thov ua tshaug rau txhuas tug ua txhawb dej siab rau kuv es los mus caum thiab nyiam txog zaj nkauj no.kv yog na syaj tug hu txoj nkauj ntawv no.kv thov nej hos los pab nia txhawb qas kv li channel tshiab ntawv no thiab vam tias nej yuav hlub tshuas txog peb hmoob cov tub ntxhais hu nkauj.
tubntxawg hd music .yog kv li channel kv siv tag si no nawb thov kev pab rub ntes thiab hos los pab nia rau kv tshooj tshiab uas kv siv los sau tsab ntawv no rau nej tau pom.thov kom hmoob sib hlub hmoob mus tag 1 ntxis
when you about to get this song to your stup guy friend. because he have a crush on this girl and ask me who she like ? and i was like, don't tell me to go ask because she might don't want to answer and tell me even we are just barley friends. >-
txoj nkauj twb tau ntau xyoo lawm mloog tseem kho siab thiab zoo
thau i me mu saib daim nkauj nov mas qhov ncauj rua us xwb ho hahaha
thov ua tshaug rau txhuas tug ua txhawb dej siab rau kuv es los mus caum thiab nyiam txog zaj nkauj no.kv yog na syaj tug hu txoj nkauj ntawv no.kv thov nej hos los pab nia txhawb qas kv li channel tshiab ntawv no thiab vam tias nej yuav hlub tshuas txog peb hmoob cov tub ntxhais hu nkauj.
Kuv yeej xav tias yog leekong xiong thawj zaug mloog na! Zoo heev (Y)
So beautifully done. Love them both.
thanks all
tubntxawg hd music .yog kv li channel kv siv tag si no nawb thov kev pab rub ntes thiab hos los pab nia rau kv tshooj tshiab uas kv siv los sau tsab ntawv no rau nej tau pom.thov kom hmoob sib hlub hmoob mus tag 1 ntxis
Kv nias rau kj lawm thob nias rau kv thiab og
when you about to get this song to your stup guy friend. because he have a crush on this girl and ask me who she like ? and i was like, don't tell me to go ask because she might don't want to answer and tell me even we are just barley friends. >-
Ua cas lub suab no zoo li lis koob xyooj sub
sounds like Lee Kong xiong and sounds like lis naj thoj voice
hu zoo hv os
zoo heev
Thov mu pab kv thiab nawb pab nia.sub....rau kv li youtube tshiab yog.nas yang production.