Just to clarify: I'm VERY aware that both Anastasia and Thumbelina were not made by Disney. I even say that in my videos about them! Disney owns them now though and both can be watched on Disney+ (you're welcome) so that's why they're on this list. Now either stop commenting the same thing as a hundred other people or I'll report you to the Bolsheviks. Also, I made a mistake in saying Rapunzel was blind - it was actually the prince! So I guess my joke about pooping out a baby doesn't work anymore but I stand by my rating.
Hey Jon, I wish you had done The Black Cauldron. That’s a great movie from Disney and pretty dark. I would love to see a future episode on that someday. Keep up the great work.
Jon - “gonna rate these Disney messed up origins” Me - “I haven’t seen them all but I’m sure it’s not that bad” Jon - “Mulans dad dies, she gets sold to sex slavery, and she kills herself” Me - “wait, what?? ok, these are pretty messed up. Let me go watch them for real this time”
Honestly about the Mulan one, I just count the very very first original story which was The Ballad of Hua Mulan. That story is quick, but it’s actually great and quite wholesome, with Mulan reuniting at the end with her family and her soldier friends only realizing she’s a woman after everything is ended. The messed up versions were all romances people tried to write based on the ballad, but adding a LOT more details, more intrigue, more characters, and sometimes changing the bases of the ballad, like the happy ending.
I'm glad that you're starting to return to Disney again. I know it's kind of tough because you're running out of Disney movies to uncover. I'm still really curious on what lady in the tramp was when it was first published. So, you know, just a recommendation for a future idea for Disney.
I actually have a solid amount of Disney content left to cover but a lot of them are biiiig projects like The Black Cauldron, Mary Poppins, Robin Hood, etc. It is a bummer that I’ve already covered a lot of the “main” ones but I honestly think several of them are worth revisiting and improving someday.
I really think you should revisit Beauty and the Beast again sometime. The one you reviewed was the abridged version. The full version, while not as messed up as some of the other entries, has some creepy and just bizarre elements that weren't present in the other. Like Belle and the Beast being cousins, the Beast being cursed because he turned down his elderly nanny who had the hots for him or all of the parrot and monkey butlers.
Wow, I didn’t realize there were so many added details! I actually planned on revisiting BatB a while ago but when I looked into the longer version everything I read said it was pointlessly over-detailed. I’ll add it back onto my list!
Lion king was not based off kimba. That is misinformation passed around by people who have never seen kimba. Look up YMS review of kimba the white lion
Everyone who says it's a ripoff has never watched the show. They see a summary or the first episode summary and immedatly conclude stuff. Maybe some aspects of Lion King were inspired by the show but it's not a direct rip off.
@UC2iwzBSqccIixhjvHyZS4uQ I watched the recent one and because i am older it really hit home how in poor taste that song is. Basically forget your dads dead and you will probably not see your mum again. But no worries.Hope you have a great day :)
"Wait, do you think Mermaids not having souls is why Disney made Ariel a redhead?" Jokes like these are the sole reason why I love your channel and videos XD
For "Disney Explained" I've been patiently waiting for Jon to do "Robin Hood" and "The Sword in the Stone." They are two of my favorites, and I am really interested in their original stories.
I looked up how long dogs take to digest food. Humans take approximately 6 to 8 hours. Dogs vary between age and breed, but the typical range is between 8 and 10 hours. So as long as the wolf is eaten at least 10 hours after its meal, there's no cannibalism.
Pigs do eat almost anything and cannibalism isn't unheard of in the Animal kingdom. Rats and mice and even hamsters eat their own babies if they're stressed. So even if there's cannibalism, it's the nature of animals
@@starrsmith3810 Eh...I don't know about Eric, but I'll agree with all the rest. So the 90s were when Disney princes began to more consistently have personalities. Part of it could be that they also had much more involvement in their respective films than princes usually did prior. Cinderella's prince was more a MacGuffin than anything up until his role at the end, but Beast and the frog were central to Beauty and the Beast and The Princess and the Frog, and the others were prominent in their films too.
@@albatross1688 eh Eric was ok. He had a personality and I didn’t mind him but I wouldn’t call him a huge favorite of mine. I prefer Aladdin, Jim Hawkins, and Quasimodo more then him. Honestly Prince Charming 1 & 2 and Prince Philip were so boring that two of them share the same name. And that’s not even bringing up how creepy I find it that the one from Snow White and Philip just randomly walk to Snow White and Aurora and scares the shit out of them and it’s SOMEHOW supposed to be romantic. Especially Philip, who just replaces the animal friends………..bruh
11:38 IMHO, "The Fox and the Hound" is the most "cleaned up" Disney film except for "Hercules". Despite the fact that it was probably Disney's darkest movie during the 55 years between the "Night on Bald Mountain" scene from "Fantasia" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", the movie was pure sunshine and sparkles compared to the novel it was based on. I discovered the novel at the age of 11, and found it both traumatizing and impossible to put down, as it is a gripping, brilliantly written lament for the beauty of the countryside taken over by expanding urban sprawl, destroying the lives of Tod, Copper, and Copper's master (unnamed in the book, named "Amos Slade" in the movie).
oh like that one when you had a nightmare that you were part of the um... bad side that was incharge of Germany (I don't feel comfortable saying the actual term)
I think there's still more stories in this series to do. Unless it's already done and not shown in this video. The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood comes to mind.
Ok but did you miss the part where every step the mermaid took was like walking on glass but she did it with a smile in order to please her Prince who then married another girl? Then when given the choice to kill him and return to the sea she killed herself? Seems pretty brutal to me.
the little mermaid had her tongue cut out, was bleeding profusely with each step, the prince falls in love and goes to marry another woman, so in order to prevent her from turning to sea foam upon dying, her sisters shave their heads to sell their hair to the sea witch, and then give the mermaid a dagger. if she kills the prince with the dagger, she'll live. she doesn't want to ruin his and his wife's happiness, so she refuses and jumps into the ocean, still in human form, to kill herself, only then to turn into a air spirit and being told she'll be granted a soul if she spends the next 3 centuries helping out humans. basically none of that made it to the disney movie. the hunchback was a severally deformed person who was treated like an aberration in both the original story and the disney movie. sure disney didn't display the more gruesome aspects, but it still made sure to display the fact that this physically deformed man was seen as a monster
Well the Song of the South one you’re actually wrong about. Joel Chandler Harris actually did give back to the community he took from and no he didn’t support slavery like many claim. There is nothing wrong with the film either. It’s just a lot of misinformation about it. As for Splash Mountain yes it should stay. I’ve never witnessed anyone get on that ride and then pitch a fit about it they usually wanna ride it again.
I genuinely appreciate the way you address Black issues in your videos. I found you about a week ago and I've been hooked on your channel and every genre you talk about. Thank you so much!
Jon, I’ve been watching your videos for awhile and I love them. I don’t comment much because I usually watch them on Apple TV and the remote makes it difficult to bring up the comment section. I just wanted to ask what the letters stand for in your tier list. I’ve seen several videos where you explain how you put certain video in the list, but you never explain (at least not that I’ve seen) what the letters stand for. This would help me understand why you put the videos in the tier list. Thank you and keep up the videos. I find them educational
You forgot to include the tales of John Henry, Chicken Little, The Tortoise and the Hare, Paul Bunyan, The Ugly Duckling, and A Christmas Carol since those tales were adapted by Disney into either feature films or shorts!
Hey Jon, concerning the ORIGINAL Story of the Snow Queen,... I am 100% of the mind that C.S. Lewis ALSO Interpolated The Snow Queen Story into the core of his Most Popular Novel Work, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe! As the evil Queen in the story went after and "preyed" upon the most vulnerable child of the siblings, Edmond. And The Original Snow Queen and her Fairy tale Elements were very prevalent in the Book and movie versions of the Original Story. Although, a person who had NEVER read the Original Snow Queen Fairy Tale, would not instantly recognize the Fairy tale references. Though also, as Lewis was Catholic in his upbringing, He also cleverly chose his novel Elements Very well, notably that King Aslan the Lion is representative of The Figure of Christ, and The ICE Queen, is shown as being Cold, and Devoid of feelings and only shown to be selfish and self Serving (ie: representative as Evil, thereby a "Witch" that during the time and atmosphere of the time period that anything and anyONE of the time era that was not seen as Normal (according to society 'norms', was considered out of place--and therefore, EVIL; And then there is the "Wardrobe," which can clearly be viewed theologically as the "hidden" doorway - which however it is discovered, opens to the worlds beyond our own mortal "real" world (or as Tolkien would call it, our "Middle Earth,") that allows us to learn that there are Hidden Parallel WORLDS that co-exist with OURS, But most are "Sleeping" (unaware) of them until GOD deems us ready to be "awakened" to the Facts to learn of the Upper Spiritual Plane of Existence, and a "Hellish" Lower Spiritual "Pits of HellFire" world of Darkness. And these are represented as Aslan the Lion KING being Jesus Christ, the Risen King of all, remember when the ICE queen killed him and then he was "resurrected" on the STONE Table? When Christ was resurrected, it took the 2 Marys to "WITNESS" Him being Re-born (ie: Susan and Lucy), while the great STONE (Stone table) was rolled away from the great entrance to the Cave, from where Christ was seen to exit, full of life once again. Then The Witch (seen as a follower and consort (by the Earliest Puritans of The Old Country they were traveling away from.- of the Devil, And the Wardrobe being the "Gateway" used by the "Children into Adulthood" to be given "Spiritual awareness" that Other Worlds exist outside of the one "Reality" that all mortals Live in and on.
Love your channel man, it's one of my favorites! Hopefully there will be solo cup sweaters available for sale this winter? 😅 I know it's a little early, I just really love your channel!
“Wait do think mermaids not having souls is why Disney made Arial a redhead” As someone who is a redhead every time I hear “oh redheads don’t have a soul” thing I get pretty ticked off
With the three little pigs, u also have to consider the Green Jello song from the 90’s. Best metal song ever. My kids gave the best looks when I showed them the music video.
How about doing videos regarding episodes from the Gargoyles series since there are characters that share the same names and/or situations from Shakespeare's plays. A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth and Othello.
@@JonSolo Shakespeare is a pretty good writer in my opinion. My favorite play by his is Julius Caesar. My second favorite play by Shakespeare is Macbeth. Of course there are better writers than him.
@@JonSolo Shakespeare’s most overrated work is Romeo and Juliet. Macbeth is a better play than Romeo and Juliet in my opinion. Due to way the progression of the story in the play.
I know you are mostly doing Disney animated movies, but Mary Poppins, though a live-action movie (mostly) was a much different character in the books as opposed to the film.
Id like the orgins of some of the forgotten disney stories such as Atlantis or Brother Bear. Or even some of the more live action ones on horses or real animals such as Black Beauty I know they arent super popular but i like them and know others would too.
Ya know, I feel you made a good point about Song of the South preserving a piece of African American history and heritage. The first thing I was ever taught was just how bad it all was and I thought they were a simply miserable lot, but SoS taught me that positive mental attitude can help you to overcome even horrid adversity.
I was very fond of it watching it as a kid- I'm an 80's kid Of course children don't think about that kinda stuff. I just thought of him as a comforting uncle figure who was a good singer and storyteller
Love this video!!! Would love to know where Jack and bean stalk, chicken little. Can you do an orgin of Rock a doddle. It's an old classic movie. Can you also do the true origin of meet the Robinson. I know it came from a book.
The Little Mermaid video was the first video I watched from this channel, and since I was like 12 or something, I was greatly disturbed and could not fall asleep... fond memories lol
Just to clarify: I'm VERY aware that both Anastasia and Thumbelina were not made by Disney. I even say that in my videos about them! Disney owns them now though and both can be watched on Disney+ (you're welcome) so that's why they're on this list. Now either stop commenting the same thing as a hundred other people or I'll report you to the Bolsheviks.
Also, I made a mistake in saying Rapunzel was blind - it was actually the prince! So I guess my joke about pooping out a baby doesn't work anymore but I stand by my rating.
I read this in his voice 😭
Another non-Disney you should do is Swan Princess! Definitely one of my favourites growing up 🥰
I LOVE the Anastasia film
@@rachelcurtis6878 Agreed Swan Princess was a love of mine growing up
Hey Jon, I wish you had done The Black Cauldron. That’s a great movie from Disney and pretty dark. I would love to see a future episode on that someday. Keep up the great work.
Jon - “gonna rate these Disney messed up origins”
Me - “I haven’t seen them all but I’m sure it’s not that bad”
Jon - “Mulans dad dies, she gets sold to sex slavery, and she kills herself”
Me - “wait, what?? ok, these are pretty messed up. Let me go watch them for real this time”
I remember hearing that she killed herself but I didn’t know it was that bad-
@@im_emmie yeaaaaaah the actual history behind the mulan story is pretty :((
@@im_emmie I think she was also asked by the emperor to be his concubine.
@@bow35yearsago65 I think that might have happened too
Honestly about the Mulan one, I just count the very very first original story which was The Ballad of Hua Mulan. That story is quick, but it’s actually great and quite wholesome, with Mulan reuniting at the end with her family and her soldier friends only realizing she’s a woman after everything is ended.
The messed up versions were all romances people tried to write based on the ballad, but adding a LOT more details, more intrigue, more characters, and sometimes changing the bases of the ballad, like the happy ending.
I love how Jon has a monotone voice while talking about the most morbid things
Same lol and even happy things he sounds the same XD
But can’t stop loving it
He looks like Hans Christian Andersen 🤯
Plus he's basically Ted Bundy two.
@@Queenhaylihill Or Ted Bundy's clone
The man the myth is back to give us more amazing content and Gunther + Penny
🎶Ooh you touch My Talala, Mmm; my Ding-Ding-Dong.🎶
Don't forget Penny :)
I'm glad that you're starting to return to Disney again. I know it's kind of tough because you're running out of Disney movies to uncover. I'm still really curious on what lady in the tramp was when it was first published. So, you know, just a recommendation for a future idea for Disney.
I actually have a solid amount of Disney content left to cover but a lot of them are biiiig projects like The Black Cauldron, Mary Poppins, Robin Hood, etc. It is a bummer that I’ve already covered a lot of the “main” ones but I honestly think several of them are worth revisiting and improving someday.
@@JonSolo are you going to do a video on Mary poppins , etc ?
I really think you should revisit Beauty and the Beast again sometime. The one you reviewed was the abridged version. The full version, while not as messed up as some of the other entries, has some creepy and just bizarre elements that weren't present in the other. Like Belle and the Beast being cousins, the Beast being cursed because he turned down his elderly nanny who had the hots for him or all of the parrot and monkey butlers.
Wow, I didn’t realize there were so many added details! I actually planned on revisiting BatB a while ago but when I looked into the longer version everything I read said it was pointlessly over-detailed. I’ll add it back onto my list!
@@JonSolo Thanks for the reply back. I never thought you ever would, to be completely honest. Looking forward to the potential review if it comes out.
Hey john im a big fan of your channel can you do a messed up origan on old yeller
“Wait-do you guys think that mermaids not having souls is why Disney made Ariel a redhead.” 😂
Also I have been waiting for this video forever!!!
i dont get this joke
@@cherylbleecker5653 It's been a joke for a longtime about redheads not having souls, that's what he meant lol.
@@cherylbleecker5653 just type Gingers Don't Have Souls on TH-cam. Classic meme
same thing I was excited to see this vid :)
As a redhead, LOL, but also…ouch
Lion king was not based off kimba. That is misinformation passed around by people who have never seen kimba. Look up YMS review of kimba the white lion
Finally, someone said it.
Everyone who says it's a ripoff has never watched the show. They see a summary or the first episode summary and immedatly conclude stuff. Maybe some aspects of Lion King were inspired by the show but it's not a direct rip off.
For me, Simba having to watch his father die and live most of his life blaming himself is pretty brutal. 💔
But that song makes everything better in 3 minutes flat 🤣
@UC2iwzBSqccIixhjvHyZS4uQ I watched the recent one and because i am older it really hit home how in poor taste that song is. Basically forget your dads dead and you will probably not see your mum again. But no worries.Hope you have a great day :)
"Wait, do you think Mermaids not having souls is why Disney made Ariel a redhead?"
Jokes like these are the sole reason why I love your channel and videos XD
I was wondering, is there something dark behind the story "The Gingerbread Man", so dark that it would totally ruin my Boomer childhood?
You mean other than the fact that the Gingerbread man was a little A-hole, ran away from the Baker and ended up being eaten by a pig?
@@DaRozeman I thought it was a fox.
hmm might be a nice episode for Christmas time!
Since your “favorite” spooky season is coming up, would you do the 13 ghosts story lines??
Like Casper the Friendly Ghost
Omg that’s a fantastic idea! I hope he sees your question and does it.
"it takes place in nature, which is in fact: metal"
_Helluvaboss flashback_
For "Disney Explained" I've been patiently waiting for Jon to do "Robin Hood" and "The Sword in the Stone." They are two of my favorites, and I am really interested in their original stories.
Look up Robin Hood and Tony Robinson, he did a documentary about it ages ago. The sword in stone is about the Arthurian legends.
It's my birthday and Jon solo dropped a video. Definitely a happy day for me!
@Miss Understanding thank you!!
🎂 🎂
Ayeee happy birthday!!
@@JonSolo yoooooo!!!! Lol thank you bro! Oh shit lol
@@Electronicfort thank you!!
I looked up how long dogs take to digest food. Humans take approximately 6 to 8 hours. Dogs vary between age and breed, but the typical range is between 8 and 10 hours. So as long as the wolf is eaten at least 10 hours after its meal, there's no cannibalism.
Pigs do eat almost anything and cannibalism isn't unheard of in the Animal kingdom. Rats and mice and even hamsters eat their own babies if they're stressed. So even if there's cannibalism, it's the nature of animals
Aladdin went from being an unlikeable creep to one of Disney’s best princes-
Well, he's one of few with actual personality, so he has that going for him.
@@albatross1688 him, Smith though he required romanticization because the real life person was an ass, Eric, The Beast, Naveen, Flynn
@@starrsmith3810 Eh...I don't know about Eric, but I'll agree with all the rest. So the 90s were when Disney princes began to more consistently have personalities. Part of it could be that they also had much more involvement in their respective films than princes usually did prior. Cinderella's prince was more a MacGuffin than anything up until his role at the end, but Beast and the frog were central to Beauty and the Beast and The Princess and the Frog, and the others were prominent in their films too.
@@albatross1688 eh Eric was ok. He had a personality and I didn’t mind him but I wouldn’t call him a huge favorite of mine.
I prefer Aladdin, Jim Hawkins, and Quasimodo more then him.
Honestly Prince Charming 1 & 2 and Prince Philip were so boring that two of them share the same name. And that’s not even bringing up how creepy I find it that the one from Snow White and Philip just randomly walk to Snow White and Aurora and scares the shit out of them and it’s SOMEHOW supposed to be romantic. Especially Philip, who just replaces the animal friends………..bruh
11:38 IMHO, "The Fox and the Hound" is the most "cleaned up" Disney film except for "Hercules". Despite the fact that it was probably Disney's darkest movie during the 55 years between the "Night on Bald Mountain" scene from "Fantasia" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", the movie was pure sunshine and sparkles compared to the novel it was based on. I discovered the novel at the age of 11, and found it both traumatizing and impossible to put down, as it is a gripping, brilliantly written lament for the beauty of the countryside taken over by expanding urban sprawl, destroying the lives of Tod, Copper, and Copper's master (unnamed in the book, named "Amos Slade" in the movie).
While technically not my origins, I had a period of pretty messed up propaganda cartoons back during WWII.
im at war with ducks.
im a cat.
u wanna flee or face the mighty claws?
oh like that one when you had a nightmare that you were part of the um... bad side that was incharge of Germany (I don't feel comfortable saying the actual term)
You mean when you had a nightmare that you were apart of the Nazi warmachine and then woke up and were relieved you were an Ally?
@@revan0890 thats the one I was referring to
when you occasionally forget just how dark the original childhood stories are. lmfao love this channel's videos.
I think there's still more stories in this series to do. Unless it's already done and not shown in this video. The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood comes to mind.
i remember him making a robin hood one
the fact that you put little mermaid on the s tier and the hunchback on a disappoints me, I's swap them, but apart from that I agree with this XDD
Penny’s constant licks is the cutest thing I have seen in a while! Great video as always!
I love how you showed your set up. I always wonder what people look like when they're filming 😂
Don't you just love all the little jokes he makes in these videos?
I want that too
Can't wait for you to touch Egypt Mythology in the future. Sending love from Jamaica
Was so looking forward to your video this week, i always listen to them at work. All of the learning i get from your videos helps me not fall asleep 😆
I only disagree with The Hunchback. That should've been S tier simply for Frollo alone
YMS screaming in the background: "those are clips from the 1997 movie!!!!"
Yeah, Tezuka is utterly Confused in his grave.
Oh I like these kinda videos, do more if u can! Great job Jon!
I think Hunchback should be higher in the S tier. Hanging and dying of starvation seems worse than a mermaid having to do good deeds for 300 years.
Ok but did you miss the part where every step the mermaid took was like walking on glass but she did it with a smile in order to please her Prince who then married another girl? Then when given the choice to kill him and return to the sea she killed herself? Seems pretty brutal to me.
the little mermaid had her tongue cut out, was bleeding profusely with each step, the prince falls in love and goes to marry another woman, so in order to prevent her from turning to sea foam upon dying, her sisters shave their heads to sell their hair to the sea witch, and then give the mermaid a dagger. if she kills the prince with the dagger, she'll live. she doesn't want to ruin his and his wife's happiness, so she refuses and jumps into the ocean, still in human form, to kill herself, only then to turn into a air spirit and being told she'll be granted a soul if she spends the next 3 centuries helping out humans. basically none of that made it to the disney movie.
the hunchback was a severally deformed person who was treated like an aberration in both the original story and the disney movie. sure disney didn't display the more gruesome aspects, but it still made sure to display the fact that this physically deformed man was seen as a monster
He said it would be S tier, but given that Disney adaptation was incredibly dark for Disney unlike the Little Mermaid. Which is why it was in A tier.
Well the Song of the South one you’re actually wrong about. Joel Chandler Harris actually did give back to the community he took from and no he didn’t support slavery like many claim. There is nothing wrong with the film either. It’s just a lot of misinformation about it. As for Splash Mountain yes it should stay. I’ve never witnessed anyone get on that ride and then pitch a fit about it they usually wanna ride it again.
Wow earliest I've ever been to an upload. Love your stuff Jon!
I genuinely appreciate the way you address Black issues in your videos. I found you about a week ago and I've been hooked on your channel and every genre you talk about. Thank you so much!
This was a great recap because there were some vids I was wondering if I've missed.
Jon, I’ve been watching your videos for awhile and I love them. I don’t comment much because I usually watch them on Apple TV and the remote makes it difficult to bring up the comment section. I just wanted to ask what the letters stand for in your tier list. I’ve seen several videos where you explain how you put certain video in the list, but you never explain (at least not that I’ve seen) what the letters stand for. This would help me understand why you put the videos in the tier list.
Thank you and keep up the videos. I find them educational
Thank God you posted a new one but I still had fun watching the old ones
The swallow's story in the original Thumbelina is so depressing on its own.
Me: oh cool imma watch this.
Jon: starts talking about mulan
Me: oh no
You forgot to include the tales of John Henry, Chicken Little, The Tortoise and the Hare, Paul Bunyan, The Ugly Duckling, and A Christmas Carol since those tales were adapted by Disney into either feature films or shorts!
Heeeeeey solo fam. I adore you guys! Have a great messed up week
I watched most of Disney expained videos on your channel in preparation for this video, gonna get my snacks and watch it ASAP
✨Real Solo Fam Dedication ✨
@@NyNyD4me YEAH :D
Woah! Thanks for watching Josh!!
Hey Jon, concerning the ORIGINAL Story of the Snow Queen,... I am 100% of the mind that C.S. Lewis ALSO Interpolated The Snow Queen Story into the core of his Most Popular Novel Work, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe! As the evil Queen in the story went after and "preyed" upon the most vulnerable child of the siblings, Edmond. And The Original Snow Queen and her Fairy tale Elements were very prevalent in the Book and movie versions of the Original Story. Although, a person who had NEVER read the Original Snow Queen Fairy Tale, would not instantly recognize the Fairy tale references. Though also, as Lewis was Catholic in his upbringing, He also cleverly chose his novel Elements Very well, notably that King Aslan the Lion is representative of The Figure of Christ, and The ICE Queen, is shown as being Cold, and Devoid of feelings and only shown to be selfish and self Serving (ie: representative as Evil, thereby a "Witch" that during the time and atmosphere of the time period that anything and anyONE of the time era that was not seen as Normal (according to society 'norms', was considered out of place--and therefore, EVIL; And then there is the "Wardrobe," which can clearly be viewed theologically as the "hidden" doorway - which however it is discovered, opens to the worlds beyond our own mortal "real" world (or as Tolkien would call it, our "Middle Earth,") that allows us to learn that there are Hidden Parallel WORLDS that co-exist with OURS, But most are "Sleeping" (unaware) of them until GOD deems us ready to be "awakened" to the Facts to learn of the Upper Spiritual Plane of Existence, and a "Hellish" Lower Spiritual "Pits of HellFire" world of Darkness. And these are represented as Aslan the Lion KING being Jesus Christ, the Risen King of all, remember when the ICE queen killed him and then he was "resurrected" on the STONE Table? When Christ was resurrected, it took the 2 Marys to "WITNESS" Him being Re-born (ie: Susan and Lucy), while the great STONE (Stone table) was rolled away from the great entrance to the Cave, from where Christ was seen to exit, full of life once again. Then The Witch (seen as a follower and consort (by the Earliest Puritans of The Old Country they were traveling away from.- of the Devil, And the Wardrobe being the "Gateway" used by the "Children into Adulthood" to be given "Spiritual awareness" that Other Worlds exist outside of the one "Reality" that all mortals Live in and on.
Jon Solo: The Fox and the hound is the first to have a 'very messed up' title
Hunchback of Notre dom: "Am I a JoKe To YoU!?"
Honestly I agree with this entire tear and penny is the cutest puppy ever!!!
Do you think you can do a follow-up on the Disney parent Tier List, covering Disney parents that weren't mentioned in the first round?
Much respect love your videos man they get me through the work day keep doing what you do!!!
I'm glad Disney changed those stories. Plus some of them are dark enough.
I'm sorry but at 24:46, you've made that scene so adorable! 😂😂😂
@Jon Sólo Really? That's super cool!!
@Black conservative perspectíve What's _that_ all about? With all those numbers?
I love the shade thrown at Shakespeare. This is why you are awesome. So songs of the south is like the original tik tok?
Love your channel man, it's one of my favorites! Hopefully there will be solo cup sweaters available for sale this winter? 😅 I know it's a little early, I just really love your channel!
I hope you do the messed up origins of Christmas.
Man I Love Those Dinner Trays, Reminds me of when I was a Kid, Doing Homework.
Did Jon just make a record of Ragnorak reference?
“Wait do think mermaids not having souls is why Disney made Arial a redhead”
As someone who is a redhead every time I hear “oh redheads don’t have a soul” thing I get pretty ticked off
I love your videos! You’re one of my favorite TH-camrs; I sometimes even watch your ads! 🥰🥰🥰
With the three little pigs, u also have to consider the Green Jello song from the 90’s. Best metal song ever. My kids gave the best looks when I showed them the music video.
Nice to see Dave again.
Wicked. 🤟🏻👽👍🏻 4:08 That's Okay Jon! Everything You share with Us is Ephed-Up!
20:32 You Tell'em!!!
21:59 ._.' Wow.
Dekciw 👍🏿 🤖🤟🏿
Hey jon, love the vids. Have you thought about or done a video about the 4 horsemen?
Please make more videos on folklore and urban legends
Yes something to watch at work doing this overnight shift
Have a good shift 👌🏾
@@NyNyD4me thanks !! Have a blessed night
hope you liked it! enjoy your shift!
Jon is that guy everyone either loves to hate or hates to love
Enjoyed this list alot🔥
Also revisiting the stories in bits was awesome👌🏿🙌🏼
"... besides the Sequel Trilogy of course!"
Thank you!
Came for the story ranking. Stayed for the Shakespeare trashing. Always love your content.
Amazing video I waited to see this for a very long time :)
How about doing videos regarding episodes from the Gargoyles series since there are characters that share the same names and/or situations from Shakespeare's plays. A Midsummer Night's Dream,
Macbeth and Othello.
I'm glad Dumbo ended up in F Tier, he's too young for anything higher than that XD
You should cover how messed up (or awful) Shakespeare’s works are.
I would watch those!
@@JonSolo Shakespeare is a pretty good writer in my opinion. My favorite play by his is Julius Caesar. My second favorite play by Shakespeare is Macbeth. Of course there are better writers than him.
@@JonSolo Shakespeare’s most overrated work is Romeo and Juliet. Macbeth is a better play than Romeo and Juliet in my opinion. Due to way the progression of the story in the play.
Titus is S tier for sure
I know you are mostly doing Disney animated movies, but Mary Poppins, though a live-action movie (mostly) was a much different character in the books as opposed to the film.
4:12 look at how worried that frog is. Maybe it's also a cursed prince lmao
Id like the orgins of some of the forgotten disney stories such as Atlantis or Brother Bear. Or even some of the more live action ones on horses or real animals such as Black Beauty
I know they arent super popular but i like them and know others would too.
My favorite part of this video is that you have the painting from "Goodfellas" on your wall & your dog.🐾❤
Fox and th hound definitely s! Iv watched it once as a kid and haven't since. It's like a super hard gut punch. Lol.
Ya know, I feel you made a good point about Song of the South preserving a piece of African American history and heritage. The first thing I was ever taught was just how bad it all was and I thought they were a simply miserable lot, but SoS taught me that positive mental attitude can help you to overcome even horrid adversity.
I was very fond of it watching it as a kid- I'm an 80's kid
Of course children don't think about that kinda stuff. I just thought of him as a comforting uncle figure who was a good singer and storyteller
Jon is a legend.
Courageous enough to hate on Shakespeare publicly.
I would have been killed by my English teacher
I love that Penny made her cameo appearance. Are she and Gunther still getting along famously?
I feel like dumbo should’ve been D tier just because of that one scene where he literally drinks alcohol and gets drunk
I love watching you! You are so great at telling stories and I love your sense of humor.
This just makes me want to rewatch so many of these!😁
And one more thing! Jon, I think you should rank your Greek and Norse mythology stories whenever you get the chance
The messed up origins of the jungle book was my first episode that I watched. Since then I've watched and commented on almost all of your videos. :)
Amazing video as always Jon!
10:16, Why use that face of Hercules? That face of him makes him look like a fool! 😆
Cheers and thankyou so much Jon Solo
New camera looks fantastic
thanks Jaden! :)
You awesome job. 👍👍 When you was talking about White Queen & boy. Narnia The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe pop in my head.
20:05 Wait, there's a sequel to Lion King? How did I not know this?!
There’s lion king, lion king 2 and lion king 3 (also known as lion king 1 1/2)
Oh my god the trash talk on Shakespeare had my sides splitting!!! Rock on Jon!! Agreed completely!
Hey Jon, a really cool story to add to the Greek collection could be Oedipus Rex. I NEEEEDDD ITT
Actually in Rapunzel, the prince goes blind!
Congratulations on 1million subscribers. It’s about damn time.
Love this video!!! Would love to know where Jack and bean stalk, chicken little. Can you do an orgin of Rock a doddle. It's an old classic movie. Can you also do the true origin of meet the Robinson. I know it came from a book.
I love all the little jokes in between all of them lol Keep up the Awesome work.
Love your channel keeps me entertainment at work Gunther and Penny are adorable
It’s the eye squint for me lol I love how passionate you are! It shows in your story telling.
Wanna see Me Squint?
@@SiriusZiriux 🤨📷😳
@@JonSolo Damn You Solo!!! You Smexy Beast!!!
The Little Mermaid video was the first video I watched from this channel, and since I was like 12 or something, I was greatly disturbed and could not fall asleep... fond memories lol