I am Japanese, I you too are like the Japanese. I have since Born after the war. During the Second World War, Japan is the Japanese Empire and the bid. The territory of the occupation of other countries, came repeatedly. But it is, would backfired. I love the US military onslaught, by the Atomic(Nu clear bomb) bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Showa Emperor, has decided to abandon the war. And to expand the territory, I was reminded that say what will happen. 私は日本人です、あなたも日本人の様ですね。私は、戦国生まれなのであり。第二次世界大戦中、日本は大日本帝国と名乗り。他国の領土の占領を、繰り返して来ました。しかしそれが、裏目に出てしまい。アメリカ軍の猛攻にあい、広島の原爆投下と長崎の原爆投下により。昭和天皇は、戦争放棄を致しました。領土を拡大すると、どうなるかと言う事を思い知らされました。
I am Japanese, I you too are like the Japanese. I have since Born after the war. During the Second World War, Japan is the Japanese Empire and the bid. The territory of the occupation of other countries, came repeatedly. But it is, would backfired. I love the US military onslaught, by the Atomic(Nu clear bomb) bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Showa Emperor, has decided to abandon the war. And to expand the territory, I was reminded that say what will happen.