May Our Heavenly Father 🙌 . . Continue to Use His "Only Begotten Son" , Our Lord Jesus Christ 🤴, to Inlighten His Faithful Ones . . Here on Earth 🌎 . 🤗 And May we Receive it . . in "Jesus' Name " , Amen ! 🙏
Thank you Eric, I went back to studying the Bible again. This time without the influence of the Watchtower. I will always believe in Jehovah/Yahweh and the teachings of Jesus Christ as our Savior, but I will never again put my trust in nine delusional self-proclaimed "anointed" men. Please keep posting. Thank you (I read your book).
They have admitted multiple times in watchtowers that the governing body is not infallible and can in fact err in understanding and doctrine. This is an incredibly uneducated comment.
@rawhan2-- I am so glad you enjoy them. It is possible I will be traveling again to Europe this summer to meet children of God. Would it be possible to meet you in Norway?
Dear Eric, thank you for your labour of love. I have only found you two weeks ago. Both my grandfather and grandmother were Jehovah's Witnesses. My grandfather was largely instrumental in bringing the religion of JWs to the village where I was born, as well as building its modest Kingdom hall. He worshipped there until the age of 104 when he died. Through my grandfather, My father became a JW for more than 50 years until he went to rest. All 7, out of my 8 brothers and sisters, including me were/are JWs. I had practically no childhood because of this religion and I believed and accepted everything my father taught us, because he was a very meek and God-fearing man. He really loved God with a complete heart. Because of the cast of person he was, I did everything he wanted without coercion. My father didn't have the advantage of formal education, but he was a very wise man. He taught himself how to read and write. From him I learned the love of reading. While he was solely focused on the JW publications, I branched out and would secretly borrow and order 'so called worldly materials'. The more I read, the more I was disturbed by the lack of love in the organization. I felt this keenly to the point of devastation, but I couldn't speak about it. There was no one to talk to because I felt no one would understand me. When I moved to Hungary from Africa over 15 years ago, what I experienced in the congregation with which I associated, deepened my suspicion and aroused many questions in me. However, this time, I didn't know I was not a lone. One day I was socializing with a brother in my congregation who teaches architecture in one of the universities in the city in which I reside. As we fell deeper in our discussion, we became more open with each other as we ventilated our anxieties and frustrations. He mentioned Crisis of Conscience and recommended the book. I had never heard of it. That day I ordered it from the United States. I cannot tell you how much I cried as I read the book. While still in the middle of reading the book, I gathered all the publications of the Society- everything in my possession, and threw them into the bin. I have since read Raymond Franz's second book. I haven't left the God of my grandfather and father. Without him, I would be as good as dead, though alive . But the thought of being intentionally deceived and lied to and manipulated and ruled over with the utmost high-handedness- all in the name God, will never go away. Only a practised criminal of the most dexterous sort could pull all these out! I have little doubt to doubt the pronouncements of Matthew 18: 6 upon the sly men of the JW rulers. God, who is no respecter of persons, will not pass over them. Whatever is the case, He will call them to account. Again, thank you for the excellent job. You are certainly a thorn in the flesh of those 7 or 8 criminal men who willfully trample on the innocent children of God and who transgress on God's law saying 'GOD DOES NOT SEE US'. Note: I would very much love to read your book, Carl Olof's and those of the Canadian historian. I tried to order from a bookshop but was not possible How do I get your book?
@michaelsamuel6299 I am very sorry to have somehow missed your comment. My wife found it and pointed it out to me. How remarkable that you have found the truth despite the disadvantages you've experienced. I too was brought up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe that our God does call out to us. He knows those who are his, even before we know it ourselves. You can obtain all the books you're asking for from Amazon, but if Amazon does not ship to your location, please let me know and we can make some arrangement to get them to you. My email is Also, we hold meetings online with others like yourself who have awakened to the truth, but not lost their faith in our heavenly Father nor his only begotten Son. You can join us online using this link: Your brother, Eric Wilson
E que je pense cet qu'il y'a as avoir de regrets. Amon sens c'était une passerlle pour ce rapprocher de dieu. Car quoi qu on en dise orgasation était celle qui se raprocher le plus de la vérité. Sauf que plus ils avancent lus ils s e éloigne pour devenir coe les pharisiens. Et si on n as que le savoir intellectuel les sauveurs irons pas loin. Car la coaissance doit permettre le questionnement et la recherche. Et la ça pêche car quand tu remet en question u élément ça leurs fait mal au tibiat. Ça les dérangent qu ils y en et qui se réveillent et ne soit pas endormi. L obéissance aveugle et dangereuse. pour info cet que toutes les organisations oltiques religieuses etc ô été infiltré par les francs maçons. Les TJ n ont pas été infiltré puisque le fondateur lui était franc-maçon du 33em degré enfin je me souvient plus du degré. Mais pour ouvrir une organisation I faut être d'un haut degree. Je rapelle qu'il avais était enterer come franc-maçon avec tout les artefacts et vos pouvez retrouver tombe impresiionante. Je me souvient vaguement qu'il avait été dit à la congrégation que sa famé voulais l entrée avec les siens quelque chose comme ça j'etait jeûne donc la mémoire... Sauf que manifestement il s agissait de sa famille franc maçonnerie. Donc voilà paul disait de ne jamais croire toutse qu et dit sas le vérifier par soit même. De plus vers les temps de la fin l amour se refroidirait du plus grand nombres et que beaucoup trebucheront. Jesus n as jamais dit de faire confiance à des hommes mais des hommes demande nt de leurs faire une confiance aveugle..... L histoire du covid m a aussi interpeller. Car quand j ai vue cela j ai pensé et me suis replonger dans la révélation et j ai dit bingo on n y et ! Et quand j aïs visiter mes parents et sœurs et qui m on dit qu ils se vacciner que l organisation le demande. J ai dit Holà il y a un problème ! Je leurs et rappeler ce que dit la révélation. Et également que ce 'et pas pr hasard et innocent que notre fou de président français à dit nous sommes en guerres 3 fois et ajoute la Bête de l Avènement et Là ! Je leurs et dit qu il ne devrait pas se vacciné. Et bisarement tous les religieux te nais exaquetemnt les mêmes propos a la phrase prés. Mais quand les brebis dorment on n y peut rien. D ailleurs ou le berger emmène ces brebis quand elle ont plus de laine ! A l 'abatoire En somme le berger protège les brebis du loup mais à la fin il le conduit lui même au loup.! Donc voici ma conclusion e TJ ajoute que c et pas exclus que l organisation et était faite pour récupérer ceux qui n avais plus confiance dans les chefs religieux et ce faisant il fallait les récupéré avec beaucoup de lumière. Ainsi se serais plus fácil pour eux d avoir sous leur contrôle ces personnes que les savoir li re comme l air car il et très difficil de manipuler des êtres très réveillez !!! Et je constate que des êtres de tout bords le sont. Et je pense que croie que dieu sauveras un groupe plutôt qu un autre é tpretensieux et trompeur. Car ce que dieu cherche se sont des etres au cœur sincère et ayant une foi avec des actes. Et que la ou un ou plusieurs se retrouve il y et aussi, donc même si un gars et au fond de l Amazonie et 'as jamais eu d e bible ou entendue les vérités biblique sont cœur s il et brancher sur le divin créateur dieu Reconnais les siens. Traversons ces épreuves avec foi en Jeová lui seul et en' son fils Jesus. Ils sont nos phares. Et si on et dans le coeur avec la foi et J J et sa parole et bien notre GPS ous conduiras auoe endroit ❤❤❤ ❤
@@BeroeanPickets Thank you very much for your reply. I'll check out the time for your meetings. I definitely wish to join. May our God continue to make you and your wife stronger, my dear brother. I'll let you know if I have any difficulties getting the books through Amazon.
@@michaelsamuel6299 I also woke up due to Jehovah's Witnesses' absence of love. Decades earlier, an inactive JW had told me about Crisis of Conscience. Finally, I read the book. Seeing from Raymond Franz' account that the Governing Body were not spiritual men, and that they seldom consulted or mentioned Bible texts, I woke up. I saw that all the blame and criticism the elders had enthusiastically thrown upon me had been from Satan, not from Jehovah. My dear Grandmother died as an anointed JW, but she had disliked aspects of disfellowshipping. I'm glad she partook of the emblems. I will be with her.
You are so correct when saying: "intentionally deceived and lied to and manipulated and ruled over with the utmost high-handedness- all in the name God." And yet we were warned in the Bible but were blinded! John 16:1-5 “I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith. For you will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God. This is because they have never known the Father or me. Yes, I’m telling you these things now, so that when they happen, you will remember my warning.
I like the phase in summing up this topic, "knowledge puffs up but love builds up". This is a common expression that has been used by the organization over and over, but in the day to day practice is not universally applied. The love of the Christ has been missed.
This is really a greet comparison of how the Jewish Scribes and Pharasees thought they had the most accurate knowlede of that day. Yet they murdered Gods Son missing the whole point of mercy. When I was comming into the truth from Chrisendom I too thought that this was the most accurate knowledge and surely it was is some aspects yet it proved over time that it was no different from the other religions and paralles perfectly with the religious rulers of that day to. . I am thankful that I was blessed to wake up.
Thank you Eric, this is soothing , may Jehovah continue to furnish you with more insight and understanding of his word, you are doing a great job of simplifying God's word to humanity. Thanks you once again
Thank you so much for this. The organisation is guilty of incalculable damage to many individuals and families. I found this very helpful and soothing. Thank you for all the work you do.
I thank you for this important information. In the 70’s, as a JW mom, I was so torn between obedience to the men and love of my children, that in secret, I had a talk with their Pediatrician. I told him I was a JW and if blood was ever needed for my child’s life, AS a JW, I MUST refuse to save the life. He said in that case, he would obtain an immediate Court Order, take the child from me, save the life and return the child, even though he knew nothing of policies about “blood-guilt”, how JWs would see the child as then “destroyed”, the mother disfellowshipped and shunned, et al. Here is my hope: that doctors and Courts and Emergency Medical Teams can know the policies of the WT sect and involve CPS immediately to save children’s lives. I have also seen children die of parents refusing needed blood. This in turn leads to suicides over grief and lack of credible counseling. To me, in my opinion, this is a crime. I pray the Medical, Psychosocial, and CPS will strongly intervene and hold adults accountable for the atrocities against children. Thank you, Sir, for bringing this to our attention. I consider this as serious a crime as CSA. ❤
According to my best recollection, the Canada branch has a convenient workaround. Through the Legal desk and the HLC (Hospital Liaison Committee) they've prepared a document for the parents to sign and to give to the doctors. It is a medical waiver of sorts. As I understand it, the document states the parents religious (I can't bring myself to say "scriptural") objections to administering blood, but promises the doctors, medical personal and hospital administration that they waive any right to sue should blood be administered. The reason is that here in Canada, they know that if they don't do this, the court will award custody of the child to a third party, and blood will be used if needed. That way, the parents retain control over all other aspects of the child's medical treatment.
So sad that the innocent children must suffer for the beliefs of the parents. As parents, we brag about serving God or saving the earth yet we have no idea of how to protect our children. We trust leaders yet forget we are commanders.
While still in, the Greatest Teacher book was my favourite. It did however reveal to me how the leadership reflected more the attitude and behaviour of the pharisees and sadducees rather than the example set by Jesus when it came to rules and regulations. It opened my eyes that Jesus precisely fought against the type of 'letter of the law' approach to rules because it can cause immense suffering, nullifying the underlying reasons the laws are there in the first place : to shield people from suffering.
You are right. God wants us to practice mercy, not so much sacrifice. It is astonishing how the Watchtower Society has taken certain Bible verses about blood out of context with the rest of the Holy Bible and twisted them to mean that blood transfusions are contrary to God's law of love for one another. The law of love should trump legalism in all aspects. Jesus Christ proved that in His time on this earth. Thank you for your valid points.
Good Morning my dearly loved brother😊 Wonderfully faith strengthening information,as always, appreciate qirh all mt heart the effort you go to,in order to help others trulky understand the "simple" and beautiful "Truth" that our Living Father gave us. Thank You once again Catriona ❤❤ 🙏😊
The greatest compliment the JW Pharisees can give those of us with open minds and hearts is surprisingly this one: 1 John 2:19 "They went out from US, but they did not belong to US." Thank God! I still pray for our loved ones still trapped.
To the adulterous woman who was dragged to Jesus to get stoned, He simply said: "Go, and sin no more." She was no more sinful than were her guilty, self-righteous accusers. All were in need of the only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. All of us are in need of God's Grace through Christ.
That May 22, 1994 Awake! cover is so hard for me to look at knowing what has happened to those poor children. How can the Governing Body be expecting Lord Jesus to look upon them favorably when he returns expecting him to make them his immortal co-rulers? I try not to judge the salvation of others but I think Lord Jesus will be demanding one very serious accounting of the Governing Body for many things, but especially why they are leading children to die for refusing blood transfusions saying this is what God demands. Anyways, great video Eric :)
I have a premium TH-cam account. I don't know if you can do this without one, but look for a download button underneath the any video and you can download a video to your computer and build your library. Thank you for your support.
One thing I have been doing to easily find a certain presentation is by selecting the "SHARE" button under each video, copy that and then add the video's title. Not exactly a library, but helpful.
This hit a nerve with me. I have a daughter who was born in 1976. She got very ill, i took her to the hospital emergency in Kellogg Idaho. She was then admitted to the hospital. This hospital was at the time under contract with Asarco Mining. I stayed with her until 4am. My father was with me and didn't leave my side. We left to get some sleep and have a go at it later in the morning. I called the hospital at 9am, they told me she was up and playing. I got dressed and rushed in to see this. When i got there she wasn't playing she was just laying there and hadn't even eaten any of her food. I was called into the hospital to be with her for a spinal tap, i couldn't go in, my husband did. I waited outside i noticed there were several dead bodies laying around on gurneys. The spinal tap, didn't show anything. I would call in every morning to find out her condition, this went on 4 days. On the last day that i had decided to do something about it, I checked out all my options. We lived 80 miles from the hospital and her doctor .There was no change in her condition. I went to ask the nurses about her progress. There wasn't any nurse at the station. I heard her choking. I ran to her room to turn her on her side. I called a sister and she came with her blanket and bottle. We had to leave her vehicle, at the KH. WE SET OFF TO MAKE IT TO THE DOCTORS OFFICE. When I got there the doctor let me in through the back door. He saw her and told me to take her to the hospital through the emergency and he would call ahead. We arrived at the hospital and there was a little bit of confusion. The Dr that was in the emergency room area started to butt in and then my Dr came up and got everything started. During all this I made a Dr mad, he may have had something to do with Anesthesia, he didn't call himself an Anesthesiologist. It came time they were going to be in surgery. The Dr asked if she could take blood, I said no. We went back and forth about it, and I said something that made him mad. Her Dr said let's not worry about that now. Let's get going. Her Dr came out and gave me the information on how she was and what was wrong, Osteomyelitis of the right arm, she had 3 growth points that were eaten away from the bone. The other Dr told me that he gave her blood because her blood pressure dropped and it was a safety measure to bring it back up. I was then told that I could not take her from the hospital that she was made a ward of the court of state of Washington. They did this because I had taken her from the hospital in Kellogg, Idaho. That wasn't enough she was in the hospital for 6 weeks . I went to a meeting and a sister had heard that she was given blood, and heard that we would be suing the hospital and Dr in Kellogg idaho for malpractice. She began to tell me the people make mistakes all the time. It was because they wouldn't admit to the fact that they were responsible. I couldn't believe that I was being scrutinized for this. I got an attorney and her Dr was behind us. We sued and gave the money to the insurance company and some was kept. That is why I'm hear is that was when I woke up and my husband was just starting in. There's more i will share later.
Rud Persson: Good points Eric. Just as man was not made for the sabbath, but the sabbath for man, so life was not made for blood, but blood for life. The Society has stated that godly people should refuse blood transfusions "out of respect for the sanctity of life." [KNOWLEDGE THAT LEADS TO EVERLASTING LIFE, 1995, page 129] That would mean that one should, under certain circumstances, choose death to uphold "the sanctity of life." The JW leadership has actually outdone the Pharisees in hypocrisy.
Putting the symbol of life above life itself. It is the life that makes the blood sacred. Much like regarding the gold of the temple as more holy than the temple itself.
Hello Eric, a very interesting talk indeed. Can you explain please how your talk supports or negates the law given in the scriptures post the death of Christ where it says to abstain from blood in Acts 15:29. Though your talk is very well reasoned, this scripture appears to support the thinking of avoiding blood, post the mosaic law that Jesus fulfilled. I would REALLY appreciate an answer because this has bothered me for decades. You appear to see and reason through, both sides of a coin. I really want to get clear thinking on this issue. Many thanks.
Brother Wilson, I wanted to thank you for your on-line ministry in exposing the falsehoods and corruption of the modern day organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. Not so much the rank and file member/publishers, but the leadership and their puppets; congregation elders. I was disfellowshipped a year and a half ago and am torn between returning, or learning to carry out my preaching and teaching work through another medium. Most on-line critics of JW's have poor scriptural comprehension, or left the organization for selfish reasons. You however, demonstrate your love of the Bible by "holding to the pattern of healthful words", as the authority. (2 Tim. 1: 13) My DF"ing was totally unscriptural, and was clearly the work of biased men, bent on their own will and opinions instead of clear scriptural discipline. Hence the apprehension to return. The problem many of us have is that we love the true God, Jehovah, and never want to stop declaring His word and purpose to our fellowman. But no other organization has the teaching tools we need to effectively help others learn about the Bible. I am an ex-Bethelite, MS. and elder also for 14 years. So I know the manipulative politics within elder bodies as you do. And I am sickened at the selfish narcissism of the current governing body; asking all publishers to pledge allegiance to the God of the "faithful and discreet slave"!! They are bloodguilty in so many ways, and it's obvious to a trained Christian that the Holy Spirit has left them. Any recommendations would be welcome! Thanks!
Hi @connormusic9274 - Your comment is truly food at the proper time. I'm addressing this issue in the video I'm shooting today, Shunning Part 5, which should be through post-production by Friday. In fact, you caught me just in time to amend the conclusion in line with your concerns. Thank you, my brother. In the meantime, please join us online. We meet in several languages on different days and times. I think you'll find our meetings to be everything you wish the meetings at the kingdom hall should be, but aren't. Here's the schedule:
Your comment was beautifully written and contained all the necessary information to see the picture. Like yourself, I'm also a person who needed to see how Watchtower was failing scripturally before I could disconnect from them. One of my exjw friends said recently that she thinks Watchtower will dwindle to being an online entity, like so many other online religions. I hope to make a very short video, in sign language, encouraging the deaf to leave Watchtower. I've written three different scripts for it so far, but can't decide on what's the most important things to tell them. We used to "direct everyone to the organization". We won't be doing that any more.
It’s a dark theory but my thought on why the push self sacrifice in the sense of refusing blood is that if you die without accepting Jesus as Lord “ unless you believe that I am he you will parish in your sins.” Same reason on why they tell everyone not to partake of the emblems of the flesh and blood. And Jesus said if you don’t eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.
Through the Pharisees, Satan got people to reject Jesus. So, yes... it seems to follow Satan's pattern that he uses the religion called Jehovah's Witnesses to get people to refuse to partake of the emblems. Satan wants deprive life to as many as possible.
Of course everything we do is a “personal choice” but accepting a “blood transfusion” will lead to “disassociation “ it’s hard to say it’s viewed that way by the organization.
If you're a JW you're likely to be disfellowshipoed if a transfusion is accepted. I'm speaking about people in general. Blood transfusions certainly have had their dangers and there are other options other than a transfusion but this is a personal choice if you are not a JW.
Again Eric, this is what happens when a group of men think they can substitute, or replace, Jesus Christ instead of advocating for him just like the Pharisees thought their traditions could replace God’s laws. They end up replacing the law of love with judgment and condemnation and loosing out on everlasting life. Peace
@BeroeanPickets : I have one idea of future topic for you: I noticed JWs never encourage fasting as a way of purification and getting closer to Jehovah. That is in a big contrast to other religions (eg Catholic, Islam) where prayer and fasting are important. Bible also shows multiple examples of fasting. So why JWs completely chose to ignore fasting ? There must be something to it ..
We all have to follow Christ's way of life, and take up our 'cross' and be prepared to suffer persecution, but running ourselves into the ground by having to spend hours and hours in 'service' is not approved by God at all. We give from the heart not by works. However, I do wonder at the blood transfusion thoughts. Blood is sacred and Jesus' blood is what saves us. Quite a few people pretend to be Jehovah's Witnesses if they go to hospital, since they know the dangers of blood. Many die from blood transfusion complications. I am not one of Jehovah's Witnesses but I would try hard to follow the advice in Acts about keeping free from blood and meat which has been strangled.
The Bi me seems to indicate that I indeed blood is sacred. however while I would never eat or use blood in a worthless way Jesus said when he healed a man on the Sabbath hehe said what is more important the symbol or life in fact I did not break the Sabbath Jehovah’s law was never intended to do harm, and Jesus said he did not break the law of the Sabbath because he did a good act the transfusion of blood used responsibly can save lives The lock covenant required death for breaking of a Sabbath, but the use of blood required a cleansing and a waiting. Before entering the temple, but by known means that require the death penalty if blood was taken internally, this is a fact so if I need blood to save my life I will take it but I show respect for blood by not using it in a worthless way
Dear Eric, Thank you for your well thought out video. However I am confused. I fully accept your points on mercy and not sacrifice. However, God has not changed his view on murder or murderers, so that shows that mercy may go a long way, but God's stance on certain things has not changed. Thus how can we be sure that his standpoint, or view of Blood transfusions is not resolute? Whilst accepting your points on the mercy side of eating flesh with blood, under certain circumstances, the flesh to be eaten could and I am sure it was, cleansed as thoroughly of blood as was humanly possible. However, wasn't it the meat that saved or maintained their lives in these instances rather than the blood? I feel the Jw's may be correct on this one, although I stand to be taught otherwise. Currently though, my family and I have not changed our views on this particular matter since leaving the WT Society. I write from confusion, not a wish to create division.
@Jw_fail Dear brother, First please do not apologise about your English. I, and I am sure no-one else had any problems reading it. Second, I thank you for your love and time in replying to me. Very kind regards, Derek
Bible don't teaches that there will be a new heaven rulling over this earth instead a new heaven / atmosphare and a new earth rev 21 : verse 1 and second Peter 3: 13
Well, i have to disagree with the blood when it comes to the effects. I think even the Governing Body will die for their belief of blood transfusion. Their teaching it and also doing it. because even them are subject to that teaching and willing to accept disiplinary action if they accept blood transfusion or even their love once,it will affects all of them no matter what. Thanks for a good videos Rick. God bless you..
WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces????e WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces???
Jeh is drawing those into union with his son.The WT is still a source of testing the hearts of claimed Christians. For those that Father doesn't wake up,there us a reason for it.Imo
je suis toujours heureux d écouter tes discours je continue a lire la bible de mon coté a rechercher Dieu, tes discours m aident beaucoup je veux garder ma foi en dieu c est si apaisant dans ce monde merci encore
Je suis heureux que la vidéo vous soit utile. C’est tellement merveilleux de trouver la paix dans la vérité trouvée dans la Bible. Je suis contente que cela te calme.
"Self-sacrifice" doesn't appear in the Bible???? Why am I not surpised? The expressions "exercise/exercised/exercising faith" aren't found anywhere in scripture either! 😀 We were thoroughly deceived.
I "exercised" my faith when this "elder" walked out their door 30 years ago! Now, am am shocked by what has gone on since then. From what I am seeing, (as Eric said in another video), "NOW THEY ARE JUST MAKING STUFF UP!" 300 year = 1 generation. Really?
@@mamajan99 (Job 42:16) After this Job lived for 140 years, and he saw his children and his grandchildren - FOUR generations. So according to the BIBLE, one generation = 35 - 50 years - max! 😀 (I never had a "higher" education, but still figured it out)
By just taking the Bible and not using the org, I studied the blood issue on my own. Today we have different gods, one is the god of science and medicine. The science of evolution has convinced many people we evolved from apes. The all knowing god of medicine is always right. But they cannot give you a guarantee of life. Standing up to this god seems impossible. God gave this blood law to Noah the father of all living now. This was animal blood. But human blood: the soul is in the blood the Bible explains. The dead animal eaten is different then whole glass of pure blood. Testing God? Anyway abstain from blood and if not you are unclean in God’s sight. You can believe the medical profession and take your chances with God but my conscience can’t do that. I am afraid the JWs got this piece of the puzzle right. The churches have given mercy to everyone to the point they are filled with all immorality and it spreads. The congregations in revelation shows how Jesus feels about mercy to certain ones. Watching the witnesses deal with this blood issue and the people involved, I have personally seen a 50/50 chance you will live with blood and the same chance without. The god of medicine and science has been wrong throughout the years: persecuted those who preached about germs, blood letting, the world is flat back then, not to be challenged. Today do we don’t know about the soul that is in the blood, but God had warned us about things we can’t see: abstain from blood.
Just curious, but did you watch this video all the way through and the No blood video linked in at the end? (See Or is this just something you believe without addressing the issues raised in these two videos?
@@BeroeanPickets after viewing the videos I picked up some insights. Up until Jesus there was no provisions for life then only Jesus’s blood was provided. To take in another’s imperfect blood to shortly extend your life seems to be a slap in Jesus’s face. Love God was the first command, humans love come second. Change taking blood with fornication. Would you commit that to extend your life? Offending God would be the first worry, diseases would be the second. When God’s command to not eat blood was given, it was a dietary command, it also tied it into God’s accounting system. Satan worshippers drink blood in defiance and Satan should know. Blood transfusion used the same way? A greedy corporation owns the blood. So if someone refuses chemotherapy and dies are they responsible for their death? Some live anyway. Same with blood. The world is against the Christians we have to be careful to falling for Satans slick tricks.
@@blindear5303 You write: "The world is against the Christians we have to be careful to falling for Satans slick tricks." Correct. But remember the warning at Ephesians 4:14. "We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth." (NLT) Your reasoning is not based on a clear command, but on your personal interpretation. As such, it should guide you, but not others. Let each one answer to his own conscience. Fornication is a clearly defined law. But there is no clear law against blood transfusions. Noah was told not to eat the blood of an animal that he had killed. The Watch Tower Corporation tells us that the command given to the Gentiles to "abstain from blood" meant more than eating or drinking it, but it also included its use in medical procedures. The entire thing is based on the interpretation of men that taking a blood transfusion is the same things as eating blood, but our body does not "eat" nor "consume" as nutrition the blood we get as a transfusion. Your reasoning--pure human opinion--is this: "To take in another’s imperfect blood to shortly extend your life seems to be a slap in Jesus’s face." So, Jesus would rather we die early, than do something to alleviate our suffering, and the suffering of loved one? I don't see anything in Jesus' live to support such a cold judgment. He spent his life showing us what mercy meant, ending the suffering of thousands, but it appears you have failed to understand what God meant when he hold his people: "I want mercy, not sacrifice!"
Easy enough to poke holes in the ridiculous JW creed. Do mormonism next - even sillier. Then adventists, etc. Then use that logic trail to debunk the biggee - all mythology, christianity, islam, hinduism, etc. Then you will be free.
May Our Heavenly Father 🙌 . .
Continue to Use His
"Only Begotten Son" , Our
Lord Jesus Christ 🤴, to Inlighten
His Faithful Ones . . Here on
Earth 🌎 . 🤗
And May we Receive it . . in
"Jesus' Name " , Amen ! 🙏
Thank you Eric, I went back to studying the Bible again. This time without the influence of the Watchtower. I will always believe in Jehovah/Yahweh and the teachings of Jesus Christ as our Savior, but I will never again put my trust in nine delusional self-proclaimed "anointed" men. Please keep posting. Thank you (I read your book).
Thanks for sharing and for reading my book. Much appreciated.
My fellow Christian, I really get your comment, for I too will never again allow men to deceive me. 🛡
Please read Jeremiah 17:5 , psalms 118:8 , &146:3
@@RonaldRogers-or7jq Will do, thanks.
My biggest issue……is that when they do find out they were wrong on a issue, they will NEVER admit it!!!!!!
They have admitted multiple times in watchtowers that the governing body is not infallible and can in fact err in understanding and doctrine. This is an incredibly uneducated comment.
After waking up, I`m addicted to yor videos.🥰 Best wishes from Norway
You're a lover of truth.Pur understanding here is as good as it gets to my experience and knowledge!..No doubt Eric is led by spirit in a mighty way!
@rawhan2-- I am so glad you enjoy them. It is possible I will be traveling again to Europe this summer to meet children of God. Would it be possible to meet you in Norway?
Freedom feels great doesn't it?!!!
Dear Eric, thank you for your labour of love. I have only found you two weeks ago. Both my grandfather and grandmother were Jehovah's Witnesses. My grandfather was largely instrumental in bringing the religion of JWs to the village where I was born, as well as building its modest Kingdom hall. He worshipped there until the age of 104 when he died. Through my grandfather, My father became a JW for more than 50 years until he went to rest. All 7, out of my 8 brothers and sisters, including me were/are JWs. I had practically no childhood because of this religion and I believed and accepted everything my father taught us, because he was a very meek and God-fearing man. He really loved God with a complete heart. Because of the cast of person he was, I did everything he wanted without coercion. My father didn't have the advantage of formal education, but he was a very wise man. He taught himself how to read and write. From him I learned the love of reading. While he was solely focused on the JW publications, I branched out and would secretly borrow and order 'so called worldly materials'. The more I read, the more I was disturbed by the lack of love in the organization. I felt this keenly to the point of devastation, but I couldn't speak about it. There was no one to talk to because I felt no one would understand me. When I moved to Hungary from Africa over 15 years ago, what I experienced in the congregation with which I associated, deepened my suspicion and aroused many questions in me. However, this time, I didn't know I was not a lone. One day I was socializing with a brother in my congregation who teaches architecture in one of the universities in the city in which I reside. As we fell deeper in our discussion, we became more open with each other as we ventilated our anxieties and frustrations. He mentioned Crisis of Conscience and recommended the book. I had never heard of it. That day I ordered it from the United States. I cannot tell you how much I cried as I read the book. While still in the middle of reading the book, I gathered all the publications of the Society- everything in my possession, and threw them into the bin. I have since read Raymond Franz's second book.
I haven't left the God of my grandfather and father. Without him, I would be as good as dead, though alive . But the thought of being intentionally deceived and lied to and manipulated and ruled over with the utmost high-handedness- all in the name God, will never go away. Only a practised criminal of the most dexterous sort could pull all these out! I have little doubt to doubt the pronouncements of Matthew 18: 6 upon the sly men of the JW rulers. God, who is no respecter of persons, will not pass over them. Whatever is the case, He will call them to account.
Again, thank you for the excellent job. You are certainly a thorn in the flesh of those 7 or 8 criminal men who willfully trample on the innocent children of God and who transgress on God's law saying 'GOD DOES NOT SEE US'.
Note: I would very much love to read your book, Carl Olof's and those of the Canadian historian. I tried to order from a bookshop but was not possible How do I get your book?
@michaelsamuel6299 I am very sorry to have somehow missed your comment. My wife found it and pointed it out to me.
How remarkable that you have found the truth despite the disadvantages you've experienced. I too was brought up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe that our God does call out to us. He knows those who are his, even before we know it ourselves.
You can obtain all the books you're asking for from Amazon, but if Amazon does not ship to your location, please let me know and we can make some arrangement to get them to you.
My email is Also, we hold meetings online with others like yourself who have awakened to the truth, but not lost their faith in our heavenly Father nor his only begotten Son. You can join us online using this link:
Your brother, Eric Wilson
E que je pense cet qu'il y'a as avoir de regrets. Amon sens c'était une passerlle pour ce rapprocher de dieu. Car quoi qu on en dise orgasation était celle qui se raprocher le plus de la vérité. Sauf que plus ils avancent lus ils s e éloigne pour devenir coe les pharisiens. Et si on n as que le savoir intellectuel les sauveurs irons pas loin. Car la coaissance doit permettre le questionnement et la recherche. Et la ça pêche car quand tu remet en question u élément ça leurs fait mal au tibiat. Ça les dérangent qu ils y en et qui se réveillent et ne soit pas endormi.
L obéissance aveugle et dangereuse.
pour info cet que toutes les organisations oltiques religieuses etc ô été infiltré par les francs maçons. Les TJ n ont pas été infiltré puisque le fondateur lui était franc-maçon du 33em degré enfin je me souvient plus du degré. Mais pour ouvrir une organisation I faut être d'un haut degree.
Je rapelle qu'il avais était enterer come franc-maçon avec tout les artefacts et vos pouvez retrouver tombe impresiionante.
Je me souvient vaguement qu'il avait été dit à la congrégation que sa famé voulais l entrée avec les siens quelque chose comme ça j'etait jeûne donc la mémoire... Sauf que manifestement il s agissait de sa famille franc maçonnerie. Donc voilà paul disait de ne jamais croire toutse qu et dit sas le vérifier par soit même. De plus vers les temps de la fin l amour se refroidirait du plus grand nombres et que beaucoup trebucheront. Jesus n as jamais dit de faire confiance à des hommes mais des hommes demande nt de leurs faire une confiance aveugle.....
L histoire du covid m a aussi interpeller. Car quand j ai vue cela j ai pensé et me suis replonger dans la révélation et j ai dit bingo on n y et ! Et quand j aïs visiter mes parents et sœurs et qui m on dit qu ils se vacciner que l organisation le demande. J ai dit Holà il y a un problème ! Je leurs et rappeler ce que dit la révélation. Et également que ce 'et pas pr hasard et innocent que notre fou de président français à dit nous sommes en guerres 3 fois et ajoute la Bête de l Avènement et Là ! Je leurs et dit qu il ne devrait pas se vacciné. Et bisarement tous les religieux te nais exaquetemnt les mêmes propos a la phrase prés. Mais quand les brebis dorment on n y peut rien. D ailleurs ou le berger emmène ces brebis quand elle ont plus de laine ! A l 'abatoire
En somme le berger protège les brebis du loup mais à la fin il le conduit lui même au loup.! Donc voici ma conclusion e TJ ajoute que c et pas exclus que l organisation et était faite pour récupérer ceux qui n avais plus confiance dans les chefs religieux et ce faisant il fallait les récupéré avec beaucoup de lumière. Ainsi se serais plus fácil pour eux d avoir sous leur contrôle ces personnes que les savoir li re comme l air car il et très difficil de manipuler des êtres très réveillez !!!
Et je constate que des êtres de tout bords le sont. Et je pense que croie que dieu sauveras un groupe plutôt qu un autre é tpretensieux et trompeur. Car ce que dieu cherche se sont des etres au cœur sincère et ayant une foi avec des actes. Et que la ou un ou plusieurs se retrouve il y et aussi, donc même si un gars et au fond de l Amazonie et 'as jamais eu d e bible ou entendue les vérités biblique sont cœur s il et brancher sur le divin créateur dieu Reconnais les siens.
Traversons ces épreuves avec foi en Jeová lui seul et en' son fils Jesus. Ils sont nos phares. Et si on et dans le coeur avec la foi et J J et sa parole et bien notre GPS ous conduiras auoe endroit ❤❤❤
@@BeroeanPickets Thank you very much for your reply. I'll check out the time for your meetings. I definitely wish to join. May our God continue to make you and your wife stronger, my dear brother. I'll let you know if I have any difficulties getting the books through Amazon.
I also woke up due to Jehovah's Witnesses' absence of love. Decades earlier, an inactive JW had told me about Crisis of Conscience. Finally, I read the book. Seeing from Raymond Franz' account that the Governing Body were not spiritual men, and that they seldom consulted or mentioned Bible texts, I woke up. I saw that all the blame and criticism the elders had enthusiastically thrown upon me had been from Satan, not from Jehovah. My dear Grandmother died as an anointed JW, but she had disliked aspects of disfellowshipping. I'm glad she partook of the emblems. I will be with her.
You are so correct when saying: "intentionally deceived and lied to and manipulated and ruled over with the utmost high-handedness- all in the name God." And yet we were warned in the Bible but were blinded! John 16:1-5
“I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith. For you will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God. This is because they have never known the Father or me. Yes, I’m telling you these things now, so that when they happen, you will remember my warning.
Well said brother Eric! AHleleuWYaH!!! Thank you sir for another fine way to spend a Friday evening in His true Light!
I like the phase in summing up this topic, "knowledge puffs up but love builds up". This is a common expression that has been used by the organization over and over, but in the day to day practice is not universally applied. The love of the Christ has been missed.
Great point!
Thank you for your precious thought, brother (aiercooledengine).
This is really a greet comparison of how the Jewish Scribes and Pharasees thought they had the most accurate knowlede of that day. Yet they murdered Gods Son missing the whole point of mercy. When I was comming into the truth from Chrisendom I too thought that this was the most accurate knowledge and surely it was is some aspects yet it proved over time that it was no different from the other religions and paralles perfectly with the religious rulers of that day to. . I am thankful that I was blessed to wake up.
Our Father knows those who belong to him.Right now he's using Eric in the wake up process in a wonderful way.
Thankyou very much for this true truth. I have recently left this evil pharasee practising cult. I love your explainations.
Welcome to freedom. The cult is evil. You'll be so glad to have woken up. It's amazing.
@@vintage6346 "They will kill you and imagine that they are rendering Sacred Service to God."
Wow crystal clear. Just beautiful. Jesus save me I am yours
Thank you Eric, this is soothing , may Jehovah continue to furnish you with more insight and understanding of his word, you are doing a great job of simplifying God's word to humanity. Thanks you once again
Most welcome
Yes it is pretty clear that the leaders of the organization are very much like the Pharisees. Thank you 🙏🏻
I agree Eric!..Thank-you!
Your bible understanding is unmatched!..Excellent!🌾
Thank you kindly
Thank you so much for this. The organisation is guilty of incalculable damage to many individuals and families. I found this very helpful and soothing. Thank you for all the work you do.
Nice points. Always clear concise reasoning by you. Sourced. Well reasoned. Thanks.
I thank you for this important information. In the 70’s, as a JW mom, I was so torn between obedience to the men and love of my children, that in secret, I had a talk with their Pediatrician. I told him I was a JW and if blood was ever needed for my child’s life, AS a JW, I MUST refuse to save the life. He said in that case, he would obtain an immediate Court Order, take the child from me, save the life and return the child, even though he knew nothing of policies about “blood-guilt”, how JWs would see the child as then “destroyed”, the mother disfellowshipped and shunned, et al. Here is my hope: that doctors and Courts and Emergency Medical Teams can know the policies of the WT sect and involve CPS immediately to save children’s lives. I have also seen children die of parents refusing needed blood. This in turn leads to suicides over grief and lack of credible counseling. To me, in my opinion, this is a crime. I pray the Medical, Psychosocial, and CPS will strongly intervene and hold adults accountable for the atrocities against children. Thank you, Sir, for bringing this to our attention. I consider this as serious a crime as CSA. ❤
According to my best recollection, the Canada branch has a convenient workaround. Through the Legal desk and the HLC (Hospital Liaison Committee) they've prepared a document for the parents to sign and to give to the doctors. It is a medical waiver of sorts. As I understand it, the document states the parents religious (I can't bring myself to say "scriptural") objections to administering blood, but promises the doctors, medical personal and hospital administration that they waive any right to sue should blood be administered. The reason is that here in Canada, they know that if they don't do this, the court will award custody of the child to a third party, and blood will be used if needed. That way, the parents retain control over all other aspects of the child's medical treatment.
So sad that the innocent children must suffer for the beliefs of the parents. As parents, we brag about serving God or saving the earth yet we have no idea of how to protect our children. We trust leaders yet forget we are commanders.
Which is more sacred, blood which simply "represents" life, or life itself! JWs are so BLOOD GUILTY!
Thank you Eric and all involved in the production of these videos 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
A very logical explanation, very loving ..
Beautifully presented
So nice of you
Appreciate this very much!!
While still in, the Greatest Teacher book was my favourite. It did however reveal to me how the leadership reflected more the attitude and behaviour of the pharisees and sadducees rather than the example set by Jesus when it came to rules and regulations. It opened my eyes that Jesus precisely fought against the type of 'letter of the law' approach to rules because it can cause immense suffering, nullifying the underlying reasons the laws are there in the first place : to shield people from suffering.
Well said!!
You watched a 28 minute video in ten minutes? Lol.
Thank you Eric, as always very well done.
Thank you so much.
You are right. God wants us to practice mercy, not so much sacrifice. It is astonishing how the Watchtower Society has taken certain Bible verses about blood out of context with the rest of the Holy Bible and twisted them to mean that blood transfusions are contrary to God's law of love for one another. The law of love should trump legalism in all aspects. Jesus Christ proved that in His time on this earth. Thank you for your valid points.
Good job my Brother ,looking forward to your next video .John 8:31-32
@zip6404 - Thank you my brother or sister.
Great Job Eric knowledge is Power!
Good Morning my dearly loved brother😊
Wonderfully faith strengthening information,as always, appreciate qirh all mt heart the effort you go to,in order to help others trulky understand the "simple" and beautiful "Truth" that our Living Father gave us.
Thank You once again
@catrionamcgee8685- thank you so much dear sister.
Blessings Eric...
Excellent as always Eric.
I really needed to hear this today. Thankyou.❤
Glad it was helpful!
The greatest compliment the JW Pharisees can give those of us with open minds and hearts is surprisingly this one: 1 John 2:19 "They went out from US, but they did not belong to US." Thank God! I still pray for our loved ones still trapped.
Many have been sacrificed on the altar of the Organization rather than on the all-surpassing love of Christ. Ephesians 3:19
By far, this is your best video ever shared in my opinion.
Thank you!
Thank you bro Good points you presented here . Shunning is not Jesus commandment when one sins. Done watching the whole video and adds too.
Thank you Trinidad.
To the adulterous woman who was dragged to Jesus to get stoned, He simply said: "Go, and sin no more." She was no more sinful than were her guilty, self-righteous accusers. All were in need of the only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. All of us are in need of God's Grace through Christ.
That May 22, 1994 Awake! cover is so hard for me to look at knowing what has happened to those poor children. How can the Governing Body be expecting Lord Jesus to look upon them favorably when he returns expecting him to make them his immortal co-rulers? I try not to judge the salvation of others but I think Lord Jesus will be demanding one very serious accounting of the Governing Body for many things, but especially why they are leading children to die for refusing blood transfusions saying this is what God demands. Anyways, great video Eric :)
I hear you Benjamint8073. It is heartbreaking to see children sacrificed on the JW altar when a clear reading of scripture would save them. 😞
"The wheat and the weeds grow together" but "You will know them by their works"
Very good points made here. Thank you❤
Thanks for watching!
Well done understandble❤
Can someone PLEASE tell me how I can get Dvd's or recordings of Beroean Picketts videos so that I can have a library?
I have a premium TH-cam account. I don't know if you can do this without one, but look for a download button underneath the any video and you can download a video to your computer and build your library.
Thank you for your support.
@@BeroeanPickets Thank You, I will try that.
One thing I have been doing to easily find a certain presentation is by selecting the "SHARE" button under each video, copy that and then add the video's title. Not exactly a library, but helpful.
@@mamajan99Thank You.😊
This hit a nerve with me. I have a daughter who was born in 1976. She got very ill, i took her to the hospital emergency in
Kellogg Idaho. She was then admitted to the hospital. This hospital was at the time under contract with Asarco Mining. I stayed with her until 4am. My father was with me and didn't leave my side.
We left to get some sleep and have a go at it later in the morning. I called the hospital at 9am, they told me she was up and playing. I got dressed and rushed in to see this. When i got there she wasn't playing she was just laying there and hadn't even eaten any of her food. I was called into the hospital to be with her for a spinal tap, i couldn't go in, my husband did. I waited outside i noticed there were several dead bodies laying around on gurneys. The spinal tap, didn't show anything.
I would call in every morning to find out her condition, this went on 4 days. On the last day that i had decided to do something about it, I checked out all my options. We lived 80 miles from the hospital and her doctor .There was no change in her condition. I went to ask the nurses about her progress. There wasn't any nurse at the station. I heard her choking. I ran to her room to turn her on her side.
I called a sister and she came with her blanket and bottle. We had to leave her vehicle, at the KH. WE SET OFF TO MAKE IT TO THE DOCTORS OFFICE. When I got there the doctor let me in through the back door. He saw her and told me to take her to the hospital through the emergency and he would call ahead.
We arrived at the hospital and there was a little bit of confusion. The Dr that was in the emergency room area started to butt in and then my Dr came up and got everything started.
During all this I made a Dr mad, he may have had something to do with Anesthesia, he didn't call himself an Anesthesiologist. It came time they were going to be in surgery. The Dr asked if she could take blood, I said no. We went back and forth about it, and I said something that made him mad. Her Dr said let's not worry about that now. Let's get going.
Her Dr came out and gave me the information on how she was and what was wrong, Osteomyelitis of the right arm, she had 3 growth points that were eaten away from the bone. The other Dr told me that he gave her blood because her blood pressure dropped and it was a safety measure to bring it back up. I was then told that I could not take her from the hospital that she was made a ward of the court of state of Washington.
They did this because I had taken her from the hospital in Kellogg, Idaho.
That wasn't enough she was in the hospital for 6 weeks .
I went to a meeting and a sister had heard that she was given blood, and heard that we would be suing the hospital and Dr in Kellogg idaho for malpractice. She began to tell me the people make mistakes all the time. It was because they wouldn't admit to the fact that they were responsible.
I couldn't believe that I was being scrutinized for this.
I got an attorney and her Dr was behind us. We sued and gave the money to the insurance company and some was kept.
That is why I'm hear is that was when I woke up and my husband was just starting in.
There's more i will share later.
Rud Persson:
Good points Eric. Just as man was not made for the sabbath, but the sabbath for man, so life was not made for blood, but blood for life. The Society has stated that godly people should refuse blood transfusions "out of respect for the sanctity of life." [KNOWLEDGE THAT LEADS TO EVERLASTING LIFE, 1995, page 129] That would mean that one should, under certain circumstances, choose death to uphold "the sanctity of life." The JW leadership has actually outdone the Pharisees in hypocrisy.
Putting the symbol of life above life itself. It is the life that makes the blood sacred. Much like regarding the gold of the temple as more holy than the temple itself.
Thank you Eric!
My pleasure!
Hello Eric, a very interesting talk indeed. Can you explain please how your talk supports or negates the law given in the scriptures post the death of Christ where it says to abstain from blood in Acts 15:29. Though your talk is very well reasoned, this scripture appears to support the thinking of avoiding blood, post the mosaic law that Jesus fulfilled. I would REALLY appreciate an answer because this has bothered me for decades. You appear to see and reason through, both sides of a coin. I really want to get clear thinking on this issue. Many thanks.
For a more thorough analysis of the entire blood issue, please see this series of articles:
Well Done Eric About The Christ
Brother Wilson, I wanted to thank you for your on-line ministry in exposing the falsehoods and corruption of the modern day organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. Not so much the rank and file member/publishers, but the leadership and their puppets; congregation elders. I was disfellowshipped a year and a half ago and am torn between returning, or learning to carry out my preaching and teaching work through another medium. Most on-line critics of JW's have poor scriptural comprehension, or left the organization for selfish reasons. You however, demonstrate your love of the Bible by "holding to the pattern of healthful words", as the authority. (2 Tim. 1: 13) My DF"ing was totally unscriptural, and was clearly the work of biased men, bent on their own will and opinions instead of clear scriptural discipline. Hence the apprehension to return.
The problem many of us have is that we love the true God, Jehovah, and never want to stop declaring His word and purpose to our fellowman. But no other organization has the teaching tools we need to effectively help others learn about the Bible. I am an ex-Bethelite, MS. and elder also for 14 years. So I know the manipulative politics within elder bodies as you do. And I am sickened at the selfish narcissism of the current governing body; asking all publishers to pledge allegiance to the God of the "faithful and discreet slave"!! They are bloodguilty in so many ways, and it's obvious to a trained Christian that the Holy Spirit has left them. Any recommendations would be welcome! Thanks!
Hi @connormusic9274 - Your comment is truly food at the proper time. I'm addressing this issue in the video I'm shooting today, Shunning Part 5, which should be through post-production by Friday. In fact, you caught me just in time to amend the conclusion in line with your concerns. Thank you, my brother.
In the meantime, please join us online. We meet in several languages on different days and times. I think you'll find our meetings to be everything you wish the meetings at the kingdom hall should be, but aren't.
Here's the schedule:
Your comment was beautifully written and contained all the necessary information to see the picture. Like yourself, I'm also a person who needed to see how Watchtower was failing scripturally before I could disconnect from them. One of my exjw friends said recently that she thinks Watchtower will dwindle to being an online entity, like so many other online religions. I hope to make a very short video, in sign language, encouraging the deaf to leave Watchtower. I've written three different scripts for it so far, but can't decide on what's the most important things to tell them. We used to "direct everyone to the organization". We won't be doing that any more.
Thanks, I'll check it out.@@BeroeanPickets
It’s a dark theory but my thought on why the push self sacrifice in the sense of refusing blood is that if you die without accepting Jesus as Lord “ unless you believe that I am he you will parish in your sins.” Same reason on why they tell everyone not to partake of the emblems of the flesh and blood. And Jesus said if you don’t eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.
Through the Pharisees, Satan got people to reject Jesus. So, yes... it seems to follow Satan's pattern that he uses the religion called Jehovah's Witnesses to get people to refuse to partake of the emblems. Satan wants deprive life to as many as possible.
I think many sins are committed in the parish. 🤣
@@BeroeanPickets lol good on spotting the typo lol 😂
…there is a time and place for everything under heaven ~even for the bird catcher
It is personal choice as to whether you accept a blood transfusion. Some may prefer other options but the choice lies with the individual.
Of course everything we do is a “personal choice” but accepting a “blood transfusion” will lead to “disassociation “ it’s hard to say it’s viewed that way by the organization.
If you're a JW you're likely to be disfellowshipoed if a transfusion is accepted. I'm speaking about people in general. Blood transfusions certainly have had their dangers and there are other options other than a transfusion but this is a personal choice if you are not a JW.
Again Eric, this is what happens when a group of men think they can substitute, or replace, Jesus Christ instead of advocating for him just like the Pharisees thought their traditions could replace God’s laws. They end up replacing the law of love with judgment and condemnation and loosing out on everlasting life. Peace
@BeroeanPickets : I have one idea of future topic for you: I noticed JWs never encourage fasting as a way of purification and getting closer to Jehovah. That is in a big contrast to other religions (eg Catholic, Islam) where prayer and fasting are important. Bible also shows multiple examples of fasting. So why JWs completely chose to ignore fasting ? There must be something to it ..
I ignore fasting.
We all have to follow Christ's way of life, and take up our 'cross' and be prepared to suffer persecution, but running ourselves into the ground by having to spend hours and hours in 'service' is not approved by God at all. We give from the heart not by works. However, I do wonder at the blood transfusion thoughts. Blood is sacred and Jesus' blood is what saves us. Quite a few people pretend to be Jehovah's Witnesses if they go to hospital, since they know the dangers of blood. Many die from blood transfusion complications. I am not one of Jehovah's Witnesses but I would try hard to follow the advice in Acts about keeping free from blood and meat which has been strangled.
You should always follow your concience, of course.
Galatians 3:26, "
"For you are all sons and daughters of God through faith in Christ Jesus." Why weren't we taught this while in the Watchtower?
Because Watchtower's talking-heads want to be God's "only children". They try to get rid of their siblings. :)
The Bi me seems to indicate that I indeed blood is sacred.
however while I would never eat or use blood in a worthless way Jesus said when he healed a man on the Sabbath hehe said what is more important the symbol or life in fact I did not break the Sabbath Jehovah’s law was never intended to do harm, and Jesus said he did not break the law of the Sabbath because he did a good act the transfusion of blood used responsibly can save lives
The lock covenant required death for breaking of a Sabbath, but the use of blood required a cleansing and a waiting. Before entering the temple, but by known means that require the death penalty if blood was taken internally, this is a fact so if I need blood to save my life I will take it but I show respect for blood by not using it in a worthless way
Dear Eric,
Thank you for your well thought out video. However I am confused. I fully accept your points on mercy and not sacrifice. However, God has not changed his view on murder or murderers, so that shows that mercy may go a long way, but God's stance on certain things has not changed.
Thus how can we be sure that his standpoint, or view of Blood transfusions is not resolute?
Whilst accepting your points on the mercy side of eating flesh with blood, under certain circumstances, the flesh to be eaten could and I am sure it was, cleansed as thoroughly of blood as was humanly possible. However, wasn't it the meat that saved or maintained their lives in these instances rather than the blood?
I feel the Jw's may be correct on this one, although I stand to be taught otherwise. Currently though, my family and I have not changed our views on this particular matter since leaving the WT Society.
I write from confusion, not a wish to create division.
For a more thorough discussion of the entire blood issue, please view this series of Articles:
Dear brother,
First please do not apologise about your English. I, and I am sure no-one else had any problems reading it.
Second, I thank you for your love and time in replying to me.
Very kind regards,
Watchtower still observes the Mosaic Law. They have not accepted Jesus and the law covenant. True Christians are not under the Mosaic Law.
Bible don't teaches that there will be a new heaven rulling over this earth instead a new heaven / atmosphare and a new earth rev 21 : verse 1 and second Peter 3: 13
Well, i have to disagree with the blood when it comes to the effects. I think even the Governing Body will die for their belief of blood transfusion. Their teaching it and also doing it. because even them are subject to that teaching and willing to accept disiplinary action if they accept blood transfusion or even their love once,it will affects all of them no matter what.
Thanks for a good videos Rick. God bless you..
An insane national leader in the 1940's went down denying the truth to the very end. Such is the result of self-delusion.
WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces????e WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces???
Jeh is drawing those into union with his son.The WT is still a source of testing the hearts of claimed Christians. For those that Father doesn't wake up,there us a reason for it.Imo
Fathers hands on effect against all of Babylon including ifciurse Christendom(which Jborg is part) is coming.
Your life is in the hands of Jehovah, not a Doctor given blood. You need to pray to him and follow his guide through the Holy Spirit.
Jehovah's holy spirit can be on the doctor who treats his patient, just as Jehovah's holy spirit can cause your prayers to be answered.
je suis toujours heureux d écouter tes discours je continue a lire la bible de mon coté a rechercher Dieu, tes discours m aident beaucoup je veux garder ma foi en dieu
c est si apaisant dans ce monde merci encore
Je suis heureux que la vidéo vous soit utile. C’est tellement merveilleux de trouver la paix dans la vérité trouvée dans la Bible. Je suis contente que cela te calme.
"Self-sacrifice" doesn't appear in the Bible???? Why am I not surpised?
The expressions "exercise/exercised/exercising faith" aren't found anywhere in scripture either! 😀 We were thoroughly deceived.
I "exercised" my faith when this "elder" walked out their door 30 years ago! Now, am am shocked by what has gone on since then. From what I am seeing, (as Eric said in another video), "NOW THEY ARE JUST MAKING STUFF UP!" 300 year = 1 generation. Really?
@@mamajan99 (Job 42:16) After this Job lived for 140 years, and he saw his children and his grandchildren - FOUR generations.
So according to the BIBLE, one generation = 35 - 50 years - max! 😀 (I never had a "higher" education, but still figured it out)
By just taking the Bible and not using the org, I studied the blood issue on my own. Today we have different gods, one is the god of science and medicine. The science of evolution has convinced many people we evolved from apes. The all knowing god of medicine is always right. But they cannot give you a guarantee of life. Standing up to this god seems impossible. God gave this blood law to Noah the father of all living now. This was animal blood. But human blood: the soul is in the blood the Bible explains. The dead animal eaten is different then whole glass of pure blood. Testing God? Anyway abstain from blood and if not you are unclean in God’s sight. You can believe the medical profession and take your chances with God but my conscience can’t do that. I am afraid the JWs got this piece of the puzzle right. The churches have given mercy to everyone to the point they are filled with all immorality and it spreads. The congregations in revelation shows how Jesus feels about mercy to certain ones. Watching the witnesses deal with this blood issue and the people involved, I have personally seen a 50/50 chance you will live with blood and the same chance without. The god of medicine and science has been wrong throughout the years: persecuted those who preached about germs, blood letting, the world is flat back then, not to be challenged. Today do we don’t know about the soul that is in the blood, but God had warned us about things we can’t see: abstain from blood.
Just curious, but did you watch this video all the way through and the No blood video linked in at the end? (See
Or is this just something you believe without addressing the issues raised in these two videos?
@@BeroeanPickets yes I have seen all your videos on blood.
Just to add I watch your videos twice once with my spouse on another TH-cam channel. Will rewatch again to see your points that may have missed.
@@BeroeanPickets after viewing the videos I picked up some insights. Up until Jesus there was no provisions for life then only Jesus’s blood was provided. To take in another’s imperfect blood to shortly extend your life seems to be a slap in Jesus’s face. Love God was the first command, humans love come second. Change taking blood with fornication. Would you commit that to extend your life? Offending God would be the first worry, diseases would be the second. When God’s command to not eat blood was given, it was a dietary command, it also tied it into God’s accounting system. Satan worshippers drink blood in defiance and Satan should know. Blood transfusion used the same way? A greedy corporation owns the blood. So if someone refuses chemotherapy and dies are they responsible for their death? Some live anyway. Same with blood. The world is against the Christians we have to be careful to falling for Satans slick tricks.
@@blindear5303 You write: "The world is against the Christians we have to be careful to falling for Satans slick tricks." Correct. But remember the warning at Ephesians 4:14. "We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth." (NLT)
Your reasoning is not based on a clear command, but on your personal interpretation. As such, it should guide you, but not others. Let each one answer to his own conscience. Fornication is a clearly defined law. But there is no clear law against blood transfusions. Noah was told not to eat the blood of an animal that he had killed. The Watch Tower Corporation tells us that the command given to the Gentiles to "abstain from blood" meant more than eating or drinking it, but it also included its use in medical procedures. The entire thing is based on the interpretation of men that taking a blood transfusion is the same things as eating blood, but our body does not "eat" nor "consume" as nutrition the blood we get as a transfusion.
Your reasoning--pure human opinion--is this: "To take in another’s imperfect blood to shortly extend your life seems to be a slap in Jesus’s face." So, Jesus would rather we die early, than do something to alleviate our suffering, and the suffering of loved one? I don't see anything in Jesus' live to support such a cold judgment. He spent his life showing us what mercy meant, ending the suffering of thousands, but it appears you have failed to understand what God meant when he hold his people: "I want mercy, not sacrifice!"
Easy enough to poke holes in the ridiculous JW creed. Do mormonism next - even sillier. Then adventists, etc. Then use that logic trail to debunk the biggee - all mythology, christianity, islam, hinduism, etc. Then you will be free.
Following Christ is wise.
In amongst all that, I'll try to proclaim the true good news. 😉