  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 397

  • @LaurelRothamel
    @LaurelRothamel  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +62

    **** edit: yall plz check out my Halloween Kpop playlist before you get upset about what I have and haven’t reacted to. A lot of y’all are suggesting MVs I reacted to last year! You can find all my reactions in playlists below or on my channel. I’ve reacted to lots of Dreamcatcher. Don’t go insane by DPR Ian, and Black Cat Nero is literally one of the first videos I reacted to of ATEEZ and the reason I love them! Also VIXX Voodoo doll. Plz plz check out my other videos!
    LMK what y'all are dressing as for Halloween this year, and who you're most looking forwards to me reacting to!
    I REACTED TO 퍼플키스(PURPLE KISS) 'Zombie' Halloween Performance Video TOO:
    Watch Other Halloween Reactions:
    All my KPOP reactions so far:
    Other Halloween Videos (Not Reactions):
    All THE BOYS Reactions:
    All Dreamcatcher Reactions:
    All Stray Kids Reactions:
    All Purple Kiss Reactions:
    THE BOYZ - Drink It:
    PIXY - Bewitched (Eng vers.):
    Stray Kids - JJAM:
    Dreamcatcher - PIRI:
    Jackson Wang - COME ALIVE:
    Purple Kiss - Zombie:
    ~ My Merch: ~
    Mailbox: 402 West Palm Valley BLVD #327 Round Rock, Tx 78664-4237

    • @gaymerjaymee111
      @gaymerjaymee111 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Now you gotta check out Jackson Wang's Blow MV, it is CAMP on CAMP on HORROR on CAMP!!! Your little bisexual heart may not be able to handle it though (the guys and gwurls are fine AF in it) 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @ellabowen
      @ellabowen 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I'm dressing as Shiny Mimikyu for Halloween and I'm super excited for you to have finally seen JJAM! Also im so glad you loved Jackson Wang's m/v, some of his stuff is similar but he definitely has been finding his style over the years. you will love his Magic Man stuff, my fav m/v of his is Cruel. Definitely look into him as an artist, he's had a very interesting journey.

    • @stephaniesouza1632
      @stephaniesouza1632 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      YAAAAY FINALLY!!! You’re reacting to the Boyz!!! DRINK IT!!!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!😆😆😆😆😆

    • @fantasmaghoulical
      @fantasmaghoulical 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      im dressing up as ghostface!!

    • @clarissanicole3629
      @clarissanicole3629 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Idk but I’ll be at the Seventeen concert in San Antonio so it’s high time I figured it out!

  • @g4ydor445
    @g4ydor445 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +138

    2:18 - The Boyz 'Drink It'
    10:20 - Kard 'Gunshot'
    18:24 - PIXY 'Bewitched'
    25:44 - Sunmi 'Stranger'
    33:36 - Stray Kids 'JJam'
    40:50 - Dreamcatcher 'Piri'
    47:26 - Jackson Wang 'Come Alive'
    55:22 - Purple Kiss 'Zombie'
    1:03:46 - Shinee ' Married To The Music'

  • @Ofra8191-
    @Ofra8191- 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +111

    About SHINee's Married to the music, you pretty much got it, the bride represents music and she's taking each member's best parts in order to create "the perfect man". She takes Key's head, Taemin's eyes, Onew's nose, Jonghyun's lips and Minho's body.
    SHINee's vocals are some of the best in kpop, and they don't have a vocal line, the entire GROUP is the vocal line, they are all amazing vocalists, and wait till you hear them live, they're even better.
    SHINee pretty much INVENTED Halloween in kpop, it wasn't really a THING in the past, there were no yearly company Halloween parties like there are today. SM, SHINee's company, had a regular formal party and SHINee decided to come in FULL costumes, starting 2 memes in the process, and LSM, the CEO of SM at the time, loved it so much that he created the SM yearly Halloween party, with the other big k-pop companies copying it as well, and from there it spread... SHINee members still have some of the most iconic costume ever worn for those parties...

  • @evaswol
    @evaswol 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +114

    im glad you liked shinee’s married to the music ! basically yeah the plot was the bride was putting together a “perfect groom” for herself by taking the “best” piece of each member - key’s face (also the name of his solo debut album LOL), taemin’s eyes, onew’s nose, jonghyun’s lips, and ofc minho’s body
    some fun easter eggs is that key’s insides are lemon bc he’s sour cuz hes known to be rlly sassy and blunt (this diva)
    also minho gets lit on fire bc his nickname since debut has been flaming charisma minho 🔥 hes rlly intense ab everything (esp sports or any games LOL)
    jonghyun loses his lips bc hes the main vocalist of shinee and is known for his insane vocals 💕
    fun fact shinee also started a fun trend of dressing up at sm’s halloween parties they used to have every yr ! which created some iconic moments like key as ronald mcdonald and onew as colonel sanders fighting it out 😭
    if u wanna check out more shinee id rlly recommend some live performances bc thats rlly their specialty, id rlly recommend watching some of their live performances like for “sherlock,” “everybody,” and “stranger” (theres many others i could also mention but the list would get too long 😅) their live vocals and stability are insane !!
    also- u should check out key’s new song “pleasure shop” that came out a couple weeks ago on his bday 💕 its rlly good !!! not rlly halloween but like robot ai concept ?? its rlly campy (everything he does is campy tbh)

  • @agphelps
    @agphelps 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +101

    Purple Kiss also did a Halloween performance video for Zombie where they completely remixed the song to make s spookier version. Its great.

    • @Jneedstostopobssessing
      @Jneedstostopobssessing 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I was going to say that the Halloween version and MV is amazing - it's a great remix

    • @jamescurfman3284
      @jamescurfman3284 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I also would have mentioned the other version if I did not see your comment first. That version is AWESOME! I love both! :)

    • @breakforthechorus6230
      @breakforthechorus6230 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      If you can't already consider her a fellow Plory just from that STELLAR Zombie reaction, this ver WILL solidify her in the fandom fr.

    • @Jneedstostopobssessing
      @Jneedstostopobssessing 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@breakforthechorus6230 have you seen the teasers for the new EP? I'm so excited!

  • @GGHaddy
    @GGHaddy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +232

    OMG YES You would love Jackson wang's music. Its all so creative! I highly recommend blow and cruel.

    • @hopehartline1965
      @hopehartline1965 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @polina2297
      @polina2297 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Blow is cool ❤

    • @ronitamberino
      @ronitamberino 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      100 Ways... Drive You Home...

    • @Wertical21
      @Wertical21 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I was genuinely surprised that he wasn't already one of her faves lol.
      Blow, Cruel, 100 Ways and recently Feeling Lucky are just...

    • @dorischu8769
      @dorischu8769 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Papillon and Titanic also 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @pearlyprizes
    @pearlyprizes 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    AHHHH i'm so happy you finally got to react to shinee :') and yes to me it is still peak halloween kpop it's so fun and silly but the song is so good i look forward to listening to it every october 1st hehehe
    LOVE YOU LAUREL i hope you gained even more interest in shinee after this bc they're genuinely a legendary kpop group with such an amazing discography both as a group and as soloists and you'd loveeee how well they execute everything 🩵

  • @shatter_glass13
    @shatter_glass13 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Jackson Wang is a member of GOT7 who was also a JYP Entertainment Kpop group. He is now doing a lot of solo music and started his own record label! He's so cool! The MV screamed Laurel! Ahhh, I love it so much! ❤

  • @sarahkins4009
    @sarahkins4009 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +44

    Another good Sunmi song that gives Halloween vibes is Tail
    Edit: I forgot to add You In Me by KARD also gives spooky vibes 🤎

    • @katiegrossman2338
      @katiegrossman2338 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes! To both!

    • @breakforthechorus6230
      @breakforthechorus6230 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The taste. Two of my favorite songs ever. The You in Me MV is just hauntingly beautiful (as is the song itself)

  • @akanksha__222
    @akanksha__222 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    YESSS please do a The Boyz deep dive. I've been screaming about them for years cuz people really out here missing out on some of THE best content kpop has to offer.
    PS: The one who started the song was Haknyeon not Jacob.

  • @bethanykettler5960
    @bethanykettler5960 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    Love that you Jackson Wang! He is amazing. And an incredible artist. If you want another spooky MV, try Cruel and Blow. He also the gold standard for gentlemen idols, speaks numerous languages, and seems to be an all around good person.

  • @froggymuds
    @froggymuds 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    Pixy are so awesome!!! I saw them live in concert last year, they're such incredible performers!! Criminally underrated

    • @ot7biasedmashups
      @ot7biasedmashups 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Unfortunately they basically disbanded😭😭 I'm so sad I never got to see them live

    • @froggymuds
      @froggymuds 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@ot7biasedmashups I knowww i miss them so much 😭😭😭they had so much potential

    • @0dona678
      @0dona678 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @anna3982
    @anna3982 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    yesss kard!!! (for more halloween kard i would recommend the song You In Me, the MV is so creepy) as for a deep dive, i would say Don't Recall, Hola Hola, Dumb Litty, Red Moon, Ring the Alarm, Icky and then their most recent song Spin (the performance video)!

  • @-niaj
    @-niaj 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +118

    omgg dreamcatcher have a lot off music videos that fits for the halloween concept we want a dreamcatcher marathon for october please 😣
    also they’re like really really fruity they’re not gonna disappoint u😭😭😭

  • @tomoovehk
    @tomoovehk 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    56:03 That's Giuk, the bassist and rapper of the band ONEWE, also under the same company as Purple Kiss! So basically their older brother group😭

  • @bonnienerd9872
    @bonnienerd9872 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +76

    Jackson Wang is incredible! You’ll love Blow too.

    • @tableunnie
      @tableunnie 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      YES!!!! also cruel!!!

  • @maelisols
    @maelisols 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11


  • @namnamkookie3225
    @namnamkookie3225 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +56

    I Love your reactions!!!KARD is amazing!!! KARD Deep dive you have to see…
    CAKE- dance practice, ICKY- MV, RING THE ALARM- MV, SPIN- performance video, RED MOON- MV, RIDE ON THE WIND- MV and so much more. They don’t miss!

  • @camrosie
    @camrosie 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +47

    YEEESSS SHINee and Pixy are so damn good. You're genuinely not going to find better vocals in all of kpop than from SHINee. And Pixy has some incredible concepts with such cunty music. Their mvs for "Addicted" and "Wings" are also great for Halloween!
    Number one Kpop Halloween rec has to be "Tales of The Unusual" by Pink Fantasy. I need you to trust me on this one, okay 😭 That and "Poison". Soooo creepy and rocking! If you like Dreamcatcher, you'll definitely like PF!

    • @PhantamSam
      @PhantamSam 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Hell yeah, another Shawol Winxy!

  • @dizzymcdizz
    @dizzymcdizz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    If lorl is reacting to girl groups there's a 95% chance im the one who's been recommended them for the longest time.. im the ghoul kid girl group enthusiast. Im so happy my PIXY girls and DREAMCATCHER are in this video. Hopefully the become regulars in lorls videos and playlists!!

  • @mollydelacy9007
    @mollydelacy9007 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    KARD's new album is mainly an all English album. KARD is normally known for their tropical house vibes but, they like to mix up genres tho. Like their new album besides the Tell my momma, they have 2 songs that are more '90's hip hop vibes songs with Boom Box, and Shimmy Shimmy and the other 2 songs are more tropical house with songs Spin and Waste my time. Some, suggestion are, Knocking on Heavens Door, Go Baby, Dimelo, Hold On, Trust Me, Cake, Icky, Moonlight.
    They also have on their YT channel some really fun to watch vlogs such as when they went water skiing, ice fishing, sky diving etc.
    They also do cover performances as well which are a great watch like, BPinks, Shut Down, Block B, Zero for Conduct, Kasia, Bad. They also competed on the show Immortal song 2, with songs, Sad Salsa, Wingless Angel. Performed at Dream Concert 2019 with OG KPop duo Clon and Asia Artist Awards shows as well. I highly recommend watching their Live Performances. Glad u enjoyed this unique group and I hope u continue to check them out. Been a fan since their debute in 2017.

  • @2006_wr
    @2006_wr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    yay kard finally!!!!! id recommend wayv phantom, and jun (the red haired boy from svt god of music) psycho or limbo!

  • @brinaaline529
    @brinaaline529 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    sunmi is cool and odd, that’s her exact vibe. i hope you listen to more! tail is good for these theme still

  • @2-st1mj
    @2-st1mj 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    40:45 Dreamcatcher Piri - This song is the title track of the End of Nightmare album. This album is really great, so I highly recommend you listen to it.

  • @Bellafrankie
    @Bellafrankie 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Knew you'd love Jackson. This is actually Magic Man. More like his stage persona. This man is an ARTIST artist. Check out Blow & Cruel.

  • @hammymallory
    @hammymallory 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I'd be here in a heartbeat for more Kard!!!! Any mv will do 😉

  • @brittaneyb3425
    @brittaneyb3425 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Yesss thanks for reacting to shinee married to the music!!! One of my favorite shinee songs!! Please consider reacting to some of their other releases. I like don’t call me, view, juice, replay if you want to see them as babies! Also all of the members have solo releases as well! Key, onew, and Taemin recently came out with albums while Minho’s is on the way!

  • @breakforthechorus6230
    @breakforthechorus6230 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hi girlie! Heck yes we want a PK, DC, KARD, SHINee, Sunmi, Pixy Deep dive. (Haha...That's asking a LOT)
    First things first, your reactions are the realest. You're as entertaining as the music and MVs themselves and your commentary is just such a big mood. The fact that your entire vibe reminds me so much of my best friend in HS just brings a comfort everytime I watch your videos. :)
    Second, that was SUCH a fun and groovy reaction to Zombie and Married to the Music. It's funny you loved the Campy Horror vibes so much in Zombie and asked for more only for you to say the next MV was "Married to the Music" and I was like oooo lord, ask and ye shall receive. Haha I haven't seen that MV since 2015 (when Dabbing was still unironically cool) and I completely forgot just how shocking and unhinged it is. I was with you when my bis Key's head got chopped straight off.
    For PK, I love that you nailed and clocked their entire aesthetic. Yesss Purple Kiss does cute n creepy perfectly. It's successfully camp and not cringey instead. (a hard balance.) As other's have said, Purple Kiss has a comeback coming up and now is the absolute most opportune time to become a Plory and officially stan PK. The styling for 'On My Bike' has my scene boi heart in a chokehold. Dark biker angels. Sign me the fuck up. Also I suggest you check out 'My Heart Skip A Beat' to see PK take on a Dreamcatcher inspired rock concept. They slayed it as a pre release AND they worked on every aspect of the song and production.

  • @KíraNémeth-y6g
    @KíraNémeth-y6g 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Thank you for Dreamcatcher! They have actually a series in the beggining with the mv’s storyline and its called nighmare series! And Piri actually is the last part of it but so glad you reacted to it! Dreamcatcher marathon in the future??

    • @breakforthechorus6230
      @breakforthechorus6230 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am here and SEATED for a DC deep dive. This is how Laurel will become as popular and loved as a reactor as Kess and Han are.

  • @soyungato1112
    @soyungato1112 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    It's funny that you mentioned DBDL's Trickster, since they collaborated with KARD's BM precisely because people pointed out his resemblance to the character xD. You can look that collaboration up on TH-cam, although it was around the time when J.Seph (the other male member) was doing his mandatory military service, so he doesn't appear in the collaboration. Thank you for your reaction to KARD, they deserve a lot more recognition 😢

  • @camiyengjaninea.5901
    @camiyengjaninea.5901 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    6:48 the multiple repeat on sangyeon's part is so real!!

  • @1mamalama1
    @1mamalama1 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    SHINee is known for their vocals. If you want more songs in the creepy or dark side for Halloween theme. SHINee has a song called Orgel or Evil. I think you would like. No MV. Live concert performance. Recommend as a start. They have others as well. You should check them out. They are still active since 2008 & are amazing as a group & in their solo work.

  • @situateratasthe_curse_of_t6588
    @situateratasthe_curse_of_t6588 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    D R E A M C A T C H E R = OCTOBER 31ST any year EVERY YEAR's ROCKING QUEENS of kpop BAR NONE. 😤✊💯❤‍🔥

  • @madisonchacon9282
    @madisonchacon9282 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    U should try out jackson wang blow , feeling lucky (and bibi) , Cheetah and slow (and Ciara)

  • @MyAmru
    @MyAmru 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    That's SHINee for you...😅. I hope you'll check out more of them in future. It'll be fun ..

  • @lunabubbless
    @lunabubbless 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I am so happy you are enjoying all of these groups/soloists!! Also btw, the person at 56:05 and 1:02:26 is the bassist, rapper, and maknae from ONEWE, his name is Giuk! He is from the same company as Purple Kiss.

  • @Izzacca03
    @Izzacca03 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Purple kiss comeback on the 22nd im so excited!

  • @TheMaddKing317
    @TheMaddKing317 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    KARD - Dumb Litty. You're welcome in advance lol

  • @davidmenold6421
    @davidmenold6421 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    if you like that Kard so you will probably like Icky it gives poison ivy vibes

  • @kj5744
    @kj5744 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thank you for reacting to The Boyz! This song is criminally underrated and one of my favorites. 😊

  • @shinylittlebaubles
    @shinylittlebaubles 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Oh my GOSH if you made a Jackson Wang video I’d lose it!! He’s amazing, and a good guy and fun artist! Please do (in your own time ofc)! 💖💖💖 I saw someone else mention this but YES, Blow and Cruel would be an excellent start!

  • @Emm-os1qo
    @Emm-os1qo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    They're by far my favorite Kpop group!!

  • @enanan83
    @enanan83 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I neeeed you to do more SHINee!! If you decide to look into them more, definitely start with their debut Replay, then the original Sherlock and Dream Girl and Atlantis!!

  • @weezer3209
    @weezer3209 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Theres a Halloween version of purple kiss zombie. You should check that one out.

  • @bernacarangan
    @bernacarangan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    "can i be the gomez to your morticia" to sunmi?????? same
    also Sunmi is from Abyss, previously from JYP and from Wonder Girls!!! (she's the love of my life) -- I cant fully explain her in a nutshell but she has great songs, the dances are always great and she always serves!!!!!!!!!! not all her songs are like Stranger (which basing from her short films prior to posting it came from a time where she was immensley having writer's block ,, hence the 102328 switch ups in the song -- take this with a grain of salt i could be wrong) but for you're next halloween related video please do full moon hehe

  • @FrogieFairy
    @FrogieFairy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    (G)I-DLE put it straight nightmare version 😮

  • @user-wi1ew8xs7w
    @user-wi1ew8xs7w 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    3:33 actually that's haknyeon!! haknyeon, juyeon and sunwoo are the tbz members with deep voices. also drink is actually a few years old but it got taken down and reuploaded a year ago. 4:56 and yh that's sangyeon

  • @ashdee24
    @ashdee24 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    What I love most about SHINee's Married To The Music being one of the most iconic Kpop Halloween MVs/albums....was that it was released in August, as a repackage to their Summer hit Album 'Odd'.

  • @notmeowbutmeow5269
    @notmeowbutmeow5269 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Girl- and let me tell you Jackson Wang is like THE MOST HUMBLE AND KINDEST AND GENTLEMAN you could find among kpop idols. ISTG he's even better if you see his personality.

  • @brionyfakatou1620
    @brionyfakatou1620 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    If you need more Halloween material I highly recommend Nightwalker by Ten. and if you haven’t reacted to Don’t Go Insane by DPR Ian. Actually several of DPR Ian’s music videos could be creepy enough for Halloween so those would work too. 100 Ways, Blow and Cruel by Jackson Wang also have Halloweeny videos. (FYI he announced at an awards show in China about a week ago that he has new music coming next year) He was a rapper in the Kpop group GOT7, so I’m kinda glad he has his own company in China now because I LOVE his vocals. Also, Piri 피리 (or Pili, the ㄹ in Hangul often makes an L sound) is the word for flute or pipe in Korean.

  • @Marber72
    @Marber72 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    ❤ Dreamcatcher „ BOCA” Zombie version 🤗🫶🤭😁

  • @Silverwolfvalo
    @Silverwolfvalo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Loooove your MV reactions and esp when you put Dreamcatcher in! I think it would be so cool to see you do a dreamcatcher deep dive where you watch their vids in chronological order and piece their story together

  • @milindawilson9175
    @milindawilson9175 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wow, you pretty much got the story right. SHINee's "Married to the Music" MV is telling the story of a group of guys who thought they were attending a fun party. (Their outfits and hair are supposed to look like they are dressed up for a retro Halloween party.) However, little do they know what they are in for. (I kind of think of it like the movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show".) The girl in the wedding dress, who is presumed to be a little crazy and obsessed with the SHINee members, is collecting the best body parts from each of the members to create her ideal man. She burned Minho's head because what she wanted was his body. She used fire because Minho's nickname is "Flaming Charisma" because of his passion for life and sports and his need to always win. Minho has the best body of the group so, she took Minho's body, Key's head, Onew's nose, Taemin's eyes and Jonghyun's lips (for obvious reasons. LOL). Then at the end, she spliced them all together and formed her perfect guy. If you notice, in the end credits we see a person that has been created from all of the members' body parts, which is supposed to be the guy the girl created. In other words, music is a very fickle girl and she controls your life by picking and choosing the best parts and mashes them together to create the perfect song. LOL.
    BTW, How come SHINee's "Married To The Music" isn't listed in the description on this video? I think you forgot to add it when you were making your list of MVs you reacted to in this part of the video.
    As you can see, there's a supernatural element to this story. No one dies in the MV. They are all still walking and interacting and singing and dancing, etc. She is taking their body parts, but they aren't dying.
    In SHINee's iconic SM museum archives you can even see the rubber eyes, nose and lips, etc. that were created from molds of the members actual body parts and used as props in this MV.
    We now know where Key gets his sassy personality from because we discover he is full of lemons. And when she takes Onew's nose we see Onew's blood is orange like nacho cheese because he is known for his cheesy jokes, as the "old man" of the group, etc. LOL.
    There isn't a dance practice for this song, but if you want to see the choreography better you should watch the performance version MV and/or, even better, a live comeback stage. There is a lot more to this dance than what you see in the MV. And if you check out their comeback stages you will see their bow ties look like bats and some of their hats have witches fingers, etc. (Everytime they performed this song on music shows their outfits are different, so it's worth checking out more than one performance to see just how fun their outfits and stages were.) You're right, everything's supposed to have that fun, campy horror/comedy look and feel.
    You should see the behind the scenes footage of them filming the MV, This will give you an even better look at just how much detail and work went into everything to do with "Married to the Music" and why it's such an iconic song.
    SHINee's "Married to the Music" was released in 2015 and it's supposed to be fun and upbeat, because they are "Married to the Music."
    "Married to the Music" is considered a Halloween must watch within the fandom and most of us make this MV part of our Halloween tradition every year. And it's about as iconic of a cult classic as "Rocky Horror Picture Show," as well. However, this song and MV came out in August, nowhere near Halloween. Halloween isn't really a big deal in Korea and it has only been in the last few years that Koreans have started to celebrate Halloween by holding costume parties. Halloween in Korea is pretty much a western culture transplant. But, the middle of summer is horror season in Korea. Koreans say they like to watch scary movies and shows in the summer because it gives them chills, which cools them down when it is hot. So, that's probably why they came up with this concept for "Married to the Music" as an August comeback theme.
    SHINee really are one of the most iconic and influential groups. They are always setting trends, never following them. SHINee were designed to be SM Entertainment's experimental boy group, so everything they do is meant to be the first and they are expected to come up with a style and sound that has never been done before. And yet it still always ends up feeling and sounding like SHINee. SHINee has started the trend with almost everything, there is almost nothing that can't be attributed to something SHINee has been involved in.
    With every new song SHINee produces it's expected to be different than the last, so you will NEVER hear the same style or sound from them in any of their songs, even on the same album. The industry looks to SHINee to show them what the next song style and dance trend will be. When SHINee does something the industry takes note and follows suit.
    Case in point, SHINee is known as one of the very first groups to ever dress up in full costume for Halloween. They first did it for a fan meeting in 2013 and then they decided to show up to SM's annual company dinner in costume. Which is what gave Lee SooMan (the founder of SM) the idea to hold a costume party. Now SM is known for holding one of the largest costume parties every year. (The event is like the Met Gala of Halloween parties, and is usually attended by some of the biggest name celebrities in Korea.) As part of the party there is a costume contest and, in the past, the person with the best costume has won an all expenses paid vacation trip. (SM Entertainment members are known for being some of the most competitive. They are the ones who go all out when it comes to dressing up -- always trying to outdo each other. So it's a pretty steep competition among the top contenders every year. And each year they have to come up with something better than what anyone did the year before.) Key is very competitive when it comes to fashion, costumes included, and the last time he attended the Halloween party in 2018 he won. He came as Voldemort from Harry Potter. He hired a team of famous TV and movie makeup artists to make him look like the real character. Check out,, to see just how amazing his costume really was. And in 2021 -- which was the first year the SHINee members were able to attend since the pandemic canceled the event the previous year, and this was the first year since Onew, Key and Minho were discharged from the military -- Onew kept the tradition going. Onew dressed up as The Penguin from Batman for SM's Halloween House Party, and he received the award for best dressed. You have to see how spoton his costume was as well,
    SHINee are the reason why Kpop groups and artists now dress up in costume and film special dance practice videos or do special things, etc. for Halloween. SHINee are such influencers that, one year when Key dressed up like Ronald McDonald from McDonald's and Onew was Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), they created such a buzz and went viral worldwide that Key says McDonald's sent him a giant stack of coupons for free meals as a thank you for the advertising.

  • @shatter_glass13
    @shatter_glass13 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    OMG Laurel, this was such a fun video to watch! I can't wait for Part 2!! ❤

  • @milindawilson9175
    @milindawilson9175 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Jackson's "Come Alive" MVs is from his Magic Man album -- which was released in 2022 -- and all the songs on this album have their own MV. As he said in several interviews when he was promoting this album, each song is supposed to be part of a different universe, each telling their own story. So I think what we are seeing at the end of "Come Alive" is each of the different universes that make up the album. To me it looks like the world of "Blue" was top left, underneath was the world of "Blow", and the power plant/nuclear reactor was on the "Cruel" universe. Really all of the songs and MVs from this album could be considered Halloween themed because he's playing a monster or spirit in all of them and they are each based on sci-fi or supernatural storylines. Hence, the album's called Magic Man, so all the MVs have magical elements to them.
    Jackson Wang is one of the rappers in the Kpop group GOT7. He is Chinese, from Hong Kong.
    And yes, he is fluent in English. He grew up attending an international school in Hong Kong were the primary language spoken was English. That is why he speaks English almost better than his native Cantonese. So, when it comes to his solo work, most of his songs are in English or Mandarin. Jackson speaks 4 languages fluently: Cantonese, English, Korean and Mandarin.
    Although Jackson got his start in Kpop, his solo work is geared toward an international audience. His songs are marketed by his company and are designed to appeal more to an international/western audience, not necessarily any one country or specific music or entertainment industry.
    As a soloist he is a global artist. He writes, composes and produces his own music, as well as directs and edits most of his own MVs these days. He says he finds it easier just to do everything himself then try to explain the concepts and ideas he has for his videos to someone else and hope that they have the same vision as him. He is a music mogul -- he runs is own label/company with his crew called Team Wang.
    Because most of Jackson's songs are in English, and he is a fluent English speaker, he does a lot of promotional activities in the U.S. as well, and he has collaborated with several famous U.S. artists.
    Jackson is gaining a reputation as one of the biggest and most famous singer/songwriter/producer/dancer/artists in China, alongside Lay (Zhang Yixing) from EXO. They are both international powerhouses who dominate in all aspects of the Chinese entertainment industry and internationally.
    Jackson has 100% control over all aspects of his solo work because he owns it all himself. It's all part of his company.
    Most of Jackson's MVs are very cinematic. He literally has said that when he designs the storylines and works on the choreography he wants it to feel like a musical and be very theatrical. If you like "Come Alive," you will love his other solo songs such as "Blow", "Cruel", "Blue", "Bullet to the Heart," "100 Ways," "Pretty Please", "LMLY (Leave Me Love You)," "Drive You Home," "Oxygen," etc. If you want some of his more rap heavy songs try ""Papillon," "Fediman," "Titanic," "Dawn of Us," "Made It," "Okay," etc.

  • @georgiapenguin550
    @georgiapenguin550 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Love the reaction to Pixy and The Boy, cant wait to see more of the.
    You have to watch Xikers' new MV Bittersweet. It's got even more spooky vibes than Witch. It's a b side, but it goes so hard.

  • @kizzntell4521
    @kizzntell4521 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    HOW THE HECK DID YOU SLEPT ON JACKSON WANG?!!!! I know about him from "100 ways" which was 4 years ago and he never dissapointed me. If you'd ever reacted to him please do it even from his earlier music bc it's very nice to see his journey to HIS kind of music. And yes, Come Alive is showing his genre. But my fave would be "Cruel" - his interactions with his dancers?!!!! Woah.... I'm melting. The things i would do to be touched like that by this man X.X Actually, him in "Blow"....... in a corset?!!! It was my freaking awakening!!
    Also please watch his music chronologically, I am no expert but some of his music is intended to continue a story.
    Also also, why i never compared him to Joker?! I get the vibe and I LOVE THAT VIBE and same with DPR Ian !!!!
    And OMG PIXY finally!!

  • @Yellochi
    @Yellochi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ooooohhhh I love KARD! I'm going to see them soon in concert :) you should react to ICKY!!

  • @5hineeswol
    @5hineeswol 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    omg !! i love ur reactions this was so fun to watch 💕
    also ty for checking out shinee !! the mttm mv is rlly iconic isnt it lol
    if u want more song recs some of my favs (with mvs) are “view,” “1 of 1,” “lucifer,” and “replay” (their debut where they all look like babies 🫶)
    shinee is rlly such a unique group bc none of their title tracks sound the same pretty much besides maybe a couple of their early yr releases 😅 they are concept kings! i hope u check out more of their work 💕

  • @Sharpyre
    @Sharpyre 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I think BM from KARD was a model for Trickster from DBD actually lmao. I'd recommend "You In Me" by KARD for another creepy MV/song, but it's not necessarily scary/halloween themed I guess?

  • @melody1953
    @melody1953 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've discovered so many new songs and music videos there with you wooww! I had an amazing time watching all that with you.
    (OMG JACKSON WANG's "Come Alive"????? That was so cool)

  • @user44198
    @user44198 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    omg u NEEEED to get into shinee they are so incredible and talented

  • @laurainathunderstorm
    @laurainathunderstorm หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    56:03 this is Giuk! He's a ONEWE member and he worked on the production of this song. ONEWE are Purple Kiss' labelmates, they're a kband and they're awesome, Giuk is their bassist and maknae.

  • @Cat-vr5ss
    @Cat-vr5ss 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jackson Wamg is THAT MAN. He is incredible and his videos are AND music are always incredible ❤

  • @user-hj5bl5gc7v
    @user-hj5bl5gc7v 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    OMG THANK U FOR REACTING TO KARD!!! i hop u'll have time to react to more of their mvs and songs in the future

  • @emmabruh
    @emmabruh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yessss to more Tbz, Kard and Shinee more more moreeee

  • @i_kpop_fan
    @i_kpop_fan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think you would love PinkFantasy. They are a dark girl group and their music is very emo/goth kpop. They would fit in great for a Halloween video.

    • @starhwas
      @starhwas หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes omg! Poison, Fantasy, or Get Out especially!!!!!

  • @phoenixablaze166
    @phoenixablaze166 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I would love to see a dive from THE BOYZ, they're such a talented and incredible group with such quality music. I became a fan this year in February and then 7 months later, saw them in concert and they were phenomenal! Can't wait for more videos, love you! ❤

  • @rocinante6530
    @rocinante6530 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    You need to see the K-Zombie version of Boca by Dreamcatcher. (Make-up by the people who did Kingdom, a South Korean zombie tv series).

  • @kendragonn_
    @kendragonn_ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Halloween Kpop video means one year since I started watching your content!! I’ve been excited to see who you’d react to this year 😍 I love that you have a mix of old and new stuff!
    Gunshot is my favourite video and even song from Kard maybe, simply for the message and symbolism! They have lots of different vibes from over the years, they’re so versatile! I can’t wait for you to see more from them! ❤
    Pixy is really amazing! They do the dark concepts so well. If you’d like another horror-y MV, I recommend Addicted! It’s one of my favourites 🥰
    Sunmi is so fun! I’m sure you’ll love her and her other music a lot! I recommend You Can’t Sit With Us by her, It’s Halloween-y in a campy way!
    Jackson is so cool!! And he’s such a creator. He directs all his music videos and his vision for everything is so amazing! I recommend all his stuff, but I really think you’ll love the video for Blow! 😊
    I can’t wait for part 2, and the second watch of these videos on Patreon! 😉🥰

  • @MindyRRD6760
    @MindyRRD6760 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    And on Jackson... yes yes, yes, yes. That is the vibe for the Magic Man album, and he runs everything himself. 🤩
    Also, his duets with Milli and Bibi... oy. 🥵🫠

  • @lemaerso9485
    @lemaerso9485 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    sunmi is such a great solo artist please check her out

  • @uunuuliebeleben9323
    @uunuuliebeleben9323 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    OMG! I love to watch their Halloween version of Zombie too. They're just amazing! Can't wait for their new song. You would like it

  • @PlayerXVI
    @PlayerXVI 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yesss kard!! For halloween i sugest maybe dumb litty or icky. But for a deep dive for sure react to icky, bomb bomb, dumb litty, ring the alarm, red moon, cake dance practice, and spin performance video. Obviously you dont need to do them all but people usually look forward to icky and their dance/performance videos

  • @myusicc
    @myusicc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You would adore Jackson. His choreographers are some of my honest to god fav dancers in the biz. They just genre mix so well. Also Jackson really worked on his dancing and vocals post leaving JYP and starting his own company (he was in the group GOT7) he’s still close to a lot of his bandmates. But now that he doesn’t have those restrictions, he can artistically flourish.

  • @KafeinaUsako
    @KafeinaUsako 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love that you finally watched a Kard MV. As the only co-ed kpop group, they have such a great dynamic. I hope you do a deep dive of them sometime.
    Also all Jackson’s MVs from his Magic Man album are so cunty. I highly recommend a deep dive on him as an international solo artist. He as a soloist a different concept than how he was in Got7 and it’s incredible to see his duality. Oh and I highly recommend watching his Coachella performance from 2023.
    Also SHINee 🩵🩵🩵 I have nothing to say but I will always love my Princes of Kpop. If you want more from them, you can’t miss. (Also Madi is a Shawol, they will have so many recommendations)

  • @weezer3209
    @weezer3209 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I love purple kiss 💜

  • @MindyRRD6760
    @MindyRRD6760 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    49:08 Jackson Wang is kind of like Fight Club... we don't even have to talk about Jackson, but he will appear in your k-pop experience regardless because you just inadvertently summon him with your innate interest. 😂

  • @Lauren-dp6zg
    @Lauren-dp6zg 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Please react to Purple Kiss Zombie Halloween version!! It’s sooo good! Purple Kiss will also be having a CB Oct. 22!

  • @hieiisepi2
    @hieiisepi2 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For your next Halloween vid - jackson wang - blow, kard - icky, sunmi - tail if you want any repeats on artists
    Some diff artists - enhypen - bite me or drunk dazed, xdinary heroes - happy death day

  • @aprilmay4242
    @aprilmay4242 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So happy you enjoyed Jackson Wang's music! I'd recommend his MVs for "Blow" and "Cruel" from the same album "Magic Man"

  • @acewithoutaface
    @acewithoutaface 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    KARD's "You In Me" is a MUST for your next halloween playlist! it's one of my favorite songs and mv of theirs. the concept is so good.

  • @arstan8092
    @arstan8092 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Finally KARD Whoooo. Ok you are in for a treat to say the least. If doing a deep dive i would advice for Dont recall, Dumb Litty, Bomb Bomb and Cake dance practice (if you are up for some real spice in your life)
    If you also want to look into their sub unit songs then id advice for Enemy and Been that boy.
    You could also look into some of Bms solo music where i would personally advice for broken me since it pushes a such absolutely unexpected and different twist from anything you would expect from him and is one of my all time fav songs in kpop.

  • @vivrema
    @vivrema 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Sunmi used to be in jyp entertainment and was a member of wonder girls. Now she is in abyss company as they allow her more creativity.
    One of my favorite song of hers is Tail. It has a sexy catwoman vibe and I think you'd like it. Siren is also iconic. For more halloween vibes, Full Moon is another song and mv to look into!

  • @likeooh_aah9321
    @likeooh_aah9321 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes KARD! Gunshot is written/produced by BM and it is a bit more hiphop, however KARD has a wide variety, especially Latin-inspired music. If you ever do another Halloween reaction "You In Me" is a really good one for that!

  • @milindawilson9175
    @milindawilson9175 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    One reason why I think Kard is one of very few co-ed groups in the Kpop industry is because co-ed groups and duos are harder to manage when it comes to Idol culture. The Kpop industry is designed to make it so that Kpop Idols are held to a higher standard and they are meant to be seen as if they are devoted to their fans, are pure, perfect and flawless at all times. (As dumb as it seems, I think it's harder for people to picture a co-ed group not being in situations where they are unable to adhere to that modest and pure standard.) Plus, it's just fundamentally more difficult because of living situations and management issues, as well as choreography styles and group dynamics, etc.
    When you have mixed groups you run into issues of dating rumors and situations where people may feel less connected to the members because it changes the dynamic of what is traditionally thought of as the Kpop standard. For example, Kard member BM, who is Korean-American from L.A., often talks about how they have really had to struggle to quelch dating rumors, to convince people that there are no romantic relationships in their group and that they are all just friends. (To be fair, if they really knew them, people would know how ridiculous that is because they are so much more like siblings then they are as a couple. I mean if you watch some of their content you will see how they are like big brothers picking on their annoying little sisters, etc.)
    Kard debuted in 2016, which makes them part of the third generation. Third generation idols are from an era where the Kpop industry sort of insulated idols and made it appear as if they never interact with anyone of the opposite sex. If you notice, most of the time whenever pretty much any third generation group or artist is around someone of the opposite sex, we hardly ever see the other person's face or see them interacting together. Third generation was when the Kpop industry decided to take the Idol image up to the next level and make it appear as if the idols were solely devoted to their fans and that they never have any outside distractions. Which makes the fact that Kard was created to go against all this, that much more interesting.
    Kard is a rare exception to the rule. However, it makes it so they are far less popular in Korea than they are internationally. Kard has a pretty large international following, especially in Latin American countries and communities, and the have a large hispanic fanbase. The members even speak some spanish and they have several songs with spanish lyrics. They are known for their Latin sound and feel of many of their songs and they are one of the few Kpop groups that have large concert tours across Latin America.
    If you think "Gunshot" was something, wait until you see their choreography for their song "Cake." Kard is known for having much more mature content than the average Kpop artist. ;)
    Because their name is KARD, each of the members have a card suit that represents them BM is the King card, J.Seph is the Ace, Somin is the black joker and Jiwoo is the colored joker. That is why you will often see playing card suits represented in their MVs. KARD's fans are called Hidden Kard, which sort of alludes to how the group and members are extremely talented, yet underrated and their fans are the special ones who are lucky enough to have discovered them.

  • @pal2952
    @pal2952 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    omgggg yes tbz drink it is so good

  • @devilsflora
    @devilsflora 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dreamcatcher has a song that was for video game promotions but the mv has cool lore and the song itself is incredible!! Not sure if you've seen it yet, but its called Rose Blue!! :))

  • @jenniheath1289
    @jenniheath1289 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh you would absolutely love the rest of Jackson's music and MVs!! Not only is his music so good he is a phenomenal dancer and the sweetest human ever!!

  • @melody1953
    @melody1953 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am on the Purple Kiss train with youuu!! They're so good

  • @elodie.silver547
    @elodie.silver547 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    oh yes Jackson Wang! His album magic man has this kind of concept, so every song in there is a banger like this and blow and cruel have amazing mvs, like others mentioned! But his other releases are also sooo good (pretty please is one of my favs)
    Also I do have to mention, that he's in my fav kpop group called GOT7, they dont do halloweeny stuff, but if you ever react to christmas mvs, I'd recommend confession song and miracle!
    Gotta mention my fav gg Purple Kiss too, the mv is just way too cute and funny

  • @shaniseromero216
    @shaniseromero216 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Amazing video as always! It's always fun watching these m/vs alongside you. If I had any recommendations for songs, they would be Dreamcatcher - Scream, and Purple Kiss - memeM (if you haven't seen them before, o' course). If you are loving Jackson, I would suggest, Blow (which kinda has a similar-ish vibe to Come Alive) or Cruel, but I've found that Cruel tends to get cr struck a lot so that one would probably have to be one to watch in your own time (and let us know what you thought?) or, if you did wanna record, a Patreon exclusive. Jackson has some really awesome and creative videos, I think you would find a lot of them really cool XD Oh, one other song I think you may enjoy is EVERGLOW - Zombie. Now, I shall stop here with the suggestions cause I feel like I'm being excessive skadnsakjnvknsa

  • @Burned_To_Ash
    @Burned_To_Ash 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i'm not sure if it would be fully considered a halloween apropriate video but Rolling Quartz, a female rock band, did a cover/homage to dreamcatcher by covering their song Good Night and released an mv for it, so i would absolutely recommend that for the future!!!

  • @YoshiPotter88
    @YoshiPotter88 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hey sorry I’m so late to the party, my WiFi has been down for over a month (I do not recommend CenturyLink y’all). But anyways dude I’ve been waiting for your reaction to a lot of these- like PIXY I genuinely can’t express how much I love them (sadly Ella and Satbyeol did leave for mental health reasons, I just hope they are doing well), but bro these girls are insane one of the most underrated 4th gen groups. Sunmi was my first ever soloist I checked out I absolutely adore this woman (also fun fact she is a huge Reveluv and they are all friends I believe), all of her music is a little “odd” but it is SO GOOD not to mention she is a Bicon there is a live performance that you should definitely check out (after you listen/watch Gashina) but it’ll definitely make your jaw drop! Dreamcatcher’s Piri is so freaking good just everything about it, I just absolutely adore and just Dreamcatcher in general I love their music so much (but also yes Dami’s haircut in that era was amazing, I’m just waiting to see your reaction to her in the cop outfit because it is everything). And Purple Kiss I just love their vibe, I’m very upset about Jieun leaving but again for mental health I believe- I hope she’s doing well, but no I also just love everything about their songs including Zombie, dude I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten that song stuck in my head! Anyways I can’t wait for more content from you, and I hope that you are doing well and staying safe and healthy Laurel!
    P.S. Another group you could check out- they do have a couple spooky videos but they are actually one of the only Rock bands called Rolling Quartz, I feel like you’d love them!!

  • @katiegrossman2338
    @katiegrossman2338 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ok for a new spooky video I’d highly recommend you in me and icky both by kard! All of their music is amazing and slaps so hard!

  • @kumaismylittleboy
    @kumaismylittleboy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You should check out Jackson's performance at Coachella last year. It was amazing.

  • @lolah.o.g1125
    @lolah.o.g1125 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @TessA-ns4zm
    @TessA-ns4zm 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm SO happy you did PK!!! More Purki MVs please :)

  • @chayyeee2198
    @chayyeee2198 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't know if you already reacted to them (i just discovered you😅), but Enhypen has a cool concept too, they're vampires. I would recommend Given Taken (their debut), Drunk Dazed and Brought The Heat Back

  • @courtneytinsley780
    @courtneytinsley780 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes I love Jackson wang sm! You would love cruel! I was so obsessed with this song and video lol, as I was with come alive