Chi batteries is in the process of making a battery for this bike, but its gonna be a littke while. They willl figure it out and it WILL happen. Surron has been around the longest, so it has the most upgrades, but talaria isnt too far off now a days....theyre coming up strong
Getting one this week hopefully buddy! Good content
Chi batteries is in the process of making a battery for this bike, but its gonna be a littke while. They willl figure it out and it WILL happen. Surron has been around the longest, so it has the most upgrades, but talaria isnt too far off now a days....theyre coming up strong
Cool 😎 thanks for the info
Nice vid man !! Where did you take the red seat?
Our local upholstery shop.
Where do u put the keys when u drive
I'll usually wear pants with a zipper pocket or I'll put them in my backpack.
Chi makes 72v batteries for talaria
For the xxx?