The Deep Ones are my favorite Lovecraft beings, probably because I am personally familiar with New England fishing port villages and unfriendly backward Maine townspeople that give me the creeps (which may partly explain Stephen King). They're so easy to visualize it's unsettling.
I want you to give the eulogy at my it's part of the Cthulhu mythos......and I want you to freak everyone the hell out telling them "it's said he will rise again".
Check out an old 80's B-horror movie called "Humanoids from the Deep". Deep ones at their best I have seen on film. The movie "Dagon" was also okay, but not quite as close to what the Deep Ones are described as doing to the coastal towns who enter into an "arrangement' with the ancient Horror.
Plus the Merman from “The Shape of Water”. Looking up information on the Deep Ones makes me wonder if Guillermo Del Toro intended that movie, in part, to also be a deliberate subversion of Lovecraft’s “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”, seeing how the two stories eventually play out.
@Chila Chinchila I know. That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if the opportunity to both homage and subvert “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” partly influenced Del Toro as well. This novella is supposedly what many Lovecraft critics claim to be a prime example of him expressing racist views, equating foreign races/cultures with inhuman monsters trying to interbreed with humanity and undermine our civilization. Meanwhile, Del Toro has the Merman in his film be a sympathetic protagonist compared to Michael Shannon’s character, who echoes a lot of the era’s prejudice and paranoia, but is treated as the evil villain to be defeated instead.
I love the deep ones and hybridisation with other species reminds me a lot of genestealers from 40k, I wouldn't be too surprised if this is where the inspiration came from
Maintaining their genetic health and a spiritual ritual. There's some kind of symbiotic relationship between the species. Or like the giger xenomorph, they need a host to reproduce and Human are compatible
The issue with the deep ones? They have gills, they breath water... air is like rocket fuel compared to trying to separate the oxygen from water. That's why whales have never lost the ability to breath air. It's more beneficial to have a giant lung capacity than to try and breath water. The largest ocean animals are air breathers for a reason. So deep ones would have little energy in their blood stream, AKA you could tire them out and beat the crap out of them, or just run away.
For why they breed with humans, it could be for genetic diversity, and at the same time to obtain information about the latest developments of mankind from their resulting offspring (who do live among men until they mature completely) But it's just a theory.
the first things to arrive on earth were the elder things. Can't remember what the name of the book they came from is but it's the second book in the Necronomicon collection. They arrived shortly after earth was lost from the higher dimensional plains and was still covered in Ocean, and their technology is what caused life on the planet to first appear. Thousands or even millions of years later (can't remember which), they went to war when the Cthulhu spawn arrived, beating them into submission, however later their species began to lose knowledge of their past technology for space travel and weapons, so when the next lot of invaders arrived they lost control of half of earth, then had to retreat into the oceans when the ice ages arrived.
i think it is that for some reason they wan't to get up on land. they may be scared of Cthulhu or they want to expand and the sea might be getting crowded with other sea creatures. so they try to adapt to land slowly.
They hybridiz with humans because they cannot mate and lay their egg in the ocean. There are predators in the deep depths the Deep One fear. Either that or it’s a curse placed upon them by Cthulhu or maybe even another Elder God during ancient times when the Deep Ones numbers went unchecked and they encroached upon a elder deity’s lands, and started a war that ended with them cursed, and their numbers severely reduced.
I been wanting to read the books about the Cthulu Mythos, but I heard the copyright on H.P.Lovecraft's work is dicey and complicated. I would be sure to read it about it Mr. H, just in case.
+Eastside Show SCP no, someone claims to hold the rights but they have never proved it or given evidence, his work is public domain since his death was so long ago. I'm 100% confident it's absolutely fine, I wouldn't do it otherwise, but yeah I know what you're talking about. I looked into it before I begun the audio book
It was partly why I never went into the Cthulu Mythos myself because of the confusion. When I looked it up originally I saw it was anything past 1933 was still copyright and anything before was public domain, which had me seriously confused due to public domain laws. Well with that knowledge in mind I may go into Cthulu Mythos at some point, but doing SCP readings occupies must of my time though, as it seems to be my schtick.
These guys are apart of game of thrones as well Dagon is the name of the first Greyjoy and and they apparently they made the Hightower of old town and apparently euron is trying to unleash something sleeping at the bottom of the ocean that has a kraken head like Cthulhu these two franchise work perfectly together
There was one cthulhu mythos story that explained that cthulhu is a water elemental and there are other elemental old ones and gods. I cant remember the name of this book but I remember it was about some people camping and coming into contact with a spectral image of Azethoth, or it may have been another old one or god that has flute players follow it. Either way the point Im trying to get at is perhaps the deep ones were made by cthulhu. The deep ones are immortal beings who alter the bodies and minds of people, specifically people in rural villages and they live in the deepest depths of the ocean. Maybe cthulhu wants to creat his own underwater world of monsters that he can rule over once he is released
Small details you missed. They worship Cthulhu. Not saying they don't fear him but they constantly mention him along with Dagon and Hydra. And you also missed how they are so protective of their secrets they stalk people who know too much.
Back in Lovecraft's day, you probably would go insane seeing all this inhuman Eldritch shit, nowadays we've been desensitized by pop culture and movies, TV, memes, etc. and could likely deal with the lesser beings like the Deep Ones fairly well, now as for the God-level entities like Cthulhu, Dagon, and company, then we might have a problem.
Even if I watch 10 other people explain something from the cthulhu mythos, I will always watch Mr h because I feel his way of explaining it really sums up everything important
Alex Root agreed. Plus he does it in a horror movie narrator voice instead of the typical over cheerful "HEY GUIZE WHATS UP VLOGGER #26897245 HERE WITH YOU TODAY WITH SOMETHING TOTES CREEPY!" His grave tones really set the atmosphere.
hey Alice, I've done them actually, two, they are on the channel free to listen to :) not super long, ten minutes and I think the other sixteen. all hp Lovecraft based :)
Because we're the dominant land-species on earth, therefore a possible threat to them, becoming part-human may be a survival strategy. How better to "know thine enemy" than hybridization?
Go to the Zoniae across the ages through the portal of the faceless one. There look into the spheres of existences. Revel in the profundity and the faces of necrotic darkness and endless night.
Mr H Reviews please cover the Necroscope series. It will change the way you look at vampires forever. If you did an Auto book on the first 3 novels they would sell fast.
I believe it is a misconception that Cthulhu is a sea creature . His tentacles lead to this error of conclusion. The Oceans are rather his prison that binds him.
I wondered if they had a bisected replication cycle like many ancient, less developed earth species. Something similar to the sporophyte/gametophyte cycle of ferns. Possibly requiring them to mate across species line during one half of their reproductive cycle. The other possibility I wondered about was; what if they are atavistic humans, retaining the agelessness of indeterminate sea species, but unable to survive life on land. In that case, the pact with localized humans would widen their gene pool and possibly further some long term eugenics effort to create a truly amphibian race, indeterminate, at home in either habitat and superior to both sub-species - hypothetically. Maybe the star spawn created the deep ones and land dwelling humans are the mutated and, rather sickly in comparison, offshoot with one beneficial survival trait, that of being land dwelling. If this is a viable hypothesis, then breeding the faulty line back to the main population in order to possibly propitiate the one good trait is perfectly sound genetic science and is widely practiced in all sorts of husbandry projects.
They mate with humans because they are aquatic and can't necessarily breath air, so mating with humans gives them this ability so that they may someday soon conquer the land.
The Deep Ones actually worship Father Dagon, Mother Hydra, AND the great dreamer Cthulhu. Hell, it's likely that even Dagon and Hydra acknowledge Cthulhu as their superior.
their hybridization maybe fundamental in their life cycle like with xenomorphs or marvel's brood. or maybe they have to in order to survive our bacteria dominated world. what better way to gain immunity?
I think if the Lovcraftian creatures were real, I'd B loyal to either the Race of Yith, or the Star Heads, or maybe both, as they seem the least hostel.
Here is my idea of why these fish people desire to mate with humans. Long long ago, the deep ones and humans were one in the same. An evolutionary split happened, where one gained a longer life, and was adapted to life under the water, this could be in part of Dagon and Mother Hydra, who in a sense manipulated human evolution. These new humans AKA deep ones gained a longer life span, but are unable to mate, thus when one was killed they would have left no offspring to carry on. So they seek humans in order to bolster their numbers. While I am certain they are getting ready to fight a certain slumbering old one, perhaps they still feel a strong desire for companionship or just to get down and dirty at times. And since deep ones would be unable to create children among themselves, by it be the result would create something less then stable or the just could not would be unknown.
Their hybridization could be fir a few reasons- they themselves could be a by product of hybridization seeing as how their own humanoid physique is so pronounced, or maybe it is their way of trying to breed humanity out. I personally go by that they themselves are a completely male species (or all of their females are themselves dead or now sterile) and they find that cross breeding with humans is the only way to continue the species.
Interesting considering that being foreign in the story was seen as being better (not by everyone). Half-deep one meant turning regardless, but they received immortality, power, technology, loving family, and everyone was a lot more forgiving than the humans. It makes me wonder if Lovecraft saw all those happy families and wish he'd something similar. Deep down maybe, but I wondered if he'd wished his childhood was different. His fear a cover for resenting that he didn't get a happy childhood.
I just do not know enough about the deep ones to judge, but it may be that they do not possess fertile females that they can mate with., however as I recall reading Cthulhu is also a member of the deep ones.
So, basically, it's what would happen when the Creature from the Black Lagoon, ahem, "multiplied" by the hundreds and are living in the Sea. [Note-- Comment is only a joke. I know the Yog-Sothothery or Cthulhu Mythos well enough.]
The Shadow Over Innsmouth is my favorite Lovecraft Novel, only being surpassed by The Whisperer In Darkness
The Color and The Silver Key are also masterpieces.
I'm partial to the Dunwich Horror.
MineTurtle Animations Great stories. I am personally a fan of the Dunwich Horror and Herbert West-Reanimator
Mine are At the Mountains of Madness and the Doom that Came to Sarnath
Ohh yeah the whisperer in darkness .. amazing execution, made a terrifying first impression of the Mi-Go race.
Hybrid children watch the sea
Pray for father roaming free
BulletTooth504 Great song!!!
Roses are red bananas are yellow not kiss my ass like a nice little fellow
Face the thing that should not be
This song is actually what got me into Lovecraft and it’s got one of my favorite guitar solos.
And you people thought that " there are plenty of fish in the sea" was a metaphor.
Yes! Deep Ones are the creepiest because they actually live and thrive in our dimension, coming ashore in storms or dark moonless nights!
What is dead may never die
Frank Castle but rises again, harder and stronger
...with strange aeons even death may die...
FoxHound1414 love it.So excited for the new series to come out.
Its funny because the deep ones in game of thrones are literally just deep ones from hp lovecraft
The Deep Ones are my favorite Lovecraft beings, probably because I am personally familiar with New England fishing port villages and unfriendly backward Maine townspeople that give me the creeps (which may partly explain Stephen King). They're so easy to visualize it's unsettling.
I want you to give the eulogy at my it's part of the Cthulhu mythos......and I want you to freak everyone the hell out telling them "it's said he will rise again".
Check out an old 80's B-horror movie called "Humanoids from the Deep". Deep ones at their best I have seen on film. The movie "Dagon" was also okay, but not quite as close to what the Deep Ones are described as doing to the coastal towns who enter into an "arrangement' with the ancient Horror.
"Humanoids from the Deep" is a B-Movie classic.
Humanoid from the deep is a classic b movie from 80s
Now I know what The Creature From The Black Lagoon is.
V-REX 626 and Abe
Plus the Merman from “The Shape of Water”. Looking up information on the Deep Ones makes me wonder if Guillermo Del Toro intended that movie, in part, to also be a deliberate subversion of Lovecraft’s “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”, seeing how the two stories eventually play out.
Mark Cobuzzi Guillermo del toro wrote a script for a movie adaptation of in the mountains of madness so he knows about the Cthulhu myths.
@Chila Chinchila
I know. That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if the opportunity to both homage and subvert “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” partly influenced Del Toro as well.
This novella is supposedly what many Lovecraft critics claim to be a prime example of him expressing racist views, equating foreign races/cultures with inhuman monsters trying to interbreed with humanity and undermine our civilization. Meanwhile, Del Toro has the Merman in his film be a sympathetic protagonist compared to Michael Shannon’s character, who echoes a lot of the era’s prejudice and paranoia, but is treated as the evil villain to be defeated instead.
@@markcobuzzi826 great movie
Mr h your voice is flawless I love hearing you describe this creature
Dude... nice description of Deep Ones. And your voice is excellent for suspenseful readings.
I love the deep ones and hybridisation with other species reminds me a lot of genestealers from 40k, I wouldn't be too surprised if this is where the inspiration came from
Love this channel keep up the good work Mr H
Maintaining their genetic health and a spiritual ritual. There's some kind of symbiotic relationship between the species. Or like the giger xenomorph, they need a host to reproduce and Human are compatible
The issue with the deep ones? They have gills, they breath water... air is like rocket fuel compared to trying to separate the oxygen from water. That's why whales have never lost the ability to breath air. It's more beneficial to have a giant lung capacity than to try and breath water. The largest ocean animals are air breathers for a reason.
So deep ones would have little energy in their blood stream, AKA you could tire them out and beat the crap out of them, or just run away.
Really loving your Lovecraft and Hellraiser videos ! Keep up the great work !!
Your amazing narration makes it all even more terrifying than it already is, great job.
+.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY thank you, glad you're enjoying my channel
Im loving this series of videos ,big thumbs up from south wales.
+Edward Green thanks man! More to come
"the Shadow Over Innsmouth" is my favorite Lovecraft story.
Your voice is awesome.
+Nikola Petrović thank you!
This is where the idea of mirelurks from fallout.
For why they breed with humans, it could be for genetic diversity, and at the same time to obtain information about the latest developments of mankind from their resulting offspring (who do live among men until they mature completely) But it's just a theory.
the first things to arrive on earth were the elder things. Can't remember what the name of the book they came from is but it's the second book in the Necronomicon collection. They arrived shortly after earth was lost from the higher dimensional plains and was still covered in Ocean, and their technology is what caused life on the planet to first appear. Thousands or even millions of years later (can't remember which), they went to war when the Cthulhu spawn arrived, beating them into submission, however later their species began to lose knowledge of their past technology for space travel and weapons, so when the next lot of invaders arrived they lost control of half of earth, then had to retreat into the oceans when the ice ages arrived.
i think it is that for some reason they wan't to get up on land. they may be scared of Cthulhu or they want to expand and the sea might be getting crowded with other sea creatures. so they try to adapt to land slowly.
Loads up combat shotgun
Under hunting regulations when hunting the deep ones you must use steel shot hahaha 😂
Just a thought. Is the creature from the black lagoon technically a Deep One?
This is what the upcoming horror movie underwater should have been inspired by.
They hybridiz with humans because they cannot mate and lay their egg in the ocean. There are predators in the deep depths the Deep One fear.
Either that or it’s a curse placed upon them by Cthulhu or maybe even another Elder God during ancient times when the Deep Ones numbers went unchecked and they encroached upon a elder deity’s lands, and started a war that ended with them cursed, and their numbers severely reduced.
I been wanting to read the books about the Cthulu Mythos, but I heard the copyright on H.P.Lovecraft's work is dicey and complicated. I would be sure to read it about it Mr. H, just in case.
+Eastside Show SCP no, someone claims to hold the rights but they have never proved it or given evidence, his work is public domain since his death was so long ago. I'm 100% confident it's absolutely fine, I wouldn't do it otherwise, but yeah I know what you're talking about. I looked into it before I begun the audio book
It was partly why I never went into the Cthulu Mythos myself because of the confusion. When I looked it up originally I saw it was anything past 1933 was still copyright and anything before was public domain, which had me seriously confused due to public domain laws. Well with that knowledge in mind I may go into Cthulu Mythos at some point, but doing SCP readings occupies must of my time though, as it seems to be my schtick.
Congrats, you have convinced me to re-read SoI again! lol
I would like to see you do Warhammer 40k. it would be very interesting.
These guys are apart of game of thrones as well Dagon is the name of the first Greyjoy and and they apparently they made the Hightower of old town and apparently euron is trying to unleash something sleeping at the bottom of the ocean that has a kraken head like Cthulhu these two franchise work perfectly together
There was one cthulhu mythos story that explained that cthulhu is a water elemental and there are other elemental old ones and gods. I cant remember the name of this book but I remember it was about some people camping and coming into contact with a spectral image of Azethoth, or it may have been another old one or god that has flute players follow it. Either way the point Im trying to get at is perhaps the deep ones were made by cthulhu. The deep ones are immortal beings who alter the bodies and minds of people, specifically people in rural villages and they live in the deepest depths of the ocean. Maybe cthulhu wants to creat his own underwater world of monsters that he can rule over once he is released
Anyone remember the references to this story from Bloodborne?
Ready Petty Yas BloodBorne is like a living embodiment of lovecrafts stories👌👌
The fishing hamlet is the answer you truly seek .
Further lore suggests that humans and Deep Ones share a common evolutionary ancestor.
i believe ... that i've just seen one big walking sushi that needs a couple of sticks of dynamite in the water.
Not dead which eternal lie.
Stranger eons, death may die.
Small details you missed. They worship Cthulhu. Not saying they don't fear him but they constantly mention him along with Dagon and Hydra. And you also missed how they are so protective of their secrets they stalk people who know too much.
+Taraka1 it's not a case of missing, I omit things I feel string out videos needlessly
Ever been to hack dirt? Those who played Oblivion know what I am talking about.
Never heard of this monster ...interesting
off topic, but please say, "I AM THE LAW"! love your content. Thank You very much for all of your hard work.
They could breed with humans to prevent interbreeding
Except that IS interbreeding; to mate with someone not of the same race (or species in this case).
@@Ohflipsnap they must've meant "inbreading"
(to mate with a close family member)
Seen a trend of "if you look at them you go insane" when people witness a hp lovecraft creature.
Back in Lovecraft's day, you probably would go insane seeing all this inhuman Eldritch shit, nowadays we've been desensitized by pop culture and movies, TV, memes, etc. and could likely deal with the lesser beings like the Deep Ones fairly well, now as for the God-level entities like Cthulhu, Dagon, and company, then we might have a problem.
Ty for this one H
Even if I watch 10 other people explain something from the cthulhu mythos, I will always watch Mr h because I feel his way of explaining it really sums up everything important
Alex Root agreed. Plus he does it in a horror movie narrator voice instead of the typical over cheerful "HEY GUIZE WHATS UP VLOGGER #26897245 HERE WITH YOU TODAY WITH SOMETHING TOTES CREEPY!"
His grave tones really set the atmosphere.
I doubt they use solely hybridazation as well; because it also has huge risks of disease; genetic defects, unwanted mutations...etc.
Great review !
All I can say about this is see "The Shape of Water".
Alright, when are you doing an audio book!?
I'd buy 10 copies just to support... !
hey Alice, I've done them actually, two, they are on the channel free to listen to :) not super long, ten minutes and I think the other sixteen. all hp Lovecraft based :)
I'm new to Lovecraft and his shit reminds me of Alien universe so much. Obvious influence. Really cool to discover.
Because we're the dominant land-species on earth, therefore a possible threat to them, becoming part-human may be a survival strategy. How better to "know thine enemy" than hybridization?
Y'know, humans came from the sea...It doesn't take much for them to go back...
Go to the Zoniae across the ages through the portal of the faceless one. There look into the spheres of existences. Revel in the profundity and the faces of necrotic darkness and endless night.
* insert Ocean Man song meme here.
Vust Valeo lol
Sounds like something Hellboy would fight
Mr H Reviews
please cover the Necroscope series. It will change the way you look at vampires forever. If you did an Auto book on the first 3 novels they would sell fast.
+robert paulson I can't, they are still copyrighted and not in public domain
I believe it is a misconception that Cthulhu is a sea creature . His tentacles lead to this error of conclusion. The Oceans are rather his prison that binds him.
Of course theoretically speaking, if these creatures existed the would run the world. Being undying would give you a edge over any mortal species
Honestly this reminds me of The Creature from the Black Lagoon
Just out of curiosity, can you please make a Dagon lore video? That would be awesome XD.
maybe this is what the shape of water is about
I wondered if they had a bisected replication cycle like many ancient, less developed earth species. Something similar to the sporophyte/gametophyte cycle of ferns. Possibly requiring them to mate across species line during one half of their reproductive cycle. The other possibility I wondered about was; what if they are atavistic humans, retaining the agelessness of indeterminate sea species, but unable to survive life on land. In that case, the pact with localized humans would widen their gene pool and possibly further some long term eugenics effort to create a truly amphibian race, indeterminate, at home in either habitat and superior to both sub-species - hypothetically. Maybe the star spawn created the deep ones and land dwelling humans are the mutated and, rather sickly in comparison, offshoot with one beneficial survival trait, that of being land dwelling. If this is a viable hypothesis, then breeding the faulty line back to the main population in order to possibly propitiate the one good trait is perfectly sound genetic science and is widely practiced in all sorts of husbandry projects.
those are just mirelurk kings from fallout 4 aren't they
They mate with humans because they are aquatic and can't necessarily breath air, so mating with humans gives them this ability so that they may someday soon conquer the land.
ooh Dagon
These things sound a lot like the alien grays.
Nice work, thank you ! :) Do some more audio books if you have the time. GG.
The Deep Ones actually worship Father Dagon, Mother Hydra, AND the great dreamer Cthulhu. Hell, it's likely that even Dagon and Hydra acknowledge Cthulhu as their superior.
I play High Tide Hyojin in attack mode
Also it is debatable whether Dagon and Mother Hydra are legitimate Great Old Ones. Or mearly big Deep Ones..... It depends on who's writing.
Mr H do some videos on the many different Titans
The Shadow Over Insmuth is about interracial marriage and the deep ones are a metaphor for black people.
Man, I wish I could hang out with some deep ones, imagine all the cool deep sea creatures they could tell you about
No one knows what lies at the bottom of the sea
Perhaps they're part of an ancient genetic experiment and they are genetic parasites kind of like alien in the Alien series
That wich is not Dead may eternal lie, and after strange eons even death may die.
I mean Lovecraft was the scribe of the old Gods.
their hybridization maybe fundamental in their life cycle like with xenomorphs or marvel's brood. or maybe they have to in order to survive our bacteria dominated world. what better way to gain immunity?
I think if the Lovcraftian creatures were real, I'd B loyal to either the Race of Yith, or the Star Heads, or maybe both, as they seem the least hostel.
Ocean man, take me by the hand lead me to the land, if you understand....
Read the Monster Hunter International book series. Good books that bring the old ones and their minions.
I think that the Gilman is a more powerful Deep One
Mr. H's voice is epic
Marcus Mackey he sounds like a super villain
So, Hellboy mythology is loosely base on HP Lovecraft?
Here is my idea of why these fish people desire to mate with humans. Long long ago, the deep ones and humans were one in the same. An evolutionary split happened, where one gained a longer life, and was adapted to life under the water, this could be in part of Dagon and Mother Hydra, who in a sense manipulated human evolution.
These new humans AKA deep ones gained a longer life span, but are unable to mate, thus when one was killed they would have left no offspring to carry on. So they seek humans in order to bolster their numbers.
While I am certain they are getting ready to fight a certain slumbering old one, perhaps they still feel a strong desire for companionship or just to get down and dirty at times. And since deep ones would be unable to create children among themselves, by it be the result would create something less then stable or the just could not would be unknown.
Their hybridization could be fir a few reasons- they themselves could be a by product of hybridization seeing as how their own humanoid physique is so pronounced, or maybe it is their way of trying to breed humanity out. I personally go by that they themselves are a completely male species (or all of their females are themselves dead or now sterile) and they find that cross breeding with humans is the only way to continue the species.
You have a lovely voice
Your voice is awesome man
+Joseph Young thank you Joseph!
I'm never going deep sea diving now😂😂😂
I think that their number is limited so they mate with humans to avoid thinning of the blood
They used to be able to reproduce with one another. There are some that are pure bred. But when they stopped is hard to say as they can live forever.
they look like the monster from blacklagoon
why are most of the transformations to the hybrid are what im going through? 😨
I'm of the Baphomet persuasion personally.
I thought cthulhu and dagon were connected somehow.
My theory is that they need more genetic diversity because their genome is degrading so they mate with humans
This story was based from lovecraft own fear of Americans getting married to foreigners during his time in New York
Thomas Wightman or maybe it's based off a fish fetish
Interesting considering that being foreign in the story was seen as being better (not by everyone). Half-deep one meant turning regardless, but they received immortality, power, technology, loving family, and everyone was a lot more forgiving than the humans. It makes me wonder if Lovecraft saw all those happy families and wish he'd something similar. Deep down maybe, but I wondered if he'd wished his childhood was different. His fear a cover for resenting that he didn't get a happy childhood.
What if the deep ones in their fear of Cthulu join Hastur's army to overthrow Cthulu and what if the take his city R'leyh
I just do not know enough about the deep ones to judge, but it may be that they do not possess fertile females that they can mate with., however as I recall reading Cthulhu is also a member of the deep ones.
The deep ones Spain you are my son Pablo
Wait. Is the Cloverfield monster a Deep One??
+MegaRedfox101 no
So, basically, it's what would happen when the Creature from the Black Lagoon, ahem, "multiplied" by the hundreds and are living in the Sea.
[Note-- Comment is only a joke. I know the Yog-Sothothery or Cthulhu Mythos well enough.]