It's so weird bc in March we went to wwe smackdown in Charlotte! Were so similar, I'm in the 7th grade unfortunately but other than that we have the same interests!
You and my are going to 6th grade this year and I'm so happy to have finally found somebody my age on youtube that vlogs, I really want to aswell but I don't know how to start or edit or what apps to usr, Do you have any tips??
I actually been to a wwe live event when they came to my hometown of Beaumont Texas and I had a great time My favorite wrestlers are liv Morgan Sasha Banks zelina vega Rey mysterio and Santos even Raquel Rodriguez also Brock Lesnar
Ik I'm late but i've went to a WWE event before :D it was awesome (even though we were up high it was loud and I was tired 🤣) I used to watch WWE all the time and I also love Sasha banks too! I saw her when I went to the event
Hey I’ve been binge watching your account and our vibes match a lot in my opinion. We are the same age and everything. I thought I should just put out there that we would make a great friendship if you’d like.
it's amazing. I'd like to take photos with them too and be in wwe-live ! ) and what's your opinion on wwe thanksgiving matches ? Almost every year wwe throws and ruins whole cooked turkeys in matches. 🍗🍗Such as: The New Day x The Bar (thanksgiving smackdown). Some people hate it meanwhile others say: excelent, their show, their money, their turkeys and they can do with them whatever they want :) What do you think ?
My whole family loves WWE your so lucky you were able to go there!
I found ur channel last night and u like wwe i found my people😭😭, ur officially one of my new fav youtubers
iv been looking for a yt chanell that is by som1 my age im im so happy i finally found it
I've been in LOVE with your channel these days. Keep it up girl! ❤
Ahh your so lucky! My whole family love’s AEW and WWE we go watch it all the time!!
OMG I love WWE and Sasha Banks is my favorite wrestler too!!!!!
AMAZING!!!! You are officially one of my favourite youtubers!! 😍😍😍❤️
I love your channel
And your really pretty!
My dads loves WWE like he get his popcorn and watch it lol☠️
Lol I remember my first wwe show👍🏼😂😂
literally loved your vlog im going to smackdown friday 🥰💗
Yayy have fun!
Omg your so lucky u got really nice seats too! I went to a wwe event in november last year for free and it was really fun
I love wrestling
going to my first wwe event this sunday cant wait to go
I been whatching wwe for a while
do you still live in chicago or did u move to atl , bc i live in chicago
Omg do u live in Mary land cuz I remember the place u we’re going like when u were in the car the beginning
I’m watching wwe rn I don’t care if it’s fake I love wwe
It's so weird bc in March we went to wwe smackdown in Charlotte! Were so similar, I'm in the 7th grade unfortunately but other than that we have the same interests!
Your so lucky! I’m a big fan of the WWE too I live in France so I can’t go but I always watch it with my family
I have two questions I wanna start a yt channel like urs but how would I attract ppl to watch my videos? And can we be freinds ? 😊
Im going to my first royal rumble and im so excited! I been wanting to go to a rumble since I was 6
That’s gonna be so fun!!!!
Looks so fun 😅😝
You and my are going to 6th grade this year and I'm so happy to have finally found somebody my age on youtube that vlogs, I really want to aswell but I don't know how to start or edit or what apps to usr, Do you have any tips??
That looks so awesome 😁😊😇
Wow, ur natural hair is gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much!!
I had a huge Wwe phase to the point where i would make videos of copying Sasha Banks entrance😂 i really wanna start watching it again!!
I’m going to my 4th on Friday 5th on Saturday and my first Aew event in August
Have fun!!
I actually been to a wwe live event when they came to my hometown of Beaumont Texas and I had a great time
My favorite wrestlers are liv Morgan Sasha Banks zelina vega Rey mysterio and Santos even Raquel Rodriguez also Brock Lesnar
Good selection👀 I love WWE events!
@@londynguidry same here
I went to WWE Live last Monday! It was my first time too it was very fun
What’s ur editing app called
Woahh that looks so fun😁!!!
Dang she live in ATL like me
Ik I'm late but i've went to a WWE event before :D it was awesome (even though we were up high it was loud and I was tired 🤣) I used to watch WWE all the time and I also love Sasha banks too! I saw her when I went to the event
Shout out
Looks super funn
this is so cool !! 🥰😚
Omg my brother loves WWE if we had a chance we would’ve gone lucky!
Hey I’ve been binge watching your account and our vibes match a lot in my opinion. We are the same age and everything. I thought I should just put out there that we would make a great friendship if you’d like.
Forgot to mention I’m on my moms account
sasha banks its my cousin and snoop dog some people dont belive me but i have lots of photos with them
it's amazing. I'd like to take photos with them too and be in wwe-live ! ) and what's your opinion on wwe thanksgiving matches ? Almost every year wwe throws and ruins whole cooked turkeys in matches. 🍗🍗Such as: The New Day x The Bar (thanksgiving smackdown). Some people hate it meanwhile others say: excelent, their show, their money, their turkeys and they can do with them whatever they want :) What do you think ?
I’m a wrestling fan to ( I know all of them also I use to have a crush on the uso brothers 😂)
I'm a wrestling fan
i sat exactly where u sat at a band event
Make more
your u like the next Nicole Leno Love your channel and new sub
omg 😭😭 tysm! 🫶
@@londynguidry np
I have a question
What’s you editing tik tok account?I would love to check your edits out!
it’s @vqrnado and i also post edits on my main account! they’re in the description 🫶🏽
alright tysm!!
u are so lucky girl 😉 for real i swear
Can we be friends
i just found your channel i love it!! also i love wrestling and wish to go to a live event. i hope you had so much fun. 🤍🤍