I found your videos about 3/4 of the way through college. I spent many late nights writing papers while listening to your videos and ended up with degrees in Psychology and Forensic Science. These videos helped me keep my sanity through many 24 hour days. I was waiting for a really recent upload to post this comment to. So, I just wanted to say thanks and keep it up.
psychology and forensic science? nice man! I am on the same path. Do you find it hard? I am to get into the university soon with those specialties. (The competition is huge aint it?)
Gogopat Getting into a program here in the United States wasn’t too bad. I think if you have an interest in something then it becomes less difficult. The Psychology side of things was harder than the Forensic Science. Honestly the thing that is so competitive is the jobs. I’m still looking for a job as an entry level forensic examiner but they are hard to come by.
I love your facial expressions when you listen to the sounds, because it shows that you really enjoy what you’re doing!❤️There are other asmr creators that slowly turns to just create videos for the sake of it :( but i could tell that you’re happy with making these videos! Thank you for helping all of us fall asleep, lovely!❤️You’re beautiful inside and out!
I usually always have to do multiple things at once (Music + Work, TV + Creative Stuff, TH-cam + Gaming etc..) but with your videos i can just sit there for an hour, listening and watching your videos and relax. Thanks for producing your awesome videos for all off us!
You have the funniest facial expressions in this video. It's quite reassuring in a way, that someone so beautiful can be simultaneously goofy and awkward and yet also remain dignified. If that makes sense. I might just need to sleep.
Never heard of ASMR until today. It’s really nice that someone wants to turn down the volume of life. It creates a feeling of intimacy, trust, comfort, which many people are lacking in their lives. And there’s this beautiful woman doing it. So thank you Sharon.
Mr. Savage wtfff dude it’s just a joke I’m sorry you don’t get it and I’m sorry you don’t get what life is all about so stop saying some messed up things and shut up 😳😆
I’m loving your minimal no makeup looks recently; feels much softer, mature and more comfortable. You look gorgeous with or without it nonetheless! You are becoming one of my favs along with gentle whispering and whispers red! ❤️❤️
Brandon Gonzales omg I did not think it was that expensive! $500 is crazy, I thought it was 70-100 or even a little of 100 but not 500. The quality is amazing though!
The cups actually being over the ears. Genius idea the sounds were amazing! Would definitely be keen to see what else can be done with that in future videos. Keep it up :)
I’m sorry if this request has been made already but would you be able to make a video whispering your favorite song lyrics or like nostalgic songs? Great video by the way 🤘🏼💕
I've been looking for ASMR videos all over TH-cam for so long to relax, but none of them gave be tingles- except this one. This is the first one that gave me tingles, the brushes did the trick!
Sharon is just so natural, in her looks in her personality - everything just seems so natural to her. She's definitely up there with Gibi for top ASMRtists
This may be my favorite vid on your channel. I havent actually gotten tingles from asmr in so long but this was some seriously tingly stuff. Especially the matches oh my god
My sister actually recommended me here, I suffer from sleep paralysis ever since Mio Padre died. Every night is a fight to the finish. Thank you so much, I actually know the meaning of good sleep now. ` ~MW
dA nUbS Actually, "your" signifies ownership. Is that your car? Your dog is cute! You even said it yourself, you can't own traits. So changing it to you're drops the ownership.
I just found ASMR . This video is amazing. So much tingles and so sleepy! I'm telling all my friends with anxiety and sleep problems to watch your vids. I have HUGE anxiety issues. This helps so much TY
00:00 Closeup whispering
02:42 Ear brushing
09:09 Finger flutters
11:20 Cups on ears
15:03 Gloves on ears
19:00 Ear tapping
22:18 Ear Massage/ Ear touching with ear cupping
26:04 Wiping ears with cotton
29:16 Wiping ears with serviette
32:43 Matches
37:49 Tapping on the black part
41:00 Ear blowing
44:00 Tweezers on ears
48:00 Ear cleaning with cotton buds
52:39 Tapping on cork coaster
Thank you!
Thx :)
I mean like it's in the description but ok
UNSTOPABALZ it's for phone users
Moonah Luna i mean, we can still see it in the description anyway
23:59 It felt like I was underwater
Ik sameeee
Kinda feels like it
Yeah,yeah i see what you are talking about
I found your videos about 3/4 of the way through college. I spent many late nights writing papers while listening to your videos and ended up with degrees in Psychology and Forensic Science. These videos helped me keep my sanity through many 24 hour days. I was waiting for a really recent upload to post this comment to. So, I just wanted to say thanks and keep it up.
PR35T0N 28 yeah man no problem
psychology and forensic science? nice man! I am on the same path. Do you find it hard? I am to get into the university soon with those specialties. (The competition is huge aint it?)
🙏🏽 Congrats on your degrees, it's amazing!
Gogopat Getting into a program here in the United States wasn’t too bad. I think if you have an interest in something then it becomes less difficult. The Psychology side of things was harder than the Forensic Science. Honestly the thing that is so competitive is the jobs. I’m still looking for a job as an entry level forensic examiner but they are hard to come by.
When Glow, Darling, & Gibi all upload on the same day
My top 3 asmrtist
1. Glow
3.trinity J
Mueve Mami
Glow, Gibi, Darling:
We are here for you!
Your smile 😍❤️
Wtf ^
Chynaunique ASMR I just finished watching you video😄
Chynaunique ASMR just like your smile!❤️❤️
Chynaunique ASMR I love youuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chynaunique ASMR ILY❤️😍
Omg, 24:00 - 24:08 feels amazing with good headphones!!
00:00 - Closeup whispering
02:42 - Ear brushing
09:09 - Finger flutters
11:20 - Cups on ears
15:03 - Gloves on ears
19:00 - Ear tapping
22:18 - Ear massage/ear cupping
26:04 - Wiping ears with cotton
29:16 - Wiping ears with serviette
32:49 - Matches
37:49 - Tapping on the black part
41:00 - Ear blowing
44:00 - Tweezers on ears
48:00 - Ear cleaning with cotton buds
52:39 - Tapping on cork coaster
Please LIKE so people can use this!!! Xx thanks to all!
Pink Llama28 this is bad compared to the other one
Food stamps
KoolAid Man this is better than the other one :'D
Iida.juliaa the other one was more specific
I love your facial expressions when you listen to the sounds, because it shows that you really enjoy what you’re doing!❤️There are other asmr creators that slowly turns to just create videos for the sake of it :( but i could tell that you’re happy with making these videos! Thank you for helping all of us fall asleep, lovely!❤️You’re beautiful inside and out!
Thank you Ronald, very cool!
It's call passion.
She's passionate about making ASMR videos.
Everyone has something they enjoy doing
You look so cute & genuinely excited about those deadly 3Dio tingles!! 😂 Love 3Dio lengthy vids, so this is awesome! Thanks, Glow! 🙌
JKYB7088 love the 3dio! It's the best mic
this video has over 1.7M views, no way you'll read this but I really wanna thank you :)
She read it , pal
@@speakeroftruth5739 I know, the next day .. she's just amazing, m8 :D
Nowadays, 16 Jun 2021 has 2.4M views. 👍🏼👌🏻😄
I usually always have to do multiple things at once (Music + Work, TV + Creative Stuff, TH-cam + Gaming etc..) but with your videos i can just sit there for an hour, listening and watching your videos and relax. Thanks for producing your awesome videos for all off us!
You have the funniest facial expressions in this video. It's quite reassuring in a way, that someone so beautiful can be simultaneously goofy and awkward and yet also remain dignified. If that makes sense. I might just need to sleep.
I mean we're all human, doesn't matter how well you do your hair or how much makeup you put on, you're still just like everyone else lol
Ethan Lang Except in the outside you look for more attractive.
Dab nwod
👁 👁
makes total sense! i love it
This is definitely one of her best ASMR videos! She is very good at this, love you glow. I'm always looking forward to your videos❤
Sarah Dell-Marino agreed
I'm glad you enjoyed!!
Sarah Dell-Marino the 3dio helps 👂🏼
@@asmrglow no. O?
Never heard of ASMR until today. It’s really nice that someone wants to turn down the volume of life. It creates a feeling of intimacy, trust, comfort, which many people are lacking in their lives. And there’s this beautiful woman doing it. So thank you Sharon.
It's ASMAhh
Jack Noir 🍅🍅🍅
Lol that's our accent 😂
Blody hell lad,that is british accent
That's form Dolan planet
Your facial expressions are priceless.
Literally perfect timing, was just looking forward to a asmr video from you 😍❤️
24:00 the ear squishing is the best past. The sound of the pressure, if that makes sense, is wonderful
Absolute queen
I have autoplay on and I fell asleep to this. The next thing I hear on my up next vid is:
@c c yes. yes you will ive seen some traumatizing things 😖
1:45 I don't need words for this.
Her: "Im in my period"
Me: "Oh... uuuuh..."
Her: "My exam period"
Me: "Oh, yeah that's what I was thinking... haha.... what else... hah........."
Eric Cartman i laughed so hard at that
she could have said she'ss on her menstrual period and it would be totally okay as well!
Eric Cartman hey, dont go shittin ya pants now ya hear? Aint nobody got time for that smelly ass, dog
Marta I think that's something people should just keep to themselves/ any significant others.
Mr. Savage wtfff dude it’s just a joke I’m sorry you don’t get it and I’m sorry you don’t get what life is all about so stop saying some messed up things and shut up 😳😆
Wow! Your videos are kind of timeless. Your style holds up well 4 years out!
I’m loving your minimal no makeup looks recently; feels much softer, mature and more comfortable. You look gorgeous with or without it nonetheless! You are becoming one of my favs along with gentle whispering and whispers red! ❤️❤️
This video is my life saver, it helped me get through countless nights in college, thank you glow :)
OMG the tapping on the cups was AMAZINGG
You’ve been doing this for 6 years - amazing ❤
0:50 when you are eating something soft and hear a crunch
lava lava OMG HAHAHA 😂
lava lava And then all the faces you make bc you keep on chewing 8:06
I've seen a few asmr videos. Yours are so natural. Personal detail seems to flow elegantly...embarrassing laughter. Such quality
That microphone is crazy!!!!
FairyBlossom & Friends ASMR mendiga
Ester Silva WTF :v
That microphone is also crazy expensive, but here's the link: 3diosound.com/products/free-space-binaural-microphone
Brandon Gonzales omg I did not think it was that expensive! $500 is crazy, I thought it was 70-100 or even a little of 100 but not 500. The quality is amazing though!
michelle rose 70$ a 3dio haha you're funny
The cups actually being over the ears. Genius idea the sounds were amazing! Would definitely be keen to see what else can be done with that in future videos. Keep it up :)
You are the most fun ASMRIst I've ever watched! You're awesome
You know if you need a better smile come here, She puts a better one on my face 🔥👌🏼
@@sunday8987 thats where you come in
Nota simp
Random time stamps
Your welcome
sangeeta singh thank you
Your reactions are so funny and really make this video so much better than other 3dio videos
I’m sorry if this request has been made already but would you be able to make a video whispering your favorite song lyrics or like nostalgic songs? Great video by the way 🤘🏼💕
I've been looking for ASMR videos all over TH-cam for so long to relax, but none of them gave be tingles- except this one. This is the first one that gave me tingles, the brushes did the trick!
I love how you enjoy your own sounds ❤❤❤
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) OwO
I love your 3dio vids, I can’t wait for you to get your new ear mic figured out!
Wow just realized how long ago this came out oh today! Glow i hope success to your channel you asmrtists inspire me
did it make anyone else smile seeing how excited she got from this?
i love how she reacts to the sounds, she so cute
tapping, i f*****g love tapping! ear tapping and tapping on objects are some of the best things in the world!
Wow this video is so very good. Best yet by far. I watched it all by the way even though it was posted only 4 minutes ago
Ruby Right lel
If it was posted 4 minutes ago, then it's literally impossible for you to have watched the whole thing, seeing as the video is ~57 minutes long
c4mp3r that’s the joke
There’s always that one guy
Sharon is just so natural, in her looks in her personality - everything just seems so natural to her. She's definitely up there with Gibi for top ASMRtists
What’s gibi?
Honestly your face makes me so happy. You’re so beautiful
This may be my favorite vid on your channel. I havent actually gotten tingles from asmr in so long but this was some seriously tingly stuff. Especially the matches oh my god
Microphone: You thought it was a microphone but you we're wrong, it was me *DIO*
Jotaro: **weird hat noises**
Unexpected JoJo
this really helped me calm down during a severe depressive episode I had today - thank you so much! your asmr is my favourite!
Timing couldn't be any better
Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor? Hodor hodor hodor! 🤣
did you meant "Hodor"?
Hold the door
I love how you react to your own triggers!
My sister actually recommended me here, I suffer from sleep paralysis ever since Mio Padre died. Every night is a fight to the finish. Thank you so much, I actually know the meaning of good sleep now.
Who’s mio padre??🤔
@@cjsmitt5123 it means « my father »
came here after u posted a new 3dio video but idk why i keep on coming back to this video🤣
but it’s my favorite 3dio ASMR video💕
11.30pm here been waiting all day for this
David. Parkinson yes 😊😊
Eyy me too at the UK part
I'm in the UK to, Medway
10.20 pm here
3:21 am in the snow
You were the very first ASMR Artist I've watched. You're so authentic!
I can just imagine Sharon walking around in IKEA tapping and scratching on everything to figure out what to buy :D
7Leksu7 hahaha
I really enjoyed the ear tapping, brushing, and the tapping on the middle part of the 3dio the best :D
SunSunASMR omg you so gorgeous ❤️
It's nothing 😉
SunSunASMR Damn woman.
The tweezers on the mic were so good
24:00 airplane lading🔥🌅
This comment is so accurate yet so underrated
This girl never fails to make me sleep.
You’re a natural beauty ❤️
Ken Gold you're**
dA nUbS It's you're, not your. You're (you are) a natural beauty, is correct.
dA nUbS Actually, "your" signifies ownership.
Is that your car?
Your dog is cute!
You even said it yourself, you can't own traits. So changing it to you're drops the ownership.
dA nUbS That's your choice. Also the correct spelling is listen. You're just upset because I'm right.
MC crafting You're**
The facial expressions throughout this video were great
Please. For the love of god. Please make an entire ear massage video with the sounds you made starting 22:20 or something. Your massages are the best.
The ear blowing was my fav. Omg so many tingles. I rewatch just that part like 14 times.
This video like this is one are my fav 🔥🌙
Natural look for the win! Seriously, thank you so much. I actually got some rest last night.
She's so beautiful with this look😍
glow is aa + the 3dio is a + but combined its a +++
Wow, I love your makeup like this! You look so beautiful! 😍 It really accentuates your beautiful smile as well! 😍
I love the tapping on the mic.
dang she's a keeper
Actually shes a Midfielder.. yes that was an Anti-joke
1080p Aviation actually she has an uncle and anti
She's more than just the keeper, she's the God damn manager
She’s a seeker. Come on y’all know she likes HP
I just found ASMR . This video is amazing. So much tingles and so sleepy! I'm telling all my friends with anxiety and sleep problems to watch your vids. I have HUGE anxiety issues. This helps so much TY
I've been waiting for hours... it's 00:30am where I am.
TeddieZombieKiller 157 central europe?
Yeah, that's the timezone but I'm in northern europe.
TeddieZombieKiller 157 ah i see whereabouts? Sweden? Im from scotland
How did you guess that?!
TeddieZombieKiller 157 educated guess your in the same time zone as holland, germany etc and sweden is the closest scandinavian country to them haha
lotion / oil on the 3DIO is one of my favorite triggers♥️ it’s so nice
I'm so happy for you! It's awesome to see such joy! And you did well, got a lot of tingles. Now it's time for me to sleep to this video ;D
For an ear massage, I highly recommend you to put some lotion on it, it has a softer sound and it's more efficient to get tingles 😘
It’s really rare for me to get tingles and this video gave me LOTS from my ankles to my neck! This is so cool!
It would be as good as heaven if Sharon and Gibi did a finger fluttering collaboration !!!
Your audio quality is always pristine
8:03 onwards was the bestttt
Dunno if I was a cat in my past life or if I'm turning into one right now with these tingles!
*so good*
You have a name like the Roman Emperor.SPQR?
menino c ta em td qnt eh canto de video de asmr q eu vou
Onchpepe he is from brazil like me 😁
porco dio
Omg that candle part was just everything!!!!
That smile at 0:00 damn boi he makes me happy
I'm from Brazil and I sleep almost every day watching your video! Thanks for that. Xoxo
Where is da queen
You mean Goddess
SaiyenSupreme Ω TRUE!!!!!!!
4 mins in, and I've never had so much tingles before! Also you are so beautiful! Love the ASMR =)
13:00 - Thank me later
NickJey is it later yet?
lisa unknown 😂
NickJey No
It's later, and I'm thanking you because, oh my god, that was amaze balls. XD
Thank you
That shaving brush gave me seriously good tingles. Thanks for the great video!
Super video !!
J’attend toujours des nouveau cours d’anglais moiii 😂😂👌
Awesome upload. I got so many tingles! A whole microphone brushing video with the 3dio would be very cool 😊
What do you use for recording this video? It's so clear and has amazing quality. By the way, thank you so much for making this great asmr.
shoutout to the person that did the youtube chapters with the timestamps even on these old videos
That natraul GLOW look😍❤
Oh, how rare you are
Haha so am I
hahaha wtf? xD "I love the picture with the child"
My favs were def touching the ears with your hands (tapping/massaging, cupping, with and without gloves)
Im 67 years old when i was 10 i watched all your videos !
The dumbest thing ive seen
Her channel was created in 2016 and yt was created in 2005.
When you were 10 the internet wasn't even a thing.
I'm sorry but that doesn't add up. 😕