Manga and anime are completely unapologetic. They are what They are and make no excuses for it. Cute, violent, artsy, sexy, bizzare, filled with pathos or filled with so much sweetnes. That's a massive appeal. It feels, dare I say, authentic? Like a real person created it, not a committee? With a beginning middle and an end? Almost makes too much sense....
Forbes is lying through omission about whats killing an industry. Thats nuts. Imagine how much power a group would have to have to get you to edit yourself likely without that group having to insist on it.
If kids are into manga, it shows they love the medium. The only reason they're not into superhero comics is because the people who make those comics don't know what they're doing. The problem lies squarely at the feet of the Big Two.
+zoompt1975...I'm one of them, I haven't read a Big Two book in five years. It's all about CG crowdfunded books and adding to my Silver, Bronze, and Copper Age collection now.
+Theyungcity23...What are you talking about? The comic book industry was bringing in tons of new readers(kids) until at least the late 90's. I know this because I used to work in a comic shop. It's not economics that's driving kids from American comics, it's the product.
Superhero books were shamed by manga sales? What manga titles were those? I don't know how old you are, but manga's dominance has only been around for a decade or two. Like I said, I worked in a shop back then. It was owned by two Korean guys who liked manga and stocked a lot of it. Manga sales came nowhere CLOSE to American comic sales. I think you're conflating your love of manga with the market realities of the 90's.
@@henrybemis3439 Manga in US is still nowhere near american floppies' sales, unless you consider 40K a bigger number than 200K lol People are just makin up stuff to push their beliefs, exactly like SJWs do. I agree that american comics need to get their shit together and to actually believe in their products like french and japanese comics do, but blindly eating up fake or incomplete information only because it pushes exactly what you want to push is pathetic.
+Theyungcity...That's what we're talking about, sales in America. At least I was. Of course manga sells well in Japan, it's a Japanese product and has a long and storied history in that country.
The thing about manga is that it's an extremely meritorious and competitive system. Every manga runs in a manga magazine that force it to compete with other manga for attention, if its doesn't grabbed any semblance of an audience it will died. Unlike comic where the company will keep rebooting a book to push their agenda, a manga hinge on its audience, not even the name recognition will save it. One of the biggest and most recent example is Samurai 8, its written by the same author as Naruto. Yet the lightning didn't strike twice and now it's at the bottom rung of book sales. Inversely, there's a little webmanga running on manga plus called spy x family, even though it is just a bimonthly webmanga by a no name author, it was so much of a smash hit that the physical volume keep getting sold out every time there were new stocks.
Manga gives me women who act and look like women. I don’t want these new, box looking women in the American superhero world. I want to be jealous of the characters.
See that's the problem. They can't have you aspiring to do such horrible things as wanting to look good, be in good shape, maybe so much that you catch some handsome western man's eye and start a family! Oh no that would be awful! They can't allow you to do such a horrible, terrible thing! No way!
This is one of the worst fucking things about modern America media. I'm playing Just Cause 3 (because it was $5, and JC2 is one of the best games to turn your brain off to), and the female cast is an ugly old female burn victim (who could have been a cute autist if they made her an attractive busty chick instead of a burned old woman) and a combative butch. I failed the mission where the butch is introduced because she spouted some line about you just standing there and I had to shoot her. As for the random NPCs, Medici is not the land of THICC latinas; it's like you were just dropped into an entire nation of AOCs. You'd find a higher distribution of attractive girls in a real Latin American country. That's the opposite of how it should be in escapist media. Who is it that actually hates women (the real thing, not some abstract concept that was constructed to fit the narrative that women are being oppressed): the people who create female characters who ooze feminine charm, or the people who's female characters are always ugly inside and out?
@@the_weed_in_your_garden9319 whether or not they do it deliberately and consciously is another matter, but they are undoubtedly sabatoging it. Radical leftists don't and can't really create anything, because their guiding philosophies aren't based on creation. They're based on subverting what was already created and twisting it for their own ends.
Except for... I think Shiki? Lady that did that one refused to allow an English release. opposed to Kodomo no Jikan, which was enthusiastically supported by the original author (even selling some merchandise from her personal collection to help fund an English release).
A dude known for making the Hangover films just created a awesome original version of the Joker ... whats your excuse for giving us lame stories DC / Marvel writers ?
"Plus-sized Elf" is actually a great series, it gives health and diet advises in fun and non preachy way, which not something DC or Marvel will ever do! Also...thick barely clothed monster-girls!!!
I wonder if it has anything to do with Manga constantly creating new stories every year, sticking with what the vast majority like and want. But are able to still create works that still fill in almost any niche and doesn’t shame customers for wanting certain things(like fanservice) or insults them, doxes them, and calls them horrible things on Twitter. With Manga creators being at the very least lax and cool with their customers instead of snarky and rude.
Better stories. Easy answer. Also sidenote, I only read Spawn as a kid because he just seemed like the most badass of all the superheros and had the best sculpted toys at the time (in my opinion).
Todd McFarland making the best toys isn’t an opinion it’s a fact. The guy basically started his own company because he wanted action figures that were high detailed works of art, and not half melted lumps of plastic.
Sjw Marvel comics has been doing diversity hires, who shows arrogant attitudes, and writes and creates comics with noticeable political agenda. Manga does whatever the f*ck they want and just want the readers to enjoy and have fun. Manga has dynamic characters, whereas sjw marvel develops boring, if not predictable diversed characters. I stopped preordering comics (and believe me I spend 50-100$ with variants and ones I like) and slightly going to manga. Comics are waning, because they’re not listening to their fans, and listening to the whiny babies who barely even buy their comics.
why is manga beating comics? manga won't support a failure if you don't keep sales above a limit say goodbye as your manga is canceled (and maybe you will be told your manga is canceled long enough ahead to do an ending of a sort for it)
It makes me wonder why the author even bothered giving him an American motif what with all that he looks down on modern hero society being that the west is guilty of tenfold.
A very large reason I went to anime/manga is because I hated how western comics/cartoons often had no ending. To me, western stuff was no better than daytime soaps like General Hospital... never-ending "problems", people don't stay dead, people get "cloned", same characters come back looking different after corrective surgery (much as in comics, where CONSTANTLY-CHANGING artists draw everything different... Manga, it's often the same artist and you can connect with the characters).
@@dragonknightleader1 Exactly. Watching a manga/anime is like having read a book or watched a movie. Western stuff feels like reading tabloid articles that get a bunch of facts wrong.
honestly, it sounds like this journalist is most likely a normie who was assigned a task and did a cursory amount of research. probably spoke to some pros. didn't even know there might be another point of view.
We didn't leave superheroes behind and we haven't lost interest; we were driven away from both Marvel and DC by their insistence on catering to the Twitter lunatics and countering all criticism with: you're a toxic fan and any variation of other name calling that they indulge in. The "facsimilie" editions regularly outsell their main lines; DC have wondered why, but not done anything about it. Marvel haven't even bothered to wonder why, and that's why we don't buy their stuff anymore, and look for entertainment, good stories and characters elsewhere.
What superhero cómics need to be doing is telling compelling and interesting stories that are not being fueled by SJW agenda or repetitive tropes. We need cómics that take risks and have the balls to tell contreversial but entretaining stories. The killing joke, watchmen, red son, spiderman blue, judas... All great cómics and fantastic stories that are not afraid to take risks or tell contreversial stories. Back then when Words on paper werent watched by the eye of sauron that is the SJW extremists!
I'm seeing a lot of "Manga doesn't have SJW and that's why it's better!' comments, but that seems to disregard what manga offers that's different than American comics. Even if Marvel and DC didn't have SJW, manga would still have a growing audience. Manga has: - A singular author's vision and their consistent art. - A linear story. "where do I start" is answered with "at the beginning" - Much higher page counts with slower paced stories/choreographed action. After reading Manga, I sometimes read western comics and feel like I'm reading the cliff notes version of a comic. All this to say, I still like both, but Japanese culture really cares about comics and the fast evolution of the medium shows it.
@@koatam That's actually a great point. Also, since the manga will be further ahead in the story, audience members who want to see more of the story without waiting for the next season will turn to the comic, boosting sales and thus make more seasons of the show likely. Their film and TV sales benefit from greater comic sales. It's an ecosystem that promotes new material. American comics are no longer needed as a "testing ground" since there seems to be an established handful of publicly profitable properties. Batman comics could be inarguably bad for the rest of eternity, and that would have no effect on batman movies.
While I love and grew up on US comics I totally agree. Most titles can't take on a serious long running story arc because the writer and/or artist could get swapped out or the series can gets canceled before it's scheduled end. If you're a reader the risk of getting invested in a story only to see it distorted or truncated is very high.
That was my problem with 90s era Image Comics. A lot of them started off strong, but they eventually replaced the artists & writers midway through the serie's run which resulted in crappy art & a completely incoherent storyline which barely has anything to do with the events & charaterization that preceded it.
Comic readers aren't leaving superhero comics behind, they left us behind in pursuit of a woke agenda. If you despise your fans, their interests, and reality itself to push a politicized agenda, expect them to find other creative works that do support their interests.
With the popularity of superhero films, these are damning statistics reflecting the state of current superhero comics. There's a lot of reasons for this, but more and more people are walking away.
Comics: All you jackasses who buy multiple books per month, you need to get out of this hobby! We need the people who buy one book per year and tweet all day!
People are still into comics, just not ones filled with Gender Studies lectures and identity politics. Games Workshop just had an opportunity to finally give Westerners what they are thirsty for, an edgy and gritty brand making its own competitive comic branch made up of all the comic artists and writers with talent who were driven out of DC and Marvel since 2006 by the Cancel Culture for refusing to convert their own works into superficial bland woke garbage, thereby not only getting some of the greatest talent for cheap and free but also not having to serve their own bowels to Disney. Unfortunately Games Workshop didn't have the IQ to recognize the massive opportunity to steal the audiences, and instead partnered up with Marvel Comics despite it being a dying brand full of imbeciles and Disney which will definitely overpower even GW with its reputation and assimilate it through subversion and chaos magic. Well, at least I get the entertainment factor of seeing the entire 40k fanbase turn Khornite at the entire brain fart of GW.
This is what I'm afriad will happen with the Marvel Warhammer comics. They probably won't have Abnett spearhead it and will have garbage tier artwork and neutered offbrand approximation of "grimdark".
Well why manga are selling more nowadays? It's easy: It's an extremely competitive market. So mangakas need to put lots of effort into making experimental/crazy/original ideas, high quality drawings, proper storytelling and interesting plots, and listen to their fans Of course not every manga is god-tier, but if you compare any "relevant" western comic published recently, and any mainstream manga, the differences are clear
I started reading comics before I started reading manga. I now read manga regularly because it appeales to me. I'm 22 most kids I knew loved super hero shows and anime but most have no intrest in current runs of comics. I like how in the current success of the genre media wise, They can't catch up to a medium witch has far less mainstream influence. It has people dumping hundreds to thousands in its movies and memorabilia but barely a millionth of a percentage dare to purchase books. Fuck these dishonest people.!
I think this article is a great example of how you can take metrics and completely miss what the numbers are actually telling you if you have no context or knowledge of the underlying forces behind them. Journalists rely on Google for research and have virtually zero critical thinking skills. Although honestly I think most journalists research is simply checking to see if anyone else has written the article so they can move some paragraphs around and add a sentence to save them the trouble and time of actually writing.
A fan made for profit at conventions is called a Doujinshi. Also its popularity inside the magazine not necessarily sales. The interviews have the same story told but each mangaka has their own insight into it. Im now reading Hirohiki Araki's book on Manga, man its good!
I can tell you the reason that Manga is successful without watching the video or reading the article: 1) The stories are interesting and original 2) The characters are developed and have relateable arcs 3) The art is excellent and the action is exciting. 4) Men are Men and Women are Women (usually) 5) The girls are hot. These are THE reasons.
Just by reading the title of the video, I can tell you a manga feels much more worth my money than a comic. I get a great story and a lot of it with a manga. With a comic I get a tiny fragment of a story and it only lasts me 3-4 minutes tops.
I buy comics and TPBs of old 80s comics I had when I was a kid on Ebay. It's nice to fill in the blanks of the story from issues I missed and I like those old stories better. It's nostalgic as well.
There are more anime/manga only stores than comic shops. All the old stores sans one or two are gone or have become game focus heavy with some manga and have few comics.
Comic book writers : just write superheroes doing superheroes things. it's that simple. Not simple as in anybody could do it but as in the solution to that crumbling industry is that simple to grasp and I believe you have the talent to make it happen. People want to escape, for 5 minutes, their daily lives with awesome action and big emotions.
Just a detail: Plus Sized Elf is not an fat acceptance kind of manga. It's basically a story about monster girls trying to getting in shape. But if you like thicc girls, you will love it.
Audiences want two things: attractive people doing cool things, and heroes doing hero things. Manga gives that to the audience and comics aren't. It's also why superhero movies are so big: what other types of movie gives you cool, attractive, heroic people? It sure isn't the crap at the Oscars and that's why no one's heard of these movies.
These are the same people that say, "We need to clean up the anime industry." When the manga they're based off of are destroying Western comics. Clean up? No you mean kill.
Even before SJWs, the marketing was way better for manga. They turned it into anime. And if you want to know what happens next in the anime without having to wait a year for the next season to come, you had to buy the manga. I remember running down to my bookstore to get the new shonan jump before it sold out
Okay, sure dude, we're the ones leaving superheroes behind when we're reading my hero academia (superhero school and society) and one punch man (superhero society). Maybe Marvel and DC gotta prioritize and realise THEY'RE the ones leaving superheroes behind in place of ideology.
People aren't into superheroes? The box office would seem to disagree. However, when i go to the store, i come home with no superhero books. I've been buying No One Left to Fight and Berserker Unbound. And recently bought Joe Mad's Battlechasers Anthology. But it's not because i don't like heroes, but the people writing those heroes stopped liking me
I think if you asked the writer of this article "Which great superhero comics are people getting tired of?" they'd reveal how flawed their logic is. *Forbes:* People are just getting tired of superhero comics! For example, Tom King's AMAZING Batman run has steadily declined in sales over its duration -- and that's *Batman,* people!
This is, surprisingly, really old news to write about in 2019. People started leaving American comics way back when Viz and others started releasing manga in the US and discovering completely new stories without the need to make the book about traditional superheroes. US comics companies didn't start releasing non-superhero comics until they saw that manga was selling really well. Still, I love the superhero genre along with a lot of manga. Because it's not filled with SJW nonsense like 95%+ books from the big three comics publishers.
The term ya looking for ya boy is doujinshi and yea its pretty much the indie equivalent to comics. Its how they make there money and maybe just maybe get noticed by the companies in Japan,usually by selling them at Comikets.
This makes sense. My dad took me to the new-stand for my first comics and he didn't have to worry that there would be anything inappropriate in them; furthermore, he read them right along with me. I can't do that with my two elementary school aged sons when you have panels with, for example, Nightwing rolling out of a bed he's shared with a one-night stand.
25:25 The word you're looking for is "Doujinshi". By the by, one of my favorite memorable manga title is, "Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?" If nothing else, the titles can convey the entire premise.
Comic readers didn't leave "superheros" behind. Its that the all the good superhero material is now published in Manga. The readers followed the material. And that guy is not a journalist. He is a sandwich money blogger. He is just repeating now what other (smarter) people have been saying for a long time. American graphic novels are just about finished in bookstores. The bookscan numbers for July had NO marvel or DC title in the mature graphic novel top 20 list.
I'm currently 33yo in Chile. I can confirm Spawn was very popular when I was young. All my comic book-reading friends collected it and played the videogames, same with anything Spiderman
When Ma Boi Zach read the tittle "If it is for my Daughter, I would even defeat a Demon Lord" I just went "Please don't be curious or you'll get traumatized."
I sometimes wonder if these "journalists" and industry professionals are truly deluded about the state of the industry, or if they are just disingenuous liars.
I think you were thinking of "doujin" at around 25:27 In a broad sense, it's similar to 'indie' but afaik the usual stereotype is a manga that one person ("doujin" literally means 'same person') makes and sells at conventions.
Zack, look up mangas: One Punch Man and My Hero Academia. They are mangas and anime with the feel of how Western/American super hero stories should be written and drawn. They both take a lot of inspiration from old school DC and Marvel, as well.
My Pink Is Overflowing Himari’s a waitress with terrible luck with men, always getting compared to other women and cast aside by those she falls in love with. Thanks to a weakness for men in white dress shirts, though, she can’t help but be attracted to her handsome manager. However, sick of being heartbroken, she vows instead to only date inexperienced men so she won’t be compared to other women. She goes to a mixer and gets acquainted with someone she thinks could be the one, but it turns out he’s only got one thing on his mind … Then she has an unexpected encounter with her manager on the street, and the two of them end up at a love hotel, where she discovers … They just released Volumen 4!!!
I read a french comic collection magazine a few weeks ago, expecting to see a bunch of tintins... They were all on par with or superior to marvel in terms of art and I'm now looking to find it again to read more of those stories
i would like to see a break down of image sales floppies vs trades i bet most image sales have a very high trade sales with respect to floppies compared to other companies.
Zack was thinking of Doujinshi. I finally pulled the lever and pay $2/mo for comics on Shonen Jump, and it's worth it. Saving hundreds a month on comics alone. Spy X Family is the most ridiculous and fun thing I've read in years
If I remember correctly most manga is voted on in the manga magazines (I know crazy right the artists have to please the customers with every chapter). If the manga doesn't do well enough based on the vote (over a time period) it gets canceled and then usually given a few chapters to finish up. Lets not forget that most manga it seems these days is based off of light novels. And anime is usually made to sell the manga and light novel. It is a crazy industry over there.
The real sneaky thing about this article is how it uses the BookScan numbers, the same numbers which showed in 2017 the audience wasn’t as diverse as the Big Two said they were. I suspect this was commissioned to prevent what happened in 2017 from happening again. Last year ICv2 just buried the numbers behind a paywall. I guess that wasn’t enough for this year.
I read the Dart Vader Comics untill -part 8- that which shall not be named came out. Ive been reading Manga weekly ever since :) rediscovered One Piece, found OPM, MHA, Dr. Stone, Black Clover etc etc its been a great time
Interesting quote applies to talk of today's mainstream news media: "The news had never conveyed the whole of the truth in their broadcasts. After all, the act of reporting was to package and reformat the facts. The thing called news was something that was edited for someone's benefit. That said, it was something which was only done when necessary, because they only had a limited time to finish their newscasts. But now, this editing mechanism was being used for another purpose. More to the point, it was being used to delete news that was harmful to certain people." - GATE: Jietai Kara no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri
Marvel comics are being supported by the MCU and yet manga with a tv show that are lucky to get a movie or two are beating them. DC comics should adopt the Joker approach and turn back to the SJWs as there is money to be had there.
Who would have thought people wouldnt want to spend their hard earned money on propaganda spewing things. This is for movies, comics, games and every other entertainment thing. Seems like common sense, people want fun entertainement to escape from the crush that is life - so we spend our money for escapistism. Everyone knows this, than, it seems, major movie studios and comic book publishers. Especially for Marvel, their movies make Billions yet sell low numbers of comics.....that should be impossible. A normal company would be going crazy being that they cant sell comics based on the movies. Oh well, if they dont learn then they will go broke. Its our money, just because we buy comics, doesnt mean we have to buy every single one regardless.
If you were actually able to find an honest journalist I genuinely think I would have a heart attack with the shock, I would be more likely to believe you found a unicorn hiding deep in the amazon
Maybe people want stories that continue to grow and unfold over long and short arcs with good character and plot development. Also, we can usually trust they they will finish without funding being cut or starting another f-ing reboot every year.
'My Pink Is Overflowing' sounds like the kind of manga Just Some Guy mentions when he's having a weeb-off with some scrub who thinks he's got anime chops. JSG: Oh, you're into 'Plus Sized Elf'? That's... neat. However it's no 'My Pink Is Overflowing'. Would you like to see my 500 page rankings list of all the manga I've ever read? They're ranked individually by issue according to writing, art, taste, smell, and funk.
One of the most popular manga right now is literally about superheroes.
Forbes: “Nobody wants superheroes anymore.”
Manga: “I....
"It's fine now. Why?
Because I am here!"
Some give this one a medal XD
He used to be.
i realize I'm quite randomly asking but does anybody know of a good site to stream new tv shows online ?
Manga and anime are completely unapologetic. They are what They are and make no excuses for it. Cute, violent, artsy, sexy, bizzare, filled with pathos or filled with so much sweetnes. That's a massive appeal. It feels, dare I say, authentic? Like a real person created it, not a committee? With a beginning middle and an end? Almost makes too much sense....
Forbes is lying through omission about whats killing an industry.
Thats nuts. Imagine how much power a group would have to have to get you to edit yourself likely without that group having to insist on it.
Or worse, if the narrative that group tells is so prevalent, you can't even make yourself look at/think of what is going on.
If kids are into manga, it shows they love the medium. The only reason they're not into superhero comics is because the people who make those comics don't know what they're doing. The problem lies squarely at the feet of the Big Two.
+zoompt1975...I'm one of them, I haven't read a Big Two book in five years. It's all about CG crowdfunded books and adding to my Silver, Bronze, and Copper Age collection now.
+Theyungcity23...What are you talking about? The comic book industry was bringing in tons of new readers(kids) until at least the late 90's. I know this because I used to work in a comic shop. It's not economics that's driving kids from American comics, it's the product.
Superhero books were shamed by manga sales? What manga titles were those? I don't know how old you are, but manga's dominance has only been around for a decade or two. Like I said, I worked in a shop back then. It was owned by two Korean guys who liked manga and stocked a lot of it. Manga sales came nowhere CLOSE to American comic sales. I think you're conflating your love of manga with the market realities of the 90's.
@@henrybemis3439 Manga in US is still nowhere near american floppies' sales, unless you consider 40K a bigger number than 200K lol People are just makin up stuff to push their beliefs, exactly like SJWs do.
I agree that american comics need to get their shit together and to actually believe in their products like french and japanese comics do, but blindly eating up fake or incomplete information only because it pushes exactly what you want to push is pathetic.
+Theyungcity...That's what we're talking about, sales in America. At least I was. Of course manga sells well in Japan, it's a Japanese product and has a long and storied history in that country.
The thing about manga is that it's an extremely meritorious and competitive system. Every manga runs in a manga magazine that force it to compete with other manga for attention, if its doesn't grabbed any semblance of an audience it will died.
Unlike comic where the company will keep rebooting a book to push their agenda, a manga hinge on its audience, not even the name recognition will save it. One of the biggest and most recent example is Samurai 8, its written by the same author as Naruto. Yet the lightning didn't strike twice and now it's at the bottom rung of book sales. Inversely, there's a little webmanga running on manga plus called spy x family, even though it is just a bimonthly webmanga by a no name author, it was so much of a smash hit that the physical volume keep getting sold out every time there were new stocks.
Pushed out and into Mangas open arms.
Into Plus sized Elf arms I'm hoping.
@@vohrtechs5974 Greetings fellow man of culture!
Manga has many varieties a cultured man will find the right arms.
Have u read Jojo?
Manga gives me women who act and look like women. I don’t want these new, box looking women in the American superhero world. I want to be jealous of the characters.
See that's the problem. They can't have you aspiring to do such horrible things as wanting to look good, be in good shape, maybe so much that you catch some handsome western man's eye and start a family! Oh no that would be awful! They can't allow you to do such a horrible, terrible thing! No way!
I never said “act like a sex object” I said “act like women”. You took it from there.
There is manga called Spider-Man Red Fake and they made MJ super sexy like they used too.
This is one of the worst fucking things about modern America media. I'm playing Just Cause 3 (because it was $5, and JC2 is one of the best games to turn your brain off to), and the female cast is an ugly old female burn victim (who could have been a cute autist if they made her an attractive busty chick instead of a burned old woman) and a combative butch. I failed the mission where the butch is introduced because she spouted some line about you just standing there and I had to shoot her. As for the random NPCs, Medici is not the land of THICC latinas; it's like you were just dropped into an entire nation of AOCs. You'd find a higher distribution of attractive girls in a real Latin American country. That's the opposite of how it should be in escapist media.
Who is it that actually hates women (the real thing, not some abstract concept that was constructed to fit the narrative that women are being oppressed): the people who create female characters who ooze feminine charm, or the people who's female characters are always ugly inside and out?
I couldn't have stated this better!
Comic readers are never going to leave superheroes behind. Comic writers, on the other hand, have been doing it for about 5 years now.
@@the_weed_in_your_garden9319 whether or not they do it deliberately and consciously is another matter, but they are undoubtedly sabatoging it. Radical leftists don't and can't really create anything, because their guiding philosophies aren't based on creation. They're based on subverting what was already created and twisting it for their own ends.
The termites casually ask aloud why the house is crashing down around them as though they had nothing to do with it.
I actually spit my drink when Ya Boi talked about "plus-size elf"
What a bizarre world we live in now.
Do you think he likes manju buns?
If they wrote superheros like they used to, maybe they would still be selling well.
I've been told that comics aren't made for me. Manga is made for everybody who enjoys comics of every genre.
Except for... I think Shiki? Lady that did that one refused to allow an English release. opposed to Kodomo no Jikan, which was enthusiastically supported by the original author (even selling some merchandise from her personal collection to help fund an English release).
@Aloise Dawdle the "vampires in all but name", yes. Unique design, bad follow through, considering that it only looks like they're eyeless.
"Comic readers are leaving ruined franchises behind".
There. I fixed their title...
Much better title.
Marvel Boss
"Look, I'm going to the restroom for a number 2. Try not to reboot Captain Marvel while I'm gone".
Media: Readers leaving superheroes behind.
Me: Yeah, that must be why there are failing mangas like One Punch Man or "MY HERO ACADEMIA"
A dude known for making the Hangover films just created a awesome original version of the Joker ... whats your excuse for giving us lame stories DC / Marvel writers ?
Shonen also POLLS THE READERS to decide which series continues or not. Manga is literally a popularity/sales contest.
"Plus-sized Elf" is actually a great series, it gives health and diet advises in fun and non preachy way, which not something DC or Marvel will ever do!
Also...thick barely clothed monster-girls!!!
Never in million years, I though Zack would ever mention "Komi-san Can't communicate"...
I wonder if it has anything to do with Manga constantly creating new stories every year, sticking with what the vast majority like and want. But are able to still create works that still fill in almost any niche and doesn’t shame customers for wanting certain things(like fanservice) or insults them, doxes them, and calls them horrible things on Twitter.
With Manga creators being at the very least lax and cool with their customers instead of snarky and rude.
Better stories. Easy answer. Also sidenote, I only read Spawn as a kid because he just seemed like the most badass of all the superheros and had the best sculpted toys at the time (in my opinion).
Also, the art was wicked.
Todd McFarland making the best toys isn’t an opinion it’s a fact.
The guy basically started his own company because he wanted action figures that were high detailed works of art, and not half melted lumps of plastic.
When your vegan bakery complains folks just dont want baked good anymore, while the Shipleys across the street has a line down the block...
Maybe they shouldn't have asked men to pay 17% more?
Sjw Marvel comics has been doing diversity hires, who shows arrogant attitudes, and writes and creates comics with noticeable political agenda.
Manga does whatever the f*ck they want and just want the readers to enjoy and have fun. Manga has dynamic characters, whereas sjw marvel develops boring, if not predictable diversed characters.
I stopped preordering comics (and believe me I spend 50-100$ with variants and ones I like) and slightly going to manga.
Comics are waning, because they’re not listening to their fans, and listening to the whiny babies who barely even buy their comics.
Diversity hires means nothing if they all think the same. Manga are made by Japanese and yet their content is diverse.
why is manga beating comics? manga won't support a failure if you don't keep sales above a limit say goodbye as your manga is canceled (and maybe you will be told your manga is canceled long enough ahead to do an ending of a sort for it)
"Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?" drew me in with the amusing title.
Man when I hear the word "superhero" I just think of All-might. Western comic heroes just don't really feel like heroes anymore.
I must be old, cause I still think Superman. But from the 80s and 90s. Not that crap Bendis wrote. 😠
It makes me wonder why the author even bothered giving him an American motif what with all that he looks down on modern hero society being that the west is guilty of tenfold.
A very large reason I went to anime/manga is because I hated how western comics/cartoons often had no ending. To me, western stuff was no better than daytime soaps like General Hospital... never-ending "problems", people don't stay dead, people get "cloned", same characters come back looking different after corrective surgery (much as in comics, where CONSTANTLY-CHANGING artists draw everything different... Manga, it's often the same artist and you can connect with the characters).
@@dragonknightleader1 Exactly. Watching a manga/anime is like having read a book or watched a movie. Western stuff feels like reading tabloid articles that get a bunch of facts wrong.
honestly, it sounds like this journalist is most likely a normie who was assigned a task and did a cursory amount of research. probably spoke to some pros. didn't even know there might be another point of view.
Wait Joe Quesada was wrong?
We didn't leave superheroes behind and we haven't lost interest; we were driven away from both Marvel and DC by their insistence on catering to the Twitter lunatics and countering all criticism with: you're a toxic fan and any variation of other name calling that they indulge in.
The "facsimilie" editions regularly outsell their main lines; DC have wondered why, but not done anything about it. Marvel haven't even bothered to wonder why, and that's why we don't buy their stuff anymore, and look for entertainment, good stories and characters elsewhere.
What superhero cómics need to be doing is telling compelling and interesting stories that are not being fueled by SJW agenda or repetitive tropes. We need cómics that take risks and have the balls to tell contreversial but entretaining stories. The killing joke, watchmen, red son, spiderman blue, judas... All great cómics and fantastic stories that are not afraid to take risks or tell contreversial stories. Back then when Words on paper werent watched by the eye of sauron that is the SJW extremists!
After literally seconds of research a journalist expresses surprise.
that didn't take long
I'm seeing a lot of "Manga doesn't have SJW and that's why it's better!' comments, but that seems to disregard what manga offers that's different than American comics. Even if Marvel and DC didn't have SJW, manga would still have a growing audience.
Manga has:
- A singular author's vision and their consistent art.
- A linear story. "where do I start" is answered with "at the beginning"
- Much higher page counts with slower paced stories/choreographed action.
After reading Manga, I sometimes read western comics and feel like I'm reading the cliff notes version of a comic. All this to say, I still like both, but Japanese culture really cares about comics and the fast evolution of the medium shows it.
-All the good manga end up getting faithfully adapted TV shows. So you can get non-comic readers to watch the show and still discuss a story.
@@koatam That's actually a great point. Also, since the manga will be further ahead in the story, audience members who want to see more of the story without waiting for the next season will turn to the comic, boosting sales and thus make more seasons of the show likely. Their film and TV sales benefit from greater comic sales. It's an ecosystem that promotes new material.
American comics are no longer needed as a "testing ground" since there seems to be an established handful of publicly profitable properties. Batman comics could be inarguably bad for the rest of eternity, and that would have no effect on batman movies.
While I love and grew up on US comics I totally agree.
Most titles can't take on a serious long running story arc because the writer and/or artist could get swapped out or the series can gets canceled before it's scheduled end.
If you're a reader the risk of getting invested in a story only to see it distorted or truncated is very high.
That was my problem with 90s era Image Comics. A lot of them started off strong, but they eventually replaced the artists & writers midway through the serie's run which resulted in crappy art & a completely incoherent storyline which barely has anything to do with the events & charaterization that preceded it.
Comic readers aren't leaving superhero comics behind, they left us behind in pursuit of a woke agenda. If you despise your fans, their interests, and reality itself to push a politicized agenda, expect them to find other creative works that do support their interests.
With the popularity of superhero films, these are damning statistics reflecting the state of current superhero comics. There's a lot of reasons for this, but more and more people are walking away.
Comics: All you jackasses who buy multiple books per month, you need to get out of this hobby! We need the people who buy one book per year and tweet all day!
People are still into comics, just not ones filled with Gender Studies lectures and identity politics. Games Workshop just had an opportunity to finally give Westerners what they are thirsty for, an edgy and gritty brand making its own competitive comic branch made up of all the comic artists and writers with talent who were driven out of DC and Marvel since 2006 by the Cancel Culture for refusing to convert their own works into superficial bland woke garbage, thereby not only getting some of the greatest talent for cheap and free but also not having to serve their own bowels to Disney. Unfortunately Games Workshop didn't have the IQ to recognize the massive opportunity to steal the audiences, and instead partnered up with Marvel Comics despite it being a dying brand full of imbeciles and Disney which will definitely overpower even GW with its reputation and assimilate it through subversion and chaos magic. Well, at least I get the entertainment factor of seeing the entire 40k fanbase turn Khornite at the entire brain fart of GW.
Purge the heretics in the name of the emperor
This is what I'm afriad will happen with the Marvel Warhammer comics. They probably won't have Abnett spearhead it and will have garbage tier artwork and neutered offbrand approximation of "grimdark".
"Gee, what does the art on 'Plus-sized Elf' look like. Yup, exactly what I expected."
The hands that build the industry buried it. Truly poetic
Manga: My Pink is Overflowing. DC/Marvel: My Politics are Overbearing.
Well why manga are selling more nowadays?
It's easy: It's an extremely competitive market. So mangakas need to put lots of effort into making experimental/crazy/original ideas, high quality drawings, proper storytelling and interesting plots, and listen to their fans
Of course not every manga is god-tier, but if you compare any "relevant" western comic published recently, and any mainstream manga, the differences are clear
I started reading comics before I started reading manga. I now read manga regularly because it appeales to me. I'm 22 most kids I knew loved super hero shows and anime but most have no intrest in current runs of comics. I like how in the current success of the genre media wise, They can't catch up to a medium witch has far less mainstream influence. It has people dumping hundreds to thousands in its movies and memorabilia but barely a millionth of a percentage dare to purchase books. Fuck these dishonest people.!
Modern journalists can tell the truth... when it fits their narrative.
He isn't a journalist. He is a sandwich money blogger.
I think this article is a great example of how you can take metrics and completely miss what the numbers are actually telling you if you have no context or knowledge of the underlying forces behind them. Journalists rely on Google for research and have virtually zero critical thinking skills. Although honestly I think most journalists research is simply checking to see if anyone else has written the article so they can move some paragraphs around and add a sentence to save them the trouble and time of actually writing.
A fan made for profit at conventions is called a Doujinshi. Also its popularity inside the magazine not necessarily sales. The interviews have the same story told but each mangaka has their own insight into it. Im now reading Hirohiki Araki's book on Manga, man its good!
I can't wait for volume 4 "plus size elf:plus on"
It's not "suprising" and it's not "new data". This is going on for years.
Our Boi Zack is slowly becoming one of us, he is going though weebafacation he's in the denial phase
One of us
One of us
One of us
I can tell you the reason that Manga is successful without watching the video or reading the article:
1) The stories are interesting and original
2) The characters are developed and have relateable arcs
3) The art is excellent and the action is exciting.
4) Men are Men and Women are Women (usually)
5) The girls are hot.
These are THE reasons.
Just by reading the title of the video, I can tell you a manga feels much more worth my money than a comic. I get a great story and a lot of it with a manga. With a comic I get a tiny fragment of a story and it only lasts me 3-4 minutes tops.
I buy comics and TPBs of old 80s comics I had when I was a kid on Ebay. It's nice to fill in the blanks of the story from issues I missed and I like those old stories better. It's nostalgic as well.
There are more anime/manga only stores than comic shops. All the old stores sans one or two are gone or have become game focus heavy with some manga and have few comics.
Comic book writers : just write superheroes doing superheroes things. it's that simple. Not simple as in anybody could do it but as in the solution to that crumbling industry is that simple to grasp and I believe you have the talent to make it happen. People want to escape, for 5 minutes, their daily lives with awesome action and big emotions.
Just a detail: Plus Sized Elf is not an fat acceptance kind of manga. It's basically a story about monster girls trying to getting in shape. But if you like thicc girls, you will love it.
Audiences want two things: attractive people doing cool things, and heroes doing hero things. Manga gives that to the audience and comics aren't. It's also why superhero movies are so big: what other types of movie gives you cool, attractive, heroic people? It sure isn't the crap at the Oscars and that's why no one's heard of these movies.
These are the same people that say, "We need to clean up the anime industry." When the manga they're based off of are destroying Western comics. Clean up? No you mean kill.
Even before SJWs, the marketing was way better for manga. They turned it into anime. And if you want to know what happens next in the anime without having to wait a year for the next season to come, you had to buy the manga. I remember running down to my bookstore to get the new shonan jump before it sold out
Okay, sure dude, we're the ones leaving superheroes behind when we're reading my hero academia (superhero school and society) and one punch man (superhero society). Maybe Marvel and DC gotta prioritize and realise THEY'RE the ones leaving superheroes behind in place of ideology.
Plus-sized Elf makes me want to go buy it based on the premise alone.
People aren't into superheroes? The box office would seem to disagree. However, when i go to the store, i come home with no superhero books. I've been buying No One Left to Fight and Berserker Unbound. And recently bought Joe Mad's Battlechasers Anthology.
But it's not because i don't like heroes, but the people writing those heroes stopped liking me
I think if you asked the writer of this article "Which great superhero comics are people getting tired of?" they'd reveal how flawed their logic is.
*Forbes:* People are just getting tired of superhero comics! For example, Tom King's AMAZING Batman run has steadily declined in sales over its duration -- and that's *Batman,* people!
This is, surprisingly, really old news to write about in 2019. People started leaving American comics way back when Viz and others started releasing manga in the US and discovering completely new stories without the need to make the book about traditional superheroes. US comics companies didn't start releasing non-superhero comics until they saw that manga was selling really well.
Still, I love the superhero genre along with a lot of manga. Because it's not filled with SJW nonsense like 95%+ books from the big three comics publishers.
Comic books should get on the shounen jump approach. A Chapter a week. Separates the boys from the men. They wouldn't have time for Twitter.
The term ya looking for ya boy is doujinshi and yea its pretty much the indie equivalent to comics. Its how they make there money and maybe just maybe get noticed by the companies in Japan,usually by selling them at Comikets.
A single volume of plus-sized elf has more curves than a year's worth of Marvel comics.
Western heroes aren't heroic anymore.
This makes sense. My dad took me to the new-stand for my first comics and he didn't have to worry that there would be anything inappropriate in them; furthermore, he read them right along with me. I can't do that with my two elementary school aged sons when you have panels with, for example, Nightwing rolling out of a bed he's shared with a one-night stand.
My favourite manga title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. It is a pretty funny fantasy manga. Highly recommended.
BERSERK is a really good manga. Great story, great art
25:25 The word you're looking for is "Doujinshi". By the by, one of my favorite memorable manga title is, "Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?" If nothing else, the titles can convey the entire premise.
Comic readers didn't leave "superheros" behind. Its that the all the good superhero material is now published in Manga. The readers followed the material.
And that guy is not a journalist. He is a sandwich money blogger. He is just repeating now what other (smarter) people have been saying for a long time.
American graphic novels are just about finished in bookstores. The bookscan numbers for July had NO marvel or DC title in the mature graphic novel top 20 list.
I'm currently 33yo in Chile. I can confirm Spawn was very popular when I was young. All my comic book-reading friends collected it and played the videogames, same with anything Spiderman
Lol! Was reading this article in the morning & thinking "Our boy Zak is gonna make a vid out of this."
Crowded is the name of the comic series using Rebel Wilson's image in hopes to sell it as a movie deal to star her, I think.
When Ma Boi Zach read the tittle "If it is for my Daughter, I would even defeat a Demon Lord" I just went "Please don't be curious or you'll get traumatized."
I sometimes wonder if these "journalists" and industry professionals are truly deluded about the state of the industry, or if they are just disingenuous liars.
I think you were thinking of "doujin" at around 25:27
In a broad sense, it's similar to 'indie' but afaik the usual stereotype is a manga that one person ("doujin" literally means 'same person') makes and sells at conventions.
Maybe they should try making superheroes act like heroes.
You know, tell the kind of stories that used to sell instead of the ones that don't now.
Hearing you read the manga titles was my belly laugh of the day. :D
Zack, look up mangas: One Punch Man and My Hero Academia. They are mangas and anime with the feel of how Western/American super hero stories should be written and drawn. They both take a lot of inspiration from old school DC and Marvel, as well.
@bluey zarsoff Cool, thanks for telling me. I hope he enjoyed those titles.
My Pink Is Overflowing
Himari’s a waitress with terrible luck with men, always getting compared to other women and cast aside by those she falls in love with. Thanks to a weakness for men in white dress shirts, though, she can’t help but be attracted to her handsome manager. However, sick of being heartbroken, she vows instead to only date inexperienced men so she won’t be compared to other women. She goes to a mixer and gets acquainted with someone she thinks could be the one, but it turns out he’s only got one thing on his mind … Then she has an unexpected encounter with her manager on the street, and the two of them end up at a love hotel, where she discovers …
They just released Volumen 4!!!
I need a video of Zack just ready manga titles.
Snowflakes say that weebery is for normies, not bloody wonder why mangas make money and are more entertaining.
I read a french comic collection magazine a few weeks ago, expecting to see a bunch of tintins... They were all on par with or superior to marvel in terms of art and I'm now looking to find it again to read more of those stories
i would like to see a break down of image sales floppies vs trades i bet most image sales have a very high trade sales with respect to floppies compared to other companies.
This may not be the year comics die, but we’re getting closer every day.
Zack was thinking of Doujinshi.
I finally pulled the lever and pay $2/mo for comics on Shonen Jump, and it's worth it. Saving hundreds a month on comics alone. Spy X Family is the most ridiculous and fun thing I've read in years
If I remember correctly most manga is voted on in the manga magazines (I know crazy right the artists have to please the customers with every chapter). If the manga doesn't do well enough based on the vote (over a time period) it gets canceled and then usually given a few chapters to finish up. Lets not forget that most manga it seems these days is based off of light novels. And anime is usually made to sell the manga and light novel. It is a crazy industry over there.
The real sneaky thing about this article is how it uses the BookScan numbers, the same numbers which showed in 2017 the audience wasn’t as diverse as the Big Two said they were. I suspect this was commissioned to prevent what happened in 2017 from happening again. Last year ICv2 just buried the numbers behind a paywall. I guess that wasn’t enough for this year.
I read the Dart Vader Comics untill -part 8- that which shall not be named came out.
Ive been reading Manga weekly ever since :)
rediscovered One Piece, found OPM, MHA, Dr. Stone, Black Clover etc etc
its been a great time
Interesting quote applies to talk of today's mainstream news media:
"The news had never conveyed the whole of the truth in their broadcasts. After all, the act of reporting was to package and reformat the facts. The thing called news was something that was edited for someone's benefit. That said, it was something which was only done when necessary, because they only had a limited time to finish their newscasts. But now, this editing mechanism was being used for another purpose. More to the point, it was being used to delete news that was harmful to certain people."
- GATE: Jietai Kara no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri
Marvel comics are being supported by the MCU and yet manga with a tv show that are lucky to get a movie or two are beating them. DC comics should adopt the Joker approach and turn back to the SJWs as there is money to be had there.
From my experiences, axed manga usually stop at volume 3. It's also a relatively common length when the author just isn't planning a long series.
"Surprising New Data"
LOL, lying right from the title, I see.
Bold move cotton. Bold move. :)
Who would have thought people wouldnt want to spend their hard earned money on propaganda spewing things. This is for movies, comics, games and every other entertainment thing. Seems like common sense, people want fun entertainement to escape from the crush that is life - so we spend our money for escapistism. Everyone knows this, than, it seems, major movie studios and comic book publishers. Especially for Marvel, their movies make Billions yet sell low numbers of comics.....that should be impossible. A normal company would be going crazy being that they cant sell comics based on the movies. Oh well, if they dont learn then they will go broke. Its our money, just because we buy comics, doesnt mean we have to buy every single one regardless.
If you were actually able to find an honest journalist I genuinely think I would have a heart attack with the shock, I would be more likely to believe you found a unicorn hiding deep in the amazon
Maybe people want stories that continue to grow and unfold over long and short arcs with good character and plot development. Also, we can usually trust they they will finish without funding being cut or starting another f-ing reboot every year.
'My Pink Is Overflowing' sounds like the kind of manga Just Some Guy mentions when he's having a weeb-off with some scrub who thinks he's got anime chops.
JSG: Oh, you're into 'Plus Sized Elf'? That's... neat. However it's no 'My Pink Is Overflowing'. Would you like to see my 500 page rankings list of all the manga I've ever read? They're ranked individually by issue according to writing, art, taste, smell, and funk.
Now, if you excuse me I'm going to check that plus-sized elf manga
You should contribute an article to Forbes giving your theory of ‘why’ super hero comic sakes are down. No joke.