A Candid Conversation with Dallas Jenkins, Director of The Chosen

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024

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  • @DallasJenkinsOfficial
    @DallasJenkinsOfficial 2 ปีที่แล้ว +336

    Hey there...because there's been not only a lot of comments here but elsewhere about this conversation, I'll just address a couple quick things:
    1. I loved the conversation with Melissa and am proud we're brother and sister in Christ and would call each other friends. She's a great model of this kind of dialogue and critique. Anyone who believes she was too hard on me should know I didn't think so whatsoever, and we talked beforehand about what the topics would be. I chose not to be totally thorough (more on that below) in all of my opinions, and she has a right to keep pressing for more thoughts/info, just as I have a right to politely decline.
    2. I declined to answer or fully answer a couple questions for the following reasons:
    A. because there are SOME (not all) issues and differences that are best discussed in the context of relationship. That doesn't mean they shouldn't ever be discussed publicly, of course, but I believe the most effective way (at least in my experience) to discuss certain specific items is in person and as part of a relationship.
    B. There are some differences that require far more time to discuss effectively (the purpose of any of this is to be effective in winning hearts to Truth) than soundbites on TH-cam allow. Videos are made about me quite often that include out of context soundbites that live forever, and therefore I try to avoid summarizing significant issues or reducing them into a paragraph, especially publicly. Furthermore, I believe many issues require far more context and time than we like to think when we make a TH-cam comment. That said...
    C. Before you say, "But the gospel is clear and simple, doesn't require time, these issues are black and white," etc., let me make my final point on this: I agree the gospel is clear and simple and requires no equivocation. And I'm happy (and was happy on this video) to share my core, foundational beliefs with absoluteness. What I won't do is claim I fully understand and can recite someone ELSE's gospel (or lack thereof) better than they do, and I especially won't attempt to speak for it publicly.
    3. Finally, let me just be clear about this and other interviews I've done. I do not speak for, nor have I ever, all LDS or Catholics or even Evangelicals. Anyone who summarizes my comments as "Dallas says (insert people group here) are (insert trait here)" is willfully inaccurate, because I've never said "all" or spoken definitively about an entire group. I've spoken of some people I know (Catholics, LDS, Evangelical) both positively and negatively about specific traits or doctrines, but never for an entire group.
    That doesn't mean you will still agree with my comments. That's totally fair, and if my personal opinions about another person's faith, or any opinion or behavior of mine, is enough for you to stop watching the show, that's fine. I never mind being disagreed with, and I stand by my comments; I just don't stand by someone else's shortened or exaggerated version of my comments.
    There will still be the "He's afraid to answer," "He's heretical and has been influenced," and "He doesn't want to offend so he can get more money" mind-reading silliness, I can't change that, but this is an attempt to address a few items in a clear way with reasonable folks, agreeing or disagreeing.
    Thanks again, Melissa!

    • @christopherreinhardt9787
      @christopherreinhardt9787 2 ปีที่แล้ว +76

      Hey brother.
      Appreciated watching this interview; and you're commenting on it just now after reading our comments, and I appreciate your genuine love towards those who are LDS, but I post this as a reminder to you watch out.
      I can't speak for every LDS person you know, and furthermore I really do appreciate what seems to be your true love in action for LDS individuals, but the LDS organization itself, as many here have pointed out, and Melissa has pointed out to you, does preach a false gospel, and a false view of Christ, which is very, very dangerous, no matter who does it, whether the LDS church or Islam, or Jehovah's Witnesses, or New Age groups, or that megachurch in Houston, or that evangelical church saying it's demonic to eat Lucky Charms (I'm assuming the General Mills cereal company doesn't also sell sorcery manuals, tarot cards, or promote witchcraft, in which case it's probably not demonic to eat Lucky Charms of itself but you'd basically be supporting evil actions) or wherever etc.
      Of course the Father and Christ judge each individual, and it's Father's will that ALL are saved and ALL come to repentance, of course!
      But this is a different gospel the LDS organization teaches, and they also teach a FALSE view of who Christ is, as Melissa clearly outlines, which all include their teachings of exaltation that we can and should become gods, we are spirit brothers with Jesus, Jesus was a spirit brother of Satan, Jesus being created etc.
      Just as the Gnostics denied Christ came in an earthly body but rather fooled us and was a spirit only, so does the LDS "church" deny and modify aspects of Christ's nature, as well as the Father's nature, and consequently the Holy Spirit's nature.
      John is making it clear in his letter (which we know is Father's word of course, but I want to make it clear I see it that way as you do) which I quote below that regardless of how it may seem unimportant as long as Gnostics got the "bigger picture" of Jesus being our savior, them denying an aspect of His nature and His works (that is, His becoming a human being) is clearly an occasion for the discernment and testing of the words of spirit beings claiming they are from God, so how would the same discernment not apply to the view the LDS "church" has of Christ?
      So when you say "We believe in the same Jesus" in regards to LDS folks and that you will sink or swim on that statement your words, regardless of your intent, are, and could be used as powerful statement in support of the false gospel of the LDS organization and their false view of Christ.
      I can't say that your show is somehow purposely or subtly or in-advertently supporting their gospel, however this is the most amazing danger, that their false gospel and view of Christ (the gospel and view of Christ of the LDS organization itself) will somehow gain power and authority through what you're asserting by association with you and your I imagine and from what I've seen of it I want to say wonderful show!
      Be truly aware of the LDS organization and its false teaching, and pray for those under its power whether or not they are "true" Mormons fully converted to its belief system.
      Will be praying for you brother and your discernment, and I will be praying for those who are LDS, whether they partially or completely believe in and understand what the organization teaches!
      (All scripture here is ESV for consistency -- I don't otherwise hold that translation in any particular regard but have known it as accurate)
      1 John 4: 1-4
      Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
      2 Corinthians 11: 3-4
      But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
      Galatians 1: 6-9
      I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
      Revelation 2: 14-16
      But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.
      Revelation 2: 20-23
      But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead.

    • @lrspet01
      @lrspet01 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      It seems your commitment to truth is so strong that you fear to ever be wrong. That fear can be healthy, but can also turn everything into a blurry mess of every statement can be nuanced to mean anything, therefore you fear concluding anything. As someone who understands that struggle, I am glad you take criticism well. I think everyone addressing LDS has said it well, LDS has an authoritative body, so what the authority says is basically set in stone. So that is where you need to look to determine what LDS beliefs are. I can't tell you how many times I asked LDS people at my house about their core beliefs and their response would be "I'm not sure, but I prayed about it and had a burning that proved LDS is true". An LDS person who doesn't agree with LDS authority is like a Christian who doesn't believe in Jesus. Just some thoughts.

    • @kimbojanbranyan6352
      @kimbojanbranyan6352 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You handled This very well.

    • @4beachpeaches
      @4beachpeaches 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      After watching several vids criticizing cast members and also your stand with Mormon friends, I very much appreciate this interview. I’m an old Christian with grandkids, and feel like I found “my people” in you and Melissa. God bless you both. Look forward to meeting you both in heaven. ❤️

    • @jonathanwhitfield4875
      @jonathanwhitfield4875 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hey Dallas, what percentage of the show would you say is based on scripture? I know that’s a tough question to ask but with me having never watched the show for myself I’m curious how much of the show is based on the Bible itself.

  • @no1youknow858
    @no1youknow858 3 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    I am an evangelical Christian for the last 49 years. I've never had a Mormon disagree with any orthodox Christian belief I have asked them about. I believe they are told when dealing with Christians to agree with anything Christians say.

  • @MelissaDougherty
    @MelissaDougherty  3 ปีที่แล้ว +342

    Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your support, thoughts and feedback. This was a great interview to do. A few clarifications:
    #1- This is my fault for not clarifying in the intro, but yes, Dallas knew exactly what we were going to talk about. We had discussed this all through email beforehand in detail. We had ongoing dialogue and was aware that I'd be challenging and clarifying him on certain things, and he welcomed this. It was sorta the point to do this. I didn't randomly spring this topic on him. And my style of learning and getting to the core of the problem is to ask questions. Maybe other people learn differently than I do, but for me, asking him different questions in different ways helps me see what he's saying from different perspectives so I can understand what he's saying without false assumptions. I've done this since I was a kid and comes naturally to me. (Not every teacher liked me... heh...) I find this to be quite a useful way of learning rather than just dismissing what he's saying.
    #2- LDS, Latter-Day Saints are Mormons. Some might be confused why we focused so much on this in particular and, again, I should have mentioned this in the intro, but it's because he's gotten some backlash for being on record saying that he believes that LDS love the 'same Jesus' as he does. I had him clarify this as this is very problematic. This is a salvific issue. If anyone has talked with a senior LDS or your friendly local Missionaries that knows what the LDS Church teaches and the doctrine then you'll know why this is so problematic. This was a very big factor in why this interview even happened, so that's why it was important for *both* of us to hash it out. It's important to display *how* to do this as well.
    #3- I really respect the fact that Dallas wanted to address these things. If I were to reach out to someone with problematic teachings-or even have them reach out to *me*!- and ask them challenging questions publicly and have them allow it is unheard of. However, because I respect this, please don't equate it with a total agreement with his stance. I'm very discouraged by how sometimes Christians can be the loudest, cruelest voices in the Church and come to some strange conclusions. Social media hasn't made us more social. It's made us more tribal. Everyone's a nail looking for a hammer. And if something is outside of their tribe? They can come down hard. So all I ask is that you understand that I choose to never be like that. I can be polite and respectful to Dallas while at the same time not agree with him on some things.
    I'll edit clarifications as needed, but love you guys and hope this helps!

    • @kimkrey3523
      @kimkrey3523 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      I couldn't agree more-Dallas is a class act, for sure. Continued prayers for him, his family, and this incredible production! Thanks for creating space for this, Melissa. You're doing great things yourself and I admire that! Praying for you in your ministry as well.

    • @gregjenks673
      @gregjenks673 3 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      I felt like on #2 he gave a non-answer even though that consumed a lot of the interview.

    • @FromJosephtoJesus
      @FromJosephtoJesus 3 ปีที่แล้ว +63

      Hi Melissa,
      What do you mean by "Christian leaders with actual problematic teachings?" Dallas may not be a pastor, and therefore is not under the same type of biblical accountability, that's granted, but he has gone to Mormon platforms and with his huge influence as the creator of his super highly-rated show, has lent credibility to Mormonism, and used his voice to affirm the Mormon version of Jesus as being the same as the biblical One. You and I know how that can be and is in fact, used as a great tool of proselytism by the LDS. So, the fact that he is not preaching the ecumenical version of Jesus from behind a pulpit, to borrow from his own words, may just be a case of "semantics." To lend his voice and platform to affirm those things as legitimate is teaching, although not directly, because someone out there is believing what he is saying. And the teaching, itself, is actually, as problematic as far as being biblically unsound. Because of that, when you assert that Dallas really love Jesus, I find myself thinking, "Well, what Jesus? My big LDS family all love Jesus, too."
      I agree we need to pray for Dallas, but I strongly believe we also need to pray for all the people who may be investigating Mormonism, and may become influenced by his words, (as the creator of the show about Bible stories that they love, and who self-describes as an Evangelical Trinitarian), to proceed with baptism, thinking they are just joining another mainstream Christian denomination; or the ones who are already members and are using his words of affirmation about their Jesus, to build on their Mormon testimony, becoming even more embedded in the lies of Joseph Smith, only to find themselves, one of these days, standing before the judgement throne of God unwashed and uncovered by the blood of Jesus Christ. That is the dividing line we must abide by, speak out about and clearly denounce when it is being blurred by whoever they may be.

    • @blessedchildofgod235
      @blessedchildofgod235 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Great interview and I do watch the Chosen and in total agreement of prayers for Dallas and for you as well. Continue to be lead by the Holy Spirit.
      Grace and Peace.

    • @bradfisher9648
      @bradfisher9648 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I throughly appreciate this video, I’m after truth according to the Bible, and own season 1 of The Chosen.. I loved it.. I did see some of the very things y’all touched on here.. but I was concerned with ecumenism with the show and his group.. Thank you for this

  • @HealthfulPursuitTheKetoDiet
    @HealthfulPursuitTheKetoDiet 3 ปีที่แล้ว +319

    This was a great interview. I enjoyed how Melissa pushed and how Dallas answered. I felt his honesty fully and openly. I didn't know all the background of the show of who was working on it and what contributors were part of it... Doesn't change my love for the show. I know the Bible, I have discernment, I know as a Christian that this show has blessed me.

    • @DallasJenkinsOfficial
      @DallasJenkinsOfficial 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Appreciate that! And I hope we get a chance to discuss the show and keto as well. :)

    • @jonathant752
      @jonathant752 3 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Not to disagree with you, but even when someone is sincere or honest and open, it doesn't mean, they are true.
      Truth is what makes the difference.

    • @ambomateijennifer7207
      @ambomateijennifer7207 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@jonathant752 so what is untrue about the movie?.

    • @Roos1981
      @Roos1981 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @Dallas i absolutely appreciate the work you have put into the Chosen. I grew up in a Christian Church in South Africa but never got to experience Jesus the way I did through the show. It came at a time when I just gave my heart to Him again. While lockdown was hard on everyone it brought my so much so closer to Him as my Lord and Saviour and the Chosen just gave us a glimpse into what it must have been like for the disciples to walk in His presence!

    • @michellepalmer4282
      @michellepalmer4282 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jonathant752 I sure you are also sincere. Blessings.

  • @googlebeaglie
    @googlebeaglie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    As someone married to a fifth-generation Mormon (now Christian) who served an LDS mission to Rome, and a former BYU student myself, I find this matter highly troubling. There are many who question the value of this production, however popular it may be.
    While Dallas’s evangelical motivations are laudable, he seems unaware of the root cause(s) of the criticism he is receiving, and unwilling to acknowledge the seriousness of the concerns. When questioned directly on the crux of the matter here, (the nature of Christ and the gospel), Dallas hedges and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. While admitting he does have theological differences with Mormons, he does not elucidate what those might be nor acknowledge their significance to the matter at hand. He cites his personal experience with individual Mormons who deny what their church clearly teaches, as well as the inability of some Christians to adequately define Biblical doctrine, seemingly as adequate excuse to skirt the problem which sits, as the elephant in the room, staring everyone in the face. Recently the young LDS woman conducting an interview for a Mormon online “magazine” thanked Dallas for coming on to let everyone know that Mormons believe in the same Jesus as him. Later, Dallas launches into a ridiculous and embarrassingly elaborate illustration about how two different people can describe a common acquaintance in different ways to reinforce this idea.
    In its early years, the leaders of Mormonism made no bones about distinguishing the beliefs of their church from Biblical Christianity. With the advent of growing criticism of the church, especially from those engaged with serious study of its history as well as Christian apologetics, we witnessed how with ever-increasing intensity, the Mormon church sought to acquire a veneer that might allow it to be perceived by the general public as being a part of “mainstream” Christianity. These efforts have, unfortunately, not only deceived many professing Christians, but apparently, most recently, also many younger Mormons.
    For over a hundred years, the most sacred and secret ceremony of Mormonism, one which all the faithful seek to undergo, featured the mocking of a generic Christian minister along with his teachings about the nature of God. Mormons swore blood oaths by reenacting “the ways in which life may be taken” that prevented them from revealing these covenants. As these practices became more widely known and criticized, in 1990 the Mormon Church removed them from the Endowment. You would be hard-pressed to find a Mormon today who had not gone through the ceremony prior to 1990 who would not argue that these things never took place. The Mormon Church likes it that way and is also pleased to support any opportunity that will facilitate its efforts to camouflage itself chameleon-like within the Christian community.
    Words have meaning and need to be defined. Mormons use words familiar to Christians such as: grace, atonement, salvation, heaven, hell; but with vastly different meanings. Likewise, the Mormon understanding of the nature of God is entirely foreign to the teachings of Biblical Christianity. That some Mormons are unaware of this fact is unfortunate, that a Christian who desires to witness to Mormons would be is egregious.
    Even prominent Mormons are happy to take advantage of Christian ignorance. Make a visit to the Facebook page of Marie Osmond, a devout Mormon, after she’s posted one of her generic (often Sunday) messages, many of which mention Christ and the Bible, and read through the thousands of comments, hundreds of which are made by “professing” Christians. They have no idea what separates Mormonism from Christianity and are happy to proclaim Marie as a wonderful spiritual example while the devout LDS posters are equally as pleased to have their endorsement. While Marie both knows and presumably fully supports the teachings of her church, (she’d lose her temple recommend otherwise), she is happy to promote the appearance of belonging to mainstream Christianity while surely having the tacit, if not outright, approval of the hierarchy of the Mormon Church.
    A wise person recognizes that the business of creating anything that garners wide public attention can be an intoxicating affair, one that may cloud the judgment of even the most well-meaning, faithful people. Our faith is based on God’s Word and its study, not on a television production. It’s easy to overestimate the value of one’s own creation. If the Mormon church has no problem with the program The Chosen, then perhaps its theological content is not significant enough for it to be considered a clear presentation of the Good News of Christ and, in that case, not worth the price of it being used by a cult to blur the lines between its heretical teachings and the message of Our Lord in His Word.

    • @monicanavarro2906
      @monicanavarro2906 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Well put, Stephanie. I admit I like the show because I've been a Christian only for a couple of years so I thirst for any material portraying Jesus in a way that's not blasphemous. However, I'm deeply disappointed with Dallas' answers. It's dumb to think that he doesn't know what he's doing... How can he say he spends so much time with his LDS friends and yet cannot explain what they believe about Jesus? Also, if he can't explain what they believe in, then how can he affirm that we believe in the same Jesus? What a nonsensical stance.

  • @travisdempster4693
    @travisdempster4693 3 ปีที่แล้ว +102

    No Producer/Director of any show Christian or otherwise makes themselves so accessible to Christian laymen. The average Joe, to solicite their imput as I have seen Dallas do, PERIOD. And with such much vulnerability and humility. God Bless you, and your endeavor for God's Glory.

    • @Notevenone
      @Notevenone 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Yes he is truly a groundbreaking director and Hollywood would do well to notice this. #getusedtodifferent.

    • @Annie0415
      @Annie0415 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@Notevenone ... Dallas has proven through his faith and hard work that he doesn't need Hollywood anymore. (Thank the Lord).

    • @dollymadison2397
      @dollymadison2397 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      👏👏👏! Well said!!! 👏👏👏!!!!

    • @RealSnail3D
      @RealSnail3D 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @pathfindermom4007
    @pathfindermom4007 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    In reality the LDS is getting a lot of PR with this series so they can align and market themselves with traditional Christians. A recent LDS blogger recently posted that one of the scenes in episode 7 makes a case for their teachings/theology on the “Restoration”
    (an excerpt)
    “The reason I love this exchange is that it was written by the director, Dallas Jenkins, an Evangelical. It was designed to address concerns about the corporal body of God, open cannon, and living prophets that Jews would have in accepting Christ. While doing so, Dallas makes the case not just for Christ, but he inadvertently also made a case for the restoration!”
    While I believe that Jenkins is sincere in what he is trying to accomplish with the Chosen, I pray that he stays aware of the true intentions organizations whose teachings are not accord with scripture although they are currently supporting him. He has a tight rope to walk.

    • @monicaalba1127
      @monicaalba1127 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      I think Dallas is a nice guy and a brilliant director, but I'm concerned when people can't answer clearly when they're being questioned about their absolute adherence to core teachings of Christianity. No, we don't belive in the same Jesus, period. That's like saying that Christians and Muslims believe in the same Jesus. N-O.

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      do you know what exchange this blogger was referring to? Dallas is very close to his LDS collaborators on this project so I wonder how much of their beliefs are being woven into the script. There was no baptismal scene with the Dove descending on Jesus which I think is a key scene of course.

    • @brendakauffman2222
      @brendakauffman2222 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@monicaalba1127 Exactly. The key is Dallas is talking to LDS people. Now some of the LDS people think that they worship the same Jesus. But a Jesus who is the brother of Lucifer, who is one of many gods, who was only a man that worked his way to godhood, that is not the same Jesus. I'm very, very concerned about the PR the LDS church is getting by Dallas. He is either talking out of ignorance or he has an agenda, and I hope it is the former. As to the show the chosen, I like it. Here is what the Mormon church believes about Jesus. The Mormon church is a cult, plain and simple that uses some of the terminology of Christianity to hide their true beliefs. They themselves will believe they are following the same Jesus. th-cam.com/video/n3BqLZ8UoZk/w-d-xo.html

    • @loganshill8173
      @loganshill8173 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@monicaalba1127 I appreciate your thoughts, but if I’m going to be honest. Does each Christian denomination really believe in the exact same Jesus? I think if they did, there’d only be one church because there is one Christ. But, for some reason everyone is getting triggered over the fact that members of another religion NOT the religion itself… which teaches different doctrine than other religions (which is the SAME thing different Christian denominations do. Hence the reason they are different), is involved in helping distribute The Chosen. I find it quite hypocritical to be honest. Do I care what land was used to grow the apple tree, if it produces good fruit? Is someones worth solely based upon what house they grew up in? Is The Chosen poisoned because there happen to be members of different faiths that have had a part in helping create it..that 99% of us haven’t done. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I want to back Dallas here. Why can’t everyone just show a little gratitude? If it’s so hard to thank God for a series you know, shows the right Jesus…then there might be a faith problem in which so many people have. The Chosen has changed my life. I don’t care about the specifics of who had a hand in helping get to me. As long as it’s right with the Bible and God. I’ll always be grateful. Let’s not be like Shmuel or the Pharisees portrayed in The Chosen.

    • @Susieq26754
      @Susieq26754 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@loganshill8173 We do have different denominations in our country. But many have slight doctrinal differences.
      Some have major doctrinal differences. Some do not share the same doctrine at all.
      Mormonism is does not share any doctrine at all with Christianity. Just like Jehovah Witnesses. They need to know the truth, not comforted with a lie.
      A Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist all believe in the Trinity. Seventh Day Adventist believe in the Trinity but have a doctrinal difference of Sabbath day and foods. That is a slight difference.
      Mormons do not believe that Jesus was God. They believe that He and Lucifer were brothers created by God by having sex with his wives in heaven.
      Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah or God.
      Catholics believe in the Trinity but call Mary the intersessor. Jesus is our intersessor.
      These do not share even the slightest doctrine with Born Again Christianity.

  • @jameslogrono6335
    @jameslogrono6335 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Melissa, first I admire how you conducted the interview. You asked hard and direct questions that was also seasoned with salt. I feel that Dallas who professes to defend the faith of a true biblical Gospel. He refuses to answer questions because he claims he doesn't want to speak for the LDS community. We must stand firm in the faith and defend the gospel handed down from the apostles. It is clear he does not want to offend people he works with. It is one thing to profess be a Christian its another thing to contend for the faith. And Yes we pray to Jesus who is God . Great job Melissa.

  • @matts.6558
    @matts.6558 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Jenkins saying that Mormons worship the same Jesus, and that he would "sink or swim" based on this statement....is an absolute insult in the truest sense to every former Mormon that decided to follow the real Jesus Christ and is now born again, suffering persecution from their LDS families.

  • @rosannacudmore2049
    @rosannacudmore2049 3 ปีที่แล้ว +685

    After watching the first four episodes of season one, I read (binged) the book of John over and over again, then began reading Mark, then Acts, now I’m reading through the entire Bible chronologically. I’m in 1 Chronicles. This show has revived my love of scripture!! ♥️♥️♥️

    • @favourf.6375
      @favourf.6375 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      It has happened to me too!

    • @ranman58635
      @ranman58635 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

      You all need a show to do that? So much for the Holy Spirit.

    • @Lovely17777
      @Lovely17777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +70

      @@ranman58635 - Please become more understanding & compassionate... everyone learns differently and this godless fallen world has many distractions to keep people away from the LORD & His Word... God uses anything everything to bring people back to Him. We ought to be grateful for God-loving followers to bring gospel to others in any creative formats & may we all do the same wherever God places us to point others to Christ as the HS leads in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    • @completoencristo9130
      @completoencristo9130 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@ranman58635 right . Sad

    • @loreneedwards6215
      @loreneedwards6215 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@ranman58635 don't be judgmental

  • @NelsonAerial
    @NelsonAerial 3 ปีที่แล้ว +144

    Dallas, as a lifelong active Christian apologist, having worked as the director of media for Dr Walter Martin at the Christian Research Institute twice over a 20 year period and studying the Cults, I am truly shocked. The Jesus of Mormonism is radically different than the Jesus of the Bible. Dallas, my question is simple; LDS Doctrine Absolutely teaches God was once a man and Jesus was a cosmic child who was created by an act of actual sexual relations between heavenly father and heavenly mother. To deny this would excommunicate you from Mormonism. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young both taught this as clear doctrine. Is the LDS Church correct and do you agree or are Mormons NOT true Christians? Simple answer please - Yes or No?

    • @vrmg245
      @vrmg245 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Good statement! Guess he didnt find a studio and the Mormon one was the one available and he has to compromise because of that?

    • @mattverville9227
      @mattverville9227 3 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      He's terribly worried about his wallet. He knows the difference but he's scared he might lose some money.

    • @Susieq26754
      @Susieq26754 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@mattverville9227 BINGO

    • @kee7678
      @kee7678 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@mattverville9227 NOT at all. If what you claimed was true...theres NO way he's doing a crowd funded anything when there are so many other options in Hollywood. LOL you think Jesus movies are the "big money" plays in Hollywood or anywhere else today? come on dude.

    • @mattverville9227
      @mattverville9227 3 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      @@kee7678What does the fact it's crowd funded have to do with anything. The amount of money he makes has nothing to do with being concerned about it. So why else won't he say that there's a difference in the Mormon Jesus and the Christian Jesus even though it takes 5 seconds to understand it and she explained it to him? Use process of elimination. Sorry if you can't it but were not left with too many scenarios here. I don't think he's too dumb to understand the difference because it was clearly explained. I don't think he's a secret mormon secretly trying to create a Mormon Jesus. I think he has Mormons that help with the show and therefore doesn't want to lose their support which is about money...

  • @theblessingisreal9116
    @theblessingisreal9116 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This interview was meant to bring clarity, everything is now clear as mud. GOD SAID to Dallas Jenkins about the chosen “ “I’m not gonna let you SCREW IT UP. “ Anyone who would suggest that his 0 understanding of the Holiness of God and is deceived and deceiving others that is blasphemy. Melissa likening the chosen to pilgrims progress was completely off target. Pilgrims progress reveals the truth through allegory including sin and repentance and all the dangers of the Christian life. The chosen is here to entertain the world, christian and non christian and make a ton of money doing so and Dallas just wants to be able to do so without any pushback, but It’s never gonna happen. This was a horrible interview, so much for discernment and apologetics.

  • @melissawolfe1659
    @melissawolfe1659 3 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    The devil is in the "nuances"...
    I have never watched the Chosen and know nothing about this man, but I found it painful watching this interview. I pray he researches the core beliefs of those of whom he surrounds himself in order to recognize any subtle influence he may receive. Any of us, as believers, should be careful with whom we surround ourselves. Words and the meanings people attach to them do matter.
    Totally wrong is easy, almost right, but not quite...that can be dangerous.

    • @apurplegoldenfaith7
      @apurplegoldenfaith7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes, Let's pray for him and for this show! 🙏❤️

    • @annadams8060
      @annadams8060 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I seem to remember that Jesus was subjected to a lot of criticism from the religious leaders for dining with sinners and tax collectors. He responded, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Mark 2:17) If we surround ourselves with the righteous all of the time, who will we share the gospel with?

  • @christscrownandcovenant2520
    @christscrownandcovenant2520 3 ปีที่แล้ว +182

    This interview with Dallas solidified every reason why I won't watch the show. I appreciate his honesty, but as a former Latter-Day Saint - this is the type of obfuscation we were TRAINED to do as Mormons in discussion with Evangelicals. We ABSOLUTELY were adamant about our belief in the "same" Jesus; but it simply wasn't true. The fact that Mormons DENY and REJECT the Trinity is enough to place them outside of the faith. Their view of God is blasphemous; it's not a soft error or a small mistake.

    • @busybee4436
      @busybee4436 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Same here!

    • @loveofreedom777
      @loveofreedom777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Exactly! Something about what is being said esp about Jesus just doesn't "sit well" with me -

  • @iamciarankeating
    @iamciarankeating 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If Jesus is not God then it’s a different Jesus. Not semantics. We are not talking about a secondary issue. It’s a matter of salvation. Life and death. Unwillingness to stand for this means that these people are eternally condemned.

  • @Narnian77
    @Narnian77 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    At the 1:13:50 mark, if he has had long, deep, detailed conversations with LDS people he works on the series with, then why can he not articulate what the Mormon "gospel" is? (as in one of your earlier questions you posed to him, Melissa). I find it hard to believe that subject did not come up. How odd.

  • @kevinsolveson5480
    @kevinsolveson5480 3 ปีที่แล้ว +364

    The whole conversation essentially revolved around Dallas's statement that his LDS friends worshipped the "same Jesus". In attempting to explain this statement, Dallas brought up a mutual friend, Jordan Ross and used him as an example. Essentially he said that differing over Jordan's height (i.e. 5'" vs. 6') would boil down to just having a different understanding of Jordan's height, not that he and Melissa would be talking about a "different" Jordan, just because they differed on his height. The point he seemed to be making is that Christians and the LDS simply differ in their understanding of certain aspects of the "same" Jesus. But to go back to Jordan Ross as an example, if they would differ on something as fundamental as whether he's a man or a woman (his nature), then, are they truly talking about the same Jordan Ross? The LDS Christology (the nature of Christ) is wildly different than evangelical Christology. In fact, we are actually talking about two different Jesus's

    • @monicanavarro2906
      @monicanavarro2906 3 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      Of course. His explanation is ridiculous because no matter what Melissa or Dallas thought about Jordan's height, Jordan would still have a real height, regardless of anyone's perception. So either Dallas, Melissa or both would be wrong, but there's no way both could be right. Seeing as the nature of Jesus is infinitely more important than a person's height, wouldn't we try to find out who is right about it, if any? As Jesus says in John 8:24 --- "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins." So, isn't it important to know who He is? Moreover, Jesus says in Mark 13:6: "Many will come in My name, claiming, 'I am He,' and will deceive many." So simply claiming to worship the same person is not enough. Aaron explicitly called to worship YHWH through the golden calf (Exo 32:5), so was he celebrating the real YHWH? I'm sad for those who think that two people claiming very different "truths" can both be right, but what else can one expect of postmodern society?

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Yes I agree with you. I get not trying to misrepresent their beliefs. But if you believe D and C 130:22 then you do not believe in the biblical Jesus. Period

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@jonathanettinger6970 you are not understanding. Look at John 1:1-3 and John 1:14. The body of God IS Jesus. God is triune. As is msn (1 Thess 5:23, Hebrews 4:12, Luke 1:46-47).

    • @megishikawa518
      @megishikawa518 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      Kevin, this is excellent. You summed up beautifully what I wanted to communicate on Theology Mom’s FB page just now with responses from those trying to defend the show and Dallas. His explanation about the “Jordan Ross” thing is actually a type of logical fallacy set up against what the issue truly was here- the nature of Jesus Christ. There is a RIGHT WAY to view who Christ is and a WRONG WAY (many wrong ways actually) and Dallas’s response is clearly based on ‘the wrong way.” Thank you, Kevin.

    • @greenergrass4060
      @greenergrass4060 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@prayerwarrior7778 D and C ?

  • @rvalera112
    @rvalera112 3 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    I lost him after he just couldn’t answer what is the LDS gospel. Claiming he’s spent so many hours with them and praying with them and being friends with them answering that question shouldn’t had been an issue yet he didn’t.

    • @haslive3462
      @haslive3462 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      It doesn't mean he has to remember all Information. If you have solid Information about the truth, you don't need to remember the "untruth", because you already have the truth.

    • @rar6546
      @rar6546 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      You are right. If he's spent thousands of hours with LDS, he should have a least a simple understanding of what they claim to be their gospel. It doesn't take that much after so much time devoted.
      Of course he has to state that the LDS don't have and will not influence or else both parties know there would be backlash.
      Semantics_! The Word is important and the words we speak have weight and influence.
      From what I've seen in this interview, Melissa Dougherty is spot on and Dallas seems lost and not completely certain of what he speaks of.

    • @aligolightly7359
      @aligolightly7359 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      After spending 5 years as LDS, there is no reason an outsider would have any understanding of the LDS doctrines just by being associated. Even if someone has sat down with missionaries for discussions, they won’t know the real doctrines. The missionaries rarely know the deeper doctrines, and the member are told to only offer the “milk” to those not in the church. The “milk” is simple. The plan of happiness starts with believing in Christ, repenting, and being baptized so you can’t be with God in heaven after life. Beyond that, they don’t talk much about their weird stuff like Jesus being the first spirit child of Heavenly Father and Mother, just as we are spirit children of Elohim. That there was a battle in heaven between spirit children (us) over the plan of Jesus and the plan of Lucifer. That we are the angels already and if not married will become angels again after death, serving all the married LDS people who made it to the highest of the 3 heavens. It gets weirder. But I only heard that stuff once I became a member.

    • @eileenhuss9915
      @eileenhuss9915 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      He is afraid of hurting the Latter Day Saints feelings, and it is not about feelings it is about truth

    • @eileenhuss9915
      @eileenhuss9915 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rar6546 yes,im praying for him and the Mormons. I see is this being in God's will that the truth will come into the light for the Mormons and Dallas to see

  • @cindybenson7594
    @cindybenson7594 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can just imagine how many arguments occurred among the religious leaders during Jesus' time about his ministry, Paul's outreach to Gentiles, and countless other details that they claimed to be so sure about. But most of the time, their surety blinded them to the new things God was doing. Dallas, you are infinitely patient with the criticisms of Christians about what you're doing. Stay the course and focus on your calling unapologetically. God is working so powerfully through your project. I love that you welcome anyone who is committed to the cause. How like Jesus. "I am not comfortable singling out other faith traditions as in more need of the gospel than my own." Humble wisdom right there.

  • @blaizeharkens
    @blaizeharkens 3 ปีที่แล้ว +99

    Thank you for doing this interview, it did clear up some issues I had with the concept of The Chosen. Honestly, though, I'm still hesitant to watch it because of what Dallas said right near the beginning. That God supposedly told him that this show is going to be the point of reference for how people think of the characters from then on (Peter, Mary, etc.) So, 95% of the show is not in the Bible, but it's now framing how people read the Bible and relate to the characters. It is great and wonderful that people are reading the Bible more because of the show, but they are also filtering what they read through the show's portrayals. I wish Dallas had created fictional characters for his fictional narrative. Maybe I will change my mind in the future, but I still think the Bible is too important to take such liberties with, even in an artistic entertainment context.

    • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
      @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Agreed! This boarders on blasphemy and breaks the third commandment.

    • @sarahs3988
      @sarahs3988 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      You are right on in your decernment check out the chosen exosen

    • @vv3110
      @vv3110 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      When you say "they are also filtering what they read through the show's portrayals," some may and some may not. The same can go for movies like "The Ten Commandments." I like to watch these things and say "they got that right," or "they made that up!"

    • @sunnydaze1185
      @sunnydaze1185 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      You're correct...tried watching it back then, it did not sit well. Our enemy wraps things in " beauty " a lot of times to cause just enough deception. Beautiful " spirit guides" , songs, productions, surroundings, buildings...himself.

    • @mharper5049
      @mharper5049 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you have the same issue with The Passion of Christ?

  • @KarinAllison
    @KarinAllison 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Dallas has given the world such a gift with the Chosen! Yes, we'll definitely continue to pray for him and his family and all who give of themselves to make this show a reality.

  • @adiblatif
    @adiblatif 3 ปีที่แล้ว +180

    Dallas I have a suggestion:
    Before each episode you could make a short intro suggesting specific passages from scripture to give biblical context, like S02E02 “this is based on John 1.47”.
    Here in Brazil we have lots of biblical “telenovelas” and the producers usually put the Biblical reference in the lower corner of the screen so people can go read for themselves.
    Just a thought. God bless you guys! Love the show

    • @prettyme3150
      @prettyme3150 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Great point. I hope he see it.

    • @adiblatif
      @adiblatif 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@prettyme3150 thank you my dear sister! God bless you in Jesus’ mighty name!

    • @favourf.6375
      @favourf.6375 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I agree! It is a creative idea, and it could help encourage watchers to search for the passage in the Bible (which is always a plus)!

    • @sjappiyah4071
      @sjappiyah4071 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Interesting idea 👌🏿

    • @newlywedbeth
      @newlywedbeth 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It could be on closed captions channel 2.

  • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
    @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    How can you have a mission to make the world know in authentic Jesus when you won't show them an authentic Jesus by using what he actually says in the Bible as his only script in the show?

    • @nancystockwell7829
      @nancystockwell7829 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Thank you! You put it succinctly and perfectly! This is my problem with the show, and the endless merchandising, along with "wow how awesome is the chosen!". Takes the focus off the Lord, and puts it on actors, entertainment, etc.

    • @DesertPrimrose
      @DesertPrimrose 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I think it's a great way to introduce people to Jesus who might not come to Him any other way.

    • @strongvoice-LK
      @strongvoice-LK 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@DesertPrimrose There is only one way. They might be coming to a Jesus, but not The Jesus.

    • @sunshinegirl1967
      @sunshinegirl1967 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@DesertPrimrose you've made a good point. When I was coming out of new age, I heard a statement by Tv preacher that helped me sort of open the door of my heart right at that time but I didn't continue listening to that preacher because something seemed off. God can use anyone anytime. Even people in the world. Doesn't mean you should always stick with them or that everything they say is the truth.

    • @thethinplace
      @thethinplace 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you think the only words that ever came out of Jesus' mouth during a 3 year ministry, are found in the Gospel accounts then you must think he was silent A LOT of the time. 🤣

  • @holliefarrington3912
    @holliefarrington3912 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    LDS have changed "marketing" the last couple decades. They use to separate from Christians but now will call themselves a denomination. It's so tricky. They'll talk Jesus, but not the same Jesus I know. It's like if we both know someone named "John" but after talking I find it's not the same John. Dallas says it's "semantics." This is beyond semantics. This is the answer to the most important question we ask in all of life: Who is God? To say just the details are different is a huge door open to the Trojan horse that's entered the Church. The "Jesus" of the LDS is different than the JESUS of the Bible.
    And "casual friends" though he says they are some of his closest friends. Did you hear the flipflop?

    • @cindysmith2295
      @cindysmith2295 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      If I'm being honest, I felt uncomfortable with some of his answers. I felt like maybe he is not concrete in what he believes. Maybe he was just being careful and wants to make sure he wasn't offending anyone. 😪

    • @schnaftipufti
      @schnaftipufti 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Not true! The LDS church has always called themselves Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, matter of fact it is part of their doctrine to be called after the Son of God! The name Mormon was given as a nick name by non-members. Dallas is correct. Each Christian denomination varies in their worship and understanding of the trinity and the doctrines laid out in the bible. That however should not hinder us to view each other as God's children and practice charity towards one another!

    • @TheBaldhobbit
      @TheBaldhobbit 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I am LDS and believe in the Jesus that the 4 Gospels spoke of and that all the Old Testament prophecies foretold.

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He did another interview a few days ago with the same LDS host and he said, "The notion that they (LDS) believe in a completely different Jesus is foreign to me." Dallas has done a bait and switch on the Church. His portrayal of Jesus is not accurate. Episode 5 has blatant inaccuracies that Dallas insists are quite plausible. He uses "plausible" as a license to distort the real Jesus. th-cam.com/video/s-bgikVyLSk/w-d-xo.html

    • @brendakauffman2222
      @brendakauffman2222 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes that is so true, the LDS used to completely say upfront they were the one and only true church. Now they want you to think they are a branch of Christianity. So true they do not believe in the same Jesus. Their Jesus was only a man, our elder brother, not part of God come in human form to redeem us. Their Jesus worked his way to godhood as they believe that all Mormon men can do and become a god themselves of their own planet. There Jesus is one of many gods ( not a godhead, but a counsel of gods), and he is a brother of lucifer). Here are some little cartoons that show what Mormons believe....th-cam.com/video/-VKT4hrBTuk/w-d-xo.html; th-cam.com/video/Pgw-C_DTVo8/w-d-xo.html.
      I don't have any problem with people working on the project who are not Christians. That doesn't diminish the message, but it is concerning that Dallas is either not aware of what Mormons truly believe. Clearly Dallas doesn't know what the LDS gospel is. Dallas really did shirk the questions Melissa asked about the gospel of the Mormons and the Jesus Mormons believe in. I don't think that means Dallas isn't a believer, its just he is mis-informed. He either doesn't know the real gospel of Mormons or the true believers of Mormons.
      I love the chosen, but it is concerning the PR Dallas is giving the Mormon church, and in the Unscripted interview he said he would go down defending his LDS brothers. The LDS do not have the same gospel nor the same Jesus.

  • @JV24601NM
    @JV24601NM 3 ปีที่แล้ว +173

    As a Christian and former LDS member, I really appreciate the insight this interview provided. Thank you Melissa - and Dallas.
    I'd like to share my personal observations and feedback -
    1) Dallas seems like a genuine Evangelical Christian with a great ministry.
    2) I take him at his word regarding the "individual" LDS members of his team which he is collaborating with on this project.
    3) He seems to know more about the LDS Faith than he is publicly expressing - but doesn't want to cause any conflict or waves amongst his team.
    4) He seems to not truly understand the concerns of the "informed" audience you are referring to.
    5) He seems to not grasp the "nuances" of Mormonism, and all their adherents (devout, active, less active, even Jack Mormons) bring in their worldview to any public and commercial collaborative endeavor - such as in Business, Politics, Entertainment, or The Chosen. [i.e., the natural outcomes and consequences for positive promotion of the LDS faith in all of society]
    6) The modus operandi of applying "story-telling" to The Chosen [he confesses 95% is fictional, but still bible-based], in order to convey a story about Jesus, is actually the strength of Mormonism via Joseph Smith. Nobody can tell a compelling story about Jesus - to the biblically illiterate - better than the Mormons. The Book of Mormon is a classis example - fictional, with biblical principles and precepts, and very captivating to the illiterate: sounding very biblical in all the character "backstories"... with Jesus.
    I only wished he had the courage to publicly say that he can see and experience "Christians" among the Mormons that he personally associates with - but that Mormonism is not Christianity, nor does it teach the biblical gospel of Salvation and of Jesus Christ.
    Nevertheless, I can accept his explanations and understand where is coming from. Heck, even Billy Graham succumbed to the influence and $$$ which the LDS Church can bring to a successful public enterprise.
    I trust God will use him and his project to help many of our Mormon friends understand the real biblical Jesus Christ, and the real Gospel.
    I believe in a diversity of approaches for Evangelizing the field. And as you closed, I too will be praying for him.
    Btw, so far, I've liked the series (up through S2E3).
    Thanks again Melissa.

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @nimfaglo
      @nimfaglo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Great response

    • @InezKatrina
      @InezKatrina 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      On point!

    • @ninstone3457
      @ninstone3457 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very well stated

    • @coastdaze748
      @coastdaze748 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Thanks for your insights, Orin. I agree there are different approaches to evangelizing with the Bible gospel...I just don't think one actually needs to get in bed with the enemy to do so. VidAngel, now Angel Studios, has a big financial stake in The Chosen with those profits going to further the false Mormon doctrine around the world. I would not have chosen to do that but would have prayed for and waited to find a Christian production company to share the wealth with...regardless of what anyone has done before, including Billy Graham. They raised millions of dollars and continue to raise money and I assumed that would make The Chosen beholden to no one, least of all the Mormon church in general.

  • @wfcperrine
    @wfcperrine 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Amazing interview. I'm never watching commercial TV again. I love the long form interview without disruptive commercials. Thank you for doing this!

  • @jerrycole4098
    @jerrycole4098 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    In the beginning of your introduction You say that you haven't seen anything Heretical..
    I think this is heretical When he's says That the Christian- biblical Jesus and the Mormon Jesus are the same.
    I think Mr. Dallas has miss mixed Myth with biblical truth Which is a distortion of the biblical Jesus Isn't this heretical.

  • @way2girly
    @way2girly 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I think if you’re adding or taking away from the Bible, than it isn’t okay? Right? Doesn’t the show do that?

  • @lisawhite2431
    @lisawhite2431 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with Dallas. I pray to the Father in Jesus name. Throughout the prayer I will at times address Jesus & Holy Spirit also but start my prayer to the Father.

  • @melissasosa4324
    @melissasosa4324 3 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I am a rescued Mormon, saved by Christ. I supported this project from the beginning, but stopped when I detected Mormon (and non-Biblical) content in the portrayal of Christ and others. It was disturbing, but very much in line with how Mormons mimic Christianity. Make no mistake, there is one aim .... to blend in and spread Mormonism. He can think whatever he wants personally, but he will answer to God one day about what he supports and promotes. The Mormon president Gordon Hinkley (president when I was part of that cult) said himself very clearly in 1996 that the "Christ they (Christians) speak of is not the christ (Mormons) speak of" Mormonism worships a false christ, a false god, and a promotes a gospel of death and destruction. Woe to anyone who falls prey to it ...

    • @monicaalba1127
      @monicaalba1127 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm very concerned about this myself. Dallas's answers are vague about a very serious and core issue. Jesus being God is THE reason why he was crucified! The truth was inconvenient back then and apparently it's still inconvenient now.
      Can you please tell me what Mormon details you notice in the show?

    • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
      @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That is very frightening.

    • @t.b.6052
      @t.b.6052 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Exactly- Make no mistake the Mormons have an agenda- Very dangerous alliance. X- Mormon who knows how deceptive they are. Christians beware!

    • @mandihodges3154
      @mandihodges3154 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I agree. If I would have found out the Jehovah’s Witnesses were backing this, I absolutely would stop watching. I was a Jehovah’s Witness and didn’t see the idolatry in calling them “the truth”. The holy spirit was definitely doing his work by getting me to start researching. I lived in fear that if I spoke up and was wrong, that I would not be let into the Kingdom. I didn’t realize that was idolatry of a religion and it’s hierarchy of men 😢. I am now shunned and lost my best friend. If any religion tells you your not getting into the Kingdom if you leave them and their doctrines, then that’s a religion that’s made a Christ in their own image. Satan is so cunning and deceptive and many of these people in these religions think “oh not my religion we are the true church so that’s impossible”. Those are the people I see getting deceived in the most deceptive of ways and it’s heartbreaking. I don’t get mad when I see them standing up for their man made temples, idols of gold and doctrines, I just feel so sorry for them and I pray that our Father sends them the comforter to lead them out of those Harlots.

  • @jonathanwhitfield4875
    @jonathanwhitfield4875 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    @MelissaDougherty the thing that makes the chosen different than the writings of Dallas’ father or even CS Lewis is that neither of those 2 decided to write anything that depicted a narrative of Jesus’ life/ministry. Dallas put himself in the crosshairs by writing a show about the life of Jesus while adding his context and color of backstories that didn’t exist to drive emotional responses in viewers. Granted, I’m only 24:14 into the video at this point but I felt the need to point out a difference in what Dallas is doing vs the others you mentioned.

  • @allnaturalbrown
    @allnaturalbrown 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Lots of tiptoeing. Has he spoken to LDS people who left to understand why? Has he been to their website to see what they believe as a whole? We too often let our emotions overrun us that we find it difficult to speak the truth (don't want to offend) or not want to learn more about that other faith as ignorance is bliss. The Jesus in LDS is not the same as the Jesus in the Bible. There was about 1.5hrs and he mentioned not enough time, but there was plenty. I enjoyed the 1st season and was an extra in season 2. We as Believers in the Jesus Christ of the Bible have a responsibility to the truth, and the "same Jesus" statement is inaccurate.

  • @FromJosephtoJesus
    @FromJosephtoJesus 3 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    @Dallas Jenkins Dallas, in a quick Google search where I typed "The Chosen and the LDS church", several of your interviews in Mormon programs showed up. In your interview with the LDS TH-cam channel, "Saints Unscripted", in May 2020, around the 10:27 minute mark, you made this statement: "The stories of Jesus, we do agree on, WE LOVE THE SAME JESUS!" (As you said that, the same sentence also appeared in big block letters on the screen.) You continued, "That's not something you often hear, sometimes is like 'Oh, they believe in a different Jesus than we do.'" When the host remarked on the weight of your statement, you said, "Yeah, I will sink or swim on that statement. It is controversial, and I don't mind getting criticized at all for the show, I don't mind being called a blasphemer, I don't like it when my friends are, and I made it very clear, if I go down, I go down swinging protecting my friends, and my brothers and sisters. (You had previously already identified your LDS friends as brothers and sisters also) I don't deny we have many theological differences, but WE LOVE THE SAME JESUS."
    You even said it a third time, "Maybe, just maybe we have THE SAME JESUS," to which the host replied, "Yes, and what else matters, you know?"
    When you say you are obsessed with clarity, sir, and then you make statements like those, all the while proclaiming to be a a biblical Christian and a Trinitarian, can you see how you may be perceived as speaking from both sides of your mouth? Have you taken the time to educate yourself in the teachings of Joseph Smith about the Godhead, from official LDS church history and doctrines sources, as well as from Christian scholars / apologists with decades of specialized ministry to the LDS? Dr. James White, Dr. Walter Martin, Sandra Tanner, are a few names that pop to mind as solid sources of information.
    According to the Bible, if we have been completely forgiven, redeemed, justified and reconciled with God, by grace through faith in the blood of God, the Son, Jesus Christ, nothing else matters. But if we haven't, nothing else we do or believe in will matter when we stand before God. So, this ecumenical type of Jesus is very dangerous and an illusion when the biblical Christ Himself does not allow for blurred lines. His word will bring division as it divides truth from error. Matthew 10:34-35
    "For unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins." John 8:24 That is and has always been, the dividing line.

    • @monicaalba1127
      @monicaalba1127 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I love The Chosen but I watched that video and I was shocked. Bear in mind, I'm not even an Evangelical; I was raised atheist in a Catholic country and I'm nondenominational now. How can someone raised in the church hesitate to defend Jesus from the LDS? Very worrying.

    • @gkd1645
      @gkd1645 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Well said! He is definitely speaking from both sides of his mouth. Not good!

    • @charliemccash
      @charliemccash 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The chosen is awesome and I recommend it to everyone. We worship Jesus in the Bible like other Christian churches.

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Dallas is deliberately going out of his way to misrepresent Jesus in very significant ways. Episode 5 Dallas introduces the idea that Jesus was SO HUMAN , that He had to prepare His own sermons. Major error and he has revealed that in Episode 8, Jesus is going to be shown preparing the Sermon on the Mount. This is a concept so foreign to me and I would think foreign to most Christians. John 12:49-50 Jesus says He only speaks what the Father tells Him to speak. We also know that once Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit was upon Him in bodily form to give him Wisdom and Knowledge in order to do everything under the unction of the anointing. Do the LDS not believe in the Trinity? I don't understand why Dallas is so adamant about pushing this new doctrine. He calls it "sermon prep" to make it sound innocuous. It's been a very strange turn of events indeed.

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charliemccash do LDS members believe in the Trinity of Father Son and Holy Spirit?

  • @susangreninger1989
    @susangreninger1989 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    He seems like a nice guy but he was extremely evasive when it comes to LDS doctrine and denouncing it as unbiblical. He seemed to have more allegiance to his LDS friends than to God's word and the Bible.

  • @OzCrusader
    @OzCrusader 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Faith, Hope and Love. Faith and Hope may fail. But Love must prevail. I see Dallas is sharing the true LOVE of CHRIST with his LDS friends. Authentic love will lead all to TRUTH, including the LDS!

  • @AlexaMarie90
    @AlexaMarie90 3 ปีที่แล้ว +132

    The Chosen was one of the major puzzle pieces of the complex puzzle that contributed to me being saved last year. It helped me to want to know Jesus and come to love Him. It also made me seek the God/Jesus of the Bible through scripture. The Chosen has blessed me beyond belief. I tell everyone I can about it, because God can and will and has used it to lead people to Him. People need to look at the fruit of the show; what is it producing and creating? For me, it was a part of what led me to Christ when I was lost and needed Him most. It didn’t stop with the show, though. It sparked my motivation for Biblical truth. The show was just the beginning and is a cherry on top of the true relationship I have with Christ. Thank you Lord for this show. Thank you Dallas for following your heart call from God. Thank you Melissa for this wonderful interview!

    • @MelissaDougherty
      @MelissaDougherty  3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      That's beautiful! Thank you for sharing that :-)

    • @California__Sun
      @California__Sun 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@MelissaDougherty YOUR FAITH IS BEAUTIFUL

    • @brendakauffman2222
      @brendakauffman2222 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I think that is wonderful. I like the show the chosen and have been impacted by it. My concern is that Dallas is saying that the Mormons and Christians believe in the same Jesus. The key is we do not. The LDS believes that Jesus was only a man, that he is our elder brother, not God prior to working his way to godhood. They believe that Jesus through his good works worked his way to godhood as all Mormon men can do. Jesus and Lucifer were not brothers and Jesus is not only one of many gods. The fact that Dallas is stating that the Mormons and he believe in the same Jesus isn't true. LDS people do believe they believe in the same Jesus, but in reality they do not, and their Jesus cannot save.

    • @jinkazama5720
      @jinkazama5720 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@brendakauffman2222 Have you really listened and Read what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints do Teach about Jesus Christ?
      Jesus Christ is God, He is the same yesterday today and forever, Jesus Christ is The God of Old Testament, behold i say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which i have spoken, whereby man can be saved. for, for this end was the law given: wherefore the law hath become dead unto us, and we are made alive in Christ because of our faith; yet we keep the law because of the commandments. If ye love me keep my commandments. And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.
      If you do say Amen, and thus agree
      Thank You! Most of the words were from
      The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of
      Jesus Christ.
      If you cannot say Amen, how come?
      Can you recognize a Bible verses in those words?
      Mind you there is no alterations, can you recognize what was my personal testimony and my own words?
      Moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord Omnipotent, that by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
      Am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and these i do testify to be true, the words of God ... in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, God, Saviour and Redeemer !!!

    • @phonefreepa
      @phonefreepa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@brendakauffman2222 Jesus was only a man??-Sources please

  • @daliacn8848
    @daliacn8848 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    The brother doesn’t seem to get it.
    This is not about him, or who’s services his is using for the work.
    It is about WHO HE SAID his Jesus is.
    The Jesus of the Bible is definitely NOT the Jesus of the LDS.
    God is not a God of confusion.
    The idea is to present the Biblical Jesus, the ONE true ONLY God, and True Gospel.
    Is NOT to promote the LDS Church false Jesus, nor their unbiblical god, nor their OTHER gospel.
    And if as he says, he doesn’t know the LDS gospel..... Based on what he says he believes in “the same Jesus” of the LDS?
    If he is not speaking for the LDS... as he says.... Then why he say his Jesus, and the LDS Jesus are the same????
    Jesus confronted his disciples with these two questions: Matthew 16:13-20
    “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” And “But whom DO YOU SAY that I am?
    VERY IMPORTANT STATEMENT AND DIFFERENCE. For it is in the person of Jesus where The Gospel, and The whole plan of God for men, and salvation lays.
    I think the brother don’t understand that the message comes with the messenger, nor how important his words are concerning Jesus , to the general public, and true believers.
    He keeps saying he knows his personal LDS friends. BUT the rest of the world DOESN’T. The rest of the World will find what the LDS teaches about “Jesus”. And it is very obvious for true believers, that read the Bible, and knows the Word of God, that the Jesus of the LDS, IS NOT, the Jesus of the Bible.
    So when he says that the LDS believe in the same Jesus he believes in, then he is tying himself, with what the LDS church believes and teach about Jesus, and leads the rest of the World to believe, the LDS Jesus is the Jesus of the Bible. Thus, indirectly promoting their false Jesus. The LDS church have A DIFFERENT GOSPEL, AND TEACH A DIFFERENT JESUS from the Bible. Can’t have it both ways brother! 🤷🏻‍♀️
    1) The LDS Jesus is Satan’s “spiritual” brother.
    2) The LDS Jesus is NOT same God with The Father, but separate God from the Father. (For the LDS church believe there are many true gods, thus they are polytheists).
    3) The LDS Jesus is not sufficient for Salvation, for they add other works for salvation.
    4) The LDS Jesus is the son of a god that was once a man.
    5) The Biblical Jesus, talked about Hell. The LDS teach everyone goes to one of three heavens.(if I’m not mistaken on this last one)
    And I could go on on MANY huge differences between the Jesus of the Bible, and “the Jesus” of the LDS church.
    So by saying the Jesus he believe in, is the same Jesus the LDS believe in, it gives the impression that it is ok to believe in the “Jesus” and in the “different gospel”, the LDS church promotes.
    So I think
    1. He needs to become aware, that as the producer, like it or not his words gives a message.
    2. He needs to decide how much he is willing to compromise the Gospel, and the Person of the real Jesus of the Bible, in order to get what he wants, and needs for his project, and make his dream come true.
    Jesus said I AM THE TRUTH. Compromising who the Person of Jesus is, or The Gospel ..... Is compromising The Truth.
    Then he should be more humble to correction, and careful with what he says,,, instead of being so apprehensive. For IT IS NOT ABOUT HIM.
    Sadly... (and I might be mistaken on this... but this is how it comes across to me)..Sounds like he bets on himself on this problem, and don’t seem to get it, or is not willing to get it, nor is willing to hear good counsel. Dismissing wisdom. Too bad, for his work so far it’s beautiful. But It SEEMS some pride, and CONVENIENCE is getting the best of him, and he is willing to compromise in this vital issue about the person of Jesus, in order to get what he wants, and the help he thinks he needs from the LDS personnel and facilities.
    If this is from God as he says. ... Then... There is no need to compromise The Gospel, nor who God, nor Jesus himself is, in order to get what is needed for this project. So what if you get kudos from the whole world. So does Netflix.
    Jesus made it clear:
    Matthew 6:24
    “No one can serve two masters. ..........”
    You know the rest.
    No need to say how much you have sacrificed, if at the end you compromise who you believe Jesus is, to please everyone. Many people sacrifice for their dreams and passions... For God , or for themselves. He appeals to others, for financial support, and to join his vision as a ministry, but don’t seem to care for the the scrutiny , nor accountability that comes with any ministry.
    So, again the issue is not using their LDS facilities or their services. Nothing wrong with that. As long as you don’t compromise who the Jesus of the Bible is, to please everyone, or get what you want.
    Hopefully he’ll open his heart to wisdoms, and constructive criticism, and correction when needed, and continues this beautiful project, but not at the expense of compromising something so vital in the true faith, as Jesus identity.
    Choose the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, and the Jesus of the Bible.
    Blessings ❤️👍🏼

    • @Shofar2024
      @Shofar2024 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I agree with you.
      I feel quite unsettled after watching this interview.
      I have watched The Chosen since the beginning and had respect for Dallas. Even contributed. I had no idea about the LDS connection.
      I do think he dodged literally all the questions about the LDS doctrines and the statement that the LDS and the church know the same Jesus. Sorry, but that is heresy. I was shocked, not so much at him not answering the questions but at how he defended his LDS friends instead of standing up and being a defender if JESUS and the faith. Which makes me think he actually does believe his statement. I read somewhere else on this feed that he did an interview with the LDS where he reiterated more than once that we worship and know the same Jesus.
      It is so easy to fall into self deception. I shall be praying for Dallas, his LDS friends and all involved with the show.

  • @Jxnxab
    @Jxnxab 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Its funny how he says people who comment on the show (negative remarks) are not accurate most of the time about what the show portrayed/scripted but he is doing the same thing to the Word of God and he ain't checking if he's accurate...

  • @elizabethtassonecuprunneth7882
    @elizabethtassonecuprunneth7882 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love his humility about the sanctification process and the process of still learning and growing while still having and not waivering from the solid foundation on the Rock Jesus and the Gospel. Jesus saves 🙌🏻

  • @UBU41God
    @UBU41God 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "Be happy about that unless proven otherwise." I believe is more gracious and holding fast to truth at the same time!

  • @NelsonAerial
    @NelsonAerial 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Had to write this; Dr Walter Martin regularly warned the body of Christ that the LDS have an exceedingly strong and clear plan to be accepted as simply a different “denomination” within Biblical Christianity. Dallas regularly, during this interview, expressed this idea very strongly when including Mormonism with Catholic, Baptist, Evangelical, etc... The LDS effort has utterly succeeded based solely on Dallas’s own words. My wife and I have been extremely involved “paying it forward” buying merch, DVDs and more with The Chosen. Now we’re Very Concerned. Sadly. We will ramp up our commitment to pray for Dallas and the show daily. In Jesus Name 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @Danybella
      @Danybella 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Don't worry, the gates of Hell will NEVER prevail against the Church. God is in total control.

    • @NelsonAerial
      @NelsonAerial 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Stella, Agree 100000000%!!!

    • @Musick79
      @Musick79 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I honestly believe the Mormons of the 1800’s are drastically different than those today. As many Christians have evolved. But I don’t believe they are fully aware of true history, except the restored LDS that returned to Polygamy which Joseph Smith and all founding fathers practiced and taught. I think today’s church is blissfully unaware of the historic documents and knowledge of past “eternal covenants” But we all have doctrines that have been part of our past that was not Biblical based.
      I personally stripped my doctrines and dogma back to their source and was Spirit led to research where these started, how they started. I believe Yeshua never came to start a new religion. He came to clean up and fulfill the one started at Sinai. This is why I love the chosen- though I wish Jesus would truly be seen as Jewish- Named Yeshua Ben Yoseph. His mother as Miriam.. But they wanted familiarity at least with the main characters.
      I love it, I support it, and pray it brings us ALL back to our roots.

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@Musick79 denying the trinity which is the biblical God proves they are not Christian, point blank. Polygamy is irrelevant.

  • @Emberleopard
    @Emberleopard 3 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    "Would Jesus have ever dropped a fork." I feel like this kind of thing would have been answered in just looking at baby Jesus. He gave himself every limitation when he chose to come to Earth as an infant.

    • @wisewoman4950
      @wisewoman4950 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My first thought as well.

    • @TheBaldhobbit
      @TheBaldhobbit 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Luke 1:52
      And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

  • @hisinfinitemercyministries9476
    @hisinfinitemercyministries9476 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are a small ministry in relation to others, but we stand hard and fast on Truth. I really appreciate what Dallas is doing, and the humble man he seems to be. Not sure if he would see this msg, but thank you brother for your huge contribution to the spreading of the Gospel! And to Melissa for all your hard work in fighting for Truth. We seem to be few and far between at the moment, but my wife and I are always excited to see true brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless!

  • @spazzyjazzy6367
    @spazzyjazzy6367 3 ปีที่แล้ว +171

    I hope he gets to be interviewed by Mike Winger and others too. ❤❤

    • @BondMrsBond
      @BondMrsBond 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      That would be great! I love Mike Winger and I know he's seen at least one episode and enjoyed it

    • @bryjushumway
      @bryjushumway 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Spazzy Jazzy! I recognize your name from Mike Winger Q and A! Lol!

    • @spazzyjazzy6367
      @spazzyjazzy6367 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bryjushumway Haha, greetings to you!

    • @ourwholesomehome4967
      @ourwholesomehome4967 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Mike winger would be a great person to interview him!! Melissa did a great job as well! Mike is just one of those people who you can’t get mad at for some reason- anyone who watches him knows what I mean. I hope that interview happens.

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@BondMrsBond I have not been able to find any comment by Mike Winger on The Chosen There are significant errors in some key things ascribed to Jesus in episode 5, I am wondering what Mike's response would be. Dallas mentioned Mike in a response to The Chosen Facebook group so I wondered if they knew each other...

  • @valeriecalder1273
    @valeriecalder1273 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your frankness, if you love Jesus and want to serve Him in this way as a Christian, as many people who receives Him, that’s great.

  • @khhudgins2508
    @khhudgins2508 3 ปีที่แล้ว +242

    I’ve been praying for Dallas and The Chosen that this is the “Trojan horse” for the LDS. That they will see the true Jesus and the real gospel and God will use their platforms to spread The Good News.

    • @teresafarrell6457
      @teresafarrell6457 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      My hope. 👍

    • @daltonbradford2014
      @daltonbradford2014 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      "Trojan horse"?

    • @sjappiyah4071
      @sjappiyah4071 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      @@daltonbradford2014 “Trojan horse” is a metaphor that means to deliver something that is not expected to the recipient.
      In this case the recipient is the LDS Church and the thing being delivered is the christian gospel.

    • @Danybella
      @Danybella 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@daltonbradford2014 Do you not know the story of where that saying comes from? Here is the very short version. There was a fortress of a City/Castle that was impenetrable to the Trojan Army. So the Trojan army built a large wooden “gift” to the people in the Castle that was a big awesome wooden horse. The Castle people saw this gift left behind, took it as a sign of defeat and respect. They opened thier gates to bring it in. That night a few of the Trojan army special warriors snuck out from inside the Trojan horse and opened the gates from the inside letting the rest of the Trojan army inside, who defeated the Castle people.
      So when someone say it’s a “Trojan Horse” it’s something that seems like a gift that actually delivers a special package to take down the opposing side. Not like the condom which actually prevents the special infiltration but Trojan in this respect refers to a different aspect of the Trojan society... Two different meanings all together.

  • @rebeccamarquevich5605
    @rebeccamarquevich5605 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Dallas never explained how he & his LDS friends share the same Jesus???

  • @amywaite4083
    @amywaite4083 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you Melissa. That was a great interview. I've enjoyed your show and used it as a trusted learning tool for years. My family and I really enjoy watching The Chosen Series. That bring said we watch cautiously and pray for discernment . After this interview, I believe Dallas is a genuine guy...but I remain concerned that he really seemed to tiptoe around the fact that Mormonism is a false gospel. Not trying to be overly critical. Dallas is obviously reaching many with the Gospel. I just worry that such an influential Christian is hesitating to call out a false religion and a false Jesus. It gives me a check in my spirit. God bless you Melissa. 💜

  • @kirtleyandcompany5686
    @kirtleyandcompany5686 2 ปีที่แล้ว +194

    THANK SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! It bothered me so much to find out that they allowed a Mormon group to sing in the Christmas special. I totally get Mormons working on set or production but giving a platform where people can go and then learn about them and follow them is really scary! We have to be firm that we are not talking about the same Jesus!

    • @josiahpulemau6214
      @josiahpulemau6214 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Amen 🙏🏾

    • @garystanfield4221
      @garystanfield4221 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi, could you please tell me which one was the Mormon group. I'm not familiar with most of the groups listed in the show. Thanks

    • @sethkravig
      @sethkravig 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@barryvandyke4342 per the difference in definitions of who Jesus is, no, it is not the same Jesus. The moral teachings are the same and much of the actions of Jesus’s life are the same but there is a stark difference in who Jesus actually is. To not acknowledge that difference is to discredit both beliefs. Mormons don’t believe Jesus is God, accurate or not that is their belief; hence, they don’t believe in the same Jesus as those who believe Jesus is God. They may agree on Jesus’s teachings and that Jesus was a person but they don’t believe in the same Jesus.

    • @sethkravig
      @sethkravig 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@garystanfield4221 the Bonner Family. Wonderful people. Kind, generous, and talented. I may not agree with them theologically but that doesn’t mean I discredit their talent or not care for them.

    • @markita.hardenhome
      @markita.hardenhome 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@sethkravig I disagree.....That's samantics. There's only one Jesus. The disagreement is about this Jesus' attributes. Was he God or not. Some think he's God but not the father....some think he's God and the father. To talk about a "different " Jesus in my opinion is just plain confusing for unbelievers cause it implies more than one. As if there's an imposter Jesus walking around in addition to the real one....and that's not really the case. We all disagree about the attributes of the one historical Jesus. The only religion where we should talk about another Jesus is with Islam. And that's because of our own Christian prophecies. An imposter Jesus who Islam calls "Isa" will be an actual additional person who assists their Mahdi who is the Christian Antichrist. This Isa will pretend to be the real Jesus and lead folks astray. I agree with Dallas. In our zeal...sometimes...we just go way too far and make understanding the point too confusing. So much easier to say...I disgree with Your view on Jesus's attributes. I think saying they serve a different Jesus validates them more. They don't get to have their own Jesus or their own version of him. There is one.....and if your version doesn't agree with scripture... your wrong and your religion is a false one and you're not Christian. End of story. You don't get to take Jesus and make him your own...that feels like a compromise.

  • @missionsbibleministry
    @missionsbibleministry 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    this did not age well

  • @mrs.alvarez3759
    @mrs.alvarez3759 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I appreciate this interview. So many "labels" that we get caught up in that divide us and are a diversion. I believe in Jesus Christ.❤️

  • @theologymatters5127
    @theologymatters5127 3 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    What he belueves and where he stands is CRAZY important.

  • @susanbrown188
    @susanbrown188 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The chosen is one of the very best. They put the life in the Scripture. Thank you. It is wonderful that so many Christians find we all have Jesus Christ in our lives. We might all interpret the gospels a little different way. How wonderful to be tolerant with each other. I am a Latter Day Saint. Let me say I am totally committed to my Saviour Jesus Christ. I continue to learn from our gospel. I wish she would stop Mormon bashing. It’s really clear cherry picking. I’m far from lost my friend.

  • @ChrisDurban
    @ChrisDurban 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Hey Melissa, great conversation with Dallas! I didn't expect to watch it all in one sitting but I did. I love The Chosen, and I'm 100% behind the vision of this show. It was great to hear more of Dallas' heart, and I really enjoyed the back and forth. There was a lot of mutual respect there. Great job, and really enjoyed the interview!

  • @emsdiy6857
    @emsdiy6857 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I'm really not trying to be disrespectful and I care for both of you but this video was so painful to watch he just looks so uncomfortable and it was like he was going in circles and he probably didn't want to offend his friends

  • @kimkrey3523
    @kimkrey3523 3 ปีที่แล้ว +251

    From someone who’s spent forty years of her life as a faithful LDS member, I want to thank you both for this interview.
    Dallas, thank you for following God’s great and faithful direction and for putting The Chosen out there despite the backlash you knew you’d receive as well as the criticisms you didn’t see coming. I applaud you and believe you’re doing an incredible and God-led thing by bringing the Bible to life and planting a hunger for more! Thank you for being brave and obedient and for sharing your great talent in such an impactful way. And Melissa, I love the light you’re shedding on Mormon beliefs and I’m so very grateful for the kind and loving way you do it.
    There’s one point I would like to make about something you said, Dallas. You mentioned that the ex-Mormon videos or testimonials you’ve encountered give information that vary from the beliefs and or understandings of the LDS people you’ve become close to. I totally get it! And I’m not surprised to hear this.
    First, let me say that I’m glad you’ve become close to them. I think it’s a great opportunity for members to have their eyes opened to what worship looks like outside of their own faith. I grew up in Utah and had just one Christian friend. She blew me away with her faithfulness and love for Jesus and it really impacted me.
    In fact, it impacted me so much that, when I discovered some shocking details in our LDS church history, and spent dark nights and days wondering if there was even a God, I thought of her. I’d been taught my whole life that we had everything that Christians had and more. So when what I had crumbled, I thought that Christianity did too. It took an immense amount of work, persistence, and study to understand that most of the foundations of my faith-the prophets, the temple ordinances necessary to enter the highest kingdom, the theology that God was once a man and we could become a god one day, the teachings that Jesus and Satan were my brothers-were unique to Mormonism, which is good, because those are the very things that crumbled for me under the scrutiny of church history. Of course, what it really took was God opening my eyes to all of it. How faithful He is!
    The tragic thing is, most people who leave don’t push beyond far enough to discover the true and Biblical Jesus. I can’t tell you how far and wide I searched to find someone, ANYONE who’d left the church but still embraced Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Once I finally found people who had made such a transition, I was surprised to discover how many there actually were. I think God allowed me to struggle so that I might have a heart for those who discover what I did and can no longer believe in the LDS religion.
    But now let me say that, as someone who was as devoted as an LDS member could be-I too could have probably watched some of the videos you speak of and say, “No, that’s not right. I’ve never heard of anything like that." Or, “This is anti-Mormon material; not fact.”
    It all depends on the reason a person left and the information they might share about the church’s history that most members may not know about. And of course, there are slanderous and untrue things to be found as well. But Mormon beliefs are not as loose as some might lead you to think. Inside the walls of Christianity, there are a handful of core beliefs that classify you as “ Christian.” In Mormonism, it is not so broad. You must regularly meet with a high authority member who holds the Melchizedek priesthood and answer for your faith and beliefs in order to get a temple recommend. For the sake of being respectful, I won’t go into detail about the temple, but I will say that without the temple you can’t be saved and you can’t go to the temple unless you say you sustain the president of the church as prophet, seer, and revelator. You must be paying a full tithe. You must be keeping the Word of Wisdom (no coffee). And you cannot “affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by” the LDS church.
    While I think it’s great to look at the things we have in common with their beliefs, I also think it’s incredibly important to shine light on the parts that might challenge beliefs that veer outside of the Bible. I hope and pray that the things that do challenge them lead members to the Bible as they seek to find answers to the things that don’t line up.
    Praying God’s great blessing on you both, Dallas and Melissa, as you spread the truth about our great and mighty Jesus. Thank you for what you do!

    • @MelissaDougherty
      @MelissaDougherty  3 ปีที่แล้ว +68

      This was very loving and well said. Thank you for sharing this!

    • @GannVA
      @GannVA 3 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony. God is so good! To Him be the glory!

    • @kristinipp2995
      @kristinipp2995 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      So well worded. ❤️ ( former LDS here as well)

    • @melindamercier6811
      @melindamercier6811 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Love this, and love that you could share it from a personal perspective.

    • @AbidethForever
      @AbidethForever 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Beautifully stated with love and truth! I’m thrilled beyond thrilled you came out of the LDS church and are sharing your testimony.

  • @Blablablahx3
    @Blablablahx3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow! I clicked on this because I thought, "Ouh, a candid conversation with the director of The Chosen...yes, please!" But as I watched I realized that even if Dallas had never made The Chosen or I wasn't interested in it, this was so great to watch. It's so utterly refreshing to hear someone who is respectful of others yet firm and serious about the truth of the gospel and so careful to express himself (because communication is SO PIVOTAL). I find most people are in one of two camps: obnoxiously and arrogantly confident in ALL that they believe to be true...or uninterested in truth and learning/seeking it out... Super cool to see someone who doesn't fall into either camps.
    God bless you both and the whole Chosen team and endeavor!! 🙏🙏🙏♥

  • @TheBevandy
    @TheBevandy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Melissa, I just watched a video from Kingdom Enterprises about this Series. I know you are a seeker of the truth. I think Dallas Jenkins was deceptive in his answers to you - watch the things he says about the "Same Jesus". For this to be his "calling" he owns 44% of the Chosen......the LDS owns everything else. So deceptive. So disappointing.

  • @dpreciado8214
    @dpreciado8214 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you, Melissa, for this interview. Lots of good questions and answers. In the end, I felt Dallas’s explanations were more rhetoric than anything, and I believe his series is just another Hollywood-type of movie produced to entertain the masses. As a believer, this is entertainment just like pure flix. I was surprised that dalllas knew nothing about the “American Gospel” now that is worth watching! It had positive impact on the lost and those who have been deceived about the truth of the gospel. It wasn’t entertainment. Our salvation is a serious matter.

  • @GARY1951A
    @GARY1951A 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I have watched the first season of "The Chosen" and I loved it! Did each scene accurately portray the scripture timeline? no, but as Dallas said it did encourage me to dig in a little deeper into scripture and THAT was good! The show "The Ten Commandments" never did that for me and I bet it did not get the kind of criticism that Dallas is getting! ALSO, Melissa, I LOVE your channel!! You also have encouraged me to do a deeper dive into scripture and strengthen my faith!!! Thanks for what you do!!

  • @richies6420
    @richies6420 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    This was a very real and very scary example of compromise. I feel he cares more about the LDS puppeteers than Jesus. I kept hearing the verse in my head, Matthew 7: 21-23. He claimed he didn't have enough time, but he was given plenty of time. My "spidey senses" were going off the whole time. Thank you for this interview..

    • @carlospadron488
      @carlospadron488 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Thats right...people dont see the danger because he looks so nice...the devil will always look nice...Jesus is Lord!!

    • @kryslalwow
      @kryslalwow 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That’s how I felt. 😑

  • @Gemma1558
    @Gemma1558 3 ปีที่แล้ว +102

    I am a conservative evangelical and I have no problems with people from “different” faiths, or even no faith working together on this wonderful show as long as it is true to scripture, respectful and realistically plausible. God will use this for His glory and I believe lives will be touched and changed according to God’s will. The important thing is to know the TRUTH so well that you can recognize the lie/falsehoods and thus not let the lie/falsehoods in.

    • @Susieq26754
      @Susieq26754 3 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      Yes but who will be watching this movie? People who are new to the faith? People who don't read their Bibles. The LDS church is already applauding his efforts.
      The LDS church is hoping that this movie will bring new converts.

    • @dafisheye
      @dafisheye 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Susieq26754 Agree. 2 Corinthians 6:14

  • @katiejoj1
    @katiejoj1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you Dallas for answering so eloquently and showing so much respect to other religions and believers. The way you are so firm and unwavering in your convictions is truly inspiring. Thank you also for showing kindness to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS folks 😉).

  • @sheiladyck5863
    @sheiladyck5863 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    WOW - This was an amazing interview! I AM a fan of The Chosen, but I so appreciated your boldness with this interview Melissa - you are SO KNOWLEDGEABLE!! I love conversations like this. Dallas seems to be a very genuine man of God.

  • @cpmm1719
    @cpmm1719 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    This is the reason I have “chosen” to not have television in my home for the last 15 years. Satan is subtle.
    The Bible is sufficient.

    • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
      @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Amen! 2 Timothy 3:16.

    • @45s262
      @45s262 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      cpmm1719 whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
      Well your missing out !! The app is free.

    • @chrisa-95
      @chrisa-95 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yet you are watching TH-cam...

    • @JamesSmith-zz1fv
      @JamesSmith-zz1fv 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chrisa-95 lol

    • @vv3110
      @vv3110 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I admire you for being able to go without TV. However Satan is rampant on the internet!

  • @cinderellaaftermidnight5634
    @cinderellaaftermidnight5634 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are all works in progress. It's important to be lifelong learners. We never reach the pinnacle of knowing all about God until we are in full union with Him in the afterlife. Appreciate the charitable approach and tone of this discussion. I appreciate that Melissa is open to engaging in authentic dialogue with regard to theology. That's how all who aspire to be true Christians, true disciples of Christ can best sharpen their spiritual swords.

  • @LoriLev1107
    @LoriLev1107 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I think the danger here is that the LDS is now striving to appear Christian. For the uninformed who love the show and want to start seeking God, knowing the LDS is involved with The Chosen may veer them toward the LDS instead of true Christianity.

    • @TheChosenSeries
      @TheChosenSeries 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What about the atheists or anyone else who work on the show?
      And as has been made explicitly clear by Dallas, the show isn’t aligned with any church or denomination, and the LDS church has not endorsed the show or made any formal alliance with it. The fact that there are LDS people involved in the show is no different than the fact that there are Catholics, Jews, atheists, agnostics, and 100 different kinds of evangelicals involved in the show.

    • @loveofreedom777
      @loveofreedom777 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Very well said ... I agree completely

    • @agooglereviewer1454
      @agooglereviewer1454 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      LDS people are Christian...

  • @theouterplanet
    @theouterplanet 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    He said he went to college and had a class on other religions. I guess he skipped class on Mormon day. 👀

  • @daniboi79
    @daniboi79 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    I have been so blessed by The Chosen and moved to tears in just thinking about Jesus and His love for me and His life when He was with us. And I love your channel Melissa. Your videos have educated me and been an answer to prayer in helping me identify the New Age thinking, to which, many in my family now subscribe. Thank you, and I’m praying for you both.

    • @jeremybeavon4476
      @jeremybeavon4476 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I found Jesus rocking up to broken people (Mary, Simon and Matthew) and saying "Follow me" really touched me.

  • @kn39793
    @kn39793 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You said in this video that “saying that Jesus is fully God and fully man isn’t even as correct… to say that Jesus is truly God and truly Man”
    Which you just said in the video is not true. Jesus is 100 Percent God and 100 Percent Man. You need to repent of this and retract that statement. Also, you are answering for Jenkins what the Trinity is. This is very disturbing to me. Something is off about this. Also, The Chosen is mostly owned Mormon’s and a less percent is owned by Jenkins. There are also many issues that you can verify. This is out of hand and it needed to be addressed.

  • @JeremyHulsey
    @JeremyHulsey 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Have you considered that they're not looking for influence but legitimacy? What they were looking for is exactly what he has given them legitimacy.

    • @JeremyHulsey
      @JeremyHulsey 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@jonathanettinger6970 By the standard of the Holy Bible, the only Word of God and by agreeing with what it affirms and denying what it denies. The LDS faith serves a different Jesus and is on a different standard.

  • @joearmfield7489
    @joearmfield7489 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    He seems to skirt around (and never answer) her question of exactly what the LDS church believes about Jesus. If you actually read what they believe there’s no way you can think that “we believe in the same Jesus.” I can only conclude that he has never read their core beliefs or he’s afraid he would offend them. Melissa did a great job of trying but he was so evasive.

  • @cindycompton9916
    @cindycompton9916 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Please read the book The God Makers written by Dave Hunt and Ed Decker. Mormons believe and teach that Jesus ans Satan are brothers, among other heresies.

    • @sheesegamerz2434
      @sheesegamerz2434 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @MelissaDougherty
      @MelissaDougherty  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes this is a good book to read on this.

    • @eldermcgraw8406
      @eldermcgraw8406 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      If that is related to the animated “film” then it is absolute crap

  • @karricompton
    @karricompton 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for interviewing Dallas. I absolutely love The Chosen. It’s amazing and we have shared with others who aren’t as spiritually mature, hoping it will drive them to the gospels to “come and see” foe themselves.

  • @JuliaHumphrey
    @JuliaHumphrey 3 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I get the feeling that he won’t speak out on LDS because he is so dependent on them for distribution etc. that he has to protect or at the minimum, not offend them. Dangerous. I pray protection and miracles for The Chosen.

    • @gloriapichardo3310
      @gloriapichardo3310 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The same thought came to me.

    • @melindamercier6811
      @melindamercier6811 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      He clearly said he didn’t believe specific things that Melissa asked him about. But where he seems a bit vague, I believe him when he says many of his LDS friends claim to believe what we believe and that we misinterpret. Does it mean his friends are right? No. It just means he’s giving them the benefit of the doubt as well. There are a full range of devoutness in all aspects of religions. Some may not hold to the official doctrines, and some may be quite liberal in their beliefs while others are quite strict. As Melissa said, some may not even know their own religion very well. And some may very well be lying about what they believe. I hope, like he seems to believe, that there are more LDS people who could be evangelical that hold fast to the true Biblical texts and forsake Joseph Smith’s than we know. That said, I don’t think he’s comfortable just letting those he knows personally believe the wrong things, without sharing with them the right. It’s hard to speak for an entire religion (which is setting one up for massive blowback and mob-like comments about “misunderstandings” in this society), when it can be much more effective to appeal to people on a personal level. I say this because I see so many comments from non-believers saying things about evangelicals as if they were blanket truths about our faith, such as “they hate gay people”, “they shout unintelligible words like crazy people”, “they’re okay with slavery and genocide”, “they’re misogynists”, “they care about the unborn and not the living” etc. They say these because some people who claim to be evangelical do believe these things. But it doesn’t mean we all do. Just like the unbelievers really can’t speak for our faith, Dallas can’t speak for theirs because he says he's not educated enough to speak on it. He’s clear though, that he does not believe what they believe when addressing the official LDS doctrines and that they don’t influence the writing of his show. We should be satisfied with that when it comes to the production of his show. He can’t honestly be clearer than that. *Edited to add: Toeing the line between truth in love is difficult when you work with people of other faiths. He wants them to know they're welcome to be a part of this project and to hear the true gospel without alienating them from it by making a public statement of "The LDS church, the Catholic church, and Orthodox Judaism are cults that promote nothing but heresies based on works! But we will work with them because we love them and want them to know Christ." Doesn't sound so loving when you put it that way, no matter how true a statement it may be. I think extending some grace to Dallas here is needed. And like you said, tons of prayer for him and the integrity of his show.

    • @mrose9229
      @mrose9229 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Scripture would reflect your feelings when the Pharisees accused Jesus of being a fraud because he didn't always answer them or it wasn't in the way they wanted. Often because He knew that no matter what He said or did they would condemn Him anyway. Personally, I'm convinced that Dallas is dependent on Christ alone. What if God is using this man/family and even this show to open the eyes of an entire community?

    • @meganann9625
      @meganann9625 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Julia, I understand this perspective, but I respectfully disagree. I don't think Dallas is dependent on anyone but God in this production. There are plenty of other talented people who could run distribution, marketing, app development, merch, etc. Dallas seems very sincere and faithful to God whilst using wisdom when talking about his non-protestant friends. As Christians, we can't isolate ourselves to just Christians, we must go out and love others. I think this is a great opportunity for Him to plant seeds. The show holds its integrity and Dallas is not compromising his faith. To me, there is nothing suspicious about this.... rather is seems like sacrificial love he has towards his friends and coworkers. I think it's rather beautiful.

    • @DallasJenkinsOfficial
      @DallasJenkinsOfficial 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      I'll respond because this comment has gotten a few responses, and because I believe clarity is important.
      You have the right to your opinion, of course, but it's always quite dangerous to assign motive or attempt to read the mind of someone, especially publicly, you don't know. Asserting that I'm not saying something out of inauthentic or self-interested motives is quite insulting, and in fact, inaccurate. For one thing, I'm not dependent on "LDS" for anything...our distribution company isn't an LDS company, there just happens to be LDS folks involved, and I'm allowed to say whatever I want. But for another, if you knew anyone who knows me, they'd laugh at the notion that I'm afraid to say anything because I don't want to lose something. I'm doing this for God, I've got nothing to lose that doesn't come from Him.
      I welcome disagreement and don't get offended by people I don't know (I'm not offended by your comment), but I do wish we all would avoid mind-reading when we disagree.

  • @USA-qu2nw
    @USA-qu2nw 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Beware of wolf's in sheep's clothing! From the bible!

  • @chovey7993
    @chovey7993 3 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I was not expecting this interview and so thankful for it. The show definitely speaks for itself! Also side note: it was a blast to be a part of the frozen chosen sermon on the mount scene. Very thankful for this channel and the chosen.

  • @Narnian77
    @Narnian77 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    At the 53:27 mark, when you ask him to explain what he knows about the Morman "gospel", and he hems and haws, and defers (refuses to answer?), this says a TON. Why would he NOT know that, given his position, and the fact that he has so many Mormons working on this project? He claims not to know about the Mormon doctrine of progression? That's basic Mormon stuff. Come on! He needs to come clean and be honest, have some integrity. Seems pretty disingenuous to me.

    @FALL3NW0RLD 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So he dodged every question. Dallas needs to Repent

  • @Thankful305
    @Thankful305 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dallas is so very wise and balanced ~
    LOVED his comparative answer regarding evangelicals, and how out of balance alot of them can be, as well!
    Absolutely true.
    When he spoke of the, hyper-grace believers/I can do what I want and say oh, I'm forgiven. And their lives and marriages are horrible (paraphrase). From experience ... he is RIGHT!
    IMO, they have done so much damage to the church.
    Also ... I have always loved his humility. He exhibits it here, beautifully.
    There was no trace of a smirky attitude --- "I know it all. I'm so smart and informed. Sorry you aren't!".
    Gotta say, he held his own! Yay, Dallas.
    Makes me support The Chosen, even MORE!♥

  • @johnj.flanagan-songsoffaith
    @johnj.flanagan-songsoffaith ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dallas, my friend, one cannot say “we worship the same Jesus,” when one of us has a wrong understanding of Jesus, and a misguided interpretation of the Biblical word of God. Adding to the word is not just erroneous, but it is a form of apostasy. This is not to imply we should persecute other faiths, but we must speak the truth in love to all people. True Christianity is only inclusive in that it is open to all, but in essence it is “exclusive” in substance and truth, and therefore will be rejected by many. To be faithful to the truth and the Gospel means to walk the narrow way, and to do this one must anticipate ridicule, disdain, and hostility….these are reactions Jesus taught, as the word of God is offensive to the natural man. Soli Deo Gloria.

  • @chieflan5
    @chieflan5 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love Dallas, love the show. The elephant in the room here is that LDS have a lot of money. Dallas needed their help. That’s fine. He’s not compromising anymore than we do going to a store buying goods from an unbeliever. The point is God uses anyone to finish his purposes. Let the show speak for itself though. Have grace and let Jesus speak to the hearts of mankind.

  • @ckkbleev
    @ckkbleev 2 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    I just happened to come across a video on TH-cam criticizing the original executive producer who is actually a Mormon and Dallas. I'm so disheartened because my wife and I love the series and this series has had a hand in help guiding my uncle's heart to Christ (hopefully it'll happen soon). Finding out that we may be supporting Mormonism/universalism is such a blow to the gut.

    • @coastdaze748
      @coastdaze748 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I know how you feel, ckkbleev. I have much the same feeling. But I will take the good that is coming out of this series and lift up Dallas to God. Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

    • @TheChosenSeries
      @TheChosenSeries 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Good news. It’s inaccurate, and you’re not supporting what you fear, so no gut punch. :)

    • @townsendstephen
      @townsendstephen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      You are not supporting them neither is the show. Dallas and the crew go to great lengths to present Jesus well. I for one am in awe of the work they put in to this and believe this show will bless many. Look at some these comments. A number have started reading the Bible because of the show. This is wonderful

  • @debramininni4543
    @debramininni4543 3 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    He goes around the question about LDS. it is troublesome to me.

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I agree

    • @theouterplanet
      @theouterplanet 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes. He does that because they are helping put money in his pocket.

    • @bneum
      @bneum 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      He's not even a member, so how would he be qualified to publicly declare what their beliefs are? He's not in a position to do so. he's being respectful and says very clearly he can't speak accurately for them, he just doesn't want to misrepresent.

    • @prayerwarrior7778
      @prayerwarrior7778 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bneum well, when I witness to LDS people I never say ‘you believe this’. I say the official LDS church teaches this. There is a way to do that respectfully

    • @MrJoebrooklyn1969
      @MrJoebrooklyn1969 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@theouterplanet its crowd funded.

  • @vansantos5772
    @vansantos5772 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Dallas... you are in good company... even Jesus caused controversy and division among "believers" and the "world".

    • @monicaalba1127
      @monicaalba1127 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And so did Joseph Smith and Pope Francis. Causing controversy among believers doesn't prove you're right or righteous. Jesus called us to the Father first and THEN to others as brothers and sisters. We can't compromise on who God is, who Jesus is, for the sake of agreeing or disagreeing with others.

    • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
      @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@monicaalba1127 amen!

  • @Therapisteyes
    @Therapisteyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    @Melissa Dougherty Thank you for making this video. I will send people your way to help clear up questions regarding the Chosen! Blessings

  • @hisservants8003
    @hisservants8003 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    It must be difficult to twist yourself into a pretzel to justify a partnership with LDS members. This series will allow Mormons to be seen as Christians, which they are not. It will end up misleading many people. The comments below show that. This series is dangerous for many reasons. I hope Dallas realizes his error.

  • @sonnayhwh
    @sonnayhwh 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    A great interview. I couldn't help but awe at how God is moving in ways that may be hard for us to detect and/or appreciate, in much the same way that Jesus chose to heal the man by the pool on the Sabbath. The religious ones could only stammer of how the man violated the Law, but it was clearly God at work. Thanks to both of you for raising a standard of Love. Shalom.

  • @rosannacudmore2049
    @rosannacudmore2049 3 ปีที่แล้ว +201

    I love The Chosen!!! The Lord sent this series to me at my very lowest. I was crushed in spirit. Episode one wrecked me. Thank you Dallas for following your calling!!

    • @AdrienneJung.M
      @AdrienneJung.M 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @SanzL1
      @SanzL1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Me, too -- my lowest.

    • @dollymadison2397
      @dollymadison2397 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Same! & I forced myself to not sleep hardly at all to watch every episode. It is SO captivating!

    • @cosmiqshy8941
      @cosmiqshy8941 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@dollymadison2397 same here! Not going to bed until 4 am, then watching more the next day with 4 kids to care for and I never once felt tired. ☺️

    • @nunyabiz2889
      @nunyabiz2889 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Me too.

  • @futuretech2330
    @futuretech2330 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    wow, this is the first interview with dallas jenkins where the host actually pushed back and dug deep into what he is actually saying. unfortunately, he's such a politician who uses double-speak and diversion to avoid answering simple questions. melissa asks him what he believes are basic doctrines of mormonism. he says he can't speak for the church, but that wasn't the question. the question was, "what do you understand the basic teachings are?" it's becoming pretty clear: he's being funded big-time by mormons, he doesn't want to say anything offensive to them, so they'll continue to support the jesus show, so he plays ignorant of their outrageous heretical beliefs, or wants to believe that they love "the same jesus" even though he knows he can't defend that as a christian. brother dallas you are treading on very dangerous grounds. you better start listening to your real christian brothers and sisters, and stop pretending to juggle mormonism and christianity. you're very clever with your words and your damage control, but that will only get you so far. you're playing a very dangerous game.

  • @hiddeninmyheart21
    @hiddeninmyheart21 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    LDS? The Bible says light and dark cannot walk together. I will never watch "the chosen" ecumenical extra biblical nonesense.

  • @rickylittle2678
    @rickylittle2678 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think the movie is awesome! Sometimes seeing is better than reading, makes it more on a personal level. I love you Melissa, and Dallas as well. God bless the both of you

  • @jolab1810
    @jolab1810 3 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    Maybe the Lord is using this collaboration to bring more LDS members to the true gospel of salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ? I love The Chosen, and I love Mormons (even have some LDS relatives). To God be the glory for how this show is ministering to the Body of Christ, and how it is reaching the lost. Thank you, Melissa and Dallas, for sharing your conversation with us.

    • @MelissaDougherty
      @MelissaDougherty  3 ปีที่แล้ว +20


    • @Danybella
      @Danybella 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly right!

    • @mortsdnul
      @mortsdnul 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I pray so!!

    • @dtmelanson
      @dtmelanson 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Many Latter-day Saints love The Chosen.

    • @jinkazama5720
      @jinkazama5720 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @JoLab thanks for your comments, personally i saw this as an opportunity for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - and this particular interview makes it more, and paves the way more to the Growth of Our Missionary Program

  • @jamestrotter3162
    @jamestrotter3162 3 ปีที่แล้ว +195

    Every time I watch the Chosen it makes me want to read my Bible even more.

    • @45s262
      @45s262 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      James Trotter to read and to pray.
      I know what you mean..

    • @RealSnail3D
      @RealSnail3D 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Me too. God be praised!

    • @cosmiqshy8941
      @cosmiqshy8941 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      And that is how God works through his Fishers of Men.. to draw his children closer to him through Jesus. ❤️

    • @hymns2enjoy
      @hymns2enjoy 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      This is Mormon totally.

    • @nicholegautreaux4839
      @nicholegautreaux4839 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Me too!

  • @nykka3
    @nykka3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I wonder if he says he doesn’t have enough understanding of the LDS religion bc it would compromise his relationship with his LDS friends and production company.

    • @hollyw2744
      @hollyw2744 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Review the answer Dallas gave Julia Humphrey. Scroll up to see it.

    • @sth9460
      @sth9460 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I don’t think it matters. Dallas must walk a fine line in his task. His relationship with those friends may be what leads them to the truth.

    • @Danybella
      @Danybella 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sth9460 I agree.

  • @Terry54ish
    @Terry54ish 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm not understanding why Dallas is joining with false religions to create a series about " authentic Jesus" none of this makes any sense! He's not even evangelizing them he's acting like they are all on the right path. And the merchandising come on !!!! This screams Ecumenism.

  • @tiletec1
    @tiletec1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The few clips I've seen portray an image of Jesus that is influencing the thinking of many. I don't think Jesus, knowing the cup before him would have had him so happy, joking, and joyful, making him seem too much like sinful man and not like the sinless lamb of God. Personally I haven't been watching Jesus movies, due to this concern.
    This maybe why we are not to have any graven images. I know some will be compelled to seek more, and that is good to find the true Jesus in the Bible His word.

  • @ruthieray311
    @ruthieray311 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have greatly respected Dallas ever since I first watched this show, and I have to say: This interview increased that respect even more. Thank you both so much!
    I am LDS and I am so thankful for this show and everything you are doing. 💚

    • @ma9081-l4y
      @ma9081-l4y 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Praying for you, Ruthie

    @ZUGTFO 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The Trinity expressed in a mathematical Formula:
    1 X 1 X 1 = 1

    • @DSB51
      @DSB51 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @theway3058
      @theway3058 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for this. Great way to explain the trinity fo my children.

    • @adiblatif
      @adiblatif 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ♾ + ♾ + ♾ = ♾

  • @SquishyyyBeaner
    @SquishyyyBeaner 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Honestly he beat around the bush with a lot of these questions. He didn’t truly answer the question of Jesus and wether or not we believe in the same Jesus. It is an important conversation and he kind of brushed it off.

    • @skeinofadifferentcolor2090
      @skeinofadifferentcolor2090 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @brendakauffman2222
      @brendakauffman2222 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes he skirted all the questions and I would have liked to have seen Melissa push out the questions more to get some hard answers.