Beware of all religions. “The Lord [God] is a sure refuge for those who look to him in times of distress; he cares for all those who seek his protection.” - (The Prophet Nahum 1: 7) - For God is our true Father in heaven and on earth. So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets who lead all religions. “But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you openly. In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him. This is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven, Give us today our daily bread, Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us. And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” - (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15) - “Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (at Matthew 7: 1-2) - “In truth I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” - (at John 8: 51) - “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” - (Matthew 7: 12-14) - “I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” - (John 10: 9-10) - “Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” - (Matthew 7: 15-16) - “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” - (Matthew 7: 21) - “I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and any one who is alive and has faith shall never die.” - (John 11: 25-26) - “I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” - (John 12: 47) - “Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” - (Matthew 10: 32-34) - “I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” - (John 14: 6-7) - “An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” - (Matthew 22: 35-40) - “There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” - (John 15: 13) - “Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” - (Matthew 23: 9-10) - “Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” - (Matthew 24: 4) - “Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” - (Matthew 24: 11-13) - “Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” - (Matthew 28: 20) - Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Tuesday the 22nd of September 2024: - (Please read Matthew 5: 14-16) - Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
KC isn’t having "a hard time in Australia"; he is having a great tour. The people have turned out at all his events and have been very welcoming. A deranged woman screaming for 45 seconds before being led out isn't "having a hard time"
I'm so damned angry at her behaviour. She does not represent me in any way. This stupid us, and them mentality, has to stop! It is so divisive! It makes this proud Australian so very, very angry, and I am so sorry for the King as he did not deserve that disrespect.
@@thomasoates5294some people aim to cause division and unfortunately, most media journalist want to poke the bear. Some people, like Lydia, want to be noticed, that is wokism. If she is serious about her protest, she can formally present it in a formal way and not behaving like a monster in public.
Agree and please do not judge Biden or Harris as who the Americans are voting for - we are not as dumb as Harry and his ILBW. Love the RF! God bless King Charles 3!
I am Australian and we don’t like Lidia Thorpe and we don’t support her views We most of us love the monarchy and are calling for Thorpe to be removed from parliament
I'm an Australian, English born. We DID have a productive conversation. We had a referendum to discuss becoming a Republic. the answer was a resounding NO. We want to be a constitutional monarchy, so Lidia Thorpe is whistling down the wind.
Would it be that much different today? And, which side do you think would gain votes? I am not Australian but I do live in a Commonwealth country and I can tell you that I certainly would NOT be in favour of us becoming a republic. I only have to look to the USA to know that that system is failing miserably today.
We need to let the world know that that Lidia chick is despised even by politicians, she even became too much for her Green Party so she is now an independent. She pulls these stunts often and has to be removed by security every time. I’m beyond embarrassed by her I’m absolutely furious
As an Australian from India… I have been here for 55 years and have to apologise to King Charles for the disgraceful behaviour of that hysterical harpie politician Lydia Thorpe.. an embarrassment to Australia, Australian Government and Australian women. She is not representative of our Country. Itis time to put all this in the past and get on to the future. The hysteria on display is indicative of a very unbalanced person who has NO place in Australian politics…..
Had an email from my elderly relative in Portugal saying:- John did youknow l have a great granddaughter from USA. Her name is Meghan and she says she is 43% Portuguese..have you heard of her??
I’m an Aussie and love the Royal Family and so pleased King Charles and Queen Camilla visited our beautiful country! My husband is Aboriginal and is disgusted with Lydia Thorpe., she’s very arrogant, attention seeking and malicious and tries to widen the divide between us all.
We had this in New Zealand with Maori activists, don't get me wrong. My three children are Maori, they're successful in the 21st century without losing their cultural identity. They all speak Maori and they're all my darlings
I'm Australian. I still can't believe Lidia Thorpe is a senator. She's a mouth almighty and is always publicly embarrassing herself. By the way crowds are coming to see the King and Queen which I am so pleased to see.
The king only thinks about himself. He has no empathy for his immediate family ie Prince Harry and his family but gives all his love to his horse the queen consort as a stepfather and grandstepfather to her family so where is the love that he has shown to his son, mixed race daughter-in-law and grandchildren so shut up and go to hell.
No the King shouldn't "hand Australia back". Her behaviour was disrespectful. He isn't controlling our country, he's a figure. I love the royal visits and love the work they do to bring attention to issues and help raise funds for these issues.❤
That defines a true Australian, thank you. I am an Australia and I love my country. I represent my country with love and pride. I value the English Monarchy, except for the ungrateful son, harry, and his ambitious wife, who disrespect His Royal Highness and the Monarchy who do not deserve it. I love my Australia and proud to be one. ♥️
Thorpe obviously doesn't read. The King can't do anything because he does not have the authority. If Australia wanted to become a republic they can without the King's permission. The real problem is deciding what to replace it with and adding up the enormous expense to make the change, ultimately asking is it worth it?
@@davewoods24you will prob be happy with the first president. What about the following ones. They sell that first awesome president to make you fall for it and the following ones are just people who are going to serve their purpose. I will not be voting for a republic ever.
The only "Baggage" that Harry's carting the old bag.... Meghan Markle! fell hook, line and sinker for your "trouble 'n'strife"....😂 God bless the King and Princess Catherine ❤🙏🇬🇧
As an Australian I am ashamed of people like her. We have had several referendums and the people have spoken - we want to remain as part of the Commonwealth. King Charles III is our king and long may he reign over us.
I’m AUSTRALIAN and I love the ROYALS I never want this country to become a REPUBLIC I’m 81 and iv followed the royals since I was a little girl so they need to leave them alone
I appreciate your comments regarding the extraordinary rudeness of the Markles. They have lowered the tone of public discourse. One way to handle them, is to limit their publicity. They aren’t worth the attention that the Media give them!
Harry and Meghan's lies and actions have devalued THEM, making a sharp contrast between their "character" and behavior and that of the more silent and dignified members of the royal family. H&M's shenanigans have destroyed any "mystique" they had, and have opened them to criticism...and there is plenty of criticism!
I’m in Australia and the King’s tour is a great success . The function at Parliament House was very warm and all sides of politics including indigenous people were welcoming King Charles. Lydia is a known attention seeker , every country has them! The silence in the room said it all. The Republic debate is very much on the back burner because King Charles is respected so there is no urgency. People have other priorities. Thank you Kinsey the voice of reason , respect your research. The Premiers have not said anything about a republic and have been derided generally for not attending. The Labor prime minister has been fulsome in his praise. Australian s respect Charles as a person
We said a resounding NO in the last Referendum for a Republic, and will say No in the next one. Who wants a leftist President as a figurehead. No thanks.
We love Charles we are heartbroken she tried to embarrass the king. Please don’t judge us by our Verizon of a Meghan. Lidia was a spoilt child now does speak to her white father ignore her
Lidia Thorpe does not represent us. Most Australians were disgusted and embarrassed by her rude tantrum. We apologise for her behaviour. We all think she is unfit for her position. This is not the first time she’s made such a public display. She’s an embarrassment to our nation.
I agree, I've lived in Australia. Here in New Zealand our Governor General is a Maori woman, Dame Cindy Kiro. She does a good job and we hope to keep her as long as she'll stay
I’m in the US. We’ve been seeing negative posts about Harry’s abuse of the polo ponies! Allegedly, he rode a pregnant horse after being advised against it. After riding, she had a heart attack and her and the foal died! Have also seen photos of the horses being kicked bloody by Harry’s spurs! Besides nobody having any interest in polo over here, the cruelty is not a good look!
The polo documentary it’s not something that would interest the majority of Americans Cruelty to any animal is disgusting Harry you are disgusting riding a pregnant horse and then dies with her baby 😢😢
He has Nothing else to offer as a tv show. He knows nothing about Anything. Fake pilot, fake "bunker soldier", fake Royal, fake friend (Beckhams), fake Family member (traitor), fake Philanthropist (Baka people) and for all anyone knows - fake "father".
How did she qualify to be a senator? We have, Hanson, Palin, and now this shameless Lydia. What a disgrace. I am sorry to say that but it just shows why intelligent and constructive issues are not being the main topic in the senate but elevating the division that do not unify a common cause. I am so disheartened.
I don't blame the people of Portugal. EVIL MEGHAN starts problems no matter where she goes. She always try to take over because she thinks she knows everything. She always wants things her way or no way at all. I really feel sorry for all the people who are trying to live a quiet and peaceful life. I guarantee it won't be that way when she arrives there with her entourage of security and lots of photographers. She is a very evil person and a trouble maker. Look at everything she has done to her entire family and the Royal Family also,.
As an Australian I just need to say that we all think Lidia Thorpe is unhinged and this isn’t the first time she’s made a complete fool of herself !!!! We are all disgusted
I hear that the real Portuguese community (not the rich newcomers) are angry about these new gated developments which block previously publicly accessible beaches.
Lydia was never voted into parliament she was given the position by the greens and then left the greens now being an independent. She does not represent Australians. She also swore an oath to the king, she is a nobody and a grifter.
i can't get over all the weeping and wailing Harry did in Spare over the ''genetic pain'' of not seeing his dad. He's been away from his kids for a month....a long time for a 3 and 5 yr old. When Megs disappears, it's either surgery or Ozempic.
Who sold them the property in the first place, obviously not thinking about the consequences to other people in the area around it ,not a good decision on the sellers part.
Oh please Kevin this Lidia person does not speak on behalf of me or many people in Australia. She is vile. Her pathic behaviour has saddened me to think this so-called senator receives her wages through the public purse disgusting. I will be voting for Australia stays within the/a part of the Commonwealth. God bless our King, King Charles, and Queen Consort Camilla with love and respect.
Here in Portugal we are tipically very family oriented and if a family breaks apart (sure it happens) we don't tell the world the details of what happened and spread lies. They are traitors and we don't them and their drama.
I agree. In most parts of the world, families work out their grievances privately. Lawsuits are a rare last resort. Harry and Meghan's "tell all for attention and $$$" behavior devalues them as individuals and illustrates why they are not respected or trusted by many peopole.
@@barbarakelly1916 I can't even listen to their voices anymore. For two individuals who said they wanted a private life they made damn sure they would live very publicly and in a very fake way. I don't think anyone trusts or respects them, not truly.
Lidia Thorpe is a disgrace to Australia and most Australians are disgusted by her . She is foul mouthed, embarrassing and a career pest. We unfortunately have a socialist government in at the moment. The majority of Australians love the king , want to be part of the Commonwealth and would be very upset to see him walk away. I love your show and think Kinsey is wonderful. Keep up the good work. 👏👏👏
Unfortunately harry and wife are so vicious and ungrateful. This is what they are the woke who wants to be destructive. For me wokes are those who sanctify victimhood. A victim do not behave like one and those who are, do. That is harry and megan. Harry, you are an ungrateful woke.
Not all Australians feel the same as that horrible woman!!! We had a referendum and the majority of Australians voted to retain the Monarchy as our head of state. Please do not accept her rant as what we all feel.
@christenedoering7720 if you break that vote into States, most were polling around 60% to retain the monarchy. The ACT vote of 36% lowered that average. A recent nationwide survey rated a having a republic even lower than the previous vote. With around 32% saying they didn't know.
@@christenedoering7720 No doubt there will be another in due course. Perhaps by then the would-be republicans will actually put forward a Proposal that is better than the constitutional monarchy that serves us well. Last time they had NO proposal. It was just "let's have a republic and we'll work out the details later". Not good enough for Australians who don't trust the politicians we have with complete power over us. Imagine the gormless useless Albanese with the power of a President !!
Australia achieved independence in 1901 and in 1986 our late Queen fully endorsed and signed the Australian Act. HOWEVER we then had a referendum and voted to retain the Crown as head of state. That's democracy for you. Republicans are still the minority. Rock on, King Charles III 🇦🇺🇳🇿👍
How can you say the King and Queen are having a hard time? The tour is a success but for one verbal woman who will not be remembered. The King and Queen will! ❤❤❤
hes not having a hard time we had one wacko who has always been a idiot shouting in parliment. She is always causing trouble i wish they would do something about her
I wouldn’t if I were you, it was just one deranged individual, we know that King Charles and Camilla have been warmly welcomed by Australia, a country by the way that Charles adores.
Goodness where on earth did you get the notion we want a Tampax as a King. Mind your own politics. We stay out of yours. You have no idea what the majority of us Ozzie's want.😅😮😂
Kevin we love the King in Australia. He is only a figure head here. Thorpe dad who is white said his daughter is nuts. She completely disregards that she has ENGLISH and IRISH ancestors. We have had votes on this before and most people love things as they are. I promise you.
And as a child, a brat. Tantrums most of the time when he didn't get his own way or he was asked to wait until something could be got ready for him. Full blast brat throwing himself on the ground screaming, face red and snotters everywhere because it wasn't happening now.
Let's not forget the fool that let him ride the horse. He./she could of stood their ground and caused a big scene to stop that axx. What is this persons name?
He loved to hunt and has been seen kicking and punching a horse after a polo match in a rage, he is a POS, he is nothing like his mother as he keep going on about, he is pathetic and despicable.
And running from the Diddy debacle, the IRS, US Charities regulations, accusations of an incident involving an unwilling participant, the Visa saga, interfering in US politics, especially the Presidential election, and his ongoing public fight to abolish our 1st Amendment. Apparently he did not learn that we fought hid ancestors to have this right and he is a British prince and we do not have royals. They need to take their titles and move
Couldn’t agree more! He’s heartless egotistical jerk. Exploit horses for his monetary gain, NO consideration for the poor animal. Cruelty at its best. I despise this entire idea. Shameful
Thing is with Lydia Thorpe - she is a state senator who - when she got into Parliament - she had to swear allegiance to the crown! She is a nutjob whose behaviour has always been awful - the Aussie Govt need to strip her of the role and remove any current and future perks.
In Australia CIII has been very warmly welcomed. Lydia Thorpe who protested in parliament house is a strange embarrassment to most Australians. She seems to hate other indigenous people and groups and courts controversy for its own sake. Fair enough that the plight of indigenous peoples are highlighted . Disrespect for your elders is not part of our indigenous culture.
@@usercarefree44I think she thinks she's bridging the gap between the cousins and keeping the lines of communication open. I think she's doing it with a glad heart which I think is just misguided. She'll get thrown under the bus.
@@oghoghomakinde7892Only 1200 votes for her.. MORONS JUST LIKE HER.. she’s manipulated the system and why she’s a senator.. SHE SWORE AN OATH TO THE MONARCH SO THERE SHOULD BE A LAW IF ANYONE DOES WHAT SHE DID THEY IMMEDIATELY GET SACKED.. screw democracy etc.. we need tough rules now.. and stop these DIVISIVE DISGUSTING INSANE PEOPLE WHO DONT LOVE AUSTRALIA AND MAKE CRAP UP TO DESTROY WHAT WE HAVE..
Australians have given King Charles and Queen Camilla a wonderful reception with huge crowds and it will be even bigger today at the opera house. Lydia Thorpe is an embarrassment to the Australian parliament because she is a loose cannon. She shouldn’t have been allowed in parliament for those speech’s because she was almost arrested earlier that day for causing a disturbance and she has done this many times since she was elected as a senator 🤦🏻♀️ the greatest shame was that no one stopped for about 20 seconds which seemed like an eternity. There are more monarchists in Australia than republicans.
Shame on the governors who were busy! It made them sound petty not professional. If you’re not happy about the King . There are better ways to deal with it and have a dialogue about it
Watch "Beyond Pluto" 17:10 from Australia. Their analysis says that people are a bit complacent in the subject so not a burning issue with them. Also, faced with 2 alternatives: the monarchy or an American presidential style they prefer a constitutional monarchy. This will only change if an alternative style of republic can be envisaged which is better than either a monarchy or a US style presidential system (which they don't fancy). On the internet many Aussies are coming out for King Charles and the monarchy.
@@vickihandel3620 These governments are like children. Why would we have people like this in charge because it shows us that they are not fit to be in charge of anything. They should grow up.
In a referendum, more people in Australia want to keep the Monarchy than follow the system of countries that have a President . . . nothing convinces me as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, that an elected President would be a positive move.
What about the restrictions on British citizens staying in Europe. Many have homes in Portugal, France etc but can only go for very restricted times per year????? I live in Australia and have to correct you King Charles and Queen Camilla are NOT having a hard time at all they had one incident by a senator who loves to get publicity but that backfired on her. The King and Queen have been warmly welcomed. Please stop the lies about our reaction to their visit
British citizens living in Europe are not effected by the 90 day rule as in order to own a property in Europe you need to apply for a local tax no. And possibly residency, depending on what country you wish to reside. It's all quite straightforward and in most countries, if not all, there is no need to denounce your British nationality!
Hi Kev and Kin love you guys. I am from Australia and I am ashamed the way King Charles was treated but he was so dignified as always. I am a royal fan and I am so disgusted with this behaviour.
Keep records and do research! My son told me about investing in Portugal many years ago. In the context of Brexit. Also H&M went to Portugal for a couple of days right after a trip somewhere (Nigeria?) There was a published photo of the backs of the pair of them walking down an empty street. Remember now? There was lots of criticism that they hadn't gone straight back to the kids.
Lidia Thorpe is a total embarrassment to Most Australian people and imo should be FIRED, as to be a senator she had to swear allegiance!! Far More Australians want to keep the Monarchy, we had a vote and voted NO to republic. I wish the MSM would point this out!!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺
Yes. The Golden Visa is allegedly being withdrawn. We moved to Spain a few years ago. At the time we considered buying a £500k house in Portugal as having sold up, it was within our price range. But decided against it because of changes on the way. The Portuguese are looking for Investors, not people like Harry & Meghan will just want a holiday home and do nothing for the country. Also without a proper residence visa, they will have a restriction on how many days per year, they can stay in Europe.
I don't know why you guys are so surprised that Harry made Nacho the lead for his Netflix series. Nacho has been the face of Ralph Lauren's Polo line since 2005.
I feel they need the world to see the offspring with the Monarch before something happens to him. They need the 'royal stardust' for obvious reasons, or they will be only H and M's children in the eyes of the world.
Honestly.. who cares.. I KNOW MARKLE is keeping those kids private so when she divorces Harry the kids will be her CASH COW AND SHE WILL TRY TO BE THE NEXT KRIS JENNER AND BE THE KIDS MOMAGER AND MAKE BILLIONS $$.. which will absolutely fail because NOBODY CARES ABOUT THOSE KIDS.. and she’s too dumb and lazy to do anything right.. She thinks she will be able to demand BIG BUCKS for exclusive pics of those kids when she divorces Harry.. 😂 I also guarantee the poor kids have issues being so isolated and having a narcissistic mother..
how are the Premiers going to lose their jobs over this? Senator Bridget McKenize mouthing off saying it was Anthony Albanese"s fault makes no sense. I would have thought the function was conducted by the Speaker of the House, Milton Dick, not Albo?
Australia welcomes the King of England with grace and hospitality. Children were happy to meet and greet the Sovereign. Thank you for your visit, our King. On behalf of the senator in the person of Lydia Thorpe, I apologise for such a display of rudeness, barbaric and woke behaviour. Thank you for making Australia a priority to visit in spite of your fragile condition. We welcome and respect you, your Royal Highness.
I've always thought polo must be a very unatural activity for horses. They can't possibly understand the idea behind what they're forced to do, not like racing or show jumping for example, although those sports aren't free from cruelty either apparently.
If you can watch some barrel racing. Mostly Texas state n maybe around it as well. American sport and I think in the same class as Polo. Very cruel, as are most sports involving horses and the training of horses to do things that humans derive pleasure from and not natural to a horse. 🐴
Wasn’t Drizzle also pregnant at the time and Harry was told he shouldn’t ride her? He ignored the advice, and Drizzle had a heart attack at the end of the match. Harry does whatever he wants because he is a “Prince”. Harry is arrogant, petulant and entitled.
I didn’t know this, it’s horrifically cruel, they should not have let him, prince or no prince. What a vile thing to do, why isn’t this more widely known, appalling.
As an Australian I am completely disgusted with Lydia Thorpe (and her many outbursts). She is a Senator of the Australian Government. To hold this position, senators swear their allegiance to the Crown And King when being sworn in. So NO she had no right as a representative of this country, at a government event, to voice her own personal views. It was neither the time nor place for this outburst, by an attention seeking Grifter (in my opinion). If Lydia wasn’t a Senator, she would never have been allowed anywhere near the King in the way this event had allowed. If she has an issue then do it at a general public event, as a private citizen, like the rest of the population could. Between Lydia and the State Premiers, these idiots, that are supposed to be representative of this wonderful country, have made us look like foolish brats having a hissy fit. To those wanting a Republic… be careful what you wish for, these idiots could be your future!!!!!!!
G’Day peoples, I am a First Nations person and am thankful that Chris Columbus gave us a pass as apparently the country was considered inhospitable etc, We also didn’t get taken out by The Red Peril. Although was not a great take over but at least we weren’t entirely annihilated. Am glad ‘‘twas the British and not any of the other countries that graced and enjoy living in our most beautiful sacred land. By the way I do consider myself a Monarchist. WELCOME KING CHARLES AND QUEEN CAMILLA - Enjoy the rest of your time here, I do believe the King plus his sons have been here more times when they were younger and did have good times here. 🇦🇺🪃🪃☀️✌🏾☮️😊
Bless you, thank you for your comment. I have given myself a rest from X (Twitter), because of the nastiness re the King. I am a Scot and live in Oz. I voted for the Voice, I do want Scotland free from Westminster but have no issue with the RF.
It funny how the cost of the new home is the same amount as the amount missing from the Archewll charity… as Delaware allows since it’s registered there… so the company purchased it for an occasional meeting.
As the Harkles have not been the stars of the "Hollywood elite", Archewell may have purchased a European location for its operations. Delaware regulations allow spending 95% of donation receipts on expenses.
Most Canadian First Nations are highly respectful of the Crown. They blame the generations of ELECTED government officials who made the laws that treated them badly.
Kevin we had a vote and the majority decided in favour of staying as we’re are. I am so upset at the press giving such a negative point of view to the Kings visit. He has been welcomed with open arm, hundreds and hundreds of people turning out to see him. All the press can talk about is 6 Premiers who said they were too busy to see him, well that says more about them being small minded and petty than it does about the King and one vocal protester who was filmed. Try tell the world the real story, show the real pictures/videos not just click bait journalism.
Princess Eugenie can walk around in Portugal without being noticed because she doesn't do the markle "do you know who i am" well we all know what you are😂
Remember to subscribe to Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered:
Beware of all religions. “The Lord [God] is a sure refuge for those who look to him in times of distress; he cares for all those who seek his protection.” - (The Prophet Nahum 1: 7) - For God is our true Father in heaven and on earth.
So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets who lead all religions.
“But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you openly.
In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him.
This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us.
And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.
For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” - (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15) -
“Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (at Matthew 7: 1-2) -
“In truth I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” - (at John 8: 51) -
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” - (Matthew 7: 12-14) -
“I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage.
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” - (John 10: 9-10) -
“Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” - (Matthew 7: 15-16) -
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” - (Matthew 7: 21) -
“I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and any one who is alive and has faith shall never die.” - (John 11: 25-26) -
“I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” - (John 12: 47) -
“Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” - (Matthew 10: 32-34) -
“I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” - (John 14: 6-7) -
“An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” - (Matthew 22: 35-40) -
“There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” - (John 15: 13) -
“Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” - (Matthew 23: 9-10) -
“Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” - (Matthew 24: 4) -
“Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” - (Matthew 24: 11-13) -
“Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” - (Matthew 28: 20) -
Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Tuesday the 22nd of September 2024: - (Please read Matthew 5: 14-16) - Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
Prince and markle will divorce with their two surrogate kids. In fact
@@user-gr8ii8jr9o and when they divorce with the two surrogate kids in 2025 or 2026 I will say told you so in fact so you lose
@@talktv the royals have no power and they rule over nobody and king Henry the eight did order a man to murder his wives
@@talktv not long to wait before prince and markle divorce with the two surrogate kids
KC isn’t having "a hard time in Australia"; he is having a great tour. The people have turned out at all his events and have been very welcoming. A deranged woman screaming for 45 seconds before being led out isn't "having a hard time"
She should have been thrown out of parliament years ago
Honestly she should be ashamed of herself. That’s not the way. Love the Royal family. Love Australia. Hope they enjoy the rest of the tour. ❤
I’m sure KC111 can see a deranged person when he sees one This is what happens when we close mental asylums. Australia loves KC
100% agree
@@ottowa58blame her idiotic voters
Lydia Thorpe is an embarrassment to most Australians. Do not judge us by her.
She is as serial pest.
I'm so damned angry at her behaviour. She does not represent me in any way. This stupid us, and them mentality, has to stop! It is so divisive! It makes this proud Australian so very, very angry, and I am so sorry for the King as he did not deserve that disrespect.
@thomasoates5294 I'm only halfway through and wasn't aware of the palace statement. Thanks.
She is worse, she's a scourge to us
@@thomasoates5294some people aim to cause division and unfortunately, most media journalist want to poke the bear. Some people, like Lydia, want to be noticed, that is wokism. If she is serious about her protest, she can formally present it in a formal way and not behaving like a monster in public.
Please do not judge over 25 million Australians by one person's actions.
We won't! UK have a few of their own.
Agree and please do not judge Biden or Harris as who the Americans are voting for - we are not as dumb as Harry and his ILBW. Love the RF! God bless King Charles 3!
You forgot Raygun 😂
@@ryanpape9815😂 we are trying to ignore that crazy
@@janetpetersen1938 now you have two 🤣🤭
Never will we hear Meghan saying happily, “I can walk around, no one knows who I am”, Her life goal is to be seen and noticed.
She would prefer to have a heart attack than to be ignored by the media.
Tout a fait
Extremely well opined! Go you
It’s her life ,she needs no permission how to live ..from anyone yours ,as you wish .its no one’s business you live yours . lol 😂
I am Australian and we don’t like Lidia Thorpe and we don’t support her views
We most of us love the monarchy and are calling for Thorpe to be removed from parliament
I'm an Australian, English born. We DID have a productive conversation. We had a referendum to discuss becoming a Republic. the answer was a resounding NO. We want to be a constitutional monarchy, so Lidia Thorpe is whistling down the wind.
It wasn't a resounding no it was 45/55 that was 25 years ago would be a little different now
Lidia Thorpe has English and Irish descends So King Charles is her King .
She is only part aboriginal She is also 100 % DISTURBED >
More like bellowing. As she is prone to do .
Would it be that much different today?
And, which side do you think would gain votes? I am not Australian but I do live in a Commonwealth country and I can tell you that I certainly would NOT be in favour of us becoming a republic. I only have to look to the USA to know that that system is failing miserably today.
As an Australian, this woman does not represent me . I fully support KCIII .
Me too
Me too, Lidia is an embarrassment to our country and her indigenous people
We need to let the world know that that Lidia chick is despised even by politicians, she even became too much for her Green Party so she is now an independent. She pulls these stunts often and has to be removed by security every time. I’m beyond embarrassed by her I’m absolutely furious
Yes, exactly!!! That idiot protests about anything, to anyone, just to get attention ….. she’s nuts!!!!!!
There’s never enough excuse for such a blatant display of bad manners. Lidia is a total embarrassment, IMO.
As an Australian from India… I have been here for 55 years and have to apologise to King Charles for the disgraceful behaviour of that hysterical harpie politician Lydia Thorpe.. an embarrassment to Australia, Australian Government and Australian women. She is not representative of our Country. Itis time to put all this in the past and get on to the future. The hysteria on display is indicative of a very unbalanced person who has NO place in Australian politics…..
Had an email from my elderly relative in Portugal saying:-
John did youknow l have a great granddaughter from USA. Her name is Meghan and she says she is 43% Portuguese..have you heard of her??
I’m an Aussie and love the Royal Family and so pleased King Charles and Queen Camilla visited our beautiful country! My husband is Aboriginal and is disgusted with Lydia Thorpe., she’s very arrogant, attention seeking and malicious and tries to widen the divide between us all.
We had this in New Zealand with Maori activists, don't get me wrong. My three children are Maori, they're successful in the 21st century without losing their cultural identity. They all speak Maori and they're all my darlings
king charles is not having a hard time the tour is a success
We have to put up with Thorpe as no action is ever taken against her in parliament. Teflon because of....?
I'm Australian. I still can't believe Lidia Thorpe is a senator. She's a mouth almighty and is always publicly embarrassing herself. By the way crowds are coming to see the King and Queen which I am so pleased to see.
The king only thinks about himself. He has no empathy for his immediate family ie Prince Harry and his family but gives all his love to his horse the queen consort as a stepfather and grandstepfather to her family so where is the love that he has shown to his son, mixed race daughter-in-law and grandchildren so shut up and go to hell.
She’s done herself in now
Get out and vote! You deserve much better.
@@TommyGator-f1j ACT voted on the weekend and Qld is next week. What land are you in?
And the mentally unhinged is getting paid.....and a lot.
No the King shouldn't "hand Australia back". Her behaviour was disrespectful. He isn't controlling our country, he's a figure. I love the royal visits and love the work they do to bring attention to issues and help raise funds for these issues.❤
I know. Its so dumb.
That defines a true Australian, thank you. I am an Australia and I love my country. I represent my country with love and pride. I value the English Monarchy, except for the ungrateful son, harry, and his ambitious wife, who disrespect His Royal Highness and the Monarchy who do not deserve it.
I love my Australia and proud to be one. ♥️
Thorpe obviously doesn't read. The King can't do anything because he does not have the authority. If Australia wanted to become a republic they can without the King's permission. The real problem is deciding what to replace it with and adding up the enormous expense to make the change, ultimately asking is it worth it?
@@davewoods24you will prob be happy with the first president. What about the following ones. They sell that first awesome president to make you fall for it and the following ones are just people who are going to serve their purpose. I will not be voting for a republic ever.
We love the royal family!!!
The only "Baggage" that Harry's carting the old bag.... Meghan Markle! fell hook, line and sinker for your "trouble 'n'strife"....😂 God bless the King and Princess Catherine ❤🙏🇬🇧
Self centered,spoiled Royals,no one wants them around? 🤔🙈🙉🙊
As an Australian I am ashamed of people like her. We have had several referendums and the people have spoken - we want to remain as part of the Commonwealth. King Charles III is our king and long may he reign over us.
I am Australian, she does not represent me. She is disgraced.
Brit here, no worries we have nutters like this here😅
i got the impression she's one of those looney toons th@t w@nts & desper@tely needs @ttention. s@d. but sick.
Yeh remember when she was drunk and fighting and the nightclub.
I’m AUSTRALIAN and I love the ROYALS I never want this country to become a REPUBLIC I’m 81 and iv followed the royals since I was a little girl so they need to leave them alone
Only Boomers are the hard core monarchists. Times are changing. I want a Republic.
Times have changed since you were little girl
Wrong Royals they quit the royal family remember The real Royals are still in the UK !!!
I appreciate your comments regarding the extraordinary rudeness of the Markles. They have lowered the tone of public discourse. One way to handle them, is to limit their publicity. They aren’t worth the attention that the Media give them!
Totally agree! Megan and Harry should not get any publicity!!!!
Oh yes, we absolutely agree.
Harry and Meghan's lies and actions have devalued THEM, making a sharp contrast between their "character" and behavior and that of the more silent and dignified members of the royal family. H&M's shenanigans have destroyed any "mystique" they had, and have opened them to criticism...and there is plenty of criticism!
It was one person in Australia being a jerk
They bribe media for attention. They did this in California.
I’m in Australia and the King’s tour is a great success . The function at Parliament House was very warm and all sides of politics including indigenous people were welcoming King Charles. Lydia is a known attention seeker , every country has them! The silence in the room said it all. The Republic debate is very much on the back burner because King Charles is respected so there is no urgency. People have other priorities. Thank you Kinsey the voice of reason , respect your research. The Premiers have not said anything about a republic and have been derided generally for not attending. The Labor prime minister has been fulsome in his praise. Australian s respect Charles as a person
We said a resounding NO in the last Referendum for a Republic, and will say No in the next one. Who wants a leftist President as a figurehead. No thanks.
We love Charles we are heartbroken she tried to embarrass the king. Please don’t judge us by our Verizon of a Meghan. Lidia was a spoilt child now does speak to her white father ignore her
The people that boycotted KC are leftist Labor Party Premiers. Of course they were going to boycott, they want a President. One of their own no doubt.
Lidia Thorpe does not represent us. Most Australians were disgusted and embarrassed by her rude tantrum. We apologise for her behaviour. We all think she is unfit for her position. This is not the first time she’s made such a public display. She’s an embarrassment to our nation.
I agree, I've lived in Australia. Here in New Zealand our Governor General is a Maori woman, Dame Cindy Kiro. She does a good job and we hope to keep her as long as she'll stay
I’m Australian and the majority of Australians, want the monarchy. She’s rude and disrespectful. Totally inappropriate.
I’m in the US. We’ve been seeing negative posts about Harry’s abuse of the polo ponies! Allegedly, he rode a pregnant horse after being advised against it. After riding, she had a heart attack and her and the foal died! Have also seen photos of the horses being kicked bloody by Harry’s spurs! Besides nobody having any interest in polo over here, the cruelty is not a good look!
The polo documentary it’s not something that would interest the majority of Americans Cruelty to any animal is disgusting Harry you are disgusting riding a pregnant horse and then dies with her baby 😢😢
The mare that died was one of the Queen's own favorites.
@@m.m.583It's about time that the photos of the pregnant polo mare ❤
He has Nothing else to offer as a tv show. He knows nothing about Anything.
Fake pilot, fake "bunker soldier", fake Royal, fake friend (Beckhams), fake Family member (traitor), fake Philanthropist (Baka people) and for all anyone knows - fake "father".
Bloody disgusting, she should not be allowed in Parliament again.
I am a Aussie
How did she qualify to be a senator? We have, Hanson, Palin, and now this shameless Lydia. What a disgrace. I am sorry to say that but it just shows why intelligent and constructive issues are not being the main topic in the senate but elevating the division that do not unify a common cause. I am so disheartened.
@@corazondelacruz3657 Perhaps whenever she appears in public ,people should shout and hold up banners ,saying she is not their Senator?
I don't blame the people of Portugal. EVIL MEGHAN starts problems no matter where she goes. She always try to take over because she thinks she knows everything. She always wants things her way or no way at all. I really feel sorry for all the people who are trying to live a quiet and peaceful life. I guarantee it won't be that way when she arrives there with her entourage of security and lots of photographers. She is a very evil person and a trouble maker. Look at everything she has done to her entire family and the Royal Family also,.
@@Jill-mh2wnsounds like a good plan
As an Australian I just need to say that we all think Lidia Thorpe is unhinged and this isn’t the first time she’s made a complete fool of herself !!!!
We are all disgusted
They should have bood out lidia Thorpe if they disagreed with her
I agreed with you!!
Yeah, I have seen her perform before -so a few in the UK would know what she is about.
You forgot loudmouth feral Kay. Fellow Aussie.
I hear that the real Portuguese community (not the rich newcomers) are angry about these new gated developments which block previously publicly accessible beaches.
I am Australian,lidia thorpe is a nut job.The King and Queen have been welcomed with open arms.❤
I’m Australian. And what this woman did was disrespectful.
She does not represent majority of Australians.
She hardly represents anyone really
Aussie here and am disgusted. She'll continue to behave in this manner. She should be ousted.
She strike me as your version of Greta Thunburgh
@@roslyncampbell7816when what date not 1 issue this year or last or before that ...u guys just hate he married a non white British real
Did she do the same when HM Queen Elizabeth visited???
Australia is not a British Colony. We are a voluntary member of the Commonwealth Lydia Thorpe and the premiers are an embarrassment
Yes she was, she should had stay home,
Lydia Is a putrid person with a nasty mouth.Send her to the desert
Lydia was never voted into parliament she was given the position by the greens and then left the greens now being an independent. She does not represent Australians. She also swore an oath to the king, she is a nobody and a grifter.
Well said
She only represents herself and her 200k plus pay cheque.
i can't get over all the weeping and wailing Harry did in Spare over the ''genetic pain'' of not seeing his dad. He's been away from his kids for a month....a long time for a 3 and 5 yr old. When Megs disappears, it's either surgery or Ozempic.
If H&M wants privacy then why put out in the press they bought house in Portugal.
No one wants Harry in Portugal
Say you only 😂
@@anilahahamed3927no….me too
No one wants them anywhere. Full stop. International pariahs.
Who sold them the property in the first place, obviously not thinking about the consequences to other people in the area around it ,not a good decision on the sellers part.
Oh please Kevin this Lidia person does not speak on behalf of me or many people in Australia. She is vile. Her pathic behaviour has saddened me to think this so-called senator receives her wages through the public purse disgusting. I will be voting for Australia stays within the/a part of the Commonwealth. God bless our King, King Charles, and Queen Consort Camilla with love and respect.
King Charles, but not that witch Camilla I have no respect for Camilla for my Princess Diana who I missed so much 🎉
Not all Australians feel the way this person does, she was just plain rude
Don't worry, we have folks like in the UK and Canada. Usually uneducated, not bright and delusional.
I'd be more specific, very few Australians
Here in Portugal we are tipically very family oriented and if a family breaks apart (sure it happens) we don't tell the world the details of what happened and spread lies. They are traitors and we don't them and their drama.
I agree. In most parts of the world, families work out their grievances privately. Lawsuits are a rare last resort. Harry and Meghan's "tell all for attention and $$$" behavior devalues them as individuals and illustrates why they are not respected or trusted by many peopole.
@@barbarakelly1916 I can't even listen to their voices anymore. For two individuals who said they wanted a private life they made damn sure they would live very publicly and in a very fake way. I don't think anyone trusts or respects them, not truly.
Nobody cares about Harry's polo documentary! Also nobody gives a crap about Meghan's ARO project either! Both are duds! 👎🤮
Lidia Thorpe is a disgrace to Australia and most Australians are disgusted by her . She is foul mouthed, embarrassing and a career pest. We unfortunately have a socialist government in at the moment. The majority of Australians love the king , want to be part of the Commonwealth and would be very upset to see him walk away.
I love your show and think Kinsey is wonderful. Keep up the good work. 👏👏👏
Makes me want to tell at her face, "YOU ARE NOT MY ACTIVIST!!!"
that woman is a disgrace none of us like her and she is seriously unhinged
Utube just deleted my comments and they were nice.
@@parkerpubs5142Brilliantly said..
As a fellow Aussie totally agree Edwina on all points.
The entire Portugal announcement is timed to distract from the King's trip to Australia and Samoa. The is no Portuguese property.
That would not surprise me - I heard somewhere else Portugal was all BS 😂
Unfortunately harry and wife are so vicious and ungrateful. This is what they are the woke who wants to be destructive. For me wokes are those who sanctify victimhood. A victim do not behave like one and those who are, do. That is harry and megan. Harry, you are an ungrateful woke.
Yep, and PD
That makes sense….
And deflection from the moving vans to
Not all Australians feel the same as that horrible woman!!! We had a referendum and the majority of Australians voted to retain the Monarchy as our head of state. Please do not accept her rant as what we all feel.
It was 45/55 and 25 year ago.
@christenedoering7720 if you break that vote into States, most were polling around 60% to retain the monarchy. The ACT vote of 36% lowered that average. A recent nationwide survey rated a having a republic even lower than the previous vote. With around 32% saying they didn't know.
@@christenedoering7720 No doubt there will be another in due course. Perhaps by then the would-be republicans will actually put forward a Proposal that is better than the constitutional monarchy that serves us well. Last time they had NO proposal. It was just "let's have a republic and we'll work out the details later". Not good enough for Australians who don't trust the politicians we have with complete power over us. Imagine the gormless useless Albanese with the power of a President !!
Australia achieved independence in 1901 and in 1986 our late Queen fully endorsed and signed the Australian Act. HOWEVER we then had a referendum and voted to retain the Crown as head of state. That's democracy for you. Republicans are still the minority. Rock on, King Charles III 🇦🇺🇳🇿👍
@@Roszariethank you for your comment. Well said
I wonder where PETA is when it comes to polo. It should be banned.
How can you say the King and Queen are having a hard time? The tour is a success but for one verbal woman who will not be remembered. The King and Queen will! ❤❤❤
hes not having a hard time we had one wacko who has always been a idiot shouting in parliment. She is always causing trouble i wish they would do something about her
They need to drop her off in a mental ward. 🙄 She needs put on meds! 🤣😂🤣😂
Beautiful Australia tarnished by a barbarian.
Get rid of her don’t we have parliamentary sanctions for loud mouthed troublemakers? She should have been told NO more as a child.🤦♀️🇦🇺🇬🇧
😂😂we can't you know. We have to live with it until she's voted out. But the idea is appealing.
@@RobynNicholson-Reid-bz4hwexactly 💯
As an Australian I'm completely Disgusted and Embarrassed by Our Government and Behavior during this Visit!! Very Disappointing 😔
I wouldn’t if I were you, it was just one deranged individual, we know that King Charles and Camilla have been warmly welcomed by Australia, a country by the way that Charles adores.
Don't be embarrassed by our government, it was one individual Senator who come the next Double Dissolution, she'll be gone.
Thanku 💐......
The King is a good man he loves Austrslia Australians, even the clowns.
I'm an American and I'm pleased to know that the majority of Australian citizens support King Charles. I support him, too!
Why do you support him? Do you support WOKE and Net Zero and the WEF too?
Americans don't support the British Monarchy. We literally fought a war to be free of these losers.
Yes we do. Lidia Thorpe is a race baiter who hates everyone.
Goodness where on earth did you get the notion we want a Tampax as a King. Mind your own politics. We stay out of yours. You have no idea what the majority of us Ozzie's want.😅😮😂
Amen. We love King Charles
Kevin we love the King in Australia. He is only a figure head here. Thorpe dad who is white said his daughter is nuts. She completely disregards that she has ENGLISH and IRISH ancestors. We have had votes on this before and most people love things as they are. I promise you.
Harry and Rachael needing a vacation is like my no good brother-in-law who never worked needing to retire. From what?
Harry insisted on riding a pregnant horse til it died of cardiac arrest from the stress. He's not a nice guy.
And as a child, a brat.
Tantrums most of the time when he didn't get his own way or he was asked to wait until something could be got ready for him.
Full blast brat throwing himself on the ground screaming, face red and snotters everywhere because it wasn't happening now.
Let's not forget the fool that let him ride the horse. He./she could of stood their ground and caused a big scene to stop that axx. What is this persons name?
He loved to hunt and has been seen kicking and punching a horse after a polo match in a rage, he is a POS, he is nothing like his mother as he keep going on about, he is pathetic and despicable.
Proof? I doubt he would have knowingly done that.
The ginger is jumping ship in case Trump wins and kicks them out of the USA.
More likely yes
Exactly my thoughts as well. The extra $ in his mother in laws account aledgeably I think is a cushion for m&h.
You're probably right
Montecito is in the path of the San Andreas Fault. . Those in the know are in fact 'Jumping ship' if they can. Insurance is astronomical.
And running from the Diddy debacle, the IRS, US Charities regulations, accusations of an incident involving an unwilling participant, the Visa saga, interfering in US politics, especially the Presidential election, and his ongoing public fight to abolish our 1st Amendment. Apparently he did not learn that we fought hid ancestors to have this right and he is a British prince and we do not have royals. They need to take their titles and move
I can’t handle Polo. It’s horrific. Prince Harry has no heart.
No he does not he’s a very cruel man and I hope animal control is watching his treatment of the animals.
Couldn’t agree more! He’s heartless egotistical jerk. Exploit horses for his monetary gain, NO consideration for the poor animal. Cruelty at its best. I despise this entire idea. Shameful
If Harry is buying a holiday house in Portugal means he has money.Why does he keep asking his father for money.
Thing is with Lydia Thorpe - she is a state senator who - when she got into Parliament - she had to swear allegiance to the crown! She is a nutjob whose behaviour has always been awful - the Aussie Govt need to strip her of the role and remove any current and future perks.
In Australia CIII has been very warmly welcomed. Lydia Thorpe who protested in parliament house is a strange embarrassment to most Australians. She seems to hate other indigenous people and groups and courts controversy for its own sake. Fair enough that the plight of indigenous peoples are highlighted . Disrespect for your elders is not part of our indigenous culture.
As a Portuguese I don’t want those grifters in my country ! Stay away in America, despicable couple🤮🤮🤮🤮
They are not bad people do not listen to Social media.
Can’t we send them back to the UK? Or would that be rude?
I don’t want them here in the USA either
We don't want them here in the USA fr. They need to go duke and dutchess in Sussex.
Take them to your bed we sure dont want them in my country, stay way gold digger megax
Harry and Megan are cruel people
karma is coming for them
Take that two faced Eugenie with them. She's obviously gossiping with these two.
@@usercarefree44I think she thinks she's bridging the gap between the cousins and keeping the lines of communication open.
I think she's doing it with a glad heart which I think is just misguided.
She'll get thrown under the bus.
@@ElizabethWarrenYeahYeahShe probably had a better relationship with Harry growing up.
No they are not
She was not protesting in a peaceful manner she was screaming at him, keep this woman away from the King she looks unhinged.
Absolutely loved my Beautiful Queen Elizabeth
As an Australian, I can say, we are all ashamed of that Woman.
She does this all the time.
Lifia Thorpe is an Australian Senator, who would have had to take an oath - she should be stripped of her office
Her constituents should vote her out
@@oghoghomakinde7892Only 1200 votes for her.. MORONS JUST LIKE HER.. she’s manipulated the system and why she’s a senator.. SHE SWORE AN OATH TO THE MONARCH SO THERE SHOULD BE A LAW IF ANYONE DOES WHAT SHE DID THEY IMMEDIATELY GET SACKED.. screw democracy etc.. we need tough rules now.. and stop these DIVISIVE DISGUSTING INSANE PEOPLE WHO DONT LOVE AUSTRALIA AND MAKE CRAP UP TO DESTROY WHAT WE HAVE..
She tried a stint with the oath too
She betrayed the commonwealth. She is using her platform to divide people.
@@JayJay-wg5exthat’s right held her fist in the air
Australians have given King Charles and Queen Camilla a wonderful reception with huge crowds and it will be even bigger today at the opera house. Lydia Thorpe is an embarrassment to the Australian parliament because she is a loose cannon. She shouldn’t have been allowed in parliament for those speech’s because she was almost arrested earlier that day for causing a disturbance and she has done this many times since she was elected as a senator 🤦🏻♀️ the greatest shame was that no one stopped for about 20 seconds which seemed like an eternity. There are more monarchists in Australia than republicans.
Yes, you did them proud so thankyou for that. I'm sure he has already forgotten Lydia.
Shame on the governors who were busy! It made them sound petty not professional. If you’re not happy about the King . There are better ways to deal with it and have a dialogue about it
Lydia c'est Meghan la même copie aussi malfaisante l'une que l'autre
Watch "Beyond Pluto" 17:10 from Australia. Their analysis says that people are a bit complacent in the subject so not a burning issue with them. Also, faced with 2 alternatives: the monarchy or an American presidential style they prefer a constitutional monarchy. This will only change if an alternative style of republic can be envisaged which is better than either a monarchy or a US style presidential system (which they don't fancy). On the internet many Aussies are coming out for King Charles and the monarchy.
@@vickihandel3620 These governments are like children. Why would we have people like this in charge because it shows us that they are not fit to be in charge of anything. They should grow up.
Most people DO want to stay with the King.
That is good to hear, it’s hard for us in UK to know what the consensus is…
We love you Australians
We had a Referendum for becoming a Republic a few years ago, and the Public said NO. The left of politics ignores that and are ever hopeful.
So do us Irish lots of us in usa and Australia ❤❤❤
In a referendum, more people in Australia want to keep the Monarchy than follow the system of countries that have a President . . . nothing convinces me as a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, that an elected President would be a positive move.
What a rude, impolite lady. She’s not my Senator. 😂🇨🇦🍁
What about the restrictions on British citizens staying in Europe. Many have homes in Portugal, France etc but can only go for very restricted times per year?????
I live in Australia and have to correct you King Charles and Queen Camilla are NOT having a hard time at all they had one incident by a senator who loves to get publicity but that backfired on her. The King and Queen have been warmly welcomed. Please stop the lies about our reaction to their visit
Sry I have seen o negative remarks.
Yes thrir reception has been brilliant we thank you as this may ge the kings last Australian visit and he loves Australia ❤❤❤
British citizens living in Europe are not effected by the 90 day rule as in order to own a property in Europe you need to apply for a local tax no. And possibly residency, depending on what country you wish to reside. It's all quite straightforward and in most countries, if not all, there is no need to denounce your British nationality!
Hi Kev and Kin love you guys. I am from Australia and I am ashamed the way King Charles was treated but he was so dignified as always. I am a royal fan and I am so disgusted with this behaviour.
And Kev and Kin still put the blame on HM of Australian visit failure. They don't know where to put their face 😂
She had to make an allegiance to the monarchy to get her seat in the government
Most of people don’t like her
Many of us love the monarchy
Australians do not have British rule. They are independent like many other Commonwealth countries.
Keep records and do research!
My son told me about investing in Portugal many years ago. In the context of Brexit.
Also H&M went to Portugal for a couple of days right after a trip somewhere (Nigeria?) There was a published photo of the backs of the pair of them walking down an empty street.
Remember now?
There was lots of criticism that they hadn't gone straight back to the kids.
I’m Australian and I’m mortified by how some here are behaving. So So embarrassing.
Lidia Thorpe is a total embarrassment to Most Australian people and imo should be FIRED, as to be a senator she had to swear allegiance!!
Far More Australians want to keep the Monarchy, we had a vote and voted NO to republic. I wish the MSM would point this out!!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺
As an Australian, I am ashamed by this disgraceful MP.😱
Yes. The Golden Visa is allegedly being withdrawn. We moved to Spain a few years ago. At the time we considered buying a £500k house in Portugal as having sold up, it was within our price range. But decided against it because of changes on the way. The Portuguese are looking for Investors, not people like Harry & Meghan will just want a holiday home and do nothing for the country. Also without a proper residence visa, they will have a restriction on how many days per year, they can stay in Europe.
I don't know why you guys are so surprised that Harry made Nacho the lead for his Netflix series. Nacho has been the face of Ralph Lauren's Polo line since 2005.
When was the last time these children were last seen by a completely independent witness?
That would be never!
I feel they need the world to see the offspring with the Monarch before something happens to him. They need the 'royal stardust' for obvious reasons, or they will be only H and M's children in the eyes of the world.
Honestly.. who cares.. I KNOW MARKLE is keeping those kids private so when she divorces Harry the kids will be her CASH COW AND SHE WILL TRY TO BE THE NEXT KRIS JENNER AND BE THE KIDS MOMAGER AND MAKE BILLIONS $$.. which will absolutely fail because NOBODY CARES ABOUT THOSE KIDS.. and she’s too dumb and lazy to do anything right.. She thinks she will be able to demand BIG BUCKS for exclusive pics of those kids when she divorces Harry.. 😂 I also guarantee the poor kids have issues being so isolated and having a narcissistic mother..
No kids
They attend school. However, in America ( where all citizens have the same rights) it is illegal to publish photographs of children without permission
I completely agree with Kevin, polo should not exist because it’s cruel for the horses!
Same with barrel racing and a few others that are lock n stock American, Texas state mostly. 🤔
She is not liked by the majority of us Australians and those Premiers may lose there jobs over this.
Raucous and mouthy.
Wishful thinking
One can only hope
how are the Premiers going to lose their jobs over this? Senator Bridget McKenize mouthing off saying it was Anthony Albanese"s fault makes no sense. I would have thought the function was conducted by the Speaker of the House, Milton Dick, not Albo?
For God sake they would want the beaches cleared when they go for a swim.
Can’t watch cruelty to animals.
Australia welcomes the King of England with grace and hospitality. Children were happy to meet and greet the Sovereign. Thank you for your visit, our King.
On behalf of the senator in the person of Lydia Thorpe, I apologise for such a display of rudeness, barbaric and woke behaviour.
Thank you for making Australia a priority to visit in spite of your fragile condition. We welcome and respect you, your Royal Highness.
Meghan will not want to be unnoticed.
I love you kinsey, you speak the truth about the grifters
She is an Australian Senotorr in Parliament and oath is taken to the reigning monarch and she has now been suspended
Pure undiluted EVIL!!!!
Delia UK.
Harry and wife visited Portugal after the Invictus games in Germany. They needed a holiday after a holiday.
They are 2 greedy self😅sh people
Their life is one long holiday…without the kids.
@@cathmay6429dolls don’t do holidays!!!
It's been great not seeing MM 🫣
How does Lidia Thorpe avoid get arrested for being a public nuisance time and time again?
Stuffed if i know or for hate speech.
I've always thought polo must be a very unatural activity for horses. They can't possibly understand the idea behind what they're forced to do, not like racing or show jumping for example, although those sports aren't free from cruelty either apparently.
If you can watch some barrel racing. Mostly Texas state n maybe around it as well. American sport and I think in the same class as Polo. Very cruel, as are most sports involving horses and the training of horses to do things that humans derive pleasure from and not natural to a horse. 🐴
Wasn’t Drizzle also pregnant at the time and Harry was told he shouldn’t ride her? He ignored the advice, and Drizzle had a heart attack at the end of the match. Harry does whatever he wants because he is a “Prince”. Harry is arrogant, petulant and entitled.
I despise Harry for this.
I didn’t know this, it’s horrifically cruel, they should not have let him, prince or no prince. What a vile thing to do, why isn’t this more widely known, appalling.
As an Australian I am completely disgusted with Lydia Thorpe (and her many outbursts). She is a Senator of the Australian Government. To hold this position, senators swear their allegiance to the Crown And King when being sworn in. So NO she had no right as a representative of this country, at a government event, to voice her own personal views. It was neither the time nor place for this outburst, by an attention seeking Grifter (in my opinion). If Lydia wasn’t a Senator, she would never have been allowed anywhere near the King in the way this event had allowed. If she has an issue then do it at a general public event, as a private citizen, like the rest of the population could. Between Lydia and the State Premiers, these idiots, that are supposed to be representative of this wonderful country, have made us look like foolish brats having a hissy fit. To those wanting a Republic… be careful what you wish for, these idiots could be your future!!!!!!!
@@WilliamBrooks-ye9es well said 👏
Well we can thank the Greens for pre-selecting her in the first place.
@@TraceyBurton-gs6jmThat explains a lot. Being a sandwich short of a picnic is a membership requirement for the Greens.
Yes look at America!
@@taniahabib2275 thanks Tracy, you gave me a great laugh with your response… and oh so tue! 🤭
G’Day peoples, I am a First Nations person and am thankful that Chris Columbus gave us a pass as apparently the country was considered inhospitable etc, We also didn’t get taken out by The Red Peril. Although was not a great take over but at least we weren’t entirely annihilated. Am glad ‘‘twas the British and not any of the other countries that graced and enjoy living in our most beautiful sacred land. By the way I do consider myself a Monarchist. WELCOME KING CHARLES AND QUEEN CAMILLA - Enjoy the rest of your time here, I do believe the King plus his sons have been here more times when they were younger and did have good times here. 🇦🇺🪃🪃☀️✌🏾☮️😊
If all First Nations people had you mature and measured response then Australia’s future is in good hands.
❤ beautifully delivered response...thank you Margaret, you are my people..
@@judewalters9200 Not just voice of your people, she’s the voice for all Australians, regardless of their heritage !
Bless you, thank you for your comment. I have given myself a rest from X (Twitter), because of the nastiness re the King. I am a Scot and live in Oz. I voted for the Voice, I do want Scotland free from Westminster but have no issue with the RF.
What children.. they don't have children,
As Australian we don't agree with her. She does not represent or speak for me. She should not be allowed to act that way in our parliament
It funny how the cost of the new home is the same amount as the amount missing from the Archewll charity… as Delaware allows since it’s registered there… so the company purchased it for an occasional meeting.
As the Harkles have not been the stars of the "Hollywood elite", Archewell may have purchased a European location for its operations. Delaware regulations allow spending 95% of donation receipts on expenses.
@@barbarakelly1916 I agree 💯!!!
NO ONE should watch this polo show….even out of curiosity! It’s just another cruel sport abusing animals!
Most Canadian First Nations are highly respectful of the Crown. They blame the generations of ELECTED government officials who made the laws that treated them badly.
They are having a great time in Australia 🇦🇺, wash you mouth out with salt,as my mother would say if we swore ..We love the Royal family,,❤❤
Why polo is not cancel is very cruel to the horses SHAME ON NETFLIX
No don’t let the king give us back / the actual people love love love the king ❤
He will not do that, he loves Australia and its people.
Kevin we had a vote and the majority decided in favour of staying as we’re are. I am so upset at the press giving such a negative point of view to the Kings visit. He has been welcomed with open arm, hundreds and hundreds of people turning out to see him. All the press can talk about is 6 Premiers who said they were too busy to see him, well that says more about them being small minded and petty than it does about the King and one vocal protester who was filmed. Try tell the world the real story, show the real pictures/videos not just click bait journalism.
The Elders Are outraged. Watch this space!
That out of control crazy woman! How embarrassing!
Which one? The correspondent, Megan or the lady that was shouting the truth at the f.a cup (Charles). 😂
Princess Eugenie can walk around in Portugal without being noticed because she doesn't do the markle "do you know who i am" well we all know what you are😂
Eugenie doesn’t have the paparazzi on speed dial allegedly like MeAgain does 🥴
@@m.m.583No one cares about her either.
Well Eugenie did attract attention, that if Harry and Megan she must have told them about the place, she won't be walking about unnoticed now
She walks around in London too. Nobody takes any notice of her.