This is what Doctor Who is. When they arent trying to create a sexual identity for the Doctor and the characters and they just go full bizarre scary Who. It's excellent. Honestly, when they dont have Ncuti having to play a gay role and just let him be the Doctor. Guy is a great actor. Just let him play the role, instead of making him play the token gay guy role, because Disney thinks that it makes them woke and aware. This was a great episode and I am finding myself excited for part 2 and a bit disappointed that every year there are less and less episodes.
This is what Doctor Who is. When they arent trying to create a sexual identity for the Doctor and the characters and they just go full bizarre scary Who. It's excellent. Honestly, when they dont have Ncuti having to play a gay role and just let him be the Doctor. Guy is a great actor. Just let him play the role, instead of making him play the token gay guy role, because Disney thinks that it makes them woke and aware. This was a great episode and I am finding myself excited for part 2 and a bit disappointed that every year there are less and less episodes.