mora obratiti svojoj majci i maknuti je od kuće. Lijepi pozdrav svima vama, čuvajte se.
Hello giang n son. Fight d mother of your lover. She have no right to enter your house. Shes tresspassing. U r d owner of that. U build your house alone. Dont cry. B a brave woman.
I can't believe IT. Her son gave her money cause she cryed she Had nothing and now she could paid three man for painting the whole house. She IS totally lying even when she IS talking. Luan, please stay beside your Family. This Mom IS very Bad and jealous about the luck of her son. I'm sorry to say that. Please take Care of giangh and cu Bon and yourself. Baby ist coming soon. Call the Police. She couldnt hurt your wife!!!
Sekali pukul tongkat pinggang dia tdk bisa apa doa pasti jatuh .kita yg menonton sangat marah melihat tindakan mertua yg semena2 sama menantunya yg lagi mengandung cucunya sendiri lapor ,.,.................polisi.
esses vídeos estão ficando chato pois essa bruxa ruim vive perturbando a vc vendo a hora você perder seu bebê vai a polícia vc não reage . e feche a entrada da sua casa procure a polícia no las denunciás, te vas a quedar sola, porque los que te seguimos estamos cansados de ver como te castiga esa mujer... y vós no hacés nada, obligalo a tu marido Luan, que, castigue a su madre lléndose para siempre de la casa de su madre, él es tan culpable como su madre, porque no te defiende no se aleja de su madre...¡ por fabooor! Poné una persona en tu casa para que te cuide a vos y cu bon y tus bienes, pedile a tia lien que se quede a vivir con vos...ustedes no deben estar separadas... hacé algo defendete.¡ por fabooo!
Why dose that girl join in to harm the girl The mother can't make him leave his family he dose not love the other girl she needs to find a man of her own the mother wants a house maid and her sons wages
Buen día mamita luchadora y bebecito como es posible que se deje de esa suegra usted y bebé siempre an estado solos en su cobacha bendiciones que todo esté bien Balla a la policía 🚔 a poner un demanda por favor,🥀🌻☕🌹💐🌷
Maledette queste due donne..andate alla polizia subito altrimenti vi daranno sempre fastidio..quanto mi dispiace..😢amore di bambino che continua a baciare sua mamma..❤❤
You should report to the police now. This is the third time she did bad to you. Dont wait that there's something happen to you especially you're alone.
La madre es malísima pero el hijo es tonto sabiendo las intenciones que tiene la bruja de su madre coge iseva trabajar deja desenprarada asumujer y asu hijonoaguanto esta telenovela que los hijos no tengan autonomía propia
Yo me voy a salir estoy arta de tanta violencia laesegido siempre asta hora siempre lo mismo cubo no semerese estos malos tratos por la abuela desjenerada
Amiga porque vc não dar parte dessa mulher, ela só vem aí na sua casa pedir dinheiro, dá tapas na sua cara, jogar suas coisas fora, quebrar tudo e vai embora, deixa de ser Leza vai na polícia denunciar essas duas velhas , porque faz isso com vc e seu filho.
Apa kah kekerasan di Vietnam ini. Sudah merupakan tradisi atau kebiasaan ka. Kelihatan dari orang tua sampai bayi pun lakukan kekerasan / kebiasaan . Menakutkan ya. ?
Desse jeito vocês desvalorizam o país de vocês. Nunca vi tanta violência, esse país não tem leis? Essas mães são um saco, não gosto desse tipo de vídeo... tenha santa paciência...😮😢
Giang bikin pintu dan beli gembok..pintu itu di gembok terus..klo ngak ,berbahaya tu orang tua yg jahat itu kejam..giang minta tolong bibi sementara tinggal bersama kamu aja..bisa jaga anda..dan bisa antar cobon sekolah..sementara pak luon harus bekerja cari duit..untuk persiapan giang mau lahirkan ..semoga sukses..tuhan memberkati..
Hello! Momma you need to report this police you are pregnant and it can effect the baby if you fall or stress out.. you can loose the baby early if you don't report this to police what is mother is doing to you...God bless you guys to stay safe, healthy...🦋💞 texas
You need to take care of yourself and your family first 😘👍🏻💕💕
Amiga Giangs, não permita que esta Sra, sua sogra chegue aos extremo com vcs. Pois ela falou que vai voltar para atazanar o teu sossêgo. Alerte se. Acordei pra jesus.Não queira fechar a porta quando o ladrão está dentro de casa. Preserve a sua vida e dos seus filhos. Agora ela tem uma parceira demostra ser tão miserável quanto ela. Acordeeeeeeeee. A sua atitude me deixa a flor da pele.
Ihhh nonton vidio ini bikin darah tinggi ...knpa ibu tua itu sngat kejam ...lapor kan ke polisi biyar kmu dpat perlindungan .jgan byr kn dia trus menyiksa mu ...dlu kehidupan mu sngat bhahia bersma cubon skrg sperti ini ..
If it is true story..Don't allowed anyone to harm you in your house..coz it is your to police is your right to protect yourself and your son for peaceful living..tell to your husband whatever the bad things done unto you of his mother and the other woman.
Itu lah sinh dari dulu awak tidak peduli netazan bagi awak nesihat sekarang awak betul2 sensara
Call the police tell them they always harast you in your house
Thanks for getting auntie to help you with Cubon that's to much getting him to school walking in your condition as far as you keeping this drama going with his mother that's on you by law you can stop since her son doesn't have sense to that's your property and she is trespassing
Hallo giang..hati hati dengan wanita tua ini ..dia kejam..dia blg lain x dia datang dia akan pake masker pake topeng..itu orang jahat sekali..laporkan kepolosi aja..dia bilang lain x dia mau datang lagi pake topeng..orang lain tidak bisa kenal dia..dan giang pintu gerbang di gembok aja..bikin pintu satu..beli kunci..selalu di gembok aja..bahaya tu..wanita kejam itu..untung tadi ada bibi..
Laporkan kepolisian ibu cubon Krn pengeroyokan.😮
Luan vc já tem uma família linda , tome postura de homem e vai cuidar deles .
Ay Giang, estabas mejor cuando estabas sola con tu hijo Cu Bon, ahora tienes que lidiar con una suegra malvada y otro niño, que triste
Рукоприкладство к беременной со стороны бабушки будующего ребёнка-это вообще ужас.Такая агрессия(а какая походка виляющая-где ваша больная спина😂)
Why you let do ur mother in law do that to you ure pregnant about ur husbant why let him for you report to police u file a case
Minha filha já tinha uma sogra miserável, mostre a sua raça valente. Não deixe ela te maltratar. Vc é uma mulher de muita raça. Não se torne uma barata para que está Sra, sua sogra te bata, vendo que vc está aponto de dá a luz..Fale bem alto show Satanás espírito ruim. Tu não vai me vencer. O meu Deus é maior e muito benevolente. E junto com a sua tia,denuncie está Sra, pelo amor de Deus na tua vida. Se não vcs não terá sossêgo. Estou aqui torcendo por vcs. Seja muito feliz. Vc terá um bom parto .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Lembre se,que é feliz quer ver seus amigos felizes.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤Elizabete. Que mora no Brasil.
Your life was better with just you and your little boy he's growing older and is helpful he's going to school if the hunter dose as mother says you will be in a worse position with 2 children to look after you should have thought about it before you got pregnant with 2 children the little boy won't go to school you were very irresponsible to get pregnant
I’m not willing to watch this vlog if this bad mother in law always fight and hurt her daughter in law, please see to it that this bad mother in law respect and stop bullying giang thi shin or else 😡
Go and get the police for her before you lose your body
Добрый вечер Джианг
Мне очень жаль вас , что ваша свекровь безголовая женщина!!!
Вам надо пойти в полицию и написать на нее заявление и наказать ее ,и лучше чтобы ее посадили в тюрьму!!!!
В тюрьме будет у нее время задуматься что она творит . Она хочет чтобы вы потеряли ребёнка, чтобы сын вернулся домой .
Мне очень жаль вас ❤❤❤
Bendisiones para todos yo quisiera que fuera mi suegra para ponerla en su lugar yo nunca me deje de mi suegra
Report to police or go to police station right away Giang
Call the Police please ❤❤❤
Aunque se vaya ve a la policía y denunciala si no lo haces seguirá lo mismo hasta que un día te deja sin casa o te mata esa vieja es mala y acuérdate que ella no te puede pegar tú estás embarazada eso no se permite denunciala el niño también sufre todo ese maltrato que ve te esa señora te hace denunciala a l a policía
Джанг, сообщите в полицию.
Giang how many times i told u.
Make your fence higher with babwire.
N change your gate with padlock.
Use your brain.
Dont b afraid of that old evil
Dapat ipabaranggay ang dalawang babae ..pinagtulungan nila si giang....😡😡
For someone who has no money how can she afford to get her house all painted and fixed/
its another commotion of mother in law...fight back.shes looking you down cause youre poor.😬fight back Giang.or tell Luan that her mother insulted you and was came with a lady whom shes like to marry with Luan.
Dlu khdupn mu bgtu tenang skrng khdupn mu pnuh air mnta and kkrsan jahat bnget ibu tua toh
Возьми палку и хоть раз дай отпор иначе она так и будет тебя бить😢
Go and report this women to the Police she will not stop to bully you, Luan will also not stop his mother. You can survive without them, she is going to hurt you and your unborn child if you dont stop them.
Amei assistir seu vídeo porque tem legenda em português
Auntie is very brave, and cu Bon IS my hero. But He must be Safe!!! This woman IS a devil.😢
Dulu eaktu kalian berdua sangat bahagia sekali, tetapi kini semenjak kau hamil dan punya suami lgi hidupmu makin lama makin susah dan banyak masalah...
Mother in law is wrong to try to control her sons life. She needs to be put in jail for what she did to Giang and her trying to destroy her home. Dont let her get away with it!
เกียงอย่ามีแต่ร้องไห้น้ำตาของเธอมันไม่ช่วยอะไรหรอก สู้สิ มีดเราก็มี เขามาบุกรุกบ้านเราใช้มีดไล่ฟันเลย เธอต้องสู้นะเพื่อครอบครัวของเธอ หรือไม่ก็ไปแจ้งความไว้เลย
Please you not need evidence to belive you wife and her and your mother is evil
You need to fight!!!
😅 хозяйство у старушки большое, а сын без транспорта, не логично, почему у неё такая власть , сын как не родной,. 😮
Да зовите полицию , пусть устроят засаду на этих 2х ведьм что пришли к вам,надо ловить их с поличным
Вы что такое видео сминаете. Ничего святого. То про детей плохо, то над беременной женщиной издеваются, независимо кто. И женщины и мужчины. Вы что так плохо все показываете. Кроме возмущения , больше ничего.
Vi esse vídeo fui assistir agora à tarde vejo que essa mulher grávida o tempo todo sendo abusada, apanha da sogra quebra tudo dentro de casa ainda traz outra pessoa para agredir ela e nem ela e nem o marido, nem a tia denuncia essas bandidas para polícia, eu quero continuar assistindo mas se essa grávida continuar apanhando da sogra e levar pessoas para bater nela e quebrar a casa toda, nem ela e nem o marido não tomar uma atitude, eu não vou mais assistir esses vídeos , uma ótima noite abençoada por Deus pra todos vocês ☺ ☺
Sinh sao con lại khổ vậy chứ con hãy báo CA đi con
너무하네 쿠본이엄마 침입자들 신고하세요 신고할 권리 있습니다 쿠본이 엄마 힘내세요 잔인한 인간들이네요
Ini kok makin lama makin ga jls,knp jd kyk mempertontonkan penyiksaan kek gini trs ga ada tindakan tegas pihak kepolisian gt,kasih pelajaran dong buat yg berbuat jahat itu,tunjukkan ke pemirsa kl kejahatan tuh ga melulu menang,nenek itu mati ketabrak kek ato nyungsep di sungai gt loh krna kena karma dr perbuatannya
Девушка возьми палку и её раз отложите больше небудет вас бить отпор надо давать он злая женщина защищайся что увас там жестокие люди злодеи сообщите полиции берегите себя удачи❤
Nossa pelo amor que está gravando este vídeo ajude a moça grávida, duas contra uma é uma covardia e quem está gravando não faz nada pra ajuadar a moça grávida ,ai não tem lei.
Hola buenos dias, te hablo de Bolivia🇧🇴, yo te aconsejo que lo denuncies a la policia, tu eres fuerte, valiente, tienes que cuidar tu salud por que estas embarazada
Punya ibu mertua jahat sekali,apa ngga takut dia sama tuhan,
Liat aja nanti ibu mertua dapat balasan nya nanti dari tuhan,gadis yang mau di jodoh kan sama anak nya juga,jangan so kecakepan deh,ngga suka gua liat tu cewe😔
Que bueno que está la tía la extrañaba son muy unidas eres muy trabajadora y muy valiente cubon es hermoso
Καταγγελία στην αστυνομία 👮 εάν δεν το κάνετε θα σταματήσω να βλέπω τέτοια δραματα λυπάμαι πολύ ❤❤
Klo aku punya mertua jahat kya gitu udah sya jmbak. Atau mukanya siram pke air sambel
Gaing that girl the mother in law push to married her son untie Lyn help Gaing to protect the Animal people ,❤❤❤tell the police call emergirgecy
Bà già ác quá trời phạt bà chết ko có chỗ trôn đó
Loved the video 😘👍🏻💕💕🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Gian sinh.why u allowed to do that in your situation.dont allowed to do that bcos she has no right to do that for u.u have force out in your house bcos shes getting interfer for your life in to your husband.or maybe go to the police in face him.🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭😅😂🤩😍😍
Giàng ơi sao k báo công an lại cản dì Liên vậy. Giamgf tốt k phải chỗ . Xem thấy chán
You better report to the police this evil mother of loan she must put in jail, your pregnant does not good for you for harrassing you because your pregnant you better file a case to the police what that evil woman do to you pls Giang Thi Sinh follow our advice to you
Sebaiknya kamu minta di temani sama bibi yg baik biar ada yang melindungi mu tiap hari
Jangan menangis mom..tapi lawan dia nenek tua itu biar kamu tdk diijak ijak
Oiga pero es q no haces casó se te dice coloca un portón y con candado y así no podrán entrar no haces nada te gustan los insultos
gì liên ơi phải báo công an ngay di lần sau ho bảo đeo mặt na vào để đến tiếp đấy
Ne valja to. To nije dobro. Riješite se i situaciju jer neće nikad biti dobro ako je ne prijavite policiji.😢 Morate čistiti a ne u ovakvoj situaciji biti 😢. Zlo se mora maknuti da bi živjeli mirno. Nema ona nikakvo pravo vama dolaziti i prijetiti😢. On se mora obratiti svojoj majci i maknuti je od kuće. Lijepi pozdrav svima vama, čuvajte se.
Mon dieu arrete de te prendre a elle 😡😡elle son dangreuse ses 2 folle appel la police
Hello giang n son.
Fight d mother of your lover.
She have no right to enter your house.
Shes tresspassing.
U r d owner of that.
U build your house alone.
Dont cry.
B a brave woman.
call the police
I can't believe IT. Her son gave her money cause she cryed she Had nothing and now she could paid three man for painting the whole house. She IS totally lying even when she IS talking.
Luan, please stay beside your Family. This Mom IS very Bad and jealous about the luck of her son. I'm sorry to say that.
Please take Care of giangh and cu Bon and yourself. Baby ist coming soon.
Call the Police. She couldnt hurt your wife!!!
báo cảnh sát ngay bắt bà. ấy ngay đi
Sekali pukul tongkat pinggang dia tdk bisa apa doa pasti jatuh .kita yg menonton sangat marah melihat tindakan mertua yg semena2 sama menantunya yg lagi mengandung cucunya sendiri lapor ,.,.................polisi.
esses vídeos estão ficando chato pois essa bruxa ruim vive perturbando a vc vendo a hora você perder seu bebê vai a polícia vc não reage . e feche a entrada da sua casa procure a polícia no las denunciás, te vas a quedar sola, porque los que te seguimos estamos cansados de ver como te castiga esa mujer... y vós no hacés nada, obligalo a tu marido Luan, que, castigue a su madre lléndose para siempre de la casa de su madre, él es tan culpable como su madre, porque no te defiende no se aleja de su madre...¡ por fabooor! Poné una persona en tu casa para que te cuide a vos y cu bon y tus bienes, pedile a tia lien que se quede a vivir con vos...ustedes no deben estar separadas... hacé algo defendete.¡ por fabooo!
Rekla je da će doći maskirana 😢 zato prijavite ju što prije. Ovo je jako opsno😢. Tražite policijsku zaštitu. Sva se tresem od ovakvih zlih ljudi!😢
Malvada mujer muy abusiva y la nuera que no agarra un árbol y le da su merecido
Mother in law has a mental problem. You need to report her. You shouldn't have to live with her abuse. Put a stop to it think about your baby
เกินไป ไม่ชอบดู😢
Why dose that girl join in to harm the girl The mother can't make him leave his family he dose not love the other girl she needs to find a man of her own the mother wants a house maid and her sons wages
No va a denunciar porque es la madre de su marido, así de tontas son, ya no lo veré, bastantes dramas tengo en mi familia como para ver esto
Buen día mamita luchadora y bebecito como es posible que se deje de esa suegra usted y bebé siempre an estado solos en su cobacha bendiciones que todo esté bien Balla a la policía 🚔 a poner un demanda por favor,🥀🌻☕🌹💐🌷
mom janggan diam ,laporin saja ke polisi ,biar tuntas urusannya sama mereka.
Wishing you a happy new day, peace and joy❤️❤️❤️❤❤❤❤
Maledette queste due donne..andate alla polizia subito altrimenti vi daranno sempre fastidio..quanto mi dispiace..😢amore di bambino che continua a baciare sua mamma..❤❤
kepada ibu Giang pergi repot balai polis ckp ibu kpda suami kmu selalu menggangu dan menceroboh rmh kmu.
Sinh ơi thương cho em quá. Chắc em có mà sống được với bà tàu thị quá. Bây giờ làm sao đây?
You should report to the police now. This is the third time she did bad to you. Dont wait that there's something happen to you especially you're alone.
La madre es malísima pero el hijo es tonto sabiendo las intenciones que tiene la bruja de su madre coge iseva trabajar deja desenprarada asumujer y asu hijonoaguanto esta telenovela que los hijos no tengan autonomía propia
Go and report this women
To police stop bullying
The regnat. Lady she hurt it
For nothing
Please go to the police station please from Philippines
Você tem que denunciar a sua sogra,ela acabando fa,er coisa pior com ve seu filho não tenha medo.
Yo me voy a salir estoy arta de tanta violencia laesegido siempre asta hora siempre lo mismo cubo no semerese estos malos tratos por la abuela desjenerada
Em nosso país, se alguém bate uma mulher grávida vai preso
Amiga porque vc não dar parte dessa mulher, ela só vem aí na sua casa pedir dinheiro, dá tapas na sua cara, jogar suas coisas fora, quebrar tudo e vai embora, deixa de ser Leza vai na polícia denunciar essas duas velhas , porque faz isso com vc e seu filho.
Skrng GK seru nongton ny.bnyk kkrsan smnjk Nene tua dtng.gk Kya dlu hdup Giang pnuh prjuangn jdi seru nongton ny skrng jdi mles nongton jg.lporin k polisi Giang orng tua Kya gtuh jahat biar kpok..
Please go to the police station mother in law and one woman is bud
Ya está bueno yo no lo voy a ver más esté canal me salgo porque no puedo ver la violencia lo siento
Apa kah kekerasan di Vietnam ini. Sudah merupakan tradisi atau kebiasaan ka. Kelihatan dari orang tua sampai bayi pun lakukan kekerasan / kebiasaan . Menakutkan ya. ?
Desse jeito vocês desvalorizam o país de vocês. Nunca vi tanta violência, esse país não tem leis? Essas mães são um saco, não gosto desse tipo de vídeo... tenha santa paciência...😮😢