Weigh stations not only weigh you to make sure your not carrying more than orders say but they also check out condition of trailer and truck for safety, your time log and so on.
I tend to agree but I think Walgreens wouldn't have the type of deliveries I usually make to Wallbert. Plus the Wallberts look too big to be a Walgreens. For what it's worth, the Truck Simulator Wiki says that it is Wal-Mart.
+Trav “CA Frosty” Park In some location trucks will have a different posted limit, or restricted to a certain lane of traffic. And a commercial truck and it's driver can be pulled over at anytime, mainly by DoT. My one and only speeding ticket was for 6-7 over the limit (it's been 20 years)
To be fair, this happens to me all the time in Euro Truck. That quick speed limit change has gotten me many a ticket, and it's not like you get a chance to slow down. As soon as you cross that sign, ticket.
Squirrel - in America When you load in at your departure a weight and contents are logged. When you get to a weigh station if your weight has changed they can inspect your truck and say you added a couple of illegal boxes they can confiscate that and fine or arrest you depending on what you have stored away that's illegal.
+Alec Campbell In my experience of hauling different cargo not all shippers have scales to do an exit weight, also what happens if you pick up and you aren't topped off for fuel, I never had anyone bust me for weight issue be it mobile or stationary scale house.
Not true. When you get loaded, most shippers don't know exactly how much the product weighs, so they give you an estimate number. You then go to a truck stop scale to see if you are over weight (gross) or with axels. You don't have to do this but it's a good idea if the shipper says it's over 35,000 lbs. If all is good, you can put in fuel (full) if not too heavy or just enough to be legal. You have to know how much a gallon of diesel weighs for this. Then in the highway, if you don't have pre pass, you have to go into the open scale, or with pre pass they give you a red light to go in. You either get a bypass lane or directly to scale. Or even another lane to go behind for inspection. If over weight, they tell you were and how much. The fine is X amount for every pound over. They then ask you or your company to remove or shift the product around so that it is legal, then you can continue driving but with a fine. You weight changes all the time because you burn off fuel while driving, or when you fill up you weigh more. Know where the scales are, is very important for this reason.
+selig stoney That's true. I have had to return to shippers several times to get re-loaded, just due to their incompetence (or greed). I've literally spent an entire day going in circles, having to weigh out five times before I was within limits on the sixth attempt. It can be ridiculous.
+Andrew Cosmas I'll say it's greed! The more they ship, the more profit in their end. Sometimes I'd even lie when they asked me my empty weight so they wouldn't over load me. They manage to do it anyway sometimes lol. Especially when I hauled lumber.
@Absolute Zero No idea but that's what I'm used to so I'm sticking with it. Generally boiling point has no meaning for me in everyday air temperature anyway..
Welcome to American trucking. We are targets for law enforcement on a constant basis. We are not governed by the same laws as regular motorists. It's not uncommon to be pulled over and ticketed for going two or three miles over the limit while regular cars are blowing by at 10 to 15 over.
to be fair you are hauling a lot of weight and can kill people in those cars with one small slip on the road, not to mention it takes you longer to stop which is why i keep a good distance myself. and ive seen truckers around me from a dumper company that should all be ticketed and have their CDL's revoked. they are usually flying with the rest of the cars far above posted trailer speed limits. honestly a few miles over the limit isnt a bad thing its the truckers who go above their posted limits by a lot are the ones who make the good truckers look like shit on the road.
@@wakcedout Let's be real here, it's because american cops stereotype truckers as meth addicts & look for any excuse to pull the trucks over to look for drugs in the cab.
+selig stoney You're not going to get a ticket for going 2mph over the speed limit in California, although police there certainly are strict, and it's 55mph statewide for trucks, or at least it was when I was driving (based out of Fontana).
+Andrew Cosmas yes, it's statewide. But you would absolutely get a ticket if the cop wanted you to get one. Or better yet, an inspection. Remember, the "legal" limit is 55, anything above is to the discretion of the officer. I've know people who were pulled for one over. It's like why take the chance when you know how they are? I drive five or a little over in other states, but as a trucker in Cali, you're pushing luck.
13:15 Truckee was the chief of Nothern Paiute, he was greeting first europeans in the region with “Trokay”. They thought it is his name and started to call him “Truckee”. In fact Trokay means “all is alright”. Truckee was a very influential figure at the time and the community, a river and a train station were named after him (or his given nickname by europeans).
Just found your channel, and really enjoy it. The weigh stations check the weigh per tire. The more weight you carry, the more wheels on the ground needed. In the US that is a quick way to identify a heavy load, if a trailer goes by with 12 wheels on ea side, it's a monster load. The main purpose is to preserve roads by limiting the weight per tire, so you don't end up with roads that have ruts in them from being over loaded.
I said it once, I'm saying it again. In most of Europe, we don't use "Liters per 100 kilometers". It's "Kilometers per liter" (km/l). Like miles per gallon, a higher number is better. 1 km/l = 2,8 mpg (UK).
The scales are checking your axle weights. In US and Canada, the scales work on a random traffic light system. As you approach the scales there are traffic lights, green = continue, red = Stop and weigh. They are checking you're not overloaded on certain axles.
+batman9502 yeah cops in the game are all over, no where close to realistic amounts and they give tickets for goin a couple mph over, when in real life you have a buffer
I actually turned off the violations because of this. I got a ticket for going 1MPH over more than once. Absolutely ridiculous when it's $1,000/violation.
Hey Squirrel, around 8:24, ur talking about weight restrictions; well, there are weight restrictions on certain roads (especially in Spring when the roads start to thaw). So, if you do NOT pass the weight limit, then (in the "real" world) you would have to 'get rid' of the extra weight (backup picks up extra weight) or you would have to take a special 'truck route' (the 'truck route' is basically a detour) that would suit you to where you need to go. I hope that answer your question(s).
Lovin this series and can't wait till ATS comes out! They way you are acting with this version is the same way I was with ETS. It's all cool and different than the scenery and vehicles that you've seen all your life in you own country. Plus you learn about the laws n stuff and the Volvo with a black dash at night with all the instrument lights on is awesome and still my favorite truck of all : D When I was a kid I worked at Road Runner truck stop in Phoenix in the 70's. Filled em up, cleaned the windshields (I'm tall and only needed a step stool to do the glass on one truck, a Ford 9000, those things are freeking tall cabovers) and worked the scales. Not every one got weighed, guess it has to do with different states/trucks/loads. An old friend that drives said he got pulled over by the cops once and they had portable scales with them and weighted his truck right on the side of the road lol. I had a truck full of watermelons on the scale once that was a few hundred pounds over. Next thing I know we had a chain of people handing them down and giving them to anybody around or walking down the street lol. I had em pilled up on the island and would give em to guys filling up. I can't wait to see mods (or SCS) put some old Macks and the old chromey full of racks and bumpers Peterbuilts and KW's in the game. Thanks for your channel man!
the scale houses check for your VGW (vehicle gross weight) (80,000 legal) and if ur over they will pull u to the side and check ur weigh ticket, paperwork, and license. Also, start with the Kenworth. Plus we use both dash clusters.
Squirrel, the town of Truckee is named after the river that I guess the town is set by, but the more interesting thing is that I 80 follows the river into Nevada and that part of Cali is absolutely gorgeous during the day.
Well, that 8:00 to 8:40 police craziness sure surprised both of us. You were indeed flowing with traffic, and they should have given you a little bit of wiggling room for your speed. Also, it makes me happy police are now a part of the American traffic with them blinking their lights when they see you doing an offense. I'd love to see this police feature carry over into ETS2 now to complete the loop. Those various styled European police vehicles hehe.
Each state has different legal weight limits to begin with. Each axle has a load limit and it needs to be balanced, they also check at your trucks weight and the trailer together sometimes. Sometimes they do more then just weight checks, they check your tires, lights, etc...
American scales are measuring weight per axle and total weight. Total weight being over the legal limit is a hefty fine irl. Being overweight on the axles can be addressed by moving the trailer axles (if they aren't fixed axles) to adjust the weight distribution front and rear.
One of the reason why there is a weighing station, in florida there are weighing stations to make sure that your truck is not to heavy for the road and the road won't crack. Also to make sure that you are not illegally transporting things that you were initially contracted to transport.
+Squirrel The origin of "Truckee" was the name that settlers used for a Paiute Chief who met the Lewis & Clark Expedition and guided some early settlers.
For already over weight trailers you will need special permits, and the weight stations check it the whole vehicle and load is not over 80,000 pounds, and individual axles having weight of 12,000 pounds on the steer tires/axle, 34,000 pounds on the drive tires/axles, and 34,000 pounds on the trailer tires/axles
Here in New Zealand, the weigh Stations weigh each axle and total weight. A twin tyred axle is allowed a maximum of 8,600 kg and a single tyred is allowed 6,000 kg. Depending on the vehicle permit you can have a maximum weight between 44,000kg up to 53,000kg. 53,000kg is run on a HPMV permit, High Productivity Motor Vehicle. If any of these weights are exceeded then they will fine you and will get you to off load excess cargo to get your truck down to weight
Weigh scales are there to make sure youre not overloading the road and to make sure your truck weighs what your paperwork\permits says it weighs and for Safty inspections. Hope this helped, love the vidieos keep it up
No T intersections on interstate highways, plus the speed signs are bigger on interstates. The game has residential street sized speed signs. As others have mentioned, speeds are also stepped down by 10 mph. Your speeding bit looks like a typical American speed trap.
at a scale house the first thing they do is test your weight to make sure you are within federal guidlines. You can only carry 80,000 LBS without any special endorsement or permit. Also they test each axle, each axle can only weigh so much (i can't remember off hand the max for each axle.) Later if they want they can pull you in for a closer inspection where they will match your bill of lading to what you are carring. So say you are under your weight per axle and under the weight of federal guidlines but you are suppose to weigh 48,000 lbs but you actually weight 68,000 lbs. well you are in trouble. they will search your cargo and see what is going on. I actually was in larado for a pick up, they packed my truck and i weighed out. was 500 lbs over weight. Fuckers tried to get me to smuggle an entire family into the country. that would of been my head if did not weigh out and notice the discrepancy. I just called DOT, told them this, they called Border Patrol, searched the cargo and found the family among the load.
hpeet1000 to be honest i have no clue. I am proud to say i have never found out. I have heard stories that you can easily pass by them and nothing will happen. Especially if it's a busy day and the station is sort staffed they will just not notice you passing by. I would not think it's to much of a fine, if any at all. Probably a fine for repeat offenders, but it's pretty lax from what i am told. I however have never missed a scale house, atleast not one that i can remember.
A lot of cops in the Los Angeles California area will cite you for going over 5-10 mph over the posted limit. Fines/tickets increase base on how far over the posted limit you were going. Sometimes resulting in being jailed and your car towed and/or a suspended licence. Mind you these are just for standard cars. I don't have a clue what the truckers deal with. Anyway, enjoying the new series!
Something about the weightstations. I have played 18 Wheel of Steel Amerivan Long Haul and there are also these stations, but when you pick up a load, sometimes xou can get one that is havier than allowed for an extra pay and you can be fined when thay catch you.
I do have to say that weight stations are always packed and there is a long line of trucks. They actually take up a lot of time and truckers have to make time up for time lost at a weight station
in U.S.A. speed limit is 30, u can get a ticket for going 31. thats the LAW, but cop most of the time give + or one 5 MPH. and at 13:10 Wallgreens not wall mart
ok the scales the scales are there for to make sure the weight on your wheels are legal for the state you in or going in. that's why lot of drivers scale out at the pick up point. now they have cameras read your dot number and they know everything about you, from your truck to your haul. and when your last dot inspection was.
Old video I know but the axle weights are 12,000 steer, 34,000 drive and 34,000 trailer. Total 80,000. Weigh scales serve many functions mostly safety related, it us mandatory to stop unless you have a prepass for that state.
Each state has different laws concerning weight and California being the most strict. 12K on the front axle and 34k on the rest up to a total of 80k all axles. Scales check for proper permits for that particular state. Chains for states that have snow. Etc. They check to make sure the truck and trailer is safe when you go in for an inspection. And in some states trucks have different posted speed limit than cars.
Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first people who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling "Tro-kay!", which is Paiute for "hello". The settlers assumed he was yelling his name. Chief Truckee later served as a guide for John C. Fremont. Found this on the truckee california website lol
I've got a couple of good friends from Truckee. It's named after a native American chief, like a lot of other cities and towns in the US, like Seattle. The original name was Coburn Station, because it was a rail stop.
normally the inspection station makes sure that your truck is in good shape.. make sure the people that loaded ur trailer didn't overload it, make sure your truck isn't too broken down, n make sure you haven't driven too long lately, u've been keeping ur logs up to date
Weigh station inspection Federal commercial vehicle maximum standards on the Interstate Highway System are: Single Axle: 20,000 pounds Tandem Axle: 34,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight: 80,000 pounds Also must have your log books up to date. Also possible inspection of the load to make sure you are carrying exactly what your manifest says youre carrying. Also making sure that you have the proper endorsments for what you're hauling. ie gas, diesel, hazmat, and such BTW FYI Weigh stations in CB Slang are called "Chicken Coops"
In the US there's a saying about speeding that some cops say which is "9 and below and you're fine, 9 and above and you're mine" referring to a margin of 9 mph over the speed limit. Although in practice it depends on the cop's mood and most will pull you over for going more than 5-9 over.
Those weigh stations if i remember from my neighbor saying that if you don't match your weight of your load when you first started then something has been stolen. Only certain trucks have to stop.All the truckers have paper work and everything that tells them there load weight and trailer number and more.
13:21 look for a shooting star. Not something super awesome, but just goes to show how much detail was put into the game. This looks amazing and, if I don't go back OTR, I'll be picking it up.
As far as the weight station in the game, in earlier versions of trucking games you had the option to take overloaded trailers for more money but had to plan your route to avoid the stations.
for the confusion with the weigh station, if it's anything like the old 18 wheels of steel games, then the weigh stations will get you fined if you're too heavy for the road
Each set of Axels is allowed a certain weight if your trailer is front heavy you need to slide the wheels on the trailer tword the tractor, and vice versa. Although this game only does it 1 to annoy you byaking you lose all your speed when your truck sucks and 2 to check your weight.
The town’s original name was Coburn Station, commemorating a saloon keeper.[5] Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His assumed Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first Europeans who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling “Tro-kay!”, which is Paiute for “Everything is all right”. The unaware travelers assumed he was yelling his name. Chief Truckee later served as a guide for John C. Frémont.[6]
In 18 wheels on steel there was weight stations too, and sometimes in job market u had overloaded trailers with higher reward for ur job. Maybe here will be the same...
Explanation for weigh stations: yes they do check legal trailer weight, measured in total weight and weight on each axle/axle positioning (Trailers in California must have the wheels positioned more forward) They also do random paperwork/logbook/equipment inspections. Also trucks are required to stop at all weigh stations at all times, unless the station is closed, or they have a 'weigh in motion' transponder in the cab, in which case they can drive through the right lane of the highway without stopping
There's actually a box in your cabin that beeps when you are going to pull in to a weigh station when you are near one. It's not the police that do it. For the weight, it's measuring the weight of the truck and the axle config on your trailer. If you are going over the weight and you don't have enough axles, that would be illegal; the road can't handle that.
Weigh stations work like this: If they are open, you, as a commercial vehicle hauling goods, HAVE to go in for a weighing. There are times you can get a bypass via your company(not sure how they work but your qualcomm/phone will beep as you drive near it to let you know you can bypass) and they only weigh you to see if you are following department of transport guidelines, not what you are carrying or anything like that. You can carry 80 000lbs total, 12 000 lbs on the front axle, I believe its 34 000 on the drives and 34 000 on the trailer tandems. DoT can pull you in for a random deeper inspection though(or if they see something is off visually on your truck, a light out, etc) and then they can go over your entire rig with a fine tooth comb for any DoT infractions. These can be VERY expensive, and sometimes even cost you your license, even if you drive company. As a driver its your job to do a pre-inspection before you set off every day and if it turns out you didn't do it properly.....yeah...good luck. It should be noted that DoT are not "the police" but where vehicles are concerned, commercial or not, its basically the same thing. Sirens and all that.
The scales in this game will probably only check to see if you took an overweight trailer load. The truck won't matter. But, weather they included overweight trailers, I don't know yet. IRL in the US you must have a class A CDL (commercial drivers license) for any truck/trailer combo over 26,000lbs. Then you can haul up to 80,000lbs, if you have tandem truck and trailer axles. For a total of 5 axles with the trucks steer axle. Also use your engine brake! American trucks do not have retarder transmission's. It's all about the Jake Brake :) Hit the B key and you should have an engine brake.
Squirrel. weigh stations weigh your car against the weight limit the road is rated for. I think there are others as well but that's what is common. in the Midwest here
Well in SCS's first truck game, you could do some overloaded trailers. When you got to a weighstation you would get a ticket, if you didn't, the police would follow you and fine you too. But if they didn't catch you, you could just drive on. Of course you earned more money for those cargo's
Hey Paul, I've actually been to Truckee a few times. It is quite a beautiful little hamlet. If I remember correctly Truckee was named after a Paiute (Native American Tribe) Chief named Trukizo (I believe that is how it is spelled?). when settlers first arrived in the area he rode in on his horse yelling Trokay which in Paiute means "everything is okay" hence the name Truckee
I just bought the kenworth w900 and i love it they did a great job on it and it sounds just like it does in real life this game is so fun just like Euro both are great love the videos keep them coming bro
Truckee: Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His assumed Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first Europeans who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling “Tro-kay!”, which is Paiute for “Everything is all right”. The unaware travelers assumed he was yelling his name. (this is from Wikipedia)
These weight stations or "chicken houses" in america measure yiur total weight and if it is over a set limit and you do not have proper permits for that load, they can shut you down and fine you.
Weigh stations are used to make sure the trucks are not so heavy that they destroy the roads. If you are flagged, you are NOT allowed back on the road until you correct the problem. That means another truck has to take some of the load. It is the truck drivers responsibility to make sure that the truck is within the weight limits. I know this because my uncle was a big rig truck driver for many years.
it's based on what you're legally allowed to carry. it's like 80,000 pounds gross weight in America. 12,000 on the steer axle and 34,000 on the drive and trailer axle. if you ever get a load too heavy to carry then you'll just have to find a route that avoids scales all together
Most US trucks are licensed to carry a gross weight of 80,000 pounds and the scales measure not only total weight but also weight per axel set (ie front 12,000 drives 34,000 trailer tandems 34,000)
Max weight with out special permits: 80,000 lbs. Max weight per Axle sets: 12,000 lbs on the steer tires. 38,000 lbs on the tractors tandems. 38,000 on the rear trailer tandems. Again you must not exceed 80,000 lbs. Also in California your trailer tandems can not exceed 48 ft when pulling a 53 ft trailer.
Loving what I'm seeing so far in this game can't wait to get it. My only complaint is that there are way too many cops driving around. I've driven on hundreds of miles of road IRL and sometimes don't see but one or two. And 5 miles over the speed limit getting a ticket? They at least give you 10 where I live...gotta to be a way to mod that...
hi Squirrel,i haven`t drove a truck since 1996 but the axle weights back then were 12,000 pounds for the front axle,34,000 pounds for the drive axles and 34,000 pounds on the trailer axle,which gives you the 80,000 pounds.Some scales would allow me to be over-weight 200 pounds on my steering axle,especially in the winter time,not so much in the summer though.And guys,keep a flower(real)or fake in ur truck,if ya get pulled into a weight station and the inspector is a lady,it might get ya outta trouble,lol,it worked for me,a few times.
Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first people who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe.
something I would like tio add, if you have a dirty truck you would run a greqater chance of getting pulled in, if your dash board is dirty as well. I have driven a truck for 6 yrs and have only been pulled for a complete check once. they also measure your trailer Tandoms axil to make sure they do not exceed the footage between your kingpin and the trailer tandoms which if I remebr is 34 feet.
A Weigh Station makes sure the cargo in the trailer is distributed safely. When driving a truck the weight can get off balance, making the tuck harder to handle and thus unsafe for the driver and everyone around him/her. If the weight is not safe, then the driver must distribute the weight to were it is safe.
Squirrel, when you get time, play metro simulator, it's free, just type simbemined on the Internet and download the compressed folder, then you can play! Just a suggestion
Overweight at a scale station has to do with the allowable weight supported by the roadway (an engineering thing). The scale weighs you at each axle. There are certain ranges of tonnage for each axle. I had some arseholes give me a pre-loaded and sealed trailer where all of the cargo (LTL) was shoved up to the front axle. I found out when I hit a patch of black ice in Kansas and since there was no weight on the rear axle, I ended up jack-knifed in the center of the interstate. Black ice is always a bitch, but having traction on my tail would probably have gotten me through without incident.
In america we have our information on the side of our truck so it will list like how much trailer weight u can haul based of if your a truck driver or a heavy hauler
weigh station s all so serves as a way to check to see if vehicle safety and condition is up to par and also to check to see if drivers are following federal government regulations on hours driven and sleep times (basically checking your logs) :D
It's doubtful the weighing stations in game actually weigh your cargo at all, it simply runs a small script to see if it's asked you and if you complied. If not a fine is issued.
It is measuring how much your tractor and trailer well that total USA roads made to hold so much weight. If they don't weigh the trucks and they are overloaded then the roads will get bumps in them. On a normal highway trucks can go 65 miles per hour.
At the chicken coop they weigh you by the front to back of the truck and the max of lbs you can go is 80,000lbs and they require u to show ur log books and if ur over the weight limits they will have you pull off to the side and have a look at you truck n load and then make you pay the fine.
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I think the weighing stations in ATS measure nothing. They are there just to make you stop. You will never get a red light in the scale. Either you pull over and continue just fine or you don't and get fined for not stopping.
in EU and US truck speed limit is lower than car limit, and in ets2(and probably also ats) there is a option to switch the nave speed limit from car speed to truck speed
hey squirrel i looked it up truckee was name after an idian chief in the area , but i thought almost the exact same thing you did when you thought of the trucker city. Keep up the great videos man i love them.
The weigh stations just measure the weight of the load and if it's to heavy for the road to handle then they fine you for up keep and maintenance of the road
The weight stations are used so that you know if you are heavy enough to break the road. Dont quote me on it but i believe the illegal weight is around 900,000 lbs or over.
Weigh stations not only weigh you to make sure your not carrying more than orders say but they also check out condition of trailer and truck for safety, your time log and so on.
Walberts looks more like a Walgreens. They all have the corner entrance like in game. I have never seen a Walmart like that.
I tend to agree but I think Walgreens wouldn't have the type of deliveries I usually make to Wallbert. Plus the Wallberts look too big to be a Walgreens. For what it's worth, the Truck Simulator Wiki says that it is Wal-Mart.
u got a new sub, you are quite chill, not screaming and acting like most youtubers.
Nice video.
Your driving is so smooth start giving lessons of game driving
WTF Has SCS BEEN to Cali? 35 means 40 and 65 means 70. no cop gives a shit if you're around 5 over
+Sukki Blue speaks the truth...as long as you're 9 mph below speed limit your safe, they pull over for 10+
+Bigyomann Truck drivers have it different.. and they are free to pull you over for any speed over the limit, its up to the officers choice.
+Trav “CA Frosty” Park In some location trucks will have a different posted limit, or restricted to a certain lane of traffic. And a commercial truck and it's driver can be pulled over at anytime, mainly by DoT.
My one and only speeding ticket was for 6-7 over the limit (it's been 20 years)
+Trav “CA Frosty” Park scs should add a config option to adjust that so you can adjust the pull over speed
To be fair, this happens to me all the time in Euro Truck. That quick speed limit change has gotten me many a ticket, and it's not like you get a chance to slow down. As soon as you cross that sign, ticket.
That moment when you're watching the Stream and he said he'll be releasing it at 12, you come on at 12 and its actually one minute old. LIES
Squirrel - in America When you load in at your departure a weight and contents are logged. When you get to a weigh station if your weight has changed they can inspect your truck and say you added a couple of illegal boxes they can confiscate that and fine or arrest you depending on what you have stored away that's illegal.
Same in Europe but its Not very popular and we have only mobile stadions and Not Points wehre they are all the Time (Sry for my englisch i am german )
+Alec Campbell In my experience of hauling different cargo not all shippers have scales to do an exit weight, also what happens if you pick up and you aren't topped off for fuel, I never had anyone bust me for weight issue be it mobile or stationary scale house.
Not true. When you get loaded, most shippers don't know exactly how much the product weighs, so they give you an estimate number. You then go to a truck stop scale to see if you are over weight (gross) or with axels. You don't have to do this but it's a good idea if the shipper says it's over 35,000 lbs. If all is good, you can put in fuel (full) if not too heavy or just enough to be legal. You have to know how much a gallon of diesel weighs for this. Then in the highway, if you don't have pre pass, you have to go into the open scale, or with pre pass they give you a red light to go in. You either get a bypass lane or directly to scale. Or even another lane to go behind for inspection. If over weight, they tell you were and how much. The fine is X amount for every pound over. They then ask you or your company to remove or shift the product around so that it is legal, then you can continue driving but with a fine. You weight changes all the time because you burn off fuel while driving, or when you fill up you weigh more. Know where the scales are, is very important for this reason.
+selig stoney That's true. I have had to return to shippers several times to get re-loaded, just due to their incompetence (or greed). I've literally spent an entire day going in circles, having to weigh out five times before I was within limits on the sixth attempt. It can be ridiculous.
+Andrew Cosmas I'll say it's greed! The more they ship, the more profit in their end. Sometimes I'd even lie when they asked me my empty weight so they wouldn't over load me. They manage to do it anyway sometimes lol. Especially when I hauled lumber.
All you need to know about fahrenheit is that 0F is really cold and 100F is really hot. It's like a scale of 1 to 100 of temperature.
@Absolute Zero I use Fahrenheit because I grew up here in the USA. It kinda dumb if you ask me... but so is our ignorance of the Metric system.
@@TheNabob57 yep and no offense but in other countries many people think of americans as dumb due to their ignorance of other systems/countries
@Absolute Zero No idea but that's what I'm used to so I'm sticking with it. Generally boiling point has no meaning for me in everyday air temperature anyway..
I'm still hopeful for the option to set temperature to Kelvins :)
Welcome to American trucking. We are targets for law enforcement on a constant basis. We are not governed by the same laws as regular motorists. It's not uncommon to be pulled over and ticketed for going two or three miles over the limit while regular cars are blowing by at 10 to 15 over.
to be fair you are hauling a lot of weight and can kill people in those cars with one small slip on the road, not to mention it takes you longer to stop which is why i keep a good distance myself.
and ive seen truckers around me from a dumper company that should all be ticketed and have their CDL's revoked. they are usually flying with the rest of the cars far above posted trailer speed limits. honestly a few miles over the limit isnt a bad thing its the truckers who go above their posted limits by a lot are the ones who make the good truckers look like shit on the road.
@@wakcedout Let's be real here, it's because american cops stereotype truckers as meth addicts & look for any excuse to pull the trucks over to look for drugs in the cab.
the cops are definitely excessive in this game. there should be a minimum 5 mph buffer
Not at all, this is true to real life.
+selig stoney Is not true to real life.
+Constantin Stanciu it is too. Are you an trucker who has driven all over California? If not, then you have no idea.
+selig stoney You're not going to get a ticket for going 2mph over the speed limit in California, although police there certainly are strict, and it's 55mph statewide for trucks, or at least it was when I was driving (based out of Fontana).
+Andrew Cosmas yes, it's statewide. But you would absolutely get a ticket if the cop wanted you to get one. Or better yet, an inspection. Remember, the "legal" limit is 55, anything above is to the discretion of the officer. I've know people who were pulled for one over. It's like why take the chance when you know how they are? I drive five or a little over in other states, but as a trucker in Cali, you're pushing luck.
13:15 Truckee was the chief of Nothern Paiute, he was greeting first europeans in the region with “Trokay”. They thought it is his name and started to call him “Truckee”. In fact Trokay means “all is alright”. Truckee was a very influential figure at the time and the community, a river and a train station were named after him (or his given nickname by europeans).
Just found your channel, and really enjoy it.
The weigh stations check the weigh per tire. The more weight you carry, the more wheels on the ground needed. In the US that is a quick way to identify a heavy load, if a trailer goes by with 12 wheels on ea side, it's a monster load. The main purpose is to preserve roads by limiting the weight per tire, so you don't end up with roads that have ruts in them from being over loaded.
I said it once, I'm saying it again. In most of Europe, we don't use "Liters per 100 kilometers". It's "Kilometers per liter" (km/l). Like miles per gallon, a higher number is better. 1 km/l = 2,8 mpg (UK).
+Hyttelus Some European countries use "Liters per 100 kilometers".
+James W. Never heard of one but okay then.
+Basicly_I_Do I have never even heard that term before.
+Basicly_I_Do here in India too we use ltr/km .bigger the no better it is
We use liters/100 kilometers in Sweden
The scales are checking your axle weights. In US and Canada, the scales work on a random traffic light system. As you approach the scales there are traffic lights, green = continue, red = Stop and weigh. They are checking you're not overloaded on certain axles.
There are cops EVERYWHERE in this game, and they'll nail you for going 2 MPH over the limit? I'm definitely waiting for a mod to fix that.
Because that's how it really is in California
+batman9502 yeah cops in the game are all over, no where close to realistic amounts and they give tickets for goin a couple mph over, when in real life you have a buffer
I actually turned off the violations because of this. I got a ticket for going 1MPH over more than once. Absolutely ridiculous when it's $1,000/violation.
+o0DraastiK The thing thats gets me is you have to go 55mph and the AI is going like 70mph and fly pass you
supergamer1122 wow sounds like real life
Hey Squirrel, around 8:24, ur talking about weight restrictions; well, there are weight restrictions on certain roads (especially in Spring when the roads start to thaw). So, if you do NOT pass the weight limit, then (in the "real" world) you would have to 'get rid' of the extra weight (backup picks up extra weight) or you would have to take a special 'truck route' (the 'truck route' is basically a detour) that would suit you to where you need to go. I hope that answer your question(s).
Lovin this series and can't wait till ATS comes out! They way you are acting with this version is the same way I was with ETS. It's all cool and different than the scenery and vehicles that you've seen all your life in you own country. Plus you learn about the laws n stuff and the Volvo with a black dash at night with all the instrument lights on is awesome and still my favorite truck of all : D
When I was a kid I worked at Road Runner truck stop in Phoenix in the 70's. Filled em up, cleaned the windshields (I'm tall and only needed a step stool to do the glass on one truck, a Ford 9000, those things are freeking tall cabovers) and worked the scales. Not every one got weighed, guess it has to do with different states/trucks/loads. An old friend that drives said he got pulled over by the cops once and they had portable scales with them and weighted his truck right on the side of the road lol.
I had a truck full of watermelons on the scale once that was a few hundred pounds over. Next thing I know we had a chain of people handing them down and giving them to anybody around or walking down the street lol. I had em pilled up on the island and would give em to guys filling up.
I can't wait to see mods (or SCS) put some old Macks and the old chromey full of racks and bumpers Peterbuilts and KW's in the game. Thanks for your channel man!
the scale houses check for your VGW (vehicle gross weight) (80,000 legal) and if ur over they will pull u to the side and check ur weigh ticket, paperwork, and license. Also, start with the Kenworth. Plus we use both dash clusters.
Hope your having a good day everyone
Squirrel, the town of Truckee is named after the river that I guess the town is set by, but the more interesting thing is that I 80 follows the river into Nevada and that part of Cali is absolutely gorgeous during the day.
Well, that 8:00 to 8:40 police craziness sure surprised both of us. You were indeed flowing with traffic, and they should have given you a little bit of wiggling room for your speed. Also, it makes me happy police are now a part of the American traffic with them blinking their lights when they see you doing an offense. I'd love to see this police feature carry over into ETS2 now to complete the loop. Those various styled European police vehicles hehe.
Each state has different legal weight limits to begin with. Each axle has a load limit and it needs to be balanced, they also check at your trucks weight and the trailer together sometimes. Sometimes they do more then just weight checks, they check your tires, lights, etc...
In America the rule of thumb is you can go about 5 MPH over the speed limit unless its pretty low like 30 MPH then you want to be pretty spot on.
American scales are measuring weight per axle and total weight. Total weight being over the legal limit is a hefty fine irl. Being overweight on the axles can be addressed by moving the trailer axles (if they aren't fixed axles) to adjust the weight distribution front and rear.
One of the reason why there is a weighing station, in florida there are weighing stations to make sure that your truck is not to heavy for the road and the road won't crack. Also to make sure that you are not illegally transporting things that you were initially contracted to transport.
Those fines are ridiculous, everyone knows if the speed limit if 35 you can go 40 without a ticket
If it's 65 you can go 70
It depends if a cop is having a good day or not, sometimes they'll pull you over for going 1 over the speed limit
Longer episodes please!!!!
+Squirrel The origin of "Truckee" was the name that settlers used for a Paiute Chief who met the Lewis & Clark Expedition and guided some early settlers.
For already over weight trailers you will need special permits, and the weight stations check it the whole vehicle and load is not over 80,000 pounds, and individual axles having weight of 12,000 pounds on the steer tires/axle, 34,000 pounds on the drive tires/axles, and 34,000 pounds on the trailer tires/axles
Here in New Zealand, the weigh Stations weigh each axle and total weight. A twin tyred axle is allowed a maximum of 8,600 kg and a single tyred is allowed 6,000 kg. Depending on the vehicle permit you can have a maximum weight between 44,000kg up to 53,000kg. 53,000kg is run on a HPMV permit, High Productivity Motor Vehicle. If any of these weights are exceeded then they will fine you and will get you to off load excess cargo to get your truck down to weight
Weigh scales are there to make sure youre not overloading the road and to make sure your truck weighs what your paperwork\permits says it weighs and for Safty inspections.
Hope this helped, love the vidieos keep it up
No T intersections on interstate highways, plus the speed signs are bigger on interstates. The game has residential street sized speed signs. As others have mentioned, speeds are also stepped down by 10 mph. Your speeding bit looks like a typical American speed trap.
at a scale house the first thing they do is test your weight to make sure you are within federal guidlines. You can only carry 80,000 LBS without any special endorsement or permit. Also they test each axle, each axle can only weigh so much (i can't remember off hand the max for each axle.) Later if they want they can pull you in for a closer inspection where they will match your bill of lading to what you are carring.
So say you are under your weight per axle and under the weight of federal guidlines but you are suppose to weigh 48,000 lbs but you actually weight 68,000 lbs. well you are in trouble. they will search your cargo and see what is going on.
I actually was in larado for a pick up, they packed my truck and i weighed out. was 500 lbs over weight. Fuckers tried to get me to smuggle an entire family into the country. that would of been my head if did not weigh out and notice the discrepancy. I just called DOT, told them this, they called Border Patrol, searched the cargo and found the family among the load.
the federal weight limit it 12k on the steers 34k on the drives and 34 on the tandem
yup, that sounds about right. Thank you for that kind sir. :D
+Deadlylyon15 Somebody should mod that into the game as a type of cargo. They'd only come up along the border.
If you don't stop at the scales and you are supposed to, how much is the fine?
to be honest i have no clue. I am proud to say i have never found out.
I have heard stories that you can easily pass by them and nothing will happen. Especially if it's a busy day and the station is sort staffed they will just not notice you passing by.
I would not think it's to much of a fine, if any at all. Probably a fine for repeat offenders, but it's pretty lax from what i am told. I however have never missed a scale house, atleast not one that i can remember.
A lot of cops in the Los Angeles California area will cite you for going over 5-10 mph over the posted limit. Fines/tickets increase base on how far over the posted limit you were going. Sometimes resulting in being jailed and your car towed and/or a suspended licence. Mind you these are just for standard cars. I don't have a clue what the truckers deal with. Anyway, enjoying the new series!
Something about the weightstations. I have played 18 Wheel of Steel Amerivan Long Haul and there are also these stations, but when you pick up a load, sometimes xou can get one that is havier than allowed for an extra pay and you can be fined when thay catch you.
I do have to say that weight stations are always packed and there is a long line of trucks. They actually take up a lot of time and truckers have to make time up for time lost at a weight station
in U.S.A.
speed limit is 30, u can get a ticket for going 31. thats the LAW, but cop most of the time give + or one 5 MPH.
and at 13:10
Wallgreens not wall mart
ok the scales the scales are there for to make sure the weight on your wheels are legal for the state you in or going in. that's why lot of drivers scale out at the pick up point. now they have cameras read your dot number and they know everything about you, from your truck to your haul. and when your last dot inspection was.
you could do 2 deliveries per episode maybe?
+MrCalbber Especially on these short ones that only turn out to around 15 mins, for deliveries over 25 minutes I'd say one per video is enough though.
I agree :)
+MrCalbber No doubt they'll get longer as he progresses. It seems like he's been releasing two episodes a day anyway.
yea that is also true
Old video I know but the axle weights are 12,000 steer, 34,000 drive and 34,000 trailer. Total 80,000. Weigh scales serve many functions mostly safety related, it us mandatory to stop unless you have a prepass for that state.
Each state has different laws concerning weight and California being the most strict. 12K on the front axle and 34k on the rest up to a total of 80k all axles. Scales check for proper permits for that particular state. Chains for states that have snow. Etc. They check to make sure the truck and trailer is safe when you go in for an inspection. And in some states trucks have different posted speed limit than cars.
Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first people who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling "Tro-kay!", which is Paiute for "hello". The settlers assumed he was yelling his name. Chief Truckee later served as a guide for John C. Fremont. Found this on the truckee california website lol
I've got a couple of good friends from Truckee. It's named after a native American chief, like a lot of other cities and towns in the US, like Seattle. The original name was Coburn Station, because it was a rail stop.
normally the inspection station makes sure that your truck is in good shape.. make sure the people that loaded ur trailer didn't overload it, make sure your truck isn't too broken down, n make sure you haven't driven too long lately, u've been keeping ur logs up to date
Weigh station inspection
Federal commercial vehicle maximum standards on the Interstate Highway System are:
Single Axle: 20,000 pounds
Tandem Axle: 34,000 pounds
Gross Vehicle Weight: 80,000 pounds
Also must have your log books up to date.
Also possible inspection of the load to make sure you are carrying exactly what your manifest says youre carrying.
Also making sure that you have the proper endorsments for what you're hauling. ie gas, diesel, hazmat, and such
BTW FYI Weigh stations in CB Slang are called "Chicken Coops"
In the US there's a saying about speeding that some cops say which is "9 and below and you're fine, 9 and above and you're mine" referring to a margin of 9 mph over the speed limit. Although in practice it depends on the cop's mood and most will pull you over for going more than 5-9 over.
Those weigh stations if i remember from my neighbor saying that if you don't match your weight of your load when you first started then something has been stolen. Only certain trucks have to stop.All the truckers have paper work and everything that tells them there load weight and trailer number and more.
13:21 look for a shooting star. Not something super awesome, but just goes to show how much detail was put into the game. This looks amazing and, if I don't go back OTR, I'll be picking it up.
As far as the weight station in the game, in earlier versions of trucking games you had the option to take overloaded trailers for more money but had to plan your route to avoid the stations.
for the confusion with the weigh station, if it's anything like the old 18 wheels of steel games, then the weigh stations will get you fined if you're too heavy for the road
Each set of Axels is allowed a certain weight if your trailer is front heavy you need to slide the wheels on the trailer tword the tractor, and vice versa. Although this game only does it 1 to annoy you byaking you lose all your speed when your truck sucks and 2 to check your weight.
The town’s original name was Coburn Station, commemorating a saloon keeper.[5]
Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His assumed Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first Europeans who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling “Tro-kay!”, which is Paiute for “Everything is all right”. The unaware travelers assumed he was yelling his name. Chief Truckee later served as a guide for John C. Frémont.[6]
In 18 wheels on steel there was weight stations too, and sometimes in job market u had overloaded trailers with higher reward for ur job. Maybe here will be the same...
Explanation for weigh stations: yes they do check legal trailer weight, measured in total weight and weight on each axle/axle positioning (Trailers in California must have the wheels positioned more forward) They also do random paperwork/logbook/equipment inspections. Also trucks are required to stop at all weigh stations at all times, unless the station is closed, or they have a 'weigh in motion' transponder in the cab, in which case they can drive through the right lane of the highway without stopping
There's actually a box in your cabin that beeps when you are going to pull in to a weigh station when you are near one. It's not the police that do it.
For the weight, it's measuring the weight of the truck and the axle config on your trailer. If you are going over the weight and you don't have enough axles, that would be illegal; the road can't handle that.
Weigh stations work like this: If they are open, you, as a commercial vehicle hauling goods, HAVE to go in for a weighing. There are times you can get a bypass via your company(not sure how they work but your qualcomm/phone will beep as you drive near it to let you know you can bypass) and they only weigh you to see if you are following department of transport guidelines, not what you are carrying or anything like that. You can carry 80 000lbs total, 12 000 lbs on the front axle, I believe its 34 000 on the drives and 34 000 on the trailer tandems. DoT can pull you in for a random deeper inspection though(or if they see something is off visually on your truck, a light out, etc) and then they can go over your entire rig with a fine tooth comb for any DoT infractions. These can be VERY expensive, and sometimes even cost you your license, even if you drive company. As a driver its your job to do a pre-inspection before you set off every day and if it turns out you didn't do it properly.....yeah...good luck. It should be noted that DoT are not "the police" but where vehicles are concerned, commercial or not, its basically the same thing. Sirens and all that.
11:30 pm here in Australia... Was excited for another episode
My mom lives in Redding!!! I wouldn't mind getting a trucking job there the I-5 scenery is beautiful.
The scales in this game will probably only check to see if you took an overweight trailer load. The truck won't matter. But, weather they included overweight trailers, I don't know yet. IRL in the US you must have a class A CDL (commercial drivers license) for any truck/trailer combo over 26,000lbs. Then you can haul up to 80,000lbs, if you have tandem truck and trailer axles. For a total of 5 axles with the trucks steer axle.
Also use your engine brake! American trucks do not have retarder transmission's. It's all about the Jake Brake :) Hit the B key and you should have an engine brake.
Squirrel. weigh stations weigh your car against the weight limit the road is rated for. I think there are others as well but that's what is common. in the Midwest here
Well in SCS's first truck game, you could do some overloaded trailers. When you got to a weighstation you would get a ticket, if you didn't, the police would follow you and fine you too. But if they didn't catch you, you could just drive on. Of course you earned more money for those cargo's
Hey Paul, I've actually been to Truckee a few times. It is quite a beautiful little hamlet. If I remember correctly Truckee was named after a Paiute (Native American Tribe) Chief named Trukizo (I believe that is how it is spelled?). when settlers first arrived in the area he rode in on his horse yelling Trokay which in Paiute means "everything is okay" hence the name Truckee
I just bought the kenworth w900 and i love it they did a great job on it and it sounds just like it does in real life this game is so fun just like Euro both are great love the videos keep them coming bro
Rays is actually a great burger joint. There is one in grand haven Michigan and lots of other American areas
Truckee: Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His assumed Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first Europeans who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe. The friendly Chief rode toward them yelling “Tro-kay!”, which is Paiute for “Everything is all right”. The unaware travelers assumed he was yelling his name. (this is from Wikipedia)
These weight stations or "chicken houses" in america measure yiur total weight and if it is over a set limit and you do not have proper permits for that load, they can shut you down and fine you.
Weigh stations are used to make sure the trucks are not so heavy that they destroy the roads. If you are flagged, you are NOT allowed back on the road until you correct the problem. That means another truck has to take some of the load. It is the truck drivers responsibility to make sure that the truck is within the weight limits. I know this because my uncle was a big rig truck driver for many years.
it's based on what you're legally allowed to carry. it's like 80,000 pounds gross weight in America. 12,000 on the steer axle and 34,000 on the drive and trailer axle. if you ever get a load too heavy to carry then you'll just have to find a route that avoids scales all together
weigh stations will be checking individual axle weights squirrel and over all weight compared to what that combination is legally allowed to carry
I think it's weighing the trailer that it matches the contract tonnage and making sure you're not smuggling or stealing.
Wish Merced was in the Map.
Merced is in the central valley of california, and is a pretty huge trading "node" in cali.
Most US trucks are licensed to carry a gross weight of 80,000 pounds and the scales measure not only total weight but also weight per axel set (ie front 12,000 drives 34,000 trailer tandems 34,000)
Max weight with out special permits: 80,000 lbs. Max weight per Axle sets: 12,000 lbs on the steer tires. 38,000 lbs on the tractors tandems. 38,000 on the rear trailer tandems. Again you must not exceed 80,000 lbs. Also in California your trailer tandems can not exceed 48 ft when pulling a 53 ft trailer.
That's the great thing about VIRGIN, they allow manufacturers and content creators to replicate their livery free of cost. Great PR.
It measures 12k on steer tires 34k on drives ( rear truck tires ) and 34k on tandems (trailer tires) and anything over 80k needs permit
Loving what I'm seeing so far in this game can't wait to get it. My only complaint is that there are way too many cops driving around. I've driven on hundreds of miles of road IRL and sometimes don't see but one or two. And 5 miles over the speed limit getting a ticket? They at least give you 10 where I live...gotta to be a way to mod that...
go squirrel!!! we're loving this, and i can't wait for the game release
hi Squirrel,i haven`t drove a truck since 1996 but the axle weights back then were 12,000 pounds for the front axle,34,000 pounds for the drive axles and 34,000 pounds on the trailer axle,which gives you the 80,000 pounds.Some scales would allow me to be over-weight 200 pounds on my steering axle,especially in the winter time,not so much in the summer though.And guys,keep a flower(real)or fake in ur truck,if ya get pulled into a weight station and the inspector is a lady,it might get ya outta trouble,lol,it worked for me,a few times.
Truckee was named after a Paiute chief. His Paiute name was Tru-ki-zo. He was the father of Chief Winnemucca and grandfather of Sarah Winnemucca. The first people who came to cross the Sierra Nevada encountered his tribe.
something I would like tio add, if you have a dirty truck you would run a greqater chance of getting pulled in, if your dash board is dirty as well. I have driven a truck for 6 yrs and have only been pulled for a complete check once. they also measure your trailer Tandoms axil to make sure they do not exceed the footage between your kingpin and the trailer tandoms which if I remebr is 34 feet.
A Weigh Station makes sure the cargo in the trailer is distributed safely. When driving a truck the weight can get off balance, making the tuck harder to handle and thus unsafe for the driver and everyone around him/her. If the weight is not safe, then the driver must distribute the weight to were it is safe.
13:19 Nice shooting stars ^^
Starting at about 13:19 as you are approaching the downhill grade, you can see two shooting stars in the sky if you look close.
Squirrel, when you get time, play metro simulator, it's free, just type simbemined on the Internet and download the compressed folder, then you can play! Just a suggestion
Overweight at a scale station has to do with the allowable weight supported by the roadway (an engineering thing). The scale weighs you at each axle. There are certain ranges of tonnage for each axle.
I had some arseholes give me a pre-loaded and sealed trailer where all of the cargo (LTL) was shoved up to the front axle. I found out when I hit a patch of black ice in Kansas and since there was no weight on the rear axle, I ended up jack-knifed in the center of the interstate.
Black ice is always a bitch, but having traction on my tail would probably have gotten me through without incident.
In america we have our information on the side of our truck so it will list like how much trailer weight u can haul based of if your a truck driver or a heavy hauler
Squirrel Press B Key! for the Engine Brake it really slows you down
That delivery point was so cool! I haven't had that yet.
weigh station s all so serves as a way to check to see if vehicle safety and condition is up to par and also to check to see if drivers are following federal government regulations on hours driven and sleep times (basically checking your logs) :D
It's doubtful the weighing stations in game actually weigh your cargo at all, it simply runs a small script to see if it's asked you and if you complied. If not a fine is issued.
It is measuring how much your tractor and trailer well that total USA roads made to hold so much weight. If they don't weigh the trucks and they are overloaded then the roads will get bumps in them. On a normal highway trucks can go 65 miles per hour.
At the chicken coop they weigh you by the front to back of the truck and the max of lbs you can go is 80,000lbs and they require u to show ur log books and if ur over the weight limits they will have you pull off to the side and have a look at you truck n load and then make you pay the fine.
I think the weighing stations in ATS measure nothing. They are there just to make you stop. You will never get a red light in the scale. Either you pull over and continue just fine or you don't and get fined for not stopping.
they also look the truck over for like crack windshield , body damage , light that are out and that you have that states fuel permit
in EU and US truck speed limit is lower than car limit, and in ets2(and probably also ats) there is a option to switch the nave speed limit from car speed to truck speed
hey squirrel i looked it up truckee was name after an idian chief in the area , but i thought almost the exact same thing you did when you thought of the trucker city. Keep up the great videos man i love them.
Gross vehicle weight is 80,000 lbs loaded in USA. Inspection can be if your truck has defects they would fin you.
The weigh stations just measure the weight of the load and if it's to heavy for the road to handle then they fine you for up keep and maintenance of the road
The weight stations are used so that you know if you are heavy enough to break the road. Dont quote me on it but i believe the illegal weight is around 900,000 lbs or over.
for those that do not drive actual rigs in the states, if the speedlimit says 65 then semi trucks do 65 max. cars are allowed 5mph over.