Thank you for this wonderful interview Arundhati and Nidhi. Loved all of it and I personally learnt a lot. I love the approach that Nidhi teaches to caring for ourselves by intuitively assessing where we are and then moving towards "warm and moist". I also particularly loved how she spoke to how yoga teachers and really anyone (I am not life coach and wellness educator) can show up and give their best with confidence. So well said and empowering. Thank you both for doing what you do. 🙏
Thank you for this wonderful interview Arundhati and Nidhi. Loved all of it and I personally learnt a lot. I love the approach that Nidhi teaches to caring for ourselves by intuitively assessing where we are and then moving towards "warm and moist". I also particularly loved how she spoke to how yoga teachers and really anyone (I am not life coach and wellness educator) can show up and give their best with confidence. So well said and empowering. Thank you both for doing what you do. 🙏
As the great authors have said, “Write what you know.”