  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @Beulena.
    @Beulena. 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +20

    siege is the most interesting pro FPS that has somehow developed one of the blandest pro scenes possible.

    • @Poptodler
      @Poptodler 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      It didn't used to be, the community at the pro events was the best part of siege.

    • @joenashrty5338
      @joenashrty5338 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yeah it had great scene until year 4

    • @HarryBarrett_
      @HarryBarrett_ 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      It was good until kixstar died

    • @rhadpenguin
      @rhadpenguin 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Lack of expressive personalities is always going to effect the vibes of pro leagues. It's why I enjoy watching Ashn on SSG because dude is a wildcard. You never know what trash talk is gonna come out his mouth 😂

  • @AT-gr4qx
    @AT-gr4qx 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    I agree with the comments about putting a bit of personality into the less important games of a tournament and even between matches etc of stage games.
    My issue with caster negativity is when the focus of the comments are on what went wrong for the losing team rather than what the winning team did well. It feels like some casters are a little lazy and just pick the low hanging fruit. I think it is a shame that the begining of rounds is often filled with what often seems like pointless yapping rather than continuing on with the previous round analysis, or even better (and something very rarely done), explain what the team is setting up and what they will be trying to get out of a round. I think new fans would really benefit from that.

    • @AT-gr4qx
      @AT-gr4qx 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      FYI I am not talking about you guys. I only watch NA and EU and there are a few casters there that fit this description.
      You guys kill it and became my fave duo at SI 24.

    • @rhadpenguin
      @rhadpenguin 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Kix was the best and analysis and breakdowns while balancing banter with Interro. Hasn't been the same since his passing

  • @Silsdenn
    @Silsdenn 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    love this boys. new fave pod by far, love yous then yous are on air!

    • @Silsdenn
      @Silsdenn 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      when* not then smh

  • @spencerbell2199
    @spencerbell2199 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Really enjoyed your casting during the tournament. I was listening and thought "wait i recognize these voices- oh it's my boys". Enjoyed it.

  • @ReMaxelW
    @ReMaxelW 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The new meta will either be really frustrating or really entertaining(maybe both) let’s hope shields are not the be all end all anymore.
    Love the podcast keep up the good work ❤

  • @rhadpenguin
    @rhadpenguin 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ashn is a breath of fresh air. Reminds me of Year 4-5 Troy Canadian and i miss that

  • @leoramos371
    @leoramos371 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think you guys were the most entertaining casting duo in the major. Loved watching DZ vs Elevate

  • @ayushmishra7648
    @ayushmishra7648 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I was kinda sad and wasn't expecting BDS to loose the finals yet again.... I was hoping they would get a hold of their emotions on big stages.... Hoping BDS win big this SI 2025... Come on BDS come on shaikko🐐 ... Win this bro..

  • @flippsy33
    @flippsy33 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I love it when casters add personality to the cast! It adds a great element of entertainment. Please don’t moderate your personality during a cast and don’t listen to redditor’s that do not represent the majority of the audience

  • @ReMaxelW
    @ReMaxelW 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think it would be cool if Blast could get players on the analyst/casting desk more often. I think Doki did a little bit of it at Manchester and it was very entertaining and insightful.

    • @jakeandguzz
      @jakeandguzz  17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Having well spoken players integrated into the broadcast, such as those knocked out during the event can be a lot of fun. Another element that ESL do regularly with CS Pro League. - Guzz

  • @LuvHarp
    @LuvHarp 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Re BB:
    I don't enjoy playing against or as shields, they seem boring to play so passive and I don't like just running at someone and killing them with little ways of fighting back
    That said, the little time I played with him during the TTS I had fun, I think for the first time (minus casual shield croot rushes) I had fun playing with a shield.

  • @LuvHarp
    @LuvHarp 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Currently if you're caught using a 3rd party device on console with MouseTrap, you're placed within the PC player pool for 90 days.
    (This used to be input delay added, but then lobbies became people rubber banding their controllers to fool the system into thinking they were legit. IDK if input delay is still added)
    This will be continuing along with the ability to manually select PC pool if you're on console.
    However, it doesn't seem like continued use of these 3rd party devices in the PC Pool causes any ramifications, (if you use them on PC you're met with a ban) meaning legit PC players are going against un-punished recoil Macro player who are being sent over from console. As these 3rd party devices don't just say "hey I'm a controller" when using a chosen input, some have scripts in them to directly counter the recoil and have "profiles" for each game you play.
    Console players may argue "it's your turn now" but PC also has various other methods of cheating that far outweigh what boils down to recoil macro's
    I don't think we've had any confirmation if native MnK will be supported for console if they choose to play in the PC pool or not, just that their platform Identity will be hidden so they're not bullied by PC players elitism.
    But they're not going to suddenly get MnK recoil, they're going to keep the same level of recoil as they do on console (which is the same as if you plug a controller in on PC)
    Personally, as a PC player, I don't want cross play.
    I don't think it will be fun as a higher skill player to go against someone who struggles to shoot back at you. I think the matchmaking will be broken in assigning a "Plat Console" to a "Plat PC" and there be a huge skill disparity in aiming. Sure there are probably plenty of controller users that would wipe your average PC player, but those controller players wont be placed against "average" PC players.
    I don't want them on my team, for the same reason as wanting people to be able to shoot well, I'm also pretty sure there is not Push To Talk option for their Microphones, and the have to delve deep into the settings to turn text chat on as well as having to pop open a big window and select each letter one at a time to text chat. However a part of me thinks that if there are players who are aware enough to toggle the PC matchmaking on, they probably have these other settings on / a mute feature on their headset, and to give it a shot before I dig it. But I do hope that if it goes the way I think it will, that the "enable Crossplay matchmaking" setting on PC will have a use again.

    • @jetsflyingoffatrain4338
      @jetsflyingoffatrain4338 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      On xbox at least most headsets come with an attachment to the controller that can be used as a toggle mute button

    • @LuvHarp
      @LuvHarp 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      There is no toggle.

  • @DeksuDex
    @DeksuDex 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Shit-talking pre-game or during game is never an issue. Its a competition in the end, and players have emotions - of course players will love to maintain the momentum when winning/lift up the morale when losing, and sometimes yapping is great way for it. The only concern is that when a player (i.e. Ashn) DIRECTLY discriminating others' appearance, in this case, Beaulo's hairline. Don't forget that Ubisoft always want to promote positive in-game environment and we have rights to report voice abuse in game. This should always be the case in pro scene as well. This time we have discrimination on someone's appearance, but who knows about next time if we are going to get racist abuse? I think we are very close to getting it if the situation doesn't get handled correctly.

  • @daedalusinvictus6280
    @daedalusinvictus6280 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I want to see the Casters up on the stage. Like the content creator match.
    This way, it promotes a healthy view of what You the Casters have to do and gives you all the chance to create a healthy chance for banter.
    Banter is acceptable if you can take a dish yourself.
    As for this year leading up to SI. I feel the format is broken. So much so that other Regions always come in fighting a war with Attrition rather than the actual event. Sure MENA had a great run with Falcons, and Chiefs had a hard crack. But you could see that both regions were showing fatigue from running a hell of a gauntlet
    Every region should have at least 2 teams at the Majors. That way MENA and OCE can see some growth in player experience, it deepens to pool, and makes the points for SI more impactful.

  • @P3bbIes
    @P3bbIes 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    a grand final is already entertaining and the casters can just explain the game, watching wolves vs cl4l sucks(no offense) and the casters have to make up for the entertainment, definitely think the standards should be different for yall

  • @zachwarner7164
    @zachwarner7164 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    go ahead and make a joke about his game performance, but the second its personal then im coming over to your side.
    There needs to be a legal version of street beefs but for games. I still have some 2007 cod 4 beef