Congratulations Mei Mei. Hope you enjoy the work. Wish you all the best and continue to make good progress. Sorry you got hurt. Next time should wear long sleeves and long pants to protect yourself. Well done.
Congratulations Umi. Enjoy your new job. A lot of company don't mind their new employee with no experience, because they can train you. Have fun in your new adventure. I like Neo coffee. We went to the one on Kings Street. It was good.
Congrats Mei Mei 🎉🎉it’s so amazing that an obstacle turns out to be a blessing. All these coincidences are meant to happen to help Mei Mei finding her dream job. I wish you all the best in your new job!! Brandy, stay positive and trust in the process. I believe you will find your dream career too. Cheers.
@bl.y My reply to "讀書 in Canada can be 唔洗錢", being deleted by Brandy? Please search for the information under Government web site. Government of Canada. Government of Canada can provide English and French language training for new immigrants. you have to apply for it in 3 years since you landed. You can receive financial support each month. Not only FREE of CHARGE, but you can also receive MONEY to support your Finacial need each month. If you missed the chance, after 3 years since you arrive, there are ESL classes for those who would like to study the official language in Canada. One of the Church in Bloor and Christie, (just right by the Christie Subway station close to the Korean Town.) I saw the big sign in front of the Church last week. I hope this answered @bl.y's question and also believe that Brandy won't delete this message. Good luck for you guys if you are in Canada now. Yes, Education in Canada can be "FREE OF CHARGE"!!!!!!!!!! Be positive la! If you have question, please ask politely. I will be happy to answer it if I can.
做這份工作,若未打Tetanus(破傷風針),最好去打!My hearty congratulations on your success!
Agree, Tetanus shot is very important.
Rabies as well!
Mei Mei, 見到你係真心笑出嚟真係好為你開心,知道你真係鍾意呢樣野,加油呀!
恭喜美美揾到份自己喜歡的工作,日日對著可爱的狗仔一定好開心,努力向groomers 方面發展,加油😊💪🏻💪🏻
Congratulations to both of you! Umi's childlike gestures and smiles have always warmed our hearts.
恭喜美美面試成功😃Brandy唔好灰心,只要positive thinking,相信吸引力法則,你一定可以做到你想做嘅嘢
在外地, 謀生活雖然不容易, 但其實到處楊梅一樣花 (在香港, 生活壓力更大呢! )
要抱著既來之, 則安之的心態。俗語說, 有辣有唔辣。你們在節目中, 常流露出正面的態度, 令大家十分欣賞。
Umi 朝著寵物行業方向發展, 十分好, 因為這也是個專業。
Brandy 也可以探索, 有哪一項專業適合自己, 所謂行行出狀元。
你們有的是青春和拼勁, 加油!
還有, 恕我直言, 說得比較刺耳, 就是你們相依為命, 更要彼此珍惜對方。莫因小事吵起來, 成了意氣之爭, 就不好了。
凡事開心見誠, 大家攤開來講, 互相明白及包容。
mie mie 戥你開心😃找到自己喜歡的工作💪👍
恭喜 Umi 揀一份工同時都似揀一個夾到你 識欣賞你既上司 希望你有好既發展
去咗CNE 未呀? 如果去嘅話千祈唔好錯過嗰個Dog show呀,我諗美美會鍾意睇。
介紹一個TH-cam channel 你睇,叫做” Girl with the dogs”, 係一個Dog groomer 嘅channel, 我覺得好好睇。
恭喜見工成功!! I know u can do it! 感受到你從心底的喜悦!!! Can't wait to hear more about your new job!!!
Congratulations Mei Mei. Hope you enjoy the work. Wish you all the best and continue to make good progress. Sorry you got hurt. Next time should wear long sleeves and long pants to protect yourself. Well done.
Congrats Mei Mei有喜歡新工作及目標🤩年輕人可以多多去嘗試
恭喜曬, 期望美美 新工一切順利, 願神祝福!
Congratulations Umi. Enjoy your new job. A lot of company don't mind their new employee with no experience, because they can train you. Have fun in your new adventure. I like Neo coffee. We went to the one on Kings Street. It was good.
Yay!!!! Congratulations MM So happy for you. Brandy I trust you will soon find your passion and dream too
覺得你從心裡笑出來 希望你每天過得愉快充實加油
樣貌同內心世界一致,善良,文靜,甘於平淡而又能絇堅強面對逆心感覺,美美完整地流露無遺,特别冇吱吱喳喳,講嘢極温順,冇做作! 👍😀
恭喜哂Mei Mei!😊🎉 終於可以成功脱苦海啦😂 希望新工一切順順利利
Congrats Umi ... May all your wishes come true :) All the Best to you Brandy :)
Congratulations, 美美🎉
感謝fanny ling既支持!多謝你!
Congrats umi 祝你哋越來越好✌️
恭喜恭喜Umi 找到一份自己鐘意的工。我都覺得Neo 的咖啡麻麻地,不過它的strawberry shortcake 就幾好味。J. San Sushi 我都喜歡。
恭喜美美揾工成功 👍🏻🙌🏻 有好嘅新開始。美美年紀輕輕就好清楚自己條路想點行,好叻呀。祝福👫👫🙌🏻🥰
Congratulations to Umi for getting the job👏👏
Congrats Umi & Brandy! Enjoy your new job and wish both of you all the best!
I knew you could do it, mei mei
Congratulations on your new job!
I couldn't be more proud 😘
恭喜美美找到自己喜歡工作 加油!
Congrats Mei Mei 🎉🎉it’s so amazing that an obstacle turns out to be a blessing. All these coincidences are meant to happen to help Mei Mei finding her dream job. I wish you all the best in your new job!! Brandy, stay positive and trust in the process. I believe you will find your dream career too. Cheers.
@bl.y My reply to "讀書 in Canada can be 唔洗錢", being deleted by Brandy?
Please search for the information under
Government web site. Government of Canada.
Government of Canada can provide English and French language training for new immigrants. you have to apply for it in 3 years since you landed.
You can receive financial support each month.
Not only FREE of CHARGE, but you can also receive MONEY to support your Finacial need each month.
If you missed the chance, after 3 years since you arrive, there are ESL classes for those who would like to study the official language in Canada.
One of the Church in Bloor and Christie, (just right by the Christie Subway station close to the Korean Town.) I saw the big sign in front of the Church last week.
I hope this answered @bl.y's question and also believe that Brandy won't delete this message.
Good luck for you guys if you are in Canada now.
Yes, Education in Canada can be "FREE OF CHARGE"!!!!!!!!!!
Be positive la!
If you have question, please ask politely. I will be happy to answer it if I can.
I agree with KK about the tetanus shot. Taking precaution is always a good thing and it's what a responsible adult should do. Truly happy for Mei Mei.
Congratulations Umi on your success in finding your new job! Wishing you all the best!🥰
There are NEO in HK too! so happy for Umi!! both you add oil ar!!
美美恭喜曬🎊 你好叻女呀 ,願神保守你哋係加拿大 搵到自己理想同埋目標,有好嘅生活🌈
美美,Congrats! Brandy, 希望你也快找到自己努力方向
Congratulations. You deserve it.
Congratulation to Mei Mei 👍。加油 to both Brandy and Mei Mei 😉
恭喜你呀美美 希望你新工做得開開心心 能夠成日對住啲狗狗係件好幸福嘅事
恭喜 恭喜 找到你喜歡的工作👏💪💪💪
Brandy 好快你會找到自己的方向!
恭喜Mei Mei,終於見到你由心笑出來的笑容,隔住個芒都感受到你的喜悅,希望你一切順利,開開心心。至於Brandy希望你都能早日找到心儀工作。拍youtube可能是一種帶給你意想不到的機遇,但其實你知唔知睇片的人點解想繼續睇下去,這並不是單憑介紹coffee shop或你們生活點滴,而是想知一對只帶得港幣5萬貿然移民到外地的年輕人,在無人無物的情況下,怎樣面對重重困難,發揮香港人不撓的精神。最難能可貴就是看到你們能互相支持,互相鼓勵,帶給大家正能量,深信只要努力,求上進,把自己準備好,總會有明天,好有獅子山下的味道。你們可以成為別人的借鏡,好有意義。這就是帶給別人想繼續睇,繼續支持的動力,發揮出互相影響的訊息,非常好。加油喔!
70, 80 年初到加拿大讀書移民個啲绝大部分係俾香港精英教育放棄佐嘅年青人. 绝大部份係窮學生, 0 積蓄, 最後绝大部份成為加拿大各城市成功嘅職場(各行各業)人仕. 我見到周圍都係👍👍👍
恭喜你呀 ~ 美美😉💢💞成功揾到同自己興趣相近的工作 Wish you aII the best ✌✌💪
Congratulations Umi👍
等了幾天啦,恭喜Mei Mei!叻女👍🥳🎊🎉,加油,努力🙏👏💪
Great news, nice to hear such a good step forward!
周圍認果班香港男仔佢哋面色上洋溢的表情要比較靚仔和輕鬆愉悅嘅 ,祝福你們越來越好🤟
記得CLS👍支持Brandy &Meimei💪💪💪☺️💕💕
congratulations Meimei !
Hope you enjoy the new job and wish you all the best !
太好啦🎉🎉恭喜曬Umi 👏
恭喜🎉🎊美美成功見成🐕🐈新工作👏👏👏 祝新工作愉快~順利,加油!
恭喜Umi 揾到自己喜歡嘅工作!
Umi 叻女 💪🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
thx the ex Korean boss, 如果唔係佢甘對UMI,UMI就唔會搵更適合的。你地兩個都鐘意狗,一個讀GROOMING,一個讀 TRAINING。第時拍竉物片分享下。PS 都想睇你地跳舞!intake甘多糖,要跳返舞至得呀!
Congrats!!! another step!!! 🥳
Congrats Umi
Congratulations and good luck with your new job!
Congrats! So happy for you.
恭喜 Mei Mei, 快快會成功啦!喜歡小動物的人,也很 nice, 所以你 boss 咁 nice 👍
Try to put some lavender oil to the scratch marks n it’ll healed in a few days
所以加拿大搵工可以容易 可以困難 時來運到👍
Mei Mei, 恭喜你轉新工。祝你工作愉快,向目標又邁進一步!
恭喜umi🎉 而家做成點呀?好想搵dog day care嘅工 可唔可以介紹一下搵呢類工嘅資料呀唔該☺️
Congratulation. Great that can get a job that match your interest.👍👍🐷
Congratulations 👏👏🎉🎉
加油呀! 支持你地兩個! Toronto呢度好多opportunity架, 咪give up! 希望有日有機會識到你地做個friend
😂😂而家Umi 嘅 focus 係 学会控制狗狗....大狗细狗乜狗物狗👍👍. 其實係屋企都会好實用, 順理成章控制埋 Brandy 👍👍
以後会好enjoy 成為控制狂, like bossing around
Congrats to meimei!! ho luc lui
2141 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
世界級Cheesecake在這,一生必定要試一次 😄
Congratulations 🎊👏 Hope Mei Mei enjoy her new job ✋
現在加拿大好難請人,我認識的醫生診所請receptionist $20起/小時,星期一至五工作每天8小時,希望請一個懂粵語(因為好多華人病人)及英文的人,超難請到適合的人選。