昨日道友多宣佈辭職,我的同事包括白人華人印度人菲律賓人全部起立鼓掌👏齊唱 O CANADA 🇨🇦 ! 道友多大愛包容專收中東所謂難民,到頭來2024年10月7日在 Vancouver Downtown Art Gallery 門口燒加拿大🇨🇦國旗,我俾啲朋友同事睇個個都好嬲。 我一向都唔鐘意杜魯多家族,因為老杜魯多係馬克斯擁護者,而九年前道友多講過喜歡中共統治模式。
@TheJlee28 You like those extreme right wing people like Trump and the Conservative, we support our Canadian center party, the Liberal Party. This is a free world. There's no need for personal attack. 有話直說, 請不要人身攻擊, 做人說話要對事不對人, 這才是君子
I studied in Vancouver, Canada in Simon Fraser University around 1980. I remembered Vancouver is very slow in economy and there is no jobs at all except minor retail, services and sales. At that time, it is hard for me to adjust because the weather is cloudy and rainy especially on Sat/Sun most shops are close even Gas station because the Government policy is if "rich" people get Sunday off, so should other people but Government forget if people want to make more money on Sat/Sun/ Overtime, now they cannot. I remembered China Town / Hasting is acceptable and safe to walk during day time and most homeless and drunk are Native Indian and they do not bother you; however, few years back when I watched some video in YT on Chinatown/Hasting, it is really like Los Angeles 's Skid Row or even worst. What a way of Canada going downhill with infected drug addicts and government did nothing to solve it. I missed the old Vancouver, Canada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's reply on Trump's absurd dream of taking Canada, " NOT A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL ! " Canadians LOVE Canada. THOSE WHO DON'T SHOULD LEAVE ! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 In fact from talking to many of my young colleagues, I am amazed they ALL strongly dislike America.
During Canada's Trucker strike, Justine responded by arresting the truckers and suspending the bank accounts of people who gave money to support the strikers. The prime minister of Canada! Really!
Being a Canadian, I have a better feel on what is going on. Part of ur talk might be too confusing fot people who is not familiar with Canadian matter! Because u did not make it clear who said or do what in ur talk !
To Mr. Siu: I am a Canadian. I am glad Trump won the US presidency. While I wish Canada would remain Canada, and it would be somewhat sad if not, I wasn't offended by Trump's 51st state comment or his 25% tariffs (to make Canada deal seriously with the fentanyl drug export issue). Suffice to say if Canada continues to elect the left woke Liberals-NDP in the next election, and thus continues with loose border controls, we Canadians deserve to be ridiculed and have hefty tariffs imposed on us. I see NO contradiction between what Trump may do to Canada and being happy with a Trump victory. Trump has morphed into a movement, in case you still don't realize it. It's about the West, including the US and Canada, returning to common sense and embracing the Western values of freedom, liberty, and justice founded in part on its Judeo-Christian cultures. Besides, I doubt Trump would really want Canada as the 51st state, even assuming we agree to it. Because that would be like getting another left-woke California state. Not exactly conducive to having future Republican Party's election wins.
@TheJlee28 The politically motivated abuse of the legal and judiciary instituion by the Democrats (on an individual, Trump in this case) was a bigger concern than having a felon as president. Besides, the insurrection judgment by the Colorado State Supreme Court was a farce, and the fraud charge in the banker's case was laughable. Yes, I agree Canada won't become part of the US anytime soon. Why would Trump and the Republicans want a bunch of silly wokes?
@TheJlee28 Actually , I have responded to your comment (thank you) earlier. For reasons unknown, I don't see it here. Hence, again: I am more concerned about the Democrats' politically motivated abuse of the US legal institution to clamp down on their political opponent(s), Trump, in this case, than having a felon as president. That's similar to communistic totalitarian ways. Besides, most of the so-called indictment cases are either petty or unfounded. The insurrection judgment delivered by the Supreme Court in Colorado State is a farce, contradicting fundamental common law principles. The fraud accusation in the Banker case was laughable.
I am a proud Canadian for over 40 years and passionately love my country. I voted for the late Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau and our present Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Old immigrants would remember it was his father who started a colour blind immigration system by points. We are all very grateful for his father's immigration policy. New immigrants know nothing about this. Inspite of being born in a privileged family, both Pierre Trudeau and Justin Trudeau have not forgotten the underprivileged and the middle class. My family and I will ALWAYS support the Liberal, the center party whose policies are not far right like the Conservatives nor far left like the NDP.
The housing problem caused by too many immigrants concentrated in Greater Vancouver Area and Greater Toronto Area; plus Vancouver's unique geographic location: a peninsula. Before 1980, new immigrants/refugees were settling in Saskatchewan and Manitoba at less five years before allowed to move out to other part of Canada; since he took power it was labeled as human right abuse. So, you got the result.
D T經常讚賞加國醫保制度,他解决唔到,加人不讚成的。小杜,及整個黨根本被滲透。為選票,賣國,出賣盟友,被盟友撻出局是應該。英-美.澳近幾年在軍事國防(軍演)合作走很近,很密。加紐两個被邪惡入侵最嚴重,又怎樣?被信任度?Out了。在D T大口仔説買Greenland前,加國有反對黨,可能是保守黨video 分析,不满北極大開中門,豪無防空或任何國防,防禦開支,這正合中俄胃口,所以DT不儍,一樣清楚。北約除小國有跟足外,其它盟國,跟本揾老美笨柒。根本上,每個國家想美國保護,先盡力保護自己。
議會講 LGBTQ 、 DEI 、氣候變化、 ESG 、人權,好少講人均 GDP 、經濟問題、外匯儲備、外資、通脹、房屋短缺,認真講,加拿大政府好差
作為加拿大人, 我想說的是: "無能, 只關心政治正確, 一事無成". 像習主席一樣, 靠父陰...
昨日道友多宣佈辭職,我的同事包括白人華人印度人菲律賓人全部起立鼓掌👏齊唱 O CANADA 🇨🇦 !
道友多大愛包容專收中東所謂難民,到頭來2024年10月7日在 Vancouver Downtown Art Gallery 門口燒加拿大🇨🇦國旗,我俾啲朋友同事睇個個都好嬲。
才能 人品 極差 領導國家
帶來傷害 後患無窮
蕭生,多倫多唔系好凍架咋! 杜魯多正左膠,無能,搞死加拿大,移民,經濟,房屋,一遍渾亂!
自取其辱 與人無尤
永遠是加拿大人, 永遠支持 our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 永遠支持不極左亦不極右的自由黨, the Liberal Party 🇨🇦
You like those extreme right wing people like Trump and the Conservative, we support our Canadian center party, the Liberal Party. This is a free world. There's no need for personal attack.
有話直說, 請不要人身攻擊, 做人說話要對事不對人, 這才是君子
❤ 謝謝蕭生講講加拿大❤
Vancouver = Raincouver 🌧☔
I studied in Vancouver, Canada in Simon Fraser University around 1980. I remembered Vancouver is very slow in economy and there is no jobs at all except minor retail, services and sales. At that time, it is hard for me to adjust because the weather is cloudy and rainy especially on Sat/Sun most shops are close even Gas station because the Government policy is if "rich" people get Sunday off, so should other people but Government forget if people want to make more money on Sat/Sun/ Overtime, now they cannot. I remembered China Town / Hasting is acceptable and safe to walk during day time and most homeless and drunk are Native Indian and they do not bother you; however, few years back when I watched some video in YT on Chinatown/Hasting, it is really like Los Angeles 's Skid Row or even worst. What a way of Canada going downhill with infected drug addicts and government did nothing to solve it. I missed the old Vancouver, Canada.
想政府的政策決定,不是由一個人作出的,但作為PM就要付責.他對難民的手法太天真太錯了.(很多其他事都係!)很多難民,特別是由美國進入加國的都只是經濟難民.加國收容難民後,一路幾年都要為每一個難民付出很多錢.好似直到最近才改變政策,較容易很快地reject,但未知有效否.又例如近來的GST holiday,真係開玩笑,簡單複雜化!對方尉蘭的人際處理也十分拙劣.
我於 1974 年四十多歲,從香港移民加拿大,至今五十年的老華矞加拿大人,尚有一個月便是96歲。我一家一直住在温哥華至今。已兒孫共十多人,全部都懂繁体中文及日常香港話對答。我很喜歡 1温哥華,更喜歡做加拿大人。
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's reply on Trump's absurd dream of taking Canada, " NOT A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL ! "
Canadians LOVE Canada. THOSE WHO DON'T SHOULD LEAVE ! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
In fact from talking to many of my young colleagues, I am amazed they ALL strongly dislike America.
We also don't like our Canadian cousin become American too.
特地飛去美國比人侄 幾無面子 唔落檯都唔得啦!人地都未曾上任就已經搞到你加拿大一地雞毛咯!
我有加拿大朋友(非華裔) 真的想加拿大成為美國一個州, 對加拿大政府已徹底失望
Trudeau 只是辭去党魁,沒有辭任總理。還要國會停擺,死撑到底,害死加拿大!
During Canada's Trucker strike, Justine responded by arresting the truckers and suspending the bank accounts of people who gave money to support the strikers. The prime minister of Canada! Really!
Being a Canadian, I have a better feel on what is going on. Part of ur talk might be too confusing fot people who is not familiar with Canadian matter! Because u did not make it clear who said or do what in ur talk !
To Mr. Siu: I am a Canadian. I am glad Trump won the US presidency.
While I wish Canada would remain Canada, and it would be somewhat sad if not, I wasn't offended by Trump's 51st state comment or his 25% tariffs (to make Canada deal seriously with the fentanyl drug export issue).
Suffice to say if Canada continues to elect the left woke Liberals-NDP in the next election, and thus continues with loose border controls, we Canadians deserve to be ridiculed and have hefty tariffs imposed on us.
I see NO contradiction between what Trump may do to Canada and being happy with a Trump victory.
Trump has morphed into a movement, in case you still don't realize it. It's about the West, including the US and Canada, returning to common sense and embracing the Western values of freedom, liberty, and justice founded in part on its Judeo-Christian cultures.
Besides, I doubt Trump would really want Canada as the 51st state, even assuming we agree to it. Because that would be like getting another left-woke California state. Not exactly conducive to having future Republican Party's election wins.
@TheJlee28 The politically motivated abuse of the legal and judiciary instituion by the Democrats (on an individual, Trump in this case) was a bigger concern than having a felon as president. Besides, the insurrection judgment by the Colorado State Supreme Court was a farce, and the fraud charge in the banker's case was laughable. Yes, I agree Canada won't become part of the US anytime soon. Why would Trump and the Republicans want a bunch of silly wokes?
@TheJlee28 Actually , I have responded to your comment (thank you) earlier. For reasons unknown, I don't see it here. Hence, again:
I am more concerned about the Democrats' politically motivated abuse of the US legal institution to clamp down on their political opponent(s), Trump, in this case, than having a felon as president. That's similar to communistic totalitarian ways.
Besides, most of the so-called indictment cases are either petty or unfounded. The insurrection judgment delivered by the Supreme Court in Colorado State is a farce, contradicting fundamental common law principles. The fraud accusation in the Banker case was laughable.
🙏thank you for info and support you. Too young to govern a big country.
@@sunnylai9355 其實小病睇醫生都唔算好貴,最貴係D藥,有大病要做手術就真係貴,我朋友要做手術貴到飛起,所以去咗馬來西亞做5月1價錢包往
@@jaclescheung我係美國人。但係你要想想,本地馬拉人,非富人既福利又如何? 我地美國/加澳紐英去馬拉一定係覺得好好啦
大英帝國🇬🇧全盛時期1920 年有3550 萬平方公里,大過美國加拿大格寧蘭加埋2200 平方公里好多. 蒙古帝國全盛約2300 萬平方公里,亦比較大
You got the numbers wrong: first two years were 350,000 and 430,000; there after more than 485,000 each year till last year.
US_Canada Union proposal is on the table.
我冇錯 喺社會嘅錯 奇哥名言
得兩個城市難道Montreal 唔係城市🥴
沒有自由党移民政策 四十年來就沒有中港台移民感謝自由党👍
加拿大人永遠愛加國, 惡霸 Trump 想吞併別人領土, 這與邪惡俄國獨裁者 Putin 有分別咩 ? 叫 Trump 去發夢啦 !
未來四年係 trump嘅世界
Good luck
睇下呢四年點囉 睇下邊個命長啲
加拿大人一向係好愛自己國家, 學校從小就教育加拿大係多元文化國家, 根本係無人會鍾意同美國合併. Trump哩啲為面子發噏風, 講到尾就為咗加關稅
加拿大可以對美國停止能源輸入作為談判手段(關稅), 至於是否可行還看特朗普的後著
點解你唔去急症? 除了要等4,5 小時外,所有應做步驟都會做齊。
@foxtrat1957 最後去咗急症照X光,X光只能照到有冇骨折,韌帶,半月板,軟組織是照唔到,因為唔知傷咗邊道所以不建議做物理治療,急症室教咗我太太用crutches,最後都係要等照CT.醫生話要照完CT先可以給到最適合治療畀我哋.現在只能在家中等.家庭醫生只係開咗藥單去買止痛藥其它就冇.
為你太太遭遇難過,並希望她早日康復. 我在Alberta,等MRI要一年. 照了MRI才可見專科. 但可選擇比錢,等兩三星期. 要醫生寫紙. 我做緊針灸,有幫助
@@kityili5827 根據家庭醫生及物理治療師初步判斷,(物理治療師可以自費睇)好大機會半月板有問題有機會要做手術所以睇跌打時沒有用的
Angelic face ! 仲想做G7 head Gman 75 都冇佢份 問吓倉田保昭 丹波節郎先啦 識講French 就好叻咩 我夠識囉
Trump cheated on all three marriages. Who is the immoral one ?
I am a proud Canadian for over 40 years and passionately love my country. I voted for the late Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau and our present Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Old immigrants would remember it was his father who started a colour blind immigration system by points. We are all very grateful for his father's immigration policy. New immigrants know nothing about this.
Inspite of being born in a privileged family, both Pierre Trudeau and Justin Trudeau have not forgotten the underprivileged and the middle class.
My family and I will ALWAYS support the Liberal, the center party whose policies are not far right like the Conservatives nor far left like the NDP.
我由頭到尾都唔支持Donald Trump. 另、我又唔覺得Toronto好凍、出入都揸車、落車週圍都暖氣。
I am Canadian. I like the idea Canada to be the 51st state of the USA.
Do you want guns everywhere in Canada?
same as Obama
中共:加拿大 道友多?我喜歡!
西岸BC 省、Alberta 省很早以前已經想獨立或加入美國啦。三十年前已經好多人話加拿大喺美國的省份啦!
Liberal party 班元老 Jean C Lloyd A Fora M Paul M 全部冇眼睇 Pierre T maybe turning in his grave
The housing problem caused by too many immigrants concentrated in Greater Vancouver Area and Greater Toronto Area; plus Vancouver's unique geographic location: a peninsula. Before 1980, new immigrants/refugees were settling in Saskatchewan and Manitoba at less five years before allowed to move out to other part of Canada; since he took power it was labeled as human right abuse. So, you got the result.
D T經常讚賞加國醫保制度,他解决唔到,加人不讚成的。小杜,及整個黨根本被滲透。為選票,賣國,出賣盟友,被盟友撻出局是應該。英-美.澳近幾年在軍事國防(軍演)合作走很近,很密。加紐两個被邪惡入侵最嚴重,又怎樣?被信任度?Out了。在D T大口仔説買Greenland前,加國有反對黨,可能是保守黨video 分析,不满北極大開中門,豪無防空或任何國防,防禦開支,這正合中俄胃口,所以DT不儍,一樣清楚。北約除小國有跟足外,其它盟國,跟本揾老美笨柒。根本上,每個國家想美國保護,先盡力保護自己。
加拿大不大可能加入美國,但加國各省是有權選擇加入,Marinetime provinces 是有機會的
Quebec separatism 講大半個世紀 都搞唔惦
@@LAURA-oz8ls 下次全魁北克投票就會獨立啦
多謝侵粉成功。而家攪政府。 不斷扶植極右民粹政權後就攪人民。 講錯說話就係侵犯國安。 今次震過猫王!
聽聽加拿大安省英語人的討論 : th-cam.com/video/MLwVLlX70EY/w-d-xo.html Canada as the 51st State?
He is useess
Cannot face Trump