It just blows my mind when I see a number of "thumbs down" on your videos, because I know you have put a lot of time & energy into them and the "catchy song" at the end just tops it all off. I find myself singing it as I drive down the road. What's not to like? Just rude people I think!
I think those people don’t have anything better to do than be negative I’ve watched boss for long time and has always had good down to earth educational videos
feel sorry for them. They are probably stuck in a crappy job , live in a crappy place and have to deal with crappy people every day. We are so thankful that we have some land, fresh air, a small garden, and our health & happiness. Praise the Lord. We thank him at every dinner meal. Amen.
i appreciate that you "didn't make a video on how to do something you didn't know how to do yourself." i question a lot of howto videos... im like this is for sure his first time doing this. its nice when they say it upfront. maybe if you filmed it, say up front that it's your experience learning to install them so it's less of a howto and more of a blog on your experience.
As a 25-year roofer, I always say rout your stove pipe out the wall and no soler on the roof. Never put a hole in your roof. EVER. Great video, I'm incanada looking for unorganized land. Your living the dream friend. I hope to soon as well.
I agree about holes in the roof but at times there are exceptions. This cabin is on the wrong side of the mountain for solar and this point on the roof has the most sun for the longest period of the day. So far so good :-) Good luck with your land search. I'm searching for some myself but on my side of the St Lawrence :-)
Great video and something I’ve been considering ! My wife thinks I am completely freakin crazy walking around singing Frankie and the Boss after your videos !! Lmao. Take care
Every time my phone goes off with an update for a TH-cam video, by boys are hollering 'is that the boss's video Ma? They always hope to see Tilldy and Frankie.... but sit through anything you talk about.. lol they are after their dad to build a greenhouse like yours! Lol thanks again boss! As always, we learned something!
Thanks for saving me the time up front not to bother watching. I wish other YT posters would be so considerate.I hope your system lives up to your hopes.
oh goody ! this feeds right into our very first 80 degree day , talk about charged up ! ol hoss is dancing Tennessee walking ,flexing his muscles in the warm sunshine . flapping and clapping his new shoes 🐎 oh wait ...back in the 50's and rain tomorrow.☔ well it won't be long and we all will be tap dancing into spring time🌱 🐝 lawn chair Long neck's in the greenhouse are a pretty good distraction till then. have a great week 🍻
Great video on installation of a simple and small system. One bonus you didn't mention is, by elevating you panels a little off the roof you allow the warm/hot air to vent from under the panel, keeping your panels cooler. Cooler panels are more efficient than warmer/hotter panels so you generate higher voltages from your solar panels.
@@thebossoftheswamp Probably more than you want to know but my MPPT charge controller (Outback MX-60) can take 100 volts up to 60 amps of input. Using 24V panels I was going to run strings of 3 panels in series. The output of each panel is very near 33 volts. On a really cold winter day with snow on the ground (reflected light) and the sun at just the right angle it is unlikely but still possible to exceed 100V with three panels in series. This would let the 'magic smoke' out of the charge controller making for a very expensive day. Sorry about the complexity of this explanation, I hope you get it. I'd comment more but don't want to appear pompous. Thanks for your really great videos.
As with everything in life, there is a learning curve. And switching from on grid power to solar power, you have to learn what your system can and cannot handle. (you may also need to adjust your system to meet your needs) I went through that learning curve over 6 years ago and have been off grid ever since. Not having a utility bill in over 6 years is priceless.
How many watts did you set up? Did you do the system for your house or cabin? I'm wanting to set up for my house and I'm wondering how many watts I should consider or at least start with, then add on later. I live in Canada and can access the Canadian Amazon if you have products to refer to. Thanks.
When I bought my land, I built a 14' X 16' cabin, on a full-size basement. I figured out what appliances and equipment I needed to have in my cabin, then I calculated how many total watts were required to operate everything for a 24-hour period and designed my solar system, using those figures. Being new to solar, I made the typical mistakes of using non quality equipment and learned the hard way to go with name brand, high quality equipment that will last. My system can be viewed in the videos on my channel, which is accessible by clicking on my name.
Boss, I gotta say the solar power on my off grid cabin was a wonderful addition. Like you, just a couple of lights and charging small devices is about all we do but it's nice to have. I bought mine piece meal from Missouri Wind and Solar about 3 years ago. They have (had?) some informative how-to videos on their website. And, like you, I found some PT scraps in the pile and built a frame for the panel. Harvesting rain water, making your own electricity, burning your own firewood....all very satisfying. Thanks for all your great ideas and suggestions and encouragement over the last few years. I think your winter solitude video (the month you spent alone at your upstate NY cabin) was the biggest inspiration for me. Reminded me of why I do what I do. Enjoy every moment and live life on your own terms. A great message. Hope you are well and God bless. Tom
Great video. I recently did a setup. DC batteries. Worked great in winter. Summer came and because I didn’t understand that BMS battery management systems would cut off the extra power from over charging the batteries I cooked them. The got new batteries. Obviously 🙄 it happened again. Newer lithium batteries have a BMS built in and will do all of the above. I was using DC nicad 🤦
I really don't know squat about this stuff but my simple system has been working flawlessly since i set it up. I think about improving it butlike they say "if it aint broke - don't fix it" :-D
A battery maintainace system is needed to keep the batteries from over charging.Bcuz over charging is as bad as under charging. Batteries are the most expensive part of any solar system & you don't want to have to repurchase them. The maintainer is a cheap security system (little box) that protects your expensive batteries. I recommend it and a lightening grounding rod for any home/cabin setup.
@@denisewilson8367 yes. I learned this twice the hard way. I watched a lot of videos on these setups and either I missed it or it was not stated enough. It’s super important. 🤦🏼
During the recent snow storms in Texas, so many lost power for days! My daughter and son-in-law were in their little solar powered cabin living the life, but almost feeling guilty that they were so comfortable, when so many others were not!
Boss, love your Northern accent! Since my life, most of it anyway was lived in South Carolina (where I was born and left at 18 for the Army in 1963), after discharged lived in Texas for 10 years and moved to Louisiana with my job with VA Hospital System. So as you can see I’ve endure the South pretty much all of my life and I’m now 76 years old. Our kids are after us to move to Texas to be closer since we’re not getting any younger. But just needed to explain why I like your accent so much! God Bless you, Lorie and da fur babies Frankie & Tildie, love your channel and the easy living you doing which can be pretty hard and aggravating some of the time. Bob W.
Just love watching your videos brings back memories of my younger days watching n learning from my uncle n his inventive ways ... another way to harness energy is to hook up a cord to that lil ball of energy you call tildy lol she's awesome n so is ol Frankie lol ...keep up the good work on the videos
Thanks for explaining your system, I've seen others that are a mass of wires and thing-a-ma-jiggers I couldn't make heads or tails out of! Your system is much easier to do. Again thanks Boss. Say hi to Mama, give Frankie and Tildie hugs and a treat from me. Much love from So.Cal.💟
This was my 1st introduction to The Boss Vlog,, Since watching it,, i have started from the beginning,, i'm currently 5 yrs (you just cut down a Maple for the Deeahs) behind,, I have never seen a better TH-cam site,, you're Hilarious,, you're insight is spot on,, and Frankie is the Cats Meow.. (pun intended Frankie),, I followed a Dream 4 yrs ago and moved oversea's,, since the outbreak of The Wuhan Virus i've been locked down for a yr,, so next week i'm headed back to America where i will start my Off Grid Life,, you're Philosophy and Humor just re-enforces what i've always thought about Living off grid,, Stop by and help assemble the Yurt,, doors open,, oh an bring some Moose Drool..
Your comment is the second one I've read so far this morning and it's put my day off to a good start. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and best of luck with your plans.
Watching you two really kept me smiling while we were all "Locked Down" with Covid, lol. I'm a tad to old to run out and go off grid, but if it gets crazy enough I still might go ahead and walk out into the woods to never be heard from by "Society". Ancient hand tools may take longer but would still get things done. God Bless you two, I remember when Frankie was much smaller. Stay safe Boss.
I picked up used panels with no frames on them. I've built a stand for them and only thing I can think of is using Liquid Nails and then put strips of wood around them like you did yours. Since mine is 6 ft in the Air I can easily stand under it to do all my connection's. Maybe even with the space under it I can make a little shed for yard crap and tires. So my stand is ready but my energy is in the pooper to lay panels, at least I won't have to go on my roof.
Yes, the Boss covers it. Thanks my friend, clean and simple. References for us to get "all" the information, as you could never cover every possible issue. You do great work. Keep on young man, appreciate your hard word and great details. God Bless
I'm glad to see the solar is working good for you on the mountain Boss. I to have grape solar/GS400 system here in Michigan. Loving it. Great video. God bless you and your family.
Appreciate you sharing your knowledge and skills with us. Love solar and looking forward to getting my own system. In our thoughts and prayers. God Bless y'all and the kids ✌❤😁
I've watched a boatload of videos and this is the first I've heard of inverters using up power in and of itself. That's very important info to know. Thanks.
Dadgum, Bossman, checked out your art page. An artist you are for sure. A little quote I keep on my BBA Accounting degree I didn't use~ "He who uses his hands, eyes, mind, and his heart, is an artist". I'm a lifelong 3rd gen Carpenter. Thanks for another fine video.
Great video like usual. I got to say four years ago I started off with one panel and one battery deep cycle living totally off grid I’m now up to 10 renogy 100 watt panels which is 1000 Watts and 6 -100 amp hour batteries. I bought the Renogy battery,s in the beginning But found that the warranty on them Wasn’t anywhere near as good as the lithium ion Battle Born Bateries which is 100% replacement for the first 10 years and then a prorated additional five you’re on top of that so Renogy was good enough after some convincing to refund my money and take their batteries back. I am also on my third charge controller because as you increase your panels output the charge controller has to accommodate the power from those panels so right now with the charge controller I have I could go up to 1400 W which means I could get four more panels. Should’ve realized it was like building a garage always make it bigger than you need because you’re going to use it I would’ve saved A lot of money if I would’ve taken that into account but I was green and not really sure what I was doing. And like you said January and February are very low power producing months in New Hampshire, right now I’m running pretty much without the generator and that’s including running a pellet stove which takes a lot more power than I thought it would.
As far as I’m concerned cheap is always good. I’m getting ready to build her off grid cabin/home out in the desert and I’m planning to do it as cheap as possible. Thank you so much for your videos I really enjoyed them and got some great ideas to boot.
I have an up comming project im working on, its 1 pannel, 1 battery and a pair of street lamps I built my self. The goal is to have fail safe lighting for my driveway to discourage theives. Eventually I would love to take my entire home and workshop off grid and no longer be dependent on the local utility system.
Thank you so very much for this video. Your explanation of everything was so spot on and to the point. I bought a solar generator last year (for just in case) but would love to expand. I’m currently in a rural area and would love to install a complete set up and kiss the elec. co good riddance. Once my momma goes home to Our Most High, I will move out of the rat race. Thank you from my heart for ALL of your videos. Not only does your guidance and wisdom help me considerably, but your good natured, love of life provides such a peace in me...for that; I am grateful to you!!
Will's book is pretty invaluable when it comes to solar. He is a pretty "smart cookie". I watch a lot of his YT vids as well. It's amazing how much power you can get from such a small system.
Nice solar setup! I have too have a small system that i built myself. 1000 watts total in solar panels, a 1000 watt pure sine wave Renogy inverter and i recently upgraded my battery bank to a single 100AH Power Queen LiFePo4 battery. Greetings from Jamaica.
I like it. The only caveat is that the incoming fuses you got (inline). I had the same and got about a year and a half until one day we had a lightning storm in the area. We got what I later found out to be an indirect strike...mere static in the air that came in the lines and went right through the inline fuses and fried everything. If you drive a ground rod and run a lead up to the panel frames it'll help avoid having the same expensive problem I had. Good luck with your system.
finally ... came across another part of your videos .. others make this so complicated... i will be totally off grid next year.. was almost giving up on any electric power.. as the companies who install it are so expensive and want to load me with more kwh than I would require to sell for a higher price than I am willing or able to attend to,,.south of the mason dixon line.. I should be able to easy have solar... right now my only power to move into my homestead is a jackery solar generator and a propane duel fuel generator which I dont wish to run much as it is very loud
Always enjoy watching yall's videos. The young man that put the book out has a TH-cam channel. He's very sharp fella on that solar power stuff and a heck of a life story to tell on his path in life.
Boss man, I always appreciate your honesty. Sometimes these projects can be a little intimidating. Hearing it from you makes me feel better about all the times I’ve experienced this. I’m not as handy as you but can hold my own. I’ll find myself putting these projects off, but then I’ll somehow breeze through them once I actually start. Means a lot to hear someone like you can be a little stand offish with certain things. Nice to know we’re not alone. God bless my friends!
I like that Boss. Dragging your feet a little. I always appreciate your response to my comments and thoughts. It really means a lot to me and brightens my day. You mean so much to so many of us! Take care my friend and God bless you and yours. It would be so wonderful to actually meet you and spend a day together. We can dream, right?
Hi Boss thank you once again for showing how you did solar. I would love to do solar but don’t have enough sun for it due the the trees. Once I get thing squared away around here I may really look at it. We have outages all the time so I like the idea of solar and storage. Take care Boss, God bless you and yours.
The batteries are awesome! I upgraded to lithium and don’t regret it. The only drawback is you cannot charge them when it is below freezing. Even though they are initially expensive, they will out perform and out last lead acid batteries. Because they last longer, in the long run are more economical.
Good stuff Boss. I started setting up a house with solar several years ago. I ran most of the wiring from the panel locations to the charge controllers. A couple of suggestions. As much as possible use 12 volt power and skip the inverter. I ran 12 volt wiring for lights using 900 lumen LED s from SuperBrightLED The bulbs were 25 dollars then and well worth the money. The lights are getting close to 10 years old and still out perform anything else. Amp draw is extremely low like .05 amps per hour. If I remember the math correctly. I could be wrong but then again I have never been accused of being right. The owner has done modifications to the original setup. If somebody out there likes to listen to music, two knob style 12 volt car radios will play for days on a 100 Amp hour battery. My friend installed three of them in his house with speakers mounted in the ceiling. Look at the truck stop there are numerous 12 volt appliances to include refrigerators/freezers, that will run from a small solar setup. These could be useful in a grid down situation for those living in an urban area to help keep food and medicines fresh until the power comes back, As a back up I rigged up a couple of terminal posts on the side of the house. In a pinch I could jump the house off the truck. For those with more of an interest look up Will Prowse on You Tube. He can be extremely technical but has videos for beginners. His website is a fantastic resource. Very smart young man.
@@thebossoftheswamp Anytime Boss. You have shared your Backwoods Logic with us for many years. I can give back in areas where I have some experience. Even if it is pointing them to a resource of information.
Hi JC - I use Renogy products too with no problems. I have a small panel that attaches to my RV's window with suction cups and it has a USB outlet on it for charging cell phones, etc. The other small panel I have has a variety of attachments that I use to keep my motorcycle or ATV battery charged when it's not in use. That one is portable as well and works great! Thanks for sharing your info!
Since most of my solar books are more than 25 years old I took your advice and bought the Mobile Solar Power Made Easy by Prowse. It is a very good recommendation for both beginners and veterans. I read the first few chapters and can't wait to get on with it.
I think you are coming along well. The capacity to grow your solar is the key. I actually have two systems here: 1500w/24V and a 10,000w/48V I really like solar because for me year round it serves my needs and is very simple and maintenance free as well. thanks for the video. Jim in Chile
I saw that you answered my txt. Thank you so much! That fuse is so smart! I have been off grid for about 15 years, kind of like you guys. My kids think I need power. Been sitting on these solar kits for a while. Time to put them together. Thank you so much! Just needed a little push. This video was perfect for me. I really enjoy your videos. Thanks again!
Hummmm. I have really thought about solar for my shed. U make it look simple enough. I’m thinking 2 Panels would work. I’m gonna do some thinking Thanks.
It just blows my mind when I see a number of "thumbs down" on your videos, because I know you have put a lot of time & energy into them and the "catchy song" at the end just tops it all off. I find myself singing it as I drive down the road. What's not to like? Just rude people I think!
I think those people don’t have anything better to do than be negative I’ve watched boss for long time and has always had good down to earth educational videos
feel sorry for them. They are probably stuck in a crappy job , live in a crappy place and have to deal with crappy people every day. We are so thankful that we have some land, fresh air, a small garden, and our health & happiness. Praise the Lord. We thank him at every dinner meal. Amen.
Josey, I agree 100% with you. These videos aren't just instructional they are definitely entertaining.
They’re obviously communists.
Fortunatly we cant see them anymore :)
This video, by far, was the simplest method for installing a small solar system that I've seen so far. You da man!
That’s why he’s the BOSS!!!
Glad you liked it!
I always like it when some one makes something one thinks is complicated and makes it simple. Thanks Boss
Yes I agree. I think people who make things seem complicated aren't really trying to teach/help you.
i appreciate that you "didn't make a video on how to do something you didn't know how to do yourself." i question a lot of howto videos... im like this is for sure his first time doing this. its nice when they say it upfront. maybe if you filmed it, say up front that it's your experience learning to install them so it's less of a howto and more of a blog on your experience.
Finally I`ve seen how it`s all hooked up simply .Thanks
As a 25-year roofer, I always say rout your stove pipe out the wall and no soler on the roof.
Never put a hole in your roof.
Great video, I'm incanada looking for unorganized land. Your living the dream friend. I hope to soon as well.
I agree about holes in the roof but at times there are exceptions. This cabin is on the wrong side of the mountain for solar and this point on the roof has the most sun for the longest period of the day. So far so good :-)
Good luck with your land search. I'm searching for some myself but on my side of the St Lawrence :-)
@thebossoftheswamp I'm horny
I have no idea why I've been intimidated by solar. After watching this, no excuses. Thank you
Great video. I've things like this, because it helps me game plan.
Great video and something I’ve been considering ! My wife thinks I am completely freakin crazy walking around singing Frankie and the Boss after your videos !! Lmao. Take care
Nice humble, informative video. Thank you sir. ⭐️
Every time my phone goes off with an update for a TH-cam video, by boys are hollering 'is that the boss's video Ma? They always hope to see Tilldy and Frankie.... but sit through anything you talk about.. lol they are after their dad to build a greenhouse like yours! Lol thanks again boss! As always, we learned something!
Good luck with your greenhouse :-))
Thanks for saving me the time up front not to bother watching. I wish other YT posters would be so considerate.I hope your system lives up to your hopes.
Does this guy realize how smart he really is? Wow D frikin tailed. 👍
For a long time i was never sold on I have it I wouldnt be without it😊👍
Things have improved a great deal even in the last 15 years. The cost of solar panels has dropped a great deal and the panels are better too!
You're not kidding. It's very affordable now :-))
Great Solar TH-cam channel that keeps it simple and easy is Grumpy Mountain Man for those who want to learn and do it yourself
oh goody ! this feeds right into our very first 80 degree day , talk about charged up !
ol hoss is dancing Tennessee walking ,flexing his muscles in the warm sunshine .
flapping and clapping his new shoes 🐎
oh wait ...back in the 50's and rain tomorrow.☔
well it won't be long and we all will be tap dancing into spring time🌱 🐝
lawn chair Long neck's in the greenhouse are a pretty good distraction till then.
have a great week 🍻
Always enjoy your videos JC. Stay safe and God Bless my friend. Until the next one.
God Bless :-)
Good job my friend,very good and helpful
Great video on installation of a simple and small system.
One bonus you didn't mention is, by elevating you panels a little off the roof you allow the warm/hot air to vent from under the panel, keeping your panels cooler. Cooler panels are more efficient than warmer/hotter panels so you generate higher voltages from your solar panels.
Great point and thanks for commenting :-)
@@thebossoftheswamp Probably more than you want to know but my MPPT charge controller (Outback MX-60) can take 100 volts up to 60 amps of input. Using 24V panels I was going to run strings of 3 panels in series.
The output of each panel is very near 33 volts. On a really cold winter day with snow on the ground (reflected light) and the sun at just the right angle it is unlikely but still possible to exceed 100V with three panels in series. This would let the 'magic smoke' out of the charge controller making for a very expensive day.
Sorry about the complexity of this explanation, I hope you get it. I'd comment more but don't want to appear pompous. Thanks for your really great videos.
I wish I'd understand this stuff more, but what you say makes sense, so THANKS🤓
"Desclos Power & Light" haha! That's the Goldie Lox System, not too big, not too small. Nice job
This video was powerful, electrifying, charged with energy!
I’ll show myself out.
You got me choking on my own spit!
Thanks Boss, wife and I are in the process of doing this right .now !!!
You can do it!
You simplify everything! God bless
Thanks for your insight and wisdom
This is the simplest video I have ever seen. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
As with everything in life, there is a learning curve. And switching from on grid power to solar power, you have to learn what your system can and cannot handle. (you may also need to adjust your system to meet your needs)
I went through that learning curve over 6 years ago and have been off grid ever since. Not having a utility bill in over 6 years is priceless.
How many watts did you set up? Did you do the system for your house or cabin? I'm wanting to set up for my house and I'm wondering how many watts I should consider or at least start with, then add on later. I live in Canada and can access the Canadian Amazon if you have products to refer to. Thanks.
When I bought my land, I built a 14' X 16' cabin, on a full-size basement. I figured out what appliances and equipment I needed to have in my cabin, then I calculated how many total watts were required to operate everything for a 24-hour period and designed my solar system, using those figures.
Being new to solar, I made the typical mistakes of using non quality equipment and learned the hard way to go with name brand, high quality equipment that will last.
My system can be viewed in the videos on my channel, which is accessible by clicking on my name.
Very simple, easy and concise.
Boss, I gotta say the solar power on my off grid cabin was a wonderful addition. Like you, just a couple of lights and charging small devices is about all we do but it's nice to have. I bought mine piece meal from Missouri Wind and Solar about 3 years ago. They have (had?) some informative how-to videos on their website. And, like you, I found some PT scraps in the pile and built a frame for the panel. Harvesting rain water, making your own electricity, burning your own firewood....all very satisfying.
Thanks for all your great ideas and suggestions and encouragement over the last few years. I think your winter solitude video (the month you spent alone at your upstate NY cabin) was the biggest inspiration for me. Reminded me of why I do what I do. Enjoy every moment and live life on your own terms. A great message. Hope you are well and God bless.
I wouldn't trade this lifestyle for anything. It's physical and demanding but rewarding beyond words.
Life is what you make of it :-))
God Bless.
You have such a knack for simply making beautiful things. :)
Thank you for that :-)
Your system works for you, and I actually think it will work for me as well. Thanks Boss!
Watching you it all looks great, since it is all Greek to me, if you say it is good and proper, so be it. Thanks for the video. You made it look easy.
That certainly seems simple enough, thanks for the video!
Great video. I recently did a setup. DC batteries. Worked great in winter. Summer came and because I didn’t understand that BMS battery management systems would cut off the extra power from over charging the batteries I cooked them. The got new batteries. Obviously 🙄 it happened again. Newer lithium batteries have a BMS built in and will do all of the above. I was using DC nicad 🤦
I really don't know squat about this stuff but my simple system has been working flawlessly since i set it up. I think about improving it butlike they say "if it aint broke - don't fix it" :-D
A battery maintainace system is needed to keep the batteries from over charging.Bcuz over charging is as bad as under charging. Batteries are the most expensive part of any solar system & you don't want to have to repurchase them. The maintainer is a cheap security system (little box) that protects your expensive batteries. I recommend it and a lightening grounding rod for any home/cabin setup.
@@denisewilson8367 yes. I learned this twice the hard way. I watched a lot of videos on these setups and either I missed it or it was not stated enough. It’s super important. 🤦🏼
@@denisewilson8367 do you have any recommendations please. I want my third attempt to work perfectly. =]
During the recent snow storms in Texas, so many lost power for days! My daughter and son-in-law were in their little solar powered cabin living the life, but almost feeling guilty that they were so comfortable, when so many others were not!
I feel the same about everyone getting worked up over stuff they see on social media. We stay away from all that and just enjoy our days ;-))
Just the video I've been searching for these last few years, thank you!
Glad I could help! I'll be doing another similar setup at my other cabin soon. Will film it start to finish.
Great video! Thanks!
"Scraps Solar"
I like it!
You should adopt it a a Nick-Name!.
Hi, I'm "Scraps" & this is my Solar Installation.
Yup. Yankee ingenuity and common sense. We are seriously blessed. Thanks.
Boss, love your Northern accent! Since my life, most of it anyway was lived in South Carolina (where I was born and left at 18 for the Army in 1963), after discharged lived in Texas for 10 years and moved to Louisiana with my job with VA Hospital System. So as you can see I’ve endure the South pretty much all of my life and I’m now 76 years old. Our kids are after us to move to Texas to be closer since we’re not getting any younger. But just needed to explain why I like your accent so much! God Bless you, Lorie and da fur babies Frankie & Tildie, love your channel and the easy living you doing which can be pretty hard and aggravating some of the time. Bob W.
Glad you enjoy my ramblings Bob and thank you for saying so :-))
Thank you! I appreciate your informative videos.
Glad you like them!
Just love watching your videos brings back memories of my younger days watching n learning from my uncle n his inventive ways ... another way to harness energy is to hook up a cord to that lil ball of energy you call tildy lol she's awesome n so is ol Frankie lol ...keep up the good work on the videos
Amen🙏Janie D😊
Thanks for the video. Keeping it fundamental and simple is good for most of us. Especially me!! Best of luck out there.
Glad it was helpful :-)
Couldn't have been more clear and informative. Thanks !
Thanks Boss. This was such a help. Took all the decision making out of the equation for me.
Thanks for the info boss. I honestly thought it would be far more complicated than that. Bless you all.
We appreciate the support and feedback!
Thanks for explaining your system, I've seen others that are a mass of wires and thing-a-ma-jiggers I couldn't make heads or tails out of! Your system is much easier to do. Again thanks Boss. Say hi to Mama, give Frankie and Tildie hugs and a treat from me. Much love from So.Cal.💟
Glad it helped :-))
This was my 1st introduction to The Boss Vlog,, Since watching it,, i have started from the beginning,, i'm currently 5 yrs (you just cut down a Maple for the Deeahs) behind,, I have never seen a better TH-cam site,, you're Hilarious,, you're insight is spot on,, and Frankie is the Cats Meow.. (pun intended Frankie),, I followed a Dream 4 yrs ago and moved oversea's,, since the outbreak of The Wuhan Virus i've been locked down for a yr,, so next week i'm headed back to America where i will start my Off Grid Life,, you're Philosophy and Humor just re-enforces what i've always thought about Living off grid,, Stop by and help assemble the Yurt,, doors open,, oh an bring some Moose Drool..
Your comment is the second one I've read so far this morning and it's put my day off to a good start. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and best of luck with your plans.
Thank you for your blunt honesty and making this so simple to understand
My pleasure!
Well put together system very nicely I like it.
Thank you :-)
Thank you. Have a Bless weekend. Hugs from Oklahoma
Thank you! You too!
Watching you two really kept me smiling while we were all "Locked Down" with Covid, lol. I'm a tad to old to run out and go off grid, but if it gets crazy enough I still might go ahead and walk out into the woods to never be heard from by "Society". Ancient hand tools may take longer but would still get things done. God Bless you two, I remember when Frankie was much smaller. Stay safe Boss.
Frankie boy turns 13 next month. He'll be a hard one to lose .
I picked up used panels with no frames on them. I've built a stand for them and only thing I can think of is using Liquid Nails and then put strips of wood around them like you did yours. Since mine is 6 ft in the Air I can easily stand under it to do all my connection's. Maybe even with the space under it I can make a little shed for yard crap and tires. So my stand is ready but my energy is in the pooper to lay panels, at least I won't have to go on my roof.
Good idea.
I put my first set up on ladder style scaffolds like a bakers rack but slightly wider.
snow removal is abear. Set up on the ground facing south is the way to go.
In our location, the roof has sun a lot more than the ground so the roof was the best spot for them.
Yes, the Boss covers it. Thanks my friend, clean and simple. References for us to get "all" the information, as you could never cover every possible issue. You do great work. Keep on young man, appreciate your hard word and great details. God Bless
Thank you and God Bless :-)
I'm glad to see the solar is working good for you on the mountain Boss. I to have grape solar/GS400 system here in Michigan. Loving it. Great video. God bless you and your family.
God Bless :-))
Appreciate you sharing your knowledge and skills with us. Love solar and looking forward to getting my own system. In our thoughts and prayers. God Bless y'all and the kids ✌❤😁
Thank you Sandra and God Bless :-))
Glad for you guys having a bit of solar.
Me too :-)
Hey Boss. This seems pretty doable. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
I've watched a boatload of videos and this is the first I've heard of inverters using up power in and of itself. That's very important info to know. Thanks.
Glad it was helpful!
Dadgum, Bossman, checked out your art page. An artist you are for sure. A little quote I keep on my BBA Accounting degree I didn't use~ "He who uses his hands, eyes, mind, and his heart, is an artist". I'm a lifelong 3rd gen Carpenter. Thanks for another fine video.
Thank you kindly :-)
Thanks Boss! All the BEST to you and Laurie!
Thank you and the same to you!
Thank you so much. This is very self explanatory.
Finally someone that can make it so simple that anyone can understand!!! Awesome Job!!! Thanks so much!!
Glad you liked it!
Great video like usual. I got to say four years ago I started off with one panel and one battery deep cycle living totally off grid I’m now up to 10 renogy 100 watt panels which is 1000 Watts and 6 -100 amp hour batteries. I bought the Renogy battery,s in the beginning But found that the warranty on them Wasn’t anywhere near as good as the lithium ion Battle Born Bateries which is 100% replacement for the first 10 years and then a prorated additional five you’re on top of that so Renogy was good enough after some convincing to refund my money and take their batteries back. I am also on my third charge controller because as you increase your panels output the charge controller has to accommodate the power from those panels so right now with the charge controller I have I could go up to 1400 W which means I could get four more panels. Should’ve realized it was like building a garage always make it bigger than you need because you’re going to use it I would’ve saved
A lot of money if I would’ve taken that into account but I was green and not really sure what I was doing. And like you said January and February are very low power producing months in New Hampshire, right now I’m running pretty much without the generator and that’s including running a pellet stove which takes a lot more power than I thought it would.
Hey, God bless you too! Good video, thank you. Thumbs up ~John
As far as I’m concerned cheap is always good. I’m getting ready to build her off grid cabin/home out in the desert and I’m planning to do it as cheap as possible. Thank you so much for your videos I really enjoyed them and got some great ideas to boot.
I have an up comming project im working on, its 1 pannel, 1 battery and a pair of street lamps I built my self.
The goal is to have fail safe lighting for my driveway to discourage theives.
Eventually I would love to take my entire home and workshop off grid and no longer be dependent on the local utility system.
Your video helped me visualize a simple off grid system. Thank you!
Thanks for your information. I will be watching this again.
Glad it was helpful!
Excellent video! God bless you too!
Thank you so very much for this video. Your explanation of everything was so spot on and to the point. I bought a solar generator last year (for just in case) but would love to expand.
I’m currently in a rural area and would love to install a complete set up and kiss the elec. co good riddance.
Once my momma goes home to Our Most High, I will move out of the rat race.
Thank you from my heart for ALL of your videos. Not only does your guidance and wisdom help me considerably, but your good natured, love of life provides such a peace in me...for that; I am grateful to you!!
Thank you for your kind words Sally and all the best with your journey.
Thank you 😌
Will's book is pretty invaluable when it comes to solar. He is a pretty "smart cookie". I watch a lot of his YT vids as well. It's amazing how much power you can get from such a small system.
Great video, Thanks
Glad its all working our for you Boss. Simple and cheap! Way to go.
Nice solar setup! I have too have a small system that i built myself. 1000 watts total in solar panels, a 1000 watt pure sine wave Renogy inverter and i recently upgraded my battery bank to a single 100AH Power Queen LiFePo4 battery.
Greetings from Jamaica.
I like it. The only caveat is that the incoming fuses you got (inline). I had the same and got about a year and a half until one day we had a lightning storm in the area. We got what I later found out to be an indirect strike...mere static in the air that came in the lines and went right through the inline fuses and fried everything. If you drive a ground rod and run a lead up to the panel frames it'll help avoid having the same expensive problem I had. Good luck with your system.
Good Vid. I set my solar myself. I was so surprised, It's just that simple.
I have always enjoyed your vids for years now , thank you very much Sir :)
You are very welcome
Excellent once again ,thank you boss ,God bless you.
God Bless.
finally ... came across another part of your videos .. others make this so complicated... i will be totally off grid next year.. was almost giving up on any electric power.. as the companies who install it are so expensive and want to load me with more kwh than I would require to sell for a higher price than I am willing or able to attend to,,.south of the mason dixon line.. I should be able to easy have solar... right now my only power to move into my homestead is a jackery solar generator and a propane duel fuel generator which I dont wish to run much as it is very loud
Always enjoy watching yall's videos. The young man that put the book out has a TH-cam channel. He's very sharp fella on that solar power stuff and a heck of a life story to tell on his path in life.
I like it thanks🌴😀
Boss man, I always appreciate your honesty. Sometimes these projects can be a little intimidating. Hearing it from you makes me feel better about all the times I’ve experienced this. I’m not as handy as you but can hold my own. I’ll find myself putting these projects off, but then I’ll somehow breeze through them once I actually start. Means a lot to hear someone like you can be a little stand offish with certain things. Nice to know we’re not alone. God bless my friends!
Yeah I can drag my feet when attempting to jump into something I know nothing about :-)
I like that Boss. Dragging your feet a little. I always appreciate your response to my comments and thoughts. It really means a lot to me and brightens my day. You mean so much to so many of us! Take care my friend and God bless you and yours. It would be so wonderful to actually meet you and spend a day together. We can dream, right?
Hi Boss thank you once again for showing how you did solar. I would love to do solar but don’t have enough sun for it due the the trees. Once I get thing squared away around here I may really look at it. We have outages all the time so I like the idea of solar and storage. Take care Boss, God bless you and yours.
Another great video. I followed a previous video you did regarding insulating floors. It worked great.
The batteries are awesome! I upgraded to lithium and don’t regret it. The only drawback is you cannot charge them when it is below freezing. Even though they are initially expensive, they will out perform and out last lead acid batteries. Because they last longer, in the long run are more economical.
I've heard good stuff about them.
Great video, Boss! Have solar for my camper van. Love it. Will Prowse's book is an excellent resource. Another great choice!
That young man is extremely intelligent when it comes to this stuff.
He is well beyond my level of expertise.
Who else sings the song at the end of the video ? I do, every time !!
Ya gotta sing at the end of the video . . State Law lol
@@brentrobinson6956, I bet it is !
Yup...its a thing that just happens to everyone!
I'm singing as I type :-)
I need solar!! I was just thinking about this.
Good stuff Boss.
I started setting up a house with solar several years ago.
I ran most of the wiring from the panel locations to the charge controllers.
A couple of suggestions.
As much as possible use 12 volt power and skip the inverter.
I ran 12 volt wiring for lights using 900 lumen LED s from SuperBrightLED
The bulbs were 25 dollars then and well worth the money.
The lights are getting close to 10 years old and still out perform anything else.
Amp draw is extremely low like .05 amps per hour. If I remember the math correctly. I could be wrong but then again I have never been accused of being right.
The owner has done modifications to the original setup.
If somebody out there likes to listen to music, two knob style 12 volt car radios will play for days on a 100 Amp hour battery. My friend installed three of them in his house with speakers mounted in the ceiling.
Look at the truck stop there are numerous 12 volt appliances to include refrigerators/freezers, that will run from a small solar setup.
These could be useful in a grid down situation for those living in an urban area to help keep food and medicines fresh until the power comes back,
As a back up I rigged up a couple of terminal posts on the side of the house.
In a pinch I could jump the house off the truck.
For those with more of an interest look up Will Prowse on You Tube.
He can be extremely technical but has videos for beginners.
His website is a fantastic resource.
Very smart young man.
All good points Shawn. Thank you.
@@thebossoftheswamp Anytime Boss.
You have shared your Backwoods Logic with us for many years.
I can give back in areas where I have some experience.
Even if it is pointing them to a resource of information.
Hi JC - I use Renogy products too with no problems. I have a small panel that attaches to my RV's window with suction cups and it has a USB outlet on it for charging cell phones, etc. The other small panel I have has a variety of attachments that I use to keep my motorcycle or ATV battery charged when it's not in use. That one is portable as well and works great! Thanks for sharing your info!
This video was Awesome and so well spoken .Thank you for sharing it was extremely helpful ❤
Glad it was helpful!
Since most of my solar books are more than 25 years old I took your advice and bought the Mobile Solar Power Made Easy by Prowse. It is a very good recommendation for both beginners and veterans. I read the first few chapters and can't wait to get on with it.
It's been highly recommended.
Thank you for this DIY video. Hope you are doing well.
Thank you and the same to you.
I think you are coming along well. The capacity to grow your solar is the key.
I actually have two systems here: 1500w/24V and a 10,000w/48V
I really like solar because for me year round it serves my needs and is very simple and maintenance free as well.
thanks for the video. Jim in Chile
Can you run a small air conditioner over night on the panels ?
Air Conditioners draw lots of current, I'd go with a Swamp Cooler, but the initial start up will draw lots of current till that wheel gets moving.
Look up Will Prowse on You Tube.
He set up a shed with a small AC running off solar.
I saw that you answered my txt. Thank you so much! That fuse is so smart! I have been off grid for about 15 years, kind of like you guys. My kids think I need power. Been sitting on these solar kits for a while. Time to put them together. Thank you so much! Just needed a little push. This video was perfect for me. I really enjoy your videos. Thanks again!
informative video my friend ,,,,,,,hope you 2 have a nice weekend!!! GOD bless.
Thank you and the same to you!
Hummmm. I have really thought about solar for my shed. U make it look simple enough. I’m thinking 2 Panels would work. I’m gonna do some thinking Thanks.