This whole concept can clearly be shown within a few lines of super simple to understand code. Showing the reason this works so well. I know this is what you think you have here but, to a new coder this is far to complicated. When showing/explaining this style of programming, I also like to be going over top down programming. They fit together well.
Also, thank you very much, Prof. Sanders. It's been a pleasure. I especially liked your concise, coherent style, presentations, and material.
This whole concept can clearly be shown within a few lines of super simple to understand code. Showing the reason this works so well. I know this is what you think you have here but, to a new coder this is far to complicated. When showing/explaining this style of programming, I also like to be going over top down programming. They fit together well.
Thanks for the very clear example!
Banging sound is rather distracting.