Natsu, Basutei, Kimi o Matsu - 夏、バス停、君を待つ - Summer, Bus Stop, Waiting for You (EJ Translations) I’m just looking at the sky. Something I can’t see is hidden bit by bit by the shadow of the summer grass. When I have this kind of dream, I can’t hide my feeling that I want to be reborn as soon as possible. That’s all that’s in my head. I want to become something other than human. I don’t care what animal, as long as it’s one with a good nose. I don’t remember anymore who I was searching for. But still, I can only think That I have to find them, that I have to take just one more step. I hear the sound of the box opening. That’s the kind of dream I’m having. Notes: These lyrics appear in the booklet but are not sung; the track has no vocals.
Natsu, Basutei, Kimi o Matsu - 夏、バス停、君を待つ - Summer, Bus Stop, Waiting for You
(EJ Translations)
I’m just looking at the sky.
Something I can’t see is hidden bit by bit by the shadow of the summer grass.
When I have this kind of dream, I can’t hide my feeling that I want to be reborn as soon as possible.
That’s all that’s in my head.
I want to become something other than human.
I don’t care what animal, as long as it’s one with a good nose.
I don’t remember anymore who I was searching for.
But still, I can only think
That I have to find them, that I have to take just one more step.
I hear the sound of the box opening.
That’s the kind of dream I’m having.
These lyrics appear in the booklet but are not sung; the track has no vocals.