Beware of false prophets, they came in sheep's clothing but they're ravening wolf. Matthew 7:15 Professing to be Christian but they deny the power thereof.
@@KayeB7.0nobody's pretending the Trump is a good christian. He's good for Christians in a way, but he's not a good Christian man. This lady is a false prophet. She's going against the Bible in many ways.. about 90% of so-called christians, or false Christians and about 90% of churches are false churches.
In the Bible, when God came as a man ate human food with Abraham he said that he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if he found 40 righteous people in the city
No bishop in the evangelical church, only in the Catholic church so... they say anything: LGBT does not exist for God, only a man or a woman (Genesis).
@@leewang6686 Elitist like her don't see it as slave labor. She thinks she is helping the minority community by giving them manual labor. That's her white priviledge.
This was a DISGRACE! Should have Never Happened! Someone dropped the ball on this one. Just Disgusting! This isn’t a pastor, this is an ACTIVIST, who had NO Business lecturing The President of The United States on ANYTHING!
this loony woman is so self absorbed she didnt know she was walking into a trap...checkmate!love pres trump's ways of exposing these people...Christ is King...
From Sydney, Australia, we thank you very much, Bishop. We are very grateful for your kind heart. You have said for us what we have wanted to say to Mr. Trump for a long time.
I am certain she is one of those Christian "leaders" who don't take the Bible super literally (which many pastors and bishops due these days) but rather a guide. These people think the Bible is flawed, because man wrote it, but they still consider it inspired by God.
Why doesn't she ask for mercy for everyone in this country... NOT just some special group. Everyone in America needs mercy. We're all struggling. It irks me that there are groups of people who believe they are better than everyone else. What about the rest of us... we don't deserve any mercy from poverty and all the other things we can't control?
Thank you dear Rev. Mariann Budde for your wonderful speech and I pray people realize how the people need to follow Jesus teachings if we want true happiness for all
No Trump has an agenda and it goes against her and every Christians values. But you Christians use religion to justify your politics and vice versa. Like consulting a Bible when it comes to a fetus, but when 20 children get massacred in schools you close your Bible and recite the 2A. You Love Thy Neighbor unless they're from another country. You can't have it both ways
The people who commented about a lesbian bishop could not spend 60 seconds to google and find out that she is straight and married to a man. The message of mercy and compassion is Christ’s message. Read the Gospels. If you think that mercy and compassion is of the anti christ, you have a perverted idea of what Christianity is. This bishop had the courage to speak truth to power unlike the spineless evangelicals who bow their knee and worship at the altar of Trump. If you’re looking for an anti Christ, you can find him sitting next to JD Vance.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. - Matthew 23:13
She is a member of a cult called Protestantism specifically Episcopalian, Born Again Christian, Baptist, Presbyterian, anything who believes in Jesus putside of the Catholic church is considered Heretics and a member of a cult. We dont have female priest in the Catholic Church and NeVER will. It is unsettling and disturbing i know to see a woman in the pulpit being address as a bishop. Scary times we live in. Lord be merciful to me the sinner.
What passage is that again? I seem to have trouble finding it. All I see is a bunch of rules of acquisition, stories of incest, prostitution and not eating fish on fridays
@@solblackguy 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
I Corinthians 14:34 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law."
@RonWilliams-e5c and men can now get pregnant so words don't have any meaning or definitions we have to go by in society. Also explains why these people can't understand being for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. Words are hard.
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18 1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
I’m sorry Bishop the boys need to be boys and girls need to be girls until they are 18 and they don’t need to be in the wrong bathroom ❤those immigrants don’t even like Black peoples and will not learn English. And we give these businesses tax breaks to hire them. And for you Bishop what about the ones that sneak over here. Why they waive their Mexican flag not ours. “Answer that please… 4:37
@@Socrates21stCentury Whether you continue or not, doesn't make you saved or not. It says God will chasten his children. You won't continue in sin comfortably forever.
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD. Their middlemen, who you are expected to pay to do so.
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD. Their middlemen.
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD.
LGBT women as Bishop? She must be a DEI appointee. This contradicts Bible teachings. She Bishop must be removed immediately. Ref: 1 Corinthians 14:34 - 34 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law." (KJV) 34 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. (NKJV) 34 Women[a] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (NIV) 34 Women should be silent during the church meetings. It is not proper for them to speak. They should be submissive, just as the law says. (NLT) 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. (ESV)
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18 1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
I am paying $2 for 1 LEMON, my medication is getting way too expensive, housing takes one of my pay checks????!!!! You both put yourself to work in issues that really matter!!!
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18 1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18 1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
@ Oh, I’m glad you asked. Before we dive into the biblical aspects, let’s start with the U.S. Constitution, which unequivocally guarantees individuals freedom of-and from-religion. This means anyone can choose to follow a religion or have no religious affiliation whatsoever. Now, reading between the lines, it’s clear there’s a wide range of interpretations of the Bible within Christianity. But to the point: “Martin” assumes that Bishop Budde is mistaken in her words-likely because she mentions the LGBTQ community. Let’s talk about the Ten Commandments. Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it address homosexuality or transgender issues. However, it does specifically condemn adultery, and I think it’s safe to say that Trump has a well-documented history of adultery. And what about lying? Hasn’t Trump been convicted of fraud? Beyond those issues, let’s discuss Trump’s inhumanity. Where in the Bible does it teach us to separate families at the border, treat immigrants as less than human, or neglect the poor and vulnerable? The New Testament, especially the teachings of Jesus, emphasizes compassion, love, and care for those in need. Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-40: “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.” How does separating children from their parents or demonizing entire groups of people align with these teachings? Furthermore, Trump’s rhetoric and actions often contradict the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), which bless the meek, the merciful, and the peacemakers. His tendency to boast, mock, and sow division doesn’t reflect humility, mercy, or a pursuit of peace. If we’re going to hold leaders to Christian values, we must ask: How do policies that harm the marginalized or perpetuate inequality align with the Gospel message? The Bible repeatedly calls for justice, mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8). By these measures, Trump’s actions raise serious questions for anyone seeking to apply biblical principles consistently.
She is no bishop No wonder People don't go to church anymore. Church & social media don't mixs.. America has spokening Leave our children alone The wolf sheep clothing that what she is God can agree 100 percent
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18 1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
@christianpreaching8502 and that's why Yeshua would laugh in your face. You know nothing of his teachings. You use God as a weapon and as a way to keep your flock in line and under the control of the patriarchal and corrupt narrative. God is pure Unity and Love. God is not a man in the sky, separate from you or me or any other human being. God is both divine Masculine and divine Feminine. It is the Source of all life. It does not need to be worshipped and praised. It does not need to cause destruction. You are unripe and you are unconnected from your higher self. You are blinded by your false and limited ego. That dangerous book you base your life on is nothing close to perfect. It advocates for the submission and subjugation of women and children. It tells you that you can only find salvation through a man because God is only man. It has been distorted and edited by men to keep men in power. You will continue to repeat the same old patterns until you pass from this life and reincarnate into another body where your higher self and Source will try to teach you the same lessons your false, human self has failed to learn and understand in this life. You are an everlasting Soul and so am I. So is every living being. We're all connected and unified in the Holy One. The fact that you preach from a book that advocates for slavery, child marriage and the oppression of women just proves how little you know and how small you are. Blessed be 💚
If you could take this clip back in time and show people what america would turn into they would have lost their minds and their reality would have collapsed on the spot.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 - "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
most of those who felt indignant that the bishop spoke truth , probably forget about Jesus writing in the sand and saying, "Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone". Where is your humanity to treat each person with dignity. Fake christians out for blood while you sow hatred. you won't have much to harvest with being vile.
When did compassion, empathy and mercy become abhorrent? The 'us' vs 'them' stuff is 'divide and conquer' in full effect. It's a neon sign that we are abiding by a game we didn't author, but enslaved by. Technically, there are no sides to a line. Sides start with a triangle in geometry. If you're stuck in a binary translation of anything, you're a slave to the game. This Bishop was asking one of the most powerful and outspoken/influencial people in the world (who was only paces away from her), to show mercy, empathy, compassion and love toward otherwise, marginalized groups that his movement shuns in a cathedral.'s met with vitriol and disdain. As that old hip hop line goes, 'you better check yo'self before you wreck yo'self'. The more sure we are that we are right and 'they' are wrong, the more scrutiny and self reflection required. Or...just get your rocks off disparaging well meaning people and see how that works out in the end.
Nothing Trump was proposing is bad for our country. Like I find it absurd, that we have to play the compassion game for people who illegally broke our laws by coming illegally. Now that Trump is talking about upholding our National laws and preventing people from breaking our GOOD WILL immigration system, we are just supposed to act like its okay these people broke laws. If I did this in China or Russia or some other strict country. I would not expect MERCY, because I did not follow the laws or I manipulated my way through to get ahead of everyone else in line. Even Jesus said to obey the laws of the Land. He didn't break the laws of the Land to show mercy. Like this is just another "Feelings over Facts". This isn't how the nation works.
@@Loislikes I can tell you feel rather strongly about this, but are you sure you aren't the one placing feelings over facts, cuz you sound relatively ignorant regarding the real message of Jesus and pretty ignorant about the facts surrounding migrants and immigration. Watch something other than Fox, why don't you, and seek real information from something other than a MAGA source.
@@KayeB7.0 First of all, it is incredibly offensive, as most Leftists do (not saying YOU are, but you sound just like a Leftist), to act as if I watch Fox News. I don't. You know there are things called Independent news sources, might want to check it out. You already made a broad accusation against me, and assumed something about me. You wanna go with me on what Jesus taught? Because I will have hours of long debates on scripture with you and what Jesus actually said. I am very knowledgeable on the Bible and I will not be attacked, as if I don't know anything about it. So you want to call me ignorant? Than let's have a Bible study. VERSE BY VERSE. I don't' want drive by Bible passages either. If you are going to have a Bible study, we will take passages by themselves than move on to the next. Jesus 100% did not support breaking Roman law to spread his message that would be sinful.
@@Loislikes Missing my point. This doesn't have to be anything more than a woman of the clergy and citizenry simply asking a man with elected power to have grace. He was in a church and she is a teacher/student of scripture tasked with speaking spiritually unifying messages to her congregants. Full stop. We all could be more aware of our reflexive instinct to pick sides and blame the other for our emotional responses. Nothing inappropriate or offensive to be made out of any of it.
Maybe a false shepherd trying to steal the sheep like Jesus said in the parable of the good shepherd. Please, gentle lady, speak the truth of the real heart of Jesus, who is the real Way, Truth, and Life. Not you.
Christians believe that we are all God’s children. Christians also know that we all fall short of the glory of God, but He loves us equally and gives us mercy. The bishop made an appeal to the president to show mercy for the people in our country that are scared. How does this sermon violate the teachings of Christ? Jesus’ words: blessed are the merciful, I desire mercy-not sacrifice, be merciful as your Father is merciful, show mercy to the marginalized-sinners-and those in need. Jesus also taught to forgive as we been forgiven. This appeal was directed to the president, but it is a message that has been delivered to us all.
@@chriscalderin6677 what I said stands as well and is based in scripture.Since, you seem to be unable to articulate what I am missing then, it is probable that you don’t understand the biblical concept of mercy or your interpretation of Jesus’ teachings is different than mine. Be well and have a blessed day.
@csg13 you may have failed to check out exactly what that denomination allows and realize a lot of opinion and zero fact was exactly displayed I can't say 100 percent what was wrong but I can say 100 percent that way over 50 percent was wrong and it was actually racist to assume illegal aliens could only do those types of jobs! For example
Born Friedrich Trump March 14, 1869 Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria he was immigrant ok so look how silly trump is, his grandfather had an opportunity in America, let someone tell him about himself
What part of illegal versus legal do you NOT understand!!! I'm an immigrant, but I came here the legal way! And I'm sorry, you do not pay taxes if you're here illegally! It's a flat-out lie!
Look for answers Jesus says Man and woman united in Holy Matrimony. Full stop No other sexual behaviours allowed out of These Vows. To be pleasing to God let us obey his laws. Like it or not. True happiness is what God wants for us. We dont get what we want. We get what is good for us. The Physical fights against The Spiritual. I E. Purity and Sin are at war with each other. True peace comes from THE SPIRITUAL. Jesus chose to be pure as a human. He obeyed His Fathers Wishes. He too was tempted. But chose to obey God
Beware of false prophets, they came in sheep's clothing but they're ravening wolf. Matthew 7:15
Professing to be Christian but they deny the power thereof.
You've just described Trump to the T! 😂😂😂
Yep. He's sit t ing in the front row😂😂😂😂😂
@@KayeB7.0nobody's pretending the Trump is a good christian. He's good for Christians in a way, but he's not a good Christian man. This lady is a false prophet. She's going against the Bible in many ways.. about 90% of so-called christians, or false Christians and about 90% of churches are false churches.
In the Bible, when God came as a man ate human food with Abraham he said that he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if he found 40 righteous people in the city
Shes a leftist activist. A leaders responsibility is protecting his people.
Border patrol officer was killed in Vermont yesterday by an illegal
One can count on one hand how often that happens. Compared to how many hundreds of children are slaughtered by white American men.
I mean that doesn't really have anything to do with them being illegal, violence has no race
Lgbt bishop? What a joke
Yeah Only in Woke Country they Exist!
You’re the joke lols
@dianecameron137 catholic church support transgendet??😅😅😅😅🤣
@@dianecameron137while you on the other hand, is a r3tard
Absolutely horrible sermon
You’re the horrible one not the sermon lols
@ what a joke you are
Anyone who would go to an episcopal church is part of the problem
He doesnt know better. Hes hooked up with the NAR, and has a vp with a Hindu wife. Anything goes. But for now hes the enemy of our enemy (it seems)
@@owemylife hindu wife is better than a slovakian hooker
Soooo which church is ok, Jeannie? Which God is the right God?
@@jeannier5938 so Christian of you you all disgust me
LEGAL, and LAW ABIDING Immigrants are welcome in this country.
not unless they go through the legal process of becoming a citizen.
@@mstone-wd7kc that's what legal and law abiding means
I don't know who selected this bishop but it's an embarrassment
You’re the embarrassment lols
That bishop needs booted from clergy ---- and questions need to be asked about seminary schools and such
No bishop in the evangelical church, only in the Catholic church so... they say anything: LGBT does not exist for God, only a man or a woman (Genesis).
"Who will clean our toilets, wash our dishes, vacuum our houses?" Gee, this sounds familiar. That's her argument.
Do it yourself.
So she wants the slave labor to continue?
Dems are all racists....they always have been.
@@leewang6686That's what she sees at their contribution. No thanks, I can do that myself.
@@leewang6686 Elitist like her don't see it as slave labor. She thinks she is helping the minority community by giving them manual labor. That's her white priviledge.
This was a DISGRACE! Should have Never Happened! Someone dropped the ball on this one. Just Disgusting! This isn’t a pastor, this is an ACTIVIST, who had NO Business lecturing The President of The United States on ANYTHING!
I totally agree!!!!
Apparently its at an episcopal church, and most episcopals are like this. The entire church is basically lost
DEI on full display ...
That's what I said
Abuse of power and abuse of children
@@webbs120 if you mean donnie diaper then I agree. If you mean the Bishop you are wrong. She was actually PROTECTING the children of God
People like her helped get President Trump re-elected.
Thanks "Bishop"
I hope she stick around for 2028.
No,she is a democrat and anti God and anti American.
No she didn't. She's not a real Bishop she's an activist that voted for Biden. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
this loony woman is so self absorbed she didnt know she was walking into a trap...checkmate!love pres trump's ways of exposing these people...Christ is King...
@@murrowboy me too cuz you maggots and FDT won’t be around
From Sydney, Australia, we thank you very much, Bishop. We are very grateful for your kind heart. You have said for us what we have wanted to say to Mr. Trump for a long time.
She should have kept her mouth shut. America didn't elect her.
Who set this up
The libs most probably
She kept repeating: “in the name of our God”. Who is her God? I didn’t hear her base anything she said on any Scripture.
Read your bible again!
@ Oh what scripture did she quote?
I am certain she is one of those Christian "leaders" who don't take the Bible super literally (which many pastors and bishops due these days) but rather a guide. These people think the Bible is flawed, because man wrote it, but they still consider it inspired by God.
My best guess is that Her "god" is a narcissistic angel created by the real GOD. The angel who along with his minions were cast out.
So compassion for other human beings isn't a basic tenet of Christianity? What church you be going to, girl?
Why doesn't she ask for mercy for everyone in this country... NOT just some special group. Everyone in America needs mercy. We're all struggling. It irks me that there are groups of people who believe they are better than everyone else. What about the rest of us... we don't deserve any mercy from poverty and all the other things we can't control?
Thank you dear Rev. Mariann Budde for your wonderful speech and I pray people realize how the people need to follow Jesus teachings if we want true happiness for all
Thankful that she spoke the word and the truth of a loving God. 🙏
They are here Illegally what part of that is hard to understand?
No one is illegal on stolen land
What part of asylum is confusing for you?
The anti Christ got called out
A woman isn't going to be the anti-Christ.
by another anti christ
An lgbt bishop lmao
She's no bishop. She's a liberal activist with an agenda. If had been trump i would have walked out.
And Trump is no Republican or President. He's a grifter (convicted felon) with the temperament of a two-year-old!
That makes me like her more, she isn't backing the righty kid-fiddlers you guys like putting in powerful so much😂
Trump has too much class for that.
@@grantgoldberg1663 So a sexual fascination with ones own daughter is class? Bunch of sick freaks American conservatives are
No Trump has an agenda and it goes against her and every Christians values. But you Christians use religion to justify your politics and vice versa. Like consulting a Bible when it comes to a fetus, but when 20 children get massacred in schools you close your Bible and recite the 2A. You Love Thy Neighbor unless they're from another country.
You can't have it both ways
Another DEI hire even in church. An activist posing as a "bishop". Yep, anything goes in the episcopal church.
She is an activist working in her agenda. Who allowed this fake preacher to say so much nonsense
She is a bishop advocating for Christian values.
The people who commented about a lesbian bishop could not spend 60 seconds to google and find out that she is straight and married to a man.
The message of mercy and compassion is Christ’s message. Read the Gospels.
If you think that mercy and compassion is of the anti christ, you have a perverted idea of what Christianity is.
This bishop had the courage to speak truth to power unlike the spineless evangelicals who bow their knee and worship at the altar of Trump.
If you’re looking for an anti Christ, you can find him sitting next to JD Vance.
Regardless, women are not meant to be leaders in the church. The bible says this quite clearly.
Hatred is also sin. Judge not lest you be judged. Allow God to be the judge.
Real one 💯💯💯💯
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. - Matthew 23:13
She needs to read her bible
how is she a bishop? i thought only men could receive Holy Orders?
@neptune193 wow get with the times! Men have a reckoning coming and boy is it gonna hurt I cannot wait!
She is a member of a cult called Protestantism specifically Episcopalian, Born Again Christian, Baptist, Presbyterian, anything who believes in Jesus putside of the Catholic church is considered Heretics and a member of a cult. We dont have female priest in the Catholic Church and NeVER will. It is unsettling and disturbing i know to see a woman in the pulpit being address as a bishop. Scary times we live in. Lord be merciful to me the sinner.
@@cpowell38"get with the times" you gonna tell that to God?
She’s talking about ILLEGAL INVADERS who broke our laws by coming to our country uninvited.
Dems in 1800s: But who will pick the crops?!?
Dems in 2025: But who will pick the crops?!?
He's not a bishop, he's a political activist.
Trump is thinking oh Lord who invited this crazy lady?
😂did you See Melania's Face?!😂. The President and his Family should have Stood Up, and Walked Out!
He did. This is the church he held the Bible upside down in front of.
@@Sirbenedictj446 no he didn’t.
@ I would’ve! Followed by you see that robe you’re wearing? You need to go somewhere and change out of that because that alone is a desecration
That "bishop" apparently hasn't read the bible. It didn't read the part about where gays go. 🔥
What passage is that again? I seem to have trouble finding it. All I see is a bunch of rules of acquisition, stories of incest, prostitution and not eating fish on fridays
@@solblackguy 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
@@solblackguy 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
👍🇺🇲 surely 😮 one should not turn a blind 😔 eyes 👀 wht hppnd to Sodom and Gomorrah..💥🔥🌶️💩 tht's not really hppnd 🇸🇨🫣
@@solblackguyI 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
I Corinthians 14:34 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law."
women and men have the same rights- the bible is just a book written thousands of years ago by people who believed differently than we do now
Are you for funking real?????
@RonWilliams-e5c and men can now get pregnant so words don't have any meaning or definitions we have to go by in society. Also explains why these people can't understand being for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. Words are hard.
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18
1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
looks like lesbian bishop
false prophets.. good and bad cannot be unite
I’m sorry Bishop the boys need to be boys and girls need to be girls until they are 18 and they don’t need to be in the wrong bathroom ❤those immigrants don’t even like Black peoples and will not learn English. And we give these businesses tax breaks to hire them. And for you Bishop what about the ones that sneak over here. Why they waive their Mexican flag not ours. “Answer that please… 4:37
No lady..they are getting kicked out..period..
The last woke nonsense that Trump has to hear.
Gay people voted for Trump so why even say their youth lives are in danger??
I dressed up as a deisel mechanic once, and told the guys in the shop how to rebuild a Cat 3406
This person is definitely confused.
How ridicules! This was a political speech
This woke activists gotta go.
Don't use the name of God in vain
she is a disgrace to religion. I'm impressed the president did\t leave. should be fired!
Our God hates sin, not the sinner. God is ever loving God.
So, continuing the sin is ok? I think you need to read the next verse ...
Correct cherry picker read the next verse@@Socrates21stCentury
The bible says hes angry at the wicked evreday.
@@Socrates21stCentury Whether you continue or not, doesn't make you saved or not. It says God will chasten his children. You won't continue in sin comfortably forever.
@@boogotti1173 I guess Jesus came for nothing I guess? I mean if God didn't love his creation, even though they were wicked.
What kind of church is this?
Christian actually. Have you heard of that?
Satanic church. Why is he there?
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD. Their middlemen, who you are expected to pay to do so.
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD. Their middlemen.
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn Not Christian, Episcopal. Christians pray directly to GOD. Episcopalians believe you have to go through a middleman to talk to GOD.
That was a karen activist in a robe and not a Bishop
At minimum two young, innocent children were exposed to inappropriate dialog. They and their parents ambushed at a church service.
Wolf in a sheep clothing
False teaching, deceitful
This "church" is a joke..😂
Who cares what some dei woke bishop says? Oh no one😂😂!!
Disgraceful. This activist should not even be a Bishop. Leave activism OUT of worship.
How dare she!!!
She dare!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn "she"
If shes trying to become a martyr then no😂 she aint no Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The most stupid person i ever seen is this character
LGBT women as Bishop? She must be a DEI appointee. This contradicts Bible teachings. She Bishop must be removed immediately.
Ref: 1 Corinthians 14:34 -
34 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law." (KJV)
34 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. (NKJV)
34 Women[a] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (NIV)
34 Women should be silent during the church meetings. It is not proper for them to speak. They should be submissive, just as the law says. (NLT)
34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. (ESV)
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18
1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
You are small-minded and misguided. Please re-read your bible.
What a clown, Bishop is obviously an honorary title for him / her ...
I am paying $2 for 1 LEMON, my medication is getting way too expensive, housing takes one of my pay checks????!!!!
You both put yourself to work in issues that really matter!!!
Was there a movie called Purge?
so when does she get to the religious part its all political
Of course it's all political. Do you think Trump was there because he actually believes in God?!?!? He was there for show -- political theater. Duh!
the having mercy on others and being kind to them parts
@@KayeB7.0 There is no way to know if Trump is saved. But Trump has himself to be more Christian than Biden or Pelosi, who also claim to be Christian.
I can tell you have a severe case of TDS
as suspected you have TDS
As a Catholic, i find it really disturbing and unsettling to call a woman a “Bishop” unless her surname is Bishop😱😱😱😨😨😰😰
Tje Orange Sorcerer believes that he wrote the Vook on religion entitled the Art of the Deal.
1:29 the people who pick our crops, etc., etc., and what of the people who enter legally to do those jobs?
"Can you believe that?" Trump says, look
Political Activist Woke Bishop! wow sad and lame!
Another woke preacher. What does the Bible say about woman preachers. Stick with the Bible. Did they have mercy on Trump?
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18
1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
When you try to lecture/embarrass the one from whom you seek mercy.
Thank God Trump won.
She was totally off base. Completely unbiblical.
You are Wrong
@@KayeB7.0 what do you base martin is wrong off of ?
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18
1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
@@Blessed.Heathen Blessed be, vv itch 🙂
@ Oh, I’m glad you asked. Before we dive into the biblical aspects, let’s start with the U.S. Constitution, which unequivocally guarantees individuals freedom of-and from-religion. This means anyone can choose to follow a religion or have no religious affiliation whatsoever. Now, reading between the lines, it’s clear there’s a wide range of interpretations of the Bible within Christianity.
But to the point: “Martin” assumes that Bishop Budde is mistaken in her words-likely because she mentions the LGBTQ community. Let’s talk about the Ten Commandments. Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it address homosexuality or transgender issues. However, it does specifically condemn adultery, and I think it’s safe to say that Trump has a well-documented history of adultery. And what about lying? Hasn’t Trump been convicted of fraud?
Beyond those issues, let’s discuss Trump’s inhumanity. Where in the Bible does it teach us to separate families at the border, treat immigrants as less than human, or neglect the poor and vulnerable? The New Testament, especially the teachings of Jesus, emphasizes compassion, love, and care for those in need. Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-40: “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.” How does separating children from their parents or demonizing entire groups of people align with these teachings?
Furthermore, Trump’s rhetoric and actions often contradict the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), which bless the meek, the merciful, and the peacemakers. His tendency to boast, mock, and sow division doesn’t reflect humility, mercy, or a pursuit of peace.
If we’re going to hold leaders to Christian values, we must ask: How do policies that harm the marginalized or perpetuate inequality align with the Gospel message? The Bible repeatedly calls for justice, mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8). By these measures, Trump’s actions raise serious questions for anyone seeking to apply biblical principles consistently.
She is no bishop
No wonder People don't go to church anymore.
Church & social media don't mixs.. America has spokening Leave our children alone
The wolf sheep clothing that what she is God can agree 100 percent
Unbelievable! In a house of worship!!! Disgraceful at it's best...
Yes, I agree.... it is disgraceful that Trump, or any member of his disgusting family, set foot inside a church. What hypocrites they all are.
Yes what is Trump doing in there? Who invited the devil in?
@@RobertSmith-vb7hn the demon was the one speaking
This poor bishop is so skewed - misplaced compassion at best.
Oh ffs can a bishop just talk about God without blaming Trump for the world’s ills.
This is so embarrassing to the church 🤦🏾♀️
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; ." - 1 Tim 2:12
Please crawl back into the dark hole you emerged from.
women in our society teach men all the time- and many are even bosses over men- the bible is backwards and wrong on so many things
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:18
1 Peter 2:18, Saint Peter writes "Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
Do you advocate for child marriage and slavery too just bc your precious book says it's okay? Or just the verses that your pastor reads to you?
@@Blessed.Heathen I am the pastor. And every word of the Bible is perfect.
@christianpreaching8502 and that's why Yeshua would laugh in your face. You know nothing of his teachings. You use God as a weapon and as a way to keep your flock in line and under the control of the patriarchal and corrupt narrative. God is pure Unity and Love. God is not a man in the sky, separate from you or me or any other human being. God is both divine Masculine and divine Feminine. It is the Source of all life. It does not need to be worshipped and praised. It does not need to cause destruction. You are unripe and you are unconnected from your higher self. You are blinded by your false and limited ego. That dangerous book you base your life on is nothing close to perfect. It advocates for the submission and subjugation of women and children. It tells you that you can only find salvation through a man because God is only man. It has been distorted and edited by men to keep men in power. You will continue to repeat the same old patterns until you pass from this life and reincarnate into another body where your higher self and Source will try to teach you the same lessons your false, human self has failed to learn and understand in this life. You are an everlasting Soul and so am I. So is every living being. We're all connected and unified in the Holy One. The fact that you preach from a book that advocates for slavery, child marriage and the oppression of women just proves how little you know and how small you are. Blessed be 💚
who put this woman at this venue? the left activists
This lady is… gay
They took over the Episcopalian church years ago/ Why is Pres. Trump there, and why didn't he walk out?
If you could take this clip back in time and show people what america would turn into they would have lost their minds and their reality would have collapsed on the spot.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 - "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
most of those who felt indignant that the bishop spoke truth , probably forget about Jesus writing in the sand and saying, "Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone". Where is your humanity to treat each person with dignity. Fake christians out for blood while you sow hatred. you won't have much to harvest with being vile.
She can always clean her own toilet and wash her own dishes.
When did compassion, empathy and mercy become abhorrent? The 'us' vs 'them' stuff is 'divide and conquer' in full effect. It's a neon sign that we are abiding by a game we didn't author, but enslaved by. Technically, there are no sides to a line. Sides start with a triangle in geometry. If you're stuck in a binary translation of anything, you're a slave to the game. This Bishop was asking one of the most powerful and outspoken/influencial people in the world (who was only paces away from her), to show mercy, empathy, compassion and love toward otherwise, marginalized groups that his movement shuns in a cathedral.'s met with vitriol and disdain. As that old hip hop line goes, 'you better check yo'self before you wreck yo'self'. The more sure we are that we are right and 'they' are wrong, the more scrutiny and self reflection required. Or...just get your rocks off disparaging well meaning people and see how that works out in the end.
well said
Nothing Trump was proposing is bad for our country. Like I find it absurd, that we have to play the compassion game for people who illegally broke our laws by coming illegally. Now that Trump is talking about upholding our National laws and preventing people from breaking our GOOD WILL immigration system, we are just supposed to act like its okay these people broke laws. If I did this in China or Russia or some other strict country. I would not expect MERCY, because I did not follow the laws or I manipulated my way through to get ahead of everyone else in line. Even Jesus said to obey the laws of the Land. He didn't break the laws of the Land to show mercy. Like this is just another "Feelings over Facts". This isn't how the nation works.
@@Loislikes I can tell you feel rather strongly about this, but are you sure you aren't the one placing feelings over facts, cuz you sound relatively ignorant regarding the real message of Jesus and pretty ignorant about the facts surrounding migrants and immigration. Watch something other than Fox, why don't you, and seek real information from something other than a MAGA source.
@@KayeB7.0 First of all, it is incredibly offensive, as most Leftists do (not saying YOU are, but you sound just like a Leftist), to act as if I watch Fox News. I don't. You know there are things called Independent news sources, might want to check it out. You already made a broad accusation against me, and assumed something about me.
You wanna go with me on what Jesus taught? Because I will have hours of long debates on scripture with you and what Jesus actually said. I am very knowledgeable on the Bible and I will not be attacked, as if I don't know anything about it. So you want to call me ignorant? Than let's have a Bible study. VERSE BY VERSE. I don't' want drive by Bible passages either. If you are going to have a Bible study, we will take passages by themselves than move on to the next.
Jesus 100% did not support breaking Roman law to spread his message that would be sinful.
@@Loislikes Missing my point. This doesn't have to be anything more than a woman of the clergy and citizenry simply asking a man with elected power to have grace. He was in a church and she is a teacher/student of scripture tasked with speaking spiritually unifying messages to her congregants. Full stop. We all could be more aware of our reflexive instinct to pick sides and blame the other for our emotional responses. Nothing inappropriate or offensive to be made out of any of it.
Maybe a false shepherd trying to steal the sheep like Jesus said in the parable of the good shepherd.
Please, gentle lady, speak the truth of the real heart of Jesus, who is the real Way, Truth, and Life. Not you.
Christians believe that we are all God’s children. Christians also know that we all fall short of the glory of God, but He loves us equally and gives us mercy. The bishop made an appeal to the president to show mercy for the people in our country that are scared. How does this sermon violate the teachings of Christ? Jesus’ words: blessed are the merciful, I desire mercy-not sacrifice, be merciful as your Father is merciful, show mercy to the marginalized-sinners-and those in need. Jesus also taught to forgive as we been forgiven. This appeal was directed to the president, but it is a message that has been delivered to us all.
Watch it a few more times it went so far over your head I think it landed on the moon
@@chriscalderin6677 I heard have mercy, what did you hear?
@csg13 what I said stands you don't understand
@@chriscalderin6677 what I said stands as well and is based in scripture.Since, you seem to be unable to articulate what I am missing then, it is probable that you don’t understand the biblical concept of mercy or your interpretation of Jesus’ teachings is different than mine. Be well and have a blessed day.
@csg13 you may have failed to check out exactly what that denomination allows and realize a lot of opinion and zero fact was exactly displayed I can't say 100 percent what was wrong but I can say 100 percent that way over 50 percent was wrong and it was actually racist to assume illegal aliens could only do those types of jobs! For example
No, we all were not once strangers in this land.
Friedrich Trump
March 14, 1869
Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria he was immigrant ok so look how silly trump is, his grandfather had an opportunity in America, let someone tell him about himself
What part of illegal versus legal do you NOT understand!!! I'm an immigrant, but I came here the legal way! And I'm sorry, you do not pay taxes if you're here illegally! It's a flat-out lie!
She is truly brave and said what she wanted to say. Commend her for that.
What a nut
I guess a nut to you is anyone asking for mercy and kindness to others as she was
Look for answers Jesus says
Man and woman united in Holy Matrimony.
Full stop
No other sexual behaviours allowed out of These Vows.
To be pleasing to God let us obey his laws. Like it or not.
True happiness is what God wants for us.
We dont get what we want.
We get what is good for us.
The Physical fights against The Spiritual. I E. Purity and Sin are at war with each other.
True peace comes from THE SPIRITUAL.
Jesus chose to be pure as a human.
He obeyed His Fathers Wishes.
He too was tempted. But chose
to obey God