Sandbox Alpha Season 4 Alpha Pass Guys penting untuk kalian perhatikan ya buat yg mau modal dan beli alpha pass harus diliat dulu itu udah dipake atau belum dan liat itu dari offiical apa bukan, kalo salah beli gak bisa dipake nanti. 🔗Link beli disini (tetep perhitungkan resikonya ya karna itu harganya udah mahal) Ada info baru: katanya kalo beli dari orang emang error jadi mending nunggu restock aja nanti
@@mreyhansabian1874 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Bang kasih tutor bedain NFT yg udah di stample atau belum di Market Aku beli di opensea ga ada tanda stample nya Baru ketahuannya kalo udah masuk di inventory sandboxnya bang Ini gimana tips nya biar bisa beli Alpha pass yang fresh
@@Pocox6Pro-x9f Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Please don't play this game for now because the sandbox has turned into a scam game. Many victims have complained about it in discord. It seems like the server is being hacked, trust me you cant claim youre reward for Now!
@@cowokcreative So many accounts have been banned halfway through the season, losing their rewards and even their KYC-verified identities just disappearing. Tons of victims have been complaining about this in their official Discord. Trust me, this game’s a total scam.
gua mau bikin akun baru sandbox,eror dibagian captcha jirr,udah gua verivikasi im human,eh pas di pencet create malah gak ceklis lagi,gua sampe emosi anjing banget dahh,bikin pake wallet juga samaa
@@argyaismail972 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
@@IzhSat-yq8ys Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
@@patensekali8273 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
@@Pocox6Pro-x9f Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Sandbox Alpha Season 4 Alpha Pass
Guys penting untuk kalian perhatikan ya buat yg mau modal dan beli alpha pass harus diliat dulu itu udah dipake atau belum dan liat itu dari offiical apa bukan, kalo salah beli gak bisa dipake nanti.
🔗Link beli disini (tetep perhitungkan resikonya ya karna itu harganya udah mahal)
Ada info baru: katanya kalo beli dari orang emang error jadi mending nunggu restock aja nanti
@@SiRama emang bisa beli dr orang pak?
@@SiRama harganya sama bang 25 sand?
@@mreyhansabian1874 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Komputer yang rekomendasi buat main game ini. Tipe apa ya kak?
Bang kasih tutor bedain NFT yg udah di stample atau belum di Market
Aku beli di opensea ga ada tanda stample nya
Baru ketahuannya kalo udah masuk di inventory sandboxnya bang
Ini gimana tips nya biar bisa beli Alpha pass yang fresh
Kl progres di game udh level udh naik tp pas claim ep belum nambah itu knpa bang?
delay broo
@@SiRama gw udh 2 hari di game udh level 9 pas claim belum nambah, malah sekarang ke reset level 0 lagi knp ya bang?
@@Pocox6Pro-x9f Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Bang pas bikin akun pake google ko gagal terus ya abis create akun trus ga masuk2 malah suruh ceklis capchta terus disitu2 aja
pake vpn coba bro
Oke bang, mending pake google or metamask bang mau langsung coba
gw sih pake google
Tetep gabisa ternyata pake vpn juga
perangkat tidak compatibel
bg gw mau beli alpha pass tiketnya sold out, apa nanti dijual lagi? terus kapan dijual lagi?
Bang lu pake laptop apa PC, kok gua ga bisa access full page web nya ya, di laptop
Bang ini gimana bang?
gw pake laptop broo, coba pencet ctrl + scroll up/down
@@SiRama oh iya bang, tq ya
bang kalo vga ga kuat dipakza biza ngruzak device gak ya
Please don't play this game for now because the sandbox has turned into a scam game. Many victims have complained about it in discord. It seems like the server is being hacked, trust me you cant claim youre reward for Now!
Kata dia scam ni bro yg mana yg bener ni...?
nggakkk scam kok cmn emg ngebug ajaa
@@cowokcreative So many accounts have been banned halfway through the season, losing their rewards and even their KYC-verified identities just disappearing. Tons of victims have been complaining about this in their official Discord. Trust me, this game’s a total scam.
bang nanya dong, kok aku blm bisa verif ya?
emg lama verifnyaa
gua mau bikin akun baru sandbox,eror dibagian captcha jirr,udah gua verivikasi im human,eh pas di pencet create malah gak ceklis lagi,gua sampe emosi anjing banget dahh,bikin pake wallet juga samaa
coba pake vpnnn
@@willyciptonahdamar2129 sama bang, gimana bang udah bisa kah?
Tutorial dapat sand selain dri alpha season bang gua f2p di alpha season udh di ambil semua
kan buat wd ke wallet harus 29 tapi f2p cuman dpt 25.ini dapet 25 setiap hari atau gmn?? 🙏🙏🙏
kemaren temen gw ada yg bisa wd langsung sih katanya gak harus 29
@@SiRama okeh tq bg
tutorial beli BPnya bang tadi siang mau beli udah gak bisa katanya apa harus beli di opensea bang?
iya harus beli di opensea skrng
Delay buat claim pas baru awal buat berapa lama ya bg kira"
Bang, saya udah beli season 4 battle pass di open sea, cara gunain di in game nya gimna bang?
harganya berapa bang?
@@elangprakoso2305 15 sand
jangan beli apa apa dulu mending nunggu nanti restok aja soalnya bnyk yg error dan kalo salah beli gabisa dipake nanti
@@SiRama kemaren kok tulisanya ngga ada asset ya bang pas Mau beli yang 25 sand
iya abisss, udah ku info di grup juga broo jgn lupa join yaa biar gak ketinggalan
di sini ada kah yang butuh akun sandbox verifed?
Per player max 300 sand bang? Kalo beli BP
iyaa tp kalo hoki bisa dapet dr raffle
@@SiRama bang gw kan uda level 7 tapi kok reward nya pada gada ya
@@SiRama buat ikutan dapetin raffle itu minimal LV brp bang?
1 sand 14 k an ya
iya gachaaa
@@SiRama minimal LV brp bang buat ikut gacha raffle?
gak ada minimal bro cuma semakin bnyk tiketnya semakin gede chancenya
info donk yang tau cara mengatasi akun di batasi
bang wallet yg fee nya murah selain ronin.
kalo metamask sangat mencekik. swab dan pengiriman semua mahal.
Tergantung chain nya bang. Kalo Eth ya mahal
wallet mah gak ngaruh, yg ngaruh lu pake jaringan apa ? kalo mau beli sand pake polygon aja murah harusnya
Bang gw udh kyc udh smpe lvl 8 kok gabisa claim sand nya apa gara" free?
kemungkinan lagi error sih grgr bug kemaren itu
@@SiRama nunggu dulu berarti ya pak
bg kyc nya ko gagal terus ya, apa gara" bug?
emg susah skrng bro
@@argyaismail972 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
wkwk nunggu yg solar nih
Kapan ya kira" restock nya😢
bg... verify akun emang lama bg ? sudah dua hari pending
daftar ulang aja pake mail fresh gua acc 2 jam aja stelah ulang kyc
@@AhmadRizal-bb7yo lu succes bro? anjrla gw kyc 2x gagal , kyc ulang udh gabisa mana pass lv 17 lgi
@@IzhSat-yq8ys Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
bang gue kok mau beli 25 sand tulsianya assetnya ngg ada?
abis brooo
Apa ga kedetec ?
Reward apa pasti bisa di claim?
@@patensekali8273 Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Bng cara climb gimana?
Fee-nya gak bisa pake sand kocak harus eth
lu salah kali, sandnya kirim ke polygon biar murah.
Gak bisa claim rewand bang ntah bug atau knapa.. gua pake fee sand poly plus kyc pake ktp@@SiRama
@@Cyberwords29 masih belum bisa claim?
ntar gw bikinin tutor wdnya coba yaa
kalo banyak akun aman kah bang?
ya gak aman kalo ketauan wkwk
Itu di hp gabisa yak
bang 1 pc bisa banyak akun dan banyak kyc?
Tau penampung akun sandbox ga, mau jual, gw gabisa garap
Udh end kah? Gw mau klaim reward rejected mulu
@@Pocox6Pro-x9f Recent developments indicate that the system within The Sandbox platform has turned into a potential scam designed to steal personal identities and profiles. These stolen identities may be exploited for malicious purposes. We urge all users to exercise caution and protect their personal information.
Ini klo kyc aman ga wak
itu tinggal daily aja sbnrnya dan ngerjain sesuai yg diminta
@@SiRamadaily nya dapet berapa sand bg?
Bang garap di hp bisa ga si?
ini ampe taun depan ya?
70 hari bro
F2p bisa bg? Sama brp gb game ya bg?
itu di thumbnail jelas pdhl wkwk
@@SiRama nonton nya sambil merem😂🗿
Bisa buat android ga
wd nya gmna
free player cuman 25 sandbox kah?
iya f2p maks segitu tp bisa dapet bp dari raffle nanti kalo hoki
@@SiRama ini maksudnya klu buat akun baru, trus kyc, bisa dapat 25 sand secara gratis mas?
bang tele ku kena kick
wadu gatau itu botnya kyknya coba masuk lg aja
Pake hp bisa ga bang
tutor kyc bang
Dihp bisa nggak bg
sayangnya gabisa brooo
Main di hp bisa ga bg?
masih blm bisa broo
@@SiRama okei
@@SiRama Kalo maen diwarnet bisa GK bang?
claim sand nya pas akhir season ya ?
Kapan ya kira" restock nya😢