Sir what about those who have selected part time during there application time will they get the part time college during counselling or what ..? Or If we select full time during the application are we still eligible for part time colleges or we need to select part time if we are searching for part time college either if we do will we get part time college in counselling Please help
If you selected part-time during your application, you will be considered for part-time colleges during counseling. If you selected full-time, you are generally considered for full-time courses. To be eligible for part-time colleges, you must select the part-time option during the application process. For specific queries, it's best to contact PGCET authorities directly.
Is that true this time there is no 2marks in the paper pattern?
100 questions, each carry 1 mark
Sir what about those who have selected part time during there application time will they get the part time college during counselling or what ..?
If we select full time during the application are we still eligible for part time colleges or we need to select part time if we are searching for part time college either if we do will we get part time college in counselling
Please help
If you selected part-time during your application, you will be considered for part-time colleges during counseling. If you selected full-time, you are generally considered for full-time courses. To be eligible for part-time colleges, you must select the part-time option during the application process. For specific queries, it's best to contact PGCET authorities directly.